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2, JUNE 2018 133

Research Article

Establishing a Territory in the Introductions of Engineering

Research Articles Using a Problem-Solution Patterns

Abstract—Background: Swales’s Create a Research Space (CaRS) is a popular model for writing research article (RA)
introductions. CaRS prescribes three broad moves—establishing a territory, establishing a niche, and presenting the
present work. This study assesses the applicability of a problem-solution patterns (PSP) approach to facilitate Move 1 in
CaRS by analyzing RAs in materials science and engineering. Research questions: 1. Is structuring an RA introduction
using problem-solution patterns a common approach in published RAs in materials science and engineering? 2. How
does PSP facilitate the setting of boundaries between territory and niche in these RAs? Literature review: Variants of
CaRS have been widely applied to study RA introductions. Even though the 2004 version of CaRS has been deemed
effective in describing the structure of RA introductions in a number of disciplines, its prescription of Move 1 may not be
easily operationalized in teaching engineering research writing. For problem- or application-based RAs, the territory can
be established with PSP while preserving other CaRS moves. Methodology: This exploratory study employs a text
analysis approach to assess 30 RA introductions from three materials science and engineering journals. Results and
discussion: PSP is found in most RA introductions. By integrating PSP into CaRS, the proposed model can capture
problem-solution cyclicity as a build-up move for territory and niche establishment. Conclusion: Because
problem-solving is central to engineering research, RA introductions can be structured using naturally-occurring
problem-solution patterns. PSP-CaRS may serve as an effective writing model for RA introductions in engineering-related

Index Terms—Create a Research Space (CaRS), engineering research, introductions, problem-solution patterns,
research articles, research writing.

Equipping researchers with good writing skills to

communicate their research outcomes has been a
present work—as the structure of an RA
introduction. In CaRS 2004, Move 1, establishing a
territory, is realized with a step called “topic
perennial concern of professional communication.
generalization of increasing specificity” [2].
The use of writing frameworks that guide
researchers in structuring research articles (RA)
When using CaRS 2004 in guiding engineering
greatly facilitates this task, making the teaching of
graduate students to write the introductions of
research writing more effective.
their RA, one of us found that it was difficult for
students to grasp the concept of “topic
A standard model used by researchers to analyze
generalization of increasing specificity.” As a result,
the writing of RA introductions is Create a Research
many students struggled to apply it as a
Space (CaRS) [1], [2]. Both the 1990 and 2004
prescription to establish their research territory
versions of CaRS (hereafter, CaRS 1990 and CaRS
when writing an RA introduction. One may argue
2004) prescribe three broad moves—establishing a
that while the prescription is encompassing in
territory, establishing a niche, and presenting the
principle, it is abstract and thus difficult for some
students to apply.
Manuscript received August 29, 2017; revised October 30, 2017;
accepted October 30, 2017. Date of publication January 3, An approach that is less abstract and thus easier
2018; date of current version May 22, 2018. (Corresponding to apply is to describe one’s research in terms of a
author: Li Lian Khaw.) problem and a solution. In fact, much engineering
L. L. Khaw is with the Faculty of Engineering, Monash
University, Clayton, Vic 3800, Australia (email: lilian.khaw@ research can be viewed as a problem-solving exercise [3]. Since problem-solution dyads are
W. W. Tan is with the Department of Social Work, University of natural and inherent in much engineering
Melbourne, Carlton, Vic 3053, Australia (email: ww.tan@ application-based research, it is natural for
engineering students to think from a problem-
IEEE 10.1109/TPC.2017.2779661 solution perspective.

0361-1434  C 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.

See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


Practitioner Takeaway

• This study assesses the applicability of a Problem-Solution Patterns (PSP) approach to

facilitate Move 1 in Swales’s Create a Research Space (CaRS) genre analysis method by
analyzing the introductions of research articles in materials science and engineering.

• Analysis shows that PSP is an approach used by authors in a majority of the article
introductions, and by integrating PSP into CaRS, the proposed model is able to capture
problem-solution cyclicity as a build-up move for establishing territory and niche.

• PSP-CaRS may serve as an effective writing model for RA introductions in engineering-related


To verify whether a problem-solution approach is a and engineering, followed by a discussion of these

