Executive Summary: Challenge I: Poorly Consolidated Systems For Connected Retail

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EAs must discover how to reconcile the

decentralized, independent needs of retail

franchises to the overarching quality standards of
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY indispensable business capabilities. Caution must
be imposed in the forms of tangible and accessible
The following is a review of trending challenges of
the retail industry identified from business (B2B) and guidelines before foolheartedly launching ad-hoc
solutions without long-term value just in hopes of
consumer (B2C) markets and as observed from the
luring new customers³. It is the goal of modern EA
perspective of Enterprise Architecture (EA). Target
groups include retail businesses and Enterprise to forestall such mistakes by steering retailers along
logical paths to longevity using the consensus of all
The paper highlights particular opportunities for the stakeholders and their collected technical expertise.
This white paper attempts to bring awareness to the
application of Enterprise Architects in orienting the
application of EA in solving the problems of retail
innovation strategies of retail businesses. It aims to
improve awareness on the practice of EA and its today. It identifies trending challenges and illustrates
solutions in the hopes of assisting EAs immersed in
relevance to retailers seeking to enhance application
the unpredictable yet profitable world of retail.
management and an understanding of business
capabilities. As well, it surveys available
technologies that offer potential to streamline
enterprise-level processes for all parties so to EXISTING CHALLENGES IN
minimize operation costs and better customer RETAIL INDUSTRIES
It is concluded that a strong partnership between
EA programs and all varieties of decision-makers Challenge I: Poorly consolidated systems
can help retail businesses ride the waves of digital for connected retail
transformation to profit from investments in
Perhaps more than other industries, global retail
essential new technologies. The paper additionally
supply chain networks consist of stakeholders with
recommends that EAs guide retail enterprises using incredibly precise and regional ways of designing IT
modern EA Management and Business processes. Failing to put forward
standardized back-end approaches for all creates
unfortunate complexities that are near-impossible to
INTRODUCTION resolve if left unnoticed4.
The business practices of the retail industry have Consider, for example, the length of time it takes to
evolved in the past decades. Once ruled by the static integrate just two units with conflicting technologies
process of planning > buying > moving > selling, and then scale this problem upwards to imagine
today’s retail is defining itself according to the on- governing an international network of designers,
demand customization standards wanted by each with individual levels of technology standards.
customers. As such, an array of new technologies is Before the luxury of predictable order completions
sought by large-scale retail enterprises to implement can even be assured—an inarguable standard of
business processes capable of satisfying bespoke modern retail—the capabilities of these systems
client standards. must be assessed. And in order to assess these
Heightened competition, aggressive brand systems to generate an accurate view of the state of
awareness, sophisticated customer loyalty your operation, every user in this vast network of
programs, and instantaneous customer service is all technologies must be connected to provide supplies
cited as key reasons for modernizing infrastructures of current data.
to accommodate “omni-channel” business models. A common roadblock to systems consolidation in
The modern infrastructure is also expected to focus multi-national retail industries is the varying stages
on customer-centric models in this so-called era of 1Kowalkiewicz, M, Rosemann, M, & Dootson, P (2017). "Retail
Retail 5.0, an idea defined by personalized devices 5.0: Check out the future. QUT PwC Chair in Digital Economy
and services¹.
New strategies based on the adoption of novel
technologies must always be configured with an
enterprise’s clearly delineated set of fundamental
habits—or, what is commonly known as “Business
Capabilities”. Knowing what a company does well,
and what it must continue to do well despite whatever
transformation is embarked upon, is a necessity
during the consideration of bold new Agile
It is a pre-requisite that has catapulted the need for
Enterprise Architects (EAs) across the retail industry.

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