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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, November 1, 2019 Volume 149, Number 8

Bowdoin students in South America witness social unrest

for remaining on site or returning the country. Solis is currently on dents were advised to shelter in grams refer to the U.S. Department lated very quickly from two to four,
by Diego Lasarte to the U.S., or to ship to a new site,” campus completing an indepen- place. Representatives from Mid- of State’s travel advisory warnings which results in a really different
and Cole van Miltenburg Christine Wintersteen, director of dent study for the remainder of the dlebury’s global rescue team have as a guideline in these scenarios, series of responses.”
Orient Staff
off-campus study said. “[For exam- semester. The other five students— visited the country to assess the with level one being the lowest pre- Solis’ former host city of Quito
Widespread social unrest and ple,] we have happened to not have three in Middlebury’s Valparaíso situation first-hand. caution and level four advising no is still designated as level four as of
political violence in a number of had students in Egypt during the program, one in Middlebury’s San- Wintersteen has remained in travel whatsoever. Thursday. However, both Chile and
Latin American nations created Arab Spring.” tiago program and one in an SIT constant contact with programs in “One of the key differences be- Bolivia are still designated as level
an unprecedented situation for the As of publication, only one stu- program in Cochabamba, Bolivia, all three countries over the past two tween Chile and Ecuador was that two’s and thus have been deemed
Office of Off-Campus Study, which dent has had to leave her program. remain in their host countries. weeks. Addressing the situation of although the travel advisory level safe for students to continue their
has offered six students studying Jessa Solis ’19 enrolled in the Insti- Since the protests in Chile began each individual student abroad, she increased from one to two, two is, studies if they choose to do so.
abroad in Chile, Ecuador and Bo- tute for the International Education in early October, Wintersteen has has tried to prioritize safety while according to the U.S. State Depart- Lucia Gagliardone ’20, who
livia the option to alter their abroad of Students (IES) program in Quito, since received nearly daily updates also still respecting each student’s ment, still sort of within the frame- studied in Valparaíso last spring,
experiences to assure their safety. Ecuador, where protests escalated from Middlebury on the situation. situation and decision-making work of having some infrastructure said she is using her experiences last
“I think this is honestly the first quickly and violently, forcing IES to When protests were at their worst, ability. and safety,” said Wintersteen. “In
time we’ve had a student get options charter flights for students to leave classes were suspended and stu- Wintersteen explained that pro- Ecuador, the travel advisory esca- Please see PROTESTS, page 3

BPD cites four more

students, eleven others
warned for alcohol-
related offenses
by Andrew Bastone Waltz noted that BPD’s
Orient Staff
system of warnings based on
Four Bowdoin students officer discretion has been
received citations early Sun- successful, and students are
day morning at an off-cam- rarely cited for repeated vio-
pus residence for providing a lations. If a student previously
space for minors to consume warned is caught again, they
alcohol. Two of the students will receive a citation for be-
are members of the football ing a minor in possession of
team, and the other two are alcohol, which includes con-
former players. sumption. If students are un-
Eleven other students who cooperative in the eyes of the
admitted to consuming alco- responding officer, they will
hol received warnings from also be cited for possession.
Brunswick Police Department In September, eight stu-
A SPECIAL GUEST: TOP: Senator (BPD) officers. BPD Com- dents were cited for furnish-
and presidential candidate Michael mander Mark Waltz explained ing alcohol to minors at Red
Bennet P ’23 (D-CO) answers ques- that students are “warned” if Brick House. The Sunday
tions from the crowd during a question they are cooperative with the morning incident brings the
and answer session on Saturday in police. total number of alcohol-relat-
Chase Barn. Maine senator and Ben-
The four students cited face ed citations to 12 this school
net’s friend Angus King (I-ME) made
an appearance at the talk, surprising charges punishable by up to a year.
Bennet. After the two embraced, year in jail and/or a fine of up Waltz said that typically
Bennet invited King to field questions to $2,000. there are around four such in-
from the audience with him. The pair Waltz said BPD officers re- stances during a given school
addressed topics ranging from climate sponding to a noise complaint year.
change to education to healthcare. from a neighbor encountered BPD’s actions were consis-
BOTTOM: Anna Martens ’20, a intoxicated students on the tent with what officers told
Denver resident who had previously street outside the residence at students living off-campus
met Bennet, speaks with the Senator 310 Maine Street. during a meeting in August,
after his talk. “It was nice to get [his] Students on the street ad- said Waltz.
viewpoint and that intimacy on mitted to having consumed Waltz summarized that
campus,” Martens said. alcohol in the house. When message in September, follow-

See PAGE 4. the officers entered the home

they cited the four residents.
One of the students warned
ing the issuance of citations:
“You don’t want to be the one
providing the alcohol or the
said they were in the house place to drink the alcohol be-

Faculty meeting addresses Arthur Brooks’ visit when the BPD entered, and
the officers collected attend-
ees’ OneCards before calling
students in one-by-one to ask
cause that’s a criminal thing.
We really can’t look the other
way on that, so you’re likely to
get charged.”
by Alyce McFadden ing Fellow. Rose acknowledged are to be used at the discretion The assembled faculty did them for their name, date of Of the four students cited,
that he worked with Sheldon of the president. not vote on the motion because birth and whether they had one declined a request to be
and Ian Ward
Stone ’74, a co-chair of AEI’s Rose’s comments came in re- Monday’s meeting extended be- drank. The student described interviewed, and the other
Orient Staff
National Council, to bring sponse to a motion introduced yond the one-hour time period their interaction with the of- three did not respond to in-
During a faculty meeting Brooks to campus but clarified by Robert Sobak, associate during which faculty may vote ficers as “respectful.” Another terview requests.
on Monday, President Clayton that Brooks’ appointment was professor of classics, at the Oc- on substantive motions. The student who received a warn- The students are scheduled
Rose denied that any orga- ultimately “my decision.” tober 7 faculty meeting which motion will be taken up again at ing agreed. to appear in court in mid-De-
nization or group external to According to Rose, Brooks’ called for a written account of the next meeting of the faculty “[The officers] were super cember.
the College participated in the fellowship, which will bring him the financial and administrative on December 2, nearly a month respectful,” the second stu- Editor’s Note: It is the policy
appointment of former Amer- to campus between November processes that led to Brooks’ ap- after Brooks will conclude his dent said. “Since everyone else of the Orient not to publish the
ican Enterprise Institute (AEI) 7-9 and for two days in the pointment. Sobak believes that first visit to campus. was being respectful to them, names of students accused of a
president Arthur Brooks as the spring semester, is being funded Rose erred in failing to consult they didn’t seem harsh at all. crime until they have been for-
inaugural Joseph McKeen Visit- by endowments and gifts that faculty in the first place. Please see BROOKS, page 3 I didn’t feel bad about myself mally charged.

All you need to know about the local Five new professors bring interdisciplinary John Galusha ’20 is a vocal advocate for Naomi Osaka and black solidarity in Sarah and James Bowdoin Day represents
elections on Tuesday. Page 5. experience to campus. Page 6. oral percussion. Page 9. women’s tennis. Page 11. the College’s muddled morals. Page 15.
2 Friday, November 1, 2019

10/24 to 10/31 STUDENT SPEAK:
What is your biggest fear?
Thursday, October 24 Tuesday, October 29
• A visitor was stuck briefly in a malfunc- • A student with flu-like symptoms was
tioning elevator at the Visual Arts Center. escorted to the campus health center. Jaida Hodge-Adams ’23
• A student reported seeing a suspicious • A student reported that a red Giant
man near the intersection of Bath Road
and Sills Drive.
bicycle was stolen from somewhere on
campus during the past three weeks.
"I’m afraid of cramped spaces. And the
Friday, October 25
• A student slipped on wet stairs in Sills
Hall and injured a hand. An officer
inevitability of death."
• An officer on a routine building check no- brought the student to the Mid Coast
ticed a stove burner left on in the Osher Walk-In Clinic.
Hall kitchen. • Students reported seeing a suspicious
• Four minors in Hyde Hall were cited for looking man walking past the Whit-
possession of hard alcohol. tier Athletic Building and Pine Street
• An emergency light fixture was damaged Apartments on several recent nights. Jenna Robbins ’23
on the fourth floor of Winthrop Hall. Investigation determined there was no
Saturday, October 26
suspicious activity. "Throwing up; other people, me, the
• A student experiencing chest pain was
transported to Mid Coast Hospital.
Wednesday, October 30
• A student riding a bike in the Ad- whole thing."
• An officer aided an elderly visitor who missions parking lot collided with a
fainted at the Bowdoin Bookstore. passing Facilities vehicle. The student
• An officer checked on the wellbeing of received scrapes and bruises. The bike
an intoxicated visitor at Park Row Apart- was badly damaged, and the vehicle
ments. sustained minor damage.
• A student in Hyde Hall was cited for a • A student reported athat someone Cori Gray ’22
hard alcohol violation. wearing dark clothing and a scary
• A fire alarm activated in the Baxter base-
ment during a registered event. The cause
mask was lurking around Brunswick
"Getting sucked down the drain. Any
of the alarm was undetermined and may
have been triggered by excessive heat and Thursday, October 31
humidity in the space. • A student reported seeing a suspicious
• Brunswick police cited four students for looking man walking on the Main
furnishing a place for minors to consume Quad at 4 a.m. Investigation deter-
alcohol at an off-campus house. The mined there was no unusual behavior.
minors present were given warnings. • A student burned a cookie in a mi-
crowave and set off a smoke alarm at Sara Nelson ’22
Sunday, October 27 West Hall.
• Students reported an unknown person
inside Howell House. It was determined
• In recent days several motorists and
pedestrians have complained of unsafe
"Open water."
that the person was a student’s guest. and discourteous bicyclists darting
• A handicap parking space near Coles across streets and nearly causing
Tower was marked with offensive graffiti. collisions. People walking on campus
• A student who was locked out of Banister walkways have also reported close
Hall accidentally smashed a window pane encounters with bicyclists.
by pounding on it too hard. The student
received a hand laceration.
• Officers assisted a student who was
Kiany Probherbs ’21
reported to be in crisis.
"Getting burned alive. "
Monday, October 28
• Excessive shower steam activated a smoke
alarm at Brunswick Apartment S.
• A student reported the theft of a purple
and blue Trek bicycle from the front lawn
of Baxter House.

How to dress as your professor for Halloween

by Lily Randall Professor of Music Robby Greenlee. Serve some Associate Professor of English Emma Solberg. Be the
Orient Staff sick, Maine grandpa vibes this weekend by dressing granola aunt of every Bowdoin student’s dreams, and go as
up as Robby. To get the complete look, have at least Professor Solberg this weekend. Must-haves include a dress
Another October gone, another month of three layers on at all times, and bust out some thick paired with hiking boots, but really let your creativity fly
“what’s your Halloween costume?” serving as socks with your Tevas. Bonus points if you preach with this one. She’d be into it.
the go-to for awkward small talk. If it’s this about mindfulness.
late in the game and you’re still looking for Professor of Government Jean Yarbrough. Like a first
a costume, I personally recommend biting Assistant Professor of Mathematics Naomi lady from 50 years ago but with a
the bullet and just getting so hammered Tanabe. Exist in two realms at once by donning chunky charm bracelet.
you don’t care. But, if that’s not your style, stilettos AND ankle-length skirts. To be fair,
celebrate those who have given you the most considering our regressive politics these days, I’m President Clayton Rose. Pure JP
emotional trauma by dressing up as them for not sure what century we’re in either. Morgan chic. He wears a crown
Halloween: your professors. Here are some in private, and his cologne smells
of our suggestions. Assistant Professor of Religion Todd Berzon. of old money. You can try, but
Black turtlenecks always. No excuses. you’ll never be able to get the
Professor of Cinema Studies Tricia Welsch. condescending air down right.
I’m talking crocs, preferably purple ones to Professor of Economics Zorina Khan. Can’t decide Good luck?
match the rest of your violet-hued outfit. Light between dressing as a 1980’s working woman or a
blue crocs are acceptable, but a considerable tropical bird? Professor Khan is the woman for
step down. If you don’t own any purple, don’t you, then. You’ll also have to figure out how to fit a
even think about this one. trenchcoat into all of this, but that’s on you.
Friday, November 1, 2019 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF NESCAC Votes aims for 90% voter participation

effectively support their students
MIDDLEBURY WORKERS VOICE by Aura Carlson Bowdoin Voting Rates for 2014 and 2016
in voting and election engagement.
Orient Staff 100
UNEASINESS ABOUT BUYOUTS Last March, the team also co- 2014
Last weekend, administrators, ordinated with President Clayton 90
Middlebury staff have begun efforts to unionize following a year- faculty and students from eight out Rose and Middlebury President 2016
long workforce planning process aimed at reducing the college’s deficit, of the 11 NESCAC colleges con- Laurie Patton, who jointly issued 80 76%
reported The Middlebury Campus in an article published Thursday. vened at Middlebury College for an invitation to the other nine NES- National voting rate avg.
The workforce planning initiative, which sought to cut personnel the first NESCAC Votes Summit CAC presidents to join ALL IN’s
costs by offering voluntary buyouts for employees and redistributing to jump start each campus’ election challenge. 60
work rather than laying off employees, saw the departure of 37 staff engagement plan. At the conference, Lardie said 52.8%
members—nine of whom were employed by facilities and dining ser- From partnering with the Na- the team was working on tactics for 50
vices—as well as an increase in responsibilities for workers without an tional Study of Learning, Voting registration, education and turnout, 40.4% 39.1%
incremental wage hike to match. and Engagement (NSLVE), Bow- specifically focusing on equal and
Though, in an email to college employees, administrators deemed the doin Votes has been able to exam- full participation. 30 27.1%
efforts a success, Middlebury staff, specifically facilities workers, voiced ine the areas on campus in which “One of the things that I’m re-
uneasiness about the long-term ramifications of workforce planning— voter turnout could be stronger. ally interested in measuring and 20 16.3%
uneasiness which motivated facilities employees to reach out to David The College increased its voting succeeding at is what I call affec- 10
Van Deusen, union representative and president of the Vermont Ameri- rate from 16.3 percent in 2014 to tive barriers to voting, a belief or a
can Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. 40.4 percent in 2016. feeling or a reaction you have that 0
Registration rate Voting rate Voting rate
Since his initial contact with Middlebury employees in August, Van Additionally, NESCAC Votes makes you feel like voting is too *accounts for
*for Bowdoin students of registered
Deusen has taken concrete strides towards initiating unionization ef- plans to hopefully bring the average inconvenient, too overwhelming or eligible to vote students registering and
forts on campus, organizing multiple well-attended interest meetings registration rate for all 11 colleges to it doesn’t make a difference,” Lardie voting

and distributing authorization cards for interested parties. In the past 90 percent this year. said. Source: National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE)
months, however, efforts have slowed as authorization cards have gone Bowdoin was represented by He emphasized the efforts of
RISING NUMBERS: Bowdoin Votes uses data from NSLVE to determine
uncompleted and employees have raised their various concerns. Andrew Lardie, associate director Bowdoin Votes, the College’s main
election engagement goals for the year.
Though they face largely lukewarm reception from staff members for service and leadership, Penelope election engagement group, to con-
and opposition from the administration, pro-union workers and Van Mack ’22, McKeen Center fellow vey to students why their vote mat- because they’re abroad,” he said. Votes. Although the NESCAC col-
Deusen remain steadfast in their belief in the possibility of a worker’s for election engagement, Justin Ko ters and how easily it can be cast. “We intend to work more closely leges plan to meet again next winter,
union at Middlebury as well as in its importance for the community. ’22, McKeen fellow for community Short stressed this importance. with Off-Campus Study to figure the colleges will continue to keep in
engagement and Wilder Short ’22, “We’re lucky to have rights to out what the best tactic is for reach- touch with each other in the mean-
chair of facilities and sustainability vote,” he said. “There is voter sup- ing those students.” time through conference calls and
Shining light on for Bowdoin Student Government
pression here, but it is more ... ev-
ident in other nations, and I think
Based on his observations of
the NSLVE data, Lardie added that
Google Drive.
“Pulling all these resources to-

visibility as days shorten “The main thing was just

spending time as a team working
through the different pieces of our
having discussions surrounding
the trials and tribulations of voting
in another country [can] be the fire
Bowdoin Votes needs to do more
work in reaching across racial dif-
ferences on campus and plans to
gether will only make our lives a
lot easier with registration and ad-
vertising in the future,” Short said.
plan,” Lardie said. “This summer needed for our student body to re- partner with the Center for Multi- “I think, more than anything, just
by Michael Halko we’ve been focused on a lot of pro- alize that it easily [takes] just 15-20 cultural Life. reaching out to all student organiza-
Contributor gramming to support student reg- minutes [of your time] on Election To reach more of campus in gen- tions on campus to just really make
For this week’s column: Eyes istration, education and turnout Day.” eral, Bowdoin Votes looks to BSG sure their members are really active
and Ears. The days continue to for this fall election, so we haven’t After going to the confer- whose members are on board. “We in discussing voting.”
get shorter as the winter equinox been able to spend time thinking ence, Lardie, Mack, Ko and Short are more than ready to help facili- Lardie stressed that it will take
approaches, and that means less that much about fall 2020. Just brought back both small- and tate discussions with administrators time to implement all their new
and less daylight for the morning having the time to focus on that large-scale ideas. Along with de- and provide support whether it’s ideas.
run/walk and workouts at the and hearing from the students veloping future plans for hosting a with future elections or us pub- “There’s a lot of room for us to
Buck Center before class. KO and other staff members was really debate watch party and discussion, lishing something or advertising do better, but it’s going to take time
Whether you walk, bike, scoot- HAEL valuable.” Bowdoin Votes plans to partner for them or just general announce- for ... these values to be infused
er or longboard on or off-campus, Starting in June, Lardie worked with Off-Campus Study (OCS), the ments via email,” said Short, who across the culture and for it to be a
please consider these tips with the outer garment or something with Ashley Laux, program direc- Center for Multicultural Life and represented BSG at the conference. part of what is on students’ minds,
diminishing light. reflective helps. Before Maine tor of the Center for Community BSG to increase student election “We are more than open to working in the sense of seeing themselves as
1. Eyes: Be visible and look at I lived in Alaska, where iron- Engagement at Middlebury Col- engagement. with anyone, especially with Bow- a voter as a piece of their identity,”
the cars heading your way as you on reflective patches are used lege, and Jennifer Domagal-Gold- Lardie noted that the College’s doin Votes, because it’s a big year Lardie said.
navigate the crosswalk. While in urban and rural settings as man, executive director of the ALL oldest students have the lowest coming up for elections.” Bowdoin Votes will provide
Maine just recently passed a law an intervention to reduce the IN Campus Democracy Challenge turnout. Despite their absence from the vans to polling places on Tuesday,
banning cell phone use by driv- number of pedestrian injuries. to plan last weekend’s summit. “It’s reasonable to attribute that conference, Williams, Wesleyan which is election day for Bruns-
ers, we know compliance is not ALL IN’s mission is to help col- rate to a large number of juniors and Amherst will still be involved wick Municipal races and a state
100 percent. A lightly colored Please see SAFETY, page 4 leges of all sizes across the country losing track that they need to vote with the newly formed NESCAC referendum.

