3-D Seismic Response Analysis of Long Lined Tunnels in Half-Space

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:-~ Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering15 (1996) 111-118

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Printed in G r e a t Britain. All rights reserved
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3-D seismic response analysis of long lined tunnels

in half-space
A. A. Stamos & D. E. Beskos
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras GR-26500 Patras, Greece

(Received 6 June 1995; accepted 19 July 1995)

The dynamic response of infinitely long lined tunnels with a uniform cross-section
buried into an elastic or viscoelastic half-space to body and surface harmonic
seis~cdc waves is numerically determined by a special direct boundary element
method in the frequency domain. The waves have an arbitrary direction of
propagation with respect to the axis of the tunnel and this renders the problem
three-dimensional. However, this problem is effectively reduced to a two-dimen-
sional one by a coordinate transformation and appropriate integration of the full-
spao,~ dynamic fundamental solution along the direction of the tunnel axis.
Quadratic isoparametric boundary line elements and advanced numerical integra-
tion techniques for the treatment of singular integrals produce results of high
accuracy. Numerical results are presented for the case of an infinitely long lined
tunnel of circular cross-section and compared against those of a full three-
dimensional boundary element analysis, as well as those of other methods. Thus
the proposed method is illustrated and its merits demonstrated.

Key words: Boundary Element Method, dimensional reduction, frequency

domain, half-space, lined tunnels, seismic response, seismic waves.

INTRODUCTION medium and hence an extensive and uneconomical

mesh or expensive special absorbing boundaries. The
The study of the dynamic behavior of long underground BEM, on the other hand, requires only a surface dis-
structures, such as transportation tunnels or pipe lines, cretization and takes automatically into account the
to seismic waves is an important engineering problem of radiation condition at infinity in the infinite or semi-
dynamic soil-structure interaction. The existing litera- infinite soil media. Thus, use of the BEM results in
ture on the subject of seismic analysis and design of matrix equations of a much smaller size than those of
underground structures i,,; not so extensive as for the the FEM, but with fully populated and nonsymmetric
above ground structures. Information concerning the matrices.
dynamic analysis of underground structures can be Even though most of dynamic soil-structure interac-
found in the articles of Manolis, 1 Von Estorff et al. 2 tion problems are presently solved by combining the
and Stamos & Beskos, 3 the technical report of Owen & F E M (for the structure) with the BEM (for the soil) in
Scholl, 4 the book of Manolis & Beskos, 5 the recent the frequency or time domain, use of the BEM for both
review work of Beskos 6 and especially the very recent the soil and the structure has been recently shown by
article of Stamos & Beskos 7 with an extensive literature Stamos & Beskos 3'7 to be more advantageous when the
survey on the subject. problem is linear. This is because a coupling between the
It is apparent that seismic wave diffraction by under- two bodies is accomplished at their interface in a more
ground structures is a complex problem, which can only accurate way than in the case of F E M + BEM and the
be solved accurately, economically and under realistic nonsyrnmetric matrices of the system are, in general, of
conditions with the aid of numerical methods, such as the smaller size than those of the hybrid F E M + B E M
Finite Difference Method (FDM), the Finite Element scheme.
Method (FEM) and the Boundary Element Method When the underground structure is infinitely long with
(BEM). However, use of either the F D M or F E M a uniform cross-section (tunnel or pipeline) and the
requires, in addition to an interior discretization, artifi- incident harmonic seismic wave has a direction perpen-
cial boundaries for the infinite or semi-infinite soil dicular to the axis of the structure and does not vary
112 A. A. Stamos, D. E. Beskos

