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By Guohui Yuan

Goes Local
Recent innovations in renewable generation,
energy efficiency, and grid modernization.

he definition of rural areas has rural areas were without

evolved over time because of the urban- electricity. An executive
ization movement. Today, rural areas are order was signed by
typically defined as all territories outside President ­Franklin Roos-
urban or suburban areas, where farming evelt in 1935 establish-
is still the main economic activity. The U.S Census ing the Rural Electrifica-
Bureau defines a rural area as any area outside of an tion Administration, and
urbanized area whose population is greater than 50,000 by 1975, more than 99%
and whose core population density is greater than 1,000 of all farms had electric-
persons per square mile (or 386 persons per square kilo- ity. The National Acade-
meter). There are many other definitions by different my of Engineering ranks
countries and even by different government agencies electrification as one of
within the same country. Regardless, the common attri- the greatest engineering
butes of rural areas are the small population clusters achievements in the
and low population density. These two characteristics 20th century.
dictate that there are tremendous challenges to build- Similarly, in other developed countries, the rural elec-
ing infrastructure in the geographically disperse rural trification rate is 99% or greater. In the developing world,
areas, which c­ onstrains economic activities and house- however, rural electrification has lagged by several
hold incomes. decades but has grown rapidly in recent years, particularly
in China (>99%) and India (>90%). Still, as of 2009, over a
Historical Background billion people, or 20% of the world’s population, do not
Rural electrification has come a long way since the early have access to electricity. The majority live in rural areas.
days of electric power systems. In the United States, by the
end of 1920s, electricity was generally accessible to the Rural Electrification Mission
average citizens in cities like New York, but most of the People living in rural areas use electricity beyond the basic
needs of lighting and watching TV. To improve their stan-
dard of living at home, they need electricity for heating and
cooling and for home appliances for daily chores. To
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2014.2380193
Date of publication: 27 February 2015 achieve higher productivity at work, they need electricity

16 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / March 2015 2325-5987/15©2015IEEE

Current Solutions
Broadly speaking, there are two rural electrification mod-
els today. In developed countries, centralized power sys-
tems have been built in rural areas over the years with
long transmission and distribution lines. The infrastruc-
ture is aging. The costly system upkeep, lack of flexibility,
and reliance on largely fossil fuel-based power generation
are some of the reasons that the existing systems are not
sustainable. Renewable generation such as wind and solar
photovoltaics (PVs) is emerging but still constitutes a tiny
fraction of the generation mix.
In the developing world, off-grid diesel generation and
primitive distribution lines have been the most popular
alternative for rural electrification. (Some island areas in
developed countries, such as Hawaii and Puerto Rico, also
rely on diesel generators but have a more mature distribu-
tion grid.) In the short term, diesel generation provides a
decent solution to meet the day-to-day electricity needs of
people living in rural and remote areas. There are some
advantages with diesel: it is modular, quick to set up, and
easy to operate. But for the long term, diesel generation is
not sustainable because it is expensive, less efficient, less
reliable, noisy, and polluting. Diesel generation is highly
­sensitive to fluctuations in fuel supply and prices. Transpor-
tation safety is also a big concern.

Challenges Facing Current Systems

The biggest challenge for rural electrification is the high cost
associated with building and maintaining generation, trans-
mission, and distribution lines. In the traditional centralized
power system, large generation plants are usually built near
urban population centers so as to reduce the cost of building
transmission lines. They are not optimally designed in terms
of size and location for g­ eographically dispersed rural areas.
In many cases, the transmission lines simply pass through
rural areas without providing electricity to the communities
down below. Studies have shown that it typically costs mil-
lions of dollars per mile to build transmission lines and hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars for distribution lines. The fossil
image licensed by ingram publishing fuel-based power plants tend to be built as large as possible
to recoup the huge capital cost and make a profit for the
for farming, pumping, and food processing. For trade and investors. Compared with urban and suburban areas, rural
commerce, they need communication, transportation, and areas have the fewest customers per mile and energy con-
finance. They also need 21st-century services such as dis- sumption and energy revenue per mile, providing few incen-
tance learning, telemedicine, and broadband Internet. All tives for business development in rural electrification.
require ­electricity. Because of these unfavorable economic factors, government
Technology advancements have been able to close the subsidies (and/or mandates) have been the primary resourc-
gap between urban and rural infrastructures, thereby nar- es for building rural electric infrastructure. When the subsi-
rowing the difference between the standards of living. The dies are not available, rural people are left without electricity.
most recent examples are the wireless communication and In most countries, electricity markets and policy mecha-
Internet technologies, which enable rural areas to skip the nisms also play a critical role in influencing the end con-
traditional wired infrastructures and leap into the digital sumers’ behavior and, in turn, the investment decisions by
wireless era. There is no doubt that the emerging technolo- the service providers on long-term infrastructures. Market
gies in renewable generation, the smart grid, electric vehi- mechanisms work best when generation and demand
cles, and energy efficiency will revolutionize rural electrifi- respond elastically to the pricing curve. Today, neither gen-
cation once again. eration nor loads are dynamic enough to respond to pricing

