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Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian

Coordinate System

Suppose a body (in xy-plane) is under the external force shown in Figure below.

It's required to find the stress (σx ,σy and τxy) at any point inside the body (neglect the
body force). First remember the equations of equilibrium:

 x  xy
  0........(1)
x y
 xy  y
  0........(2)
x y
There are two equations, but with three unknown (σx ,σy and τxy). Then the problem is
statically indeterminate. One more equation is needed. Use the compatibility of
 2  x   y   xy
2 2

  .......(3)
y 2 x 2 xy


Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

Differentiate eq. (1) w.r.t. x and differentiate eq. (2) w.r.t. y and add. Then substitute
in eq. (3). Simplify and arrange to get:

 2 ( x   y )  0........(4)

But this is not a useful equation. Airy introduced the concept of stress function  =
(x,y), where:

 2  2  2
x  ,   ,      .......(5)
y 2 x 2 xy
y xy yx

And  = (x,y) is an arbitrary form called Airy’s stress function. It is easily shown that
this form satisfies equilibrium (zero body force case). Substitute eqs. (5) in eq. (3) or
in eq. (4) to get:

 4  4  4
 2    4  0.........(6)
x 4
x y
2 2
y 4

Solving this Eq. and applying B.C. give the stress distribution.

An alternatives methods of choosing stress functions is using polynomials from

Pascal Triangle.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate


It has been shown that the solution of two-dimensional problems, when body
forces are absent or are constant, is reduced to the integration of the differential
 4  4  4
 2 2 2  4   4  0
x 4
x y y

By taking polynomials of various degrees, and suitably adjusting their

coefficients, a number of practically important problems can be solved. Recalling
Airy's stress function:
 2  2  2
x  ,   ,   
y 2 x 2 xy
y xy

When body forces are weight only. Solve this equation & apply B.C. to get stress

 Polynomial of the First Degree : Let υ1 = a1x + b1y

Now, the corresponding stresses are :

There is no stress

 Polynomial of the Second Degree : Let

The corresponding stresses are :

Fig. 1

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

All three stress components are constant, throughout the body, i.e., the polynomial of
2nd stress function represents a combination of uniform tensions or compressions in
two perpendicular directions nd a uniform shear. The forces on the boundaries must
equal the stresses at these points; in the case of a rectangular plate with sides parallel
to the coordinate axes these forces are shown in Figure 1.
This function represents a combination of uniform tensions or compressions in two
perpendicular directions and a uniform shear. For case of pure shear a2 & c2 =0

 Polynomial of the Third Degree :

The corresponding stresses are :

This stress function gives a linearly varying stress field. It should be noted that the
magnitudes of the coefficients a3 ,b3 ,c3 and d3 are chosen freely since the
expression for υ3 is satisfied irrespective of values of these coefficients.
Now, if a3 = b3 = c3 = 0 except d3 , we get from the
stress components σx = d3, σy = 0, τxy = 0. This
corresponds to pure bending on the face perpendicular
to the x-axis: At y = -h, σx = - d3h and y = h, σx = d3h.
The variation of σx with y is linear as shown in the
Figure 2.
Fig. 2.
Similarly, if all the coefficients except b3 are zero, then we get:
σx = 0, σy = b3y, τxy =- b3x

The stresses represented by the above stress field will vary as shown in the Figure 3.
The stress y s is constant with x (i.e. constant along the span L of the beam), but
varies with y at a particular section. At y = +h, σy = b3h (i.e., tensile),

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

while at y = -h, σy = -b3h (i.e. compressive).

σx is zero throughout. Shear stress τxy is zero at x = 0 and
is equal to -b3l at x = l. At any other section, the shear
stress is proportional to x.

Fig. 3

 Polynomial of the Fourth Degree:

The corresponding stresses are :

Now, taking all coefficients except d4

equal to zero, we find

Fig. 4

On the longitudinal sides, y = ±h are uniformly distributed shearing forces. At the

ends, the shearing forces are distributed according to a parabolic distribution. The
shearing forces acting on the boundary of the beam reduce to the couple.