common strategy used to structure the findings.
introductions of RAs in engineering, Khaw [4]
analyzed 33 articles in the field of electrical
engineering by using CaRS 2004, but with Move 1
realized by problem-solution patterns (PSP), a In teaching academic writing, CaRS is one of the
concept delineated by Hoey [5] and later also used most popular frameworks for analyzing the writing
by Swales and Feak [6] to illustrate problem- of RA introductions, to the extent that it has been
solution texts in academic writing. In Khaw’s referred to as a “standard model” [7]. Since it was
study, PSP was used to operationalize Move 1 in first proposed by Swales [1], CaRS has undergone
CaRS 2004 [4]; that study showed that PSP was some revisions. However, the three-move
commonly present in the articles analyzed. structure—establishing a territory, establishing a
niche, and presenting the present work—is
The teaching experience described above and retained in all variants of CaRS [1], [2].
Khaw’s initial findings prompted us to further
explore the use and applicability of the PSP Many studies have analyzed the rhetorical
approach in other subdisciplines of engineering, structures of RA introductions in different
with the following research questions to be languages and disciplines using either CaRS 1990
answered: or CaRS 2004 [7]–[21]. CaRS 1990 has been
criticized for not being able to account for the
RQ1. Is structuring an RA introduction using variations found in some disciplines. For example,
PSP a common approach in published RAs in Anthony’s study [7] analyzed 12 software
materials science and engineering? engineering papers that received “Best Paper”
RQ2. How does PSP facilitate the setting of awards. His findings showed that definitions and
boundaries between territory and niche in these examples to explain difficult concepts were
RAs? prevalently found in the papers, but CaRS 1990 did
not include “steps” to account for those
The answers to these research questions will descriptions. Anthony also observed that authors
provide insights into the applicability and of software engineering papers provided an
practicality of integrating PSP and CaRS as writing evaluation of their research that was not accounted
guidelines for introductions in engineering RA. To for by the model. According to Anthony, “a separate
our knowledge, other than the conference ‘evaluation of research’ is not only obligatory, but a
proceeding paper by Khaw [4], there has been no crucial element in achieving the aims of the
other study that formally proposed an integrated introduction” [7, p. 45]. Nevertheless, Anthony
model of PSP and CaRS to guide the writing of RA concluded that CaRS was successful in describing
introductions or to analyze the structures of RA the overall framework.
Samraj [10] found some variations in the structure
In the following sections, we first present a review of RA introductions in journals of two related dis-
of existing research on CaRS and a ciplines, wildlife behavior and conservation biology,
problem-focused approach in RA writing, followed with the latter being a problem-focused field. She
by a description of the PSP approach. We then found that introductions in papers from wildlife
describe our methodology, including the corpus behavior tended to provide background information
chosen for this study. Finally, we present the of specific types of animals studied, but such
results of our analysis on RAs in materials science information was not found in papers in conservation

Fig. 1. Schematic of CaRS 2004 [2, pp. 230—232].

biology. Her study also revealed that the literature Another model for the writing of article
review was not just limited to Move 1 but “it can introductions in application-based disciplines such
play a prominent role in Move 2, when it is used as law or engineering is the problem-focused
to support gaps in previous research” [10, p.15]. approach introduced by Feak and Swales [22]. This
model consists of five moves: “establishing the
Acknowledging the limitations highlighted by background,” “highlighting a problem that has
Anthony and Samraj, Swales [2] revised the model emerged,” “outlining how the problem will be
to account for the variations found in earlier examined,” “delineating proposed solution to the
studies. In CaRS 1990, Move 1, establishing a problem” (optional, but likely), and “outlining the
territory, consists of three steps: “claiming paper” (optional) [22, p. 90]. While this model does
centrality” (Step 1), “making topic generalizations” include establishing a background, unlike CaRS,
(Step 2), and “literature review” (Step 3). In CaRS establishing a niche is not highlighted as a major
2004, shown in Fig. 1, the number of steps in Move focus of the structure. As such, it is not
1 was reduced to one because of difficulty in encompassing enough for the writing of RA
distinguishing the boundaries of “claiming introductions, where review of previous work is
centrality” and “making topic generalizations” [2, necessary to justify the current research by
p. 227]. Swales also stressed that “literature pointing to a gap in previous work.
review” is now not restricted to Move 1 but may
“occur throughout the introduction and indeed In fact, Feak and Swales highlighted the differences
throughout the article as a whole” [2, p. 227]. between problem-focused and gap-focused
Despite the variations in different disciplines, most introductions by explaining that “problems involve
studies confirm the descriptive values of the difficulties that the author believes should be
three-move structure of the CaRS models. solved (but have not been despite research or