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / m a rch 201 5 17

signals. Another major challenge is the cost allocation of and the electricity pricing. For example, on a hot summer
infrastructure investment among key market participants. day, the air-conditioning systems will operate at full duty
For example, to integrate large amounts of r­enewable gen- cycle while the power system is stressed to its limit. The
eration into the grid, transmission and distribution dynamic pricing response is only limited to those loads that
upgrades are needed in most cases. How to fund these are retrofitted with demand response control systems.
upgrades has been debated for years, and there does not In the distribution system, reverse power flow is a
seem to be a clear solution. major challenge as the penetration of distributed renew-
In addition to the economic challenges, there are many able generation such as rooftop PV increases. The current
technical and operational challenges as well. By the laws ac power system has been designed and optimized for
of physics, the fundamental challenge of power systems is power flow in one direction: from central generation to
the balance of supply and demand while complying with end consumers. It is anticipated that at higher penetra-
system performance and reliability standards. Electricity tion, distributed wind, solar, and other small generation
cannot yet be stored as easily and affordably as gasoline, can exceed power consumption needs at certain inter-
but we are getting there. Therefore, generation and con- connection points, and, therefore, reverse power flows
sumption have to be balanced in real time. Most of the can occur in the direction from consumers back to the
world uses ac synchronous systems, which require all distribution grid and possibly back into the bulk power
generators to operate at the same system. Grid planners and operators
voltage, frequency, and phase angle need to make sure that the protec-
to within an allowable margin. tion equipment recognizes bidirec-
Compared with a small system in The costly system tional power flows and that equip-
which generation and load are colo-
upkeep, lack of ment ratings and settings properly
cated and the number of nodes in the account for the total fault currents
network is modest, it is much harder flexibility, and coming from all sources. Another
and more complex to balance a large key challenge in the distribution grid
interconnected power system in reliance on largely is the management of variability
which hundreds of large generators fossil fuel-based from wind and solar generation so
are connected through thousands of that it does not cause voltage varia-
miles of transmission lines to serve power generation tions to exceed the American
millions of people. The locations, net- National Standards Institute limits.
work topologies, and dynamics and are some of the Without proper management, the
variability of generation and load are reasons that the variability can cause excessive oper-
all contributing factors that deter- ation and premature failure of
mine how supply and demand are existing systems voltage-­regulation equipment such
balanced within a specific service as load tap changers, voltage regula-
area as well as in the entire power
are not sustainable. tors, and capacitor banks. A third
system. In the United States, regional challenge is the complexity involved
system operators and independent in the coordinated system operation
system operators have the most challenging job of balanc- through the integration of sensors, power-flow control-
ing tens to hundreds of gigawatts of electric power—second lers, communications, supervisory control and data
by second, minute by minute, and hour by hour—in a geo- ­acquisition (SCADA), and operation software such as Dis-
graphic area that usually covers multiple states. Some of tribution Management System (DMS). The integration of
their major tasks include generator control and dispatch, information technology (IT) and operation technology
frequency and voltage regulation, load forecasting and unit (OT) are becoming more and more important for grid
commitment, system protection and recovery, and meter- operation, but the existing solutions tend to be quite
ing and account settlement. complex and expensive.
The centralized ac power system model is neither flexi- These technical and operational challenges are partic-
ble nor resilient. The generation plants are not flexible ularly difficult for the rural electric system because of its
because of their sheer size and the time it takes to ramp up long distribution feeders and distance from the transmis-
and down. The smaller gas-fired peaker units have faster sion lines. When renewable generation plants are built in
ramp rates, but they do not run all the time because of rural areas, they tend to be large due to the availability of
higher operation costs. (The current natural gas production land. As a result, reverse power flow, voltage regulation,
boom and low price have made gas-fired power plants and wear and tear of equipment are all real problems for
more competitive. However, it remains to be seen whether the relatively weak rural electric grid. Reconfiguring and
the low gas price is sustainable.) The load is not flexible upgrading the system hardware and software adds signif-
either. Most of the electric loads today are passive, meaning icant cost, and the integration of IT and OT is technically
that they are unaware of the generation supply situation nontrivial.