along this axis, then the problem becomes one of plain

strain. Quite a number of problems of wave diffraction
by tunnels and pipes under conditions of plane strain
have been solved by either the F E M + BEM or the \
BEM. 6'7 However, when the direction of wave propaga-
tion is arbitrary with respect to the axis of the structure i 2 ,X -
the problem becomes three-dimensional. Of course, one
can treat these problems as truly three-dimensional and P,sv,s~ y'
analyse them with the aid of, e.g. the BEM for both
the structure and the soil as described in Stamos &
Beskos. 3'7 In this work, however, a special direct BEM
in the frequency domain for both the structure and the
soil is employed which effectively reduces the above
three-dimensional problem to a two-dimensional one
by a coordinate transformation and appropriate integra-
tion of the full-space Green's function along the direction
of the tunnel axis. This idea of dimensionality reduction
has been employed by Hwang & Lysmers in connection
with the seismic response of tunnels to travelling waves,
Khair et al. 9 and Liu et al. ~°'11 in connection with wave Fig. 1. Seismicwaves incident upon a long cylindricaltunnel in
diffraction by alluvial valleys and tunnels, Luco et al. 12 half-space.
and Luco & de Barros 13 in connection with wave diffrac- employ half-space Green's functions and thus a free
tion by canyons and tunnels and Zhang & Chopra 14-16 in soil surface discretization is avoided. A certain portion
connection with wave diffraction by canyons and arch of the free soil surface around the area of interest has to
dam-canyon systems. Reference 8 describes a special be discretized when employing the present BEM asso-
FEM in the frequency domain, Refs 9-11 a frequency ciated with the full-space Green's function. However, the
domain FEM + BEM scheme in conjunction with a half- expression of the full-space Green's function is much
space Green's function and finally Refs 14-16 a direct simpler than that of the half-space one leading to com-
frequency domain BEM in conjunction with the full putational gains. Finally, it should be mentioned that the
space Green's function. Layered ground was considered present method can be thought of as an extension of the
in Refs 8, 10-13 and homogenous soil in the remaining method of Zhang & Chopra 14'15from canyons to tunnels
ones. characterized by higher accuracy due to employment of
Out of these Refs 8-16, only Refs 8, 11 and 13 deal quadratic elements and a high accuracy singular integra-
with tunnels like the present work. However, the direct tion algorithm.17
BEM for both the structure and the soil employed here For illustration purposes, the response of a circular
has some advantages over the methods presented in Refs cylindrical lined tunnel to incident P and SV harmonic
8, 11 and 13. The FEM of Ref. 8 has the problems of all waves is numerically computed by the present method
domain methods (FDM, FEM) previously reported and and the results are compared against those of other
in addition its stiffness matrices are no longer real and methods in order to assess its accuracy.
symmetric. The special FEM + BEM scheme of Ref. 11 is
characterized by the disadvantages previously mentioned
over the BEM used for both the structure and the soil
and in addition is not as accurate as the present one FREE FIELD WAVES
utilizing quadratic elements and advanced singular inter-
action techniques 17 thus avoiding the placement of Consider an infinitely long lined tunnel with a uniform
sources inside the contour at a distance which can cross-section buried into the elastic half-space and sub-
only be empirically determined for obtaining good jetted to plane harmonic body (P, SV, SH) or surface (R)
results. Finally the special BEM of Ref. 13 has also the waves of an arbitrary direction of propagation with
problems of Ref. 11 associated with the placement of respect to the axis x of the tunnel, as shown in Fig. 1.
sources inside the contour and in addition uses different The free field motion is the total motion in the half-
Green's functions for the soil and the cylindrical thin space in the absence of the tunnel and consists of the
shell (Donnell's theory) representing the tunnel lining incident wave motion plus the reflected (at the free soil
thereby making the method less general than the present surface) wave motion. This free-field wave motion with a
one, which can treat by the BEM any structure. Of propagation direction along x' axis can by expressed in
course, all the methods of Refs 8, 11 and 13 can treat the x ' y ' z ' coordinate system in terms of displacements as
layered soils, while the present method is restricted only {Uf(X')} r-t, " l - i k ' x ' +itot
to homogeneous ones. In addition, Refs 11 and 14 = (Uf~Z)ie (1)
3-D seismic response analysis 113

where {u~(z')} are the displacement components at the

plane x r = 0,k is the wavenumber, ~v is the circular
frequency of vibration, t is the time and i is the imaginary
unit. The quantities {u~(z')} and k' have different
expressions for the different kinds of waves SH, SV, P ~ S 1 .-" "°'°s°~~
and R. For example, for horizontally polarized shear c /
waves SH one has

/°/ gos~~. . "~Ss2 ~

" ~.