interest), while gaps highlight the absence of To describe and illustrate RA introductions that are
research” [22, p. 88]. both problem-focused and gap-focused, Khaw [4]
proposed an integration of Hoey’s PSP [3] with
However, even if one uses a problem-focused CaRS. In Hoey’s original formulation, PSP consists
approach in writing RA introductions, gap of describing a situation, describing a problem,
indication should not be overlooked because describing a response, and evaluating the
problems in engineering are generally not easy to response, with a possible repetition of the last three
solve in a single study. Progress and proposed steps in the case of a negative evaluation, leading
solutions are often incremental. Therefore, a to what Hoey called “multilayering” [3]. This
problem to be solved—for example, creating a new concept can be particularly useful in structuring
nanomaterial to overcome corrosion or achieving introductions involving cyclical evaluations of
wireless power transfer—often evolves into an problems and existing solutions, where earlier
active research space or area. In this sense, solutions are problematized and later solutions
descriptions of the general problem area, address the limitations or inadequacies described,
previously attempted solutions, and more specific in several cycles.
problems developed from previous attempts
comprise a “build-up” move to establish a territory The integrated model, called PSP-CaRS, retains the
before a niche for the present work is established. three-move structure of CaRS but uses PSP to
realize Move 1—establishing a territory. It starts
This observation is consistent with Lin’s findings in with the description of a situation, usually a
her analysis of 30 civil engineering RA context of an engineering application. This is
introductions with a separate literature review followed by the description of a general problem
section [20]. Lin identified 10 orientation area in the context given, and description and
introductions, 15 research-oriented traditional evaluation of previously attempted solutions. In
CaRS (RT CaRS) introductions, and five accordance with the concept of “multilayering,” the
practical-problem solving (PS) introductions based evaluation may contain a number of cycles if
on Feak and Swales’s model of problem-focused necessary, with previous solutions problematized
introductions [22]. As Lin stated, the PS and and followed-up solutions described. Such
orientation types are not concerned with “multilayering” or cyclicity characterized by the
establishing a niche in existing research, while the problematization of previous solutions has also
salient function of RT CaRS “is to justify and create been observed by Samraj in her analysis of student
the essential space for the study” [20, p. 421]. research papers in conservation biology, which is
However, for the PS type of RAs identified in her also a problem-focused discipline [23]. Eventually,
study, only two of five followed the move structures such build-up moves establish the territory,
of the problem-focused introduction proposed by leading to the niche—and justifying the need to
Feak and Swales. The other three were more conduct this study.
complexly structured and covered comparison
moves between conventional and new approaches, To examine the applicability and practicality of the
or a research gap-indication element. proposed model, Khaw analyzed the introductions
of 33 RAs in the field of electrical and electronics
The findings of previous studies indicate that there engineering [4]. She found that PSP was an
is a type of research-oriented writing that cannot approach commonly found in the introductions
be classified strictly into the problem-focused or analyzed. In particular, she found that a number of
the gap-focused type. This conclusion is consistent RA introductions contained the cyclical evaluation
with an editor’s note in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON of PSP and attributed such cyclicity to the
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS [3], where the incremental nature of engineering research [4].
author advises that researchers structure their RAs However, Khaw’s study did not provide an in-depth
with descriptions of the problem, existing analysis of the articles and the ways that the
solutions, and proposed solution, among other boundaries between moves were set. There was
elements. In fact, insofar as engineering research also no detailed analysis of cyclical PSP in the RAs
can be viewed as a problem-solving exercise and that she examined.
that the proposed solution has to be justified in
comparison to existing solutions [3], engineering To further verify the practicality and applicability of
RA introductions should be both problem-focused the model proposed by Khaw [4], more research is
and gap-focused. needed to study the RAs in other subdisciplines of

Fig. 2. Move structure of PSP-CaRS model.

engineering, with detailed analysis of cyclical PSP. PSP-CaRS Model The proposed model [4], shown
This study analyzes RAs in the field of materials in Fig. 2, is a variant of CaRS 2004 [2] with the
science and engineering, as part of the main inclusion of PSP adapted from Hoey’s original
research project to verify the application of concept [3]. The main feature is the inclusion of
PSP-CaRS in the introductions of published three submoves to facilitate or realize Move 1 of
RAs. CaRS 2004. Submove 1.1, description of a
situation, refers to providing background
information about the research—for example, the
METHODOLOGY real-world applications of a material, technique, or
Building on the work of Khaw on electrical and system. Submove 1.2, description of a problem
electronics engineering RAs [4], we conducted an area, refers to describing a problem related to the
exploratory study by analyzing a corpus of 30 RAs situation described in Submove 1.1, which has
in materials science and engineering with become an active area of research. Submove 1.3,
PSP-CaRS to investigate the use of PSP to establish description & evaluation of solutions from previous
territory and niche in published RAs. If such an studies, refers to describing previous attempts at
approach is commonly used in published RAs, the finding solutions in the problem area, providing a
value of PSP-CaRS as a pedagogical tool to guide context of why the present work is important. This
researchers in writing RA introductions will be submove leads to the identification of the specific
further strengthened. problem dealt with in the present work or a

research gap, serving as a lead-in to Move 2, Asia Materials (abbreviated NPG, published by
establishing a niche. Nature Publishing Group).

