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The happiness advantage

I will never forget day when my parents took me to an art course, that day I felt
very anxious because I was going to learn to paint in oil and draw.

Days before I had to present an admission test, my teacher was surprised because
I had drawn a very beautiful work of art and I felt very proud.

I started to go to classes, as soon as I was acquiring knowledge and practice my

teacher suggested that I make a painting for an exhibition of the course, I felt very
nervous of such responsibility. I managed to create a painting that enhances the
beauty of the colonial era, I had inspired by the artist Alessandro Leone Varotari,
known as the Padovino, all were very fascinated with the quality of my painting. I
continued creating paintings, after a time I had acquired a master’s degree in art
and painting. My biggest surprise was when they called me to study at European
university where they teach painting, draw and sculpture. I am amazed how art
changed my life and inspired me to leave a legacy in my family.

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