For Fat Burning, Interval Training Beats Continuous Exercise

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from choline and, in turn, reduce TMAO, pre- levels within as little as a month by eliminat- is only a part of the cardiovascular disease
venting heightened platelet reactivity and ing or reducing red meat, according to the story, Tang argues—and one that may not
thrombosis without increasing bleeding European Heart Journal trial that compared even matter for some people.
risks. With the recent discovery of the intes- protein sources. Hazen used to be avid red-meat eater,
tinal bacteria that convert L-carnitine into However, Cleveland Clinic cardiologist but he said it’s now a “very, very rare item
TMA in a 2-step process, researchers can W. H. Wilson Tang, MD, who coauthored on the plate.” Yet he, too, is wary of insisting
now begin to develop an inhibitor for this the study with Hazen, had reservations that others make the same drastic change.
pathway, too. Meanwhile, scientists at the about recommending that everyone do so. “Diet is a personal choice,” he said. “We
Medical College of Wisconsin are also inves- In the trial, people eating red-meat heavy beat up patients over their eating habits.
tigating probiotics to reduce TMAO levels in diets had a range of responses, with some I don’t think that is productive.” Although
patients with coronary artery disease. participants’ TMAO levels shooting up far he believes that patients should be edu-
But what about the most obvious ap- less than others’. cated about the risks associated with eating
proach, dietary modification? For Williams, a As for animal products in general, white a red meat–heavy diet, which could nudge
self-described “plant-based cardiologist,” the meat, eggs, or dairy may not influence TMAO them toward a plant-based one, he thinks
existing evidence solidly places TMAO among levels to the same degree as red meat or it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to act on
what he says are the known animal-product deep-sea fish. Before issuing blanket pre- the information. “That’s why I want to
contributors to heart disease: saturated fat, scriptions for patients to dramatically alter develop a drug: so that you can have your
dietary cholesterol, heme iron, and ruminant their diets to reduce TMAO, Tang said more steak and eat it, too,” he said.
trans fat. Williams cited the mortality- studies are needed to determine who would In the meantime, Hazen and Tang’s dis-
reducing effects of a “provegetarian” food benefit the most. He’s currently leading a coveries have kicked off an interest in di-
pattern, and said the research on TMAO is yet pilot trial involving 90 people that will de- etary metabolites as marker-mediators of
another reason to stop eating animals in all termine the proportion of participants with disease, Manson said. Her team recently re-
forms, or at the very least eliminate red meat. persistently elevated TMAO levels and their ceived funding to expand their study in the
Bolstering his argument, a recent meta- response to a low-TMAO Mediterranean diet. NHS and VITAL cohorts beyond TMAO.
analysis of randomized clinical trials found the In Tang’s view, it could be a mistake to They’re now looking at how dietary pat-
most favorable blood lipid changes when red focus too much on any single dietary com- terns affect roughly 400 other plasma me-
meat-heavy diets were substituted with high- ponent, even red meat. It’s more important tabolites. Ultimately, she wants to use the
quality plant protein diets. to understand how the foods we eat influ- findings to develop metabolomic risk scores
Researchers at Stanford University are ence and interact with our intestinal mi- for future coronary heart disease develop-
already studying the effects of plant-based crobes and renal clearance system, both of ment. As she puts it, “this is really just the tip
meat alternatives on TMAO levels in a clinical which are highly individualized. In fact, the of the iceberg.”
trial. But short of going full-on herbivore, gut microbiome is increasingly being seen as Note: Source references are available through
people can substantially reduce TMAO an important heart disease player. Red meat embedded hyperlinks in the article text online.


For Fat Burning, Interval Training Beats Continuous Exercise

Jennifer Abbasi

xercisers can burn slightly more body people. Although lower-than-expected
fat with interval training than mod- weight loss is often blamed on poor follow-
erate-intensity continuous training, through, other factors like metabolic down-
according to a recent systematic review and regulation likely also influence outcomes.
meta-analysis in the British Journal of Sports
Medicine. Although the differences in fat loss What We Already Knew
weren’t huge, the interval workouts were There’s no consensus on the best exercise
shorter, which could make it easier for people approach to burning fat, which is preferred
to adhere to them. over losing muscle for shedding weight.
Some evidence suggests that interval train-
The Problem ing—including high-intensity interval train-
Weight-loss strategies usually include an in- ing (HIIT) and sprint interval training (SIT)—
crease in energy expenditure (exercise) or a can help people reduce body fat and lose
decrease in energy intake (diet). But nei- weight more than sustained moderate ex-
ther strategy seems to be effective for sus- ercise, even if the routine burns fewer calo-
taining long-term weight changes in most ries. This could be because interval training (Reprinted) JAMA June 11, 2019 Volume 321, Number 22 2151

