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Grace Times

Vol. XXII/03 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India November 2019

From the Pastor

Dear All
Pulpit Calendar What is church? Why do we go to
November 2019 Church? The Church is the place where the
imperfects meet to acknowledge the
Check-in 15 minutes before service
perfect, the lumps of clay to acknowledge the
Morning Services at 9.30 am Potter, the tarnished gold to meet the fire.
03 Holy Communion It isn't just a weekly encounter but a journey
Preacher Rev. Kuruvilla Chandy
10 Pastor Ashish H Khan with weekly milestones, like a group of
17 Pastor J T Raja travelers journeying down different paths to
24 9.30 Brief service at the sanctuary the same destination and meeting every week
10.00 Departure to Allipur village
11.00 United Service to discuss their hardships, their success stories
with Allipur Grace Bible Church and the paths that lie ahead. Some stumble,
Celebrating 6th Anniversary of their some fall, some lie low and some crawl. Some
Sanctuary. Preacher: Pastor Ashish Khan speak in length of their endeavors, some too
tired by the weight of the days, lay silent and
Allipur Grace Bible Church services at 10.00 am quiet. Some get lost, while others are confused
03 Shyam Babu
by the sign boards and directions. In all ways
10 Bro. Satyender we are but travelers, like the Israelites in the
17 Holy Communion Pastor Ashish H Khan desert, we all travel, through the desert of life
24 Combined Service with the city church, Pastor
Ashish H Khan holding on to the streams of water in Christ. In
John 4:13 Jesus says “whoever drinks the
water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the
water I give them will become in them a spring
Sunday School
Will be held during of water welling up to eternal life." When our
worship services journey takes us through the wilderness of
adversity remember we don't walk alone, God
walks with us.
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. Church was never meant to be a weekly ritual,
07 The Verma’s Home but a gathering together to renew ourselves in
21 Jaisy and Bijoy’s Home the knowledge of Christ and the love of
fellowship. To be vulnerable and real in the
presence of God, by putting aside our everyday
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. masks, and differences.
Prayer meetings
During our life’s journey, let us make it a
14 Biak and Muanding’s Home priority to attend church, to serve others with
28 The Prakashs Home
joy, touch their lives with our love and extend
our hands to the hurting world.
at the Sanctuary on Saturday, Love
16th at 5.00 p.m. Raja
Income October 31 2019

Jan-Oct 2018 October 2019 Jan-Oct 2019 Budget 2019 projection

General Offerings 2,51,926 21,200 2,76,275 3,20,000 3,31,000

Donations 66,555 3,300 75,000 erratic

Pledged Giving 4,82,440 44,200 4,96,500 6,00,000 5,95,000

2nd Mile Pledges 1,25,300 9,000 1,13,200 1,65,000 1,65,000

Christmas Donation 10,000 60,000 erratic

Lent offering 10,100
Designated collections
Sunday School 21,846 1,690 18,759 erratic

Grace Church in Village 5,000 500 6,500 25,000 erratic

Medical Aid Fund

GRAND TOTAL 9,52,767 76,590 9,34,634 12,45,000 10,91,000

Della Singh had an episode of

bleeding nose.
Dr.Ruth Chakravarthy was suffering from
throat infection and fever.
Poonam Modwell has recovered from viral
fever and acute bronchitis.
Ravi Modwell was down with viral fever.
Amrit Modwell had an episode of fever and
now he has severe backache.
Birthdays in November
Prabha Prakash is not keeping well. 02 Sumitabh Singh
Nalin Phillips was unwell. 10 Ashish H Khan
11 Kanta Singh
Dr. Rubin was down with cold and fever. 18 Mrs. Shanti Prakash
20 Jeba Raja
Pushpa Singh has recovered from severe 22 Anita Singh
throat infection and fever. 23 Manohar Antin
25 Dr. Susheela
Dr.Susheela is in Pondichery with her son 26 Sweata Lal
Bharath and his family.
Sumitabh Singh is joining the same school For Pastoral Care contact
where he worked before. Rev. J T Raja 995 639 9835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177

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