= + 1 e i(~/c~)c°s°~z'
ro .o"°

k' = (~V/Cs)sin 0v, c2 = p~/P (3)

where # is the shear modulus, p is the mass density of the Fig. 2. Geometry of a long cylindrical tunnel in half-space.
soil medium, cs is the shear wave velocity and 0v is the
angle between the wave propagation direction and the z' {ts(X)} = {ts(x0)}e -/kx (10)
axis is shown in Fig. 1. Expressions of {uf(z')} and k' for It is now obvious from the form of eqns (5)-(10) that the
other types of waves can be found, e.g. in Achenbach) 8 three-dimensional problem of wave diffraction by a long
The free field displacement is conveniently trans- cylindrical tunnel is reducible to a two-dimensional one,
formed into the x y z coordinate system of the tunnel as since one needs only to compute displacements and
shown in Fig. 1. The two systems x'y'z' and x y z are tractions at the x = 0 plane. The solution of this problem
connected by the relation can be obtained numerically by the BEM as explained in
the next section.
{X'} [ COS0ho si:a0h i ] {i}
y' = --sin0h COS0h = [T] r (4)
zr 0
where Oh is the angle between the x and x' axes and thus
the free field displacement at a point x = (x, y, z) has the Consider an infinitely long cylindrical cavity of surface
form 14 $2 in the three-dimensional, homogeneous isotropic and
linearly elastic half-space with a volume V and a free
{us(x/} = { s(x0 }e surface $1, as shown in Fig. 2. Plane harmonic seismic
= [T]{u'f(z )}e tkyslnOhe ikx (5) waves characterized by their free-field amplitude uf(x)i
are diffracted by the cavity and the resulting total dis-
where {~f(x0)} denotes the displacements at placement and traction fields u(x)/ and t(x)/, respec-
x0 = (0, y, z) on the y - z plane, k has different expressions tively, are connected through the boundary integral
for different types of waves (e.g. k = (w/c;)sin 0~ cos Oh equation (Niwa et al. 19)
for SH waves) and the factor e i~' has been omitted here
and in the following fiar brevity. Amplitudes like CijUs(X)i= IS2 U ( x , y)ijt(y)idS(y)
{~f(x0)} are, of course, functions of frequency. When
the tunnel is present, the total displacement field {u(x)}
and corresponding traction vector {t(x)} are given by - Js2 r(x, y)iju(y)idS(y)
{u(x)} = {uf(x)} + {u~(x)} (6)
+ Is1 U(x'y)ijts(y)idS(y)
(t(x)} = {tf(x)) + {ts(x)} (7)
where the subscriptsf and s stand for free and scattered, - ds[t T(x,y)us(Y)idS(y) + Aijuf(x)i (11)
respectively and where {tf(x)} is obtained from {uf(x)}
through Hooke's law and has the form where

{tf(x)} = {?f(x0)}e -/kx (8) Aij = 6~j - c~j, if x ~ $2

Thus, since the free field is given, in order to compute the Aij = 0, if x E S1
total field one has to determine the scattered field, which
can also be expressed in tlhe form 6ij is Kronecker's delta, cij depends on the local geometry
of the boundary at x(cij = 0"56ij for x smooth or a
{us(x)} = {~(Xo)}e -/k~: (9) function of the angles of tangent lines passing through
114 A. A. Stamos, D. E. Beskos