18 I E E E E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / March 2015

Most of these challenges mentioned apply to the rural vation as the energy transformation unfolds. The follow-
off-grid power systems as well. There, the power quality ing sections will discuss the proposed model rural electric
and reliability issues are even more pronounced because system in more detail.
of the lack of sophistication in system planning and oper-
ation. While most of the discussions in this and the fol- Local Renewable Generation
lowing sections are based on the U.S. electric power The advancement in renewable generation technologies and
­system, the general principles also apply to other coun- the rapid decline in costs have become game changers for
tries and other types of electric power systems. the electric industry, and rural electrification is no exception.
The vast area covered by rural communities used to be a dis-
Sustainable Rural Electric advantage, but it now becomes a huge advantage because
Infrastructures—A New Era renewable generation, which is the distributed energy
The challenges facing today’s centralized electric power resource, needs a lot of land space. In ideal cases, the rural
system are the results of the over 100 years of legacy. They areas will be net electricity exporters because their wind,
also reflect the lack of viable alternative solutions up until water, and solar resources exceed what can be consumed
now. Today, the entire energy industry, of which rural elec- locally. David Mackay well articulated this point by plotting
trification is an integral part, is undergoing a transforma- the per capita energy consumption (i.e., energy consumption
tion that only happens once in a lifetime. Numerous intensity) for most of the countries in the world alongside
­breakthroughs are happening in r­enewable generation, the the available renewable energy resources per square meter.
smart grid, energy storage, electric vehicles, and energy Note that this is the total energy consumed for transporta-
­efficiency that will fundamentally change the way we tion, heating, and electricity. (The average energy consump-
­generate, store, deliver, and consume tion in the United States is the equiva-
electricity. The convergence of energy lent of 250 kWh/day per person.) It can
and information ­technologies (or OT be seen from Figure 1 that in most of
and IT) is also a signature of this The current natural the world (including the United
transformation. There is already a
critical mass to integrate these tech-
gas production boom States), the average energy intensity is
below the 0.5-W/m2 line. Comparing
nologies into a new, affordable, and and low price have this to the wind power line of 2.5 W/m2
sustainable energy system—rural and the PV solar line of 10 W/m2, it is
electrification included. made gas-fired reasonable to conclude that in most
I propose a model rural electric
system, where the ingredients of this
power plants more places, local wind, solar, and other
renewable resources are sufficient to
model system include mostly local competitive. meet the demand with acceptable
renewable generation (solar, wind, land use ratio. Other studies have
and biomass), a local power-­delivery reached similar conclusions.
network (no transmission or substa- We can extend this analysis to
tion), an optimal amount of energy storage, energy-efficient rural areas using the same methodology and U.S. census
and flexible loads, and operation management to self-bal- and Energy Information Administration data. Figure 2
ance the local generation and demand. The size of this shows a plot of some representative samples of state- and
model system can range from a few kilowatts to several city-level electricity consumption versus the population
megawatts, powering anywhere from a single home to an density. On average, the per capita electricity consumption
entire rural community. is about one-third of the total energy consumption. Without
This model elegantly addresses the many challenges any surprise, we found that there is a wide ­distribution of
discussed earlier. Using local renewable resources brings population density and per capital electricity consumption
generation closer to the load and eliminates the need for among the states and major cities. We carefully researched
building long transmission and distribution lines. Self-­ and plotted the “United States Rural” data point, which is
balancing at a smaller footprint makes system planning ­calculated using data from the National Rural Electric Coor-
and operation simpler and more resilient. By dynamically perative Association (NRECA) fact sheets, and the “Tri-State”
managing the flexible load, it is possible to optimize the data point, which is calculated from the annual report of
supply and demand curve at the same time. It is worth the Tri-State cooperative utility in the western region. These
pointing out that market mechanisms and business mod- indicate that the average rural energy consumption per
els need a paradigm change as well to go local and person is much lower than the U.S. average. Regardless of
­distributed. Deregulated retail energy services, nontradi- urban or rural, the per capita electricity consumption
tional utilities, prosumers (i.e., producer and consumer), across the United States is quite high (close to 100 kWh/
transactive energy, cooperatives, peer-to-peer energy shar- day/person).
ing, and other ideas have shown promises. There is no Almost all of the states and cities plotted (except for the
one-size-fits-all solution. This is a fertile ground for inno- densely populated areas of New Jersey, New York City, and

