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2 34 Malch the following: 36, Fores ill dlemember ABOF the truss is List a Hd P S19pedeflectior, method b ome We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. © d P Ocflecrion or the poim C ls. 1 (2U2H)PL EA & (2.E+1)- a (QT). 38 A rectangular column section of25Qmni x 400mm Is reinforced will! We sicct bars of grade Pe-S(}0, each of 20I!Im diameters, Concrete miN is M3Q. Abciul load on “le coluum section vith miuimum eccentricity as per I'8:45(;-2000using Tinrit. stale method ~“‘anbe applied upio «= 110737 b {808,30 1806.40 d, 1908.7 39, A concrete beam 61" rectangular cross section of 200mm" 40mm is'presirassed ‘vb 1force 40ukN al eccentricity 100mm. The Dilliximunl compressive ‘Stress in dle concrete is a 1LSNimm? b 7.5Ninuu’ © S.ON/nun’ Wo SN/m" 40) The Aexural strength of M341 concrete as per 18:456-2000 IS > )S3 MPa b S-7Mra a 1123 MPa @ 1).0Mta 41° "Ina random sampling procedure-for cube strengtb OF concrete. onc sample consists oi X number of specimens, These specimens are tested, at 28 days and average strength of these X specimens is considered as lest ‘result of Ille sample, provided the individual variation in the strength of specimens isnot more than ¢ Y per cern of the average strength, The values uf X and V asper 1S:456-2000 are s 4and 10 respectively b, Sand 10 respectively Sel d. 3 and 15 respectively Dik" for Q.42 & Q,4 are given helew. Solve. the prohicms lind choose comect nnswers, Assume straight line instead of parabola for stress- strain curve of concrete as gi ven below and partial factor of safety as LO Jiid. “1, orto "0.0035 tint Arectangular under-reinforced concrete section Of 34100 1n; Width and SODOI1Ileffective depth is reinforced witl:1 bars of grade Fe" 15, each of [Clnundiameter Conerete mix IsM20, 42. The depth of the neutral -axis from the compression fibreis =, T6rim b. simm +3. The depth of the neutral axis obtained as ‘per 15:486-2000- differs from thedeptT! of neutral axis obtained ill Q.12 by «Sm Hy 10mm: c. 25mn! dd. 32mm A~ An unsiiffened web t-scciion is MibiicSICd from a 10111" thick platc by 1ill-f weldi ns as shown in the gure, If yield stress of steel is 250MPa, rhe maximum shear load that seation-can lakeis 200mm a, TSOKN h. 350 kN" 37.5 kN don kly 6. A ullolive}ded joint of (imlli size is shOlVO Ubtile figure toll, welded surfaces mee ¥4 a a ne DIO Cm Then Conn ree Seg We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. 47 48. 49 milet weldis 108 MFa_ The safe load thal can be transmlued by tnejoim is 12, ffl © mBA"N d. 1095kN Which one af'the followi ng is NOT correct for stcel sections as per IS , SOX). 19841 a. The maximum bending stress in rensien or In compression in. extreme fibre calculated on the effective section of a beamshall nox exceed 0,66 |, b The bearing sires:! ill mm pari of” n beam when calculated on the net area shall notexceed 0.75.0. a. Tile direct stress in compression ao the gross scctional area: of axially loaded compression member shall not execed 06 ~. d._ None of the-ahove. A cantilever beam of let! ;-A width b'and depth dis loaded with a concentrated vertical load at the tip. Iyielding starts at alo-d I, the collapse. load shlll be = 20" bo oi-P ©, 12P a P tm s constant bead permeameter with cross seetionarea of 10cm", when the flow was Iking-place under a hvdrllulic gradient of 05_{he amount of water collected in 611 seconds is 600ce. The penu-bililY of the sotis m1 0,002 canis 6. 