PROTESTS option to resume their coursework

in-country, return home and
Norell Sherman ’21 has opted
to stay in Valparaíso for the re-
in the marches and concentra-
tions, I was still able to partici-
en Paz,’” Sherman wrote in a mes-
sage to the Orient.
says that she wouldn’t dream of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 pursue a remote course load or mainder of the semester. Although pate in some mobilization—for “The caserolazos have been so Gagliardone too asked students
year to make sense of the compli- switch programs to Middlebury she has not had class in two weeks example, the cacerolazo [a form powerful and beautiful. The city to not let the protests dissuade
cated situation. in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the due to the demonstration, her pro- of popular protest which features turns into this giant orchestra; them from studying in Chile, or
“I saw moments that were a remainder of the semester. gram found other ways to make the banging of pots and pans]. you stand outside your house and other places in Latin America.
foreshadowing to what is currently “Students have really different sure she gets credit, creating new Every night of the past two weeks can hear banging pots everywhere Instead, she asked students to look
happening,” she said. “Frankly, it reactions,” said Wintersteen. “So classes and providing alternate as- at 8 p.m. my neighborhood has and look around and see people for lessons that can be learned
was something that was building, I’ve had some students say ‘no signments. [gathered] outside our houses to outside their windows in all parts from the peaceful demonstrations
it was a series of unique economic matter what happens I’m staying The program has forbidden bangs pots with big spoons for of the neighborhood, standing on happening all over the continent.
injustices that are based [on] the in Chile,’ and then others say ‘I’m students from participating in one hour. Before this all starts, roofs, and it’s truly an incredible “I’m witnessing the ways in
neoliberal system that piled up.” considering options. I’d like to the protests, but Sherman has still my host mom and I plug in this form of connection,” said Sher- which popular power can truly
After the protests slowed, Mid- know how that would work out found ways to get involved. massive speaker and play Victor man. create change,” Sherman ex-
dlebury in Chile gave students the credit-wise.’” “Even though I couldn’t protest Jara’s song, ‘El Derecho de Vivir Despite the protests, Sherman plained. “It’s empowering.”

BROOKS After speaking with Brooks

about the fellowship in early
Affairs Scott Hood maintained
that Stone assisted in Brooks’
Rose’s statement at Monday’s
faculty meeting, Sobak reiter-
strengthens that.”
Vyjayanthi Selinger, associate
tion be defeated but that the
conversation continue,” said
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 June 2018, Rose again contact- appointment only in his ca- ated his support for the motion professor of Asian studies, sup- Rudalevidge. “Certainly the
Rose used the time allotted ed Stone to ask “if he might put pacity as a Bowdoin alum, not and explained that it would ported the motion, and added broader points—of inclusion on
at the opening of the meeting in a good word for Bowdoin,” as a member of AEI’s National both bring greater transpar- that a formalized process would campus, of the kinds of conver-
for the president’s comments, which Stone agreed to do. Rose Council. According to the AEI ency to Brooks’s appointment encourage input from minority sations that should be going on
before the motion had been described Stone as “helpful in website, the National Board and serve as a model for a more and female faculty members on the campus—are important
formally introduced to the floor getting [Brooks] here.” is composed of “business and formal mechanism for faculty to who might not feel comfortable ones, and they don’t end with a
for discussion, to address the Stone is a founding member community leaders from across participate in the appointment approaching the administration detailed written account.”
substance of Sobak’s motion. and director of the private equi- the country and abroad who are of future fellows or guests to otherwise. In an email to the Orient, So-
Rose said that he came up ty and assessment management committed to the values and campus. Andrew Rudalevidge, Thom- bak maintained the importance
with the idea for the fellowship firm Oaktree Capital, a mem- success of the Institute.” “I care, in making this a for- as Brackett Reed professor of the motion to ask Rose for a
after Brooks announced his ber of the College’s investment “Mr. Stone did this as a favor mal motion, that we open up a of government and chair of written account.
resignation from AEI in May committee, a member of AEI’s to President Rose and on behalf way that more voices can take the government department, “I think Rose deserves an
of 2018. After consulting with National Council and formerly of the College as an alumnus and part in these conversations,” agreed with the motion’s call for opportunity to offer some clari-
former Dean of Students Af- served on the Board of Trustees. former trustee. His association said Sobak. “It’s all to the good the formalization of future dis- fication and expansion on those
fairs Tim Foster and Director Stone declined to comment with AEI is likely how he came that we develop personal rela- cussion between faculty and the answers .... [T]his motion will
of the McKeen Center for the on his involvement in Brooks’s to know Dr. Brooks, but AEI tionships and bonds of trust and administration, but expressed kick-start the formal process
Common Good Sarah Seames, appointment. had and has no involvement— bonds of affection that allow us concern that the substance of needed to prevent a recurrence
Rose contacted Stone, a friend In an email to the Ori- financial or otherwise—in next to speak with each other, but the motion did not directly re- of what was surely an uninten-
of Brooks, to gauge Brooks’ in- ent, Senior Vice President for week’s visit,” Hood wrote. having a formal apparatus does late to that aim. tional infraction on Rose’s part,”
terest in visiting Bowdoin. Communications and Public In his comments following not undermine that. It in fact “I would urge that the mo- wrote Sobak.
4 NEWS Friday, November 1, 2019

100 years later, the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4

road to women’s
Plus, a friendly reminder—if
you are running or walking on
the streets, stay on the side of the
road to avoid on-coming traffic.
suffrage lives on If you are biking, go with the
flow of traffic. Just like construc-
tion workers, runners/walkers
but inevitable. should don reflective vests.
by Lucie Nolden “The suffragists did not just Some may also choose to use
Orient Staff
march and picket and protest headlamps or a hand-held flash-
To mark the hundred-year and demonstrate. They also de- light as an extra safety measure.
anniversary of the 19th Amend- bated and lobbied and drafted If you notice the weather is harsh
ment’s passage, last Tuesday legislation and campaigned,” said on our roads, use sidewalks. A
Bowdoin Votes, the Sexuality, Weiss, emphasizing the uphill little illumination could prevent
Women and Gender Center and nature of the battle fought by the a twisted ankle.
the Gender, Sexuality and Wom- suffragettes in Tennessee, where Here’s some food for thought:
en’s Studies department brought her book is primarily set. The texting and walking? How risky
author Elaine Weiss to campus Volunteer State was the 36th state is it? Does one become disen-
to speak about her latest book, to ratify, making it the final state gaged from their environment
“The Women’s Hour: The Great necessary for the constitutional ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT by texting, therefore increasing
Fight to Win the Vote.” The or- amendment to become law. GET OUT THE VOTE: Elaine Weiss addresses community members in honor of Maine’s ratification of the 19th the probability of an incident
ganizers strategically scheduled Weiss strove to clarify that Amendment. that could result in an injury?
her talk to precede the centen- the ratification of the Nineteenth Distractions while in motion
nial of Maine’s ratification of the Amendment did not guarantee have imposed new restrictions selves a democracy if half of the see and founder of the League of usually end badly.
19th Amendment, which gave voting rights for all Americans. and new suppression tactics in citizens of the nation can’t vote?” Women Voters. 2. Ears: Use one earbud so you
women the right to vote. Jim Crow laws and a litany of the last several years since the Weiss said. “‘That vote of yours has can stay alert for the cyclist warn-
In her talk, sponsored by the other laws prevented black peo- Supreme Court gutted the Voting The fight, Weiss reminded cost millions of dollars and the ing: “passing on your left.” Music
Edith Lansing Koon Sills Lec- ple, Asian Americans and Na- Rights Act,” Weiss said. the audience, did not and does lives of thousands of women. and podcasts can still be enjoyed
ture Fund, Weiss focused on the tive Americans from voting for Furthermore, she explained not end with the winning of Women have suffered agony with just one ear tuned in. Re-
final moments of the fight for decades after 1920. She empha- that studying the history of vot- the right to vote. Once earned, of soul which you can never flecting again on my Alaskan
women’s suffrage, painting a dra- sized that the fight to ensure the ing rights is important in order the vote can never be taken for comprehend, that you and your adventures, the warning “moose
matic and complex narrative of protection of every American’s to understand that democracy is granted—it must be valiantly daughters might inherit political ahead” meant proceed with cau-
the tensions within the suffrage right to vote is far from over. at stake. defended. Weiss ended her talk freedom,’” Weiss said, quoting tion. Maine has its share of moose
movement and between the suf- “We are revisiting a lot of these “I think we have to have a with a quotation from Carrie Catt. “Use it intelligently, consci- as well. In the end, it comes down
fragettes and their opposition. issues because voting rights are reckoning. Are we going to allow Chapman Catt, protégé of Susan entiously and prayerfully. Prog- to situational awareness. See and
The success of the suffrage activ- being threatened in many, many this? The suffragists used the B. Anthony, and a key leader of ress is calling to you to make no be seen, and stay in tune to your
ists, Weiss argues, was anything states. Something like 25 states argument: How can we call our- the ratification fight in Tennes- pause. Act.” environment with at least one ear.

Presidential candidate Patrick Dempsey of ‘Grey’s

Bennet speaks at Bowdoin Anatomy’ to be No Hate
by Kate Lusignan
Orient Staff
hear his answers as well.”
Together, the duo fielded ques-
tions including one regarding the
In an increasingly left-lean-
ing democratic primary, Bennet
said his “pragmatic idealism” is
November keynote speaker
Like most visiting for Family current impeachment investiga- viewed—in comparison to can- Hate November … and force noted that much of this year’s No
Weekend, presidential candidate tion of President Donald Trump. didates such as Elizabeth Warren by Rebecca Norden-Bright them to think about some things Hate November will be centered
Orient Staff
and United States Senator Michael King answered by stating he is a and Bernie Sanders—as “moder- that maybe don’t cross their around supporting other groups
Bennet (D-CO) P’23 spent the conservative when it comes to im- ate.” Fans of “Grey’s Anatomy” minds as much,” said Williams. on campus, particularly affinity
weekend eating brunch at Thorne, peachment, meaning he believes “I think I have very progressive have much to look forward to The event will be followed groups, in their programming.
exploring campus and spending that it should not be done because agenda. I really do,” Bennet said. “It this month—Patrick Dempsey by a reception where students Both pointed out the dangers of
time with his family. a party disagrees with the policies is very different than Bernie’s and H’13, an actor, activist and will have the chance to meet over-programming, emphasizing
Unlike other visiting parents or personality of the President. Elizabeth.” philanthropist who frequently Dempsey. However, if space fills BSG’s goal to not oversaturate an
and family members, Bennet King explained he does not yet Bennet pointed out his plan speaks about his struggles with up, priority will be given to those already hectic and often over-
spent Saturday afternoon answer- have a verdict on the situation be- to reduce childhood poverty by dyslexia, will be visiting campus
ing questions about national issues cause he will be a juror if the inqui- increasing the child tax credit and on November 14 as the keynote
and his presidential campaign ry goes to Senate. However, King the earned income tax credit as speaker for the annual No Hate “I think what he’ll really be able to do is
from a crowded room of parents, does not see political dissonance as well as implementing family leave. November month. bring a crowd that you probably wouldn’t
students and Brunswick resi- the motive for impeachment. Anna Martens ’20, who is from No Hate November, orga- see in No Hate November ... and force
dents—among whom was Senator “It came to the point when I Denver, remembers Bennet from nized by the Bowdoin Student
Angus King (I-ME)—during a read the transcript of that tele- when he was the superintendent Government (BSG), is an initia-
them to think about some things that
town hall in Chase Barn. phone call, where the President of of her school district. She says al- tive designed to incite conversa- maybe don’t cross their minds as much.”
Bennet has represented Colora- the United States essentially asked though she saw him on numerous tions about identity and inclusiv- –Marcus Williams ’21, BSG Chair of Diversity &
do in the Senate since 2009. Before the foreign leader to intervene in other occasions, last weekend’s ity on campus. It was created in
running for Senate, he served as our election—in his reelection,” Q&A—2,000 miles from her and response to a bias incident that Inclusivity
the Superintendent of the Den- King said. “I just felt as a public guy Bennet’s hometown—was unique occurred in the fall of 2013.
ver Public Schools which serves who took an oath to defend the because of the casual nature of the Traditionally, programming who attend an Indigenous peo- whelming campus calendar.
95,000 students. Bennet is current- constitution, I can’t look the other conversation. has revolved around discussions ple’s land recognition discussion “We don’t want to step on the
ly polling at less than one percent way.” “It was nice to get that view- of race and class and occasionally happening earlier the same day. toes of any other groups that
in most national polls. As for his personal politics, point and that intimacy on cam- sexuality and gender, according According to Williams, the are doing things, and if they are
In January, Bennet drew na- Bennet is a self-described “prag- pus,” Martens said. to BSG President Ural Mishra decision to include priority en- doing things, we’re reaching out
tional attention after an impas- matic idealist.” Bennet calls himself Bennet’s office reached out ’20. This year, however, BSG is trance is based on his observa- and asking what we can do to
sioned, impromptu speech on the pragmatic because he has little pa- to the Bowdoin College Demo- aiming to diversify the spec- tion that the keynote speaker of- support them,” Mishra said.
Senate floor where he accused Sen. tience with Washington’s “ideolog- crats—the organizers and spon- trum of conversations by bring- ten receives the most recognition “I’m a big fan of delegation
Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) of “crying croc- ical partisan shooters” who are not sors of the event—to see if there ing light to issues that often are at the expense of other program- … because you can’t do every-
odile tears.” focused on solutions for working was interest on campus for a Q&A. not typically highlighted in the ming happening on campus. thing yourself,” Williams added.
Topics discussed at the ques- class people. “I wanted it to be less a cam- month’s programming. “I’m just using it to filter out “I think the best programming
tion and answer session included “I know how hard kids are paign event and more of an Dempsey, a Maine native who people who aren’t there for the comes from people that have
climate change, education and working in the Denver Public opportunity for people to ask received an honorary degree right reasons,” Williams said. their heart based in it.”
healthcare. Schools, under incredibly adverse questions—that’s how I learn what from Bowdoin in 2013, is pri- The discussion, advertised as Williams explained that this
Halfway through the town circumstances, to get into a posi- people are interested in,” Bennet marily known for his role as Dr. “Land and Waters Around Us: A year’s No Hate November is
hall, Bennet caught sight of King tion to make a difference in this said. Derek Shepherd in “Grey’s Anat- Discussion on Indigenous Lands ultimately aimed at bringing
seated behind him. In a moment democracy,” Bennet said. “Every Attendees also felt that the con- omy.” Dyslexia and the challeng- and Acknowledgements,” is one together parts of the Bowdoin
of excitement, the two, who sit on single time [partisans] are wast- versation encouraged discourse on es of growing up with a learning of a series of events being held community that do not often
the Senate Intelligence Committee ing their time. It really makes me “hot-button” political issues. disability will be the central focus as part of Native American Her- interact and inspiring students to
together, embraced and Bennet in- mad.” “I appreciated that there was a of Dempsey’s lecture. itage Month (also in November) take action to improve inclusivity
vited the Senator to answer ques- The idealist in him, Bennet back and forth between the crowd BSG Chair of Diversity & to increase the visibility of Indig- on campus.
tions with him. says, believes wholeheartedly in and himself,” Morgan Edwards Inclusion, Marcus Williams ’21, enous groups on campus. “BSG is really hoping to get
“It was fun that Angus King American democracy. ’22 said. “I think that’s great. We led the effort to bring Dempsey “At least in my time, there people to take the first step in
showed up. I appreciated that. I “I think we are the last best hope should be encouraging civil, re- to campus. hasn’t been a whole lot of dis- engaging in different conver-
wasn’t expecting that,” Bennet said on earth in terms of freedom and spectful discourse in the political “I think what he’ll really be cussion about Indigenous groups sations and just pushing them-
in an interview with the Orient. “It democracy, as imperfect as our ex- circles. And I think that was a able to do is bring a crowd that and populations,” said Mishra. selves to go in different spaces,”
was fun to have the opportunity to ample has been,” Bennet said. prime example of that occurring.” you probably wouldn’t see in No Williams and Mishra both said Williams.
Friday, November 1, 2019 NEWS 5

Mainers will head to the polls on Tuesday to answer questions with local and state-
wide implications. On the ballot in Brunswick are two state referendum questions and,
for three of the town’s seven districts, candidates for town council and school board.


