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and 12
CONTENT The learners shall be able to:
demonstrate an understanding of… himself/herself during middle and
late adolescence .
Performance The learners shall be able to:
Conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure.
Learning CODE:
explain that knowing
oneself can make a
person accept his/her
strengths and
limitations and
dealing with others
Learning Materials LCD Projector, Paper, chalk, Laptop, manila paper
Learning Resources Personal Development Reader and TG
ELICIT Self-Concept Inventory: Exploring One’s Students will write the
Strengths and Limitations: activity in their activity
 Explain instructions of the Self- notebook and write their
Concept Inventory and allow scores for each item. After
students a few minutes to answer answering students will put
it. their score on the table
Take a look at your own self-concept according to the part where
and answer the following self-concept it belongs.
inventory in your journal. Give
yourself a rating using the scale: 0 =
very weak; 1 = weak; 2 =
somewhat weak/somewhat strong; 3
= strong; 4 = very strong
1. I have strong sex appeal.
2. I am proud of my physical figure.
3. I am physically attractive and
4. I exude with charm and poise.
5. I can easily get along with.
6. I can adjust to different people and
different situations.
7. I am approachable; other people
are at ease and comfortable with me.
8. I am lovable and easy to love.
9. I am a fast learner, can understand
instruction easily.
10. I am intelligent.
11. I have special talents and abilities.
12. I can easily analyze situations and
make right judgments.
13. I can be trusted in any transaction.
14. I have a clean conscience and
carry no guilty feeling.
15. I have integrity and good
16. My friends and classmates can
look up to me as a model worth
emulating. 17. I can express my ideas
without difficulty.
18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I
can easily get people to accept what I
19. I can express my ideas in writing
without difficulty.
20. I am a good listener.
21. I am emotionally stable and not
easily rattled when faced with
trouble. 22. I am logical and rational in
my outlook and decisions.
23. I feel and act with confidence.
24. am a mature person.
Copy the scoring in your journal.
Write your score opposite each
number and get the subtotal. Physical
appeal 1 __________ 2 __________ 3
__________ 4 __________ Subtotal:
Human Relations 5 __________ 6
__________ 7 __________ 8
__________ Subtotal:
Intelligence 9 __________ 10
__________ 11 __________ 12
__________ Subtotal:
Character 13 __________ 14
__________ 15 __________ 16
__________ Subtotal:
Communications 17 __________ 18
__________ 19 __________ 20
__________ Subtotal:
Maturity 21 __________ 22
__________ 23 __________ 24
__________ Subtotal:
Engage  Learners will answer the
questions based on the
result of their self-concept
and share it with a partner.
Explore Students will answer the following Student will close her/his
questions: eyes for 10 seconds and
imagine her/his self in front
1. Imagine yourself in front of a of a mirror and answer the
mirror, what do you see? given questions.
2. Do you see your ideal self or
your actual self?

Explain Group activity: students will be group into Students will discuss with
5. their groupmates on their
Teacher will post these words on the understanding about the
board: words given by the teacher.
 Ideal self After the discussion they will
 Actual self write their answer on a
 Self-concept manila paper and share it to
 Self-knowledge the class.
 Self-image
 Negotiation
 Social rules
 Incongruence
Elaborate Activity: SEARCH FOR OUTSTANDING Learners will discuss with
QUALITIES. their group on the talent
This activity is a showcase of talents of that they are going to
students which they previously planned showcase in the class.
and prepared. The class groups perform
at the Talent or Variety Show. Audience
gives feedback on the performances.
Portfolio Output No. 1: Talent / Variety
Show Presentation Each group shall have
a presentation in front of the class. The
leaders of each group shall rate the
performance of each group based on the
following criteria: originality (4 points),
creativity/resourcefulness (4 points),
teamwork (4 points), and audience impact
(4 points), for a maximum of 16 points.
Each student computes the average rating
for their group and records it in their
(Note: the rest of the time for this
meeting will be allocated for the
rehearsal of the students for the
talent/variety show and the performance
will be hold next meeting together with
Evaluate The teacher will let the learners write a Learners write a reflection
reflection on their activity note book on their activity note book
about their experience as a leader or a about their experience as a
member of the group during the leader or a member of the
talent/variety show. group during the
talent/variety show.
Extend Back with the group, each group will . Learners will do the
answer a matching game. matching game by group.
1. Learners must match the given
sentences with the words given to
2. Each group will be given 2
minutes to complete the game
and post it on the board.
3. The teacher will process the

1. Experience includes knowledge

and skills that we acquire in the
process of cognitive and practical
2. Knowledge is required for setting
goals, defining an action plan to
achieve them and risk
3. Skills also determine whether real
actions are performed in
accordance with the plan
4. Determination. It allows you to
focus only on achieving a specific
goal without being distracted by
less important things or
spontaneous desires.
5. Self-confidence. It appears in the
process of personal development,
as a result of getting aware of
yourself, your actions and their
6. Persistence. It makes you keep
moving forward regardless of
emerging obstacles – problems,
laziness, bad emotional state, etc
7. Managing stress. It helps combat
stress that arises in daily life from
the environment and other
8. Problem-solving skills. They help
cope with the problems
encountered with a lack of
9. Creativity. It allows you to find
extraordinary ways to carry out a
specific action that no one has
tried to use.
10. Generating ideas. It helps you
achieve goals using new, original,
unconventional ideas.
Prepared by:


Grade 12 Teacher Grade 12 Teacher Grade 12 Teacher


Grade11 Teacher Grade11 Teacher Grade11 Teacher

Checked by:

OIC Assistant Principal

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