x at the boundary2°), x and y are two points at the

boundary S1 U $2 and U(x, y)~/and T(x, Y)ij are the full-
space fundamental displacement and traction tensors, +n3\ ox3 + Ox2] (17)
respectively, in the frequency domain. Explicit expres-
sions for U(x, Y)ij and T(x, Y)ij in three-dimensions can ( 2n3 [ OV~. OU~]
be found, e.g. in Manolis & Beskos. 5 These t e n s o r s Uij
and Tij a r e singular for r = Ix - y[ ~ 0 of 0(l/r) and
0(1/r 2) respectively.
Denoting by £1 and £2 the intersection of the bound-
ary surfaces S1 and S~, respectively, with the y - z plane at +"~,Ox3 Ox~jj
x = 0 and recognizing the uniform cross-section and the where
infinite length of the cavity one can rewrite (11) with the
aid of (5)-(10) in the form OOl~ 1
axj = 27rlzr,j
c,ju,(x0), = v " ( x 0 , yo)u.t(Yo)idr(yo)
k2 , _ + k2
- TR(Xo' Y°)iju(y°)idF(Y°)
OU~. 1 ik
+ I q U~(x°' Yo)ifl,(Y0);d£(yo) Ox~ = 2~. " ~{~,s~ [e.r;(e.~)
- %K[,(~,,~)]
- ar[-l TR(x°' Y°)0"u*(y°)dF(y°)
+ ,jr,a [e,2Ko(a,r)
7 - n 2 n
- e~Ko (epr)]} - -
+ Aijuf (x)i (13)
OU~ 1 ik

U~(xo,Yo) = I7oo U(x, yo)ije-i~Xdx (14) + ~,~ r,~ [esKo(o~sr) - ~ K o ( e r r ) ]

2 It -- 2 It --

2 n - 2 tt -
+ (r,~a r,7 +r,~ r,'ra )[c~sKo(asr) - e-eKo(epr)]
T"(xo, Yo) = JT~ T(x'y°)ije-i~dx (15) - - - 3 It/ - 3 lit -
+ r,~ r,7 r,e [esK 0 (esr) - epKo (err)]
receiver points x = (x,y,z) ~ S~ U S2,xo = (O,y,z) ~ £~
i~ F,~ asKro(as~).
UF 2 and source point Yo = (0,y, z) e F1 U £2. k
Almost explicit expressions for U3 and T/~ can be
In the above expressions, ~,/3, 7 = 2, 3;j = 1,2, 3, # and
found in Zhang & Chopra) 4 More explicit expressions
v are the shear modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively,
for these tensors are given here reading as follows:
of the medium, f is the distance between the source and
_- 1 k2 k2
] receiver points Y0 = (Yol,Yo2,Yo3) and x = (xl,x2,x3),
respectively, projected to the plane x I = 0, i.e.
= [(X2 --Y02) 2 + (X 3 --Y03)2] 1/2, (19)
1 ik ~ ~ _
V~o = V~l = 2n~" ~ [ a , K0(as~) - ~,K0(e,r)] with the notation for the coordinates changed from
( x , y , 2) to ( X l , X 2 , X 3 ) for reasons of compactness,
(16) n = (0, n2, n3) is the o u t w a r d u n i t n o r m a l v e c t o r to the
surface F l U F 2 at point Xo, kp = w/cp and ks = ov/G
1 1 t are wavenumbers for the incident, P and S waves,
Uff~ 27r# respectively, with cp and cs being the P and S wave
velocities, quantities e r and a s are given by
+ ~¢.,[e,~r~'(e,~) = ,, (~r)]
- epK6 _
ep = (k 2 -- k2) 1/2, a s = (k 2 -- ks2) 1/2 (20)
+ ~a~8/Co(e,~)}
the derivatives of ~ have the form
T~=#[n2 (oU~ + ikV~j) + {OU~. .,, ~ ]

f 2n2 r ov~ ov l f ~3, ~,~= ~ ~ ~2

~g = u] _--z-~
~ [ix~'v~ + (1- ~-5~-~ +"-b-~;J (21)
3-D seismic response analysis 115

