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Marie: Shara B. Serrano

Tonyo: Sean Aaron Abayan
Aunt Mae: Nohraine Rose Gaddi
Aunt Lucy: Reign Rosada
Ken: Nathan Neil Azores
Mika: Mikaella Bañez
Agnes: Agnes Diang
Shemaiah: Shemaiah Españo
Shawn: Shawn Relevo

PLOT: Marie, a vague subteen longing for parental love since her mother passed away. After the
death of her mother to a car accident, she was left under the supervision of her father, who neither
cared nor attended to her because of his vices. Marie lived in a small house with her father but was
keenly watched by her 2 aunts, Aunt Lucy and Aunt Mae, sister of her mother.
Because of their abusive judgements and never ending interference of her life decisions will
she be able to keep up with it or let their words strangle her until she could no longer breathe?

Marie: Dad, I’m off

Tonyo: (Just stared at the TV with a cigar in his mouth)
Marie: *sighs* Why is it like this all the time? (walks out)
Aunt Lucy and Aunt Mae’s Place
Mae: Oh look at what the cat dragged in *sarcastic*
Marie: Good morning Aunt Mae and Aunt Lucy
Lucy: So I’m guessing you are here again because your oh so loving father didn’t even spare you a
glance to say good morning?
Marie: *heaves a long sigh then slowly nods
Lucy: I think you should let him be, it’s been 8 months since your mother, *evident pause, as if
reminiscing some memories*, went to heaven
Marie: But-
Mae: No buts! We are standing as your new mother, and we are trying our best so you should follow
*Marie’s friends was noisy over something*
Marie: Hey guys, what’s up?
Mika: Marie! the scholarship results are out!
Shemaiah: I got in oh my god!
Shawn: look! I got top 5! I can’t believe it!
Agnes: wait, Marie? how about you? (Immediately shushed by the friends)
Marie: huh? (looks at the paper)
*whispers*: Oh no, I didn’t get the scholarship (walks out)
Friends: Wait, Marie!
*Aunt Mae and Aunt Lucy overhears the convo*
Aunt Mae: Didn’t make it? Such a shame! My son finished college as a scholar for 4 years.
Aunt Lucy: She was a consistent honor student, what happened?
(Marie pretended to hear nothing and went into her room)
Marie saw her father, Tonyo lying in the floor with a beer bottle on his hand
*Rushes to him*

Marie: Pa, wake up. You’ve gone drunk again. Please stand up.
(Tonyo arose, then pushed her away, completely ignoring her and went into his room)

Aunt Lucy: Look at what his father had gotten into.

Aunt Mae: I pity her parents for having a child like her.
Aunt Lucy: Oh I forgot! We ran out of rice already. I need you to go to the grocery store now.

Paving her path to the grocery, she bumps into a guy, a tall man of her age.

Marie: I’m sorry. *looks up* Oh, Ken it’s you! Hi!
Ken: Hi Marie! It’s nice to see you!
Marie: Yeah, nice to see you too! Well, I’ll get going now!
Ken: Wait! I know you’re struggling, and things have been hard. Don’t be afraid to reach out.
(Marie just smiled at him and walks away)

She comes home with a bag of rice in her hands

Aunt Mae: What took you so long?

Aunt Lucy: We waited for a century. We’re starving like jungle hyenas for God’s sake!
Marie: I’m sorry, the grocery was crowded and I was only able to get a cab after 15 minutes.
Aunt Mae: And now you’re talking back? Didn’t Marie taught you some manners?
Aunt Lucy: I saw her with a man. Goodness, all the money we’ve been paying all going down the drain
because of this boyfriend of hers.

Marie was filled with rage then finally decided to answer back.

Marie: You know what?! I’m tired already, I am tired! My mother has been gone for good and it’s still
giving me a hard time but I’m doing my best to keep up, unlike my dad who suddenly doesn’t see me
anymore after that horrible accident of the 1 woman we loved the most. Now you’re telling me all
this, as if it won’t bring back any pain? I don’t deserve this!

Both Aunts became silent. Marie bursts into her room crying. She picks up her guitar and starts to
Tonyo hears her and comes into the room.
Tonyo: That was what your mother and I used to listen. It was the song we danced to on our wedding
day. Look I’m sorry for everything. I know it has been hard for you too, especially that you lost the one
you loved the most, your mother. I should’ve been a better father to you, instead of letting you grief
alone. I’m soory.

(The 2 aunt comes in)

Aunt Lucy: Marie? I’m sorry we’ve been hard on you.
Aunt Mae: We were supposed to act as your guardian and show you the love that you deserve.
Aunt Lucy: We may only be your aunts but, we’re still a family. We should’ve just supported you all
the way. I’m sure that’s what Maria would want.
Aunt Mae and Lucy: We’re sorry.
*Tonyo coughs*
Aunt Mae: Okay, we’re going now, we don’t want to cut off your father and daughter moment.
(The 2 aunt leaves)
Marie: I forgive you papa, life goes on. We’re okay, we’re going to be okay.

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