This year, the Maine ballot features one bond issue and one constitutional amendment. Following passage by a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate of the state legislature, bond issues and constitutional
amendments in Maine must be approved by voters in order to take effect.

Q1: Should the state issue $105 million in bonds to improve Maine’s transportation infrastructure?
If approved, the state will issue up to $105 million in bonds facilities. These funds are expected to be matched by $137 million Research Institute in Portland to support marine research in the
to pay for improvements of roads, bridges, airports, railroads in funding from local and federal sources. state.
and other projects. The funds will be divided among agencies The $4-million bond issue for the Department of Environmental An editorial in the Bangor Daily News supported the bond issue,
as follows: $100 million for the Department of Transportation, Protection will fund a grant program to repair or replace culverts but warned that the state should not rely on bonds to pay for road
$4 million for the Department of Environmental Protection and at stream crossings, with the goal of improving fish and wildlife repairs and improvements in the years to come. “Voters should
$1 million for the Department of Economic and Community habitats and minimizing flood and storm water hazards. The grants approve the bond in November, but bonding is not a sustainable—
Development. will be available to local governments, conservation commissions or prudent—way to repeatedly cover the costs of routine work,”
The Department of Transportation will use $85 million to and districts and private non-profit organizations. the editorial read. Indeed, Maine voters have approved similar or
improve highways, secondary roads and bridges and $15 million to The Department of Economic and Community Development nearly identical bond issues for transportation infrastructure in nine
improve facilities and equipment associated with railroad, marine will administer $1 million of the bond issue, which will go towards of the past 14 years (in the other five years, no such bond issue was
and public transit, as well as bicycle, pedestrian and aviation the renovation of a wharf and bulkhead at the Gulf of Maine on the ballot).

Q2: Should the state allow people with disabilities to use an “alternative signature” to sign petitions?
This constitutional amendment would allow individuals with Alternative signatures for people with physical disabilities can Constitution barring people “under guardianship for reasons of
disabilities, who may be unable to sign a petition themselves, to already be used in Maine to register to vote, change political mental illness” from voting was unconstitutional. Prior to that
use an alternative signature to sign a citizens’ initiative or people’s parties and sign nomination petitions. The constitutional decision, however, two proposed amendments to strike that
veto petition. An alternative signature may take the form of a amendment would make state elections more accessible by provision from the constitution, in 1997 and 2000, failed to pass
stamp or signature of an authorized voter registered in Maine allowing all people, regardless of physical ability, to support the when posed to voters.
signing on the person’s behalf, in their presence and at their addition of referendum questions to the ballot. A Portland Press Herald editorial voiced support for Question 2,
direction. In 2001, a federal judge declared that a provision in the Maine saying the motion is uncontroversial.

Town council and school board members representing districts 1,
2 and 6 in Brunswick are up for election this year. Five of the six races
with Drummond Woodsum Strategic Consulting, was a deputy
chief of staff to Senator Angus King (I-ME) and chief of staff to
are uncontested, and four of the six candidates are incumbents in their former Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives Glenn All voting will take place at Brunswick Junior High School
respective positions. Cummings (D-ME). Trusiani, an equipment manager with Crooker on Tuesday, November 5. Polls will be open between 7 a.m.
David Watson is running for reelection as the District 1 Town Construction, served on the Topsham Board of Selectmen, the and 8 p.m..
Council representative, and Stephen Walker is running for reelection Sagadahoc County Budget Advisory Committee and several school If you live on campus, the municipal district in which you are
as the District 2 Town Council representative. district committees. registered to vote depends on your on-campus residence. Visit
The candidates for the District 6 Town Council representative For the school board positions, Mandy Merrill is running for to learn more.
position are Toby McGrath ’99 and Jim Trusiani. Both have reelection in District 1, Elizabeth Sokoloff is running for reelection in
experience in public service. McGrath, current managing director District 6 and Elizabeth Bisson is running for her first term in District 2.
6 Friday, November 1, 2019

Bowdoin welcomes five new professors this fall
Tenure and tenure-track professors bring interdisciplinary perspectives to their departments
by Emily Staten and Tianyi Xu
Orient Staff

This fall, five tenured or tenure track professors joined Bow-

doin’s ranks, settling into the community and bringing new ideas
to their departments. They specialize in a wide array of subjects,
including religion, Asian and Africana studies, music, neurosci-
ence, biology and chemistry. The professors combine research
and teaching, embracing the liberal arts tradition of interdisci-
plinary exploration.

Claire Robison
Assistant Professor of Religion Ayodeji Ogunnaike
and Asian Studies Assistant Professor of Africana
Claire Robison does both Studies
historical and ethnographic Ayodeji Ogunnaike came to lab and classroom, Díaz-Ríos
work, focusing on religions of Bowdoin after earning his PhD said that he hopes to take up
India and South Asia. in African and African Amer- skiing.
“My work looks at how the ican studies from Harvard “It’s something I couldn’t do
practice of religion is changing University last year. Ogunnaike as a postdoc; I was just working
in contemporary India, partic- studied religion in Nigeria, as all the time. Now, I might take up
ularly with the rise of global- well as the diaspora. cross-country skiing,” Díaz-Ríos
ization, urbanization [and] the Focusing on the intersection said. “I’m looking forward to
ways that people are rethinking between religion and Africana making the most of my winters
what religion means to them in studies, Ogunnaike teaches here.”
the modern context,” Robison two cross-listed courses: “In-
said. troduction to African Religions Allison Dzubak
The opportunity to engage and Cultures” and “Deities in Assistant Professor of Chemistry
in this kind of work through an Motion: Afro-Diasporic Reli- AADHYA RAMINENI, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT Hailing from Minnesota, As-
interdisciplinary position was gions.” FAB FIVE: This fall, Bowdoin welcomed five professors, either tenured or tenure-track. Clockwise from top sistant Professor of Chemistry
appealing to Robison. “Religion isn’t something left: Ayodeji Ogunnaike, Ireri E. Chávez-Bárcenas, Claire Robison, Manuel Díaz-Ríos and Allison Dzubak. Allison Dzubak came to Bowdoin
“I draw from anthropology that was covered directly [in after three years of research at the
with my use of ethnographic the Africana studies depart- Specializing in mu- Chávez-Bárcenas said. so inquisitive and so hungry for Oak Ridge National Lab in Ten-
methods, [and] I’m also in- ment],” Ogunnaike said. sic from the 17th century, Once she discovered musi- knowledge,” Díaz-Ríos said. nessee.
terested in thinking about the His focus on African na- Chávez-Bárcenas focuses on cology, Chávez-Bárcenas never Specializing in neuroscience “[Bowdoin is] such a warm
relationship of religion, culture tions, rather than mostly on Af- Italian opera and sacred music looked back. and neurophysiology, Díaz-Ríos environment,” Dzubak said. “I
and politics broadly,” Robison rican-American topics, is also in the Hispanic world. “The moment when I really taught at UPR Medical School met the other faculty on Skype,
explained. “I’m … adding some- unique for the Africana studies Her work is interdisciplinary, knew that I wanted to do this for 14 years. Díaz-Ríos said that and that was really promising,
thing new [to the departments] program. combining music with Latin [was] the first time I went to the he appreciates the undergrad- but it wasn’t until I got here that I
in the sense that a lot of the Born in Nigeria, Ogunnaike American studies and theater. archive in a cathedral in Mexi- uate setting and the emphasis saw how everyone interacted with
work done in the department is able to bring his own life ex-One of her classes this semester, co,” Chávez-Bárcenas said. “You placed on personal relation- each other … and it was just the
is predominantly historical and periences into the classroom. entitled “Experiencing Latin just see all these papers and all ships. way I wanted it.”
textual. My work is focused on “In my classes I … tell peo- American Music,” is cross-listed these documents and all these “[Medical students] just want In her introductory class
looking at lived religion.” ple stories about my life and in the music and Latin Ameri- histories ... that’s my passion to to get what’s essential for them, “General Chemistry,” Dzubak
Robison concentrated on the things that happened to can Studies departments. work with the original sources attend classes and get good aims to strike a balance between
this subject during her time me, and I can always use my- “The idea is to introduce and to be able to discover all grades,” Díaz-Ríos said. “Un- breadth and depth, meaning she
at the University of Califor- self as an example,” Ogunnaike students to the main elements these histories behind [them].” dergrads [are] in a stage in their may spend more time on one
nia, Santa Barbara, where she said. [and] principles of music but She continues to carry that careers [and] are much hungrier concept so that her students can
earned her PhD after earning In addition to his teaching, also to Latin American cul- passion to her current research for knowledge and for exploring fully grasp it, instead of blazing
her Bachelor’s degree at Oxford Ogunnaike is busy with several ture,” Chávez-Bárcenas said. projects, which include an es- and for finding their direction through a wide array of content.
University and her Master’s de- research projects, including “The idea is … looking at the say on song and dance transi- professionally.” Having previously taught
gree at Cambridge University. a book of Nigerian myths for music as an opportunity to get tions in the Mexica region and Díaz-Ríos teaches “Motor graduate students, the teaching
Robison is teaching two children. to know more about groups of a book she hopes to develop in Systems Neurobiology” this se- style and students’ enthusiastic in-
courses cross-listed in the “I always loved mytholo- people or countries or regions.” the next four or five years. mester, exploring major animal volvement in classes at Bowdoin
Asian Studies and Religion de- gy as a kid, but I didn’t know Her second class, “From motor systems to study how be- was a pleasant change.
partments: “Hindu Literatures” much of the mythology from Claudio Monteverdi to Manuel Díaz-Ríos havior is controlled. “[Teaching graduate students]
and “Religion on the Move: my own ethnic group in Ni- Lin-Manuel Miranda: Issues Professor of Neuroscience and “We’re starting to transition was tough because I couldn’t have
Religion, Migration, and Glo- geria,” Ogunnaike said. “Sev- at the Intersection of Music Biology to diseases, to see how animal as many one-on-one interactions
balization.” eral years ago I went back to and Theater” is cross-listed in After teaching and studying models can help us understand with students,” Dzubak said.
In addition to teaching, Ro- Nigeria and collected a whole the music and theater depart- at the University of Puerto Rico disease progression,” he said. “Here, the class sizes are much
bison is working on research bunch of myths and stories ments. She nearly became a (UPR) medical school and com- Díaz-Ríos hopes to get in- smaller, [and] I can interact with
projects that explore lived reli- and things that I’ve put togeth- professional musician, study- pleting a post-doc fellowship volved in local schools and bring students [individually and] em-
gion in India. er into a kids book [that] I’m ing piano and percussion, but at Cornell, Manuel Díaz-Ríos neuroscience education to ele- ploy different types of teaching
“I’m in the process of editing working on publishing.” knew her interests lay in re- comes to Bowdoin as a professor mentary and secondary school techniques.”
my manuscript based on my search. of neuroscience and biology. students. A self-described “outdoorsy
doctoral work, but I’m also lay- Ireri E. Chávez-Bárcenas “I wanted to study sociolo- Díaz-Ríos says that he was en- “I have already contacted the person,” Dzubak looks forward to
ing the groundwork for my sec- Assistant Professor of Music gy or history or philosophy … amored by the Bowdoin student high schools here, and hopefully exploring Maine’s natural beauty.
ond project which will look at Ireri E. Chávez-Bárcenas until I discovered that there body following his 2016 visit to we’ll start to give interactive pre- “I’ve been hiking a lot so
… the ways in which religious comes to Bowdoin after teach- was this thing called musicol- campus to deliver a talk. sentations and demonstrations,” far and I’m looking forward to
identity is changing in urban ing at Yale University and Rider ogy … where I could combine “They were so focused. They Díaz-Ríos said. doing that more,” she said. “I
India today,” Robison said. University. the humanities and music,” were so dedicated. They were As for his time outside of the might try winter skiing, too.”
Friday, November 1, 2019 FEATURES 7

Intergroup dialogue sparks conversation on campus

ability to engage in conversations as students of color, which is both that were reactionary,” Stern said. assume he is white. Growing up in been before,” Huckaby said. “I’ve
by Sophie Burchell about race that often either don’t intentional and integral to the pro- “And we really looked to see what a predominantly white neighbor- really enjoyed IGD so far. I think
Orient Staff
happen or don’t happen inter- gram. that proactive way [would] be to hood, it is something he has long it’s something that’s really import-
Every Monday night for the group,” Stern said. “To have the “When you take a look at the have a conversation that wasn’t grappled with and hopes to come ant for people to be involved in.
past five weeks, 16 members of ability for students of color and group dynamics, it is absolutely es- reactive to something happening to terms within the structured set- As much as it can be hard at times
the Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) on white students to talk together sential for Intergroup Dialogue [to on campus.” ting of the IGD on race. during the discussions, I think it’s
race gathered at 30 College Street. about race—we’ve heard from be] as close as possible to a 50/50 Students participating in IGD “I think I did IGD more for a good way to push myself out of
Through dialogue, rather than students over and over again—is split between one group and the are excited about this opportunity myself,” Coleman said. “It’s kind my comfort zone.”
debate, participants aim for honest rare.” other group,” Pazos said. to be proactive about issues of race of just a sense of more control over Students who complete the
understanding across racial iden- The program also includes in- While IGD on race has been on campus. Noa Schumann ’22, what I perceive my race to be, kind program can also opt to be trained
tities. tragroup dialogue sessions during facilitated by different trained fac- a white-identifying student, says of more peace with my race.” as IGD facilitators and lead similar
Facilitated by Director of which students of color and white ulty members in the past, this year Bowdoin students need to find Tess Huckaby ’22 said that dialogues throughout Bowdoin,
Religious and Spiritual Life Edu- students split up and talk among it is run by Pazos and Stern, who ways to openly talk about diversity. when she came to campus as a such as talks in the College Hous-
ardo Pazos and Associate Dean themselves. The group also dis- happen to be the two directors of “It’s sort of this gray area that first year, she became increasingly es, on the floors of the first-year
of Student Affairs for Inclusion cusses weekly readings. the program Bowdoin Dialogues. everyone knows is an issue but no aware of her identity as a student bricks and with sports teams.
and Diversity and Director of the The program, which is in its Stern said that a group of facul- one actually does anything to talk of color. “I think this is a really import-
Sexuality, Women and Gender sixth year, is offered both semes- ty and students brought the inte- about it. So I think this opportuni- “I found myself having mo- ant way that I can begin to start
Center Kate Stern, the program is ters, and each cohort meets for grative dialogue model to campus ty is great,” Schumann said. ments of struggle as a student the conversation about race on
designed to allow students of var- seven weeks. Students of all classes in hopes that it would change what Other participants reported a of color on this campus. I think campus,” Schumann said. “It’s not
ious racial backgrounds to come are welcome to apply, though this prompted campus discussion on variety of reasons for joining IGD. growing up I never really had to the oppressed’s job to give infor-
together to discuss issues of race semester’s cohort is predominant- race. Manny Coleman ’22, who identi- feel like the minority in a way. mation to the oppressor. It’s ev-
on campus and in society at large. ly sophomores. “There was a lot of conversa- fies as biracial, said his racial iden- Coming here made me more eryone’s job to educate themselves
“[We hope to] give students the Roughly half of them identify tions related to race on campus tity usually surprises people who aware of my race than I ever had about race.”

