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mple of
o Untrrim Su

Select the
t edges as shown, set Distance
D to 15%, annd under Opttions, choosee Extend edgges.

Select the edges as shown, and

a Select eddges as show
wn, and undeer Options,
under Options,
O choo
ose Extend edges.
e c
choose Connnect endpoints.
Select the edge as
a shown, keeep Select the eddge as shownn, change thee Distance
thhe Distance at 15%. to 30%. Under
U Optionns, choose Exxtend edges..
Under Options,
O choose Extend edges.

Select the face, and under Options, Select the facce, and underr Options, chhoose Externnal
choose Interrnal edges. edgges. Set Distaance to 15%
1 . You caan also selecct All
edges to unttrim both intternal and exxternal edgess.

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