Percakapan Drama Cinderella

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Cinderella : Shalom Drizella : Kyoko Anastasia : Cia

Catheline : Jesslyn Naura : Alma Bird : pipi

Rat : Rafa Prince : damai King : William

Mirror : Alicia Monolog + fairy : chiecha

Scene 1 :

 The grief of Cinderella

 Talking with miracle mirror

 Play with Naura & Catheline

Scene 2 :

 Dialog prince and king

 Prince practice karate

 Warrior announce the Invitation card

Scene 3 :

 Drizella and Anastasia warm Cinderella go to dance contest

 They pick up by Naura and Catheline with out Cinderella

 Bird and Rat call the fairy to transform Cinderella

 The fairy remind Cindella to come back before 12.00Pm

Scene 4 :

 Situation in the party

 The admire to the prince

 Cinderella came , dance all on stage the wall clock rang

 Cincerella ran and left her shoes

Scene 5 :

 The prince and the warrior searching around the kingdom

 Cinderella hide , Drazella and Anastasia tried the shoes

 Cinderella appeared, she tried the shoes

 They live together in the happiness

Monolog : once upon a time, lived the beautiful girl with her step sister, her step sister fell

jealous with her because of her beauty

scene 1 :

Cinderella : (sweeping the floor )

Anastasia : Cinderella!! what are you doing? It’s still dirty

Drizella : Lazy girl!! Clean it up !! Quickly

Cinderella : I’m sorry my sister. Wait a moment

Anastasia : No reason for that. Hurry!!

Drizella : My lovely sister. It’s time to ask the miracle mirror

Anastasia : good idea!! Leave her alone ha ha ha…

Drizella + Anastasia come to Miracle Mirror

Mirror : What are you doing here!! Naughty girl !!

Drizella : Miracle mirror, who is the most beautiful girl in this world ?

Mirror : Of course.. it’s always be Cinderella

Drizella : (shock.. ) what !! (Angry face) your turn Anastasia!!

Anastasia : Miracle mirror, who is the most beautiful girl in this world ?

Mirror : It’s always be Cinderella !! (scream) go away !!

I want to sleep

Naurah : Hello (knock the door ) anybody here !!

Cinderella : who’s that??

Naura + cath : let’s play together

Cinderella open the door Naura + Cath come into the house, Drizella and Anastasia push Cinderella!

Drizella+Anastasia : Okey let’s play with us

Cinderella : Can I join?

Anastasia : What you want to play too!

Drizella : No way!! go away

Cinderella : (crying)… How pity am I. I don’t have a friend

Scene 2

Monolog : The king asked to the prince to looking for a girl to be her wife, the prince’s wife

King : hey ! you come here !

Warrior 1 : can I help you, the majesty !!

Warrior 2 : what can I do for you my king !

King : Hurry, call the prince come to me, Right now1

Warrior 1 + 2 : with pleasure my lord !

Prince : ( come in front of king ) what happened my father. Why do you call me ?

King : you are al ready to grow up, so then. It’s time for you to look for the

couple of your life

Prince : what should I do my father. I have no idea to look for the woman

King : you can make a dance contest, invite all beautiful you can select

Prince : okey father. After this . I will practice karate bless me father

King : my bless always for you my prince

Monolog : the prince practice karate with the guardian, he practice hard, in the other place the

warriors announce the invitation card to all people in the kingdom

Scene 3

Monolog “ Drizella and Anastasia prepare for the party.

Drizella : Anastasia, come here hurry up!

Anastasia : What’s matter?

Drizella : look!! We are invited by the palace to come in the dance contest.

Anastasia : Lovely!!

Cinderella : (with hope) can I join too?

Anastasia : What?? Who are you!! You just a slaver.

Drisella : Just stay!!

Naura : (knock the door) guys!! Are you ready!!

Catheline : Hurry, the dance contest is waiting (laughing)

Anastasia & Drisella: we are coming! (open the door)

Catheline : Ohh my God, you are so beautiful!

Anastasia & Drizella: thank you

Naura : where is Cinderella, Is she come too?

Anastasia : she is busy (smiling)

Drizella : a lot of work to doo (laughing)

A+D+N+C : let’s go!!

Monolog : Cinderella fell sad, she is crying in the corner of the kitchen, bird and rat see her, they have
a plan for Cinderella.

Bird : Look, Rat, what a pity Cinderella!! We should do something!!

Rat : I will call the fairy

Bird+ Rat : Fairy, my fairy please come in here

Fairy : What happened, boys!!

Bird : Cinderella is sad, he want to come to the palace.

Rat : fairy, please change Cinderella.

Bird+ Rat walk to Cinderella . . .

Bird : Cinderella this is fairy!

Cinderella : Hello fairy, please help me! I want to follow the dance contest.

Rat : fairy will help you Cinderella (smiling)

Fairy : Close your eyes girl!

Monolog : Fairy change Cinderella, her gown, shoes and make up, she likes a princess.

Cinderella : I am change.

Bird+ Rat : you are so beautiful

Fairy : Remember Cinderella, come back before twelve O’clock

Cinderella : I will fairy

Scene 4

Monolog : the palace full of beautiful girl, all have attended, when the price enter to the party, all the
girl are shocked.

Drizella : Look!! A handsome prince come!

Anastasia : He is so handsome!

Naura : No, doubt about that!

Catheline : manly and mighty!

Monolog : Cinderella come!! All the girl asking who is the girl, I the prince ask her to done together

Prince : Do you mind, to dance with me!

Cinderella : Of course my prince

Monolog : they dance all night in the palace, until the wall clock ringing.

Cinderella ran a ways and left her shoes, the Prince follow her and found her shoes.
Scence 5

Monolog : Every people are visited by the prince and the guard they try the shoes. But no one

match with the shoes. Until the prince found the Cinderella house

The prince knocked the door

The prince : excuse me… anybody home ?

Cinderella : yes… ( open the door ) who are you?

Price : I am the guardian, the prince command me to find who is the owner

of this Shoes

Drizella + Anastasia push Cinderella

Drizella : of Couse, the shoes is mine

Anastasia : not yours but mind

Monolog : Drizella and Anastasia tried the shoes, but not match

Prince : who is the girl open the door !

Anastasa : she is a slaver

Drizella : she did not come in the party last night

Prince : but the prince said all the girl should try

Monolog : Cinderella tried the shoes, and match. She also wear another one

( all the actor come on the stage )

Thank’s for watching

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