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In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject Requirements For the strand of Home Economics-
Technical Vocational Track


ANORMA, Roslyn
CALPO, Marjorie, A.
ISONGGA, Andrea Lei, T.
PACHECO, Crissa Mae, E.
SERGIO, Lizavelle, G.
TABING, Derick Gil, B.
RAPISTA, Nechaila



Background of the Study

This study depicts the effectiveness of communication skills applied by the

grade 11 Home Economics tourism students of Biñan City Senior High School -

Sto. Tomas Campus. The researchers got the idea of the research from

observing their class and work performance. There is always a challenge

occurring in communicating with other people, which are usually caused by

mispronunciation, facial expression, the tone of voice and body language. Other

people tend to judge a person based on their actions or how to communicate.

and to avoid being misjudged by other people we adjust our personality

( Staff, 2015), the researchers will conduct this research to be

able to surpass challenges that cause difficulties inside the campus, workplace,

especially, in talking to clients and customers.

Some clients that they may encounter are usually demanding, that is why

in the tourism sector, employees are trained to respond to the needs of their

clients for their satisfaction. The profession that they usually pursue is tourism

agent that arranged travel tours for clients by asking about what is their

preference, wants and needs for their travel. If the travel agents failed to

communicate smoothly with the clients, it will end up with a challenge to pursue

more the client, so it is best to have this skill (Kehayas, C; 2018). The

researchers conduct this study to prove that the effectiveness of applying

communication skills in senior highschool can help the tourism students to


promote tourism on their job. To improve communication skills , avoid

communication failure and understand what satisfies the clients. Identify the

problems and challenges while applying the communication skills with the

customers, and have deliberate conversation in promoting tourism.

Communication is one of the keys in good productive work people

communicate with a different person every time for many reasons. It can be in

two forms: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is the most commonly

used in communicating this is where a person can directly say what he wants to

say, while in non-verbal communication it uses hand gestures, body language,

and facial expression.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers will focus on whether application of communication skills

are able to provide success in tourism promotion. Specifically, it aims to answer

the following questions:

1. Profile of respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. Comunication skills of the respondents

2.1 Clarity
2.2 Fluency
2.3 Listening skills
2.4 Negotiation skills

2.5 Tone of voice

3. How effective is the applied communication skills of the respondents?

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit individuals who are involved in the tourism sector

including tourism students in Biñan City Senior High School- Sto.Tomas. It is to

inform the people about the importance of what skills is needed in the tourism

industry, showing the path to avoid linguistic misunderstanding on the customer

or client. It sometimes happens when the customer asks a question that is

difficult to answer.

This study would like to inform the tourism students about the importance of

skills needed in the tourism industry on which they can apply it in their future. It

can help them in doing their work effectively and efficiently.

This will also benefit the school where the study will be conducted, to

served as their guide reference in any. It can also help the students to apply

communication skills in tourism promotion in a convenient way.

The study is also for future researchers to provide a piece of reliable

information and also to have an idea what is the importance of conducting this


Scope and Limitations

This study will look at the effectiveness of communication skills are

applied by Grade 11 tourism students in Biñan City Señior High School- Sto.

Tomas Campus. The findings are limited to persons who are studyng tourism


Due to time and resources constraints, the study will be limited only in

selected tourism students in Biñan City Senior High School- Sto.Tomas Campus.

The study will be conducted within the second semester of school year 2019-

2020. The budget of the group somehow affect the result of the study.

Theoretical Framework

In this study, some theories explain the concept of communication skills

that have to do on customers satisfaction to have effective tourism. Specifically,

these theories have been identified to support the purpose of the study.

These include Communication Accommodation Theory, Cultural Identity

Theory and the Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA) model which share

the understanding in the importance of communication skills in the environment.

A theory that is relevant to the study is Communication Accommodation

Theory it was developed by professor Howard Giles, this theory elaborates the

human tendency to adjust their behaviour while interacting. The reason behind

this behaviour is explained as to control the social differences between

interactants. People accommodate their communication activities to get approval

and to set a positive image in front of the interactants. The environment in

which they are interacting also affects communication behaviour.

Cultural Identity Theory deals with the study into how individuals use

communicative processes to construct and negotiate their cultural group identities


and relationships in particular contexts. The theory also stated that culture is one

of the many identities expressed in communication encounters. With this theory,

it helps us in communicating and interacting with the clients without having a

cultural problem.