This couple balances the couple produced by the normal forces along the side x =
L of the beam.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

 Polynomial of the Fifth Degree :

The corresponding stresses are :

Here the coefficients a5 ,b5 ,c5 ,d5 are arbitrary, and in adjusting them we obtain
solutions for various loading conditions of the beam.
Now, if all coefficients, except d5 , equal to zero, we find:

Problem 1 : What the corresponding stresses, if taking all coefficients

1. Except a4 equal to zero
2. Except b4 equal to zero
3. Except ac equal to zero
Draw the stress diagram for each case.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

In applying the equations for axial loading of members, we have assumed up to this
point that we are sufficiently far enough from the point of load application that the
distribution of normal stress is uniform. In doing so, we have unknowingly been
applying Saint Venant’s Principle. This principle states that:
The stresses and strains in a body at points that are sufficiently remote from points of
application of load depends only on the static resultant of the loads and not on the
distribution of loads.

Fig. 5: Saint-Venant's Principle

Point loads on a surface give rise to a stress concentration near the point of
application. A stress concentration is an increase in stress along the cross-section that
may be caused either by such a point load or by another discontinuity, such as a hole
in the material or an abrupt change in the cross-sectional shape. Since we have
already shown strain to be proportional to stress, we can get a good idea about the
magnitude of normal stress by examining the normal strain in a material as it is being
subjected to some loads. To allow this, we can draw lines parallel to the normal plane
and see if they remain plane during load application. In each of the following cases,
witness how near the discontinuity there is a non-uniform distribution in the strain
(and therefore stress) field, while farther away the distribution is linear (ie. the lines
remain straight).

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate


Consider a cantilever beam of narrow rectangular cross-section carrying a load P at

the end as shown in Figure 6. Find corresponding stress, strain and displacement



Fig. 6: Cantilever Beam Subjected to End Load

The above problems may be considered as a case of plane stress provided that the
thickness of the beam t is small relative to the depth 2c.
The elasticity solution for this problem is again obtained using a Airy stress function.
In this case,

These conditions express the fact that the top and bottom edges of the beam are not
loaded. Further, the applied load P must be equal to the resultant of the shearing
forces distributed across the free end.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

But 2/3c3 is equal to the moment of inertia I of the cross-section, thus d4 = P/I. The
stress state in the beam is thus described by

Note: The present solution is an exact one only if the shearing forces are distributed
according to the same parabolic law as assumed herein. If the distribution of forces is
different from this parabolic law but is equivalent statically, then the above
expressions for σx and τxy do not represent a correct solution at the ends of the beam.
Away from the ends (say a distance on the order of the depth of the beam), Saint-
Venant's principle assures that the solution will be satisfactory.
The strains associated with the problem are related to the stresses through the
constitutive relations. Assuming a linear, isotropic elastic material gives

The displacements u and v are obtained by suitably integrating εx and εx, then
substitute in γ xy equation and subjected to appropriate boundary conditions. In

where f(y) and f1 (x) are as yet unknown functions of y and x, respectively.
Substituting theses equations into γ xy equation gives:

This equation contains terms that are functions of x only and of y only, and one term
that is independent of both x and y. It is thus re-written as


Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

The form of equation means that F(x) must be some constant d and G(y)
must be some constant e. The equations are thus re-written as:

Integrating these equations gives:

where g and h are constants of integration. Substituting in the expressions for u and v

Assuming that the centroid of the cross-section at the end is fixed, it follows that for
all boundary conditions u = v = 0 at x = L and y = 0

Case 1: The first possible constraint condition assumes that an element of the
longitudinal beam axis is fixed; i.e., horizontal element at the end remain horizontal:

⁄ = 0 at x = l and y = 0. Differentiating v equation and evaluating it at x = L and

y = 0 gives:

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

Theory of Elasticity 2D Problems in Cartesian Coordinate

The general equation for the elastic curve (deflection curve) becomes:

Problem 2 : find the elastic curve (deflection curve) for case 2: The constraint
condition at the fixed end and assumes that a vertical element of the cross-section is
fixed; i.e., ⁄ = 0 at x = l and compare between results of case 1.

Problem 3: Show that for a thin simply supported beam of length 2L, depth 2c and
unit width loaded by transverse concentrated force (P) at the center, the following
stress function is appropriate :

And determine the related stresses, strains and displacements.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheelan M. Hama

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