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two definitions:

1. Classical Science
 External w/ definite properties and measurements quantifiable by the five senses
 Physical properties that are well defined: mass, dimension
 Pero this reason became problematic with the discovery of electrons (can you see electrons?)
o To solve this modern science came up with a new definition
2. Modern Science
 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
o (electron) You know the speed but you don’t know the exact location or vice versa.
 Model dependent realism
o Define physical world using model with a set of rules that connect the elements of model to
o We use “models” or “pictures” to portray reality
o Define physical Properties and explain interactions
o Characteristics of a Good Model
 Elegant
 If its long, its wrong
 Few Arbitraty or adjustable elements
 Agrees with and explains existing observations
 Makes detailed prediction about the future

So overall definition na ng Physical world is inanimate objects of the universe

Fish eye vs Human Eye. Which is real yung nakikita ng isda na kapag tumakbo ka pacurve or sa human eye na kapag
tumakbo straight yung direction?

Both worlds are real kasi from either view you can create laws of motion and other laws.

Hypothesis Theory Model Law

Form predictions form Collection of hypotheses, A description, graphic, or Detailed description of
deductive analysis scientifically tested, can 3D representation of how something happens
Proposed explanation na be replaced/changed. theory used to help and not why.
testable Explanation that is highly enhance understanding Gravity is both a law and
Something you test supported by previous a theory
Possible explanation for discoveries Attempts to Tells what’s going to
something that you test describe objects and happen
to accept or reject their properties
Theory og gravitation vs Law of Gravitation
General Relativity

How do we study the Physical World?

1. Cosmic Calendar
 Is a method to visualize the chronology of the universe, scaling its current age of 13.8 billion years to a
single year in order to help intuit it for pedagogical purposes
 Chronological events determined through radiocarbon dating
 January 1 midnight was the Big Bang
 Second = 434 years; Hour = 1.57 m years; Day = 37.7 million years

2. Scientific Process/Method
Why is it important to study the physical World?

 Diagnostic Features of Science (Mondal, P.)

1. Scientific Knowledge is objective
o Objective: See and accept facts as they are
o Guard against biases/preferences
2. ---ability
o Science rests on sense data
 Sense data: measured using 5 senses, measuring devices w/ concrete/ factual
observation w/ accuracy
 Accuracy vs. Precision

3. Ethical Neutrality
o Science only seeks knowledge
 Doesn’t mean scientist has no values, hindi lang niya dapat idamay yung values niya sa
experiment or if hindi talga niya kaya, then he should backout of the experiment.
4. Systematic Exploration
 Follows the scientific process
5. Reliability
 Under the same conditions of the original experiment, pag inulit yung experiment dapat
parehas lang yung results.
6. Precision
 Not vague; giving exact amount of measurement
7. Accuracy
 Truth/Correctness of a statement or a value of describing things
8. Predictability
 Natural science is more predictable as compared to social science.
 Kung tinetest mo pa lang how can it be predicted?

Pre-Big Bang Views of the Universe

The Ionians - 384 – 322 BC
- The universe was perfect and unchanging
- 6th to 9th century
- All heavenly motions were circular or
Anaximander of Miletus spherical kasi ayun yung perfect shape.
- Stars were eternal, divine and real
o kasi makakagawa ka ng model
(model-dependent reality)
- Plato thought that the visible world was only
a dim representation of the real world. He
was therefore not concerned with direct
observations or how they correlated with his
ideas but realised geometrical, arithmetical
models could be devised to fit observations
and save appearances.


- Earth is Spherical
o Because the shadow of the earth on
the moon during lunar eclipse is
- 5 Century B.C. spherical

- geometry and mathematics rather than experiments - Geocentric model, homocentric model
- There were 55 concentric spheres rotating
- Sphere yung earth. Kasi sa geom sphere yung
around the earth.
pinakamahalaga kasi siya yung pinakasymmetric
- Stars may orbit kaso stationary lang sila;
- Cosmos - Moon + planets + sun – lahat sila may
concentric axes
– well ordered, harmonious universe

- Herakleides
o Student ni Plato.
o Sphere din daw si Earth.
o Mercury and Venus revolved around
the sun pero the sun revolved around
the earth. Stars were in a fixed
crystalline sphere.

