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World Justice Project

Rule of
Law Index ®

The World Justice Project Rule The World Justice Project
of Law Index 2019®
Board of Directors: Shaikha Abdulla Al-Misnad, Kamel
The WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 report was Ayadi, William C. Hubbard, Hassan Bubacar Jallow,
prepared by the World Justice Project’s research Suet-Fern Lee, Mondli Makhanya, William H. Neukom,
team. The Index’s conceptual framework and John Nery, Ellen Gracie Northfleet, James R. Silkenat,
methodology were developed by Juan Carlos Botero, and Petar Stoyanov.
Mark David Agrast, and Alejandro Ponce. Data
collection and analysis for the 2019 report was Directors Emeritus: President Dr. Ashraf Ghani
performed by Kate Adams, Alicia Evangelides, Emily Ahmadzai
Gray, Amy Gryskiewicz, Camilo Gutiérrez Patiño,
Matthew Harman, Alexa Hopkins, Ayyub Ibrahim, Officers: Mark D. Agrast, Vice President; Deborah
Sarah Chamness Long, Rachel Martin, Jorge Morales, Enix-Ross, Vice President; William C. Hubbard,
Alejandro Ponce, Christine S. Pratt, Leslie Solís Chairman of the Board; Gerold W. Libby, General
Saravia, Rebecca Silvas, and Adriana Stephan, with Counsel and Secretary; William H. Neukom, Founder
the assistance of Erin Campbell, Benjamin Carleton, and CEO; James R. Silkenat, Director and Treasurer.
Aoife Croucher, Yearim de Leon, Patrick McDonell,
David Alex Mejia, Monica Oves, Emma Poplack, Executive Director: Elizabeth Andersen
Jessica Sawadogo, Alexander Trivella, Jennifer
VanRiper, Raven Venegas, and Melissa Wanyoike. Chief Research Officer: Alejandro Ponce

Lead graphic designer for this report was Priya The WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 report was made
Khosla, with assistance from Sonia Polyzos. possible by the generous supporters of the work of
Lead website designer was Dan McCarey, with the World Justice Project listed in this report on page
assistance from Priya Khosla. 193.

© Copyright 2019 by the World Justice Project. The

WJP Rule of Law Index and the World Justice Project
Rule of Law Index are trademarks of the World Justice
Project. All Rights Reserved. Requests to reproduce
this document should be sent to Alejandro Ponce,
The World Justice Project, 1025 Vermont Avenue,
NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005 USA

IBSN (print version): 978-0-9964094-0-7

IBSN (online version): 978-0-9964094-1-4
World Justice Project

Rule of
Law Index ®

Table of
Section One About the WJP Rule of Law Index
05 Introduction
06 Overview of Scores & Rankings
07 Features of the WJP Rule of Law Index
07 Defining the Rule of Law
10 Conceptual Framework of the WJP Rule of Law Index
11 Indicators of the WJP Rule of Law Index

Section Two Scores & Rankings

16 Rule of Law Around the World
18 Rule of Law by Region
20 Rule of Law by Income
22 Rule of Law by Factor

Section Three Country Profiles

32 How to Read the Country Profiles

Section Four Behind the Numbers

160 Methodology
167 Contributing Experts
190 Acknowledgments
192 About the World Justice Project

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 3


About the
WJP Rule of
Law Index


The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® 2019 is the latest report
in an annual series measuring the rule of law based on the experiences
and perceptions of the general public and in-country experts worldwide.

Strengthening the rule of law is a major goal of citizens, governments,

donors, businesses, and civil society organizations around the world.
To be effective, rule of law development requires clarity about the
fundamental features that define the rule of law, as well as an adequate
basis for its evaluation and measurement.

The WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 presents a portrait of the rule of law
in 126 countries by providing scores and rankings based on eight
factors: constraints on government powers, absence of corruption,
open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory
enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice.

The country scores and rankings for the WJP Rule of Law Index 2019
are derived from more than 120,000 household surveys and 3,800
expert surveys in 126 countries and jurisdictions. The Index is the
world’s most comprehensive dataset of its kind and the only to rely
principally on primary data, measuring countries’ adherence to the rule
of law from the perspective of ordinary people and their experiences.

The Index is intended for a broad audience that includes policy makers,
civil society organizations, academics, citizens, and legal professionals,
among others. It is our hope that this diagnostic tool will help identify
countries’ strengths and weaknesses and encourage policy choices that
strengthen the rule of law within and across countries.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 5

Overview of Scores & Rankings
The table below shows the overall scores and rankings of the WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 in alphabetical order. Scores range from 0
to 1, with 1 indicating the strongest adherence to the rule of law.
Global Global
Score Global Rank Score Global Rank
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Change* Rank Change† Country/Jurisdiction Score* Change* Rank Change†