with 6a7 being Krockener's delta and those of K0 the FORMULATION AND SOLUTION PROCEDURE
Consider the complete problem of an infinitely long lined
K~o(Z) = -Kl(Z), Kg(z) = Ko(z ) + Kl(z----~) tunnel of uniform cross-section buried in the half-space
(22) and subjected to plane harmonic seismic waves. The two
Kg' (z) = - K l (z) - zK°(z) + 2KI (z) governing equations of motion for the half-space with
z2 the cavity, eqn (23) and the tunnel liner eqn (25), can be
with K0 (z) and K1 (z) being the modified Bessel functions written in partitioned form as
of the second kind, zero and one, respectively, order and
argument z.
The two-dimensional boundary integral eqn (13) is r~l r?2J { 4 LU~l
solved numerically by standard procedures (e.g. Manolis (26)
& BeskosS). In this paper the boundary 1'i U 1'2 is dis-
cretized into a finite number of 3-noded quadratic line [T~z T~3] u~ }, (27)
elements and eqn (13) is employed for all the nodal
points of the discretized boundary. Assemblage of all
LvJ2 ul3j { t]
these equations and use of 116)and (7) produces the BEM where the subscripts 1, 2 and 3 correspond to the free soil
matrix equation surface P1, the ground-liner interface I'2 and the free
[Tg]{US} = [Ug]{t g} + {b} (23) inner surface of the liner I'3, respectively.
Coupling of eqns (26) and (27) is accomplished
where g stands for ground, the influence matrices [Tg] through equilibrium and compatibility at the ground-
and [Ug] consist of integrals over the boundary elements liner interface, which read
involving in their integrands, the reduced fundamental
solution tensors T~ and U/~, respectively, vectors {us} t21= - 2tg, U1 = U~ (28)
and {t g} contain nodal values of total displacement and Thus, eqns (26) and (27) with the help of (28), can be
traction amplitudes at the boundary r 1 u 1'2 and vector combined to yield
{b} contains known boundary values coming out of the
known free wave displacenaent field uf(x). The evalua-
tion of the entries--boundary integrals of matrices [Tg]
and [Ug] is done numerically by standard Gauss quad-
rature when these are regular, i.e. when f # 0. However,
when ~ = 0 one has that Ui~ = 0(lnF) and T~ = 0(l/F)
and the resulting singular integrals are evaluated again
1/} 4;
[° 0
-u~2 v]3J
numerically by following the highly accurate direct
approach of Gniggiani & q~asalini. 17
For the case of the tunnel liner with outer and inner
surfaces $2 and $3, respec,Lively, as shown in Fig. 2, the
reduced boundary integral equation analogous to (13)
{t}t,+t{b!} (20)

has simply the form s

Employment of the boundary conditions of the problem
CijU(Xo)i ~" Ir~ur~ gR(x°' Yo),Tt(yo)idF(yo)
tlg = 0 , t]=0 (30)
and rearrangement of eqns (28) results in
- Ir~ur TR(x0, y0)uu(y0)~d1`(y0) (24)
where 1'2 and F3 denote the, intersection of the surfaces $2
and $3, respectively, with the y - z plane at x = 0, while o -u~21 4 b2 (31)
the remaining quantities and symbols are analogous to
[Oo / : o
those pertaining to eqn (13). A discretization of the
boundary 1`2 U 1`3 into 3-noded quadratic line elements
T~'2 T~3 v~2 / t~ o
enables one to write (24) in the matrix form Equation (31) can be solved for the total displacements
and tractions at the boundary 1`1 U1`2 U r3. This is
[rll{d} = [Ul]{?} (25) accomplished by a special out of core block equation
where 1 stands for liner [T l] and [U l] are influence solver of Gauss type for non-symmetric matrices
matrices analogous to those in eqn (22), while {u l} and described in Stamos & Beskos. 7 Once the boundary
{ t l} are vectors of the nodal values of total displacement values have been obtained, interior displacements can
and traction amplitudes, respectively, at the boundary be computed from the discretized versions of (13) and
1`2 U 1'3. (14) with cij 6ij and interior stresses from interior
116 A. A. Stamos, D. E. B e s k o s

