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Teaching Scheme:- Examination Scheme

Lectures: 1 hr/week End-Sem Exam- 50 marks
(Evaluation Scheme-
Continuous evaluation-

Course Education Objectives

 To understand the need of awareness and knowledge about IPR to

engineering students, who are tomorrow’s technocrats and creators of new

 To help the technical students understand the importance of IPR in the

field of R & D and innovation.
 To understand that the basic IP is a legal regime inserted in the
organizational structure of all societies.
 To disseminate and advance knowledge of IP, thus creating general
awareness of the crucially important, even if subliminal, element of our
daily life.
 To understand the legal systems for the protection of IP;
 To make students understand how IPR contributes to the economic
development of the society and in turn the nation.
 To understand that IP is a law, economics, technology and business.
 To help understand how in today’s dynamic and knowledge based
industrial environment, the intellectual property rights are the key elements
needed to maintain a comparative edge, which determine success of the
 To familiarize them with the origins and the development of the
international framework of IP.
 To understand the Relationship between IPR and certain human freedoms
and rights
 Apart from giving idea about IPR, make the students understand the need
for its promotion.
 XII. Understanding the procedure for registration of patenting product.
 XIII. Understand how IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for
further research work and investment in R & D.
 XIV. To understand how IPR leads to creation of new and better products,
and in turn brings about, economic growth and social benefits.
Course Outcomes IPR

a. Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information

Technology, but tomorrow world will be ruled by ideas, concept, creativity.
b. Understanding that when IPR would take such important place in growth
of individuals & nation, it is needless to emphasis the need of information
about Intellectual Property Right to be promoted among students in
general & engineering in particular.
c. Intellectual property right (IPR) is an attempt to safeguard the rights of
original contributor of ideas, concept, and creativity of individuals.
d. Understand that how at present, IPR are regarded as a source of national
wealth and mark of an economic leadership in the context of global market
e. Understand the national IP system.
f. Get familiarize with the origins and the development of the international
framework of IP
g. Understand that IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for
further research work and investment in R & D, which leads to creation of
new and better products, and in turn brings about, economic growth and
social benefits.
h. As such understand the importance to emphasis the need of awareness
and knowledge about IPR in engineering students, who are tomorrow’s
technocrats and creator of new technology.

Unit 1 (02)
Introduction to the concepts Property and Intellectual Property
Nature and Importance of Intellectual Property Rights
Objectives of understanding Intellectual Property Rights

IPR and IITs

Unit 2 (04)
Understanding the types of Intellectual Property Rights: -
Patents, Designs, Trademarks (Registered and unregistered trademarks)
Copyright, Traditional Knowledge, Geographical Indications, Trade Secrets,
Idea Patenting, (Case Studies)
Unit 3 (03)
New Developments in IPR
Process of Patenting and Development: technological research, innovation,
patenting, development….
International Scenario:

Unit 4 (03)
Indian Patent Office and its Administration
Administration of Patent System –
Patenting under Indian Patent Act
Patenting under PCT
Unit 5 (03)

Patent Rights and its Scope, Licensing and transfer of technology,

Patent information and database.
Provisional and Non Provisional Patent Application and Specification
Reference Books
 Resisting Intellectual Property by Halbert ,Taylor & Francis Ltd ,2007
 Industrial Design by Mayall, Mc Graw Hill
 Product Design by Niebel, Mc Graw Hill
 Introduction to Design by Asimov, Prentice Hall
 Intellectual Property in New Technological Age by Robert P. Merges, Peter
S. Menell, Mark A. Lemley
 Intellectual Property Rights under WTO by T. Ramappa, S. Chand.

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