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / ma r c h 201 5 19







































Energy Consumption Per Person (kWh/d/p)












United States












S. Korea



Uni Japan


100 ted

Libya Kin
Portugal gdo Hong Kong













10 100 1,000 10,000

Population Density (People Per km2)

Figure 1. The power consumption per person versus the population density in 2005. The point size is proportional to the land area (except for
areas under 38,000 km2, which are shown by a fixed smallest point size to ensure visibility). Both axes are logarithms. (Figure courtesy of David
J.C. MacKay,

Washington, D.C.) are well below the 10-W/m2 solar power distribution, and consumer. For future rural electrification,
resource line, which means that local PV generation can meet this can be replaced by a local power delivery n ­ etwork (no
a significant portion of the total electricity demand. (Note that transmission or substation) that integrates an optimal
a simple calculation using the National ­Renewable Energy amount of energy storage, energy-efficient and flexible loads,
Laboratory’s PV watts shows that PV power output ranges and uses operation management tools to self-­balance the
from 10 to 30 W/m2, depending on geographic location, cli- local generation and demand. Communications, SCADA, and
mate zone, module technology, and ­system configuration. For information technologies will be ­critical parts of this new
the analysis in this article, we use 10 W/m2 to simply illustrate system. The size of this model system can range from a few
its order of magnitude.) In rural areas, the energy consump- kilowatts to several ­megawatts in size, representing an
tion density is several times lower than the national average ­individual home up to a small community of several thou-
and well below 0.1 W/m2; therefore, the local supply-and- sands. This model system, essentially a microgrid, offers an
demand picture looks much more favorable. excellent solution for the future rural electrification because
Countries and regions can be grouped into four catego- it is 1) distributed and local, 2) clean and sustainable, 3) mod-
ries with distinct energy consumption profiles: rural ular and scalable, 4) reliable and resilient, and 5) cost-effec-
developed, urban developed, rural developing, and urban tive. See Figure 4 for the rural electric model system and vari-
developing (Figure 3). Clearly, both rural-developed and ous microgrid configurations.
rural-developing regions can rely on local renewable If the model system were built from scratch, it would
resources to meet the energy demand. The urban areas have been built from the bottom up, and from the edge to
will need more energy-dense local generation or will need the center, without centralized planning. It can start from a
to import from other regions. single prosumer microgrid, in which rooftop PV, for exam-
ple, will produce all of the energy needed for the household
Local Grid Infrastructure consumption. An energy storage system will be needed for
The traditional centralized ac power system is built and opti- nighttime use and for smoothing out the PV variability. A
mized for one-way power flow: generation, transmission, home energy management system will ­monitor and

20 I E E E E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / March 2015

Per Capita Electricity Consumption–Generation Resources
0.001 W/m2 0.1 W/m2 PV–10 W/m2
Wyoming 0.01 W/m2 1 W/m2 United States and States
Electricity Consumption (kWh/d/p)

Colorado Hawaii New York
Washington, D.C.
United States New Jersey
Tri-State Los Angeles
New York City
United States

1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Population Density (People/km2)

Figure 2. The U.S. state- and city-level per capita electricity consumption in relation to population density and available renewable energy
resources per square kilometer.

­ ontrol both the generation and load for system balancing.