0,02.cOn: = O2cmlr d 20ems ‘Two observation wells penetrated into a confined aquifer and located 15kjil apart in lite direction of Dow, idicare head Of 4-m and 20)11 If the coefficiem of permeability of tho aquifec is 30m‘day and porosity Is 0.25, the'limo of travel SL 3 eot Il a, 167 days b. S00 day~ c. 7,0 day9 4, .. river bed level does not change and the depth of Ivater in river “las 10m, 18 11. and S'ru duciug the months of feb"ry, Juty and’ December respectively of a lar you, The average bulk denslty of the, soil rs 2)1>Nim~ The densi ty of waters— I)kNro~ The effccliv.c ‘Stress or u depth of 10m below the river bed durins these months would be a, 300 EM’ iu February, ~50 kNim July and ]201¢,Nimbittbe~"ellbllr b. 100kavall in February. 100 EN/I~ July and 100 kNim'in December «200 tn February. 250 kNlm: jul 2Uld 180 Nl? fr December 4, 300 killin! In February, 350 k’NIm’ TulyaMf 280 kNin? in December For a triaxial shear test conducted on 1 sand specimen at a confining pressure of 100 Nim under drained cQnditiOL.1s. resulted ill. a deviator sums co1 - (1) at, fa;lure ol:100kNim-. ‘The angle of shearing resksrance_aflhe: ~ollwould be 4 184." b. 1947" «. 2656" d. Jo" A am higiJ retaining wall is supporting a saturated send [saturated ellle to capillarY action) of bulk. density 18 kNim' and angle of SL.canlllt resislance.l0- Tile change ill magnitude of active earth pressure at the hase due to rise in ground water table from the bose OF the Jooting to the ground surface.shall (F. kKN/M) 3, increase by 20 kNiin’ b, deceaseby 20 "N, increaseby 30kNim- d. decrease: by 30 kNIIII? For two infinite silPC> (one in 01 condition and other in submerged condition) in a sand deposit having the angle of shearing resistance 30+, fClor of safety was determined as 15 (for both slopes), The slope angles would have been » 2108" for dry slope and 2105" for submerged slope ena Disclaimer: We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. 56. b. 294r Ibe Ut) sigpo und 18"10 ror submerged slope — 18A WI a» sut™-r-ed Icge 4, 22.6 thr dry slope and LOAN Nr sullli"tged slope 1 strip thov"tG. (Sra wide) is designed for n tulllisoutemll\F of $0rmlh. Ie Hafe bearing cnmeity (shear) was 1S0kNIm-~ and sn~c aUuwnble soil PSI: IVA JOQENIIL Duc iil unporuue ef the 1 L” submerged veto wMluid Ocat-aevaoes 125m 15" gent rreseegtttinp- re eenpeert rennet ot rn sr et Disclai We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. =) Maldl List-l with Lrstell and G01 tho coect answer using the codes _gillen below the lisL~ it Gale valve S. PilOtwal"= Lisl L Reduce high inlet pressure to lower outlet pressure 2. Laull the i'w uf water In ~| direcuon 4. Remove air hom the pipeline ~. Starring he IV of Willer ill the pipetine. Codes " oe = & oS or ce 7 bho8o2 t 3 s 39 * @ I 1 4 ea) 110 cermin simatlon waste water iSchQ--cdhuo wrivermixes willi Ue river waler Justantuncously nnd completely. Fulluwing. is the distlbvailable: Waste water [)0- 20msil Discharge rule 1.10 0/5 Riverwoter DO=SJmgil Phyw fwilli! suas of BO im rr mixture of waste and river shall be a S3mell b. (Lsitig ce. Tatil dalled Data for Q,71 & Q.72 nec'e tilten I"10,,.. Soh. the probLIILSand choosecorrect answers. Heity is going insttl tho rapid sand lifter tot the sedimentation tanks. Use tc lollllving data, DeliighI1C indint'sole W0the filter = 204 )*,1(m—d Design uw rote = 5 mim Surface arca per liher box S0m-~ 71 ‘Tho surface urea required for the rapid sand filler will be 7. B. 4 78 ¥ Cet Aes ee Tuc It b. 115m~ Mint a. 218m? The number oftilrers required shall be Lot b+ y Hi a 8 ‘The ouhumble commanded urea lar + distri-uu- ts2* 103 ta! The “tltbily (If inrigation }OrU crup is 40: *. It J(ur \-"10r