Taking a stand: alumni run for office, with Bowdoin in mind

cy-making and social movements.” experience in understanding how classes that really shaped the way
by Emma Sorkin Mamdani, an Africana Studies things work when you’re trying I think about cities in our country
Orient Staff
major, didn’t enter politics im- to push for demands that are not and what the problems are and
There is a long history of Bow- mediately after graduating. He popular with the people in power.” why they exist and who made
doin alumni going into politics worked as the third assistant direc- Both alumni noted that their them exist.”
at all levels, from state and local tor and music supervisor for Dis- time at Bowdoin influenced their Mamdani is running as a Dem-
seats to the Presidency. Two recent ney’s “Queen of Katwe” and wrote ideology and subsequent cam- ocratic Socialist and identified the
Bowdoin alumni may soon join rap music that was ranked in the paigns. For Sherlock, Bowdoin two main issues of his campaign as
the growing list of Bowdoin grad- Associated Press’ top 10 songs of provided exposure to a variety of housing and school desegregation.
uates in political office. the year. But his passion for orga- ideas and perspectives. His time at A graduate of a New York City
Joe Sherlock ’16 and Zohran nizing that started at Bowdoin— the College also instilled a strong public school, he wants to change
Mamdani ’14 are both in the he co-founded the first Students belief in the common good. the system.
throes of campaigns for city coun- for Justice in Palestine and spent “If you’re running for some- “The way we do admissions to COURTESY OF JOE SHERLOCK
cil in Haverhill, Massachusetts and time organizing, setting up events, thing, a version of the ‘common these top public schools in New SPEAKING OUT: Joe Sherlock ’16, one of two alumni running for local
Assembly District 36 in New York, planning film festivals and starting good’ needs to be part of your York City is via a single test that office, speaks at an event for his city council campaign.
respectively. petitions for that cause—never ‘why’ when someone asks why you take once. And that’s it. I firmly when he returned home in 2018. home and [when] you organize
For Sherlock, a government dissipated. you’re running,” Sherlock ex- believe that isn’t the way we should “We’ve seen a rise of gang vio- about issues that are right in front
major and economics minor, poli- “It’s not that everything changed plained. “I imagine it would be be testing students’ admission into lence and in my community, like of you. Bowdoin is such an idyllic
tics was always a significant part of in college, but I went from having quite deadening to not think about these kinds of schools,” Mamdani many, affordability is a struggle,” place to study and be a student for
his life, having served as a member Facebook arguments and long the common good every day that said. “There’s another proposal Sherlock wrote. “I want to make four years,” Mamdani said. “But I
of student government and stu- back and forths with friends about you’re on the campaign trail.” out there which would guarantee sure Haverhill stays affordable and very much would encourage stu-
dent council in high school. it, never making any headway to Mamdani explained that his admission to the top 10 percent of safe with a fantastic public school dents to get involved in [issues they
“When I was in high school, I realizing that just an active group time at Bowdoin shaped his po- students in middle schools across system. The campaign itself is as care about] and not to feel like any
spent my time organizing and ad- of 10 people can totally change the litical ideology, exposing him to New York City. I think that would grassroots as it gets: campaign HQ position is too radical.”
vocating for students. We were met discourse on a campus and realiz- influential writers and thinkers. be a test that not only would be a is my apartment and volunteers Aside from encouraging stu-
with a lot of tedious, bureaucratic ing what the power of organizing “Bowdoin is where I read better measure of students’ apti- are friends and family.” dents to get involved with issues
answers in what was, at the time, is,” Mamdani said. “Through Frantz Fanon [and] where I was tude but would also better reflect For Mamdani, personal ties are important to them, Sherlock leaves
an underfunded school system,” organizing around Palestine and introduced to a lot of texts and our actual city.” the most important part of orga- Bowdoin students with critical
Sherlock wrote in an email to the Palestinian solidarity issues, I saw discourses about the urban cri- Sherlock’s campaign is similarly nizing. advice: “Engage with people who
Orient. “At Bowdoin, I wanted a very different side of the admin- sis,” Mamdani said. “[I took] very personal. A Haverhill native, Sher- “I think the most effective or- think differently from you, and al-
a different perspective on poli- istration. That was a very formative formative history and sociology lock noted little change in the town ganizing is when you organize at ways get the buffalo chicken soup.”

Monthly book club gathers to discuss feminist texts, films

wildly problematic by modern
by Irene Brogdon feminist standards; at one point,
Staff Writer she declares that she would trade
On the fourth Sunday of every 5 years of her life for the perfect
month, a small group gathers in body, a line which drew laughs
the hole-in-the-wall space above from many members of the book
Moderation Brewing to sip beer, club.
chat and reflect on feminist texts. For Bennett Hamilton, the nu-
Open to people of all genders, ances of third- and fourth-wave
the Brunswick Feminist Book feminism are starting points for
Club met for the first time last discussion.
November when Kira Bennett EZRA SUNSHINE, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT “[In the context of] talking
Hamilton brought a couple of MEETING IN MODERATION: A local feminist book club meets upstairs at Moderation Brewing Company once a month to discuss books, films and more. about a feminist group or a fem-
friends together from the Bruns- The group typically draws five covered in the past several months. For McGrath and others, the topic Maine who would not consider inist book club, feminism as a
wick area. Despite having moved to 10 people each month. How- “We’ve been reading some re- is at the crux of debates surround- themselves feminists,” said Clara movement isn’t something that we
around, Bennett Hamilton often ever, certain topics pull larger ally great sci-fi by [both] African ing feminism in a capitalist society. McCandlish, another regular book can take uncritically. A lot of what
found herself seeking out similar crowds; for example, a meeting [and] African-American female “[It has been] co-opted by cap- club attendee. “It’s interesting how I like about [“Fleabag”] is that it’s
feminist book clubs: these were on Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” authors. We read the first book of italism so that self-care becomes [the word ‘feminist’] continues to super irreverent about things like
spaces not just for intellectual de- drew 20 people. the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. buying yourself something,” she be a polarizing label, depending on that,” Bennet Hamilton said. “I
bate, but for bonding and creating In order to reach new mem- Jemisin, and that was fabulous, said. one’s political orientation. I know think a big piece of what it’s doing
a community. bers each month, the book club and then, ‘Children of Blood and Many attendees are profoundly a lot of women who exhibit lots of is portraying in a very deep sense
“I basically moved [to Bruns- has a collaborative rather than Bone,’” McGrath said. “So that was aware of their place in a broader feminist characteristics but [are] how women are harmed by a pa-
wick] and spent a year complain- hierarchical leadership struc- really great to see this female, per- community, particularly in Bruns- alienated from the term.” triarchal culture.”
ing about how there wasn’t a femi- ture, one member said. For ex- son-of-color-oriented perspective wick and the greater Maine area. The complexity of claiming Next month, the Brunswick
nist book club,” Bennett Hamilton ample, in order to hear from a in a sci-fi and fantasy context.” While the proximity to the College the feminist movement is not lost Feminist Book Club will be read-
said. “Then [I] decided I knew variety of voices, the meetings As the broader feminist move- attracts an intellectual crowd who on Bennett Hamilton, even as the ing “The Testaments” by Margaret
enough people that I could possi- often end with a discussion of ment reacts and recalibrates to relish what McGrath calls “the life movement becomes more and Atwood. As for the discussion,
bly start one.” potential books to discuss at the incorporate new ideas, the book of the mind,” the name of the club more ubiquitous in some circles. there are no guarantees.
While the group began as dis- next meeting. club does as well. An early meeting itself—and the demographics of During the book club’s most re- “It’s fun to see who shows up,
cussions among friends, Bennett Sara McGrath, who found the debated the trend of “self-care” the group—hold the potential to cent meeting, the group discussed who catches it on Facebook, who
Hamilton now uses a Facebook Brunswick Feminist Book Club in feminist circles, and McGrath alienate potential attendees. writer Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Em- comes, who comes back,” Mc-
page to reach out to more mem- through Facebook, notes the di- explained that the discussion chal- “I think there are a lot of my-Winning TV series, “Fleabag,” Grath said. “Every meeting is a
bers of the Brunswick community. versity in topics that the group has lenged the meaning of self-care. strong, independent women in whose protagonist is often called little different.”
8 FEATURES Friday, November 1, 2019


The Bowdoin polar bear: origins in a history of exploration

You know which polar bear from? How did it end up in the drafted a letter to Donald Bax- and his ship did not return for Buck lobby is rich in history.
I’m talking about; it’s smack dab Buck lobby? And why is the ter Macmillan (another Bow- two years. Once they finally Buck is home to a polar bear that
Poke the Bear in the middle of the Buck Cen- polar bear our school mascot to doin alumnus, Class of 1898, returned to Bowdoin, the bear walked across Arctic ice caps
by Sela Kay ter, and if you’ve ever walked begin with? and arctic explorer) requesting was not in nearly as good con- more than a hundred years ago
from the Sills Hall side of cam- Let’s start with some dates. a “fine, stuffed polar bear skin” dition as the team had hoped, and represents perseverance,
Everyone remembers some- pus toward Smith Union, you’ve On April 6, 1909, Robert to display in the College’s tro- so expert taxidermists manip- strong will and determination.
thing different about their first undoubtedly had the same Peary, Class of 1877, discovered phy room. ulated the skin once the bear Of course, a mission like
time on Bowdoin’s campus. encounter. I’ll admit that as a the North Pole. His discovery May 13, 1915 marks the ex- made it to Maine. The taxider- this is unlikely to be condoned
Maybe it’s the stress of move-in prospective student I was a lit- brought great pride and prestige act date that Macmillan, with mists eventually decided on a by the College today and is
day, the excitement of that one tle terrified when I first saw the to the College, subsequently the help of a local Inuit hunter, simple pose so the bear would instead rooted in something
soccer game you watched as bear, but to this day, whenever I influencing the alumni board’s shot and killed Bowdoin’s leg- stand proud in its case. both meaningful and enchant-
a prospective student or even walk past, I’m reminded of my choice in mascot. At an Alum- endary, now-taxidermied, polar The polar bear was gifted to ing. When I reflect on my first
running through the quad as first time on Bowdoin’s campus. ni Association banquet in New bear in Greenland. Macmillan President Kenneth C.M. Sills at Bowdoin experience, I think
a little kid on a sunny sum- And when I think back to York four years after Peary’s planned to return to Brunswick the commencement dinner in my first encounter with the
mer day. For me, it’s walking this moment—strangely the discovery, the polar bear was se- as quickly as possible, but the 1918 and has stood in its case polar bear was my mind’s sub-
into the Peter Buck Center for most memorable experience lected as Bowdoin’s mascot. polar bear and the rest of the for over a century—a visible conscious way of telling me
Health and Fitness and coming from my visit to Bowdoin—I Directly following this meet- expedition team were forced to reminder of Macmillan’s expe- that Bowdoin had an incredible
face to face with a giant taxider- wonder about the story behind ing in New York, then Bowdoin remain in Greenland far past dition to Greenland. history I would eventually dis-
mied polar bear. this bear. Where did it come athletic director Frank Whittier the anticipated departure date Because of the polar bear, cover for myself.

Meet Kate Nicholson, new assistant director of student wellness programs

happier,” Hershberger wrote in an position, including a half-day, on
by Aadhya Ramineni email to the Orient. campus “retreat” in the spring
Staff Writer
Nicholson, who will continue for students who are interested
In an often high-stress envi- teaching Vinyasa Yoga on Friday in delving a little deeper into the
ronment like Bowdoin, self-care mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 practice of meditation and mind-
is encouraged, whether it’s in the a.m., explains that practicing yoga fulness. She also hopes to collab-
form of writing, drawing or tak- helped her find a sense of balance orate with the Office of Sustain-
ing a warm shower. and self. ability, Bowdoin Athletics and the
“Stress might be [a] unifying “I was so inspired by what Sexuality, Women, and Gender
factor, but [it’s] not something evolved in my yoga practice—how Center to offer workshops and oc-
I encourage us to over-identify it stabilized me emotionally, how casional student trips to off-cam-
with or let run our lives,” said Kate safe it felt to show up especially in pus wellness events in Portland.
Nicholson, Bowdoin’s new assis- times of stress and also how fun “I am in the process of reach-
tant director of Student Wellness. it became to be in my body in a ing out to various student groups
“Self-care in many forms is truly new way the more I practiced,” to explore ways to collaborate and
essential for managing stress and Nicholson said. “I can read all the create new ideas that are tailored
actually enjoying and thriving in books on mindfulness, but unless to that group’s focus, needs or
your college years.” I practice it in my own mind, my wants,” Nicholson said.
Nicholson has taught weekly own breath, my daily habits, albeit Nicholson is also assessing the
yoga classes at Bowdoin for 12 imperfectly, then it’s just another primary needs of the Bowdoin
years, but she started working theory and content filling up my community to figure out how to
full-time at Bowdoin only two head space.” make the wellness programs more
weeks ago. Director of Counseling After being introduced to accessible to students of all back-
Services and Wellness Programs yoga, Nicholson went on to study grounds and identities. She and
Bernie Hershberger explained a variety of wellness practices, Hershberger will be the ambassa-
that Nicholson was selected from including massage, reiki, shiatsu, dors for a “Wellness Think Tank,”
a pool of well-qualified applicants, Ayurveda, craniosacral therapy, which will collect suggestions
emerging as the first choice due to essential oils and meditation, about best to provide wellness
her extensive experience in well- which helped her gain an appreci- services to students.
ness practice and her excellent ation for an integrative approach For Nicholson, ultimately, self-
reputation as a yoga teacher and to medicine. care is just the start to a more ho-
massage therapist. “I want to be clear that well- listic approach to wellness.
“Kate is energetic, vibrant, ness is a much broader concept “I think true healing and
open, reflective and very hard than just yoga,” Nicholson said. well-being is best when we ex-
working. She is eminently able to “Wellness encompasses mental, pand our sense of self and rela-
organize and get things done. At physical, emotional, social and tionship to our bodies to include
the same time, she is a very good spiritual health.” a wider, more sophisticated lens
listener and can help students In addition to teaching yoga of embodied wisdom, emotional ISABEL ALEXANDER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
explore what they might need to classes, Nicholson hopes to devel- literacy and modern science,” YOGA AND BEYOND: Kate Nicholson, the new assistant director of student wellness programs hopes to use her
undertake to feel healthier and op various programs in her new Nicholson said. new position to incorporate a range of wellness programs and reach a wider, more diverse group of students.
Friday, November 1, 2019 9


Portrait of an Artist: Galusha ’20 and his exploration of beatboxing
ing the boundary on it. pendent study in the music de- A: There’s definitely a val- dynamic music and digital want to continue that work and
by Marcus Ribeiro partment my sophomore year ue to being laissez-faire with society. allow it to grow and develop into
Staff Writer
Q: What’s it like beatboxing [about the impact of beatbox- how it all comes out on stage. bigger projects. So [I plan on]
John “Galush” Galusha ’20, at Bowdoin? ing on societies at large]. That I don’t want to get too focused Q: How will you continue continuing to further under-
of the Bowdoin Meddiebe- A: I’m very much the expert really laid the initial ground- on just reproducing exactly the beatboxing after Bowdoin? stand and document the history
mpsters, dominates the beat- on the subject at this institu- work around how I’m going to same thing every time. But in A: I’m looking into some of this art form to make more
boxing scene on campus. In tion. I think it’s very much a be thinking about this music front of a judge, I’m going to be graduate school programs be- informed decisions about how
addition to double majoring in privileged position to be in and what it means to be doing totally nailing my routine. I’ll cause I think the academic mer- to be more inclusive and diverse
music and Gender, Sexuality while I’m here. I’m able to tie what I’m doing. It gave me no have it practiced to be exactly its of beatboxing are really huge. [in the beatboxing] community.
and Women’s studies, he has everything into my academics [real] answers, but it gave me a the same thing every time—it’s I’ve worked very hard on setting I’m looking at ways to get more
competed in multiple beatbox- and build a degree that suits lot of great questions. [I also] pre-planned and not as spon- that precedent and contributing people involved with the educa-
ing championships nationwide. my interests, [combining] cre- did two semesters of “Issues in taneous. I’d say that when I’m a what I can to the academic liter- tional spheres that I can make
Galusha aspires to continue to ative artistry and cultural anal- Hip Hop” with [Associate Pro- solo beatboxer, it’s a mixture of ary canon that I hope to create an impact in, and I’ll obviously
make his mark in this relative- ysis … At every turn, I have fessor of Music] Tracy McMul- just doing something for fun, for beatboxing and I certainly still be making music.
ly new, quickly growing arena pretty much endeavored to len [and am working on an] seeing where it goes [and] be-
as both a performer and re- prove the validity of beatbox- honors project about the rela- ing free. Finding ways to leave
searcher in the field. ing as an academic subject. I’ve tionship between beatboxing yourself space to improvise
The following interview really strived to incorporate and a capella music. My time with something new and excit-
has been edited for length and beatboxing from an education- with the Meddiebempsters has ing is really important.
clarity. al, intellectual, artistic and cre- definitely informed a lot of my
ative perspective and vantage thinking around that. Q: How can a beginner get
The Bowdoin Orient: How point into all of the work that into beatboxing?
did you get into beatboxing? I do here. Q: How do you decide what A: Everyone can [beat-
Galusha ’20: The way to music to make or perform? box] and learn about where
get into it is to go online, find Q: How has the College A: The challenge is to be di- it comes from and contribute
some videos [and] find some supported your beatboxing gestible, to be new and to push to the more musically literate
people, because at the end of career? the boundaries without going and expressive culture that
the day, beatboxers really are A: There’s the institutional too far. I want to balance doing I hope the beatboxing com-
just people. I got involved by support given through depart- [what] musically just sounds munity can build. The basic
taking the next step, diving mental fellowships, or student good and is totally digestible thing that it comes down to
down the rabbit hole and go- research funding, which I’ve [and] understandable with is your human voice and it’s
ing from a video to an actual been really fortunate to be [what] challenges me techni- what you’re doing with it that
in-person experience. I found a awarded pretty much anytime I cally and intellectually. This re- can be artistic and creative as
concert by The Beatbox House needed it. I’ve made [the] most sults in music that is personally much as it can be destructive
in Brooklyn, met some peo- of the pre-existing opportuni- meaningful and is still a good and hateful. The teaching and
ple and then I was so hooked. ties here to go off campus and show at the end of the night. understanding of the history
I’ve been on this journey ever to learn more about something and culture of this particular
since—meeting the actual peo- that I’m interested in, but I’ve Q: What’s your creative art form can be really insight-
ple, seeing the way they do it also had to create a bit of an ex- process? How do you balance ful for the ways that people MARCUS RIBEIRO, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
and where it comes from and tra space here for myself. spontaneity with pre-planned express themselves and com- PUSHING BOUNDARIES: John Galusha ’20 performed a beatboxing
the artists that are really push- I did an intermediate inde- routines? municate in this fast-paced, ensemble for a crowd of students at the Baxter Fall Concert on October 21.

