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Meeting held on 13 June 2018 in the Ted Allen room
In Attendance: Mike Cobley (MC)(Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP)(Treasurer.); Roger Glanville
(RMG)(Dep. Ch.); Keith Rowland (KR); (KD); Hazel Upton (HU); Dominic Houlihan (DH); Chris Wilson
(CW); Albert Callaewert (AC), Jane Keech(JK); Chris Overton (CO).
Apologies: Alan Stevenson, Keith Davison, Linda Gahagan, Rod Cooley, Jenny Stevenson, Marcia
Dorey, Jim Machin, Fraser Gordon, Mark Sanders, John Myres.
Minutes of the May 2018 meeting.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved as a true record by those present.
Matters arising:
1) MC to include water conservation tips in May newsletter. MC confirmed he will action in the June
2) CW to circulate Brett Clarbour data disclosure agreement to MC/JM. Completed
3) JM to add detail to new rental agreement format. After further discussions it was proposed that JM
amend the rental agreement after GDPR discussions with HTC have been completed.
2. Finance
2.1 See Reports Summary: CP summarised the half-year financial situation against budget. Importantly
rental income looks likely to meet expectations.
Sales of manure have raised £191 which has almost covered the PH amount. Almost £250 has been
raised for the LN memorial shed. The Society had already committed to contribute as will RG from the
Shop. Anticipated cost will be some £400 although the item is currently on sale.
In summary MC told the meeting this year would be a trial, given the new supplier and higher cost and if
the arrangements failed to work there would be no manure ordered by the Society next year.
Lin Norman bench fund at just over £200 so far.
3. Site Matters
3.1 Site Rep’s reports: See Reports circulated. MC reminded Site Rep’s it was important to complete end
May inspections to identify plots requiring action data which also was used when considering if any
renewal letters should be withheld in 2019. It was also necessary to ensure emails/letters were sent in
order to have a paper trail should any action be required.
At the same time SR’s can earmark plots for judging which is likely to be in July along with HTC
Also required are the H & S inspections.
DH confirmed CL site had been done with no problem plots identified. The new small mower was well
3.2 OR Water meter: CP confirmed that no water meter could be found at OR site and she had now
written to Affinity Water to query how they were able to bill us.
4. Lettings:
4.1 Update: No information regarding Lettings status was available to the meeting.

5. Machinery
5.1 Machinery update: CO summarised the latest situation. 3 Strimmers had been or were being repaired
along with PH106 mower.
The rotovator at CH and a mower at TS are non-repairable owing to no parts.
Major issue is the Society holds many large mowers but not enough small ones. The hand mowers do not
work. An ATCO product at £189 has been identified as a suitable small mower. CP confirmed some £900
remained in the machinery budget. CO planned to review the TS situation at the year-end.
CO expressed concern at the number of young machines at AB site compared with the age of machinery
at other sites, however HU maintained the mowers available were necessary for the site.
RMG asked if money in the budget could be used to purchase new machines to replace old machines; CO
agreed however the priority was to reduce the service interval and save money on the overall budget.
Further discussion was required later in the year on the subject of rotovators.
6. Projects/New Developments:

6.1 AB Shed: Whilst money has been earmarked there remained uncertainty as to whether the shed
had actually been ordered. Certainly, the base is complete and awaits arrival of the shed.

7. Shop

7.1 Trading update: MC confirmed business was good.

8. Communications:
8.1 Update: RC had circulated his report and RMG summarised it.
Items covered were the work RC had done on the website ahead of GDPR decisions.
CP asked for email strings be reduced when issuing reports by deleting previous messages.
RMG reported a rogue email had emanated from Keith Davidson but had been deleted.
CP also asked about the Committee/Site Rep details to be shown on the schedules to be sent to HTC and
mentioned that Irene Boogerman had recently changed address. RMG will checkl details before issuing to
HTC. (Action RMG).
9. Awards:
9.1 Update: RMG covered an email received from LG asking for a list of plots to be considered for judging.
Judging tentatively planned to commence 10 July. SR’s asked to provide LG with details. (Action Site
10. A.O.B.

10.1 GDPR: MC confirmed the date for the meeting with HTC had not been arranged. Concerns
around the room were still expressed and CW emphasised the importance of sending group emails
using bcc to ensure other addresses were not disclosed.

10.2 AGM final tasks: RMG confirmed actions taken; post-AGM Election Schedule of Officers had been
circulated to the Committee and HTC. RMG still had a set of Minutes to do and they will be completed

10.3 LN Memorial Bench: MC passed around details of the proposed bench to be purchased along with
details of the carving and engraved brass plaques; for both Lin Norman and Ralph Martin. CW was also
looking to see if any other plaques might be appropriate. Location had still to be agreed and it was then
planned to have an opening inviting Colin Norman and the family to attend as well.

10.4 Coach trip suggestions: It was agreed the main issue was finding someone to organise it as CP
agreed it was a lot of work. Various suggestions were discussed including local events where we may
not need a coach to economise, but CP emphasised it was necessary for any destination to accept
coach parties and have facilities.

Waterperry Garden was suggested coupled with perhaps a visit to Oxford Botanic Garden. It was
agreed it was nice to have the social aspect of a coach trip despite the additional cost.

MC will speak to JM. (Action MC).

10.5 Charcoal Kiln at AB site: MC had received a proposal from Patrick Fisher and Tony Gallow, who
manage the AB site coppice, to purchase, in partnership with the Society, a charcoal ring kiln to convert
the surplus material, remaining after cutting the coppice, into BBQ charcoal which could be sold in the
Shop as “SHAGS Charcoal”.
Various concerns were raised: CP was concerned about the cost of the investment (>£500) and the
potential return and did not consider it value for money. The kiln could only be used at the site for 6
months owing to bonfire rules and storing it on site represented a security risk. CO also claimed it would
infringe the Society Rules about selling produce from the allotment.

As a result of these concerns the proposal was rejected.

10.6 S.H.A.G.S. 50th Anniversary 2019: CW raised the fact that next year is the 50th anniversary of the
Society and initial discussions centred around a potential Garden Party/BBQ and it was agreed
preparations should be made to celebrate the event. MC will include an item in the next newsletter and
ask for suggestions (Action MC).

10.7 Publicity leaflet: MC handed around the leaflet the EHGC had produced with HTC and being posted
in various locations, including the Town Hall.

Jane Keech will produce a few ideas for future consideration. (Action JK).

10.8 Shed Application AB51: RMG presented a new shed application by the AB51 plot holder. After
review of the details the application was unanimously passed. RMG will inform the plot holder (Action

10.9 Secretary: MC informed the meeting that subject to further discussions Peter Hicks had expressed
a willingness in taking over as Hon Sec should he retire shortly.

10.10 Rogue email: RMG reported to the meeting a rogue email had been received, emanating from
Keith Davison. Fortunately, it was seen as a rogue message and deleted.

Date of Next Meeting: 11 July 2018 – Ted Allen Room

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