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In the early morning hours of 1 November Colmenares family life took a 180 degrees

turn. After his oldest son Luis Andres Colmenares was found dead in the drainage of
the Virrey's park, after he having attended a party at the Penthouse bar together with
his classmates, his best friend Jessy Quintero and his girlfriend Laura Moreno.

Luis andres Colmenares was born on May 23,1990 on Villanueva, Guajira, for the year
2010, he was studying Industrial engineering and economics at Los Andes University,
during that year He met Laura Moreno, another student from the same university with
whom he had a relationship. The day of halloween Andres decided to go a party at
Penthouse bar, with his girlfriend, There were his classmates and his best friend Jessy
Quintero, he danced with Laura all night and also he enjoyed with his friends. Your
Classmates said that Andres had been drinking a lot during that night but He wasn't so
drunk as to he lose almost all your senses.
Past midnight, more exactly at 2:30 am, Luis Andres and his friends leave the
nightclub. While everyone waited for Laura's pickup truck, Colmenares wanted to go
to eat a hot dog, for this reason Jessy and laura decide to accompany him, while the
others got into the pickup truck .
After 5 minutes, Luis started to run, so, Laura followed him. Jessy said " I could not run
because I had heels while Laura had flats" according to Jessy, she called her friends
they were in the truck and she told them to go and pick her up.
When Jessy was in truck, she called to Laura and Laura said her that Luis had fallen
into drainage of the Virrey park and she don't saw him.
When Jessy and other friends arrived at the park They began to search to Colmenares
everywhere but They didn't find him, so, They decided to call firemen and policemen
nevertheless the body of Colmenares was found until 6 o'clock of that day by The
In this moment the people believed that everything had been an accident
However, 1 year later, the mom of Luis andres dreamed that her son had been killed
for this reason Colmenares family decided to exhume andres's body, when the doctor
reviewed the body He found blows and fractures that had been omitted in the death
certificate ,so that, It opened again the case.
There are several versions of the crime such as testimony of Laura, she say that It was
an accident and there is no any murder, in addition, she denies having killed luis. For
the other hand, Jessy Quintero announced her innocence in the case.
Nevertheless the authorities believe that death of luis andres was a passional crime by
Laura's ex boyfriend. Carlos ex boyfriend of Laura still loved her and for this reason
decided to kill luis andres so that, laura was his girlfriend again.
People commented that the father of Laura killed Luis andres because he couldn't
stand that her daughter was with a person of color.
Nowadays, this case is a unsolved mystery, that it has affected the lives of all involved
for this reason is necessary to help of international authorities and the cooperation of
those involved. For the next year be wait a new subpoena where the authorities have
important evidence for solve the mistery and Luis Andres Colmenares can rest in

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