Dezsö reflects on Romania and finding her artistic voice

Bowdoin. Through this mone- United States Embassy in Bu- stricted, she learned to escape with one thing, and people “We weren’t free to travel. So
by Elizabeth Flanagan tary gift, the visual arts faculty charest, Romania. When com- through her imagination. She will know you by the thing travel took place mostly in the
Staff Writer invites an acclaimed artist ev- missioned for a mosaic she tries attributes much of her artistic that’s going to be your brand imagination through books or
At the Bedford Park Boule- ery year to work with students to incorporate the people of an influence to this period. and your style,” said Dezsö. “If through imagining places,” she
vard-Lehman College subway and the college community. As area into her design. “We were supposed to be you want to be taken seriously said. “I always imagined that
station in the Bronx, a stun- part of this program, Dezsö “I walk around in the neigh- people very similar to each as an artist … just do this one one day we might be able to
ning glass mosaic mural covers gave a talk on Monday night borhood where [the mosaic] is other,” she said. “There’s a thing. And that didn’t seem travel in space.”
the entire mezzanine wall. En- about the methods and motifs going to be. I read about the saying which goes something like something that was inspir- Dezsö’s illustrations in
titled “Community Garden,” that inform her work, wheth- neighborhood … and I try to like this in translation: the nail ing to me personally. I wanted “The Original Folk & Fairy
it depicts large, colorful fruit, er it’s in a subway station or a find something that resonates that sticks out gets hammered to experiment.” Tales of the Brothers Grimm:
insects, flowers and animals. book of fairytales. with the history of the neigh- down.” Dezsö’s individual flare and The Complete First Edition,”
For this work, Andrea Dezsö Her large scale hand-cut borhood,” said Dezsö. In high school, where Dezsö desire for experimentation can published in 2014, mirror her
was awarded the best Amer- glass mosaics are displayed in At the talk Dezsö described first began her training as an be found in her wide variety of work with tunnel books, fea-
ican Public Art Prize in 2007. multiple New York City subway her childhood in Transylvania, artist, teachers advised her to media: sculpture, installation, turing the same use multiple
Dezsö is this year’s halley k. stations, at the City University Romania under the commu- play it safe. public art, embroidery and dimensions and silhouette fig-
harrisburg and Michael Ros- of New York BMCC Fiterman nist government. When travel “I was told by my teach- tunnel books. ures. During her talk she spoke
enfeld Artist-in-Residence at Hall Atrium and outside the and individuality were re- ers that you have to come up Her embroidery features about the process of deciding
motifs of Transylvanian folk which images to illustrate.
art. Stitched into the pieces are “If an image jumps out to
superstitious quotes from her me, I’m looking really where
mother. the heart of the story is, then I
“My mother claimed that underline it or highlight it and
eating greasy food without I make a very small little sketch
bread is what gives people her- on the side,” she said. “Then
pes,” she offered as an example. that little sketch becomes a lit-
On a more serious level, the tle more detailed sketch and a
medium itself plays a major little more refined sketch.”
role within her vision, em- When taking questions
bodying the heritage of her from the audience, Dezsö was
artistic traditions. asked about how she maintains
“Embroidery is … handed her unique style throughout
down from mother to daugh- these multiple media.
ter or from an older family “You have your own speak-
member to a younger. I wanted ing voice. You don’t think
to do my project through this about it too much,” she said. “I
medium,” she said. just draw and paint the way it
In 2010 Dezsö was commis- goes … so I never really think
sioned by Rice University in about a style or cultivating a
Houston, Texas to create a gal- style or anything. It just turns
lery-sized tunnel book, which out the way it is because that’s
consists of paper cut and how it’s going to be.”
layered to make three-dimen- Dezsö’s residency at Bowdo-
sional illusions. The theme was in will culminate in an exhibit
COURTESY OF MARY HART imaginary travel—something in the Bowdoin College Muse-
DYNAMIC APPROACHES TO TRADITIONAL ART: halley k. harrisburg and Michael Rosenfeld Artist-in-Residence Andrea Dezso spoke with students very close to Dezsö’s child- um of Art this Winter entitled
on October 28. She focused on her upbringing in communist Romania and how it drove her to pursue diverse art forms and media in her adulthood. hood. “Visitors.”
10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, November 1, 2019

Reading ’16 advocates through art Zach Burton ’14

makes his debut
ing aloft so that the painted land- “I am constantly inspired by the temperature was so high,”
by Samira Iqbal scape aligns perfectly with the real the changing landscapes, and I Reading said. “It’s never been
Staff Writer
one. She only paints one side of the [was] trying to make the world a around 85 degrees before, so the
Rather than depicting sweep- recycled objects to let part of the more beautiful place but instead animals were stressed, the plants
ing hillscapes in ornate frames, original object remain visible, a re- I [was] harming it,” she said. “So were stressed and we used that Eventually, they were con-
Mariah Reading ’16 uses trash as minder of the human carelessness that’s when I decided that I need- as teaching material in our pro- by Penny Mack nected to a number of mental
Orient Staff
her canvas in the pop-up exhib- which made the objects available ed to make a shift.” gramming.” health awareness Facebook
it “Landscapes, Not Landfills,” to her in the first place. The summer after graduating Reading paints in “plein air,” Hoping to share his own groups, and the stories came
which opened on Wednesday in Reading has been interested in from Bowdoin, she travelled to which is the act of painting out- mental health story and help flooding in. Burton says the
the Edwards Center for Art and the natural world since her child- four national parks, where she door landscapes with minimal destigmatize these issues in the decisions of which to include
Dance. hood in Bangor, Maine, but it was was inspired to create art using to no planning. She said that public eye, Bowdoin alumnus were difficult, but the play now
Reading’s art contributes to during her time at Bowdoin that trash as recycled canvases. Now, painting in this way has made her Zach Burton ’14 ventured into includes stories of people from
a growing genre of “eco art” that she was able to put this interest into in her position as an Interpretive process more authentic, both to the world of theater and de- across the U.S. and Canada,
promotes sustainable art practic- practice. In her Visual Arts major, Park Ranger in Denali, Alaska, the plates themselves and to the buted his first play, “The Manic dealing with all kinds of mental
es and nature preservation. The she trained as an impressionist oil Reading creates educational pro- mentality common among cli- Monologues,” in May. illnesses.
recycled canvasses, ranging from painter and nurtured her obses- gramming concerning the park’s mate activists to “Leave No Trace.” Burton and his girlfriend Working with a group of
broken buoys and discarded sun- sion with the artistic process. history as well as the science be- She lugs her paints and equip- Elisa Hofmeister created the advisors that included men-
glasses to calcified beer cans and By her senior year, she no- hind the nature and the effects of ment with her, using everything show in the wake of Burton’s tal health professionals and
water bottles, are paintings of the ticed the sheer amount of waste global warming seen in the park. brought to the site and leaving diagnosis of bipolar disorder. prize-winning editors and
areas in which discarded objects occurring in her art classes, such She noted that her work is es- nothing behind. In the weeks after his diagnosis, playwrights, the two compiled
were found—often national parks as concrete that was incorrectly pecially relevant in Alaska, where Although Reading’s exhibit Burton says he and Hofmeister 18 stories into a two-act show.
and other preserved areas. mixed and chip brushes that were global warming’s effects are espe- was only shown through Thurs- felt dismayed by the informa- Burton produced the show and
Each painting hangs next to a used only once. While this waste cially obvious. day, her determination to pursue tion available about the condi- Hofmeister directed.
photograph of the artwork in the is in no way unique to Bowdo- “[This year] we had to im- environmental activism through tion. Burton says the cast brought
places that they were found, with in, Reading knew she wanted to plement lightning protocols art is bound to spark critical dis- “It was so isolating,” said together actors from many
Reading’s hand holding the paint- change her wasteful art practices. for the first time ever because cussion in time to come. Burton. “You’re googling symp- different majors at Stanford,
toms, googling people’s expe- uniting people who cared about
riences, and most of what was both theater and mental health
available online is exclusively advocacy.
horror stories. It was so isolat- “The Manic Monologues”
ing.” had a three day run at Stanford
Burton and Hofmeister in May and opened to sold out
wanted to share the less fright- shows with standing ovations
ening, everyday stories of men- every night. Burton and Hof-
tal illness. That didn’t mean meister were blown away by the
erasing the bad, but rather reception.
highlighting the mundane and Burton says the emotional
sometimes uplifting aspects of responses ranged from laughter
people’s experience. to sobs, a reaction that some-
“We hope audiences come times threw him off.
away with a little bit of en- “I almost forgot some of
lightenment around how much my lines because I made eye
diversity there is in how mental contact with someone who
illness manifests itself,” said was crying,” said Burton, when
Burton. “It’s not just a tragedy. he was onstage performing a
It’s a spectrum.” monologue about his own ex-
Burton cited “The Vagina perience.
Monologues,” a play that uti- Since the debut, word has
lized personal stories to explore gotten out about “The Man-
the topic of female sexuality, ic Monologues.” Burton and
as an inspiration. Burton and Hofmeister will perform shows
Hofmeister wanted to break at University of California
down the taboos of mental Los Angeles in February, and
illness in the same way “The another theater group in Des
DIEGO VELASQUEZ, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT Vagina Monologues” did with Moines will perform it inde-
LEAVING NO TRACE: Mariah Reading ’16 set out to pursue environmental advocacy through art as an interpretive park ranger following her graduation sexuality. pendently in November. Bur-
from Bowdoin. Her pop-up exhibit “Landscapes, Not Landfills,” was on display this Wednesday and Thursday in the Edwards Center for Art and Dance. Though neither Burton nor ton is excited about the play’s
Hofmeister had any theater expansion.
experience (Burton double “Elise and I always intended

Dance troupe embraces K-pop majored in earth and oceano-

graphic science and German
while at Bowdoin), they decid-
ed that a play was the best me-
for this to be something that
anyone could put on them-
selves,” he said.
Burton hopes the show can
people, and we’re just teaching Filiakova hopes that Re- through performance. Both dium through which to share be a tool for campuses to use in
by Jane Godiner each other and learning from action sheds light on an ar- Berhanu and Filiakova em- their message. discussions about disability and
Orient Staff each other at the same time,” tistically beautiful—but less phasized that having fun is “Theater really makes view- diversity in their communities.
The Bowdoin dance group said Filiakova. “It’s a very nice popular—genre of music on the most important part of ers confront the stories they’re Student theater group Masque
Reaction is entering its third bonding moment when no Bowdoin’s campus. dancing in Reaction. watching. It can be even more and Gown is considering pro-
year in operation and contin- one is superior.” “[There are] a lot of people “There are a lot of groups, moving than reading a written ducing the show in the fall of
ues to be a fun space for stu- Reaction celebrates the from different countries here not just at Bowdoin, but in piece or loosely engaging with 2020 for Mental Health Aware-
dents to learn, appreciate and uniqueness of K-pop, from its at Bowdoin, but their music is general, that are very profes- the video online,” said Burton. ness Week.
practice K-pop performance. catchy, main hook choreogra- not necessarily represented,” sional,” said Berhanu. “But The two began collecting According to Burton, the
Group leader, Bethany phy to signature dance moves she said. we’re more of a casual, fun stories first at Stanford Univer- play’s warm reception rep-
Berhanu ’20, has danced in that are instantly recognized Filiakova thus sees Reac- group. We just want people sity, where Burton is a graduate resents progress in the way
Reaction since its founding among K-pop fans. During tion as a way to unite students who enjoy K-pop and enjoy student, but found little suc- our society confronts mental
in 2017. The group evolved as their weekly practices, Reac- who feel that their interest in dancing.” cess. They received only one health.
K-pop became more visible in tion follows along with videos K-pop may not be as well-re- “I’ve been performing my story from the community and “It’s an indicator that maybe
American popular culture. of the dances that accompa- ceived in the greater Bowdoin whole life,” added Filiakova. received no backing from the the world is in some way ready
“I feel like our group is be- ny each song and learns the community. “And, for me, not focusing on administration or student the- to have this conversation,” he
ing taken a little more serious- moves as they are performed “It was surprising for me the ‘ideal performance’ and ater groups. said.
ly,” said Berhanu. “In the be- by the artists. With new songs that on campus, there are so just enjoying the process was
ginning it was just for fun and from popular groups coming many people who listen to something to get used to at
because all of us really like the out as frequently as every K-pop that just don’t really first. But when I got used to
music and love to dance, but week, Reaction is always re- talk about it that much,” she it, it made a lot of sense and I
now I feel like [since] K-pop is hearsing new material. said. really, really loved it.”
becoming a more serious genre “K-pop itself is really dif- “When we’ve performed Reaction meets weekly
of music, so has our group.” ferent because artists them- in past years, people were and performs a handful of
With fewer than 10 danc- selves focus on dancing a lot,” like, ‘What’s the name of that times each semester at events
ers, each member of Reaction said Filiakova. “Each song song? What’s the name of that such as the winter and spring
plays a crucial role in con- has a dancing performance to group?’” said Berhanu. “I feel showcases and during Family
tributing to the group’s fun it, and artists are very good like through our group, peo- Weekend. New members are
and collaborative ethos. Katie dancers, for the most part . . ple are learning more about welcome—and encouraged—
Filiakova ’22 has danced with . Being able to articulate your K-pop, which is really cool.” to join this tight-knit group of
Reaction since her first year love for a group or love for a Ultimately, the group is a dancers at any point through-
and enjoys the intimacy af- song with your body—for me space for students who are out the year. COURTESY OF ZACH BURTON
forded by the group’s size. at least—is something really dancers, K-pop enthusiasts, TAKING CENTER STAGE: Zach Burton ’14 and Elisa Hofmeister joined
“We’re a small group of special.” or both to express themselves forces to create “The Manic Monologues,” which debuted in May.
Friday, November 1, 2019 11

