ND A Workbook: Protectin G A Worksheet

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g an Excel Application

Excel Tutorial 7 Developin

g a Worksheet nd a Workbook
Protectin a
to minimize data-entry errors is to limit access to certain parts
Another way
k orksheet protection prevents users from changing cell contents, such
workboo . W
formulas in a worksheet. Workbook protection also prevents users from
as editing
workbook's organization, such as inserting or deleting worksheets in thorkbo
changing the
You can even keep users from viewing the formulas used in the w
workbook. worksheets.eets.
ts to protect the contents of the Receipt and Registration Data et
Sharon wan
nteers to have access only to the range B3:B1 2 in the Receipt work
She wants volu
t data is entered. She also wants to prevent volunteers from editisnhgethe
where new receip
Data worksheet.
contents of any cel ls in the Reg istration

g Cells
Locking and Unlockin
ked property hat etermines hether changes can
Every cell in a workbook has a loc t d w
property has no impact as long as the worksheet is
be made to that cell. The locked
tect a worksheet, the locked property controls whet
unprotected. However, after you pro her
y turning off the locked property. By efa
the cell can be edited. You unlock a cell b d ult, the
rotection is turned ff.
locked property is turned on for each cell, and worksheet p o
rotecting the workshe
So, unless you unlock cells in a worksheet before p et, all of the
cells in the worksheet will be locked, and you won't be able to make any changes in the
worksheet. Usually, you will want to protect the worksheet but leave some cells unlocked.
For example, you might want to lock cells that contain formulas and formatting so they
cannot be changed, but unlock cells in which you want to enter data.
To protect some—but not all—cells in a worksheet, you first turn off the locked
property of cells in which data can be entered. Then, you protect the worksheet to
activate the locked property for the remaining cells.

In the Receipt worksheet, Sharon wants users to be able to enter data in the
range 83:812, but not in any other cell. To do this, you must unlock the cells in
the range B3:B12.

To unlock the cells in the range B3:B12:

• 1. In the Receipt worksheet, select the range B3:B12.

cells in this range before you protect the worksheet.
You want to unlock the

illitial1111110 2. On the ribbon, click the HOME tab.

You can also click the
Format button in the Cells
3. In the Cells group, click the Format button, and then click For(mat Cells
group and then click Lock or press the Ctrl+1 keys). The Format Cells dialo box og pens. The locked
Cell to add or remove the roperty is on the Protection tab.
locked property for the
selected cells.
4. Click the Protection tab, and then click the Locked check box to remove
thecheckmark. See Figure 724.

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