The Effort Matrix Worksheet

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The Effort Matrix Worksheet

1. Enter the activities you are currently doing regularly and the activities you would like to be doing
regularly into the table on the next page.

2. Assign an Importance and Interest score for each activity. Sum the two scores to get an honest
Effort score for each activity.

3. Assign a quadrant to each of the activities based on your scores:

• Gung-ho: high importance, high interest
• Grind: high importance, low interest
• Guilty Pleasure: low importance, high interest
• Screw It: low importance, low interest

4. Enter your desired quadrant for each activity – where do you want it to be in the Effort Matrix?

5. Write some notes on how you plan to move each activity into its desired quadrant, if it’s not there
already. Hint: Use some of the ideas in the Self-Improvement Wheel chapter.
• Write down some ideas on how to shift Guilty Pleasures to Screw It.
• Write down some ideas on how to shift high-value activities in Screw It to Grind or Gung-Ho.
How can you elevate their importance or make them more interesting?
• Write down some ideas on how to delegate Grind activities or make them Gung-Ho.


These steps are optional, but I recommend them to get the most out of the exercise.

6. After you have filled out your table, save a copy to your computer or take a picture if you printed it
and filled it out by hand. Email it to me at with the subject line, “My Effort Matrix.”

7. Print out a copy and tape it to your wall, refrigerator, or someplace where you’ll see it every day.

8. Revisit your scores monthly and adjust them, if necessary. Make note of what’s working and what
isn’t so that you can continue to improve.

Thank you for reading and participating. I hope you got something from the book and this exercise. Feel
free to reach out to me via email with any questions or to keep me posted on your progress.

If you prefer to connect on social media, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at @alyg114. If you
post about your worksheet or The Effort Matrix, be sure to tag me so I can give you a shout out!

Activity Importance Interest Effort Current Desired Plan of Action
Score Score Score Quadrant Quadrant

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