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Code No: A1MET301

B.Tech. V Semester Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Oct / Nov 2019

MVGR College of Eugineering (AutoDo&ous)

Automobile Engin€edng
Time: 3 Hours Max, Marks: 60
Answer atry Five Questions
All Questions carry EQUAL Marks.

(n) With tlle help of a $eat sketch explah splash Lubdcatiou systeDl? Stvt 1
(b) What nre the adlautages and disadla rages of,Splash Lubdcnliou systeut? ]M

(a) Describe lhe coDxrro! rail ftel iqiection systen 6N4

(b) Describe the consfiuctiou ofa Jerklyl e ftel irjectiol pn p. 6lvl

G) Explah the \rorktg of a sirsle plate clutch \r ith the heh of a sinple
(lr) Meutiol r[e prupose of geal bor ill the ir?nsuissio! lysteor, Explailr tle
lrodiiug of slidhg Dresh sealbox \rirh a llear diaEa$.

G) Explih abort the steerirg geoDehy0ffln antoflobile 6lvl I

(b) Explah abou systeru \,fith reat dia$fltrr. 6\'I

(a) with heip of llle dirgralu explaifl the Nodihg of recircl athg bfill sreemg
(1,) D alr a oeat layout of steeliDg linkage alrd explai!. 6M

(a) E:(dfli about the a\.haust gas treflmellt usilg catalltic cotlYe er, 6l\,J .
- (b) trVitlt Ieferetce to C,L erghe euri dre follo\rfug netbods
i! delail: a) Modificatio[ ofengite design t]) Trcatolent of exhflusr products 6M
c) l4odificatior of the frEls

.r/ <p.
Explail about sef!ice det0ils ofvnlyes ard !ah,e uredla[isDr.
Explail the lg]U]rolr sources of troubles iu \ ah'e aud !"ke :trechanistrrs?

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