PE Journal Rubric

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5 4 3

Critical thinking rich in content; insightful Substantial information; Information is thin and
analysis, synthesis and evidence of analysis, synthesis common place ;attempts
evaluation clear connections and evaluation; general made in analysis synthesis
made to real life situations or connections are made but and evaluation, connections
to previous content sometimes are too obvious or are limited ,vague
not clear generalities are posted

Personal Entries are high quality Connects ideas and thoughts Little evidence of personal
reflection consisting of personal to personal life; evidence of connection, many
reflections that connect personal connection to connection need further
between real life learning and learning community explanation or justification
Cleanliness and Overall presentation of journal Almost neat on overall Somehow presentation is
handwriting is clean and handwriting is presentation but handwriting clean yet hand writing is
readable is somehow tough to read poor

Creativity Journal appearance displays Journal appearance somehow Journal appearance displays
evidence of imaginative displays evidence of no evidence of imaginative
personality imaginative personality personality
Content Shows complete activity table, Shows half-finished activity Shows unfinished activity
food diary, generalization and table, food diary, table, food diary, and
learning realization generalization and learning incomplete generalization
realization and learning realization

5 4 3
Critical thinking rich in content; insightful Substantial information; Information is thin and
analysis, synthesis and evidence of analysis, synthesis common place ;attempts
evaluation clear connections and evaluation; general made in analysis synthesis
made to real life situations or connections are made but and evaluation, connections
to previous content sometimes are too obvious or are limited ,vague
not clear generalities are posted

Personal Entries are high quality Connects ideas and thoughts Little evidence of personal
reflection consisting of personal to personal life; evidence of connection, many
reflections that connect personal connection to connection need further
between real life, learning and learning, community explanation or justification
Cleanliness and Overall presentation of journal Almost neat on overall Somehow presentation is
handwriting is clean and handwriting is presentation but handwriting clean yet hand writing is
readable is somehow tough to read poor

Creativity Journal appearance displays Journal appearance somehow Journal appearance displays
evidence of imaginative displays evidence of no evidence of imaginative
personality imaginative personality personality
Content Shows complete activity table, Shows half-finished activity Shows unfinished activity
food diary, generalization and table, food diary, table, food diary, and
learning realization generalization and learning incomplete generalization
realization and learning realization

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