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Your goal is to tell an interesting and visually appealing story. You will be shooting a series of photographs of your toys
to tell this story. Please make sure the toys are interacting in some way and not just a one-toy sort of thing (which will just
look like it’s something that you’re trying to sell online).

You will be creating a story with a beginning, a middle, a climax, and an end. You will do this with a series of FOUR to
SIX photos. The photos should all relate to each other in some way. Make sure it’s not the same photo with three different
angles, move the toys around! It's okay if there are more than six photographs, just make sure they all relate to the story
and that you aren't replicating any frames. Use the table on the next page to plan out your story.

Vary your angles.. get closer.. get further away.. take horizontal.. and then vertical..or maybe try a tilted photo.
FIRST – practice photographing your toys. Have your camera set to Av (Aperture Value) and make sure your camera
stays on Av (Aperture Value) for the entire project.

For each photograph, start with an aperture f/3.5 and then take it again where you change it to f/5.6 then f/8.

Make sure I can’t recognize where the toys are located. I don’t want to be able to quickly identify the location as the
tabletop in the art room or in the lobby of the FAB. Take 24+ photographs of your toys. Again, make sure that you’ve got
different setups and that you have a variety of apertures (i.e. f/3.5, f/5.6, f/8) since some may look better as deep focus and
some might look good as shallow focus.

Once you have taken all of your

photos, make a contact print of
your photos using Pixlr. Save the
contact sheet to your computer.
Upload your four-six (or more!) images onto your Weebly website and write a fun children's story that is at least
FOUR paragraphs long that relates to your FOUR- SIX photographs. Caption each photo with the ​f​stop used to
create the photo. Make sure that the photos and the story are in the correct order.

Website Directions
1. Create a new page and title it "Toy Story."
2. Title the header at the top of the new page with the name of your story.
3. Drag the element of IMAGE into your post and insert the first image of your story.
4. CAPTION the image with the aperture used to create the photo.
5. Once you've done the photo and caption, drag the element of TEXT underneath the photo (making sure the
photo is as large as possible) and write the corresponding story underneath each image.
You'll be presenting your photos and your story to the class!! Repeat steps 3-5 for all of your Toy Story photos.
6. Drag an IMAGE element onto your page and caption it ‘Contact Sheet’. Upload your contact sheet image here.
7. Once you have completed all of the previous steps PUBLISH YOUR WORK!
8. You may NOT kill off any of your toys!!
9. Be prepared to present your photos and stories to the class!

Scene 1 Scene 2
Toys: Toys:
Location: Location:
Aperture: Aperture:
What’s Happening: What’s Happening:

Scene 3 Scene 4
Toys: Toys:
Location: Location:
Aperture: Aperture:
What’s Happening: What’s Happening:

Scene 5 Scene 6
Toys: Toys:
Location: Location:
Aperture: Aperture:
What’s Happening: What’s Happening:

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