Indian and Pakistani Wars and Conflicts

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Indian and Pakistani

Pakistani Wars and Conflicts

Since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947

these both countries have been involved in many
wars and conflicts, but the Kashmir issue was main
cause of all major conflicts between the two
countries with the exception of Indo Pakistani war
of 1971, where conflict originated due to
separation of East Pakistan now called Bangladesh.
The partition of subcontinent came after World
War II when both Great Britain and British India
were dealing with the economic stresses caused by
the war, and then the people who thought about
new independent Muslim state that dream came
true and Pakistan made with the efforts of
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, but in independence of
Pakistan and India thousands of people were killed
and departed from their homes. Fights and clashes
between Pakistan and India are since independence
till today, and this is like some unfinished business
of these two nations, and this is dangerous for both
sides because these two nations are nuclear powers,
and they have also latest and killer weapons so this
will effect to the whole world. Indo Pakistani war of
1947 also called the first Kashmir war which was
started in 22 October 1947, when Pakistan feared
that Maharaja of Princely State of Kashmir and
Jammu will accede to India, and Kashmir had
option to choose India or Pakistan or to remain
independent, Jammu and Kashmir was with the
majority of Muslims ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh,
Tribal Islamic forces occupied Kashmir with the
help of Pakistan army forcing Maharaja to sign the
instrument of accession of princely state from the
dominion of India. The UN Security Council passed
resolution 47 on 22 April 1948 known as line of
control, a formal ceasefire was declared at 12 pm
on night of 1st January 1949 when India gained
control of about two thirds of the state of Kashmir
valley Jammu and Ladakh whereas Pakistan gained
roughly a third of Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and
Gilgit Baltistan. The first controlled areas are
collectively referred to as Pakistan administrated

Indo Pakistani War of 1965

Both Pakistan and India say that they won the war
of 1965, but the truth is actually both sides lost the
war written by Indian writer Shivam Vijay, here is
what happened in 1965, Pakistan launched a secret
mission to send 30,000 armed men into Indian
administered Kashmir to liberate Kashmir from
India this was known as operation Gibraltar, when
Indian forces realized that Pakistani fighters had
reached in the boundary of Srinagar the capital of
Kashmir, as the Indian military offensive seemed to
gain success the Indian army captured the Haji Pir
Pass inside Pakistan. Indian launched attack at
Akhnoor in Jammu and suffering loses here and
then India called its air force and opens a front at
Wagah in Punjab for surprising Pakistan, But
Pakistan repelled this attack very well. Eventually
the international committee forced a ceasefire and
these two countries signed an agreement in
Tashkent whereby both returned to their original
positions since the Indian attack across Wagah
threatened Lahore and Sialkot, Pakistani says that
India lost the war and Pakistan won, since Pakistan
plan to liberate Kashmir failed and the year ended
with Pakistan getting not a single inch of new
territory, and India says they won but historians
however are clear that it was a military statement
and neither side won because every match has not a
winner or loser, some of them ends in a draw. It is
perhaps opt that both India and Pakistan says they
won this war showing up each other’s nationalism
for what it is.

Indo Pakistani War of 1971

This was political battle between Sheikh Mujibur-
Rehman, the leader of East Pakistan and Yahiya
Khan with Zulifquar Ali Bhutto, leaders of West
Pakistan. Its result is declaration of independence of
East Pakistan now which is called Bangladesh. In
1971 10 million Bengalis in East Pakistan took
refuge in neighboring India, and India helped
Bangladesh liberation movement and was major
role to divide East Pakistan from West Pakistan, and
in this war Pakistan lost its half of navy, a quarter of
its air force and a third of its army.

Indo Pakistani War of 1999

This war was known as Kargil war and this was
limited war, during early 1999 Pakistani troops
came across the line of control and occupied Indian
Territory mostly in the Kargil district. India
responded by launching a major military and
diplomatic operation to drive out Pakistani fighters
and gained bit of success, and according to
unofficial sources 75% or 85% of Indian area was
gained back, and in that war US puts pressure on
Pakistan for withdrawal of forces from remaining
Indian territory, and Pakistan came back so it was a
major military defeat for Pakistan army. Apart from
above mentioned wars there have been many other
issues between Pakistan and India time to time like
Siachin conflict, in 1984 India launched operation
Meghdoot capturing the entire Siachin glacier,
further clashed in the glaciers area in 1985, 1987,
and 1995 as Pakistan sought without success to out
India from its stronghold. And insurgency of
Baluchistan has also caused tension; recently
Pakistan has accused India of causing the
insurgency with the help of Baloch leaders, militant
groups and terrorist organizations like Baluchistan
liberation army. According to Pakistani officials
these militants are trained in neighboring
Afghanistan. In 2016 Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav
was arrested by Pakistan forces during a counter
intelligence operation in Baluchistan. On 14th Feb
2019 Pulwama bomb attack happened and the
Pakistan based terrorist group Jash-e-Mohammad
claimed responsibility for a suicide bomb attack,
and on 26 Feb India claimed retaliation so Indian
mirage 2000 Jets conducted air strike on a terrorist
camp at Balakot in Khyber Pakhtonkhwa, and that
creates tension between Pakistan and India, and in
reply Pakistan air force also strikes in Indian
Kashmir and shot down one Indian aircraft with
pilot, but India deny this, then Pakistan uploaded a
video and then Indian officials confirmed that
Pakistan air force strikes and shot down two Indian
aircrafts, and the wreckage of one aircraft was in
Pakistani Kashmir and other was in Indian Kashmir
and one of the killed pilot was identified as
Abhinandan Varthaman. India claimed that
Abhinandan had shot down a Pakistani F-16
aircraft that violated its airspace during dog fight.
The IAF also displayed remnant of an AIM-120
AMRAAM missile that they claimed could only be
fired by F-16 aircraft.

Written By
Doctor Shahbaz Ahmed Bughio
Village Karani Taluka Dokri
District Larkana

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