This is the zero net energy (ZNE) home model and can be Per Capita Energy
achieved with existing technologies. If the costs continue to Consumption Versus Generation Resources
come down as in recent years, the single prosumer
Energy Consumption (kWh/d/p)

microgrid will be very popular in rural areas. Urban,

Rural, Developed 2
Next is the neighborhood microgrid, in which a few Developed 1
homes can pool together the generation resources to meet 100
their demands. A modest investment in electric wiring is Urban,
needed to connect the homes together. The neighborhood Developing 4
energy management system will be a little more sophisticat- Developing 3
ed to balance the generation and load for the collection of
homes. The generators and storage might not be colocated
in the homes but will be close by. The neighborhood
microgrid can have both ZNE and non-ZNE homes. But it is 1
1 10 100 1,000
a ZNE neighborhood and does not import or export energy
Population Density (People/km2)
across the neighborhood boundary.
Next is the community microgrid, in which tens to hun- 0.001 W/m2 1 W/m2
dreds of homes and buildings are connected together. L ­ arger 0.01 W/m2 PV–10 W/m2
solar systems might be built and shared in the c ­ ommunity. 0.1 W/m2
More electric wirings are built to connect the homes togeth-
er. More sophistication is needed in the energy management Figure 3. The grouping of countries and regions into four categories
with distinct energy consumption profiles.
system. The community microgrid is a ZNE community that
includes both ZNE and non-ZNE homes and both ZNE and
non-ZNE neighborhoods. It does not import or export energy
across the community boundary. to the region and connected, then the substation microgrid
Up to this point, the microgrid systems are mostly peer to can operate in both grid-­connected and island mode.
peer, without the need for a substation and transmission. The This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of microgrid con-
substation microgrid looks more like a traditional distribution figurations but just some examples to highlight the key mes-
system operating in island mode. If transmission is expanded sage that microgrid-based systems can be built modularly. At

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / ma r c h 201 5 21

[Figure 5(a)]. The large, interconnected
Transmission system needs to be designed and
Distribution operated to meet the diverse and
sometimes conflicting needs of each
Full Substation Microgrid local area, and in many cases, the sys-
tem has to compromise to a nonopti-
mal design. With the microgrid, each
Community Microgrid local area is its own BA and is indepen-
dent of the others. Therefore, the sys-
tem design can be optimized to the
DG ES particular energy consumption profile
Neighborhood for each local area [Figure 5(b)].
Microgrid Single
Local Business Models
The existing electricity markets
and utility business models have
ES become barriers to the deployment of
new t­echnologies, whether it is wind
and solar renewable generation, ener-
gy efficiency, or the smart grid. They
also hinder the investment in the tra-
Figure 4. The rural electric model system and various microgrid configurations. ES: energy storage. ditional way because of the huge up-
front costs, market complexity (regu-
lated versus deregulated, federal ver-
each level, the individual network nodes can operate as sus state jurisdiction), and cost allocation issues. As a result,
automatons. For the system components to work seamlessly investment decisions on electric infrastructure tend to be
together, the intelligence has to be distributed and the integra- very conservative and take a long time, leaving the existing
tion interfaces have to be well defined. grid quickly aging, less reliable, and less resilient.
The microgrids can also be viewed from the balance area Technology advancements have leveled the playing field
(BA) perspective. In today’s centralized ac system, a large bal- where smaller, local, and nonutility entities can safely and
ancing area (such as the California Independent System efficiently generate and deliver electricity and become elec-
Operator service territory) usually consists of smaller local tricity service providers, breaking open the natural monopoly
regions having distinct energy consumption profiles of the utility industry. The ubiquitous communication and

Per Capita Energy Per Capita Energy

Consumption-Generation Resources Consumption-Generation Resources
1,000 1,000
Energy Consumption (kWh/d/p)

Energy Consumption (kWh/d/p)

2 BA2
100 100
1 BA1
4 BA4
10 10
3 BA3

1 1
1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000
Population Density (People/km2) Population Density (People/km2)
(a) (b)

0.001 W/m2 0.01 W/m2 0.1 W/m2 1 W/m2 PV–10W/m2

Figure 5. (a) A large BA typically consists of smaller regions with varying energy density profiles. (b) A large BA can be broken down into smaller
BAs for better operation.

