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1. He broke two of his ribs in the fight.

Two .....................................................
2. The day was so beautiful, we decided to have a picnic.
It .......................................................
3. Watching the sports programmes on TV is quite entertaining.
It .......................................................
4. "Can you tell me where the Post Office is?" asked the man.
The man asked ...........................................
5. John has more work than Stephen.
Stephen hasn't ...........................................
6. It is hard work teaching children to spell.
Teaching ................................................
7. They were such cheap apples, I bought two pounds.
The apples ................................................
8. My husband knows more about painting than I do.
I don't ..................................................
9. Translating that book took Robin about 6 months.
It .......................................................
10. "Please leave me alone", I said to the children.
I asked .................................................
11. The newspaper had nothing interesting in it today.
There ...................................................
12. I know him better than anyone.
No-one ..................................................
13. The film was so good that I saw it again.
It ......................................................
14. Is this your first visit to London?
Have .....................................................
15. Would you rather have wine or beer?
Which ...................................................
16. It's a six-hour drive from here to Edinburgh.
It takes ................................................
17. I paid $50 for this coat.
This coat ...............................................
18. They should do the work on their own.
They should do the work by ...............................
19. "You killed her" he said to me.
He accused me .............................................
20. It's the worst film I've ever seen.
I've never ..............................................
21. Nobody asked you to come.
You .....................................................
22. I suppose they sent the letter to our old address.
They must ...............................................
23. It's just possible that he's waiting elsewhere.
He might ................................................
24. "I'll bring the book back tomorrow" he said.
He promised .............................................
25. Although he was unarmed, he took the gun away from the robber.
In spite of ..............................................
26. I'm taking an umbrella because it might rain later.
I'm taking an umbrella in case ............................
27. "I didn't take the money", she said.
She denied ..............................................
28. It is thought that he left the country early this morning.
He is ...................................................
29. I've never eaten such a good meal.
It's ....................................................
30. In spite of living in the city, she prefers the country.
Although she ............................................
31. I'm going to the dentist. He'll take the tooth out.
I'm going to the dentist to .............................
32. It was unwise of her to leave the suitcase unguarded.
She left the suitcase unguarded, ........................
33. "Don't come home late!" her mother said to her.
Her mother told .........................................
34. "Will I get better soon ?" she asked the doctor.
She asked the doctor ....................................
35. He said it was my fault, which was unfair of him.
It was ..................................................
36. He was so fat that he couldn't sit down.
He was too ..............................................
37. Perhaps he doesn't know that the date of the meeting was changed.
He may ..................................................
38. They arrived too late for the party, which was a pity.
It was ..................................................
39. It's believed that Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood is ...........................................
40. Smoking is forbidden in the library.
It ......................................................
41. "Finish your homework before you go to the bed, John.", I said.
I told ..................................................
42. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink it.
The coffee was too ......................................
43. Edward is heavier than his sister Mary.
Mary isn't ..............................................
44. It's been five years since I saw him.
I have ..................................................
45. Someone has taken care of the children.
The children ............................................
46. Peter doesn't speak to John and John doesn't speak to Peter.
Peter and John don't ....................................
47. He managed to reach the summit only after great difficulties.
He succeeded ............................................
48. What a pity you haven't more time!
If only .................................................
49. You can borrow my car if you promise to look after it
You can borrow my car as ................................
50. Take a map because you might get lost.
Take a map in ...........................................
51. Jane doesn't like whisky, nor does her brother.
Neither .................................................
52. Those trousers were made for me by an expensive tailor.
An expensive tailor .....................................
53. If I were you, I wouldn't eat all that cake.
You'd ...................................................
54. They didn't apologise, so we didn't forgive them.
If ......................................................
55. I learnt to drive ten years ago.
I have ..................................................
56. The prize was awarded to the best writer.
The best writer .........................................
57. Do they expect me to do it again?
Am I ....................................................?
58. They have persuaded him to retire
He ......................................................
59. I very much hope to see you again soon.
I am looking ...........................................
60. What a pity you can't come !
I wish ..................................................
61. They operated on his father last week.
His father ..............................................
62. I think you should go to bed now.
It's time ...............................................
63. "Where have you parked the car?" he asked me.
He wanted to know .......................................
64. What a pity she doesn't speak English!
If only .................................................
65. My eyes water when I peel onions.
Peeling onions ..........................................
66. Someone has stolen my briefcase.
My ......................................................
67. His behaviour amazed me.
I .......................................................
68. The way people deface walls really makes me angry.
What ....................................................
69. You really ought to get down to some serious work!
It is high time .........................................
70. They don't visit us as frequently as they used to.
They visit us ...........................................
71. It isn't necessary for you to write out all the corrections.
You .....................................................
72. I need a blue pen, not a red one.
It's a ..................................................
73. Joe stayed in simply because he had nowhere to go.
Joe wouldn't ............................................
74. "No-one must leave" shouted the officer.
The officer insisted ....................................
75. Shall I clean the windows ?
Would you .............................................?
76. "Will I arrive in time?" she wondered.
She wondered ............................................
77. If you go right away, you'll catch the train.
Unless ..................................................
78. "Why don't we go out for a meal tonight?" John asked Mary.
John suggested ..........................................
79. It might be worthwhile to look into the problem.
The problem is ..........................................
80. It would be better if you left now.
You'd ...................................................
81. He lived so far from his job that he decided to move nearer.
He lived such ...........................................
82. He will inherit the estate on his 21st birthday.
He will inherit the estate as ...........................
83. You could have left some of the chocolate for me.
You shouldn't ...........................................
84. Far from being annoyed by my late arrival, he was considerably relieved to see me.
I had expected him ......................................
85. Why didn't you let me know you were coming?
You might ...............................................
86. He was one of my father's lifelong friends.
He was a ................................................
87. He told everyone except his wife about his promotion.
His wife ................................................
88. I find it very difficult to remember people's names.
Remembering .............................................
89. There seemed to be no reason for his intensive nervousness.
We could not understand why .............................
90. She offered me a cup of tea.
She said to me, ".....................................?"
91. However long it takes you, you must read all the book.
Even though .............................................
92. I was next disturbed by a noise from the flat above.
It was ..................................................
93. He slipped the money into his pocket unseen.
Nobody noticed ..........................................
94. The hairdresser charged me less than usual.
I .......................................................
95. What surprises me is that nobody heard the shot.
The fact ................................................
96. It may be possible for us to visit the museum tomorrow.
We may have .............................................
97. A donkey is the same as an ass.
There is no .............................................
98. They were trying to discover the origin of the fire.
They were trying to discover how ........................
99. I'd be very grateful if you'd move your car forward.
Would you be so .........................................?
100. As he becomes more famous, he behaves more childishly.
The more famous .........................................

