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Background of Independence

1970 - The Awami League, led by the Father of the nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
wins an overwhelming election victory in the then East Pakistan. The government in
West Pakistan refuses to recognize the results, leading to an obvious people’s
movement for independence.

War of Independence

1971 - Sheikh Mujib arrested and taken to West Pakistan. The most brutal genocide
initiated by west Pakistan army. On Mar 26, East Pakistan proclaimed its
independence, taking the name Bangladesh. The people’s war began led by Mukti
Bahini in assistance of India. Dec 16, Pakistani forces in East Pakistan surrendered
to the allied forces of India and Bangladesh, jointly known as the Mitro Bahini.
Bangladesh gained independence at the cost of 3 million martyrs during the 9-month

1972 – Mid 1975

Sheikh Mujib returns, becomes prime minister. He begins a programme of

nationalizing key industries. A national state of emergency is declared as severe
floods devastate much of the grain crop, leading to an estimated 28,000 deaths.
Sheikh Mujib becomes president of Bangladesh. The political situation worsens.

August 1975

Sheikh Mujib is assassinated in a military coup in August 15. Martial law is imposed.

Zia Regime


General Ziaur Rahman assumes the presidency. Islam is adopted in the constitution.
Martial law is lifted following elections, which Zia's Bangladesh National Party (BNP)
wins. In 1981 Zia is assassinated during abortive military coup.
Ershad era

1982 – 1990

General Ershad assumes power in army coup and becomes president. Islam
becomes state religion. In 1990, Ershad steps down following mass protests.

Rise of democracy

Ershad convicted and jailed for corruption and illegal possession of weapons. Begum
Khaleda Zia, widow of President Zia Rahman, becomes prime minister. Constitution
is changed to render the position of president ceremonial. The prime minister now
has primary executive power.

Awami League returns


Two sets of elections eventually see the Awami League win power, with Sheikh
Hasina Wajed, the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, becoming prime minister.
High Court confirms death sentences on 12 ex-army officers for killing Mujib. On
2001 July - Hasina steps down, hands power to caretaker authority.


Hasina loses at polls to Khaleda Zia's Nationalist Party and its three coalition
partners. In 2004 August - Grenade attack on opposition Awami League rally in
Dhaka kills 22 people. Awami League leader Sheikh Hasina survives the attack. In 17
August, 2005, around 350 small bombs go off in towns and cities nationwide. Violent
protests over government's choice of a caretaker administration to take over when
Premier Zia completes her term at the end of the month, October 2006.

Caretaker Government: 1/11


A state of emergency is declared amid violence in the election run-up. Military

backed Fakhruddin Ahmed heads a caretaker administration. Sheikh Hasina is
charged with murder. Begum Khaleda Zia is under virtual house arrest. A all wide anti
corruption move conducted. General election declared to be held on 18 December

Awami League win


Awami League captures more than 250 of 300 seats in parliament. Sheikh Hasina is
sworn in as prime minister in January 2009. Around 74 people, mainly army officers, are
killed in a mutiny in Dhaka by border guards. Five former army officers are executed for the
1975 murder of founding PM Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. War Crime Tribunal formed and some
top accused executed.

Present Term

2014- Till Date

Opposition BNP boycotts parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

returns for third term in office. A strong Islamic radicalism in the form of series of
organized terrorist acts exhibited in this term which reached its pick through the
horrific and dastardly attack on innocent civilians in an upscale bakery in a posh
section of Dhaka, which took the lives of 22 persons, mainly foreigners. The incidents
represented a horrifying rise of Islamic terrorism specifically through HUJI
Bangladesh, JMB and ATB with an alleged distant connection with IS. This tenure is
farther significant by Rohingya crisis and upcoming national election in 2018.

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