depth and kor period Ilr the erop rue L40m and "works, respectively, the Peak demand dischargeis 3, 26-"nl s b. ‘16°50 c. B,S-mils d US mis Uplift MCS points E and D (figure A) of n stmigh bOn7,0n111 floor of UCUligi-I- thickitess with ~bel>I Til: HE downsl"Qut end ure ZM= nud 20-" respectively If the shect pile ts al upsiclam end of the thoor (fig I""- 11). the pli’ p.s.stm nl pints 1)1 and Ct ore = a r= UU, GR “Med 60" t.1,~poctiv"n)’ fe MM *nd72—" respoetivety 8+, and "10% respectively d. 1(10"-and zero respectively A luuuthing "prun is 0 he deslgued al downstream |" 11 weir Tot discharse intdloshy of 63. {1/'V.ym. For the design QT faunching "pron* the scourdeplb is tnken two limes of Lace} scour deprh, The sill factor of the bed molsal. 1S unity. If the loll water depth is 4.4m, the leogth Mi!" launching apron ill he launched position 1s u J&m bo aT m c. Sm a Sgsit (or O:7G& O.77 are given below, Sol”. rublems and choose comect answers, pe _, Disclai ‘We are providing a plece of information. This Is not an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. J\ four hour unit hydrograph of + catchment 4}: triangular in shape"th base of SOhours. The 1 ‘ofthe c(dlinent ,i-P2thkm’. 11e base Flow and ~ indCh we 30m, Md 1 mmli~resl_lively’. A 6101111). em oc:cun: uniformlY Indhours over the chminl_ 76, he peak discharge of four hour unil So. bytlOgT pls ni, AQyroll” b 50 ins © 60 mils 70 mi 71. The peck QC \adsuharjle dae -W tb Jane i- a, 20mpf ho Biwi & YoOrn'ls mous aL 78. PAT ~ 28cm ick cement concrete pavement, ~11-lysi. of stresses gives. U.. followi™!! values: ‘Wheel load stress duc to comer loading Segoe Mt nt Whedt mld smC8S due m eld" 103din~ Szegiclt ‘Warping stress al comer region durdng_ supe A, Skgiem~ Waping stress 1 comer region during winter TkWOQU~ “émplog stress .1 edge Legion during, = summer Sk.eforu: -WapinS sireSS 1 edge region duntlS wink r fcgeat Fri! = sre’ alitg summer jeeps Seg" Frigy-I)L.1 hess during winter — Akglcm~ The 00-1 THC stre~ wate x04 th oven is Bs 1, 4Ukg/cm! bo 4%kzlem* 4ilksiem’ dd. 43k1 Vom! 79. he Yoltliwillgshservations were made o( Hin =(lllad survey “10 Pj stip load! (~ Repeititls ps dDy Well Tile itandarndaxleload jk 80KN Pequivalen! daily numbers ofrepetifotls fer I" standardavle-load ore O 451) b. 48 c. 800 d. 1200 A €1UGiport company’ operates + schedubiid dolly It; service between city Inand city Q. Onc-way Journey thin~ between thesol tveo cities fil 83 hours. A minimum layover tim” ed 5 bon; is to be provided = cach city, How mony trucks are required 10 provide Iis."rvi-<~ it bo» = 3 da A single. [Uteunidie™lionol blghway bilS. de ign speed of utkmph. The pereeption- twrakercoction lime. of drivers i: 25 seconds ~ud the BVCDID lengLb of vehicles is su The coefficient of longitudinal fiction of (be paVems" i. (ui ‘The capacity of ntis ‘road in terms IF "Vebic.tes pe-hoor pr lane’ i Mo b. 750 © 70 d A wing " horizonlal curve of 41K mdi ich » ‘Supez. ele"=tiQn LE QUT provid-d. The coeflicienl OF Jalal li-tion mobilized on the curve- wlien "ehicle is travelling a: 100 kamph is a nor b OW ce. 00s da rlln-Ider the: system (W equntions' AY, ou 4° where, ,. 18 ~. sealer, tel 0.2.) be an cigen-pairor an cigen value and ils couespouding alga vector for real Ins A.Let Ube + (nl rm matrix, Which ane of the following satcment I~ 1'101' Conlact 7 +. For. homogeneous nn flystemof neal’ equations. (Axx = ()having A543 590. + moutrivial 5600/;011, Lbocrank of LA- 7585 ~Ot1 fee Disclaimer: We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. 4. ~5. 