Department of Surgery "A," Asaf-Harofe Hospital, Tel Aviv University Medical School, Zerifin, Israel

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6, Decemher 1978
Copyright c 1978 The American Fertility Society Printed in U.S.A.




Department of Surgery "A," Asaf-Harofe Hospital, Tel Aviv University

Medical School, Zerifin, Israel

Valvular incompetence ofthe left internal sper- unremarkable. The physical examination re-
matic vein resulting in dilatation of the pampini- vealed an apical beat in the fourth intercostal
form plexus is the most common cause of varico- space in the right midclavicular line. Percussion
cele.1 Because ofthe anatomical asymmetry of and palpation of the abdomen disclosed a normal-
the course of the internal spermatic veins-the left sized liver in the left upper quadrant.
drains to the left renal vein and the right to the There was a well-developed varicocele in the
inferior vena cava-the left testicular venous sys- right scrotum. The remainder of the physical
tem is more vulnerable to develop reflux due to examination was unremarkable. Laboratory find-
valvular incompetence. When bilateral or right- ings were within normal limits. A chest x-ray
sided varicoceles are infrequently present, it is revealed a dextrocardia and an electrocardiogram
essential to consider and to rule out a ret- was confirmatory. An intravenous pyelogram was
roperitoneal process as the underlying etiology. normal. To verify and to document the venous
However, another rare etiologic factor should be anomaly, intraoperative right internal spermatic
considered in patients with right-sided varico- phlebography was performed before high ligation
celes-namely a congenital transposition of the of this vein. Contrast material (20 ml) was injected
testicular venous drainage, as occurs in complete into the exposed and cannulated right internal
situs inversus. Dubin and Amelar2 reported such a spermatic vein and the resulting venography
patient in a review of a series of 504 patients with showed the "mirror image" of normal anatomical
varicocele infertility; however, the underlying topography; the right internal spermatic vein
vascular anomaly was not documented. Since joined the right renal vein with an incompetent
January 1973, to date over 350 patients were oper- valve at their confluence (Fig. 1). The vein was
ated upon in this department for varicocele. Of ligated above the internal inguinal ring level. The
these, a young male was found to have a right- postoperative course was uneventful. The patient
sided varicocele accompanied by complete situs was discharged on the 3rd postoperative day.
inversus. The following case report is based on
documentation of this anomaly by operative inter- DISCUSSION
nal spermatic vein phlebography.
The estimated incidence of varicocele in the
young male population is about 10%.3 In the sub-
fertile male the incidence increases to between
A 19-year-old male was admitted to the Asaf- 20% and 39% in reported series. 3 • 4 The general
Harofe Hospital with increasing pain, swelling, consensus is that the overwhelming majority of
and heaviness in the right scrotum of several varicoceles are on the left, and only in 2% are the
months' duration. The past history was entirely varicoceles bilateral or on the right side. It is a
rightly accepted clinical practice to perform an
Received July 27, 1978; accepted August 17, 1978. intravenous pyelogram on patients with right or
*To whom reprint requests should be addressed. bilateral varicoceles to exclude internal spermatic

FIG. 1. Operative right internal spermatic phlebography, demonstrating its

junction with the right renal vein in a patient with complete situs inversus and a
right-sided varicocele.

vein compression due to a space-occupying lesion
in the retroperitoneum. Nevertheless, this exami- In the overwhelming majority of cases, varico-
nation will not reveal a vascular anomaly which cele appears in the left scrotum, the reason being
could be the cause of valvular incompetence at the the anatomical dissimilarity of the two sides. In
internal spermatic vein-renal vein confluence. patients with right-sided or bilateral varicocele,
In the case presented the situs inversus raised further investigation to rule out a retroperitoneal
the possibility of such a valvular insufficiency on pathology, especially neoplastic, is indicated. On
the right side. Confirmation was achieved by in- rare occasions, however, a vascular anomaly as the
traoperative internal spermatic phlebography. It underlying pathology must be considered.
seems that in every case of right-sided varicocele, A patient is presented with a complete situs
one has to consider a vascular anomaly, with or inversus accompanied by a right-sided varicocele.
without situs inversus, as the underlying etiology. Intraoperative right internal spermatic phlebo-
Operative phlebography is the simplest and safest graphy revealed that this vein drained into the
solution to this problem. right renal vein, and valvular incompetence at

their confluence was the etiology of the disease. REFERENCES

Intraoperative internal spermatic phlebo- 1. Kohler FP: On the etiology of varicocele. J Urol 97:741,
graphy in patients with right-sided or bilateral 1967
varicoceles is recommended as the simplest and 2. Dubin L, Amelar RD: Varicocelectomy as therapy in male
safest means to demonstrate the etiology of this infertility: a study of 504 cases. J Urol 113:640, 1975
3. Hendry WF, Sommerville IF, Hall RR, Rugh RCS: Investi-
disease. gation and treatment of the subfertile male. Br J Urol
45:684, 1973
4. Dubin L, Amelar RD: Etiologic factors in 1294 consecutive
cases of male infertility. Fertil Steril 22:469, 1971

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