Likewise, the AIDA model or Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action model

by Lewis stated that first and foremost, the role of an advertisement is to attract

the customers. Once an advertisement grabs attention, it has to invoke interest

towards the product in the minds of the consumers. After creating an interest, the ad

has to bring desire in consumers mind to use the product and finally the

consumer has to take a favourable action towards the product by ultimately

purchasing the product. This theory is relevant in attracting more tourist that

increase the tourism promotion.


Conceptual Framework / IPO


1. Profiling of the 1. Conduct survey

respondents; using survey 1. Conduct a
1.1 Age questionnares seminar that can
1.2 Gender help the students
2. Communication practice their
skills of the communication
2. Conduct survey
respondents skills.
using survey
according to; 2. Develop a
questionnare and
1.1 clarity performance task
. gather data
1.2 fluency to enhance the
1.3 listening skills knowledge of
3. Analyze and
1.4 negotiation Grade 11 Home
Interpretation of
skills Economics in
1.5 Tone of voice communicating at
3. How effective is Biñan City Senior
the applied High School -
communication Sto.Tomas
skills of the Campus
respondents? 3.



Figure 1, Conceptual paradigm of the study

In Figure 1, the profiling, communucation skill acquired, and the

effectiveness of their applied communication skill is presented in the input, the

process that will be done is using survey questionnares and by gathering of

data from the respondents. The output presented in the box will be the final

outcome by the researchers.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for clarification and understanding:

Application- O.


Communication. O.

C. fundamental for the success of any organisation. Clarifying and repeating

ineffective messages wastes time and money and causes staff frustration and


Skills. O.

C. an ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained

effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving

ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and people (interpersonal skills).

Tourism. O.

C.the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual

environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one

consecutive year.



This chapter is composed of related literature and related studies , it

shows and discuss the synthesis and the research gap of the study. This study

will help the researcher to have a better knowledge and understanding on

applying communication skills in tourism promotion, also to familiarize the

information that are relevant and similar to the study. They were taken from

websites, journals and articles.

Related Literature

George (2008) stated that Tourism is an industry that sells tangible and

intangible experiences. In this industry, communication is vital to its success.

Since its effectiveness is used by the tourism marketers, it is their cue to offer

services to the customers. This form of skill is needed by the tourism sectors

in attracting clients also for them to purchase the product.

The National Archives (2013) indicate that when the customer fully

understand and received the message clearly, effective communicating skills on

tourism is more sufficient to get the customer or clients aspiration.

One of the skills that must be enhanced with communication is the

language being used because it plays a major role especially in communicating

with customers. It is important for the staff members in the tourism industry to

be fully trained as well to be comfortable with the language that they will use

so the interaction will be proper (Sebakijjie,2013). Proficiency in language also

provides confidence to the staff members that has to do on engaging customer


UKessays (2016) stated that a failure in communication occur if the

receiver doesn’t understand the message or the actual receiver of the message

may not be the intended person whom you want the message to be sent

considering that having hindrance while communicating with customers can cause


Attracting customers and making them purchase your product is the main

goal in tourism hence, having good communication and interaction skill is

important. On the other hand it helps growth in the industry. Using appropriate

methods in communicating like face to face, using the telephone, writing e-mails

and fax is also found to be an important skill in the travel and tourism industry

(Studymoose,2016). Also, trained for tourism (n.d) stated that in all jobs having

social skills is essential because we are facing different kinds of people for this

reason it is needed to be trained. A formal conversation between the staff and

the customer leads to better interaction.

Angeles (2018) said that we have different dialects in the Philippines but

still we understand the person whom we are talking to by using our native

language which is Tagalog therefore, it can be linked to the tourism industry as

it explains what the communication means. It also create a communicating skill

for successful interaction on the customer or clients . It also can be defined as a


process of exchanging information through verbal or non-verbal method. In

addition, it can also involve the exchanging of ideas, opinions, and information

with a specific objective (Iksan,,2011).

Communication in tourism industry is needed to ensure that the customer

clearly understands the information that has given to them. There are two

methods of communication the verbal and non-verbal but, verbal is the most

useful method. Effective verbal or spoken communication is dependent on a

number of factors and cannot be fully isolated from other interpersonal skills

such as non-verbal communication, listening skills, or clarification


It is consists of pointing out its root and determinants and gives a positive

perspective on communicating in the workplace regarding the tourism sphere.

