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‘ne re Chapter 15 contains Ue specific requirennes for Ue installation of open, special dy, ad old-style sprinklers that were previously in Section & ofthe 2016 edition 15.1 Open Sprinklers. 15.1.1 Open sprinklers shall be permitted to be used in deluge systems to protect special hazards or exposures or in other special locations. 15.1.2. Open sprinklers shall be installed im accordance with all applicable requirements of this stundard for their automatic counterpart (Open sprinklers are spray sprinklers with their operating elements removed. They are intended for large, simultaneous operation to provide protection for unique hazards. They can be used for water curtalns ot exposure protection and are referenced in ther NFPA standards a¢ described in Chapter 26. Open window or cornice sprinklers are specifically designed for ouside exposure fie protection usage (see Section 87, Seetian 194, and Chapter 28) 15.2 Special Sprinklers. 15.2.1 Special sprinklers that are intended for the protection of specific hazards or ‘construction features shall be pertitted where such devices have heen evaluated and listed for performunee under the following conditions: (1) Fire tests related tothe intended hazard (2) Distribution ofthe spray pattern with respect to wetting of floors and walls (3) Distiution ofthe say pater wit expect to abstractions (4), Evaluation ofthe thermal sensitivity of the sprinkler (5) Performance under horizontal or sloped ceilings (6) Areaof design @) Allowable cleatance t cei Special sprinklers are intended Lo protect specific hazards ur enstructon features The development these types of sprinklers soften the result of ew awareness of the performance limitations of other sprin- blr types. Essentially, special sprinklers are developed to solve some protection problem associated with the way an occupancy built, whet materia are used in the construction, and how the occupancy sto be Used, To address those concerns the following key questions need to be answered 1. How does construction method, materials used, and occupancy us impact sprinkler activation? 2. How does thisimpact the development and distribution from an operated sprinkler? 3. Isthe water distribution sufi forthe anticipate fire hazard? Shaded text ~ Revisions for this edition. (N>- New material for tis edition, speclal sprinklers? While gan deal of aide a aoa tiie size and temperature rat ing must bein compliance wth Une provision, o Seaton 7.2, Abe, ‘the manimum are of overage cannot exceed 00 8 07 mY), ferlight and ordinary hazard ‘ceupances and 19610 (182 9° (overs tavatd uucupaties and high-pled storage. These requirements, which are found 1522, apply because of cancers for nterchangoahity and over system relay These sprinkler ‘types shouldbe used in acco dance with therlisting id Cae oo ed Special sprinklers must be seu, ard ther performance must be evaluat The evaualion ett ite tests related to the speciic azar, spray patter distribution with respect tothe wetting of both walls and floors, obstructions, thermal sensiily ofthe operating element, and performance ofthe sprinkler under horizontal or saped ceiling. All these factors serve to answer the three questionsin the preceding paragraph The testing results ae used to ensure adequate performance and to identify special design and installation chtenia to be included as parto the listing nhac 18.2.2. Special sprinklers shall maintain the following characteristics: (1). Kefaetor size shall be in accordance with 7.2.2. (2) Tempersture ratings shall be in accordance with Table 7.24.1. (3) The protection area of coverage shall not exceed 100 ft (37 m?) for light hazard and ordi- tary bane aceapsancies. (4) “The profection area of coverage shall nol exceed 196 12 (18 me) for extra heard aml high piled storage occupancies, 15.3 Dry Sprinklers. 15.3.1% Where dry sprinklers are connected fo wet pipe sprinkler systems protect subject o freezing temperatures, the minimum exposed length of the burrel ofthe dry sprinkler shall be in accordance with Table 15.3.1(a) or Table 15.3.1(b). Dry sprinkles ae typically installed on wet sprinkler systems where sprinklers must be located in areas ‘exposed to freezing conditions. To protect the dry sprinkler from conditions that might interfere with ts ‘operation, aditional considerations are needed to prevent cold temperatures from afecting the wet pipe Portions ofthe system and to prevent the cod ar fom the protected space from entering the warm area tnd causing condensation which can lead to problems. istorcally, designers and installing contractors had to go to the manufactuters for information on the necessary length ofthe barel of dey sprinkles. Unfortunately, nt all manufacturers provided sufcient information to help the desianers properly desian ‘the systems, Tho lanquaae in 153.1 and the ascocated tales provide a standardized approach fr the use of ry sprinklers Dry sprinkler manufacturers have minimum requlted lengths to crsure tat the dry sprinkler fs rap ely ntl and that the point of attachment to the wet pipe sprinkler system wil be properly protect againsl condersition, freezing and ice plugs While dry sprinklers are available in many dillerent lengths for varios applications, where used in conjunction with awe pipe sprinkler syste cate sul be ake ta ensure thatthe minimum requited lengths ate met based an the manufacturers recommendations and the expected exposed temperature. For example, ina fezer application, where the branch line can Doe located