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How to set Wake On Lan (WOL)under windows 10

1. Into BIOS and Enable APCI / PME Wake Up from S5

2. Press "F10" Save & Exit.

 Windows :

1. Into device manager / Network adapter / Power Management /

Enable =>Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer.
2. Into device manager / Network adapter / Advanced /
Enable => Shutdown Wake on Lan.
3. Control Panel / Hardware and Sound / Power Options / System Settings/
Disable => Turn on fast startup.
4. Reboot the device and into OS to check whether correct.
5. If configuration properly , shut down for test.
How to achieve UEFI VGA card boot up function?
For example to use Hi-Fi H77S and ATI HD 7750 VGA card, please follow the instruction to
achieve UEFI VGA card boot.
System requirement:
1. motherboard need to support UEFI fast boot. 2. OS only support Windows 8 64 bit(UEFI mode
for installation). 3. VGA card update latest BIOS for support UEFI.
BIOS settings:
1. Goto BIOS [Boot] menu CSM Parameters.
2. Boot option filter and Launch video opROM policy set to UEFI only.
3. Save BIOS setting and reboot system.
4. Goto BIOS [Boot] menu, set Boot option for Windows Boot manager as first boot device.
5. After next boot up, system will run as UEFI VGA card boot.

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