Given that, it shows the path to avoid linguistic misunderstanding. Verbal

communication skills include more than just talking. It both encompasses how

you deliver and receive messages and takes place between different individuals

and the group. In that, it can be said that it is effective to improve the skill

more than just communicating especially when facing customers.

Eventually, lacking this skill can lead to different circumstances. One of

these is when you said a certain offer to a customer and didn’t meet their

expectation they can accuse you as a deceitful person and gained less trust.

Related Studies

Morozova (2016) said that Tourism is the world’s fastest growing industry

and frequently promoted as route to economic development but, the said

development do not provide benefits to local communities. It also refers to the

activities of visiting and travelling to destination that exceeds fifty miles from the

residence for no more than a year due to recreational purposes and fulfilling

other non-formal agendas.

‘’Tour’’ refers to activities related to services and its activities has become

a popular interest worldwide said by the World Travel Organization, one of the

UN agencies (Melanie,2009). Topler (as cited in Weiler and Black,2014) showed

in his study that the role of communication is emphasized in tourism especially,

in the light of professionalism in the sector. Likewise, a good communication is

vital in selling tourism offer to keep the clients satisfied and devoted (Radac,n.d).

Public speaking and proper skills importance were also pointed out in this

sector including the quality of voice, diction, etc. thus, practising these is a

challenging task especially if this is not your expertise (Weiler and Walker,2014).

Having a piece of knowledge to demonstrate effective verbal and written

communication by teamwork through effective leadership, detects misconception

and traps the message before it can produce negative consequences (Garcia,,2015). Tourism industry doesn’t just need a pleasing personality, in fact,

they are more looking for a voluble person that can attract the customers and

also a staff that is knowledgeable on what is being sold because it is more


In higher education, acquisition of skills and the need for enhancement on

students employability has to become a growing concern in worldwide context.

Since tourism is one of the industries with fast-growing importance, different

challenges were faced by the tourist professionals on daily basis (Bobanovic,n.d).

Great efforts are being made to close the gap between industry expectations

and what academic studies can offer. Improving intrapersonal skills should also

be done by embracing the success of essential skills and concept of

communication (David,,2011).

Likewise, Iksan stated that (as cited in Ihmeideh,2010) taking the

opportunity in any activities can lead to development and succession of good

communication skills. Student’s effort is needed to develop this skill in order to

succeed in their chosen profession. Ruggerio,, (2017) discussed the

importance of communication and improvement skills of both industry workers

and tourism students as the potential workers. In their work on communication

skills of the students, they found out that females got higher level of this skill

compared to males (Pelit and Karacor,2015).

Since tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors

in the world, students are motivated in employability especially now that the

world has been experiencing steady growth of a number of tourists (Goncalves,

n.d). Bozinovic and Sindik (2011) said that tourism students have to acquire

theoretical and practical cultural knowledge. It can be gained through the

development of intercultural communication and competence.

Language proficiency is also a good skill that should be improved to have

successful communication in facing foreign customers. Likewise, Villaber and

Gonzaga (2018) stated that communicating effectively in a language requires the

speakers good understanding of linguistic, sociolinguistic, and sociocultural

aspects of that language. This enables the speaker to use the appropriate

language in the right context for the right purpose to be preferred as

communicatively competent.

However, in intercultural communications, it should be regarded that the

language and behaviour norms of a community don't always represent the real

example of language usage and behaviour forms. Secondly, it should be taken

into account that its norms are usually in an interaction with its norms usage

(Oksaar,2008). Communicative adequacy necessities not only to know the

language but also what will be said properly (Tabaksi,2008). Communication

involves language that is important to serve as a major medium to communicate

and understand customers wants and needs (Che Mat, et al. ,2009). Based on the

study conducted by Oschell (2009) she stated that communication skills need to

be an integral part of guide training. If they are unable to competently

communicate these aspects with their customer, the message will not be

transmitted. Competent communication is vital for the attainment of this objective.

Likewise, Ariffin indicates (as cited in Wall and Berry,2007) that the lowest

customer satisfaction occurred when there are unfriendly and unresponsive


staffs. Lack of effective communication has negative impacts on employees’ well

– being, which has been found to be the most reliable indicator of their attitude

and behavior in the workplace (Heponiemi,,2011). Ariffin (2012) shows that if

communication is inadequate, it will result to low productivity and can cause

chaos, failure to achieve goals and damage to the image of the organization.

