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esis 4 SEDI DEG MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA ‘THE INDONESIAN COUNCIL OF ULAMA De sled SBRTIFIKAT HALAL - HALAL CERTIFICATE 0020053191209 102200: Pr No: SUA J AEN chy Gb - dy AY ge geet ol lee 3 Aaah Fag 2D cle Caneel oll Upad Gui yep Ch yenainn Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), setelah melakukan pengujan dan pembahasan, menetapkan ‘bahwa produk pangan, obat-obatan, atau Kosmetika yang disebutkan namanya di bawah ini ‘adalah HALAL menurut Syarat Islam. The Indonesian Council of Ulama, after examining, inspecting/auditing and discussing the ingredients, has declared that the undermentioned food, drug and cosmetic products as HALAL according to the Islamic Law. Jenis Produk AS ATTACHED Type of Product Nama Produk 4S ATTACHED Name of Product Nama Perusahaan Name of Company “EAST END OF FANRONG ROAD, ZHUCHENG, Alamat Perusahaan Company's Address * ‘ZHUCHENG XINGHAO CORW Di MAY 18, 2016 Dikeluarkan di Jakarta pada. 23 sia cial Issued in Jakarta on May 17, 2018 Beriaku sampai dengan Mee, Valid until sodas eSYN beB gD JSD le Man gad ee Iga) Jb yd gS § cade selma bahan-bahan dan proses produksinya masinsesvai dengan keputusan Komisi Fatwa MUI 28 long as the ingredients, and production processes are in accordance to the decree of Fatwa ‘Commission ofthe Indonesian Council of Vlama. clay Yl pad ony KETUAKOMISI FATWA, EAD OF THE FATWA COMISSIONg S ea a ae Psa eg. a Top. 22 pg TA F422 267 MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA ‘THE INDONESIAN COUNCIL OF ULAMA Dall Salgcd 488 yo LAMPIRAN SERTIFIKAT HALAL THE ATTACHMENT OF HALAL CERTIFICATE is 0220053191209 ida wanaronanaen ; .UstengXingmen Com Devoring Cond. «a ay moe Zhuceng Xingmao Com Developing Cool! ais 4 Reece Xinsng Town, Zhucheng,Samdong, Chim. ote Fectory Aasress z : e whl eg Berlaku sampai dengan May 17, 2018 eyes en : eee caps aes ag ae cena " Me soyntes oa ad Ay ky) gel Lind ye ally peal Cl inane y eases at efectos rn annem sssescnrneTUTE CORES Ano COSMETICS OF A sag as aan MJ Pons 1 Mg, tara Pa a 62.27 0.95 pn, ONZE Fax 6221 924867 ewig egos) KK DEAS LEMBAGA PENGKAJIAN PANGAN OBAT-OBATAN DAN KOSMETIKA MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA (LPPOM-MUD THE ASSESSMENT INSTITUTE FOR FOODS, DRUGS, AND COSMETICS THE INDONESIAN COUNCIL OF ULAMA (LPPOM-MUD) HALAL ASSURANCE SYSTEM STATUS REMAN RA NO, HS3A5460/052016/ZXC Berdasarkan pemeriksaan dokumen dan at gi Sistem Jaminan Halal, Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat - obatan dan Kosmetika - Majel POM-MUI) menyatakan bahwa : falal Assurance System, The Assessment Institute for gra (LPPOM-MUI) states that : Nama Perusahaan ( 3*)€% ) 4 1AO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. ‘Name of Company ‘Alamat Perusahgan/Pabrik ( “Fst ) : g, Shandong, China Address dit lah menerapkan Sistem Jaminan H: Karta, MAY 18, 2016 has been implementing Halal Assurance S) Zo! Direktur, BRM TAM RERS dengan kategori/with category/ ##43 : SANGAT BAIK / EXCELLENT ATA. Lukmanul Hakim, Mi. Berlaku sampai dengan / Valid until / #580: MAY 17, 2018 ‘Lombar ini bukan merupakan Sertiikat SJH/This isnot HAS Cor Seem VV : ARM AEA RA BA Al 4 ZUUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. 7 ALYSIS DATE.AUG.12, 2016 Invoice No. CMGO7021WHQ2 CERTIFICATE OF Al EXPORTER:ZHUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD XINXING TOWN.ZHUCHENG,SHANDONG,CHINA ‘TO MESSRS: PT.HALIM SAKTI PRATAMA, JL-TOMANG RAYA NO.4 JAKARTA 11430,INDONESIA, SHIPPING MARKS: HALIM/160639 JAKARTA NO.1-UP Description of goods: CORN STARCH Package: 25kg pp bags. ISOMT in 8 FCL. Life of product: 18 months 2016-08-02 2018-02-01 20160802 240BAGS Quant Results of Analysis: Protein: 0.34% Moisture: 13.31% S02: 20.4ppm PH: 5.7 Fineness: 99.4% Ash : 0.10% Fat: 0.10% Appearance: White powder .008Mg/ Kg. PB: 0.005Mg/Kg iegative Zn: Negative Sn: Negative Bacillus cereus : not detectable RRM RKARARA A ZHUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. Label Hazard Warning As part of good industrial and personal hygiene and safety procedure, avoid all unnecessary exposure to the chemical substance and ensure prompt removal from skin, eyes and clothing Label Precautions: None. Label First Aid: Not applicable Product Use Laboratory Reagent, phamaceutical raw méterial, ec. QINGDAO SHENGDA COMMERCIAL & TRADE CO.,LTD provides the information contained herein in good faith ut makes no representation as its comp rehensveness or accuracy. This document i intended nly a 2 ‘de ‘appropriate precautionary handling of the materialby property trained person using this product. Indi idvals receiving the ‘information must exercise their independent judgaent n determining ks appropriateness fora particular purpose. INGDAO SHENGDA COMMERCIAL & TRADE CO.LTD. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, Stritee esrness or mtPLeD INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WalbuaTies GF ‘MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS.AC CORDINGLY, QINGDAO. SHENGDA COMMERCIAL & TRADE CO.LTD. WILL NOT BE RE SPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGESRESULTING FROM 'SE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THISINFORMATION. sie A NMP. ARERR © 2 BAe HRAMRAARARAA ZHUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. Specification of com starch PRODUCT CORN STARCH Item Standard ‘Appearance ‘White powder Moisture (%) <13.5 Acidity (ml) <18 Protein (Dry Basis)% $0.33 Fineness (%) 2995 Whiteness (%) 290.00 So 2mg/kg <30.00 Ash (dry basis <0.14 ‘Spot (CBM) <0.20 Fat(dry basis) <0.12 Package 2SKGPPBAG Analyst: Wang Xian Rechecker: sun fang I RR COR PEP 8 2 SERRERE 2 BAL wm KH RKA KAA RA A ZHUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. Material Safety Data Sheet Corn Starch 1) PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Identity Cornstarch Product Use Com starch for food application Company Information Qingtao Shengéa Commercial and Trade Co. Lid For information, call: 86-532-85010535 Emergency Number: 86-552-85012073 MSDS Revision Date of rvison: May 18, 2010 Information Supersedes previous MSDS dated 0909/2010 2) COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ‘Substance % or Range ‘CAS Number EINICS Number Toxicological Data ‘ooose TW) ‘Corn Starch <100 9005258 z26706 L050: No data available LLCO: No data avaiable 3) HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Toxicity Inhalation of product dust may iritate the nose, throat, and upper respeatory act. Skin contact le ‘not known to be hazardous to health Eye contact ay cause fad transient iat, Ingestion of {uartiiescuffosnt te produce health effects is nota plausible route of exposure in industrial use Reactivity Non Reactive Flammabity ‘See Fre and Explosion Hazards and Frefightng Measures Corrosivity Noteorosive 'S Phrase(s) None designated RPhasels) None designates 4) FIRST AID MEASURES: Inhalation Remove from soutce of exposure. ‘Skin Contact Wash affected area win water Eye Contact Fish eyes wth water for at least fteen minutes I iitabon exits, seek medical tention Ingestion the products accidentally ingested, seek medical attention 5) FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND FIREFIGHTING MEASURES. Hazards High concentrations of product dust may bum explosively # ignite by static charges or other Ignition sources. The condeiors und which thie may occur are not ready predictable AvoK Open lames, eloctieal ates, sate elect, andlor welding in areas of excessive Gustng. Ensure wm He HK SKA KAA RA A ZHUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO.,LTD. 6) PREVENTIVE MEASURES Accidental Release Measures Contro! Measures, Elmina sources of gion and ati