dive tly above tn freeze i igh be necessary Lo wlevae he Lani ive Lo ensure thal te ‘minimum distance is maintained between the cold region and the point ot connection to the wet pipe system. tis the length ofthe barrel exposed to warm a thats important, not the overall length ofthe dry barrel sprinkler. AAS Dry 9) gil Gs avoid! freering, af thee waiter filled pipes due to conduction along the barrel. ‘The values of exposed barrel length in Table 15.3.1(a) and Table 15.3.1(b) have been developed using an assumption of a properly’ sealed penetration and an assumed maximum wind velocity on the exposed sprinkler of 30 mph (48 km/h). Where higher wind velocity is expected, longer exposed barrel lengths will help avoid freezing of the wet piping. The total length of the barrel of the dry sprinkler must be longer than the values shown in Table 15.3.1(4) and Table 15.3.1(b) because the length shown in the (ables is the minimum length of the barrel Uh needs (o be exposed to the warmer ambient temperature in the heated space. Sec Figure A.15.3.1(a) and Figure A.15.3.1(c) for an example of where to measure the exposed barrel length fora sidewall sprinkler penetrating an exterior wall and Figure A.15.3.1(b) and Figure A.15.3.1(¢) for an example of where to measure the expersed hae Ienpth for a pendent sprinkler penetrating a ceiling. or top ofa freezer 2019 Automate Sprinkier Systems Handbook Eo ea cee Ld TABLE 15.3.1(a) Exposed Barrel Lengihs jor Dry Sprinklers (U.S. Customary Units) “Ambient Temperature Minimum Exposed ‘Minimum Fxposed “Minimum Fxposed Exposed to Discharge Darrel Length when Darrel Length when Darrel Length when End of Sprinkler (F) Exposed to 40°F (in.) Exposed to 50°F (in.) Exposed to 60°F (in.) 40 o 0 ° 40 0 0 0 20 4 0 0 Ww x 1 0 0 ry 3 0 -10 14 4 1 0 4 6 3 30 16 8 4 =n ir s 4 30 20 10 6 60) 20 10 6 TABLE 153.106) Exposed Barrel Lengths for Dry Sprinklers (Metric Units) ‘Ambient Temperature Minimum Repose Minimum Beposed Minimum Exposed Exposed to Discharge Barrel Length when Barrel Length when Barrel Length when End of Sprinkler °C) Exposed to-4°C (mm) Exposed to 10°C (mm) Exposed to 16°C (mm) 4 0 o 0 1 0 0 0 1 100 0 0 =n 200 a 0 -18 300, 15 0 -23 300) 100 » 0 350. 150 5 M4 400 200 100 a0 430 0 100 48 500 250 150 = 500 250 150 Fan of iting _ Co Z / x vet sornier pe vere ras iting | X= Minimum exposed bal ength IS = ‘ia mand fe ce lt pr ting x cies ie tothe nese curace othe ertsrer wal orneulton / \ act ote ig. y/ \ FIGURE A.15.3.1(a) Dry Sidewall Sprinkler Through RA SA Wall ry spike = Minimum expoced tel ena tone nade sutace otha ererar wal or ulin "whichever sceser tothe tba. FIGURE A1S.3.1(b) Dry Pendent Sprinkler Thorn Ceiling or Top of Freezer ‘Automatic Spinker Systems Mandbook 2019 ee eed EP- Exterior FIGURE A.15.3.1(e) Dry Sidewall Sprinkler Through Wall BF ATS.) Dry Ponlent Sprinkler Through Ceiling 15.3.2 The minimum exposed length shall be measured along the length of the dry sprinkler from the face of the fitting to which the dry sprinkler is installed to the inside surface of the insulation, wall, or ceiling leading to the cold space, whichever is closest to the Fitting 15.3.3* Where dry sprinklers areconnceted to wet pipe sprinkler systems protecting insulated freezer structures, the clearance space around the sprinkler barrel shall be sealed. A.15.3.3 The clearance spuce uround the sprinkler barrel should be scaled to avoid leakage of air into the freezing area that could result in the formation of condensate around the sprinkler frame that could inhibit or cause premature operation. See Figure A.15.3.3(a) and Figure A.15.3.3(h) (Groquvatont retest) ov Seal ‘Clearance hole Insulses teczor A — ate onze sructure 2019 Automate Sprinkier Systems Handbook sprinklers 419 Air interchanges the eauing Cause Uy sprinkler sues inthe fie Ie can ei to ur whee war, ‘moist ir above a reezerintertaces the cold, dry aro the freezer, which can cause damage toa dry sprin- bir. One of the biggest challenges involves the use of foam insulation around the dy sprinkle, which ‘ight intially prevent airinterchange but which often breaks the zeal if the cling flexes for any reason, Figure A15.3.8@) and Figure A15.3.3(b) provide additional guidance on mechanisms to prevent or lint ai interchange. 18.34 Dry sprinklers shu only be installed in Fitings 26 specified by thee manufacturer ‘The sealing mechanism for mast dry type the dry sprinkler meets the cystem pining Inetalation in: ineareet iting can advorely affect sinker pened sett a et sprinklers fs usualy made at the point of connection where A.15.3.4 Generally dry sprinklers are installed in wees. Dry sprinklers should never be installed 90-degree elbows. Some manufacturers allow installation of dry sprinklers in cou CPVC adapters, an so forth 15.4 Old-Style Sprinklers. 15.4.1 Unless required by 9.3.12 or 15.4.2, old-style sprinklers shall not be used in a new stallation. 15.4.2 Tse of old-style sprinklers shall be permitted where constiuetion features 01 other special situations require que water distribution, Care should be taken when using old-style sprinklers 2s permitted by 15.42, to protect unusual construc tion features, especially where a heavy fire-loading situation exists or the sprinklers ar also protecting store arrancamants with daslans that were ovinally tested with seray sprinklers. 15.4.3 Old-style sprinklers protecting fur storage vaults shall be permitted to be placed less than 6 ft (1.8 m) on center. ‘Automatic Spinker Systems Mandbook 2019

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