87. b. Fat malix A™ m being » posinve integer, (11 el will be the cigen- pir I-ru e. TAT=A4 then Al= Ioralli, We fF ATA then lis (e.1 for all i. Tomslormii"n to linear form h~ LibSithting» ~ YH wlsbcoqu ion a willbe ays n> 0 ft eal 0 de abpeatte a bY 1 anpvimmet fl Fen (HI on * + (1 njpy= (ent 1 ‘A fail engine accelerates trom it “tatio"nr'y ISosllion thr & seconds ud Wliveh ~ distance of 280m. Accordill!! 10 dc Mean Value THlcONm, (he speedometer ta certain’ ime daring acceleration minal read exactly Ohm b. skn &. 7Skmth 126 kmth ‘The I)Lutiol) of saree yg alll) o a futhe mec OX, bs er by, a « (C04. /5in.. bo! (eos th . Chin) d.e.deos~ .. ~htindst") Value of the iDtcgralfi(.rav « MT). "There, © is the square cut wom the mst (Uladranl by the Finesse = Land y = 1 wld be, (Use Greens theorem to change the Fine inlegrl into double i.tegr.1) Hal a wa npe ee 88, Consider tiketyapplicability (If Duchy’. utegral Theorem |Oevaluate the following :niegral counterclockwise around the unit circlee. 1= Oise :ur * x being * couse variable, 111,taluc of 1 willow ©, 1 Ol singularities gt ~ Bod = 0 ffeulteijett SOL (21 pin 01.0. Feee. c. 1 = ni2 : singularities = (aligy 0.42...) none or.bove NLL for QI & Q.90 Ute gion “Law. STV~ th LrllbLOls: 3n\f'e hits cnneci answer, Give’ 4i, we Wig, tn caleulare its reciprocal value ]1a by sill Newton Raphson MetlQd for FD, SIL The Newlun Ral'hsnn olgorid.m for the fonction will be © ye TT 90, Furs = 7 and starting wilh <= ()2.the fir-t two iterations willbe a Mo, b QU 0.1392 « O12 OJAI6 d We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. Tee Ane a ee ec ee | care. 21y0 ~~ ONE MARKS QUESTIONS ‘The symmetry of stress tensor at a point in Iu body under equilibrium is obtained from a. conservation of mass b. force equilibrium equatlons ¢. memeru eqeilibnum equations 3, conservation of enerzy The components 6l'strain teusor atm point in the plane strain ease Call be cbtained by measuring longitudinal main in following directions a along any two arbitrary direcna b. aloog any three arbitrary directions «along two mutuw]}, enhogonal directions along any arbitrary duecuon For a linear clasric frame. if stiffness matrix 1s doubled with respect to the existing. stilIness mattix, tbe deflection of the resulung frame Will be " a, twice the existing value b. half the existing value c. the-same as exisung, value it Indeterminate value Considering wand as axially rigid, the dept ce of Ireedem of w plane fralle =-«ws below ts 10 aon bow it 6 15,J343-1980 hmus the = minimum chnracicristic strength of prestressed concrete for post rensioned work and Pretension work 15 a 25MPa; 301\IPu respectively 1 b. MP4, 35MPa respectively ~CIVILLENG NEERING __ __ duly ~ d. 30M Pa, t1lvnarespeeltvely The plftiCl factor of safel) (orconcrete as perls:456-2000 ig 150 bo us c. UST d. 14K, The permussible stress in axial tension <2 In steel. member on the net affective area of the -scchon shall no! exceed If. is the yield stress) a, ogo boast, c. tt6ur, d. u.501, Rool time method Is used 10 determine HT. lime factor b,c. coeffierem of consolidatlon ©, Ul. cocfTicieny ofcomp-sibil il), 4, lm. coefficient © of volume compressibility Negative io ffidion im + SOil m considered when the pile rs constructed through 3 a, fill material b dense coarse sand ©. ever consolidated sllFclay di. dense fine-sand There are TWO looriogs Testing on the ground surlee, One rooting I—rquare Ol dimension "8" The other is strip rooting of Width '8'. Bothof themare subjected ton loading intensity ot. tile pressure intensity al an)’ depth below the base of (te looting along thecentre line: would be equal