22 I E E E E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / March 2015

information technologies are also key enablers for these
emerging energy service providers and will revolutionize the
energy service industry like they did for other industries,
including commercial retail, travel, and health care.
The traditional utilities need to be incentivized to invest
in new technologies through a decoupling mechanism,
meaning that the utilities’ revenue and profit are not tied to
the number of kilowatt hours sold but cover a whole range of
services. Utilities should be allowed to engage in deregulated
electric retail services. In the United States, the rural utilities Rural
have long adopted the cooperative model, which has been
very successful in keeping the electricity costs down.
Both traditional and nontraditional electricity service
providers can adopt the concept of transactive energy that,
according to the GridWise Architecture Council, “refers to
techniques for managing the generation, consumption, or
flow of electric power within an electric power system Figure 6. The urban and rural areas in the SCE service territory.
through the use of economic or market-based constructs [Image courtesy of a CEC study (CEC-200-2013-007) prepared
by Navigant.]
while considering grid reliability constraints. The term
‘transactive’ comes from considering that decisions are
made based on a value. These decisions may be analogous ranged from a low of US$1 billion for DG installed mostly
to or literally economic transactions.” in urban areas to a high of US$4.5 billion for DG installed
mostly in rural areas. This indicates that the integration
Case Study 1: Cost of Distributed cost for local DG could be as high as US$1/W if the distrib-
Generation Integration in California uted PVs were installed in rural areas.
Southern California Edison (SCE) is an investor-owned pub- The SCE’s DG integration challenges and associated
lic utility primarily engaged in the business of supplying costs are largely due to the incompatibility of the existing
and delivering electricity to an approx- grid infrastructure and the dramatic
imately 50,000-mi2 area of southern change in power flows when many
California. The SCE serves a popula- distributed generators are intercon-
tion of nearly 14 million people The advancement nected. The distribution upgrade
through approximately 5 million cus-
tomer accounts. SCE’s service area
in renewable need is driven by the voltage impact
from the DGs. Without any surprise,
covers a diverse geography of urban, generation the studies found that voltage viola-
suburban, and rural areas including tions are lower when DG is installed
desert and mountain regions. Approxi- technologies and in urban areas, where feeders are
mately 75% of SCE’s customers reside
in urban and suburban communities
the rapid decline in shorter and cables are thicker, and
much higher when DG is installed in
covering 15–20% of the service territo- costs have become rural areas, where feeders are longer
ry, while the remaining 25% of cus- and cables are thinner. Voltage viola-
tomers live in rural areas spread game changers for tions are lower when DGs are evenly
across 80–85% of the service territory.
Out of the total 4,500 feeder circuits,
the electric industry. distributed and higher when they are
clustered in one place, the worst
3,626 are urban and 874 are rural. Fig- being at the end of a long feeder.
ure 6 shows the geographic locations In 2013, SCE announced the per-
of the urban and rural areas in the SCE service territory. manent retirement of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating
Two separate studies were conducted by SCE and the Station, Units 2 and 3, which reduces the total generation in
California Energy Commission to estimate the cost of inte- the Los Angeles, California, area by a little more than 2 GW.
grating 4,800 MW of distributed generation, which is SCE’s Unfortunately, this capacity gap cannot be filled completely
share of the 12,000-MW California statewide local energy by distributed PV. Even though the grid is able to handle high-
resource/distributed generation (DG) capacity target and is er DG penetrations, there is not a sufficient PV resource local-
primarily achieved through distributed PV. SCE has a peak ly in the Los Angeles urban areas (see the “Los Angeles” data
load of about 22.5 GW; therefore, the 4,800 MW of DG rep- point in Figure 2). Therefore, the lower-cost solution is not
resents approximately 20% of DG penetration by capacity. achievable if PV is the primary resource. Other high-energy-­
The studies conclude that the costs of the transmission density generation needs to be built locally, or it will be
and distribution system upgrade for DG integration ­necessary to import electricity. In rural areas, the distributed