Afghanistan 0.35 0.00 123 0 Iran 0.45 -0.03 102 16

Albania 0.51 0.00 71 0 Italy 0.65 0.01 28 3
Algeria 0.51 72 Jamaica 0.56 -0.01 50 0
Angola 0.41 111 Japan 0.78 -0.01 15 1
Antigua & Barbuda 0.63 0.00 33 1 Jordan 0.57 -0.03 49 4
Argentina 0.58 0.00 46 3 Kazakhstan 0.52 0.00 65 2
Australia 0.80 0.00 11 1 Kenya 0.45 0.00 101 0
Austria 0.82 0.01 7 1 Kyrgyzstan 0.48 0.00 85 2
Bahamas 0.61 0.01 39 3 Lebanon 0.47 0.00 89 3
Bangladesh 0.41 0.00 112 1 Liberia 0.46 0.01 97 2
Barbados 0.65 0.00 29 1 Macedonia, FYR 0.54 0.01 56 4
Belarus 0.52 0.00 66 2 Madagascar 0.43 -0.01 107 0
Belgium 0.79 0.02 14 1 Malawi 0.51 0.00 67 2
Belize 0.48 0.00 86 0 Malaysia 0.55 0.02 51 5
Benin 0.50 79 Mali 0.45 103
Bolivia 0.38 0.00 119 2 Mauritania 0.35 122
Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.53 0.00 60 1 Mauritius 0.61 37
Botswana 0.59 0.01 44 4 Mexico 0.45 0.00 99 2
Brazil 0.53 -0.01 58 3 Moldova 0.49 0.00 83 0
Bulgaria 0.54 0.01 54 4 Mongolia 0.55 0.00 53 1
Burkina Faso 0.50 0.00 73 1 Morocco 0.50 -0.01 74 3
Cambodia 0.32 0.00 125 0 Mozambique 0.43 108
Cameroon 0.37 0.01 120 0 Myanmar 0.42 0.00 110 0
Canada 0.81 0.00 9 0 Namibia 0.62 34
Chile 0.68 0.01 25 2 Nepal 0.53 0.00 59 2
China 0.49 -0.01 82 2 Netherlands 0.84 -0.01 5 0
Colombia 0.50 -0.01 80 3 New Zealand 0.82 0.00 8 1
Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.33 124 Nicaragua 0.40 -0.03 114 4
Costa Rica 0.69 0.00 24 0 Niger 0.44 104
Cote d'Ivoire 0.46 -0.01 93 4 Nigeria 0.43 0.00 106 0
Croatia 0.61 0.00 42 4 Norway 0.89 0.01 2 0
Czech Republic 0.73 -0.01 19 2 Pakistan 0.39 0.00 117 1
Denmark 0.90 0.01 1 0 Panama 0.52 0.00 64 0
Dominica 0.59 -0.01 45 1 Peru 0.51 -0.02 70 7
Dominican Republic 0.46 0.00 95 0 Philippines 0.47 0.00 90 3
Ecuador 0.48 0.01 87 3 Poland 0.66 -0.01 27 2
Egypt 0.36 0.00 121 0 Portugal 0.71 -0.01 22 1
El Salvador 0.48 0.00 84 0 Republic of Korea 0.73 0.01 18 2
Estonia 0.81 0.01 10 2 Romania 0.64 -0.01 31 2
Ethiopia 0.39 0.01 118 0 Russia 0.47 0.00 88 6
Finland 0.87 0.00 3 0 Rwanda 0.61 40
France 0.73 0.00 17 1 Senegal 0.55 0.00 52 0
Georgia 0.61 0.00 41 0 Serbia 0.50 0.00 78 2
Germany 0.84 0.00 6 0 Sierra Leone 0.45 0.00 98 0
Ghana 0.58 -0.01 48 2 Singapore 0.80 0.00 13 0
Greece 0.62 0.01 36 4 Slovenia 0.67 0.00 26 0
Grenada 0.60 -0.01 43 4 South Africa 0.58 -0.01 47 0
Guatemala 0.46 0.02 96 5 Spain 0.71 0.01 21 2
Guinea 0.44 105 Sri Lanka 0.52 0.00 63 1
Guyana 0.50 0.00 75 2 St. Kitts & Nevis 0.65 -0.01 30 2
Honduras 0.40 0.00 115 1 St. Lucia 0.61 -0.01 38 3
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.77 0.00 16 0 St. Vincent & the
0.62 0.01 35 3
Hungary 0.53 -0.01 57 4 Grenadines
India 0.51 -0.01 68 3 Suriname 0.51 0.00 69 3
Indonesia 0.52 0.00 62 4 Sweden 0.85 -0.01 4 0

* Scores and change in scores are rounded to two decimal places.

The change in rankings was calculated by comparing the positions of the 113 countries measured in the 2017–2018 Index with the rankings of the same 113 countries in 2019,
exclusive of the 13 new countries indexed in 2019. The 13 new countries added to the Index are: Algeria; Angola; Benin; Congo, Dem. Rep.; Guinea; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius;
Mozambique; Namibia; Niger; Rwanda; and Togo.

Global Global
Score Global Rank Score Global Rank
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Change* Rank Change† Country/Jurisdiction Score* Change* Rank Change†

Tanzania 0.47 0.00 91 0 United Kingdom 0.80 -0.01 12 1

Thailand 0.50 0.00 76 1 United States 0.71 -0.02 20 1
Togo 0.45 100 Uruguay 0.71 0.00 23 1
Trinidad & Tobago 0.54 -0.02 55 4 Uzbekistan 0.46 0.00 94 2
Tunisia 0.53 -0.01 61 4 Venezuela 0.28 -0.01 126 0
Turkey 0.42 0.01 109 2 Vietnam 0.49 -0.01 81 2
Uganda 0.40 0.00 113 2 Zambia 0.47 -0.01 92 4
Ukraine 0.50 0.00 77 4 Zimbabwe 0.40 0.03 116 3
United Arab Emirates 0.64 0.00 32 0

Features of the WJP Rule of Law Index Taken together, these two data sources provide current, original
The World Justice Project (WJP) developed the WJP Rule of Law information reflecting the experiences and perceptions of the
Index to serve as a quantitative tool for measuring the rule of general public in 126 countries worldwide.
law in practice. The Index’s methodology and comprehensive
definition of the rule of law are the products of intensive Defining the Rule of Law
consultation and vetting with academics, practitioners, and Effective rule of law reduces corruption, combats poverty and
community leaders from more than 100 countries and 17 disease, and protects people from injustices large and small. It
professional disciplines. The scores and rankings of the eight is the foundation for communities of justice, opportunity, and
factors and 44 sub-factors of the Index draw from two sources peace—underpinning development, accountable government,
of data collected by the WJP: and respect for fundamental rights. Traditionally, the rule of
law has been viewed as the domain of lawyers and judges. But
1. A General Population Poll (GPP) conducted by everyday issues of safety, rights, justice, and governance affect
leading local polling companies, using a representative us all; everyone is a stakeholder in the rule of law.
sample of 1,000 respondents in each country;

Despite its profound importance for fair and functioning

2. Qualified Respondents’ Questionnaires (QRQs) societies, the rule of law is notoriously difficult to define and
consisting of closed-ended questions completed by in- measure. A simple way of approaching it is to examine a set of
country practitioners and academics with expertise in outcomes that the rule of law brings to societies, each of which
civil and commercial law, criminal justice, labor law, and reflects one aspect of the complex concept of the rule of law.
public health. 2 The WJP Rule of Law Index seeks to embody these outcomes
within a simple and coherent framework.

Country-Specific Data and Online Tools

In addition to this written report, an interactive online
platform for country-specific WJP Rule of Law Index® data
is available at: The interactive
data site invites viewers to browse each of the 126 country
profiles and explore country and factor scores. The site
features the Index’s entire dataset as well as global, regional,
and income group rankings.

* Scores and change in scores are rounded to two decimal places.

