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MALLARI, Cristina Bianca C.

INTACT S1 – BSM AMF Ignacio Reflection
1. What part of Ignatius’ life do you relate with the most? Why?
Rather than relating to one specific part of Ignatius’ life, I particularly resonate with the entire process of his life,
which essentially consists of a laborious U-turn from darkness to light. As I perceive my life as a perpetuating cycle
of learning and growth, I think that this reversing process occurs in many points of my life—both in a day-to-day
context and in a life-long context. Ignacio experienced this change specifically when he reconstructed his identity,
lifestyle, and dream from one characterized by a life of brutality, violence, fame, and military power to one that is
directed towards Christ and the Church. Although Ignacio’s turn was more apparently life-changing, I believe even
my most seemingly insignificant and mundane U-turns are vital in accumulating in me a sense of courage that will
eventually help me deal with those that are more life-shaping. In a more personal context for instance, suppose I
failed a quiz in a subject or topic I regarded as my strength. Rather than pinning myself down to a never-ending hole
of misery and self-hate by simply crying my eyes out, I should attempt to be more conscious of my self-fueled
sadness and put an effort to see the message of the situation—possibly that I need to put in more hardwork and
vigilance to the subject rather than being complacent with the fact that the subject is my “strength” and merely
relying on my previous knowledge and skills on the topic.
2. What was your significant learning from the film?
One of the overarching themes in the film which struck me the most is the inevitability of change in every degree
and the eventual importance of open-mindedness. This is captured in the words of the old woman who spoke to
Ignacio who was lingering in frustration and despair, “The world is changing, Iñigo. Maybe it’s time for a new
dream.” Although we are recurrently reminded of the constancy of change, truly and wholeheartedly embracing this
may be a lot more difficult in action than in words— especially when we have developed a special attachment to
some goal, person, habit, or some object subject to change. Ignacio, for instance, has directed his entire life to a
military profession of fame and vanity; however, during a battle in Pamplona, this ultimate dream of his shatters as
his desire for a hero’s death is seemingly turned into a life of hopelessness, pain, and emptiness–a life that is lifeless.
Many of us tend to catch ourselves in a very similar situation—from not being able to eat the food in a restaurant
we have all been craving for the entire day to unexpectedly failing in the major or course we have always been
planning to take in college ever since. Whatever degree such circumstance shaped our lives, we always catch
ourselves complaining in the words “this was not the plan!” After watching the film, I did not only realize how
unavoidable these situations are but also learned what we can possibly do to avoid or deal with such abrupt changes
that are potential sources of misery, depression, and even life-threatening thoughts. More specifically, I learned that
despite the many benefits of determination and perseverance, being overly determined (i.e. single-mindedness) can
damage us in many ways. Apart from merely focusing on a specific goal, we should also be mindful of our current
mental, physical, emotional, well-being and whether or not they indicate some concern regarding the direction of
our lives. Ignacio, for instance, after being clouded with undesirable thoughts for numerous nights was eventually
able to understand his genuine purpose—through being mindful of his faith and eventually experiencing God’s call.
Applying this to my context as a college student, I can practice being more consistently aware of my physical,
mental, and emotional health as I strive to balance academics, organizations, and social life. I should prevent burning
out my energies in a mere attempt to “do more” and first ensure that what I am actually doing is what I genuinely

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