2.0 12

__#7 % " l." l

0.5 .J// X
I I I ~ I I I ' o I I I l I I I
0 50 I00 150 200 250 3011 350 o 50 noo 150 200 250 300 350
0o Oo

Fig. 3. Normalized radial displacement amplitude U, vs polar Fig. 5. Normalized hoop stress amplitude ~00 vs polar angle for
angle for P waves: - - * - - present method; -[2]- Stamos & P waves - - * - - present method; - D - Stamos & Beskos;7 + Liu
Beskos;7 + Liu et al n - ' - Luco & de Barros. 13 et al II - . - Luco & de Barros) 3

displacements through Hooke's law. Stresses at the pg = 2.664 x 103 Kg/m s, Eg = 7.567 × 10 9 N/m e and
boundary can finally be obtained in terms of boundary Ug = 0.333. The liner thickness h = 0"lri. The dimen-
tractions and tangential displacement derivatives, as sionless frequency ~ = w r o h r c ~ =0.105. Using these
described, e.g. in Manolis & Beskos. 5 In this case, one data and employing the proposed method, the normal-
tangential direction is parallel to the y - plane, while the ized displacement amplitudes U r ( r o ) = lu,/AI for the
other parallel to the x axis and hence U~,x= iku~, e -kx. radial and U x ( r o ) = lux/AI for the axial direction on
Viscoelastic material behavior in the soil or the liner r = r 0 and the normalized hoop stress amplitudes
can be very easily taken into account in the present ~oo(C~) =- Icroo/Wpgc~A] on the centerline r = a = 1 - 0 5 r i
frequency domain formulation either in an exact of the liner have been computed. In the above, A denotes
manner through the correspondence principle or in an the amplitude o f the free field displacement) s
approximate manner by simply replacing the Lam6 Figures 3-5 depict Ur, Ux, and ~ , respectively, vs the
elastic constants A and # by their complex counterparts polar angle 0 for the case of P waves, while Figs 6-8 the
A*= A(1 + i ~ ) and #* = # ( 1 +i/3), where fl is the same things for the case of SV waves. The proposed
hysteretic damping coefficient: method was used in conjunction with a discretization
involving 36 quadratic boundary elements for the free
soil surface and 20 such dements for each of the two
surfaces of the liner. The above figures also show results
of a full three-dimensional boundary element analysis
conducted by Stamos & Beskos 7 as well as results due to
Consider an infinitely long circular cylindrical tunnel of a
Liu et al. 11 and Luco & de Barros) s It is apparent that
concrete liner o f inner and outer radii ri and r0, respec-
the present results are in close agreement with those of
tively and thickness h buried in a half-space of hard soil
Stamos & Beskos 7 and Luco & de Barros, 13 while dis-
medium subjected to nonvertically incident (0~ = 30 °) P
agree with those o f L i u et a l ) 1 Thus, the close agreement
and SV waves impinging in the direction of the tunnel
of the present results with those of Refs 7 and 13 and the
(Oh = 0°). The concrete material has a mass density
Pl = 2-24 x 103 Kg/m 3, a modulus of elasticity fact that the results of Ref. 13 have also been verified by
another method due to Luco & de Barros, is dearly
El = 1.6 x 101° N/m 2 and a Poisson's ratio vl = 0.2,
demonstrate the accuracy o f the proposed method.
while the hard soil medium has correspondingly




\'-._ :
:I \ %.I _...,..,,.,.\,,?.,-

0 I
or0 ,
, \#200
300 350
0o 0o

Fig. 4. Normalized axial displacement amplitude Ux vs polar Fig. 6. Normalized radial displacement amplitude Ur vs polar
angle for P waves: - - * - - present method; - [ ] - Stamos & angle for SV waves: - - , - - present method; -I-1- Stamos &
Beskos;7 + Liu et a111 - . - Luco & de Barros. 13 Beskos;7 + Liu et a111 - . - Luco & de Barros) s
3-D seismic response analysis 117

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