The change in rankings was calculated by comparing the positions of the 113 countries measured in the 2017–2018 Index with the rankings of the same 113 countries in 2019,
exclusive of the 13 new countries indexed in 2019.
Due to small populations or obstacles to data collection in certain countries, the sampling plan was adjusted in some cases. One adjustment was to decrease the sample
size. For more information on specific countries and sample sizes, see pages 164–166.
Please see the “Methodology” section on page 160 of this report for more detailed information regarding data collection and score computation.
2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 7
Main Features

The WJP Rule of Law Index includes several features that set with the rule of law in their societies. The Index examines
it apart from other indices and make it useful for analysis practical, everyday situations, such as whether people
across a large number of countries: can access public services and whether a dispute among
neighbors can be resolved peacefully and cost-effectively by
Rule of Law in Practice an independent adjudicator.
The Index measures adherence to the rule of law by looking
at policy outcomes, such as whether people have access to New Data Anchored in Actual Experiences
courts or whether crime is effectively controlled. This stands The Index is the only comprehensive set of indicators on
in contrast to efforts that focus on the written legal code, the rule of law that is based on primary data. The Index’s
or the institutional means by which a society may seek to scores are built from the assessments of residents (1,000
achieve these policy outcomes. respondents per country) and local legal experts, which
ensure that the findings reflect the conditions experienced
Comprehensive and Multi-Dimensional by actual people, including residents from marginalized
While other indices cover particular aspects of the rule of sectors of society.
law, such as absence of corruption or human rights, they
do not yield a full picture of the state of the rule of law. Culturally Competent
The WJP Rule of Law Index is the only global instrument that The Index has been designed to be applied in countries
looks at the rule of law comprehensively. with vastly different social, cultural, economic, and political
systems. No society has ever attained—let alone sustained
Perspective of Ordinary People —a perfect realization of the rule of law. Every country
The WJP Rule of Law Index puts people at its core. It looks faces the perpetual challenge of building and renewing the
at a country’s adherence to the rule of law from the structures, institutions, and norms that can support and
perspective of ordinary individuals and their experiences sustain a rule of law culture.

The WJP Rule of Law Index captures adherence to the rule of the rule of law that focuses on formal, procedural rules, and a
law as defined by the WJP’s universal principles (see following “thick” conception that includes substantive characteristics, such
page) through a comprehensive and multi-dimensional set of as self-governance and various fundamental rights and freedoms.
outcome indicators, each of which reflects a particular aspect of Striking this balance between “thin” and “thick” conceptions of
this complex concept. The theoretical framework linking these the rule of law enables the Index to apply to different types of
outcome indicators draws upon two main principles pertaining social and political systems, including those that lack many of the
to the relationship between the state and the governed. features that characterize democratic nations, while including
sufficient substantive characteristics to render the rule of law as
The first principle measures whether the law imposes limits more than a system of rules. The Index recognizes that a system
on the exercise of power by the state and its agents, as well of law that fails to respect core human rights guaranteed under
as individuals and private entities. This is measured in factors international law is at best “rule by law” and does not deserve to
one, two, three, and four of the Index. The second principle be called a rule of law system.
measures whether the state limits the actions of members of
society and fulfills its basic duties towards its population so that The rule of law affects all of us in our everyday lives. Although
the public interest is served, people are protected from violence, we may not be aware of it, the rule of law is profoundly
and all members of society have access to dispute settlement important—and not just for lawyers or judges. Every sector
and grievance mechanisms. This is measured in factors five, of society is a stakeholder in the rule of law. Below are a few
six, seven, and eight of the Index. Although broad in scope, this examples:
framework assumes very little about the functions of the state,
and when it does, it incorporates functions that are recognized Business Environment
by practically all societies, such as the provision of justice or the Imagine an investor seeking to commit resources abroad.
guarantee of order and security. She would probably think twice before investing in a country
where corruption is rampant, property rights are ill-defined,
The resulting set of indicators is also an effort to strike a balance and contracts are difficult to enforce. Uneven enforcement of
between what scholars call a “thin” or minimalist conception of regulations, corruption, insecure property rights, and ineffective

means to settle disputes undermine legitimate business and Public Health & Environment
deter both domestic and foreign investment. Consider the implications of pollution, wildlife poaching, and
deforestation for public health and the environment. What
Public Works would happen if a company were pouring harmful chemicals
Consider the bridges, roads, or runways we traverse daily—or into a river in a highly populated area and the environmental
the offices and buildings in which we live, work, and play. What inspector ignored these actions in exchange for a bribe?
would happen if building codes governing design and safety were Adherence to the rule of law is essential to holding governments,
not enforced or government officials and contractors used low- businesses, civil society organizations, and communities
quality materials in order to pocket the surplus? Weak regulatory accountable for protecting public health and the environment.
enforcement and corruption decrease the security of physical
infrastructure and waste scarce resources, which are essential to
a thriving economy.

Four Universal Principles of the Rule of Law

The rule of law is a framework of laws and institutions that embodies four universal principles:

1. Accountability 2. Just Laws 3. Open Government 4. Accessible & Impartial

Dispute Resolution

The government as well The laws are clear, The processes by which Justice is delivered
as private actors are publicized, stable, and the laws are enacted, timely by competent,
accountable under the just; are applied evenly; administered, and ethical, and independent
law. and protect fundamental enforced are accessible, representatives and
rights, including the fair, and efficient. neutrals who are
security of persons, accessible, have
contract and property adequate resources, and
rights, and certain core reflect the makeup of the
human rights. communities they serve.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 9

Conceptual Framework of the WJP Rule of Law Index
The conceptual framework of the WJP Rule of Law Index is comprised of eight factors further disaggregated into 44 sub-factors. These
factors and sub-factors are presented below and described in detail in the section that follows.

1.1 Government powers are effectively limited by the legislature

1.2 Government powers are effectively limited by the judiciary
1.3 Government powers are effectively limited by independent auditing and review
Constraints on 1.4 Government officials are sanctioned for misconduct
Government 1.5 Government powers are subject to non-governmental checks
Powers 1.6 Transition of power is subject to the law

2.1 Government officials in the executive branch do not use public office for private gain
2.2 Government officials in the judicial branch do not use public office for private gain
2.3 Government officials in the police & the military do not use public office for private gain
Absence of
Corruption 2.4 Government officials in the legislative branch do not use public office for private gain

3.1 Publicized laws & government data

3.2 Right to information
Open 3.3 Civic participation
Government 3.4 Complaint mechanisms

4.1 Equal treatment & absence of discrimination

4.2 The right to life & security of the person is effectively guaranteed
4.3 Due process of the law and rights of the accused
4.4 Freedom of opinion & expression is effectively guaranteed
Fundamental 4.5 Freedom of belief & religion is effectively guaranteed
4.6 Freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy is effectively guaranteed
4.7 Freedom of assembly & association is effectively guaranteed
4.8 Fundamental labor rights are effectively guaranteed

5.1 Crime is effectively controlled

5.2 Civil conflict is effectively limited
Order & Security 5.3 People do not resort to violence to redress personal grievances

6.1 Government regulations are effectively enforced

6.2 Government regulations are applied & enforced without improper influence
6.3 Administrative proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delay
Regulatory 6.4 Due process is respected in administrative proceedings
Enforcement 6.5 The government does not expropriate without lawful process & adequate compensation

