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Tetrix Robot Final

Amber, Anna, Daniel

Peppa the Robot
CAD of Peppa
Arm Design and
Our arm’s base consists of a long pole
that is attached to the hand by an L
bracket. The hand is made of six small
bars that are moved by a single servo on
the top to open and close the hand. The
arm attaches to the robot base by a
bracket next to the servo that moves it
up and down. A spring was then
attached as a counter balance.
Driving in a Square in a
Wall Stop
Line Follower
Ultrasonic Maze Avoidance
Arm and Servos Working
Our Reflections and What We Learned

Amber ~ Overall, building this Daniel ~ I never build robot Anna ~ I liked the project, yet it
robot was really stressful, but before so I enjoyed doing this was difficult coordinating with
enjoyable. My part of the project project. I did coding and the the other members of my group
was doing CAD of our robot, and most difficult part of the project so we actually always had
using fusion is a pain. The most was finding right angle. I had to things to work on. My job was
difficult part for me was building test several times to figure it out, to build the robot, but it was
the base of the robot in fusion. although it didn’t work every hard to make sure everything
The easiest part was figuring out time. I think we did great job. If worked especially with the
the design of our arm. Our team we can communicate more, it weak servos. I learned to
performed pretty good, but we can finish faster. problem solve effectively. We
could’ve done better with could work better at
communicating and getting communicating and being
things done quicker. efficient.

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