- Problem: does not explain retrograde - idea closer to reality but idea was dismissed because
motion of planets. of close association between church and science.
o Retrograde motion: planets
- they didn’t believe kasi:
appearing to move backwards kaya
minsan malayo, minsan malapit. 1. His original writings were lost in the fire

Appears this way kasi elliptical yung of the Great Library of Alexandria

orbit natin not circular (pero di pa 2. Concept of moving earth defies logic:

nila alam yun)  Kung nagalaw yung earth bat di

natin ramdam?
o Di pa nila alam yung relative motion
- 200 BC 3. Failure to detect stellar Parallax
- Measures the circumference of the earth o Stellar Parallax: is the periodic shift
 His measure: 42K km of position of any nearby star (or
 Actual size: 40K km. other object) against the

- Pic nung experiment. background of distant objects.


- 312 – 230

- Heliocentrism

 All the planets, including the earth, revolved

around a fixed Sun in circular orbits. The Earth
rotated once a day on its axis and the Moon
revolved about the Earth.

- heavily relied on tools and observations made by

earlier astronomers: Apollonius and Hipparchus;
 Apollonius – Eccentric and Epicycles to explain
planetary motions.
o Eccentric – distance from the earth
to the planet.
o Epicycles – circular path that x
- Pero rejected siya kasi andaming arbitrary
 Hipparchus – catalogue of stars.
 - Geostatic and not geocentric.
5. It explained the difference between the inferior
planets (Mercury and Venus) that were always
observed close to the Sun and the superior ones
(Mars, Jupiter and Saturn).
6. uniform circular motion
7. It preserved Aristotle's concept of real spheres
nestled inside one another.
8. Unlike Ptolemy's model it did not require the
Moon to change in size.


1. Absence of annual stellar parallax

2. Blashemous na tanggalin yung earth as center;
wala rin naman siyang pinropose na law para
- Accepted model till 1600s (1500 years) because: imove si earth.

1. Predict position of a planet within 2 Tycho Brahe

2. Accounted for planetary motions, retrograde
- 1546 -1601
motions variations in brightness.
- Discovered Cassiopeia was a star and not a
3. Did not predict the unobserved stellar parallax
4. Geostatic which agrees w/ Aristotelian Phil.
- Developed his own model but rejected
5. Matched with common sense kasi geostatic
Copernicus’ idea of a moving earth.
Nicolas Copernicus

- Heliostatic model

- Earth rotates daily on its axis whilst it and the other

planets each orbit the Sun. Period of the planets' orbits
increases with increasing distance from the Sun.