Passing the torch darity in predominantly white
sports was taboo. MOMENT:
The Sideline It may feel like forever ago, The field hockey team
Story but it has only been a year secured the number two
by Julius Long since Osaka defeated Serena in In an NESCAC playoff seed in
the final of the 2018 U.S. Open open letter, Serena dramatic fashion with a 2-1
I’m not a tennis fan, nor do in what was probably the most shared the text messages ing, Osaka gave her a overtime victory away at Tufts
on Wednesday. After an early
I proclaim to be. But I do have heartbreaking victory in sports she exchanged with Osaka long, sisterly embrace, almost
Jumbos goal, Peyton Jackson
a mother who is absolutely history. some weeks after the match. “I to say “welcome to the fami- ’21 equalized in the third
crazy about the sport. I have “I don’t cheat to win. I’d would love the chance to live ly.” Osaka turned to Gauff ’s quarter to send the game
become numb to the late night rather lose,” Serena told the that moment over again. I am, “Coco.” parents and gathered herself into overtime. Despite being
and early morning shrills that umpire, demanding an apolo- was, and will always be happy The just long enough to say, “I outshot 17-8, Bowdoin held
come around tournament sea- gy for accusations that she was for you and supportive of you,” reigning remember I used to see Tufts scoreless for the rest of
son. And I have become accus- receiving coaching during the she wrote. “I would never, ever champion you guys training in the the game, allowing Georgie
tomed to fervently investing match. The umpire proceed- want the light to shine away prevailed in same place as us, and Coetzer ’23 to seal the victory,
in the success of the few Black ed to take a game away from from another female, specif- the match, for me the fact that scoring with less than a
players in the game as they oc- Serena after she called him a ically another Black female ending an both of us made minute to play. The victory
cupy the TV screen day in and thief, an offense that typically athlete.” incredible it, I think it’s in- continues the Polar Bears’
day out for months at a time in doesn’t even merit a warning After the dust settled from breakout credible.” Media 11-game winning streak, which
my household. in the men’s game. (If you the U.S. Open, the world be- year for outlets called it
will be tested when they host
Hamilton in the NESCAC
While the contributions of don’t believe me, just Google gan to ask, who is Naomi Osa- Gauff. a show of sportsman-
Quarterfinal this Saturday at
Arthur Ashe, Althea Gibson, the name Nick Kyrgios.) Both ka? The answer: an incredibly The battle ship, but as someone noon.
Zina Garrison and Lori McNeil women broke down in tears— poised, extremely soft-spoken on the court who grew up playing a
shouldn’t go unrecognized, it Serena feeling as though she and endearingly awkward was captivat- predominantly white A TRUNK-ATED
has been all about the Williams had stolen an incredible mo- young woman who doesn’t ing, but the sport, I knew it was SEASON:
sisters in my lifetime. From ment from Osaka, and Osaka particularly like the spotlight. moment the much more than that. The men’s soccer team saw its
humble beginnings on the feeling as though she had been She offers up little about her two shared There is something season come to an end at the
public courts of Compton, the complicit in the “unconscious personal life. She has said little after the match distinctly comforting hands of Tufts in Medford,
Williams sisters ran through bias” that the Williams sis- about the racism she encoun- is something I’ll and empowering Massachusetts on Tuesday,
every boundary and jumped ters have been subjected to ters in the U.S. or the stigma always remem- when you can look falling 2-1 to the Jumbos.
through every hurdle that was throughout their careers. she has received as a “Hafu,” ber. Osaka invited a across the court or Although Jason Oliver ’20
meant to keep them off the The match was supposed to or mixed-race person in Japan. clearly emotional and the field, through put the Polar Bears ahead just
13 minutes into the game off
biggest stage. They’ve imposed be a passing-of-the-torch mo- At the outset of her stardom, I overwhelmed Gauff a sea of families
of a feed from Harry Cooper
themselves—and their black- ment from a champion that has couldn’t tell if she was just hap- to participate in that look noth- ’22, Bowdoin was unable to
ness—on an American tennis come to embody what it means py with trying to transcend her the post-match on- ing like you and hold onto the lead and two
scene that quite frankly still to be more than an athlete to blackness, like some Black su- court interview with know nothing of what early second-half goals were
operates with a certain “dis- a young tennis prodigy whose perstars that have come before. her. Gauff almost repeated you’re going through, and see enough to seal the victory
tance” from the world outside father has openly admitted to Looking back, I couldn’t Serena’s words from the year just one that does. It makes the for Tufts. Although the Polar
of white affluence. following the Williams fami- have been more wrong. before. “I don’t want to take grind of traveling and training, Bears ended the season with a
While Serena has set herself ly’s blueprint as he coached his At just 15 years old, Cori this moment away from her,” of being an outsider looking in, winning overall record, a 1-5-4
apart as the undeniable greatest daughters to the professional Guaff made history as the she told the crowd, who had of scrapping for a sliver of the performance in NESCAC
of all time, Sloane Stephens, level. youngest person ever to reach clearly been pulling for the recognition you deserve, just a play means Bowdoin misses
Naomi Osaka and, most recent- Instead, it was another re- the main draw of a grand slam. 15-year-old all match. little bit easier. Osaka’s ability out on a spot in the NESCAC
ly, Cori Gauff have expanded minder that looking different Her incredible performance at As Black women, it seems to recognize that and her will- playoff bracket.
the small circle of Black super- still means being treated dif- Wimbledon earned her a wild they all have an understand- ingness to proclaim it in front
stars from a couple to a few. ferently in the game of ten- card into the main draw at ing that their moments in the of the world will have a lasting
Their presence in this arena has nis—even for a 23-time Grand the U.S. Open. And before the spotlight are rare and coveted, impact on me. The women’s and men’s
been a delight for Black tennis Slam champion. While both tournament even started, the and they wouldn’t dare take There is a burgeoning tra- cross-country teams cruised
fans throughout the country. players look back on the mo- media and fans were already them away from one another. dition of Black solidarity in to victory at the Bowdoin
Not just because of our invest- ment with a degree of regret, a eyeing a potential matchup That was amazing to see, but women’s tennis and the sport- Invitational II this past
ment in seeing them succeed, tradition of explicit sisterhood between the then-world num- it’s not the moment I am refer- ing world at large, and Naomi Saturday, their final tune-up
but also because, until now, it and support was set in stone ber one Osaka and the teenage ring to. Osaka is a leader often over- meet before the NESCAC
seemed as though Black soli- that day. sensation now just known as After Gauff finished speak- looked. championships this weekend.
On the women’s side, all of
the top 10 finishers were from
Bowdoin, led by Delaney

Men’s rugby reflects on history at 50-year mark Bullock ’22 and Caroline
Shipley ’20 taking first and
second respectively with times
of 23:13 in the 6K race. The
Bowdoin men took five out
by Ben Mason of the top 10 spots, led by
Orient Staff a 26:33 finish from Andrew
Meredith ’22 in the 8K race,
The Bowdoin men’s Rugby narrowly edging out Bates for
Team (2-3) concluded its 50th the overall title.
season last weekend, beating
Bates (2-3) 32-17 to claim the BINARY RY SYSTEM:
Lindbergh Cup. Two Bowdoin athletes were
The cup is named after a named NESCAC Players of
late Bowdoin alumnus Greg
the Week after spectacular
performances toward the
Lindbergh ’91 and is given
close of the regular season.
annually to the winner of the Cori Gray ’22 led the
Bowdoin-Bates game. The volleyball team to two wins
Lindbergh family dedicated last weekend, recording a
the trophy in 2011 in honor career-high 19 kills in a win
of Lindbergh who used to face over Middlebury and then
off against his brother, a Bates dominating with nine kills and
rugby player. seven blocks in a victory over
On Saturday, Bowdoin Amherst. Women’s soccer
came out on top despite miss- player Sophia Lemmer ’20
ing a number of key players scored the game-winning
due to injuries as well as suf- goal in a 2-1 overtime victory
over Williams, securing a
fering consecutive losses to
NESCAC playoff sport for
Colby (5-0), 21-5, and UMa- Bowdoin. She has also been
ine Farmington (4-1), 29-15. a stalwart in the Polar Bears’
“We had good performances standout defensive line, which
in the previous two weeks … has allowed just five goals all
[even] though we didn’t get the season.
outcome[s] that we wanted,”
said team president Connor
Please see RUGBY, page 12 LOCKED AND LOADED: The Bowdoin forwards lock into a scrum. The team concluded its 50th season last weekend with a victory over Bates. COMPILED BY DYLAN SLOAN
12 SPORTS Friday, November 1, 2019


nor Fitzgerald ’20. “[Against

Bates], we did a good job of
keeping the pedal to the met-
al, scoring and playing strong
The final game on Saturday
marked the end of a transi-
tional year for the club. Enter-
ing the season with new Head
Coach, Jake Fautley, the team
was running low on members
and had to turn to recruiting
to expand its roster.
The effort paid off with
nearly 20 rookies, including a
few new juniors and seniors,
joining over the course of the
fall. The full roster now stands
at just under 40 players, al-
most twice the size of the pre-
season squad.
Fitzgerald explained that
even with such a significant
LET ME LEAD YOU NOW: Men’s rugby Head Coach Jake Fautley rallies his team during a game this fall. Despite low turnover from last year, the team has nearly doubled in size due to an influx of new players. influx of new faces, the team’s
goal is to cultivate an atmo-
sphere that continues to at-


tract new members.
“For a lot of us, what ini-
tially drew us into the club
is the inclusivity of it,” said
Fitzgerald. “There’s this ethos
VOLLEYBALL Middlebury 7 0 7 0 in rugby of this idea called
‘sweep the shed.’ No one on
NESCAC OVERALL Wesleyan 6 1 6 1 the team is better than any
task that has to be done,
SCHOOL W L W L Williams 6 1 6 1 whether it’s cleaning the
field or organizing things or
Tufts 8 0 21 1 Amherst 4 3 4 3 bringing … various equip-
ment pieces back to where
Wesleyan 9 1 19 2 Hamilton 4 3 4 3 they’re supposed to be.”
The mentality that is pres-
Trinity 4 3 4 3
Bowdoin 6 2 14 6 ent on club teams, Fitzgerald
Tufts 3 4 3 4 explained, creates a strong
Amherst 5 3 17 5 sense of cohesion among the
Colby 1 6 1 6 players.
Williams 5 3 14 8 “I think [being a club team]
Bates 0 7 0 7 really enhances the account-
Bates 4 4 16 7 ability of players … [You]
Bowdoin 0 7 0 7 have the choice [of whether
Middlebury 4 4 12 9 Schedule: Sat. 11/2 @ Bates 5:30 PM or not] to be there,” said Fitz-
Sat. 11/9 v. Colby 4:30 PM gerald.
Hamilton 3 5 10 11 Despite its club status, the
rugby team has benefited from
Colby 2 6 9 17 MEN’S SOCCER the support of the College and
of the program’s alumni. For
Conn. College 0 9 7 15 NESCAC OVERALL example, when the team was
tasked with finding a new
Trinity 0 9 7 15 SCHOOL W L T W L T coach before the beginning of
Schedule: Fri. 11/1 v. Colby 7:00 PM this season, the rugby alumni
Amherst 8 0 2 13 0 2
Sat. 11/2 v. Bates 2:00 PM network connected current
Tufts 7 1 2 11 2 2 players with potential candi-
Conn. College 6 2 2 10 3 2 “The alumni were super
WOMEN’S SOCCER helpful in the process of find-
Williams 5 2 3 7 3 5 ing a new coach … members
NESCAC OVERALL of student activities and ath-
Bates 5 4 1 9 5 1 letic directors [supported
SCHOOL W L T W L T us as well],” said Fitzgerald.
Middlebury 3 2 5 7 2 6 “They were a big part of the
Tufts 7 2 1 11 2 2 process of the interviews for
Hamilton 3 5 2 6 7 2
our current coach.”
Middlebury 6 1 3 11 1 3 Wesleyan 2 5 3 6 6 3 For the team’s 50th anni-
versary celebration earlier this
Williams 6 3 1 8 4 2 Colby 2 6 2 6 6 3 fall, decades of Bowdoin rug-
by alumni returned to campus
Amherst 6 3 1 11 3 1 Bowdoin 1 5 4 6 5 4 to cheer on the team and re-
connect with old teammates.
Hamilton 5 4 1 10 4 1 Trinity 0 10 0 1 13 1
“We had a much larger
reception this year during
Conn. College 5 4 1 10 3 1 Alumni Weekend after our

Wesleyan 4 4 2 9 4 2
WOMEN’S RUGBY match compared to the past
years,” said Fitzgerald. “[Be-
NIRA OVERALL tween] the two events, one
Trinity 4 5 1 6 7 2 Friday night event and one
SCHOOL W L T W L T after our match on Saturday,
Bowdoin 3 6 1 7 7 1 [we] had over 60 alums.”
Colby-Sawyer 4 0 0 7 1 0 As the team prepares for
Colby 1 6 3 5 6 3
its spring season, the players’
Bowdoin 3 1 0 6 2 0 focus remains on building ca-
Bates 0 9 1 2 11 2
Schedule: NESCAC Quarterfinal Sat. 11/2 @Tufts 12:00 PM
Norwich 2 2 0 6 2 0 “A lot of people, a lot of
the alums specifically, use
Univ. of NE 1 3 0 2 5 1
CROSS COUNTRY the word ‘brotherhood’ to
Schedule: NESCAC Championship Sat. 11/2 @ Williams 12:00 PM NE College 0 4 0 0 8 0 describe [the experience of
being on the team],” said Fitz-
Schedule: Sat. 11/2 @ West Chester 11:00 AM gerald. “I’m really optimistic
SAILING NIRA DIII Semifinal Sat. 11/9 v. Norwich 11:00 AM
Schedule: ICSA Men’s Singlehanded Nationals Sat. 11/9 @ Santa Barbara, CA 11:00 AM about the future of the club.”
13 Friday, November 1, 2019

O OPINION What are we afraid of?

