Composition 7/fomous Landmark You Know. Machu Picchu An Incredible Place

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I always wish i traveled to Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu means "Old Mountain" in the local
Quechua language, it is a famous site in Peru. This city was built by the Incas, it is also known as
'The Lost City of the Incas'.

The ruins of the Lost City are in the mountains, more than 2,400 meters / 8,000 feet above sea
level. This ruined site has more than 200 different buildings and structures. The ruins were never
discovered by the European conquerors, but they were only known in 1911 when the locals took
an American archaeologist to the site.

While some people believe that Machu Picchu was built as a sacred site, others think it was once
the summer retreat of an Inca emperor. It was built during the 14th century and probably more
than 1,000 people lived there. As the site is built on a mountain ridge and, therefore, it would
always run the risk of sliding down the slope during the rainy season, more than 600 terraces and
a well-distributed drainage system were built around the city.

The city is a magical spectacle and a great example of Inca engineering, since the structures and
buildings of the city were also built without using wheels,Machu Picchu is a very touristy place,
famouses as Jim Carrey visited Machu Picchu in 2011 and was delighted with the Inca Citadel. In
addition, he said on his Twitter account that the wonder of the world is "Inca-redible." ,if i traveled
to Machu Picchu, i would have more amazing things that i said about this beautiful place.

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