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Effects of Combined Exercise

Training on Functional
Performance in Children With
Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized-
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Controlled Study
Punnee Peungsuwan, PhD; Pattamavadee Parasin, MSc; Wantana Siritaratiwat, PhD; Jilada Prasertnu, BSc;
Junichiro Yamauchi, PhD
Research Center in Back, Neck, Other Joint Pain and Human Performance (BNOJPH), Khon Kaen University, Thailand
(Drs Peungsuwan, Siritaratiwat, and Yamauchi); School of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences,
Khon Kaen University, Thailand (Drs Peungsuwan and Siritaratiwat); Physical Therapy Department, Faculty of Allied
Health Sciences, University of Phayao, Thailand (Ms Parasin); Srisangwan Khon Kaen Special School, Thailand
(Ms Prasertnu); Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan (Dr Yamauchi); and
Future Institute for Sport Sciences, Tokyo, Japan (Dr Yamauchi).

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combined exercise training on functional
performance in participants with cerebral palsy. Methods: Fifteen participants with spastic cerebral palsy were
randomly allocated into either exercise or control groups. Participants in the exercise group participated in
a combined strength and endurance training program for 70 minutes per day, 3 days per week, for 8 weeks,
whereas those in the control group did not participate in an exercise program. Study participants in both
groups continued with their regular physical therapy during the study. Results: After the 8-week training, a 6-
minute walk, 30-second sit-to-stand, 10-m walk, and Functional Reach Tests, participants in the exercise group
had significant improvement over their baseline values and were significantly higher than those in the control
group. Conclusions: Combined exercise training improved walking ability, functional lower limb strength, and
balance in participants with cerebral palsy. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2017;29:39–46) Key words: combined strength
and endurance training, exercise training intervention, flexibility, leg strength, walking ability

INTRODUCTION nonprogressive disturbances in the developing fetal or in-

Participants with cerebral palsy (CP) have a group fant brain.1 Regardless of the type of CP, participants with
of disorders affecting the development of movement and CP have lowered physical fitness levels because their mo-
posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to tor impairments restrict their participation in daily phys-
ical activities.2,3 This inactivity in participants with CP
further causes a loss of neuromuscular function in phys-
0898-5669/110/2901-0039 ical performance, which includes decreases in muscular
Pediatric Physical Therapy strength.4 These losses of neuromuscular functions in par-
Copyright C 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and Academy of

Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy

ticipants with CP can be prevented and improved through
Association exercise training. Strength training can increase muscular
strength in association with improvements of functional
Correspondence: Punnee Peungsuwan, PhD, School of Physical Therapy, activities,5-9 whereas endurance training improves aerobic
Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, 123 Mit- fitness in participants with CP.10,11 Both strength and en-
traphap Highway, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province 40002, Thailand
( durance exercise training become increasingly demanding
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. in participants with CP. The adaptive responses in skeletal
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000338 muscle to endurance training are different and sometimes
opposite from those of strength training. For example,

