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2nd Quarter Lesson 3

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________Score:__________/50

Level & Section: _________________________ Teacher: __________________________


Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. Write CAPITAL
letters only. AVOID erasures.

____ 1. It is an element of short story that shows or tells about the central idea or belief that the author
wishes to set forth in his or her writing.
a.Point of view b. Theme c. Conflict d. Plot
____2. The author’s choice of the teller of the story. Usually, a story is told from the first person or third
person point of view.
a.Plot b. Conflict c. Point of view d. Setting
____3. It takes part in the action of the story or other literary work.
a.Setting b. Character c. Conflict d. Plot
____4. A series of related events that the author uses to develop the theme of a story.
a.Conflict b. Plot c. Setting d. Theme
____5. A plot element in which the action of the story takes place. It refers to the time and place it
a.Setting b. Plot c. Theme d. Conflict
____6. It is a struggle between two people or things in a short story.
a.Theme b. Conflict c. Character d. Setting
____7. It is a written or spoken language in its ordinary form without metrical structure.
a.Poetry b. Prose c. Fiction d.Non-Fiction
____8. An imaginative kind of writing that includes novels, short stories, parables and drama
a.Nonfictional prose b. a.Fictional Prose c. Heroic prose d. Narrative prose
____9. A kind of writing that is based on formulaic expressions found in oral tradition. It includes tales,
legends and fables.
a.Fictional prose b.Heroic prose c. Nonfictional prose d. narrative prose
____10. A piece of writing that is based on facts, it includes biographies, autobiographies, etc.
a.Nonfictional b. Fictional c Heroic prose d. Descriptive prose
____11. It tells a story in chronological order, has characters, and follows the basic Plotline.
a.Persuasive prose b.Descriptive prose c. Narrative prose d. Expository
____12. It gives information. It neither tell a story nor argues. Information essay and
textbooks fall under this category.
a.Persuasive prose b.Descriptive c. Narrative prose d. Expository prose
____13. One that argues a point, giving arguments for or against an issue.
a.Descriptive prose b. Persuasive prose c. Expository prose d. Narrative prose
____14. One that describes something in detail without telling a story arguing.
a. Descriptive prose b.Persuasive prose c. Expository prose d. Narrative prose
____15. She is the author of the short story, the Lottery.
a.Shirley Morrison b. Shirley Dickinson c. Shirley Watson d. Shirley Jackson
____16. The population of the village in the Lottery is around ___________.
a.200 b. 300 c. 400 d. 500
____17. When did the Lottery took place?
a.July 27 b.September 27 c. June 27 d. August 27
____18. It was the place where the people of the village gathered to play the lottery.
a.Park b.auditorium c. Field d. Square
____19. He runs a coal business.
a.Mr. Summers b. Mr. Bill Hutchinson c. Mr. Delacroix d. Mr. Dunbar
____20. He was the one who was not able to go to the lottery.
a.Mr. Dunbar b. Mrs. Martin c. Mr. Adam d. Mr. Delacroix
____ 21. The posterman, the one who helps in preparation and assist during the ritual.
a.Mr. Old man Warner. b. Mr. Grave c. Mr. Summers d. Mr. Bill Hutchinson
____22. The oldest son in the Martin family
a. Bobby b. Baxter c. Harry d. Dickie
____ 23. The character who wants to preserve the culture.
a. Mr. Delacroix c. Mr. Grave d. Mr. Summers
b. b. Mr. Old man Warner
____24. The first person to draw in the lottery
a. Mr. Delacroix b. Mr. Adam c. Mr. Grave
b. Mr. Bill Hutchinson
____25. The who said “Thought we were going to have to get on without you.”
a. Mr. Bill Hutchinson c. Mr. Delacroix d. Mr. Adam
b. Mr. Grave
____26. The one who said, “It seems like there’s no time at all between lotteries anymore.”
a. Mrs. Grave c. Mrs. Adam d. Mrs. Hutchinson
b. Mrs. Dunbar
____27. The one who said, “seventy-seventh year I had been in the lottery.”
a. Mr. Adam c. Mr. Old man Warner
b. Mr. Bill Hutchinson d. Mr. Grave
____28. The one who said, “Be a good sport, Tessie.”
a. Mr. Summer b. Mrs. Delacroix c. Mrs. Grave d. Mr. Adam
____29. The one who said, “I think we ought to start over.”
a. Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson c. Mrs. Delacroix d. Mr. Summer
b. Mr. Grave
____30. The one who said, “It’s not the way it is used to be.” People aren’t the way they used
to be.”
a. Mr. Delacroix c. Mr. Old man Warner d. Mr. Adam
b. Mr. Grave

II. TRUE or FALSE (10 points)

Directions: Tell whether the statement is true about the character or not. Put a TRUE FALSE
check mark ( / ) on the appropriate column provided after the statement.
31. Initially jocular and friendly, Mrs. Hutchinson is the only villager to show up late
to the lottery at the village square late because she forgot what day it was.
32.Tessie Hutchinson becomes frightened and angry when she realizes she will be
the lottery's victim.
33.Mr. Hutchinson appears stoically accepting of his fate.
34.Although Bill Hutchinson commands authority in the family, he defers to the
town's authority in the lottery.
35.Mr. Hutchinson is compliant when his name is chosen.
36. Mr. Summers is an outgoing man with a cheerful personality. He is brisk and
efficient in conducting the lottery, as if it's just another of the popular events he
37. Though Mr. Summers has authority in the lottery proceedings, he's an object of
pity among the townspeople as a childless man with a scolding wife.

38.Tessie is dismayed by the changes he sees around her in the next generation,
including rumors of nearby villages giving up the lottery.
39. Old Man Warner associates the lottery with other time-bound traditions that
mark a civil society.
40. Tessie is excited about the lottery and fully willing to participate every year, but
when her family’s name is drawn, she protests that the lottery isn’t fair.

III. Quick Writes (10 points)

Directions: Write atleast one paragraph about the question.

1. How will you connect our society to the tradition shown in the story?

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