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Newsletter number 4

Important dates in the upcoming weeks:

November 26 and 28, 2019 Parent- teacher conferences

November 29, 2019 Education day (Children are free)
Christmas dinner at school December 19, 2019
Christmas vacation December 23, 2019- January 3, 2020

Education day

Education Day will be celebrated on Friday, November 29, 2019. On this day, the school
directors of all primary schools on Bonaire organize various workshops. All primary school
teachers will participate in this event so no lessons are given this day, therefore the children
are free.

School Building Project

As you may have seen, we have placed or replaced several things in the last Regatta vacation,
as it appears that the new school building will take a while. The old stage has been replaced
because there were termites. In addition, posts have been placed on our parking lot to promote
safety and to clearly indicate the direction in which to drive. On the second square we are
busy creating a shady spot, the idea is that picnic tables will be placed here so that the
children can relax in the shade.

News from the staff

It is still early in the year but we want to inform you that Vincent and Caroline have decided
to return to the Netherlands next school year. Of course we find this very unfortunate, but
luckily they are still here for the rest of this school year.

15 Year Anniversary

As of this past August our school has existed for 15 years! We want to celebrate this in a
musical way during the New Year's reception. If you yourself would like to do something
with music or dance and want to give a short performance this evening, you can send an email
We are already looking forward to this festive New Year's Eve drink.

On October 14 and 15 we had two study days with the teachers from groups 3 to 8 of all
schools about the ” Insight into Own Profile” test, the IEP. As you know, we will no longer
use Cito this year but the IEP. With this test we can follow the development of your child
even better, both cognitively and socially emotionally. In addition to tests and measuring
instruments for language and math, the IEP LVS also has measuring instruments for the
learning approach, social-emotional development and creative capacity. They call the IEP test
head, heart and hands: because you get a picture of what your child knows, does and how they
feel. The IEP LVS gives students a good insight into the percentages achieved on the various
components of the test. This is very concrete for the student, because they immediately gain
insight into the parts that are going well and in which they can further develop. The test thus
becomes a tool to be able to take the next step in the learning process and not a method of
punishment. For language and math, results from group 6 are expressed in reference levels
(1F, 1S and 2F). These levels are used at all levels of education, including secondary
education. This creates a clear and continuous line. We show the heart and hands results in
spider diagrams. These offer the student starting points to work with the teacher and / or
parents in a goal-oriented way on their development.
The students take the IEP test on a computer, but there is also the possibility to do it on paper.
The test form must not be an obstacle to the development of a child. The duration of the tests
is short, which is important for concentration and motivation. We will administer the first IEP
tests between January 20 and 31. The results will be discussed with you in the February
parent-teacher conference.
If there is a need for further explanation, we would like to organize a parent meeting on
November 20 from 19:00 to 20:00 about the IEP LVS. If you are interested in this, please
register before November 8 by sending an email to


If your child is sick and you decide to keep him / her at home, we would like to be informed
of this by telephone or e-mail before 8 a.m.
The telephone number is 717 4301 and the e-mail address is

Holiday schedule school year 2019-2020

Christmas vacation December 23, 2019 to January 3,
Children’s carnival February 17, 2020
Carnival vacation February 24 - 28, 2020
Easter vacation April 9- 17, 2020
May vacation April 27 to May 1, 2020
Ascension day May 21 and 22, 2020
2nd day of Pentecost June ,1 2020
Summer vacation July 3 to August 14, 2020

Study days (all children free) for the school year 2019-2020

November 29, 2019

February 14, 2020
June 15, 2020


Gerald Kolenbrander
Mieke van Vliet

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