Pediatric Physical Therapy Exercise Training for Children With Cerebral Palsy 39
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
strength training may cause muscle fiber hypertrophy and III, were enrolled in and screened for this study. Eighteen
a decrease in both capillary density and mitochondrial vol- participants with CP aged 7 to 16 years met the inclusion
ume density, whereas endurance training may cause an in- criteria. The inclusion criteria were the ability to perform
crease in capillary density, mitochondrial volume density, the exercise training program and outcome tests and to
and oxidative enzyme activity. Concurrent endurance and understand verbal instructions. The exclusion criteria in-
strength training may result in an antagonism of the train- cluded receiving botulinum toxin injections or surgical
ing response.12 This antagonism of concurrent strength procedures for spasticity treatment within the 3 months
and endurance training may rely on training design vari- prior to the intervention, including serious medical condi-
ables and the interaction of these variables, including the tions in which a physician suggested that exercise was
training status of the trainees and the training modes.13-15 contraindicated; performing other exercise programs
Accordingly, appropriate training programs play a role in within the previous 4 months; and having muscle con-
developing specific motor abilities. Exercise training pro- tractures that limited movements of the lower limbs. Par-
grams should be closely related to the functional activi- ticipants were screened for these criteria using passive
ties of daily living such as a knee-hip extension exercise movements and pretesting of each test criterion. Three par-
(squat).16 Because many of our daily living activities re- ticipants were excluded from the study. One participant re-
quire muscle strength and aerobic endurance, a functional fused to enter the program because he had to go home after
exercise program with combined strength and endurance school, and 2 participants could not perform the exercises
training should be a better way to improve physical func- because they were unwilling or unable. Fifteen participants
tion for participants with CP. The literature supports in- with hemiplegic or diplegic CP completed the study, which
cluding both strength and endurance training exercises for included CON (n = 7) and EX (n = 8) groups. Most of the
participants and with cerebral palsy.17 Therefore, a concur- participants resided at the boarding school. Demographics
rent lower-body strength and endurance training may be and classification of participants, baseline age (CON, 13 ±
an effective way to enhance both lower-body strength in 4.16; EX, 13.5 ± 3.3 years), height (CON, 1.39 ± 0.15;
neuromuscular learning and cardiorespiratory functions, EX, 1.38 ± 0.16 m), and body mass (CON, 36.29 ± 12.99;
consequently improving motor function and health-related EX, 37.63 ± 11.07 kg), which were not significantly dif-
quality of life (HRQOL) scores. It is important to under- ferent between groups (P > .05), are shown in Table 1.
stand how exercise training combined with strength and There were 2 participants with hemiplegia in each group,
endurance exercises in participants with CP affects muscle and 5 and 6 participants with diplegia in the CON and EX
functions that relate to daily activity; however, no studies groups, respectively. There were 2, 4, and 1 participants
have shown the effects of a functionally related combined at GMFCS levels I, II, and III, respectively, included in the
strength and endurance exercise program on functional CON group, and 2, 4, and 2 participants in the EX group,
performance in participants with CP. The aim of this study respectively. Most of the participants had spastic diplegia
was to investigate the effect of a functionally related com- and were classified as GMFCS-E&R level II and III. Three
bined strength and endurance exercise program on walk- participants were without aids in each group and 4 and 5
ing ability, lower limb strength, balance, and flexibility in participants with aids in the CON and EX groups, respec-
participants with CP. We hypothesized that a combined tively. Figure 1 is a flow chart of participants through the
strength and endurance exercise program would have a trial and data analysis. One participant was lost to follow-
positive effect on muscle functions that are related to daily up at the final testing of outcomes. Data were analyzed us-
activities for participants with CP. ing the principle of intention to treat. Missing data were re-
placed using the last observation carried forward method.18
Details of the testing procedure and parental consent forms
were explained to the parents or guardians prior to the on-
Study Design set of the study, and informed consent was obtained from
A randomized controlled trial was conducted at a spe- all participants and their parents or guardians.
cial education school for participants with disabilities. The
local ethics committee for human research approved the
study. Participants with CP were randomly allocated into
an exercise group (EX) or a control group (CON) by com- The EX group received a functional exercise program
puter. They were stratified according to sex, age, and the that included a combined strength and endurance train-
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) lev- ing program for 8 weeks, whereas the CON group did not
els (I to III). The 2 examiners were masked to the groups receive this exercise program. EX participants trained af-
when performing assessments and data analysis. Assess- ter school classes. The exercise training program consisted
ments were performed at baseline and after the 8-week of functional strength and endurance training, which was
training program. designed by pediatric physical therapists as a group cir-
cuit. A functionally based exercise program was performed
Participants using simple equipment including leg stationary bicycles
Thirty participants and, who could walk with either and elliptical machines (Figure 2). Prior to exercise, the
hemiplegic or diplegic CP, with GMFCS levels from I to participants had warm-up and cool-down periods with