Two days, one night—that’s about how long prospective students on an overnight
visit spend getting a taste of Bowdoin’s campus. It’s also about how long the College’s
first Joseph McKeen Visiting Fellow, Arthur C. Brooks, will be spending at Bowdoin
Community depends on
our accountability
after he arrives on Thursday.
Brooks is the former president of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a con-
servative think-tank in Washington, D.C., and is currently a professor of the practice of
public leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and an Arthur C. Patterson Faculty
Fellow at the Harvard Business School. pointment as a native New Mexican,
Making it clear at Monday’s faulty meeting that this was, in his words, “My decision,” by Robert Sobak when, rather than pulling into some
Op-Ed Contributor
Rose invited Brooks to campus using his presidential discretionary funding. In doing dusty cantina, we go through the
so, he created a fellowship cloaked in the interest of the Common Good to make the I introduced the motion on the fac- drive-thru at Taco John’s. Talk about
appointment more palatable to the broader community. ulty floor requesting that President over-promising and under-delivering!
The term “fellow” mischaracterizes Brooks’ appointment. It implies that Brooks Clayton Rose provide an account of I still give my Aunt Sandra grief about
might generate a body of work or some tangible product, which does not appear to be the process he used to invite Arthur that. But, in her defense, she was do-
the case. The term also implies a lengthier stay than Brooks will have. When we heard Brooks as the inaugural Joseph McK- ing God’s work in giving such a rag-
last April that Brooks would be a visiting fellow, we expected a visit with ample op- een Visiting Fellow. President Rose tag crew of urchins a loving home
portunity for engagement. Like Associate Professor of Classics Robert Sobak, we were had not consulted any member of for those months. Feeding us all
disappointed to learn that it would be so short. the faculty before doing so, and had must have just about broke her
Brooks will hardly spend more time here than many visiting speakers—two days thus committed a simple, procedural bank.
this semester and two more in the spring. In its current form, Brooks’ appointment infraction. I believe that it is the job Which leads me back to Arthur
consists of little more than an honorarium presented to a visiting speaker. Does a vis- of any member of the faculty to blow Brooks, and the need to blow yet an-
iting fellow do just that—visit for a day or two and then depart? Or should we expect their whistle in such circumstances. other whistle, this time accompanied
them to engage in meaningful work? Basically, to use a soccer analogy, by a sterner warning. Any person
Notwithstanding, the controversy surrounding Rose’s unilateral decision to bring Rose has been caught “offsides.” Un- who suggests that those of us raising
Brooks to campus, he will arrive next week. And despite these qualms, we, as students like in soccer, however, we can’t re- concerns about Brooks’ appointment
interested in diversity of thought, had hoped to engage with him. But it appears that his start play from the position where the are doing so because we are not will- now gone, a shell of its former self or
fellowship presents that opportunity only to a select few. infraction was committed. Too much ing to engage him intellectually, or so privatized as to make them open
In the extremely limited time Brooks is here, he will only engage a fraction of this time had passed from when the trans- are afraid of confronting his ideas, only to the wealthy. This destruction
campus. Fifty lucky students have seats at his talk, and select student groups have slices gression occurred to when it became deserves a yellow card. They are makes it all the harder for a child now
of his time—notably, The Peucinian Society, the Rachel Lord Center for Religious and known to the faculty. This public “taking a dive” in the box, trying to growing up in my old neighborhood
Spiritual Life, Bowdoin Democrats and College Republicans. whistle-blowing is designed to ensure convince everybody that we are do- to discover their talents and achieve
We are critical of what comes across as an attempt to create a manicured environ- that proper procedure is followed in ing something which we are not. It is their flourishing. To be clear, I also
ment for Brooks. Why is the administration so reluctant to allow Brooks facetime with the future, and that all decisions of a sham objection, designed to disin- benefited from private philanthro-
a broader audience? Are they imagining that the College’s many left-leaning students this nature are thereby made as trans- genuously frame our arguments and py. I was a “little brother” in the Big
are likely to disagree with Brooks in combative and disrespectful ways? parently as possible. dismiss our concerns. This is not a Brothers/Big Sisters program. I was
If this is the case, we would take offense at this concern. The administration should Unfortunately, some members of procedural infraction, but unsport- a full-need student at a place much
not be embarrassed about Bowdoin students’ political views; rather, students deserve to our community have interpreted this ing misconduct, which is antithetical like Bowdoin, and I am fully aware
be trusted to engage with Brooks with the same level of respect and maturity that they procedural intervention as an implic- to the very spirit of the game. Hav- that my college “scholarship” exist-
consistently demonstrate when navigating contentious discussions in the classroom. it argument that Brooks ought not ing now read two books and a slew ed thanks only to the generosity of
In the interest of intellectual fearlessness—a favorite mantra of Rose—we feel that to have been invited at all. Nothing of editorials by Brooks, I am about many alumni. I now donate to these
for students to reap the benefits of this investment, and for Brooks to fulfill his role as a could be further from the truth. Had as impressed by him as I was by Taco programs myself every year. Arguing
fellow, students ought to have far more opportunity to engage with him. the faculty been properly involved John’s. But I would never argue that for the importance of the public does
If there are to be future McKeen Visiting Fellows, they should have a more sub- from the beginning, most of us would others don’t have the right to eat that not mean denying the place of the
stantial presence, both in terms of the length of time they spend on campus and their have pushed for Brooks to enjoy sig- up whenever they want. Heck, I enjoy private.
accessibility to students. nificant time on our campus, and to fast food with the best of them, but I For many years, however, Brooks
When Brooks returns in the spring, we urge that both he and Rose ensure that an be given real opportunities for actual won’t try to convince you of its nutri- has pushed a Manichaean vision
authentic opportunity to be intellectually fearless is present for as many students as pos- engagement with as many members tional content, nor will I try to argue of the world. He has been a happy
sible. Students ought to be empowered to engage in dialogues like these, not precluded of our community as possible. When that a 36-hour drive-thru allows for warrior fighting to dismantle pub-
from them. That is, after all, the point of intellectual fearlessness. I first read President Rose’s glowing true gustatory contemplation. licly-funded common goods, even as
and lengthy announcement of the So, why would I demand that he himself grew rich doing so. For a
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, creation of this fellowship, and its Brooks stay around here for months decade he pursued a highly partisan
which is composed of Emily Cohen, Brianna Cunliffe, Rohini Kurup, Alyce McFad- inaugural appointee, I had assumed on end if I am so underwhelmed? It agenda, and wrote books like “The
den, Nina McKay, Danielle Quezada, Reuben Schafir and Jaret Skonieczny. that Brooks would be staying here is because I believe that, if he is to Battle,” in which he demonized his
for at least a semester, if not the en- be a fellow in my community, then ideological opponents using hyper-
tire academic year. As it is, he will be people like me deserve the right to bolic, martial language. But now,
devoting only about 36 hours to this talk to him at length. We have the having helped craft the hyper-polar-
fellowship each semester. My disap- right to publicly question him as we ized environment in which we live,
ESTABLISHED 1871 pointment at this reminds me of a see fit regarding his Presidency at he urges everybody to “love your
funny experience I had growing up. American Enterprise Institute (AEI). enemies.” How convenient. He thinks 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011 I was born and raised in New We have the right to publicly scruti- that he can now preach Pauline love
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information Mexico. For all of my life my mom nize his policy prescriptions, which without accounting for his former
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators, has worked physically grueling min- have been so harmful to people who Sauline deeds. To present him to our
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in
imum-wage jobs. My father was ab- don’t enjoy his considerable privilege. community as some sort of happiness
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community. sent—a homeless drifter who would Many of the experiences that shaped guru who holds the keys to biparti-
pop up to take me bowling every few who I am today happened thanks to san bliss is akin to telling us that we
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief years, but then wander off to parts robust, well-funded public services. need to take a meditation lesson from
Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden unknown. Only in the past few years I learned violin and viola thanks to the arsonist who burned down our
has he moved from living rough on an exceptional music program in my house. This would be possible, indeed
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor the streets of Las Vegas, to working school system. Albuquerque Public fruitful, if we had some voice in shap-
Steven Xu Maia Coleman Andrew Bastone at the emergency men’s shelter there Schools gave me an instrument, and ing that encounter into an iterative,
Anna Fauver Aura Carlson in return for a bed and finally to have subsidized my private lessons with meaningful experience. This would
Photo Editor Roither Gonzales
Rohini Kurup Features Editor gotten into an apartment of his own. two of the finest teachers in the coun- take time, patience and sustained en-
Ann Basu Emma Sorkin As a result, I spent almost every sum- try. Three of my stand partners in gagement. But we could then slowly
Mindy Leder Nina McKay
Ian Ward Sports Editor mer in either North Dakota or Texas our publicly-funded high school come to trust that Arthur Brooks
Dylan Sloan in order to give my mom a break, and symphony are now is not a protean opportunist at
Layout Editor
Executive Editor to keep me from getting in trouble professional heart, and he could
Emma Bezilla A&E Editor on my own street. These summer so- musicians. grapple honestly
Jaret Skonieczny Kate Lusignan Cole van Miltenburg
Ian Stewart Eliana Miller journs were also opportunities for me I was giv- and openly with
Opinion Editor to learn early how to work hard, in this en free the basis for our
Data Desk Editor Associate Editor Diego Lasarte case building grain bins, which is how tennis les- contempt. This
Kathryn McGinnis my grandparents and uncles earned sons on public is why I made this
Gwen Davidson Page 2 Editor
Lucie Nolden money when they weren’t busy in the courts thanks to the motion—because
Drew Macdonald Lily Randall
George Grimbilas (asst.) Reuben Schafir fields. One summer my aunt prom- city parks and recre- properly-followed
Nimra Siddiqui (asst.) Calendar Editor ised to drive me and all my cousins, ation department, and procedure would
Head Copy Editor Jane Godiner some of whom were also exiles from I played in a public soc- have encouraged
Head Illustrator Devin McKinney single-working-mom households in cer league competitive enough stakeholder design,
Senior News Reporter
Sara Caplan Oklahoma and Alabama, to a Mex- that my former teammates and op- and given everybody a better chance
Nate DeMoranville ican restaurant in a town near where ponents went on to play at programs for productive dialogue. This is why
Copy Editor Horace Wang
Social Media Manager Sebastian de Lasa we were camped out at our building like UCLA, and professionally in the transparency and accountability are
Ayub Tahlil Danielle Quezada Senior Sports Reporter site. So, we all pile in the back of the MLS and Germany. I was a free-lunch important. They exist not to annoy
Sophie Friedman Emily Staten Ella Chaffin pickup and drive Lord knows how kid at school, and I went to college on those in power, but to give voice to
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the many miles, with our stomachs rum- Pell Grants. Thanks to the economic those who are not.
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions bling and our taste-buds aquiver. You ideas advanced by people like Brooks, Robert Sobak is an associate pro-
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. can only imagine my particular disap- every single one of these programs is fessor of Classics.
14 OPINION Friday, November 1, 2019


Faculty voice support for wage increase

Zoomers on social media
To the Editor: to do, and because it will benefit the College in The Fox Box
the long run. by Jared Foxhall
We applaud the College’s administration for Moreover, we commend the Bowdoin Labor
the decision to substantially raise wages of staff in Alliance and other students and alumni who in- Zoomer: Generation Z +
a progressive manner. We also applaud the work- vested considerable time and effort in advocating Boomer.
ers who bravely spoke out about concerning con- with these workers and educating the communi- My grandfather Friday is a
ditions here, and pushed the College to do our ty, and the Orient for their thoughtful reporting small, bald Nigerian man with
best to honor our commitment to the Common and commentary on this issue. The College takes a character of immense pro-
Good. While we understand the importance of great pride in our students’ many achievements. portions. He’s been living in
market forces in determining wages, we think We should also be proud, perhaps especially, my family’s home for the past
the College should be leading, not following, the when our students provide constructive input few months, entertaining guests
market, in all aspects of labor practices. Workers with the goal of making the College a better place. and visiting the public library.
with particularly challenging jobs and personal We look forward to more actions that bring us He spends all of his other time
financial circumstances should be treated most together for the improvement of the well-being of on one of his two phones com-
conscientiously, both because it is the right thing all in our community. municating with his friends
Sincerely, Janet M. Martin and family in Calibar. In the
Mark Battle Professor of Government few moments I am home, he
Professor of Physics Frank Mauceri comes to me to ‘fix’ his phone
Meryem Belkaid Senior Lecturer in Music when he forgets that you can’t
Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Madeleine Msall send someone a Facebook mes-
Literatures Professor of Physics sage through WhatsApp. When
Barbara Weiden Boyd Stephen G. Naculich I’m away, he keeps me updated up: “Zuckerberg’s your number of follow-
Winkley Professor of Latin and Greek LaCasce Family Professor of Natural Sciences through Facebook Messenger business model depends on ers or likes. My finsta allows me
Aviva Briefel Michael Nerdahl with amusing clickbait non- our shifting notions of privacy, to feel included and connected
Professor of English and Cinema Studies Senior Lecturer in Classics sense, ranging from “Sunday revelation and sheer self-dis- to my friends without having
Judith Casselberry Irina Popescu Blessings” to “256 Reasons play. The more people are to succumb to the rules of clout
Associate Professor of Africana Studies Visiting Assistant Professor of Latin American Why Cold Water Will Kill You.” willing to put online, the more counting.
Nadia Celis Studies Imagine this man posting a self- money [Zuckerberg’s] site can Who we really are as Zoom-
Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Patrick Rael
ie on Instagram. Disturbing. make from advertisers.” Zoom- ers is actually not who we want
Literatures Professor of History
This kind of thing makes me ers don’t really like putting all to present to the world. Why
Connie Chiang Marilyn Reizbaum
Professor of History and Environmental Stud- Harrison King McCann Professor of English
smile. Even though he can’t re- that much of their personal info should it be? Zoomers never
ies Nancy Riley ally tell the difference between online. In fact, they have come asked to be thrust into these
Eric Chown A. Myrick Freeman Professor of the Social Sci- garbage content and real con- to primarily value anonymity new-age social parameters of
Sarah and James Bowdoin Professor of Digital ences tent, I know he’s thinking about and image. My sister is 17 and inclusion and exclusion online,
and Computational Studies Meghan Roberts me. What seems to be absent in has never had a Facebook in her they just exist similar to how
Javier Cikota Associate Professor of History my 80-year-old grandfather’s life. drinking laws exist. And it’s
Assistant Professor of History Collin Roesler internet surfing is this level She exclusively uses Snapchat really difficult to just abstain.
Rachel Connelly Professor of Earth and Oceanographic Science of perception: distinguishing and Instagram. Zoomers’ use of Whether or not this is a bad
Bion R. Cram Professor of Economics Arielle Saiber clickbait from content. Overall, Instagram captures the heart of thing is sort of irrelevant; with-
Dallas Denery Professor of Romance Languages and people are pretty bad at this, who we are as a cohort. We are out an existence online, what-
Professor of History Literatures especially on Facebook (wea- more inclined to publically put ever your preference, you are
Vladimir Douhovnikoff Doris Santoro ponized ads during the 2016 out our aspirational selves to certainly nudged out in some
Associate Professor of Biology Professor of Education election are a prime example), the public and we tend to orbit small or dramatic way from
Danielle Dube Vyjayanthi Selinger but I remain optimistic that around our changing modes of what’s going on.
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochem- Associate Professor of Asian Studies each successive generation is self-expression. These modes Still, the net effect of curat-
istry Vineet Shende
better at it by function of fa- are, in part, appearance over ing greater-than-life personas
John Fitzgerald Professor of Music
miliarity—more realistically it’s connectivity, persona and aes- online may have negative effects
William D. Shipman Professor of Economics Robert Sobak
Crystal Hall Associate Professor of Classics
because young people just don’t thetics over real life. Art is used, on all of us. We might be more
Associate Professor of Digital Humanities Emma Maggie Solberg really engage with it anymore. on platforms like Instagram, by artistic, but we certainly aren’t
David K. Hecht Associate Professor of English Zoomers hardly even look to Zoomers as a mantle for vague- getting any happier. Overdosing
Associate Professor of History Elizabeth A. Stemmler Facebook anymore for informa- ly imitating real life, not copy- on this kind of social-compar-
Laura Henry James Stacy Coles Professor of Natural Sciences tion; 34 percent of Americans ing it. Most Instagram profiles ison stimuli generates all kinds
Professor of Government Daniel F. Stone 12 to 17 year olds online think don’t even contain birthdays, of nasty things: loneliness and
Hadley Horch Associate Professor of Economics Facebook is exclusively for “old they’ll more likely contain art- depression, to name just two.
Associate Professor of Biology and Neuro- Rachel Sturman people.” sy quotes. Aristotle defines this The Pew Research Center not
science Associate Professor of History and Asian Studies I find this above stat so eerily process in his work, Poetics, only confirms that Zoomers are
Ann Kibbie Hilary Thompson accurate. I am 20, born in 1999, as mimesis, the human desire spending more time on Insta-
Associate Professor of English Associate Professor of English and I use Facebook a decent to mimic nature in order to gram than other platforms, but it
Aaron Kitch Karen Topp amount—mainly because it perfect or improve on it. Some also found that the total number
Associate Professor of English Senior Lecturer of Physics feels like an obligation, but nev- might say this is the purpose of of teenagers who recently expe-
Matthew Klingle Sebastian Urli er for anything serious and cer- art. But the way I see it, Zoom- rienced depression increased by
Associate Professor of History and Environmen- Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and tainly not for news. I’m sort of ers are hardly concerned with 59% between 2007 and 2017,
tal Studies Literatures
on the tail end of Gen Z and am conscious attention to form or and teenage girls are three times
Belinda Kong Dharni Vasudevan
probably passable as a Millen- transgression in the medium; more likely to be affected. Cor-
John F. and Dorothy H. Magee Associate Profes- Professor of Chemistry and Environmental
sor of Asian Studies and English Studies
nial in some sense. My parents “artistic” expression, for us, relation? Maybe not. But it’s hard
Stephen M. Majercik Tricia Welsch (and their friends), on the other stands as a perpetual vanity to deny the fact that the social
Associate Professor of Computer Science Professor of Cinema Studies hand, use Facebook all the time fair where many profiles exist demands of a dominant culture
and understand it to be a seri- as contrived resumes shouting do have an effect on the emo-
ous social dimension (as much into the ether: “This is me. This tional state of young people.
as they’ll deny it). is my life. Jealous?” All in all, Zoomers today de-
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Facebook is really a Millennial Finstagram, or fake-Insta- sire to be unidentifiable beyond
invention co-opted by older gen- gram, culture reveals a deeper the symbols, icons and artistic

Jes Staley should resign erations. Its chief architect was a

socially awkward college student
trying to get laid. Facebook’s
desire from our generation for
honest representation. Zoomers
practically invented this idea.
gestures that they believe repre-
sent them honestly. They follow
those who reinforce their own
To the Editor: “Bill Gates regrets every meeting with Epstein and initial purpose was mainly sur- Having an Instagram persona notions of beauty and interact
recognizes it was an error of judgment to do so.” veillance; it was a mingling site is fine, but a finsta—shared with images that strike the eye.
I strongly support the editorial in the October MIT admitted to accepting $800,000 from Epstein that allowed Harvard students only with close friends—defies With consequences? Possibly.
18 issue of the Orient, “All that is great about Bow- (and millions more from Epstein’s friends and as- to know their peers’ relationship all of the conventions of a nor- But in what direction does
doin,” calling for the resignation of Jes Staley ’79 sociates) and apologized to victims of his crimes. statuses, social group and inter- mal, public profile. Finstagrams this all trend? Facebook owns
from Bowdoin’s Board of Trustees. Staley worked In addition, MIT President Reif wrote “To Jeffrey ests, without ever really having usually contain jokes, memes, Instagram, so rebellious teens’
closely with Epstein, even after his 2008 conviction Epstein’s victims, on behalf of the MIT administra- to meet them. Pretty convenient embarrassing stories or what- distaste for Facebook makes
for soliciting a minor and sex trafficking. Incredi- tion, I offer a profound and humble apology. With if you had no intention of doing ever you like. Your mother will little difference to Zuck. As we
bly, Epstein served only 13 months in jail (with a hindsight, we recognize with shame and distress so in the first place. never find it because the handle age, will we reject these forms of
work release which allowing him to travel to his that we allowed MIT to contribute to the elevation Jose Antonio Vargas of the is definitely not your full name. media? Or slowly drift further
office daily six days a week) even though the FBI of his reputation, which in turn served to distract New Yorker accurately sums it You don’t need to care about into them?
had compiled a 53-page indictment for sex crimes from his horrifying acts.”
against him. It is time for President Clayton Rose to ask for
The editorial refers to Epstein as a sex offender. Jes Staley’s resignation and stand up for Bowdoin’s
This seems too vague and sanitized for a descrip- values, particularly on behalf of the women who QUESTION OF THE WEEK: ARE YOU WONDERING
tion of a man who sexually abused dozens (maybe attended or currently attend Bowdoin.
hundreds) of underage girls. Lives were ruined. At WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POLL OF THE WEEK?
least some of Epstein’s powerful associates have Sincerely,
apologized. Bill Gates issued several statements: Christina Files, Class of 1979
Friday, November 1, 2019 OPINION 15