7.1 People can access & afford civil justice

7.2 Civil justice is free of discrimination
7.3 Civil justice is free of corruption
7.4 Civil justice is free of improper government influence
Justice 7.5 Civil justice is not subject to unreasonable delay
7.6 Civil justice is effectively enforced
7.7 Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are accessible, impartial, and effective

8.1 Criminal investigation system is effective

8.2 Criminal adjudication system is timely and effective
8.3 Correctional system is effective in reducing criminal behavior
Criminal 8.4 Criminal justice system is impartial
Justice 8.5 Criminal justice system is free of corruption
8.6 Criminal justice system is free of improper government influence
8.7 Due process of the law & rights of the accused

Informal Justice and the Rule of Law

The conceptual framework of the Index includes a ninth factor on informal justice that is not included in the Index’s aggregate
scores and rankings. Informal justice systems often play a large role in countries where formal legal institutions are weak,
remote, or perceived as ineffective. For this reason, the WJP has devoted significant effort to collecting data on informal
justice through our surveys. Nonetheless, the complexities of these systems and the difficulties of systematically measuring
their fairness and effectiveness make cross-country assessments extraordinarily challenging.

Factor 9: Informal Justice

9.1 Informal justice is timely & effective
9.2 Informal justice is impartial & free of improper influence
9.3 Informal justice respects & protects fundamental rights

Indicators of the WJP Rule of Law Index

Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers Factor 2: Absence of Corruption

1.1 Government powers are effectively limited by the legislature 2.1 Government officials in the executive branch do not use public
Measures whether legislative bodies have the ability in office for private gain
practice to exercise effective checks on and oversight of Measures the prevalence of bribery, informal payments,
the government. and other inducements in the delivery of public services
and the enforcement of regulations. It also measures
1.2 Government powers are effectively limited by the judiciary whether government procurement and public works
Measures whether the judiciary has the independence contracts are awarded through an open and competitive
and the ability in practice to exercise effective checks on bidding process, and whether government officials
the government. at various levels of the executive branch refrain from
embezzling public funds.
1.3 Government powers are effectively limited by independent
auditing and review 2.2 Government officials in the judicial branch do not use public
Measures whether comptrollers or auditors, as well office for private gain
as national human rights ombudsman agencies, have Measures whether judges and judicial officials refrain
sufficient independence and the ability to exercise from soliciting and accepting bribes to perform duties
effective checks on and oversight of the government. or expedite processes, and whether the judiciary and
judicial rulings are free of improper influence by the
1.4 Government officials are sanctioned for misconduct government, private interests, and criminal organizations.
Measures whether government officials in the executive,
legislature, judiciary, and the police are investigated, 2.3 Government officials in the police & the military do not use
prosecuted, and punished for official misconduct and public office for private gain
other violations. Measures whether police officers and criminal
investigators refrain from soliciting and accepting bribes
1.5 Government powers are subject to non-governmental checks to perform basic police services or to investigate crimes,
Measures whether an independent media, civil society and whether government officials in the police and
organizations, political parties, and individuals are free the military are free of improper influence by private
to report and comment on government policies without interests or criminal organizations.
fear of retaliation.
2.4 Government officials in the legislative branch do
1.6 Transition of power is subject to the law not use public office for private gain
Measures whether government officials are elected or Measures whether members of the legislature refrain
appointed in accordance with the rules and procedures from soliciting or accepting bribes or other inducements
set forth in the constitution. Where elections take in exchange for political favors or favorable votes on
place, it also measures the integrity of the electoral legislation.
process, including access to the ballot, the absence of
intimidation, and public scrutiny of election results.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 11

Factor 3: Open Government

3.1 Publicized laws & government data pre-trial detention. It also measures whether criminal
Measures whether basic laws and information on legal suspects are able to access and challenge evidence
rights are publicly available, presented in plain language, used against them, whether they are subject to abusive
and made accessible in all languages. It also measures treatment, and whether they are provided with adequate
the quality and accessibility of information published legal assistance. In addition, it measures whether the basic
by the government in print or online, and whether rights of prisoners are respected once they have been
administrative regulations, drafts of legislation, and high convicted of a crime.
court decisions are made accessible to the public in a
timely manner. 4.4 Freedom of opinion & expression is effectively guaranteed
Measures whether an independent media, civil society
3.2 Right to information organizations, political parties, and individuals are free
Measures whether requests for information held by a to report and comment on government policies without
government agency are granted, whether these requests fear of retaliation.
are granted within a reasonable time period, if the
information provided is pertinent and complete, and 4.5 Freedom of belief & religion is effectively guaranteed
if requests for information are granted at a reasonable Measures whether members of religious minorities
cost and without having to pay a bribe. It also measures can worship and conduct religious practices freely and
whether people are aware of their right to information, publicly, and whether non-adherents are protected
and whether relevant records are accessible to the public from having to submit to religious laws.
upon request.
4.6 Freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy
3.3 Civic participation is effectively guaranteed
Measures the effectiveness of civic participation Measures whether the police or other government
mechanisms, including the protection of the freedoms officials conduct physical searches without warrants,
of opinion and expression, assembly and association, or intercept electronic communications of private
and the right to petition the government. It also individuals without judicial authorization.
measures whether people can voice concerns to various
government officers, and whether government officials 4.7 Freedom of assembly & association is
provide sufficient information and notice about decisions effectively guaranteed
affecting the community. Measures whether people can freely attend community
meetings, join political organizations, hold peaceful
3.4 Complaint mechanisms public demonstrations, sign petitions, and express
Measures whether people are able to bring specific opinions against government policies and actions
complaints to the government about the provision without fear of retaliation.
of public services or the performance of government
officers in carrying out their legal duties in practice, and 4.8 Fundamental labor rights are effectively guaranteed
how government officials respond to such complaints. Measures the effective enforcement of fundamental
labor rights, including freedom of association and
the right to collective bargaining, the absence of
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights discrimination with respect to employment, and
freedom from forced labor and child labor.
4.1 Equal treatment & absence of discrimination
Measures whether individuals are free from
discrimination—based on socio-economic status, Factor 5: Order & Security
gender, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual
orientation, or gender identity—with respect to 5.1 Crime is effectively controlled
public services, employment, court proceedings, Measures the prevalence of common crimes, including
and the justice system. homicide, kidnapping, burglary and theft, armed
robbery, and extortion, as well as people’s general
4.2 The right to life & security of the person is perceptions of safety in their communities.
effectively guaranteed
Measures whether the police inflict physical harm 5.2 Civil conflict is effectively limited
upon criminal suspects during arrest and interrogation, Measures whether people are effectively protected
and whether political dissidents or members of the from armed conflict and terrorism.
media are subjected to unreasonable searches, arrest,
detention, imprisonment, threats, abusive treatment, 5.3 People do not resort to violence to redress
or violence. personal grievances
Measures whether people resort to intimidation or
4.3 Due process of the law & rights of the accused violence to resolve civil disputes amongst themselves
Measures whether the basic rights of criminal suspects are or to seek redress from the government, and whether
respected, including the presumption of innocence and people are free from mob violence.
the freedom from arbitrary arrest and unreasonable

Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement 7.5 Civil justice is not subject to unreasonable delay
Measures whether civil justice proceedings are
6.1 Government regulations are effectively enforced conducted and judgments are produced in a timely
Measures whether government regulations, such manner without unreasonable delay.
as labor, environmental, public health, commercial,
and consumer protection regulations are effectively 7.6 Civil justice is effectively enforced
enforced. Measures the effectiveness and timeliness of the
enforcement of civil justice decisions and judgments in
6.2 Government regulations are applied & enforced without practice.
improper influence
Measures whether the enforcement of regulations is 7.7 Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are
subject to bribery or improper influence by private accessible, impartial, & effective
interests, and whether public services, such as the Measures whether alternative dispute resolution
issuance of permits and licenses and the administration mechanisms (ADRs) are affordable, efficient, enforceable,
of public health services, are provided without bribery and free of corruption.
or other inducements.

6.3 Administrative proceedings are conducted without Factor 8: Criminal Justice

unreasonable delay
Measures whether administrative proceedings at 8.1 Criminal investigation system is effective
the national and local levels are conducted without Measures whether perpetrators of crimes are effectively
unreasonable delay. apprehended and charged. It also measures whether
police, investigators, and prosecutors have adequate
6.4 Due process is respected in administrative proceedings resources, are free of corruption, and perform their
Measures whether the due process of law is respected duties competently.
in administrative proceedings conducted by national
and local authorities in issue areas such as the 8.2 Criminal adjudication system is timely & effective
environment, taxes, and labor. Measures whether perpetrators of crimes are effectively
prosecuted and punished. It also measures whether
6.5 The government does not expropriate without criminal judges and other judicial officers are competent
lawful process & adequate compensation and produce speedy decisions.
Measures whether the government respects the
property rights of people and corporations, refrains 8.3 Correctional system is effective in reducing criminal behavior
from the illegal seizure of private property, and provides Measures whether correctional institutions are secure,
adequate compensation when property is legally respect prisoners’ rights, and are effective in preventing
expropriated. recidivism.

8.4 Criminal justice system is impartial

Factor 7: Civil Justice Measures whether the police and criminal judges are
impartial and whether they discriminate in practice based
7.1 People can access & afford civil justice on socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, religion,
Measures the accessibility and affordability of civil national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
courts, including whether people are aware of available
remedies; can access and afford legal advice and 8.5 Criminal justice system is free of corruption
representation; and can access the court system without Measures whether the police, prosecutors, and judges
incurring unreasonable fees, encountering unreasonable are free of bribery and improper influence from criminal
procedural hurdles, or experiencing physical or linguistic organizations.
8.6 Criminal justice system is free of improper government influence
7.2 Civil justice is free of discrimination Measures whether the criminal justice system is
Measures whether the civil justice system discriminates independent from government or political influence.
in practice based on socio-economic status, gender,
ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or 8.7 Due process of the law and rights of the accused
gender identity. Measures whether the basic rights of criminal suspects
are respected, including the presumption of innocence
7.3 Civil justice is free of corruption and the freedom from arbitrary arrest and unreasonable
Measures whether the civil justice system is free of pre-trial detention. It also measures whether criminal
bribery and improper influence by private interests. suspects are able to access and challenge evidence
used against them, whether they are subject to abusive
7.4 Civil justice is free of improper government influence treatment, and whether they are provided with adequate
Measures whether the civil justice system is free of legal assistance. In addition, it measures whether the
improper government or political influence. basic rights of prisoners are respected once they have
been convicted of a crime.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 13



2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 15

Scores & Rankings

Rule of Law
Around the World
.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above
weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

Overall Global
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Denmark 0.90 1
Norway 0.89 2
Finland 0.87 3
Sweden 0.85 4
Netherlands 0.84 5
Germany 0.84 6
Austria 0.82 7
New Zealand 0.82 8
Canada 0.81 9
Estonia 0.81 10
Australia 0.80 11
United Kingdom 0.80 12 Overall Global
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank
Singapore 0.80 13
Belgium 0.79 14 Croatia 0.61 42
Japan 0.78 15 Grenada 0.60 43
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.77 16 Botswana 0.59 44
France 0.73 17 Dominica 0.59 45
Republic of Korea 0.73 18 Argentina 0.58 46
Czech Republic 0.73 19 South Africa 0.58 47
United States 0.71 20 Ghana 0.58 48
Spain 0.71 21 Jordan 0.57 49
Portugal 0.71 22 Jamaica 0.56 50
Uruguay 0.71 23 Malaysia 0.55 51
Costa Rica 0.69 24 Senegal 0.55 52
Chile 0.68 25 Mongolia 0.55 53
Slovenia 0.67 26 Bulgaria 0.54 54
Poland 0.66 27 Trinidad & Tobago 0.54 55
Italy 0.65 28 Macedonia, FYR 0.54 56
Barbados 0.65 29 Hungary 0.53 57
St. Kitts & Nevis 0.65 30 Brazil 0.53 58
Romania 0.64 31 Nepal 0.53 59
United Arab Emirates 0.64 32 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.53 60
Antigua & Barbuda 0.63 33 Tunisia 0.53 61
Namibia 0.62 34 Indonesia 0.52 62
St. Vincent & the Grenadines 0.62 35 Sri Lanka 0.52 63
Greece 0.62 36 Panama 0.52 64
Mauritius 0.61 37 Kazakhstan 0.52 65
St. Lucia 0.61 38 Belarus 0.52 66
Bahamas 0.61 39 Malawi 0.51 67
Rwanda 0.61 40 India 0.51 68
Georgia 0.61 41 Suriname 0.51 69

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places.