40 Peungsuwan et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Demographics and Classification of Participants

Participant # Gender Age, y Height, m BM, kg Diagnosis GMFCS Walking Aid

Control group
1 Female 14 1.48 46 Right hemiplegia I No device
2 Male 16 1.47 42 Right hemiplegia I No device
3 Female 7 1.16 20 Diplegia II No device
4 Male 7 1.21 18.5 Diplegia II Crutches
5 Male 15 1.37 46 Diplegia II Walker
6 Male 16 1.54 50 Diplegia II Walker
7 Female 16 1.53 31.5 Diplegia III Wheel walker
Mean (SD) 13 (4.16) 1.39 (0.15) 36.29 (12.99)
Experimental group
1 Female 15 1.44 37 Right hemiplegia I No device
2 Female 16 1.59 50 Left hemiplegia I No device
3 Male 8 1.13 22 Diplegia II No device
4 Male 9 1.18 25 Diplegia II Crutches
5 Male 13 1.48 30 Diplegia II Crutches
6 Male 16 1.48 49 Diplegia II Walker
7 Female 15 1.33 48 Diplegia III Wheel walker
8 Female 16 1.44 40 Diplegia III Wheel walker
Mean (SD) 13.5 (3.3) 1.38 (0.16) 37.63 (11.07)

Abbreviations: BM, body mass; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; SD, standard deviation.

Fig. 1. Flow chart of participants. CON, control group; EX, exper- Fig. 2. Combined strength and endurance exercise program.
imental group; PT, physical therapy; ITT, intention to treat. Station 1, leg stationary bicycling and elliptical machine walk-
ing; Station 2, sit-to-stand; Station 3, step up-down; and Station
4, fast walking or running recreation. Participants started at any
self-muscle stretching of the hip external rotator and ab- station.
ductor muscles, knee extensor and flexor muscles, and calf
muscles. The total 70-minute exercise program consisted leg muscle stretching, upper limb activity in groups, sit-
of a 5-minute warm-up period, 60 minutes of circuit ex- ting or standing ball throwing, handiwork, and a leisurely
ercises, and a 5-minute cool-down period. This 3 days per walk or playing for 1 hour during school hours. This phys-
week training program was supervised by a physical thera- ical therapist was also masked to each group. After school,
pist. Music was used to motivate participants. Both the EX the CON group had leisure time while we monitored their
and CON groups continued their physical therapy (PT) varied activities. They often had physical inactivity such as
program for 1 session per week. A physical therapist from talking and playing with each other.
a special school determined the appropriate PT program Functional strength training consisted of a sit-to-stand
for the participants. The PT program consisted of passive (STS) and a step up-down (SUD) activity. Each participant