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / ma r c h 201 5 23

PV should be able to meet 100% of the electricity need. The t­elephone system during the telecom boom in the 1990s.
DG integration costs will be lower if the distributed PV can be The abundance of sun, wind, water, and land resources in
evenly distributed along the feeder and sized to be compara- rural areas, combined with these new methods of
ble with the loads. ­generating, storing, delivering, and consuming ­energy, hold
the promise that rural areas are not only able to meet their
Case Study 2: PV Microgrids in own electricity demand through local ­generation but are
Developing Countries also able to export surplus energy to urban areas wherever
A recently published United Nations Foundation report necessary. Further research, development, demonstration,
assessed the current state of rural microgrid best practices and deployment will be needed, however, because rural
in developing countries. The research team visited electrification is a complex multidisciplinary problem that
12 microgrids in India, Malaysia, and Haiti and interviewed requires a proper balance of technology, market mecha-
seven developers. The report concludes that while “ade- nisms, human capital, and effective regulatory policies. But
quately financed and operated microgrids based on renew- there is no question that rural electrification will undergo a
able and appropriate resources can overcome many of the generational transformation into a more reliable, affordable,
challenges faced by traditional strategies of extending the and sustainable state in which new technologies and new
central grid, these projects can enter into virtuous or business models are fully embraced.
vicious cycles.” It further concludes that “best practice with
respect to design is that developers should not design the Disclaimer
system based on pure technological considerations, but The views and opinions expressed in this article are those
instead adapt to the specific social and economic charac- of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official
teristics of the rural community.” policy or position of any agency of the U.S. government.
These rural microgrids typically provide electricity ser-
vices with limited power and duration. In one example, the For Further Reading
standard microgrid service is two compact fluorescent National Academy of Engineering (NAE). (2014, Nov.). Greatest
engineering achievements of the 20th century. [Online]. Avail-
lights and one cell phone per household. A ­similar
microgrid project in India provides 6 h of street-­lighting and International Energy Agency (IEA). (2011, Nov.). World energy
charging services using PV and ­battery backup systems. In outlook 2011. [Online]. Available: www.­worldenergyoutlook.
this project, the levelized cost of electricity of the PV-battery org
microgrid was estimated to be US$0.64/kWh compared NRECA. (2014, Nov.). Co-op facts and figures. [Online]. Avail-
with US$1.35/kWh for diesel generation. The rural
microgrids are still expensive but are cheaper than the D. J. C. MacKay, “Solar energy in the context of energy use,
alternatives. They are usually subsidized by governments or energy transportation and energy storage,” Philosoph. Trans. R.
nongovernment organizations. These microgrid projects Soc. A, vol. 371, p. 20110431, July 2013.
provide bare minimum services in remote rural places T. l. Mai, D. Sandor, R. Wiser, and T. Schneider, “Renewable
where the centralized grid is not available or electricity is electricity futures study: executive summary,” National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Tech, Rep. NREL/TP-
not reliable even when there is centralized grid.
6A20-52409-ES, 2012.
But it can be better. The model rural electric system pro- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), “Annual ener-
posed earlier should be self-sustainable from both an energy gy outlook 2014 (AEO2014),” Tech. Rep. DOE/EIA-0383, May 2014.
resource and economic perspective. The prices of PV, battery, E. Shlatz, N. Buch, and M. Chan, “Distributed generation
lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and communication are integration cost study: Analytical framework,” California Ener-
all coming down rapidly, leveling the playing field for rural gy Commission, Tech. Rep. CEC-200-2013-007, 2013.
GridWise Architecture Council, “Gridwise transactive energy
communities. In addition to technologies and financing, edu-
framework DRAFT version,” Tech. Rep. PNNL-22946, Oct. 2013.
cation is the key. The local community members will need to D. Schnitzer, D. S. Lounsbury, J. P. Carvallo, R. Deshmukh, J.
learn and grasp the working knowledge of electricity genera- Apt, and D. M. Kammen. (2013, Feb.). Microgrids for rural elec-
tion, distribution, and balancing the load. They will need to trification: A critical review of best practices based on seven
be savvy enough to operate and maintain the microgrid just case studies. UN Foundation Rep. [Online]. Available: http://
like the skilled workers in large utilities. And finally, they will
A. Skumanich, K. Polsani, P. Loka, S. Fulton, S. Reddy, S. Moola,
need to have the pride to keep the lights on. and S. P. Singh, “A microgrid case study: Lessons learned from a
rural electrification project in India,” in Proc. Renewable Energy
Looking Forward World Conf. Expo, Orlando, FL, Nov. 12–14, 2013, p. 20.
This is an exciting time for rural electrification. Recent
innovations in renewable generation, energy efficiency, and Biography
grid modernization offer tremendous opportunities for the Guohui Yuan ( is with ManTech
development of new rural electric infrastructures that will International, supporting the Department of Energy Sun-
leapfrog the traditional centralized power systems, much Shot Initiative, Washington, D.C.
like the way digital networks leapt over the plain old 

24 I E E E E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / March 2015

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