Overall Global
Overall Global Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank
Sierra Leone 0.45 98
Peru 0.51 70
Mexico 0.45 99
Albania 0.51 71
Togo 0.45 100
Algeria 0.51 72
Kenya 0.45 101
Burkina Faso 0.50 73
Iran 0.45 102
Morocco 0.50 74
Mali 0.45 103
Guyana 0.50 75
Niger 0.44 104
Thailand 0.50 76
Guinea 0.44 105
Ukraine 0.50 77
Nigeria 0.43 106
Serbia 0.50 78
Madagascar 0.43 107
Benin 0.50 79
Mozambique 0.43 108
Colombia 0.50 80
Turkey 0.42 109
Vietnam 0.49 81
Myanmar 0.42 110
China 0.49 82
Angola 0.41 111
Moldova 0.49 83
Bangladesh 0.41 112
El Salvador 0.48 84
Uganda 0.40 113
Kyrgyzstan 0.48 85
Nicaragua 0.40 114
Belize 0.48 86
Honduras 0.40 115
Ecuador 0.48 87
Zimbabwe 0.40 116
Russia 0.47 88
Pakistan 0.39 117
Lebanon 0.47 89
Ethiopia 0.39 118
Philippines 0.47 90
Bolivia 0.38 119
Tanzania 0.47 91
Cameroon 0.37 120
Zambia 0.47 92
Egypt 0.36 121
Cote d'Ivoire 0.46 93
Mauritania 0.35 122
Uzbekistan 0.46 94
Afghanistan 0.35 123
Dominican Republic 0.46 95
Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.33 124
Guatemala 0.46 96
Cambodia 0.32 125
Liberia 0.46 97
Venezuela 0.28 126

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 17

Scores & Rankings

Rule of Law Around the

World by Region
East Asia & Pacific
Change Change Change Change
Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

New Zealand 1/15 0.82 8/126 0.00 1 Indonesia 9/15 0.52 62/126 0.00 4
Australia 2/15 0.80 11/126 0.00 1 Thailand 10/15 0.50 76/126 0.00 1
Singapore 3/15 0.80 13/126 0.00 0 Vietnam 11/15 0.49 81/126 -0.01 2

Japan 4/15 0.78 15/126 -0.01 1 China 12/15 0.49 82/126 -0.01 2

Hong Kong SAR, China 5/15 0.77 16/126 0.00 0 Philippines 13/15 0.47 90/126 0.00 3

Republic of Korea 6/15 0.73 18/126 0.01 2 Myanmar 14/15 0.42 110/126 0.00 0

Malaysia 7/15 0.55 51/126 0.02 5 Cambodia 15/15 0.32 125/126 0.00 0

Mongolia 8/15 0.55 53/126 0.00 1

Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Change Change Change Change
Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

Georgia 1/13 0.61 41/126 0.00 0 Serbia 8/13 0.50 78/126 0.00 2
Macedonia, FYR 2/13 0.54 56/126 0.01 4 Moldova 9/13 0.49 83/126 0.00 0
Bosnia & Herzegovina 3/13 0.53 60/126 0.00 1 Kyrgyzstan 10/13 0.48 85/126 0.00 2
Kazakhstan 4/13 0.52 65/126 0.00 2 Russia 11/13 0.47 88/126 0.00 6
Belarus 5/13 0.52 66/126 0.00 2 Uzbekistan 12/13 0.46 94/126 0.00 2
Albania 6/13 0.51 71/126 0.00 0 Turkey 13/13 0.42 109/126 0.01 2
Ukraine 7/13 0.50 77/126 0.00 4

Latin America & Caribbean

Change Change Change Change
Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

Uruguay 1/30 0.71 23/126 0.00 1 Panama 16/30 0.52 64/126 0.00 0
Costa Rica 2/30 0.69 24/126 0.00 0 Suriname 17/30 0.51 69/126 0.00 3
Chile 3/30 0.68 25/126 0.01 2 Peru 18/30 0.51 70/126 -0.02 7
Barbados 4/30 0.65 29/126 0.00 1 Guyana 19/30 0.50 75/126 0.00 2
St. Kitts & Nevis 5/30 0.65 30/126 -0.01 2 Colombia 20/30 0.50 80/126 -0.01 3
Antigua & Barbuda 6/30 0.63 33/126 0.00 1 El Salvador 21/30 0.48 84/126 0.00 0
St. Vincent & the Belize 22/30 0.48 86/126 0.00 0
7/30 0.62 35/126 0.01 3
Ecuador 23/30 0.48 87/126 0.01 3
St. Lucia 8/30 0.61 38/126 -0.01 3
Dominican Republic 24/30 0.46 95/126 0.00 0
Bahamas 9/30 0.61 39/126 0.01 3
Guatemala 25/30 0.46 96/126 0.02 5
Grenada 10/30 0.60 43/126 -0.01 4
Mexico 26/30 0.45 99/126 0.00 2
Dominica 11/30 0.59 45/126 -0.01 1
Nicaragua 27/30 0.40 114/126 -0.03 4
Argentina 12/30 0.58 46/126 0.00 3
Honduras 28/30 0.40 115/126 0.00 1
Jamaica 13/30 0.56 50/126 -0.01 0
Bolivia 29/30 0.38 119/126 0.00 2
Trinidad & Tobago 14/30 0.54 55/126 -0.02 4
Venezuela 30/30 0.28 126/126 -0.01 0
Brazil 15/30 0.53 58/126 -0.01 3

* Scores and change in scores are rounded to two decimal places.

The change in rankings was calculated by comparing the positions of the 113 .40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above
countries measured in 2017–2018 with the rankings of the same 113 countries in
2019, exclusive of the 13 new countries indexed in 2019. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

EU & EFTA & North America
(European Union, European Free Trade Association, and North America)

Change Change Change Change

Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

Denmark 1/24 0.90 1/126 0.01 0 Czech Republic 13/24 0.73 19/126 -0.01 2
Norway 2/24 0.89 2/126 0.01 0 United States 14/24 0.71 20/126 -0.02 1
Finland 3/24 0.87 3/126 0.00 0 Spain 15/24 0.71 21/126 0.01 2
Sweden 4/24 0.85 4/126 -0.01 0 Portugal 16/24 0.71 22/126 -0.01 1
Netherlands 5/24 0.84 5/126 -0.01 0 Slovenia 17/24 0.67 26/126 0.00 0
Germany 6/24 0.84 6/126 0.00 0 Poland 18/24 0.66 27/126 -0.01 2
Austria 7/24 0.82 7/126 0.01 1 Italy 19/24 0.65 28/126 0.01 3
Canada 8/24 0.81 9/126 0.00 0 Romania 20/24 0.64 31/126 -0.01 2
Estonia 9/24 0.81 10/126 0.01 2 Greece 21/24 0.62 36/126 0.01 4
United Kingdom 10/24 0.80 12/126 -0.01 1 Croatia 22/24 0.61 42/126 0.00 4
Belgium 11/24 0.79 14/126 0.02 1 Bulgaria 23/24 0.54 54/126 0.01 4
France 12/24 0.73 17/126 0.00 1 Hungary 24/24 0.53 57/126 -0.01 4

Middle East & North Africa

Change Change Change Change
Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