charge. Ory swoop soiled materi Wo Imperius tertaners vod ew ronaseto acre ed Personal Protection ‘Rec contact wih sn. eyes, and mucous membranes Protec equemert is et ecured er ‘Sean nines high a es Environmental Precautions _“Dispove of eidus m campanc wth sppcable national, aroun and ec epations 7) HANDLING AND STORAGE Handing ‘cd contact wih eye and mucous membranes Avo cresting it os Storage ‘Serena cou ey pace way rm strcas oii ans nconpatble mart se Sst) coca tr heampate mature) ore re Wty ed cantare 8 esas me 8) EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION. Engineering Controls ‘Ware ue ofthe prodet may generate store dt use pprorite menses euch a cs cise rationt tt concen othe onporan wah er pete Respiratory Protection Tony pone level excods a peminble nt se respite havna a conigrton (aes, ‘icp, tar cc) spree tothe canner nd approved snd une ortho rice Eye Protection ‘Wear appropiate eye preecion sich a goggles lasses hres he peter aye contact wire peaue, ‘Skin Protection ‘Sin protection nc normaly required. its deste. doth or syhetc loves ae stable, 9) PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance om: powder Coleetour ve tried: None rat cree Physical Data Maitre 0 =18 acting Dancy: 040-070 gee Wer Sok net sole Grodeems Prvahe 05-20 ‘Stender teenee not ot ‘Yapomapcu Pressure none nme ron every 30-09 Minmim jgntion ampere (Ct mes Om) Sate Soo aoe 10) STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CCondttions to avoid “This product sable under normal condtons femprature and pressure, Materials to avoid netenatanciang agers Decomposition products Caron manonde cabon oude eran gasses and nck Dangerous polymerization Wit oo ocr. Dangerous reactions ‘ane ar cen, 11) TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Health Hazards Routes of Entry: Inhalation Acute Effects: Inhalation may irtate the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Eye contact may cause mild transient irtation. Ingestion of quantities sufficient to produce adverse health effects isnot a plausible route of| ‘exposure in industrial use wR KK AKA AA RA A ZHUCHENG XINGMAO CORN DEVELOPING CO., LTD. (Chronic Effects: None are known Exposure Limits ACOH Poicuites Net Otrerise OSHA PELs as Particutes Not Onerwze Cstied YOmpiwtse econ) Sg “ismpmsom aus) Smog teeprane Pacton) \ospraiewecua) ‘Carcinogenicity IARC: No NTP (USA): No ACGIH: No (OSHA (USA): No Reproductive Toxicity, Com Starch is not classified as a reproductive toxin by any authoritative body or regulatory ‘agency. 12) TRANSPORT INFORMATION ‘Shipment ofthis product is not controled by ICAO, USDOT, of Mexican NOM-004-SCT-2000 regulations, 143) ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION In its intended manner of use, starch is not expected to create adverse ecological effects and is readily biodegradable in ‘the natural ‘environment 14) DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemical Is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.5. Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ‘ensure complete and accurate classification. RCRA P-Series: None listed. 15) REGULATORY INFORMATION United States. ‘TSCA: Al constituents are on EPA's TSCA inventory. CERCLA: Contains no reportable quantity (RQ) substances per Sections 202/304 of EPA ‘SARA: Contains no chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of EPA Canada SL: Starch i included, WHMIS Classification(s): not applicable Europe Exempt from OECD (793/93/EEC) List for Evaluation of High Production Volume (HPV) ‘Chemicals EU EINECS 232-670-5 Eteewnere Present on Japan (ENCS), Philippines (PICCS) and Australia (AICS) Inventory Lists Present on China's Product Inventory List ) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [NFPA Ratings: Health: 0 Flammability: @ Reactivity: 0

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