im both foollligs b. large for square fooling nad small (or slrip toting ©. large for strip Tooting and small for square footing d. more’ for strip footing 1ltshallow depth (SB 1 (Ind more for square 10U0g at large depth (>B) A ciyil)~Sil has a maximum dry tlansil¥ of 1GkMin' and epti mum moisture content Disclaimer: We are providing a piece of information. This Is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose. comueconn Of core OF an csv obtained, the dey do"sey F Lie because a, fite denity is Jess wun the maximum ‘dry density rw tly ~de."Foptimam b. the compacuon (tite b, JU thle 19, Wiletl the cutflow frQln a storage reservoir & ivemicbe ts uncontrolled it ill n_free\y operating di, Streakline spillway, IM of outflow Inydinglaph occurs at a8 bagi goon - A thipDinkof interieution. oP the siftew horizontal .is-tfem, 1 th-Venllirimetcris een beige lumed © horizontal p(Isiu~ Hic STO, sce te alerecetin of, the, fiawncier scan UII inflow and outflow hydrographs oes , the, ul ofinflew hydrographs ' 4, a Pili, before the intersection of tlle n ‘ill inflow and oudlow JIYdiO"empls i 20. The intetlSty of rainfall and time Interval = ee ofilypi"al storm are J. UL em Tillis hllelVal —Intensi.1¥ of r.Jinrall I, A horizontal bed channel is followed by a (molhutes) (utmim.inle} steep bed channel as shown in. the figure. o-19 0.7 Tile 'W8dually-yaried — profiliS over the Wise tt horizomal anit steep beds are oad ey 7 30.-40 1s 0-50 12 50-60 3 80.70 on 70-S.D 04 a, Reand Snxes)j-I¢tively ‘Tile maximum intensity of rainfall for 20 b. tml St.respectivery minutes deration of ihe storms c& Hiand 8. respectively a, Unnniminute J. Hann Si mspectvelY LES mel JIU 1S. Total Kjeldsh Ii )gellis'm measure (if J litatjhar" 8, total organic nitrogen di sTunnlillute b. total organic and ammoria nitrogen 1 On which of file canal systems R.0. 4 tollsjammeni RCIUle3y, executive-cagiricer inthe Pull tot tion Department Disclaimer: We are providing a piece of information. This is not an official one. ob-ervullons lor proposing |i8 theory 00 stable channe!~"! Krishna \Ve~t"™ Della tnnls- b. LAwerBad [Juab "sma,’ ©. Lower Chenab canals U. Upper 831i D mean median R. MOHD of three momerus 8, Ca~ligli~no'ssoC( ind theorem TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Lista 1 Forcemethod 31 Hf principal stresses in a. two-dimensional 2. Displacement method cass ae -10 MFa and 20 Mra Codes" respectively, then maxirnum shear Poo & Ss sprCsss! the point 15 Rim t 2 < ite b ot 2 4 b, 15MP~ = 2 2 1 cc 20MFa. a4 2 2 1 ds 30 MPa 35. All member (If Me frame shown below 32 fite bending moment diagram for a beam have the same flexural rigidity £1 and is given below” Jength L If moment Vi is applicd ra joint B. the rotation of the joint is Tile shear scetlons aa: and bbt respectively lire of tl magnitude a 100kN. 150 kN a & zero, 100 10iL © Zar. SOKN b d. WENA OOkN 33... A circular shaft Shown in the figure is subjected to torsion Tal two points A and ay B. The torsional ngidity of portions CA q and SD is GJ, aud that of ponion AS is toes Gi}. The r(8honSoF shaft Pl poirus >, and ‘Bare, anda. The rotationd, is Dar» sot Q 36 & O37 are given below. Solve, the problems and cheese the correct answers. 1 a ot can D boron Lou A truss is stown -hi the figure. Members are of equal cross section A and same modulus of TT. elasticity EF, 1\ vertical fore P'is applied ar poinl 04,46, ©. » gy 4 T Ou, isclain@@r@We are providing a piece of information. This is nat an official one. This might be used for reference purpose.

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