Note that a niche may involve a research gap, an This study is exploratory in nature, and no
extension of previous studies, or solutions to statistical significance analysis was done because
problems not resolved in previous studies. This of the small sample size. Nevertheless, the findings
understanding was also noted by Swales in his provide insights into the characteristic patterns of
reasoning for simplifying Move 2 in CaRS [2]. In a type of introduction in problem- or application-
particular, he quoted Kwan (misquoted as Chu) based RAs, validating the proposed model to be
[24], who said that Swales used in the normative sense and thus its
pedagogical purposes.
also maintained that words such as suffer, is
limited to, time consuming, expensive and not Establishing the Procedure of Analysis Prior to
sufficiently accurate are indications of gaps of analyzing the RA introductions in the corpus, the
some kinds. However, these lexical terms can authors (who hold Ph.D.s and have language and
also be interpreted as inherent problems of the engineering/science backgrounds, respectively)
previous methods rather than gaps to fill, and first read and analyzed a trial set of 10 RAs to
thus can be seen as counter-claims of various establish the analysis procedure and resolve
sorts [2, p. 230]. methodological ambiguity. The analyses of the trial
set and later of the corpus were carried out
To make the potential content of the niche explicit, according to the move structure of PSP-CaRS
the original Step 1 of Move 2 in CaRS 2004 (see Fig. delineated in Fig. 2.
1) was also modified and became Submove 2.1,
“indicating gaps or adding to what is known or In examining the trial RAs, the main interrater
stating problem(s) yet to be solved.” Whichever of issue was ambiguity regarding Move 2, establishing
the three aspects the gap refers to, the a niche, especially for cases with cyclicity. The
distinguishing feature of this submove is the use of ambiguity lies in cases where the niche is an
clear lexical signals to justify the present work. “unresolved problem of previous work” in which no
Without clear lexical signals, the connection explicit gap indicating elements is used. While the
between evaluations of previous works and this niche is presumably the last problem mentioned by
study is not apparent, making it hard for readers to the RA author, that is not always the case, and
grasp the significance of the research niche. readers must carefully verify this assumption
against the subsequent text. After a moderation
Move 3 is intended to present the present work. process, we came to the consensus that there
The submoves include Submove 3.1, announcing should be a specific gap statement to indicate the
present study descriptively and/or purposively; niche delineated in Move 2, leading to the
Submove 3.2, presenting RQs or hypothesis announced purpose of the study in Move 3. An
(optional); Submove 3.3, definitional clarifications; interrater agreement was reached on all trial
Submove 3.4, summarizing methods or procedural papers. This training process allowed the authors
justification; Submove 3.5, announcing principal to sharpen their skills based on a common strategy.
outcomes; Submove 3.6, stating the values of the
present research; Submove 3.7, related works; Once the procedure for analysis had been
Submove 3.8, outlining the structure of the paper; established, the introductions of all RAs in the
and Submove 3.9, notation. As Khaw explained, corpus were analyzed using the proposed model,
this move is largely the same as that in CaRS 2004 and an analysis of the macrostructure of the RAs
except for some minor modifications in was also conducted. When analyzing the actual
submoves [4]. corpus, the authors were able to reach an
interrater agreement of 93% on Move 2. The
interrater agreement on Move 1 was 90%.
Corpus The corpus used in this study includes 30 Disagreements were resolved through discussion.
RAs (see Appendix A) randomly selected from 2016
issues of 3 established Quartile 1 journals in the
field of materials science and engineering: ACS
Applied Materials & Interfaces (abbreviated AM&I, A simple analysis of the macrostructure of the RAs
published by ACS Publications), Materials & Design found that they are basically variants of the
(abbreviated M&D, published by Elsevier), and NPG Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion


(IMRaD) structure commonly used in scholarly shown in separate columns. The rows show the
writing in the STEM fields [1]. Only one RA is of the results for each journal, as well as for the whole
pure IMRaD form, while the other 29 are of corpus. Note that for cyclicity, both the percentage
variants such as Introduction, Methods, Results of the total number of RAs and that of the number
and Discussion, and Conclusion (25 RAs); of RAs with PSP are shown, with the latter in
Introduction, Results, Discussion, and Methods parentheses.
(2 RAs); and Introduction, Methods, Results,
Discussion, and Conclusion (2 RAs). None of these Most RA introductions (67%) follow the PSP
articles had a separate literature review section. pattern. Of these PSP RAs, 65% (43% of all RAs in
The average length of the RA introductions is 662 the corpus) contain a cyclical structure with more
words per text for AM&I, 578 for M&D, and 529 for than one problem-solution cycle. Likewise, most
NPG. Note that this average length is much shorter RAs contain explicit gap statements. However, only
than the average length of more than 1000 words 30% of the RAs from AM&I contain explicit gap
in software engineering RAs analyzed by Anthony statements. These results affirm that PSP is indeed
[7]. The average that we found is comparable to used by a majority of authors to establish the
that of PS (649) and RT CaRS (658) introductions territory in the RA introductions randomly chosen
in Lin’s study [20]; however, all of the RAs in Lin’s from these journals.
study had a separate literature review section.
Interestingly, some of the RAs with no explicit
We first provide a summary of our findings in niche-establishing elements describe previous
terms of the number of RA introductions that can studies or solutions in a rather lengthy and
be described with PSP, the number of RAs with PSP exhaustive manner, indicating that the authors
cyclicity, and the number of RAs with explicit gap considered such a review important and that their
statements. Because the novel feature of the own studies should be viewed in the context of
proposed model of this study is the use of PSP to previous research. In other words, their
elaborate Move 1 in CaRS 2004, it is important to niche-establishing intention seems clear even
show how the three submoves structure Move 1, without the use of explicit niche-establishing
leading to Move 2. Transitional points between lexical signals.
Move 1 and Move 2 are highlighted, where a
specific problem or research gap located at the We illustrate the PSP and the submoves using
beginning of Move 2 is identified after Submove three RAs from the corpus. The structures of these
1.3, description and evaluation of solutions. This is RA introductions vary in their use of PSP and the
done by using two sample RA introductions. As a level of cyclical complexity. Only the simpler
basis of comparison, we also provide an analysis of example is described in the following section, with
an RA introduction not containing PSP. the other two examples provided in Appendix B.