Pediatric Physical Therapy Exercise Training for Children With Cerebral Palsy 41
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
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performed the standard protocols of the STS.19 For STS, reliability of variables. Outcomes were measured 1 week
each participant sat with hip flexion at 90◦ , knee flex- before the start of the program and within a week after
ion at 105◦ , ankle dorsiflexion at 15◦ , and feet flat on the the conclusion of the exercise program. All participants
floor. Most participants folded their arms over the chest, wore shoes and could use walking assistive devices during
but participants who used assistive devices were permitted the tests if needed, and they were allowed to rest between
to use a stall bar. They were instructed to stand up at a testing for 3 to 10 minutes, or as required. All participants
comfortable speed without swinging their arms or mov- completed all outcomes.
ing their feet. Repetitions were counted each time their 6MWT is a measure used to assess functional car-
legs and hips were within 15◦ of the extended position. diorespiratory capacity.16 The test-retest reliability is very
For SUD, participants stood in front of a step 17 cm in high.20 A 40-m square course was replicated indoors. A
height for the starting position and moved up and down at 1-m wide walkway was designated with traffic cones and
a self-paced speed. During practice, the participants were ropes between the 4 inside and outside corners of the
allowed to hold the handrail if they felt unstable. Repeti- course. Masking tape was placed at 2-m intervals along
tions were counted when their legs returned to the starting the route. The patients were instructed to walk as far as
position. In the first week of exercise training, the partic- they could within 6 minutes. They were allowed to slow
ipants performed STS and SUD with free load for 8 to 10 down or stop as necessary, and when they had to stop for
repetitions per set, 3 to 5 sets per day, with 3 minutes’ rest, the duration of the rest period was recorded. The par-
rest between sets. They were subsequently asked to wear ticipants were given encouragement to do the test when
a weighted vest. These weights were initially added in the examiners found that they did not try to walk continu-
second week as 30% of body weight, and afterward the ously. The distance walked was recorded after the test.
progressive resistance was adjusted from 50% to 60% to 30sSTST is a measurement of functional lower limb
60% to 70% of 1-repetition maximum STS every 2 weeks. muscle strength and performance with a high test-retest
Endurance training was performed on cycling and reliability.21 30sSTST measured the number of repetitions
stepping machines in a circuit. The 3 stations for endurance for a sit-to-stand task within a 30-second period. Each
training included (1) leg stationary bicycles, (2) elliptical participant sat on a chair without a backrest or armrest
machines, and (3) recreational fast walking or running. with feet flat on the ground, and hips and knees flexed
For leg cycling, participants initially sat on the saddle with at 90◦ and 105◦ , respectively. The examiner instructed
a knee flexion of 30◦ to 35◦ and performed cycling with a the participant to repetitively move from the sitting to
self-selected speed and load. For the elliptical machine, the standing position as many times as they could within a
participants stood on the pedals, grabbed the handlebars, 30-second period without using arms for support. Two
and pedaled their feet while pushing the handlebars al- participants who used walkers were allowed to use their
ternately forward while stepping. For walking or running, support tool when their hips were extended at the end
each participant was asked to walk as fast as possible, or range. Repetitions of a sit-to-stand task were counted when
run in a race by picking up a ball from a basket and putting their hips extended beyond 75◦ from sitting to standing.
the ball in another basket placed 20 m away. Each partici- 10mWT is a measure to assess walking speed. 10mWT
pant continuously exercised on the leg stationary bicycles has a high test-retest reliability,21 and this test is correlated
and elliptical machines for 15 minutes per session, and with gross motor functions for participants with CP.22,23
recreational fast walking or running was performed for The test was conducted on a 14-m walkway that included
10 minutes, with a 5-minute rest between stations. Total 2 m at the start and end points to allow for acceleration
exercise time was 40 minutes for the 3 exercise stations. and deceleration. Before the test, the examiner instructed,
Each participant was encouraged to perform the program “Please walk towards the end, at your usual speed.” When
to the end of the period. If the participants wanted to the participant was given the cue “ready and go,” they
rest, they could stop. During the endurance exercises, the walked toward the end of the walkway. The examiner
participants’ heart rates were maintained at 65% to 85% started a timer when the participant’s first foot crossed
of their maximum heart rate as determined with a heart the plane of the 2-m line and stopped the timer when the
rate monitor (FT4, Polar, Kempele, Finland). Maximum first foot crossed the plane of the 12-m line. During the
heart rate was defined as equal to 220 minus age of each test, an examiner walked beside the participant and en-
participant. couraged him/her to continue walking. The time to reach
the middle of the 10-m walk was recorded for walking
speed calculations.23,24
Outcome Measures TUGT is a measure used to assess functional dynamic
Physical performance was evaluated using the balance that has good test-retest reliability.24,25 Partici-
6-minute walk test (6MWT), 30-second sit-to-stand test pants sat in an adjustable-height chair with no backrest
(30sSTST), 10-m walk test (10mWT), Timed Up and Go or armrest. The height of the seat was adjusted such that
test (TUGT), and a Functional Reach Test (FRT). All out- both knee and hip flexion were 90◦ while sitting with the
come measures have been shown to have high to very high feet resting on the floor. None of participants wore shoes
levels of test-retest reliability.17-21 To determine the consis- or orthoses, and participants with level III were allowed
tency of each measure, assessors evaluated the intratester to use walking devices for the test. During the test, the

