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Quantum Field Theory: PHY 539 Spring Semester 2018

Assignment 4: Quantum Field Theory Due Date: 26 Feb. 4 pm

1. Using the definition of the Fourier transform of x̂k and the decomposition of x̂k in
terms of the creation and annihilation operators, derive the following mode expansion,
√ ( )
~ ∑ +ikja † −ikja
x̂j = âk e + âk e (1)
2mωN k

2. Show that [âk , â†k ] = 1. Your starting point is the position-momentum uncertainty.

3. Consider the two-particle momentum state |pq .

(a) Show that

⟨ ′ ′ ⟩ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
p q |pq = δ (3) p′ − q δ (3) q′ − p ± δ (3) p′ − p δ (3) q′ − q . (2)

(b) Using this result show that

1 ⟨ ⟩ 1 ( )
√ d3 p′ d3 q ′ ϕp′ (x) ϕq′ (y) p′ q′ |pq = √ ϕq (x)ϕp (y) ± ϕp (x) ϕq (y) (3)
2 2
⟨ ⟩
where ϕp (x) = x|p .

4. Given the Hamiltonian for N coupled oscillators on a ring,

∑( p̂2j 1 ( 2 )
Ĥ = + K x̂j+1 − x̂j+1 ,
2m 2

derive the k space Hamiltonian. Show the complete working at all steps.

5. For a 3D harmonic oscillator the Hamiltonian is

∑ ( † 1
Ĥ = ~ω âi âi + . (5)

With the transformations,

b̂†3 = â†3 (6)

b̂†1 = − √ (â†1 + iâ†2 ) (7)
b̂†2 = √ (â†1 − iâ†2 ) (8)
show that
∑ ( † )
Ĥ = ~ω b̂i b̂i . (9)

6. Derive the commutation relationship for the fermionic field operators (in space).

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