Summary of Findings Table I summarizes the Sample Analysis In this section, we analyze the
findings of the corpus analysis. The number and article “An Extraordinary Enhancement of Wear
percentage of RAs with a PSP structure, with PSP Resistance in a Multi-Modal-Laminated Alloy”
cyclicity, and with explicit gap statements are (M&D 1), with the basic structure presented in


Table II. The first column shows the content of the ductility of the material. Sentence 5
introduction, with each sentence labeled problematizes this solution, pointing out that
numerically. The second column shows the move enhancing ductility will reduce the strength of
structure in accordance with PSP-CaRS in Fig. 2. A the material. Sentences 6 to 9 describe a new
full description of the flow and structure follows. solution—producing highly wear-resistant NS
materials via forming a multimodal structure.
1. Sentence 1 describes the situation (Submove
Then, sentence 10 indicates the research gap:
1.1), which is the expectation that
nanostructured (NS) high-strength metals and
alloys should exhibit high wear resistance. Although many MMS metals and alloys with
Sentence 2 points out that, in reality, that both high strength and high ductility have
expectation is not met because the wear been produced [13]–[16], the wear properties
properties of such materials do not improve even of MMS materials are rarely investigated.
with increased strength and hardness. This is
the problem area (Submove 1.2) of the study: This establishes the niche. Sentences 11 to 13
improving wear resistance of NS materials. present the present work, including announcing
2. Sentences 3 and 4 describe one way of this study, describing the method, and
addressing the problem, which is to enhance describing principal outcomes. The complete
sequence from Move 1 to Move 2 facilitated by

PSP is thus situation-problem-solution- TABLE III

problem-solution-gap. PSP AND RA FOCUS

Note that in Submove 1.1, one may start out by

describing the importance of the subject matter in
real-world applications, as most of the RA
introductions in this corpus do. The authors did
not do this and instead opened the introduction
with a statement regarding the expectation of
nanostructured high strength metals and alloys to
exhibit high wear resistance. In the normative
sense, we would recommend a description stating
real-world applications. However, both the existing of the use of PSP in terms of the foci of the
statement and the proposed description of RAs—method/fabrication-focused,
real-world applications can be legitimately characterization-focused, and dual-focused (both
construed as “describing a situation.” method/fabrication and characterization). Of the
20 method/fabrication-focused RAs, only 2 do not
Two other sample analyses are provided in Appendix reflect PSP in their structuring of the introductions.
B. The first is an introduction written with PSP and Of the 6 characterization-focused RAs, none
is cyclical but without an explicit gap statement. As reflects PSP. Of the 4 dual-focused RAs, 2 reflect
in the analysis above, we provide the original con- PSP.
tent and breakdown of the moves in point form, as
well as a verbal description of the flow and structure. This finding makes sense as most of the time,
existing solutions must have some limitations or
The second example is not written with PSP and shortcomings for a new method to be proposed. As
does not have an explicit gap statement. As a with studies the purposes of which are to better
result, it is not possible to provide the breakdown understand or characterize the properties of a
of the moves according to the PSP-CaRS structure. certain material or process, PSP may not be
Instead, we provide an exposition of the flow of the necessary. However, for characterization-focused
article and describe how the PSP approach could RAs, PSP may in some cases be adopted if the
be used to write the introduction. It is important to author structures a critical review of past studies
note that PSP is not necessarily superior to other by pointing out their shortcomings, if there are any.
approaches but is an option that may be used.
Problem-Solution Cyclicity: Of the 20 RAs that can
Since the objective of this study is to analyze the
be described as containing PSP, 13 use more than
use of PSP to facilitate Move 1, we do not elaborate
1 cycle of PSP. This cyclicity mostly involves the
on Move 3. However, for the sake of completeness,
descriptions and evaluations of existing solutions
we provide an analysis of Move 3 in Appendix B.
in a progressive or chronological manner.

