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यातायात पुिलस तिमलनाडु श

Traffic Police Tamil Nadu
( वतन शाखा/ Enforcement Branch)
ई-चालान शमन शु जमा रसीद/ e-challan
compounding fee deposit receipt
कायालय का नाम/ Office Name : South District

रसीद नं०/ Receipt No.:TNRTE19090019291 िदनां क / Date: 05/09/2019 Payment Date:

05/09/2019 21:59:00
चालान सं ा/ Challan No: TN14230190905211812
चालान िदनां क/ Challan Date: 05/09/2019 21:18:12

अिभयु का नाम R BOOPATHI

वाहन सं ा/चेिसस नं० Vehicle no/ Chassis no. TN49R2912/........
पु क सं ा/Book No. ........
फॉम सं ा /Form No. ........
वतन अिधकारी का नाम व पदनाम : Jayan RSI-1 J1-Saidapet and Traffic RSI
Name and designation of Enforcement Officer
लेन दे न सं ा/ Transaction Id : 01219090521573714230
Payment Gateway : SBIEPAY
ा धनरािश/ Received Amount Rs : 100 श ों म/ in Words : one hundred only
Amount Received By/ Amount Received through : Online Payment - NA

स ंिधत सहायक का नाम : ........

Name of Dealing Asst.
मुहर/ Seal

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