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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
Learning Area:
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration:
1 Science 9 1 60
Learning Competency/ies: Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems
work together to transport nutrients, gases, and other
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide)
molecules to and from the different parts of the body
Key Concepts / Understandings to be
Developed The air we breathe goes through the nose, nasal passages, and
the trachea or windpipe, which separates into two branches, calle
tubes or bronchi, one entering each lung. The bronchi subdivide many
the lungs, analogous to the branching pattern of grapes, finally becom
tubes called bronchioles. In the last part of the terminal bronchiole
bubble-like bunch of structures called alveoli or airsacs.
Domain Adapted Cognitive
Process Dimensions OBJECTIVES:
(D.O. No. 8, s. 2015)

Knowledge Remembering Trace the pathway of oxygen in the breathing system

The fact or condition of
knowing something with
familiarity gained through Understanding
experience or association
The ability
and capacity acquired through
deliberate, systematic, and Analyzing
sustained effort to smoothly
and adaptively carryout
complex activities or the Evaluating
ability, coming from one's Describe the pathway of oxygen in the breathing system
knowledge, practice, aptitude,
etc., to do something
Demonstrate appreciation of the of taking good care of the
Attitude Valuing
Values Valuing Show respect when their classmate share their ideas
2. Content The Human Breathing System (What a Bunch of Grapes! )

3. Learning Resources Sci 9 LM pg 4-6, Sci 9 TG pg 5-6

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity The Students will recall the key parts of the breathing system through o
5 minutes for five minutes. What are the parts of the Respiratory System tha
4.2 Activity The teacher will give instruction for 3 minutes. The Students will be gro
groups to answer activity 1 What a Bunch of Grapes! for 12 minute. Gr
answer part A (the students will trace pathway of oxygen)the Group 2 -
part b (After reading a text on page 3 of thier LM they will be ask to dra
the parts and function of the respiratory system)The students will write
on a Manila Paper
The teacher will give instruction for 3 minutes. The Students will be gro
groups to answer activity 1 What a Bunch of Grapes! for 12 minute. Gr
answer part A (the students will trace pathway of oxygen)the Group 2 -
15 minutes part b (After reading a text on page 3 of thier LM they will be ask to dra
the parts and function of the respiratory system)The students will write
on a Manila Paper
4.3 Analysis A representative of each group will present the result of thier activity an
following questions.What does each part of the “Bunch of Grapes” mod
in relation to the breathing system? How will you describe the pathway
10 minutes the breathing system? What will happen if one part of the system fails t
function properly?
4.4 Abstraction The following key concepts should be emphacised by the teacher.The
breathe goes through the nose, nasal passages, and then through
or windpipe, which separates into two branches, called bronchial t
bronchi, one entering each lung. The bronchi subdivide many times ins
15 minutes lungs, analogous to the branching pattern of grapes, finally becoming
tubes called bronchioles. In the last part of the terminal bronchiole
bubble-like bunch of structures called alveoli or airsacs.
4.5 Application The students will be group to answer the following question on a one w
paper Group 1: 1. What are the parts of the breathing system? 2. Give
5 minutes of each part of the breathing system Group 2: 1. Describe the pathway
the breathing system.
4.6 Assessment The students will answer the following ques
5 minutes pathway of oxygen in the breathing system?
4.7 Assignment Preparing for the new The students will brings the materials found
3 minutes lesson page 6 of their LM
4.8 Concluding Activity Hugot line: Repiratory System Ka Ba? Kasi I could not Breath with o
2 minutes
5. Remarks

6. Reflections

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
evaluation. learners who have caught up with the lesson.

B. No. of learners who require additional D. No. of learners who continue to require
activities for remediation. remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Name: School:
MARK LOVEEN ANG Pinamungajan Night Nationa
Designation: Science Teacher I Cebu Province
Email address:
ng and managing the instructional
ng - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Duration: Date:
60 June 5, 2017

nose, nasal passages, and then through

ates into two branches, called bronchial
g. The bronchi subdivide many times inside
attern of grapes, finally becoming hairlike
art of the terminal bronchioles are tiny
veoli or airsacs.


n in the breathing system

gen in the breathing system

the of taking good care of the respiratory

ssmate share their ideas

m (What a Bunch of Grapes! )

g 5-6

he breathing system through oral recitation

s of the Respiratory System that you know?
nutes. The Students will be group into 2
h of Grapes! for 12 minute. Group 1 -will
hway of oxygen)the Group 2 - will answer
thier LM they will be ask to draw and label
system)The students will write thier answer
ent the result of thier activity and answer the
of the “Bunch of Grapes” model represent,
w will you describe the pathway of oxygen in
if one part of the system fails to carry out its

mphacised by the teacher.The air we

l passages, and then through the trachea
o branches, called bronchial tubes or
onchi subdivide many times inside the
rn of grapes, finally becoming hairlike
art of the terminal bronchioles are tiny
veoli or airsacs.

following question on a one whole sheet of

the breathing system? 2. Give the function
up 2: 1. Describe the pathway of oxygen in

will answer the following question: Trace

xygen in the breathing system?
will brings the materials found in activity 2
ir LM

Kasi I could not Breath with out you…..

edial lessons work? No. of
ve caught up with the lesson.

rs who continue to require

Pinamungajan Night National High School

Cebu Province
Answer to test
The air we breathe goes through the nose,
nasal passages, and then through the trachea or
windpipe, which separates into two branches,
called bronchial tubes or bronchi, one entering
each lung. The bronchi subdivide many times inside
the lungs,finally becoming hairlike tubes called
bronchioles. In the last part of the terminal
bronchioles are the alveoli or airsacs.

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