The hard truth behind The Sarah and James Bowdoin Day
Ceremony was an exercise in hypocrisy
sexism in women’s soccer by Brendan Murtha
Op-Ed Contributor
students—applauded with vigor.
President Clayton Rose returned to
and applauded graduates heading
off to Wall Street to “enrich the
and money. These inequities of women’s programs as the the podium gushing with pride and classroom.” Does this school have
by Clare Burns, extend beyond income—the biggest obstacle to the success Bowdoin, like all elite academic wished Loi the best of luck. selective hearing? Or is it not lis-
Aine Lawlor, U.S. women have had to play of women’s soccer on a global institutions, tasks itself with the Mohandesi took the stage to tening at all? While many students
and Claudette Proctor
Op-Ed Contributors on artificial surfaces over ten level. contradictory responsibilities of deliver a slightly less heartwarm- might argue we should be sending
times as much as the men have Beyond the institutional sex- fostering “critical” thought while ing address. We live in a time of teachers to Wall Street (to occupy?)
The U.S. women’s national in recent years, which have been ism of FIFA, people all over the pumping out successive genera- global crisis, he argued, a crisis instead of the other way around,
soccer team (USWNT) has proven to increase the likelihood world, and at Bowdoin, choose tions of the ruling-class elite it is be- that challenges systems we take for it’s clear the College itself would
four FIFA World Cup titles and of injury and decrease the qual- to degrade and insult women, holden to. At the Sarah and James granted. To many, the world order never endorse such a view—as the
four Olympic gold medals. The ity of the game. Internationally, furthering the systemic sexism Bowdoin Day ceremony this past established in the final decades recent, drawn out fight for a living
U.S. men’s national soccer team many women’s national teams that continues to oppress the Friday, the hypocrisy that results of the 20th century heralded the wage has illustrated, Bowdoin is
(USMNT) has zero FIFA World are hardly scheduled to play growth of women’s soccer. We from such a contradictory mission ideological victory of neoliberalism tone-deaf when it comes to actual
Cup titles and zero Olympic games in off-seasons. In a clear know we have a problem when was laid out in full display. The and free-market capitalism. World discussions of class—and it takes
gold medals. There is absolutely demonstration of this sexist bias, men arbitrarily assign value ceremony included two speakers, powers accepted the system that only the briefest look at Bowdoin’s
no question that the USWNT FIFA scheduled two men’s tour- to women based on what they a student chosen by an adminis- would take them full speed into finances and alumni network to
is far more successful than the nament finals (Copa America & think is more entertaining. As trative committee and a professor eternity and, as Francis Fukuyama piece together why.
USMNT, yet women’s soccer is CONCACAF) on the same day members of the Bowdoin wom- chosen by student vote. This year, put it in 1992, “history was over.” So, with this in mind, what does
continually underfunded and as the Women’s World Cup final. en’s soccer team, every day we Caitlin Loi ’20 and Assistant Pro- The right way forward was no Bowdoin actually stand for? Does
mistreated by major soccer fed- We can all agree that this play with women who are com- fessor of History Salar Mohandesi longer up for debate—or was it? it stand for adversarial, critical
erations such as FIFA and USSF, documented gender discrimi- petitive, creative, fast, strong gave talks entitled “Driven by Flipping through slide after slide, thought—the type that drives our
highlighted by the glaring gap nation is abhorrent. FIFA has and inspiring. Our teammates Heart” and “History after the End Mohandesi painted a divergent fight for social and environmental
between the salaries of players the power and capacity to initi- are athletically and intellectu- of History,” respectively. picture: Nazis once again marching justice—or does it stand for the in-
on each team. The class-action ate change—their cash reserves ally impressive, and to suggest Loi, looking forward to post- in Germany, a warming Arctic in terests of the elite? Bowdoin contin-
lawsuit filed by the USWNT reached $2.74 billion in 2018— that women are inferior players grad life, praised the ways Bowdoin shambles, the Yellow Vest protests uously attempts to straddle the line,
players earlier this year only yet they actively choose not to undermines the talent and com- has allowed her to take a wander- in France. The grand ideological but as the irreconcilable divide be-
begins to broach the pervasive support women’s soccer. FIFA’s mitment that millions of wom- ing path forward—forgoing the battle, he warned, is far from over. tween these two goals becomes in-
sexism that pollutes the culture own mission statement claims en bring to the sport. “ought-to’s” in favor of the “want Traditional political coalitions creasingly evident, we must accept
and environment of soccer on a that “It is our responsibility to It is absolutely within our to’s.” Through all the unexpected are fracturing, economic inequal- the unsustainable foundation of
global scale. promote the growth and the power to decide as a communi- turns, she has realized she wants ities are skyrocketing and climate our school’s identity. The startling
There is incredible pay ineq- development of the game in the ty and a nation that we are not to be a classroom math teacher; it’s change has injected apocalyptic hypocrisy of the Sarah and James
uity in spite of the fact that US long term, irrespective of color, going to accept misogyny and, where she feels happiest. She plans language back into everyday con- Bowdoin Day Ceremony made it
women’s soccer generates more race, religion, gender or sexual rather, rise up to support female on pursuing a career in teaching versation. He quoted Fukuyama clear that currently, we don’t really
revenue and more attention orientation, to every corner of empowerment and promote the somewhere down the line. again, from 2018: “It seems certain stand for anything at all. We can’t
compared to the men’s side. the world.” The disparity be- growth of women’s soccer. Yet the wandering path ap- things Marx predicted are turning just pump out “woke” members of
The women’s team has literally tween their words and actions Claire Burns, Aine Lawlor proach has been illuminating— out to be true.” There was some the ruling class and pretend that’s
been subsidizing the men’s team demonstrates a refusal to ac- and Claudette Proctor are mem- why would she go into her dream nervous laughter throughout the what makes us great. The world is
as they continually lose games knowledge their own neglect bers of the Class of 2021. job right after college, without auditorium, but, at the end of his too smart for that guise.
some other “real world” experi- speech, he received the same vig- While I don’t pretend to hold
ence? No, she explained, that would orous applause. President Rose any unique insight or magic an-

Listening to Chilean stories be short-sighted: she will instead be

taking a job on Wall Street to solve
real-world math problems and
relieve herself of financial stress
rose again to express his pride and
Clearly, neither of these speech-
es represent the actual viewpoint of
swers on how to forge the best path
forward, I do see it as our responsi-
bility to call out specific instances of
hypocrisy when they occur, in the
puche, have been marginalized oppressive curfews, the Chilean (cue crowd laughter). When she the College, but that’s kind of the hope that someone finally listens.
by Lucia Gagliardone and abused by the state. people form a chorus from their eventually leaves the Street, such re- point; at an event President Rose With the amount of privilege Bow-
Op-Ed Contributor
Tamara echoes this senti- balconies, singing “The Right al-world experience will make her calls “one of the great days in the doin students are allotted, it is the
I studied abroad in Valparaí- ment: “the people have awoken to Live in Peace” by Victor Jara, much more effective in the class- life of our college,” Bowdoin was re- least we can do.
so, Chile last year. Now, in the with great force. The social “flying the flags of the Mapuche room. The crowd—mainly par- minded of the unsustainable ideol- Brendan Murtha is a member of
wake of a powerful, unified inequality in Chile is massive.” and striking saucepans,” cace- ents of the highest-GPA-earning ogy it depends on while it selected the Class of 2021.
movement against 30 years of Fernanda continues, saying that rolazos.
economic abuses, I implore our “the violence is in the military Ultimately, my friends speak
community to listen to the sto-
ries of our Chilean peers. The
version in our newspapers over-
and the neoliberal system. This
is a system that has generated
more social services for the rich
to me about dignity and its ab-
sence within the neoliberal eco-
nomic structure.
A major wakeup call: abroad in Chile
emphasizes acts of delinquency than for people in poverty. Peo- “We demand the gap be cratically elected socialist leader in ist and communist hymn, under
and destruction, bolstering ple in the most vulnerable sec- closed in health services, edu- by Ali Briere the world, “committed suicide” on swarms of helicopters. There are
Chilean president Sebastián tions feel discriminated against, cation, social security, housing, Op-Ed Contributor the morning of the military coup, the many generations of porteños,
Piñera’s criminalization of the powerless, isolated.” natural resources,” says Fer- Friday, October 18 was a major to the neoliberal policies put into people of the port city of Valparaí-
movement to justify his authori- Paulina laments that left out nanda. “The citizens demand, wakeup call for me. Disasters hap- place by the economist Milton so, dancing the regional version of
zation of violence. The Chilean of the narrative in mainstream in the streets, collectively, what pen around the world—around Friedman’s “Chicago Boys” at the the cueca national dance in the Pla-
people, peacefully marching by media are the “deaths, disap- the neoliberal model took from the clock—but as the massive University of Chicago and econo- za Italia as the air, inundated with
the millions and risking their pearances and instances of tor- them: dignity.” Tamara reiter- evasion of metro fares in Chilean mists at the University of Chile. tear gas, burns their faces wet from
safety to fight for their rights, ture.” Instead, as Patricia tells ates this: “Today, we go out into capital, Santiago, turned into vio- With that pesky socialist leader sweat, tears or the lanzaguas, the
are left out of the dialogue en- me, the press focuses “on the the streets with the rage of years lent state repression, I was brought out of the way and his nation- high-pressure water cannon.
tirely. To show solidarity with riots, looting and vandalism.” of misery, humiliation, anguish back to where I spent almost half alization of the copper industry This is not just Chilean history;
our loved ones across borders, Paulina adds that what “the and violence. We fill the streets of 2019—living, studying and reversed, Pinochet began to pri- this is American history. We have
we must leverage their voic- press doesn’t show is the free to scream loudly, that we de- dancing in Valparaíso, Chile. vatize, privatize, privatize and a responsibility to learn it, to im-
es—voices which are rendered access the Special Forces and mand dignity.” “It’s not about 30 pesos, it’s “disappear” whoever got in his plore our governmental officials
invisible by our press. military have permitted to allow “This will not stop, we do not about 30 years,” is the rallying cry way. The legacy of the thousands to denounce the Piñera’s govern-
I now pass on the stories of robberies and looting to occur, have fear,” Fernanda says. “Chile heard around the Latin American of disappeared, detained, tortured ment’s human rights abuses and
four Chilean women, each of with the ultimate goal to cre- has always been awake, but to- country. and exiled Chileans during the insist that his cosmetic measures
whom I love dearly. Fernan- ate chaos, instill fear and place day we are finally heard.” The violence includes chilling dictatorship hangs over the past are not enough and to call for
da Azócar Rodríguez was an blame on our social movement.” At Bowdoin, most of us accusations of a centrally located, week’s protests. The neoliberal demilitarization and a new consti-
exchange student at my high We do not see this conspiracy have connections with people underground metro station in policies implemented during tution written in democracy now.
school in Vermont; she now deconstructed in our media. abroad. As global citizens, it’s the capital being used to torture Pinochet’s regime today mean Many of us study a foreign
works for Foundation Over- Tamara condemns the state our responsibility to listen, detainees, and curfews as early as astronomical prices for water and language. Many folks are native
coming Poverty in Rancagua. I for this violence, declaring, intentionally, to what they are 6 p.m. being enforced by uncon- electric utilities and a mandatory speakers of other languages and/
met Patricia Villalobos Olivares “here in Chile, they kill us for saying. In the case of Chile, stitutional beatings and detentions privatized pension system from or are international students. We
and Tamara Alejandra Antilef fighting back. In Chile, they we need to recognize the ways by police officers, as well as armed which workers don’t reap the divi- “carry the keys of the world’s li-
Riffo in the university theater; torture. In Chile, they commit in which our government is forces deployed by President dends on their own wages, among brary in your pockets,” to cite The
they taught me to find my voice. acts of sexual violence. What responsible and complicit. We Sebastián Piñera’s government. other economic abuses in one of Offer of the College, and it is upon
And there’s Paulina Solís Iturra, democracy are we even talking need to share their stories be- While the mainstream media is the richest and most unequal so- us to open the locks of the stories
from my abroad program, who about?” Patricia agrees that this cause we believe in freedom and only portraying the “criminals” cieties in Latin America. behind the hegemonic media.
shared her strength with me is not democracy. “I have said the right to protest, to reflect on that Piñera denounces for looting What is the media not showing Thank you to all the porteños
during a painful time. for a while that we were living the fact that the same neoliberal and setting fire to supermarkets, you, you might ask? Well, in Val- who taught me that I don’t just
Patricia begins. To her, “in in a dictatorship as Chilean capitalist system lives firmly in the brutal repression on the part paraíso alone there are the “tangu- write: I am a writer. I don’t just
this formerly sleeping nation, citizens, but I never thought it our own sociopolitical struc- of the government goes unspoken. eros” that dance tango in protest, dance: I am a dancer. That artistic
our pain has now brought out would turn into a war against its ture. To my friends—thank you All this harkens back to the cru- wearing signs that reference the expression is not only political, but
a fury of many years; not thirty own people.” for your stories. el dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet famous lyrics of Victor Jara, leftist utterly existential. Cariños a Joyce
years, but more than six hun- They are transcending the Lucia Gagliardone is a mem- that lasted from 1973 to 1989. The martyr tortured and killed in the Macasar and Ricardo Ogalde;
dred.” She refers to a legacy of state repression using peaceful ber of the class of 2020. U.S. had an integral role in this dic- first days of the 1973 coup d’état. thanks for your encouragement,
colonialism in which the Chil- mass resistance and artistic Editor’s note: This piece is tatorship, from its part in the suspi- There’s the flutist who emerges af- stories and example.
ean people, particularly indige- activism. Fernanda says that available in Spainish on the cious circumstances under which ter curfew has started and bravely Ali Briere is a member of the
nous communities like the Ma- every evening, to protest the Bowdoin Orient website. Salvador Allende, the first demo- plays “La Internacional,” the social- Class of 2020.
16 Friday, November 1, 2019

Audubon’s “Birds of America” Page-
Turning with Lauren Fitzgerald ’00
Special Collections and Archives, along with alumna Lauren
Fitzgerald ’00, will host their monthly page-turning of John
James Audubon’s double-elephant folio, “Birds of America.”
Special Collections, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 12:30 p.m.

Movie Night: “The Letter”
The Department of Sociology will screen “The Letter:
An American Town and the Somali Invasion.” The movie
focuses on the influx of Somali refugees that moved to
Lewiston, Maine after 9/11. Popcorn and other snacks will
be provided.
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall. 7:30 p.m.
LECTURE AND THEY’RE FEELIN’ GOOD: VAGUE, Bowdoin’s jazz dance group, dances to Michael Bublé at the student group showcase. VAGUE, along
with two other student dance groups, Bowdoin’s six a cappella groups and the Bowdoin Slam Poets Society performed during Family Weekend.
“Genetically-Encoded Technology in
Synthetic Chemistry and Chemical Biology”
Ratmir Derda, associate professor of chemistry at the
University of Alberta, will discuss his work with genetically-
encoded libraries of proteins and the significance of
genetically-encoded technology in the discovery of biological
drugs, $200 billion in sales in 2017. LECTURE LECTURE
Room 20, Druckenmiller Hall. 3 p.m.
“Kith and Kiln: The Rituals of “Socialism for Centrists: A Political
Ancient Childbirth” Philosophy for the 99%”
Kerry M. Sonia, visiting assistant professor of women’s Samuel Arnold, associate professor of political science at
studies and Hebrew Bible at the Harvard Divinity School, Texas Christian University, will speak on socialism’s meaning,
will give a talk on the materiality of childbirth and the role of respond to common objections of socialism and argue for

SATURDAY 2 ritual objects in childbirth and infant care in the Hebrew Bible
and Israelite religion.
Room 208, Adams Hall. 5 p.m.
socialist institutions to be implemented in United States
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall. 4:30 p.m.
Paint Night in the Pub
The Bowdoin Craft Center will host a self-guided, evening
painting session. The Center will provide painting supplies.
Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill, David Saul Smith Union. 7 p.m.

“Wasted! The Story of Food Waste”
Frontier will show Anna Chai and Nari Kye’s “Wasted,” a
documentary that aims to change the way people buy, cook,
recycle and eat food. Election Day: Shuttles to the Polls EVENT
Frontier. 3 p.m. The Joseph McKeen Center for the Common Good will provide a Open Mic Night
shuttle to take voters to the polls. Student volunteers may also sign The Quill will host an open mic night for students to share
up online to greet voters, educate them and drive the “Votemobile.” their poetry, prose, music and stand-up comedy. Food and
Polar Bear Statue, Moulton Circle. 10 a.m. drinks will be available for purchase.
Little Dog Coffee Shop. 7 p.m.

Artist talk with Derek No-Sun Brown EVENT
The Native American Student Association will welcome Multilingual Poetry Evening
EVENT Shoshone-Bannock, Klamath and Ojibwe artist Derek No- Students will read poems in Arabic, French, Ancient Greek,
Vinyasa Power Flow Sun Brown. He will give an interactive presentation featuring Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. English
Yoga instructor Hailey Aronson will lead a Vinyasa Yoga session. his art. translations and refreshments will be provided.
Room 301, Peter Buck Center for Health and Fitness. 5 p.m. Lancaster Lounge, Moulton Union. 4:30 p.m. Great Room, 30 College Street. 6:30 p.m.

8 EVENT 9 EVENT 10 11 12 13 14 EVENT

Bowdoin Slam
AF/AM 50 AF/AM 50 Poets at the

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