Discussions of PSP, Problem-Solution Cyclicity, As previously explained, problem-solution cyclicity

and Gap Statement In this section, we discuss stems from the problematization of previous
the findings regarding the three important features solutions that was indicated in Samraj’s findings
in Move 1 and Move 2, namely PSP, problem- [23]. Note that while previous studies [7], [20]
solution cyclicity, and the gap statement, in revealed move configurations with varying numbers
relation to their importance in facilitating clear of repetitions of Move 1 and Move 2, these
writing which the readers can easily grasp. repetitive patterns may or may not be cyclical in
the sense of problematizing an existing solution
PSP: Of the 30 RAs analyzed in this study, and then providing a solution to the derived
20 clearly contain PSP, with 5 from AM&I, 6 from problem. These studies examined their corpora of
M&D, and 8 from NPG. A question may be asked RAs using CaRS 2004, which did not prescribe PSP
about the differences between these RAs from the to structure Move 1.
other 10 that do not contain clear PSP. Examining
the subject matter of the RAs, we found that This fact accentuates the difference in the
introductions written with PSP mainly deal with description of cyclical patterns in PSP-CaRS and
methods or fabrications of materials; those not CaRS 2004. In CaRS 2004, cyclical patterns involve
written with PSP mainly deal with characterizing repeated movements between Move 1 and Move 2,
properties of materials. Table III shows the relation that is, between territory and niche. In PSP-CaRS,

cyclicity exists only within Move 1, in the cyclical existing problem—whether addressing weaknesses
problematization of existing solutions. Once the in existing materials, fabricating a new material,
research gap that leads to this study is identified improving methods of fabrication, or applying the
from the evaluations of previous work, the niche is latest development of nanotechnology for medical
established. There is no repeated movement applications—involves extensive research. In such
between territory and niche. situations, the integration of PS and research is
Gap Statement: Of the 30 articles analyzed, 18
contain explicit gap statements. While the majority Moreover, in applying for research funding,
of the RAs in M&D and NPG contain explicit gap researchers often need to justify their proposed
statements, only two RAs in AM&I contain explicit studies in relation to existing works, making niche
gap statements. In our analysis, Move 2 is establishment through a critical review of previous
recognized only when explicit statements provide studies a necessity. In such a situation, critical
clear lexical signals in bridging evaluations of reviews of previous studies can be structured using
previous works to this study. In most RAs that are PSP.
counted as not containing a research gap, the Examples of how this can be done are
authors’ intention in establishing the gap is clear. demonstrated by the detailed analysis of two
However, an explicit bridging statement is missing. sample RAs. In both of these RAs, the authors start
We attribute this absence of a bridging statement to out by outlining a situation related to a material
author oversight. We believe that such an explicit that is the subject of the study—one is the
statement is important in providing readers with an expectation that it will exhibit a certain property,
easy grasp of the logical flow of the narrative. while the other is its increasing number of
applications. The authors then proceed to describe
An example of an RA that does not contain a a problem by quoting previous research, thus
research gap is the paper shown in Appendix B. highlighting the problem area, and initiating the
After the authors problematize existing solutions in territory-establishing move. The authors then
the last cycle of PSP, an explicit statement—“these describe and evaluate solutions to the problem,
issues have not been addressed so far”—will citing previous research. These solutions are then
provide the link. In the existing presentation, problematized by pointing out their inadequacies,
readers have to guess the authors’ intention. quoting previous research. The length and depth of
the descriptions and evaluations vary. Following
In past studies, niche establishment in both CaRS problematization of previous solutions, the RAs
1990 and CaRS 2004 has been an area of significant may offer an explicit gap statement, thus
focus. Whether the niche should be established completing the niche-establishing move. However,
with a critical review of previous studies or such narration of PSP may go on for more than one
by citing the need to solve real-world problems has cycle if necessary. The explicit gap statement is
been a topic of significant academic interest. For given after the last cycle of PSP.
example, Lin [20] argued that due to an emphasis
on using critical review of previous studies Finally, it should be pointed out that the proposed
to establish a niche, both CaRS 1990 and CaRS PSP-CaRS model may be more in line with RAs
2004 are more suitable for RAs in more established deemed to follow the PS type in Lin’s study [20] but
research-oriented disciplines than for those in that could not be completely accounted for by the
emerging application-oriented disciplines. Lin notes move structures of the problem-focused
that in the latter disciplines, instead of establishing introduction proposed by Feak and Swales [20]
the niche through critical review of previous because of a complexly structured “comparison”
literature, authors often do so by citing practical move and gap-indicating elements. A quick check
needs or real-world problems that need solutions. of an RA introduction provided in Lin’s paper (CE7)
[20, pp. 431–432] showed that it fit the PSP-CaRS
We argue that in certain engineering disciplines pattern well. Thus, the PSP-CaRS model may be
such as materials science and engineering, useful for other subdisciplines too. However, this
application-oriented PS and niche-established assumption needs to be verified by studies of RAs
research are not mutually exclusive. In fact, much in various subdisciplines in engineering.
of the research has objectives firmly set in resolving
or finding solutions to problems that are ultimately
application-oriented. As we have pointed out,
progress in solving problems in engineering We have shown that PSP is reflected in most of the
research is often incremental. Therefore, solving an RAs analyzed in this study, providing an affirmative

