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Summer Project is an integral part of the BBA programme. The period for the training is 45 days , tentatively
from 1st June, 2019 to 31th July, 2019 for the session. No student is allowed to change the organization of
training assigned to him/ her. In case, it happens the summer project will be considered invalid.
Objective of the Summer Project:
1. To provide an extensive exposure to the student of hands on experience in a corporate environment.
2. To ensure that the corporate gets adequate return from the students in terms of the money and time he/she
spends on them during the training so that there is a mutual return of experience and learning.
3. To provide a platform for the corporate to test the reliability, quality and performance of the students and
make a match for final job offer later if they so deem fit.
During the training the student will be under the supervision of a person in the organization who will act
as his/her corporate guide. He/she will provide guidelines on how the student should work during the stay
with the organization. In addition, each student will be guided by a faculty of the University. The student
will be required to report to the faculty guide immediately after joining the company for the project (in
the format No:- 01). The student is required to meet the faculty guide before departing for the summer
training and take necessary instruction from him/her.
The faculty guide will consult the corporate guide from time to time for obtaining information on the
progress of the Project work of the student.
1. The students are required to abide by the rules of the organization where they are undergoing their
2. The corporate organization will be taking a strong view of the punctuality and behavior of the student
during the training and therefore the student is required to be on his/her best behavior and inculcate the
good norms of the organization.
3. In case a student has to take leave of absence, he/she has to take necessary permission from the
organization and the faculty guide before he/she proceeds on leave.
4. In case the student is to take up project based work at the instance of the company he/she should conduct
it to his/her best capabilities under the guidance of the faculty/corporate guide.
5. No student should try to copy or use information in such a way that will project false and baseless for the
company. All students are required to maintain strict confidentiality of any information they come across
in the organizations in course of their training. The student involved in any malpractice shall be duly

Project Report: All the students have to prepare and submit a written project at the end of the training. This may
not necessarily be a statistical or analytical report; it could be learning and experience sharing too. The
project report will have to be certified by the organization. Detailed guidelines for writing Project Report
is attached herewith for your reference .

Last date of submission of the project reports: 21st Oct, 2019

The Project evaluation criteria:

Evaluation by the Faculty Guide (Internal Evaluation) : 50%

A. Final Report : 50%
1. Objective : 10%
2. Methodology : 10%
3. Survey / Date gathering & Analysis : 10%
4. Logical sequence of organizing the report : 10%
5. Finding & Conclusion : 10%

B. Presentation (External Evaluation) : 50%

1. Understanding of the topic : 10%

2. Logical flow of presentation : 10%
3. Communication skills : 10%
4. Analysis of the topic : 10%
5. Query handling : 10%
Format No. 06
JaganNath University, NCR


Aim and Objectives of the Project Work

The project is an activity assigned to each student to identify a problem at the firm level/industry level and
undertake a research study, through a systematic research methodology. The students have to analyze the data
using appropriate techniques and draw-up conclusion and recommendations.

Guidelines for the Project Report Submission:

1. The guidelines for the Project Report structuring are mentioned here under and all students are advised to
follow the same:

• Title Page (Sample)

A Project Report

submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the award of degree of


Name of the Student

BBA-5th Semester (2017-20)

Under the Supervision of

Project Guide Faculty Guide

State Highway-22, Bahadurgarh-Jhajjar Road, Jhajjar, Haryana-124507

Phone: 01276-699700, 01-15

• Student’s Declaration

I ,………………., hereby declare that the project titled……………………….., which is

submitted by me to Faculty of Management and Commerce, Jagannath University, Jhajjar,
Haryana, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of BBA, is my original
work and has never been submitted elsewhere.

(Student Name and Signature)

Place and Date

 Certificate by Faculty Guide

On the basis of declaration submitted by ………………., student of BBA, I hereby certify

that the project titled “………………………..” which is submitted to the Faculty of
Management, Jagannath University, Jhajjar, Haryana, in partial fulfilment of the requirement
for the award of the degree of BBA, is an original contribution with existing knowledge and
faithful record of research carried out by him/her under my guidance and supervision.
To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree
or Diploma to this University or elsewhere.

Place & Date

Signature and name(s) Signature of Head of the

of the Supervisor(s) Department

• Table of Contents

• Certificate from the Organization

• Certificate from the Faculty Guide

• Acknowledgment

• Executive Summary

• Chapter-1 Introduction

• Overview of the industry

• Overview of the company
(History, Organization Structure, List of key Management personnel
Current Sales, Product Mix, Market position, Direct competitors, Future Plans)

Chapter-2 Introduction to Project

(Theoretical concept for research and its application in the Company)

• Chapter -3 Research Methodology

• Title of the Project
• Objectives
• Research Design (Type of Research)
• Sampling Design (Population, Sampling Unit &Sample Size)
• Data Collection (Primary &Secondary data, Method of data collection and Tools of data
• Limitations

• Chapter-4 Analysis

• Chapter-5 Findings and Conclusions

• Chapter-6 Suggestions (Related)

• Appendices
• Questionnaires
• List of tables
• Glossary
• References

Note: Projects not confirming to the above standards, will be rejected by the Institute.

Format of the Report

(a) The cover of the Report shall be black in colour and printed in silvery-white. The text of the cover page and
the first inner page will be as per the format given as title page sample.
(b) The text of the report shall be typed in TNR, Font-12, double spacing with margins of 1.5” on the left, 1” on
the right, 1” on the top, and 1” on the bottom.
(c) References shall be given at the end of the report for which the standards adopted by standard journals shall be
(d) Figures and Tables shall be numbered based on the respective chapters, such as 1.1, 1.2, 2.4, 3.5 etc.

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