United Arab Emirates 1/8 0.64 32/126 0.00 0 Morocco 5/8 0.50 74/126 -0.01 3
Jordan 2/8 0.57 49/126 -0.03 4 Lebanon 6/8 0.47 89/126 0.00 3
Tunisia 3/8 0.53 61/126 -0.01 4 Iran 7/8 0.45 102/126 -0.03 16
Algeria 4/8 0.51 72/126     Egypt 8/8 0.36 121/126 0.00 0

South Asia
Change Change Change Change
Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

Nepal 1/6 0.53 59/126 0.00 2 Bangladesh 4/6 0.41 112/126 0.00 1
Sri Lanka 2/6 0.52 63/126 0.00 1 Pakistan 5/6 0.39 117/126 0.00 1
India 3/6 0.51 68/126 -0.01 3 Afghanistan 6/6 0.35 123/126 0.00 0

Sub-Saharan Africa
Change Change Change Change
Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global Regional Overall Global in Overall in Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank† Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Score* Rank†

Namibia 1/30 0.62 34/126     Togo 16/30 0.45 100/126    

Mauritius 2/30 0.61 37/126     Kenya 17/30 0.45 101/126 0.00 0
Rwanda 3/30 0.61 40/126     Mali 18/30 0.45 103/126    
Botswana 4/30 0.59 44/126 0.01 4 Niger 19/30 0.44 104/126    
South Africa 5/30 0.58 47/126 -0.01 0 Guinea 20/30 0.44 105/126    
Ghana 6/30 0.58 48/126 -0.01 2 Nigeria 21/30 0.43 106/126 0.00 0
Senegal 7/30 0.55 52/126 0.00 0 Madagascar 22/30 0.43 107/126 -0.01 0
Malawi 8/30 0.51 67/126 0.00 2 Mozambique 23/30 0.43 108/126    
Burkina Faso 9/30 0.50 73/126 0.00 1 Angola 24/30 0.41 111/126    
Benin 10/30 0.50 79/126     Uganda 25/30 0.40 113/126 0.00 2
Tanzania 11/30 0.47 91/126 0.00 0 Zimbabwe 26/30 0.40 116/126 0.03 3
Zambia 12/30 0.47 92/126 -0.01 4 Ethiopia 27/30 0.39 118/126 0.01 0
Cote d'Ivoire 13/30 0.46 93/126 -0.01 4 Cameroon 28/30 0.37 120/126 0.01 0
Liberia 14/30 0.46 97/126 0.01 2 Mauritania 29/30 0.35 122/126    
Sierra Leone 15/30 0.45 98/126 0.00 0 Congo, Dem. Rep. 30/30 0.33 124/126    

* Scores and change in scores are rounded to two decimal places.

The change in rankings was calculated by comparing the positions of the 113 .40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above
countries measured in 2017–2018 with the rankings of the same 113 countries in
weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law
2019, exclusive of the 13 new countries indexed in 2019.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 19

Scores & Rankings

Rule of Law Around the

World by Income
Low Income
Low Low
Income Overall Global Income Overall Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank

Rwanda 1/20 0.61 40/126 Mali 11/20 0.45 103/126

Senegal 2/20 0.55 52/126 Niger 12/20 0.44 104/126
Nepal 3/20 0.53 59/126 Guinea 13/20 0.44 105/126
Malawi 4/20 0.51 67/126 Madagascar 14/20 0.43 107/126
Burkina Faso 5/20 0.50 73/126 Mozambique 15/20 0.43 108/126
Benin 6/20 0.50 79/126 Uganda 16/20 0.40 113/126
Tanzania 7/20 0.47 91/126 Zimbabwe 17/20 0.40 116/126
Liberia 8/20 0.46 97/126 Ethiopia 18/20 0.39 118/126
Sierra Leone 9/20 0.45 98/126 Afghanistan 19/20 0.35 123/126
Togo 10/20 0.45 100/126 Congo, Dem. Rep. 20/20 0.33 124/126

Lower Middle Income

Lower Lower
Middle Middle
Income Overall Global Income Overall Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank

Georgia 1/30 0.61 41/126 Cote d'Ivoire 16/30 0.46 93/126

Ghana 2/30 0.58 48/126 Uzbekistan 17/30 0.46 94/126
Mongolia 3/30 0.55 53/126 Kenya 18/30 0.45 101/126
Tunisia 4/30 0.53 61/126 Nigeria 19/30 0.43 106/126
Indonesia 5/30 0.52 62/126 Myanmar 20/30 0.42 110/126
Sri Lanka 6/30 0.52 63/126 Angola 21/30 0.41 111/126
India 7/30 0.51 68/126 Bangladesh 22/30 0.41 112/126
Morocco 8/30 0.50 74/126 Nicaragua 23/30 0.40 114/126
Ukraine 9/30 0.50 77/126 Honduras 24/30 0.40 115/126
Vietnam 10/30 0.49 81/126 Pakistan 25/30 0.39 117/126
Moldova 11/30 0.49 83/126 Bolivia 26/30 0.38 119/126
El Salvador 12/30 0.48 84/126 Cameroon 27/30 0.37 120/126
Kyrgyzstan 13/30 0.48 85/126 Egypt 28/30 0.36 121/126
Philippines 14/30 0.47 90/126 Mauritania 29/30 0.35 122/126
Zambia 15/30 0.47 92/126 Cambodia 30/30 0.32 125/126

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

Upper Middle Income
Upper Upper
Middle Middle
Income Overall Global Income Overall Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank

Costa Rica 1/38 0.69 24/126 Suriname 20/38 0.51 69/126

Romania 2/38 0.64 31/126 Peru 21/38 0.51 70/126
Namibia 3/38 0.62 34/126 Albania 22/38 0.51 71/126
St. Vincent & the Grenadines 4/38 0.62 35/126 Algeria 23/38 0.51 72/126
Mauritius 5/38 0.61 37/126 Guyana 24/38 0.50 75/126
St. Lucia 6/38 0.61 38/126 Thailand 25/38 0.50 76/126
Grenada 7/38 0.60 43/126 Serbia 26/38 0.50 78/126
Botswana 8/38 0.59 44/126 Colombia 27/38 0.50 80/126
Dominica 9/38 0.59 45/126 China 28/38 0.49 82/126
South Africa 10/38 0.58 47/126 Belize 29/38 0.48 86/126
Jordan 11/38 0.57 49/126 Ecuador 30/38 0.48 87/126
Jamaica 12/38 0.56 50/126 Russia 31/38 0.47 88/126
Malaysia 13/38 0.55 51/126 Lebanon 32/38 0.47 89/126
Bulgaria 14/38 0.54 54/126 Dominican Republic 33/38 0.46 95/126
Macedonia, FYR 15/38 0.54 56/126 Guatemala 34/38 0.46 96/126
Brazil 16/38 0.53 58/126 Mexico 35/38 0.45 99/126
Bosnia & Herzegovina 17/38 0.53 60/126 Iran 36/38 0.45 102/126
Kazakhstan 18/38 0.52 65/126 Turkey 37/38 0.42 109/126
Belarus 19/38 0.52 66/126 Venezuela 38/38 0.28 126/126