answer to our first research question: Is work. In the PSP-CaRS model, cyclicity is fully
structuring an RA introduction using PSP a captured within Move 1, in cyclical
common approach in published RAs in materials problematization of existing solutions. Research
science and engineering? Thus, PSP can indeed be gaps relevant to previous research are treated as
used to facilitate Move 1—establishing a problematizations of previous solutions. There is no
territory—in CaRS. The use of PSP bridges the two repeated movement between niche and territory.
approaches of citing an application-related problem
(problem-focused) and providing a critical review of With these advantages, the model is particularly
previous studies (gap-focused). useful to guide novice researchers in writing RA
introductions, in line with the experience of one of
We have also summarized how PSP is used to the authors. The logical three-move structure of
facilitate the movement from Move 1 to Move 2 with CaRS and the concrete prescription of PSP help
descriptions and evaluations of previous research students to more easily contextualize and, thus,
organized in one or more cycles of PSP, leading strengthen the presentations of their research. This
logically to an explicit gap statement, and fully model has significant pedagogical value.
establishing the niche. This provides a clear answer
to the second research question: How does PSP For future work, more RA introductions in other
facilitate the setting of boundaries between fields such as chemical and mechanical
territory and niche in these RAs? engineering will be analyzed to further establish
the applicability of PSP-CaRS. Action research to
While the PSP-CaRS model should be seen as a gather pedagogical evidence using a focus-group
variant of the CaRS models, there are significant study has been planned. A related issue is the use
differences between it and both CaRS 1990 and of CaRS for normative purpose, as a writing
CaRS 2004. First is the central role of practical- guideline. While CaRS is highly regarded in
problem solving—depiction of the research of academic writing circles, to the authors’
concern in terms of problems and solutions. While knowledge, there has been no study of its use in
this is less general than both CaRS 1990 and CaRS teaching graduate engineering writing. It may be
2004, it is more direct and natural for worthwhile to conduct a survey of how research
engineering-related fields. writing classes are structured in graduate research
programs in engineering and whether variants of
Second, in CaRS 2004, cyclical patterns have to be the CaRS framework are used to guide students in
construed as repeated movements between Move 1 academic writing classes in English-speaking
and Move 2—that is, between territory and niche. universities worldwide. A survey on the
These repeated moves can be seen as a weakness if applicability of PSP as a writing guideline can also
niche refers to the niche occupied by the present be conducted in the future.

Tables IV–VI list the corpus of RAs.

1. Sentences 1 and 2 describe the situation

APPENDIX B (Submove 1.1), the widespread applications of
ADDITIONAL ANALYSES transparent conductive electrode (TCE)
Sample Analysis—Paper With PSP but Without materials, as well as indium tin oxide (ITO)
Explicit Gap Statement In this section, we being commercialized for most of the
analyze the RA titled “Silver Nanowires applications of TCE. Sentences 3 to 7 describe
Binding with Sputtered ZnO to Fabricate Highly the problems with ITO and the efforts to develop
Conductive and Thermally Stable Transparent alternative TCE materials. This is Submove 1.2,
Electrode for Solar Cell Applications” (AM&I 10), describing the problem area. Sentences 8 to 12
with the basic structure presented in Table VII describe and evaluate existing alternative TCE
and the following description of the flow and materials, accentuating the advantages of a
structure. random metal nanowire network, especially

RESEARCH ARTICLES FROM ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

silver nanowires (AgNWs), as “the most befitting solar cell has not been thoroughly explored.”
candidate for TCE applications.” Among these This would be a gap statement if the authors
sentences, sentences 9 and 10 problematize followed it up with a description of the present
carbon-based TCE. work. However, the authors do not and continue
2. Sentence 13 describes the limitations of bare to describe previous studies in the following
AgNW films, thus problematizing existing paragraph. As such, it actually marks the
solutions (part of Submove 1.3) and initiating beginning of another PSP cycle.
another cycle of PSP. Then, sentences 14 to 19 3. Sentences 21 to 28 describe and evaluate a
describe attempts to resolve these issues, number of research efforts in relation to the
continuing with the new cycle of describing and previous statement. The solutions described
evaluating the solutions. Note that sentence 15 here are problematized. While it is clear that the
problematizes one of these solutions. The authors’ intention is to use this part as a
descriptions and evaluations end with sentence build-up move before the present work is
20, stating that “the deliberate arrangements of announced, they do not provide a “linking”
AgNW transparent composite films with low- statement between these evaluations and their
lying buffer/absorber layer for high efficiency present work, nor do they provide positive


