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Annotated Bibliography




Annotated Bibliography

Scholarly Monograph

Wimberly, G. (2015). LGBTQ issues in education: Advancing a research agenda. American

Educational Research Association.

The purpose of this scholarly monograph is to extend the comprehension of the overall

issues that the LGBTQ communities face in the context of education. It further aims to foster

scholarly and scientific inquiry which would draw upon consolidated theoretical methods and

model. It provides critical insights on the information that we have already obtained and

discusses the factors which would contribute to the understanding of the manner in which

research may cater to the knowledge and discovery of LGBTQ problems which are adversely

affecting youth and students, school curriculum along with other areas of study and even the

school staff and faculty or in simpler words, the entire educational experience.

Journal Articles

Giardino, A., & Sanborn, R. (2018). The Changing Landscape for LGBTIQ Families. Journal of

Family Strengths, 17(2), 17.

The authors argue that although significant amount of achievements have been attained in

terms of resolving the LGBTIQ issues, the achievements are fragile in nature and the

achievements are not ensured to be consistent. The authors hypothesize that responsible practices

are required for professionals across the fields of healthcare, criminal justice, education and

human services in order to ensure high standard of care and efficiency in terms of serving the

populations. It is further suggested that it is needed of professionals in such fields to educate

themselves and to move further the prior notions and anecdotes that they might have achieved

through their previous experiences.

Annotated Bibliography

Oakley, S., & Bletsas, A. (2018). The experiences of being a young LGBTIQ and homeless in

Australia: Re-thinking policy and practice. Journal of Sociology, 54(3), 381-395.

This article focuses on how the young people belonging to the LGBTIQ community have

dealt with homelessness in metropolitan cities of Australia. In doing so, this article explains a

majority of the issues and hurdles that have been confronted by them. The authors have

developed an argument that the convention perspectives in practices and policies which treat

homelessness as a homogeneous category serve detrimental effects to the young cohort. In the

modern world, more and more young people are identifying themselves as members of the

LGBTQ community. Given these circumstances, it is obvious that the need for them to seek

support, services, as well as, housing assistance has increased. The authors talk about how this

has resulted in the shortage of safe and suitable accommodation to endorse the populous. They

argue that this can further increase the exclusion and marginalisation of the populous from the

mainstream culture.

PhD Thesis

Holt, M. (2017). Teacher advocacy for LGBTIQ equality: teacher perspectives, changes and

supports (Doctoral dissertation).

This PhD thesis discusses and analyses the link among teachers, their advocacy along

with the inequality of students belonging to the LGBTIQ community in the Australia school

setting. It has been revealed that although there have been some progressive achievements in

Australian schools, the overall educational atmosphere for the LGBTIQ students is still deeply

unequal as they consistently face exclusion and victimisation through the curriculum, the

practices of teachers, the policies, as well as, their regular interaction with their peers. This thesis

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explains that the key reason behind this inequality is the continuing conflict of the social justice

and neo-liberal ideals. In order to resolve such issues, this thesis explores the perspectives of

teachers in the context of inequality of LGBTIQ students in educational settings along with their

perspectives regarding their roles in terms of improving the quality of the education settings to

provide equal opportunity and education.

Official Website

This article reveals that a majority of research studies to this date have emphasised on the

disparities and risk factors that LGBT youth population faces in contrary to the non-LGBT

populous. Notwithstanding, it is suggested that in addition to fostering affirming and secure

communities along with the provision of youth-serving settings like schools for all communities,

it is also crucial that researchers contribute to the acknowledgement and development of the

resilience, strengths, as well as, other elements which would safeguard the LGBT youth

populous to be exposed to such risks in the first place with the establishment of connections to

peers, family acceptance and caring institutionalised standards, policies and practices.

Government Report


The UK government is committed towards building a nation where no one would be held

back due to their sexual or any other identity. The government of UK has made great

achievements in the nation’s acceptance of the LGBT community. The purpose of the National

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LGBT Survey was to gather the opinion of intersex and LGBT populous regarding their

experience of the public services provided by the government of the UK and gather their

opinions regarding living as LGBT individuals within the nation. Through the collection of over

108,000 valid responses, this survey has made a record as the largest national survey on LGBT

people to date in the world.

Open Access Journal Article

Ross, M. H., & Setchell, J. (2019). People who identify as LGBTIQ can experience assumptions,

discomfort, some discrimination, and a lack of knowledge while attending physiotherapy:

a survey. Journal of physiotherapy.

This article explores the perspectives of the people belonging to the lesbian, gay,

bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer community regarding their experiences of attending

physiotherapy. This article gathers an extensive amount of information from self-identified

LGBTIQ populous that have attended physiotherapy within Australia. In addition to that, this

article serves another critical purpose in terms of analysing the manner in which such

experiences obtained by the LGBTIQ populous while attending physiotherapy can be enhanced

to produce better results and to promise enhanced quality.

Farrell, A. (2017). Archiving the aboriginal rainbow: Building an aboriginal LGBTIQ portal.

Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 21.

This article reveals that the indigenous people belonging to the LGBTIQ community can

be considered to be marginalised group that does not have the comfort of being represented on a

vast range of cultural, as well as, social issues. This article explores the manner in which the

development of a wide range of online projects are beginning to challenge this very concept. In

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doing so, this article discusses and analyses a blog project that has been developed to endorse the

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ communities with online link sharing through

different social media platforms.

TED Talk


The speakers in this video are a gay couple living in San Francisco. The two speakers

have set out on a tour of the world to bring forward stories of what they termed as “Supergays”.

They have roamed across continents to bring forward the stories of people belonging to the

LGBT community contributing something outstanding to the world. The speakers talk about how

the “Supergays” had the courage and resilience to overcome the burdens ahead of them and

inspire us all.

Newspaper Article

This newspaper article reveals that the LGBTQ community people deal with a variety of

medical, economic, as well as, social disparities which consequently affects the long-term health

of the populous. It reveals that LGBT people have to go through discrimination and stigma on a

regular basis which is often caused of policies, cultures and laws which treat them at lesser

human beings. The article also LGBT people are more likely to feel socially isolated and struggle

with poverty. In addition, they have higher risks of the onset of mental health issues and are

more likely to develop bad habits like smoking or substance use.

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Television Program

An American comedy-drama, Transparent, was created for Amazon studios by Jill

Soloway which debuted on February 2014. This television program covers the story of a male

living at Los Angeles known as Mort revealed to be a transwoman and how it changed the lives

of her family after the discovery. This story was partially influenced by how the creator, Jill

Soloway dealt with the experience of the transition of her own father. This television program

deals an excellent portrayal of how transgender people go through the experience of transition in

their lives and how they deal with it.



Carol, a film that portrays falling in love, in the end-of-the-year’s awards-race rhetoric,

has been subjected to many criticisms in which the movie was claimed to represent the genre of

universal romance. However, the plot of the movie is profoundly queer in the narrative and

filmic selections. The movie portrays how the LGBT communities have trouble in terms of

coming out of their shells and express their feelings in a natural way. Additionally, this movie

also shows how the LGBT people experience falling in love from a first-hand perspective.

Scholarly Lecture on YouTube

Martin Duberman, the individual who headed the scholarly lecture, talks about where the

LGBTQ movement is standing as of today. In addition to that, the speaker also talks about the

achievements that have been made through the LGBTQ movement and what it has costed in

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terms of being in the position they are in today. The speaker talks about how they main goal of

the movement was not being allowed back in the mainstream culture. Rather, the goal of the

movement was to transform the institutions instead of becoming accepted individuals of the

institutions that have been already established.

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