42 Peungsuwan et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
participant stood up from an adjustable-height chair, and CON for each outcome was compared; the 6MWT,
walked a distance of 3 m, turned around a mark, walked 30sSTST, 10mWT, and FRT in EX were significantly dif-
back to the chair, and sat down again. Time was recorded ferent in comparison with the CON means. TUGT was not
from the “go” until the participant sat down in the chair. significantly different between groups. Changes in 6MWT
Each participant performed the test 3 times. The best time were positively correlated with 10mWT (r = 0.8, P < .001)
was recorded in seconds.25 but not with 30sSTST or FRT.
FRT is a clinical measure of balance developed by
Duncan et al26 that has excellent reliability.27 This study
followed standard protocol.26 FRT measures the distance DISCUSSION
between the length of the arm and a maximal forward reach This study supported positive effects of a combined
in the standing position. Participants were instructed to exercise training program on walking endurance (6MWT),
stand close to a wall (not wearing shoes or socks), but not walking speed (10mWT), leg muscle strength (30sSTST),
touching the wall, with the dominant side arm position and physical balance (FRT) for participants with CP.
set at the zero mark of the stick, which was placed on a The task-specific exercise program designed to imitate
measuring stick against the wall at the height of the par- functional mobility, such as sitting-to-standing with ex-
ticipants’ acromion. The participants were asked to extend tra load, progressive step-up and step-down, walking and
their arms to 90◦ of shoulder flexion. The assessor recorded running, resulted in improved physical performance tests.
the starting position at the third metacarpal head on the Stationary cycling exercise improved respiratory and car-
yardstick and instructed the participants to “reach as far diovascular capacity and elliptical machine exercise re-
as you can forward without taking a step.” The location of duced muscle tightness and increased range of motion
the third metacarpal was then recorded. The difference be- of joints, which increases step length and speed and leg
tween the start and end positions was the reach distance. muscle strength and physical balance. The importance
The test was repeated 3 times with 5-second rest inter- of muscle strength for participants with CP can be seen
vals between each test, and the results were recorded and in the direct relation between strength and motor func-
averaged for data analysis. tion. Participants with stronger knee extensors can walk
faster.8 These results support previous research support-
ing improvement of muscle strength and physical fitness
Data Analysis and HRQOL scores in participants with CP after exercise
All data are presented as a mean (standard devia- training.28,29
tion). The distribution of the data was examined with the Our combined functional strength and endurance ex-
Shapiro-Wilk test for the assumption of normality. All data ercise program supported an increase in muscle strength
for 6MWT, 30sSTST, 10mWT, TUGT, and FRT were nor- associated with improvements of functional activities sim-
mally distributed. The difference between pre- and posttest ilar to the results of strength training alone.5,6,7-9 De-
for each outcome was analyzed with a paired t test. An anal- spite the antagonism of concurrent training previously
ysis of covariance compared differences between adjusted described in healthy people,30 it may be possible to inte-
posttest means between the 2 groups; the pretest means grate resistance and endurance training regimens for posi-
were used as covariates. The baseline differences of each tive effects on physical performance.31,32 Increased muscle
outcome were analyzed using an independent t test. The strength after the exercise training had a positive influence
individual training effect was further analyzed for the re- on activities of daily living in participants with CP. Many
lationships of magnitude of change between 6MWT and participants with CP experience difficulty when moving
other variables after the training using Pearson’s correla- their bodies quickly or standing up from a chair. These
tion coefficient test. The power of the test was 0.8 and disabilities are predictive of falls and subsequent disabil-
the level of significance was set at P < .05. The reliabil- ity. Increases in leg muscle strength support bodyweight
ity of each tool was tested by 2 assessors using the test- during those movements.
retest intraclass correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman Appropriate exercise and regular participation in ac-
analyses. tivities are important goals for therapeutic interventions
in participants with CP, and feasibility and reproducibility
of the program are important factors in a clinical setting
RESULTS and after the school day. This study had 70-min/session
Table 2 has the comparison outcomes within and be- durations and a frequencies of 3 sessions per week for
tween EX and CON. The intraclass correlation coefficients 8 weeks, with a total of 3.5 hours per week of exercise.
of the intrareliability of 6MWT, 30sSTST, 10mWT, TUGT, The exercise sessions were supervised by a physical ther-
and FRT were 0.99, 0.97, 0.93, 0.99, and 0.75, respectively. apist. Although the frequency, intensity, time, and type
The baseline scores of outcome variables were not signif- of exercise for health and fitness benefits in participants
icantly different between the groups. After the 8-week in- with CP are unknown, the design of an exercise train-
tervention, outcomes significantly improved in EX, except ing program could be based on the same principles as
TUGT, but outcomes did not change in CON compared those for the general population. The findings of this study
with the baseline scores. The adjusted postmean of EX suggest that because a combined functional strength and

Pediatric Physical Therapy Exercise Training for Children With Cerebral Palsy 43
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
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Peungsuwan et al
Outcomes Pre- and Postintervention

Comparison Between Groups (Adjusted

Comparison Within Group (Paired t Test) for Baseline Using ANCOVA)

