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Nursing Care Plan

(Impaired Verbal Communication)

Cues Nursing Scientific Objective/ Implementation Rationale Expected

Diagnosis Explanation Planning Outcome

Subjective: Impaired verbal Difficulty in Plan:

communication speaking
“Nahihirapan related to function resulting After the provision Establish rapport. To build trusting
siyang magsalita, impaired from injury of the of nursing care, the relationship.
kung minsan significant others Short Term:
cerebral brain centers. It
umuungol din siya, circulation may involve will verbalize
as verbalized by possibly impairment of understanding To have baseline
Mr. D’s wife.” evidence by ability to read about the disease. Monitor and record data. After 3 hrs. of N.I
impaired and write as well V/S. the client shall be
Short Term:
articulation. as to speak, able to improved
Objective: comprehend and After 3 hrs. of N.I communication
understand the client will abilities and
Received pt. on gestures bec. of establish methods improved family
lying position on the damage of of communication in copping.
bed, unconscious , the left which needs can be
with ongoing PNSS hemisphere of expressed.
1L regulated @ 10- the brain is
15 gtts./min. (KVO) affected and
200 ml. level where the Establish good
infusing well @ left Maintain eye
Broca’s area relationship, To maintain good
hand. contact
located (principal listening carefully communication
speech center). and attending to skills with the
(+) difficulty in
client’s verbal and patient.
(+) weakness non-verbal
(+) headache expressions.
(+) dizziness
(+) blurred
(+)Paralysis on Keep Assist the pt.’s
right part of communication need to establish
the body simple, using all means of
With NGT modes of communicating.
With Foley
catheter information, visual
inserted auditory and
Vital Signs:
BP: 140/100 mmHg Validate the
meaning of non- Making
verbal assumption to the
communication. word maybe
Be honest if you wrong.
don’t understand,
seek assistance
from others.

Plan for alternative

Using aids in
method of
promote learning
and recovery.
information about
type of disability

Reinforce that loss

of speech does To limit self-pity
not imply that loss and depression.
of intelligence.

Provide sufficient To give right

time for client to manner when
respond. communicating.

Use confrontation To clarify

skills, when discrepancies
appropriate, within between verbal
an establish and non-verbal
nurse-client cues.

Long Term: Long Term:

After 3 days of N.I After 3 days of N.I

the client will be the pt. shall be
able to participate able to indicate an
in therapeutic understanding of
communication. the communication
Provide difficulty and plans
Maintain good To maintain for ways of
environment. environmental
stimuli as needed contact with reality handling.
or educe stimuli. and to lessen the
anxiety that may
worsen the

To help the pt.

Enhance Involve SO/ family recover from his
participation and in plan of care as condition and limit
plan. much as possible. deterioration.

Recommend a To help the pt. in

tape recorder with immediate
pre-recorded emergency
emergency assistance.
massage near the
Information may
include name,
telephone number
and type of airway.

Refer to Speech therapies

appropriate can help the
resources (speech patient to cope
therapies). from his condition.

Promote rest can To stimulate the

Maintain adequate muscle to function
improve muscular
rest. well.

Medication Sometimes,
compliance on medications are
medications on
time. given to stimulate
the brain to
function well.

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