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As the name implies, a 3D printer allows users to print
an object as 3-Dimensional CAD (Computer Aided
Design) images. It is an innovative technology that
helps businesses cut costs and develop new methods
of production. Though 3D printers have been in use for
more than 25 years now, they have been gaining
prominence only recently. According to a survey, the
3D printer market in India will exceed Rs.500 cr by
2022. Simplicity of use and almost unlimited
customization possibilities has resulted in 3D printers
becoming more and more popular as design tools.
Initially, 3D printers were used as a rapid prototyping
solution to make one or two quick physical samples
giving the designers a chance to correct the flaws and
modify the product. Prototyping still is the major usage
of 3D printers but the developments in technology
have made it possible to use this 3D printing beyond
research and development stages and incorporate it
into the manufacturing stage.
Block Diagram
3D Printers use a laser or extruder (the material output
part of the printer), that move along an X, Y and Z axis
to build an object in three dimensions, wherein
successive layers of material are laid down in different
shapes. These layers can be only a few microns thick at
a time. This is an advantage over traditional method
which uses subtractive method where materials are cut
or drilled from mould. Using the additive process,
layers of materials in liquid, solid or material form are
fused together. 3D printers thus use additive
manufacturing or direct digital manufacturing
technology to produce proto type of a product. 3D
printers use Computer Aided Designing (CAD) software
like Siemens NX to create a digital blue print first. The
object is then built layer by layer. Using this new
technology, a manufacturer can develop a working
prototype in just a few hours compared to traditional
prototyping. Ultimately, this results in saving time and
cost. Especially since the additive manufacturing
process also minimizes waste.
As of today, there are four distinct types of
technologies used in 3D printers: Material extrusion
based 3D printers, Photo poly

mer, Selective Deposition Lamination and Binding 3D

The utility of 3D printers have made them popular

today in countries like U.S., Europe and India. 3D
printers are being used in a wide range of fields
including dentistry, fashion and of course high-end
engineering industries like aerospace, automotive,
specialty components, etc. As an example, aircraft
equipment made using 3D printers is almost 60 - 65%
lighter than traditional methods and equally strong. As
a few of the 3D printing patents are expiring in 2014,
analyst and industry experts say that 3D printing
technology will become a lot more affordable and
accessible to every business.
India is already one of the leading nations that is using
3D printers aggressively in its CAD / CAE industry.
Some of the applications are:-
Cloud-based additive manufacturing
Mass customization
Rapid manufacturing
Rapid prototyping
FoodAgile tooling


Reduce cost
Reduce time
Stay ahead of competition
Reduce errors
Production on demand
Easily Accessible
Better Quality
Risk Reduction
Less Waste Production


High Energy Consumption

3D Printing Technology is Expensive
Limited Materials
3D Printers Aren’t that User-friendly
Harmful Emissions
Too Much Reliance on Plastic
3D Printers are Slow
Production of Dangerous Weaponry

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