Baseline Posttest Mean Difference Adjusted Mean Difference

Outcome Group Mean (SD) Mean (SD) (95% CI) Posttest (95% CI)

Walking endurance Experimental 292.11 (56.4) 349.50 (60.7) 57.4a (27.0 to 87.8) 351.07 53.37b
6MWT, m Control 295.84 (96.8) 299.50 (88.8) 3.67 (−5.5 to 12.8) 297.70 (22.3 to 84.4)
Walking speed Experimental 1.00 (0.2) 1.11 (0.2) 0.11a (0.04 to 0.18) 1.12 0.15b
10mWT, m/s Control 1.11 (0.2) 0.99 (0.2) − 0.05 (−0.2 to 0.1) 0.98 (0.06 to 0.24)
Leg muscle strength Experimental 8.38 (2.1) 11.13 (2.4) 2.75c (1.9 to 3.6) 11.05 2.54b
30sSTST, rep Control 8.14 (3.1) 8.43 (1.8) 0.29 (−1.3 to 1.9) 8.51 (1.15 to 3.93)
Balance Experimental 10.1 (3.1) 9.5 (3.9) − 0.62 (−2.5 to 1.3) 10.13 −0.87
TUGT, s Control 11.6 (3.0) 11.7 (3.4) 0.12 (−2.2 to 2.4) 10.99 (−3.7 to 2.0)
Balance Experimental 7.1 (1.88) 8.9 (2.7) 1.8a (0.54 to 3.1) 8.96 1.74d
FRT, cm Control 7.2 (1.8) 7.3 (2.0) 0.10 (−0.52 to 0.72) 7.23 (0.35 to 3.12)

Abbreviations: 6MWT, 6-minute walk test; 30sSTST, 30-second sit-to-stand test; 10mWT, 10-m walk test; ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; CI, confidence interval; FRT, Functional Reach Test; TUGT,
Timed Up and Go test; SD, standard deviation.
a P < .05 as compared with pretest value.

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b P < .05 as compared with control.
c P < .001 as compared with pretest value.
d P < .01 as compared with control.

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
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Commentary on “Effects of Combined Exercise Training on Functional Performance in Children With
Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized-Controlled Study”

“How could I apply this information?”

Children with cerebral palsy often have lower levels of physical fitness, which can lead to activity limitations
and participation restrictions. In this study, children with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
levels I to III improved walking ability, functional strength, endurance, and balance following participation in
an 8-week, group circuit exercise program that included strength and aerobic training. Although subjects from
both exercise (EX) and control (CON) groups received traditional PT 1 time per week during the intervention,
improvement in outcome measures was only observed in the EX group. Supervised group circuit training programs
targeting functional activities and progressive intensity have potential to augment or replace traditional therapy.
“What should I be mindful about when applying this information?”
Generalization of results should be applied cautiously. A small sample size limited the ability to stratify by
GMFCS level. Determining response to exercise by GMFCS level would assist the clinician in determining
appropriate exercise dosing.1 Although procedures for performance and progression of exercises were provided,
it was unclear how the EX group moved between stations or how they were supervised to ensure treatment
fidelity. Reproduction of this exercise program may be challenging for clinicians to implement. Walking distance
recorded using the 6-minute walk test significantly increased in the EX group. It is difficult to determine whether
the change was due to physiologic or psychological factors.2 More detailed data reflecting heart rate response,
perceived exertion, and energy expenditure would aid in differentiating between the 2 factors. A second follow-up
assessment including outcome measures that examine changes in activity level and quality of life could address
the benefits on activity and participation in a group circuit exercise program such as the one described here.

1. Kamp FA, Lennon N, Holmes L, Dallmeijer AJ, Henley J, Mille F. Energy cost of walking in children with spastic cerebral palsy: relationship
with age, body composition and mobility capacity. Gait Posture. 2014;40:209-214.
2. Verschuren O, Ketelaar M, Keefer D, et al. Identification of a core set of exercise tests for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a
Delphi survey of researchers and clinicians. Child Neurol. 2011;53:449-456.

James G. Moore, PT, PhD, PCS

Department of Physical Therapy, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
Coral Gables, Florida
Cheryl W. Gimenez, PT, DPT, PCS
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
Miami, Florida
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000348

46 Peungsuwan et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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