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Mikashane Aiseil B.

11 ABM San Juan Diego

Homework are one of the things that stressing out the students all over the
world, that many students want to banned homework cause of how its affecting them in
numerous negative ways. It can affect their mental or physical health. Also their communicating
to others will get affected because of homeworks. As a student who’s experiencing homeworks,
im in favor of banning homeworks.

First, homeworks are really just giving students stress because when they should
rest in a 10 hours of classes in school, they still have to do the homeworks instead of resting. A
study by scholar Denise Pope at Stanford revealed that out of 4,300 students at high performance
schools 60% considered or stated that homework is a primary source of stress. Resulting to
students having bad grades because of having too much homeworks that affects their mental
health and sleep schedule that’s causes students to come in school late. What’s the point of going
home if still in home you have to do school related works?

Second, it distracts student to have leisure time for themselves and have fun with
family and friends. Taking away their time to do their hobbies, disrupt their routines, and to do
community activities that also teaches important life skills. Besides our lives is not meant to just
to do schoolworks or homeworks, we still need to have fun and explore things can give us lesson
that school can’t give. Our time must be spent not just in school works, we need to enjoy our
lives and do the things that makes us happy.

To conclude, I believe that homeworks should be banned for its just stressing the
students, use their time to have fun instead of doing homework that should be just done in
school, affecting their mental and physical health because of abnormal sleep cycles and lastly,
preventing students to communicating with others and doing their hobbies and interest.

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