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News & Analysis

increases resting energy expenditure and fat • None of the approaches outperformed encourage exercising and help to avoid
burning right after exercise, countering the others in terms of reducing total body injuries. “Interval training can be performed
metabolic downregulation. fat percentage. by almost everyone; we just have to know
“Different types of exercise promote dif- • But interval training was more effective how to adapt it,” Gentil told JAMA. “If you
ferent metabolic responses,” said Paulo for decreasing total absolute fat mass. On have knee problems and are not able to
Gentil, PhD, the study’s senior author and average, the SIT and HIIT protocols re- run, you can cycle or even swim. If you have
a professor at the Federal University of Goiás duced total absolute fat mass by 6.2% and heart disease, you can work at a controlled
in Brazil. “In this regard, high-intensity exer- 6%, respectively, compared with 3.4% for intensity. For a healthy young person, a
cise might be particularly interesting for fat moderate-intensity continuous training. sprint could involve running at high veloci-
loss, not because of the calories spent while • The interval training workouts were ties, while for a frail elder, slow walking
you exercise but because it makes your body also shorter. The SIT, HIIT, and moderate- might be enough.”
burn more fat after you exercise.” intensity routines in studies evaluat- Gentil’s bottom line: “Interval training
ing total absolute fat mass lasted on seems to be a time-efficient approach for
The Design average 23 minutes, 25 minutes, and promoting fat loss.”
Gentil’s team conducted a meta-analysis of 41 minutes, respectively.
36 clinical trials comparing HIIT and SIT—
What Is Interval Training?
the 2 most common types of interval train- The Caveats
• Interval training is an intermittent
ing—with moderate-intensity continuous • The biggest reductions in total absolute period of physical effort interspersed
training for fat loss. The studies evaluated fat mass occurred when interval training by recovery periods.
changes in total body fat percentage and/or workouts were supervised, which likely in- • High intensity interval training requires
total absolute fat mass. They included 1012 creases adherence. “near-maximal” efforts performed
children through older adults, spanning a at or above 80% of maximal heart rate
• The study designs differed widely, and
range of baseline physical activity and rang- or the equivalent of maximal oxygen
many of them didn’t instruct participants consumption.
ing from underweight to obese. to stick to their normal diet, both of which • Sprint interval training requires
could make the findings less reliable. “all-out” efforts performed at or above
What We’ve Learned peak oxygen consumption.
• All of the exercise approaches signifi- How Intense Is Intense?
cantly reduced total body fat percentage The terms “high intensity” and “sprint” Note: Source references are available through
and total absolute fat mass. are relative. Keeping this in mind can embedded hyperlinks in the article text online.

The JAMA Forum

The “Conscience” Rule: How Will It Affect Patients’ Access

to Health Services?
Lawrence O. Gostin, JD

n May 2, 2019, the US Depart- cide, and advance directives—extending to created the Office of Conscience and
ment of Health and Human Ser- sex reassignment and HIV treatment. Religious Freedom within HHS to “more vig-
vices (HHS) and Office of Civil orously and effectively enforce existing laws
Rights (OCR) released a final rule that height- History and Purpose protecting the rights of conscience and re-
ens the rights of hospitals and health work- In December 2008, OCR finalized a rule to ligious freedom.”
ers to refuse to participate in patients’ medi- enforce the Church, Coates-Snow, and
cal care based on religious or moral grounds. Weldon amendments—all designed to pro- The Conscience Rule
The rule covers OCR’s authority to investi- tect health workers and entities who object The final rule significantly expands OCR’s
gate and enforce violations of 25 federal to assisting in abortion or sterilization for re- authority to enforce federal conscience
“conscience protection” laws. Tied to the US ligious or moral reasons. In 2011, the Obama protection laws. The earlier rule covered only
Constitution’s spending power, the rule ap- administration substantially rescinded the 3 conscience statutes, while this final rule
plies to state and local governments, as well rule but maintained OCR’s authority to con- extends to 25.
as public and private health care profession- duct investigations of alleged violations of Thenewrulebroadlydefinesfederalcon-
als and entities if they receive federal funds conscience protection laws. science laws. Covered entities and protected
such as Medicare or Medicaid. The rule ap- On May 4, 2017, President Trump signed activities are equally broad, including those
plies to a range of important health services an Executive Order, Promoting Free Speech performing services, paying for services
such as abortions, sterilizations, assisted sui- and Religious Liberty. Shortly thereafter, he (private and employer-based insurance),

2152 JAMA June 11, 2019 Volume 321, Number 22 (Reprinted)

© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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