Travel and tourism decisions involve choosing a destination against another,

therefore the more appropriate information in a particular destination is by the

use of effective communication to the relevant public, the more it is likely to be

chosen by the consumers. It is imperative that their information is reliable,

accurate, relevant and timely (Maiko,2013). It is essential for the success of any

organization. Fast, efficient, and up to date exchange of information critical for

effective distribution, sales and customer service in this information - intensive

industry (O’Brien and Fullagar,2009). Providing practical information, giving the fact

of being delivered, clarifying, summarizing information, saying something specific,

persuading others and offering recommendations are the characteristics of

effective communication (Bungin,2015).

Mehmet (2011) found that effective communication has a positive effect on

building attachment with the customer. Without its effectiveness, it is impossible

to establish and develop healthy relations with customers. It occurs only if the

receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to

transmit. Kadka and Maharjan said (as cited in Fisher,1999) that without effective

communication it is impossible to establish and develop healthy relations with


customer. It is an important factor in everyday life especially at workplace and

trading however, it is the most difficult to attain.

In the study conducted by Oschell (2016), she concluded that the

importance of communication can be easily lost in an industry that must

entertain tourists while still protecting the area in which they are visiting to

ensure a safe experience. Customer satisfaction is defined as an overall

evaluation based on the total purchase and consumption experience. The value

of keeping a customer is only one-tenth of winning a new one, it should

continue to build a good relationship (Kadka and Maharjan,2017).


Tourism is one of the industries with fast growing importance in nowadays

globalized world. It sells tangible and intangible experiences which satisfies the

customers. Communication skills needs learning to improve. That is why in

higher educations, students are obligated to acquire the skills needed in tourism

industry for them to conveniently do their task in the workplace. If customers are

satisfied, they might purchase the product again or give their loyalty to you.

Also, working in tourism sector has the possibility to meet different personalities,

attitudes, different kinds of foreign clients. Lack of effective communication can

lead to breakdown of passage that can cause misunderstandings that can affect

one’s work.

Research Gap

The researchers role in this study is to gather sources of data that

will support and substantiate the study. Gathered sources of data by the

researchers is essential to make the study credible. It will also be the supply of

information to have a better understanding and learning regarding to their chosen

topic. The gap of this study is the explanation about chosen topic is not widely

provided and some of the used literatures do not coherent in the study.



This chapter presents the methodologies applied in the study. This include

the research design, research locale, subjects, sampling procedure, research

instrument and, data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The research design used for this study is ……….where the researchers

need to that requires survey to get ……... The researchers will use this method


Research Locale

The study was conducted in Biñan City Senior High School - Sto. Tomas

Campus that offers Tourism Promotion Services. Being the one who has the

experience and knowledge to answer the questions given by the researchers, the

respondents in this locale could represent their idea on the topic and it will be

the sources of data in the study.


The participants of this study are tourism students of Biñan City Senior

High School – Sto. Tomas Campus since they are the main beneficiary of the

study and the one who should acquire this skill when they pursue this as their


Sampling Procedure

Research Instrument

The researchers used interview and survey as the major instrument to

gather data which is adopted from the respondents profile, knowledge in

communication skills.

It is efficient to provide the information needed. The interview questions is

reviewed by the research adviser. The interview questions as designed by

researchers for this study. Each questionnaire consists of two (2) parts as


Part I intents to get the demographic profile of the respondents, which

includes gender and age of the students. It aimed to get the data about the

respondents that would be a source of information that would help the

researchers in conducting this study.

Part II is composed of the survey question that will be given to the

respondents it consists of likert - scale table regarding the skills of the

respondents in communicating. The sample provided was: 1. Clarity, 2. Fluency, 3.

Listening skills, 4. Negotiation Skills, 5. Tone of voice. The following item in rhe likert

scale has a corresponding question to follow.


Data Gathering Procedure

After getting the permission of the research adviser. Permission to conduct

the study was made by the researchers to interview and observed the

respondents. The first thing that the researcher do is passed a letter requesting

the consent of the students in Biñan City Senior High School- Sto. Tomas

Campus for approval in having a survey. The researchers waited for the

approval of the adviser. After receiving the approval of the adviser, the survey

questions was given to allow the respondents to prepare their answers. They

were personally interviewed by the researchers in the campus during their

convenient time.

The researchers also provide a permission to do the activity so that it will

be easy to keep the source of data gathered. In another way, they were given

an assurance of confidentially and safety regarding their personal profile. For the

interpretation, the researchers transcribe the subject responses to be coded and


























































Survey Question


Communication 5 4 3 2 1

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