Form Appraisal Employee

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Date of Appaisal :
Name : Employee Number :
Department : Commencement date :
Last position : Level :
Starting from :


91 - 120 points Total Points

Please give an objective evaluation of the employee's Excellent
61 - 90 points
performance during the review period based on the point system Good Average
41 - 60 points Scoring : 1 - 5 points of
in the column beside Below Average
0 - 40 points each number

Points Remarks

1 Job knowledge ( any improvement inknowledge - Method, Techniques and Skills

in the functional field
2 Product Knowledge ( knows deatail of making with fellow employees)
3 Administration Ability ( proper co-ordination with fellow employees)
4 Leadership ( Direction, Motivation, Command of respect)
5 Achievement ( compketion of assignments - not leaving work half done )
6 Quantity ( increased output or volume of work : better speed; efficiency,
productivity )
7 Quality ( accuracy, quality control, improved professionalism )
8 Initiative ( capable to work independently, resourceful, risk - taking, courageous,
independent judgement )
9 Versatile ( capable of handling more than one job, easily deployed )
10 Security ( security awareness and confidentiality, discreet )
11 Motivation ( ambition, drive, high flyer, energic go better, pursuling excellence )
12 Dependability ( capable, honest, trustworthy, responsible, reliable, deep sense
of integrity, willing to be accountable )
13 Work under pressure ( self-control, balanced, moderate, not emotional or
irrational under pressure )
14 Creativity ( imaginative, innovative, capable of original ideas and thinking,
appreciation of research and concept )
15 Human Relations ( diplomacy, customer and staff relations, able to commend
respect from follor
16 Discipline ( organized, self-disciplined and capable of disciplining others,
balanced in approach )
17 Teachability ( willingness to learn and accpet correction, open to advise or
improvement )
18 Teamwork ( friendly, tactfull, unselfish, co-operatives, sympathetic )
19 Perseverance ( tenacity, willing to keep trying, not giving up easily )
20 Maturity ( compared to age, wise, stable personality, balanced approach in
handling of all
21 Judgement ( good common sense, sound reasoning and evaluation or persons,
work, situations,markets, products, etc)

22 Job attitude ( dedicated, loyal, diligent, careful not careless, negligent or lazy )
23 Practicality ( down to earth, adaptable and flexible with the situations and
environment )
24 Others ( any additional criteria to appraiser considers relevant to the Individual's
performance )

Summarise own strength and areas for improvement


To be transferred to other department In which department

What kind of training does the

Training ( in-house or outside )
employee interest to attend


Promotion/Rotation Recommendation
Area to be improved by employee

I acknewledge that the above appraisal result

was made in two way communication, without
pressure and is true,

Employee Appraiser Human Resources

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