justifications for the present approach. The lack (applications of a-C thin films) is not identified,
of an explicit gap statement means that there is and it does not try to establish a territory and
no clear Move 2. then a niche through a problem-solution
4. Sentences 29 to 31 comprise Move 3, presenting description. Paragraph 1 describes the
the present work. These include announcing applications of carbon thin films and a-C thin
this study, and describing methods and films. Paragraph 2 describes a-C thin films and
principal outcomes. various techniques of synthesis, highlighting the
method of high-power impulse magnetron
Sample Analysis—Paper Without PSP and sputtering (HiPIMS). Paragraph 3 presents the
Explicit Gap Statement In this section, we present work carried out using the method of
analyze the RA titled “Nanostructured HiPIMS.
Carbon-based Membranes: Nitrogen Doping Effects 2. At the sentence level, sentence 1 states that
on Reverse Osmosis Performance” (NPG 3), with the carbon thin films can be used for various
text and basic structure presented in Table VIII and applications because of their attractive
the following description of the flow and structure. mechanical properties, chemical inertness, and
optical transparency, and they can also be
1. While the introduction is clearly written, it
produced at an industrial scale. Sentence 2
cannot be described using the PSP model since
mentions the expansion of the applications by
a problem area associated with the situation


altering some of their properties. Sentences 3 3. To take the PSP approach, one would present
and 4 provide examples of how the properties of the situation as in paragraph 1, but would go on
carbon thin films have been enhanced by to describe the problems associated with the
previous studies. Sentence 5 mentions the basis synthesis of a-C thin films. This would be the
and key factors in carbon-based deposited films. problem area. One would than describe and
Sentence 6 points out several commonly used evaluate existing attempts or solutions. If these
techniques for a-C syntheses with different solutions were problematized and further
characteristics. Sentence 7 concludes that solutions addressing these problems were
among all the methods mentioned, HiPIMS has described, the result would be the use of cyclical
gained considerable interest. Sentences 8 to 12, PSP.
partially shown in Table VIII, outline the paper
It is important to note that PSP is not necessarily
and introduce the present work. There is neither
superior to the original approach but is an option
PSP nor an explicit gap statement in the
that may be used.



Analysis of Submoves in Move 3—Presenting 2004 [2]. This submove was also frequently
the Present Work While the focus of this study is detected by previous studies in engineering-
the use of PSP to facilitate Move 1, we provide an related fields [7], [18], [20].
analysis of Move 3 below, for the sake of 2. The second most frequently detected is
completeness. Table IX summarizes the results of Submove 3.4, summarizing methods or
the analysis, where the rows list the occurrence of procedural justification (28/30, 93.3%), followed
the submoves and the columns contain the result by Submove 3.5, announcing principal
for RAs from each journal, as well as the overall outcomes (21/30, 70%).
corpus. 3. The use of other submoves in Move 3 varies
1. The three most frequently identified submoves across the papers. Fourteen papers were
in the introductions of the RAs analyzed are identified with Submove 3.6, stating the values
Submoves 3.1, 3.4, and 3.5. All papers contain of the present research (14/30, 46.7%). The rest
Submove 3.1, announcing present study of the submoves, namely Submove 3.2,
descriptively and/or purposively (30/30, 100%), presenting RQ or hypothesis (2/30, 6.6%);
which is marked as an obligatory move in CaRS Submove 3.3, definitional clarifications (1/30,


3.3%); and Submove 3.7, outlining the structure Kanosilapatham’s study [18]. However, in the
of the paper (0%) are seldom or hardly detected. field of civil engineering, more than 60% of the
However, in Anthony’s study on the analysis of RT CaRS introductions analyzed by Lin [20]
RA introductions in the field of software contained this move.
engineering, about 83% of the RAs had a similar 4. Overall, it can be seen that Submoves 3.1, 3.4,
step, indicating RA structure [7]. Likewise, half and 3.5 appear to be dominant, while Submoves
of the RA introductions (50%) in the same field 3.2, 3.3, and 3.7 may not be needed for RA
analyzed by Kanosilapatham had a similar introductions in the field of materials science
move/step, outlining article structure [18]. and engineering. We thus assume that
Comparatively, the same move was not variations in Move 3 may vary across
frequently identified in the RAs of civil subdisciplines in engineering and even across
engineering and biomedical engineering in engineering journals. More research is needed to
verify that assumption.

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Li Lian Khaw received the Ph.D. degree in Education from the Wei Wu Tan received the B.S. degree in Engineering from the
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, in 2008. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA, in 1992, and
She is a senior learning skills advisor providing academic the Ph.D. degree in Physics from the State University of New
support to engineering graduate research students at Monash York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, USA, in 2000. He is
University, Melbourne. She has taught in tertiary institutions in currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in social work, with
Malaysia, Taiwan, and China. Her research interests include research focusing on dynamical modeling of the child protection
new Englishes, second language learning, and engineering system. He has worked in the field of stratospheric data analysis
research writing. and modeling.

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