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In the new pattern of the exam, ARC reports are useful in preparing for not just Public

Administration but also General Studies. The summaries available in the market and
notes given by coaching centers are not exactly summaries but word to word copy of few
of the recommendations and few paragraphs in the reports and leave many things useful
for this exam. They don’t exactly summarize how ARC reached those recommendations.
I have summarized 13 of the 15 second ARC reports (which run into some 2000 odd
pages) into some 340 odd pages with out leaving anything useful to this exam, separating
chaff from the grain. These don’t include the summaries of 7th and 14th reposts. If you
read these summaries, you don’t have to read original reports again. Please ignore
spelling mistakes (like bureacracy for bureaucracy) if any are present.

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