1. Two of his ribs were broken in the fight.
2. It was such a beautiful day, we...
3. It is quite entertaining to watch the sports programmes on TV
4. The man asked (me) where the Post Office was.
5. Stephen hasn't got as much work as John.
6. Teaching children to spell is hard work.
7. The apples were so cheap (that) I bought two pounds.
8. I don't know as much about painting as my husband (does).
9. It took Robin about 6 months to translate that book.
10. I asked the children to leave me alone.
11. There was nothing interesting in the newspaper today.
12. No-one (else) knows him better than I do.(me)
13. It was such a good film that I saw it again.
14. Have you ever been to London (before)?
15. Which would you rather have: wine or beer?
16. It takes 6 hours to drive from here to Edinburgh.
17. This coat cost (me) $50.00
18. They should do the work by themselves.
19. He accused me of killing him.
20. I've never seen such an awful film.
21. You weren't asked to come.
22. They must have sent the letter ...
23. He might be waiting elsewhere.
24. He promised to bring the book back the next day.
25. In spite of being unarmed/not having a gun, ...
26. I'm taking an umbrella in case it rains.
27. She denied taking the money (having taken the money).
28. He is thought to have left the country.
29. It's the best meal I've ever eaten.
30. Although she lives in the city, she ...
31. I'm going to the dentist to have the tooth taken out.
32. She left the suitcase unguarded, which was unwise.
33. Her mother told her not to come home late.
34. She asked the doctor if she would get better soon.
35. It was unfair of him to say it was my fault.
36. He was too fat to sit down.
37. He may not know that the date......
38. It was a pity they arrived too late for the party.
39. Robin Hood is believed to have lived in Sherwood Forest.
40. It is forbidden to smoke in the library.
41. I told John to finish his homework before going to bed.
42. The coffee was too hot to drink.
43. Mary isn't as heavy as Edward.
44. I haven't seen him for 5 years.
45. The children have been taken care of.
46. Peter and John don't speak to each other.
47. He succeeded in reaching the summit only after great difficulties.
48. If only you had more time!
49. You can borrow my car as long as you promise to look after it.
50. Take a map in case you get lost.
51. Neither Jane nor her brother likes whiskey.
52. An expensive tailor made those trousers for me.
53. You'd better not eat all that cake.
54. If they had apologised, we would have forgiven them.
55. I have been driving/I have been able to drive for 10 years
56. The best writer was awarded the prize.
57. Am I expected to do it again?
58. He has been persuaded to retire.
59. I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.
60. I wish you could come!
61. His father was operated on last week.
62. It's time you went to bed/It's time for you to go to bed.
63. He wanted to know where I had parked the car.
64. If only she spoke English!
65. Peeling onions makes my eyes water.
66. My briefcase has been stolen.
67. I was amazed by his behaviour.
68. What really makes me angry is the way people deface walls.
69. It is high time you got down to some serious work.
70. They visit us less frequently than they used to.
71. You don't have to write out ...
72. It's a blue pen (that) I need, not a red one.
73. Joe would have gone out if he had had somewhere to go.
74. The officer insisted that no-one should leave.
75. Would you like me to clean the windows ?
76. She wondered if she would arrive in time.
77. Unless you go right away, you'll miss the train.
78. John suggested going out for a meal.
79. The problem is worth looking into.
80. You'd better leave now.
81. He lived such a long way from his job that he ...
82. He will inherit the estate as soon as he is 21.
83. You shouldn't have eaten all the chocolate.
84. I had expected him to be annoyed by my late arrival.
85. You might have let me know you were coming.
86. He was a lifelong friend of my father's
87. His wife was the only one he didn't tell about his promotion.
88. Remembering people's names is very difficult for me.
89. We could not understand why he was so nervous.
90. She said to me, "Would you like some tea?".
91. Even though it takes you a long time, you must read all the book.
92. It was a noise from the flat above that disturbed me next.
93. Nobody noticed him slip (slipping) the money into his pocket.
94. I was charged less than usual by the hairdresser.
95. The fact that nobody heard the shot surprises me.
96. We may have time to visit the museum tomorrow.
97. There is no difference between a donkey and an ass.
98. They were trying to discover how the fire started.
99. Would you be so kind as to move your car?
100. The more famous he becomes, the more childishly he behaves.

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