Advantages over Ptolemy

1. It could predict planetary positions to within 2°,

the same as that of Ptolemy.
2. Retrograde motion was explained by the relative
motion between them and the Earth.
3. Distances between planets and the Sun could - Heliostatic and Heliocentric
be accurately determined in AU
4. Orbital periods accurately determined.
- Moon was orbiting the earth, and a rotating 3. The Law of Periods / Harmonic Law
sphere of fixed stars also revolved around the o Planets more distant to the sun take
Earth once every 24 hours. longer to orbit the sun.
- The planets however orbited about the Sun which - They could predict what could occur but not
itself orbited the Earth.
Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630)
Galileo Galilei
- Laws of Planetary Motion:
- 1564 -1642
1. The Law of Ellipses.
- Did not make his own model but he did
- Planets have an elliptical orbit with the sun
overthrow the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic
as a common focus.
system through his many observations:
o Apihelion – further - slower
1. The moon
o Perihelion – nearer - Faster
o may mountains yung moon
o he did this by measuring the
shadows of the moon (geom)
2. Stars in the Milky Way:
a. They were only seen as dots because of
their immense distance from earth
b. Kaya walang stellar parallax kasi
masyadong malayo
c. Challenged theology dati kasi since gabi
lang nakikita yung stars the sky is
2. Law of Equal Areas
- In the same period, equal areas lang rin
3. Moons of Jupiter
yung covered.
d. Discovered four moons of Jupiter:
a. Io
b. Europa
c. Ganymede
d. Calisto
e. This discovery weakened all geocentric
models of the universe
4. Phases of Venus
f. May phases siya dahil sa relative size ng
Jupiter (?)
5. Sunspots
o Dark spots on the sun Light nature and Propagation
o Since nawawala yung sunspots, ibig-
sabihin nun nagalaw yung sun
6. Rings of Saturn
- Described motion through pagpauso ng
speed, velocity churva..

Scalar Quantity Vector Quantity Era of Ancient Greece

Magnitude Magnitude + - Aristotle: Colors are a mixture of lightness

direction and Darkness.
- He asks why the motion of object stops. - Euclid (330-275 B.C.) summarized
His answer: because they get tired (UWU) fundamental knowledge of optics, such as
Newton’s answer: Law of motion reflection, diffusion and vision, into a book
called “Optics”.
Sir Isaac Newton
- Optics: study of light (whole EM spect.)
- 1642 – 1727 - Reflection: Bouncing; Diffusion: Dispersal;

- Created the Laws of Motion: Refraction: Bending

o Reflection: Snell’s Law
o He applied these not only to the
motion of earth but to the motion
of other planets rin
1. Law of Inertia
2. Law of Acceleration
3. Law of Action and Reaction
- Newton’s Law in Universal Gravitation
o accurately predict the motions of
planets, the orbits of comets and
even account for tides on Earth. o Ibn-alHaytham (10th -11th century)
o Works hand in Hand in hand with * Observations on reflection and
Kepler’s Planetary Motion. refraction; kaya di raw dapat Snell’s
o Di nakakaapekto si mass sa
Law kasi nauna siya.
acceleration kapag free fall kasi
17th - 18th century
gravitational acceleration parehas
o You have less weight on Everest kasi Sir Isaac Newton
there is larger r
- Iight: mixture of various colored particles na
pinagsama-sama mo = white light
- Light particle theory
Christian Huygens James Clerk Maxwell

- Light as a wave. - Electric field and Magnetic Field  wave

o Wave – propagating energy nature  Light  EM Spectrum
- Explained light reflection and refraction
- Pero mas pinaniwalaan nila si Newton kasi
wala naming nakikitang alon sa light.

Thomas young

- Proved light as a wave in

“Young’s Double Slit experiment”

Higher frequency = higher energy

Microwave: Energy that can Heat
Infrared: Heat  Clothes
UV – ionizing radiation
Gamma Rays – used for studying
fundamental particles.
- Two natures of light: Particle and Wave

Albert Einstein

- Light is also a particle made up of Photons

g. Photon: discrete packets of energy
Interference: the combination of two or more
electromagnetic waveforms to form a resultant wave in
h. Energy has to be discrete

which the displacement is either reinforced or cancelled.

Light as Energy: Particle; Propagation of light: wave
Branches of Physics:
Big bang theory - First to explain Hubble’s Law:
o Hubble’s Law – movement of the
Sir Fred Hoyle
galaxies away from each other is
- Coined “Big Bang” as an insult proportional to heir distance

Big Bang  Kung di kayo close, mas mabilis

kayong mawawalay sa isa’t isa.
- not explosion, an expansion of space
 Measured with Doppler Effect
- has no place kasi there was no space
 High red shift
- Describes the universe from the day it came
to existence to today How Does the Big Bang Theory Work?

