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<== «COFPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATIONS TOLL RSEUENT Ey pane DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. _o¢97-1 Subject DESIGNATION AND DECLARATION OF ALL EXPRESSWAYS AS LIMITED ACCESS FACILITIES Date 23 March 2007 WHEREAS, Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2000 oF (he “Limited Access Highway Act" definos “limited access facilly” as “a highway or street especially designed for through traffic, ang over, from, or te which owners or occupants of abulling fand and other persons have no right of easement or only a limited right of'easement of access, for any ather reason. Such highways er straats may be parkways, from which 28, and ether commercial vehicles shall ba excluded, or they may be free (0 Use by all customary forms of street and highway traf WHEREAS, Section 3 of the same Act authorizes ths Department of Public Works and Communications (now Department of Transportation and Communications or DOT) “ip plan, designate, establish, regulate, vacate, alter, improve, maintain, and provide limited access facilities for public use wherever it is of the opinion that traffic condilinns, present or future, will justify such special tactitice™: WHEREAS, Section 4 of the same Act further provides that the Department of Publi: Works and Communications (now Department of Transportation and Communications or DOTC) is authorized fo design any lknited access faciity and lo regulate, restict or prohibit access as fo best serve the traffic for which such facility intended NOW, THEREFORE, by virlue of the authority granted by law, the Department of isportalion and Communications (DOTC) hereby orders: SECTION 1. Designation and Declaration as Limited Access Fecilties. The following expressways are hereby dosignated and declared as “Limiled Access Facilities" subject to such rules and regulations that may be imposed by the DOTC through the Toll Requiatory Board (TRB): BRTTETE eal oy ccs ea cement es ee ERTIFIED COPY: |: b) Manila so Se ee Road): J A aloe Paes vem ¢} North Luzon Exprossway (NLEX oe d) South Metro Manila Skyway; ean seater ©) Souther Tagalog Arterial Road (STAR) Tollway: f} Subie-Clark- Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX); and, All other road network, including any extension of the existing expressway fecililies mentioned above, that may be constructed, established and/or operated a5 expressway toll facilities by law from time to time. g PEs, yeueraxno saninoore em SECTION 2. haplomenting auitnony- of the Tall Hegutatory Boavtl (TRB). The Toll Regulatory Board (1B) shall issue such ortlers, rules and regulations and other OF ae na nay, Be NSeessary lo ensure tho elfective implementation of tho crevins "s OF this Departnent Order. is hereby mandated to ies To ensure public safety, tne Toll Regulatory Boa Porn fats & ew and updated Rules and Regulations on Limiled Access Fart sathin thitty (30) days from the effectivity of this Order. SECTION 3. Repesting Clause. Ail orders, rules and: regulations ard other = OF paris thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions ol this Departmust ¥ are hereby repealed, amended or modifiad accordingly. SECTION 4. Effectivity. This Department Order shall take effect atter fiteen (15) days following the completion of ils publication ina Newspaper of general circulation or the Official Gazette. DONE in the Cily of Mandaluyong, this day of _ _. in the year of our Lord, Two Thousarid and Seven ama] } A Leanndd &, mendoza reldry, GOTC Canapirenty Chainphan, TRB h * PY © waaay eoreasec outcome 97 1029

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