- Before Big Bang, they believed in Static

Theory: universe was infinite like.
- Universe started with a small singularity
then inflated over 13.8 billion years to
become the Cosmos.
o small singularity: 0 volume; infinite
density (Mass/area).
o The cosmic space/time singularity
- Inflate  Space Expanded  Change in
temp.  Released EM radiation; one of
them was Microwave (ayun yung nadetect)
 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
 Cosmic Dark Ages (no light sa universe
pero may space na. It was still too dense for Planck Era
light to form, it expanded and became less
- T = 0, no one really knows what happened
dense  Stars when they coalesce 
- Combination raw ng Four forces:
galaxies (cluster)(sa loob ng galaxies may
1. Gravity
mga solar system; Our SS: Milky way
2. EM spectrum
Galaxy) Galactic Cluster
3. Weak Nuclear Force
- Our universe is thought to have begun from
4. Strong Nuclear Force
something that is infinitesimally small,
infinitely hot and inifinitely dense GUT Era

- 10 -43 to 10-35

George Lamaitre - universe was smaller than a proton

- Hot 1032 C
- Matter and energy were inseparable
- GUT: four fundamental forces are

Electroweak Era

- 10-35 to 10-10
- Rapid inflation
- Matter separated from energy
- Baryogenesis: creation of matter and
antimatter: quarks, leptons
- GUT broke up
- Photons outnumber matter particles After billions of years Stars began to cluster into Galaxies

- May photons pero it was still too dense to

Galaxies cluster to form Galactic Clusters containing SS
emit light
Age ng SS: 4.6 B years Age ng tao: 30 sec Temp of the
Elementary Particle Era Universe: -270 C Diameter ng Universe: 28B Y.A.

- 10-10 to 0.001 Evidence for Big Bang:

- Quarks + lepton = proton & neutron
1. The Night Sky is Dark

Era of Nucleosynthesis - Dapat dahil sa star lahat maliwanag kung infinite

ang universe.
- 0.001 – 100
2. Quasars exist
- Protons + neutrons = Nu of H, He, Li
- Quasars: Baby galaxies
2 neu + 2 protons = Deuterium (ion ng H)
3. The universe is expanding
- But hindi pa rin stable kasi masyado pa mainit
4. CMB radiation
- 1B c: subatomic particles continue to combine
5. Elements
- 75% H nuclei, 24% He nuclei, other light elem.
- Distribution ng elements (many H sa world)
- When matter + anti-matter = light
Other theories:
Era of Atoms
Steady State: infinite lahat
- 324,000 years; 2727 C
- Nuclei + electron = Atoms of H Eternal Inflation and Multiverse: Nagstop sa stage kung saan
nageexapand yung universe
After millions of years dun pa lang mabubuo yung stars,
Oscillating universe: Cycle ng universe from a small singularity
tas nageexpand restarted by Big Crunches

Flat Earth: reflected Lang sa flat hologram

Digital Simulation: Black mirror amp Fermions

Standard Model - 6 leptons, 6 quarks

- Quarks vs leptons: Charge
Answers the questions: - Electron
o Considered an elementary particle
1. What are we made of?
2. What are the basic constituents of the world around
3. How do they interact as governed by 4 fundamental

Democritus - Atomos - Indivisible

Photon: EM force; WWZ: weak Fnu; Gluons: Strong Fnu;

Standard Model
- Gives a list if fundamental particles and how
they interact and which fundamental force
governs their interactions

Formation of Stars:


1. Bosons (Transmit Forces)

2. Fermions (Make-up matter)
3. Higgs-Boson (God Particle)
4. Graviton
Life Stages of a Star:

Types of Planets:

1. Terrestrial Planets
– iron; rock mantle; atmosphere whose mass
2. Gas Planets
-100-300x more massive than earth
- Hydrogen and Helium
3. Ice Giants
- Smaller than gas planets but 15x larger than

Formation of Planets:

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