High Income
High High
Income Overall Global Income Overall Global
Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Rank Score* Rank

Denmark 1/38 0.90 1/126 United States 20/38 0.71 20/126

Norway 2/38 0.89 2/126 Spain 21/38 0.71 21/126
Finland 3/38 0.87 3/126 Portugal 22/38 0.71 22/126
Sweden 4/38 0.85 4/126 Uruguay 23/38 0.71 23/126
Netherlands 5/38 0.84 5/126 Chile 24/38 0.68 25/126

Germany 6/38 0.84 6/126 Slovenia 25/38 0.67 26/126

Austria 7/38 0.82 7/126 Poland 26/38 0.66 27/126

New Zealand 8/38 0.82 8/126 Italy 27/38 0.65 28/126

Canada 9/38 0.81 9/126 Barbados 28/38 0.65 29/126

Estonia 10/38 0.81 10/126 St. Kitts & Nevis 29/38 0.65 30/126

Australia 11/38 0.80 11/126 United Arab Emirates 30/38 0.64 32/126

United Kingdom 12/38 0.80 12/126 Antigua & Barbuda 31/38 0.63 33/126

Singapore 13/38 0.80 13/126 Greece 32/38 0.62 36/126

Belgium 14/38 0.79 14/126 Bahamas 33/38 0.61 39/126

Japan 15/38 0.78 15/126 Croatia 34/38 0.61 42/126

Hong Kong SAR, China 16/38 0.77 16/126 Argentina 35/38 0.58 46/126

France 17/38 0.73 17/126 Trinidad & Tobago 36/38 0.54 55/126

Republic of Korea 18/38 0.73 18/126 Hungary 37/38 0.53 57/126

Czech Republic 19/38 0.73 19/126 Panama 38/38 0.52 64/126

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law
* Scores are rounded to two decimal places.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 21

Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 1 measures the extent to which those who govern are bound by law. It comprises the means, both constitutional and
institutional, by which the powers of the government and its officials and agents are limited and held accountable under the law.
It also includes non-governmental checks on the government’s power, such as a free and independent press. For a further
breakdown of Constraints on Government Powers by sub-factor, please refer to page 11.

Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Denmark 0.95 1 Mauritius 0.60 44 Thailand 0.47 86

Norway 0.94 2 Rwanda 0.60 45 Macedonia, FYR 0.47 87

Finland 0.92 3 St. Lucia 0.60 46 Belize 0.46 88

Sweden 0.87 4 Grenada 0.59 47 Ecuador 0.46 89

Netherlands 0.86 5 St. Vincent & the Ukraine 0.46 90

0.58 48
Germany 0.85 6 Bulgaria 0.46 91
Botswana 0.58 49
New Zealand 0.85 7 Vietnam 0.45 92
Poland 0.58 50
Canada 0.85 8 Dominican Republic 0.45 93
Senegal 0.58 51
Austria 0.84 9 Mozambique 0.45 94
Croatia 0.58 52
Estonia 0.84 10 Myanmar 0.45 95
Georgia 0.57 53
United Kingdom 0.84 11 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.45 96
Trinidad & Tobago 0.57 54
Australia 0.83 12 Madagascar 0.44 97
Guyana 0.57 55
Belgium 0.83 13 Afghanistan 0.43 98
Brazil 0.56 56
Portugal 0.79 14 Moldova 0.43 99
Malawi 0.56 57
Costa Rica 0.78 15 Kazakhstan 0.43 100
Burkina Faso 0.55 58
Uruguay 0.75 16 Bangladesh 0.42 101
United Arab Emirates 0.55 59
France 0.74 17 Niger 0.42 102
Sri Lanka 0.55 60
Czech Republic 0.73 18 Hungary 0.41 103
Guatemala 0.54 61
United States 0.73 19 Cote d'Ivoire 0.41 104
Mongolia 0.54 62
Chile 0.72 20 Uganda 0.41 105
Benin 0.54 63
Spain 0.72 21 Serbia 0.40 106
Nigeria 0.54 64
Republic of Korea 0.72 22 Guinea 0.39 107
Malaysia 0.54 65
Japan 0.71 23 Angola 0.39 108
Panama 0.53 66
Italy 0.71 24 Iran 0.39 109
Dominica 0.53 67
Ghana 0.70 25 Cameroon 0.39 110
Morocco 0.53 68
Greece 0.69 26 Honduras 0.37 111
Liberia 0.53 69
Singapore 0.69 27 Russia 0.37 112
Colombia 0.53 70
Namibia 0.68 28 Belarus 0.36 113
Philippines 0.53 71
Indonesia 0.66 29 Bolivia 0.36 114
Tanzania 0.52 72
Barbados 0.65 30 Togo 0.35 115
Lebanon 0.52 73
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.65 31 Ethiopia 0.33 116
Pakistan 0.52 74
Slovenia 0.65 32 Zimbabwe 0.33 117
Sierra Leone 0.51 75
St. Kitts & Nevis 0.64 33 Uzbekistan 0.33 118
Suriname 0.49 76
Argentina 0.62 34 China 0.33 119
Jordan 0.49 77
Jamaica 0.62 35 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.32 120
Kenya 0.49 78
Romania 0.62 36 Mauritania 0.30 121
Albania 0.49 79
South Africa 0.62 37 Egypt 0.29 122
Zambia 0.48 80
Peru 0.61 38 Turkey 0.29 123
Algeria 0.48 81
Antigua & Barbuda 0.61 39 Cambodia 0.29 124
Kyrgyzstan 0.48 82
India 0.61 40 Nicaragua 0.27 125
Mali 0.48 83
Bahamas 0.61 41 Venezuela 0.18 126
Mexico 0.47 84
Tunisia 0.60 42
El Salvador 0.47 85
Nepal 0.60 43

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

Absence of Corruption
Factor 2 measures the absence of corruption in government. The factor considers three forms of corruption: bribery, improper
influence by public or private interests, and misappropriation of public funds or other resources. These three forms of corruption
are examined with respect to government officers in the executive branch, the judiciary, the military, police, and the legislature.
For a further breakdown of Absence of Corruption by sub-factor, please refer to page 11.

Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Denmark 0.95 1 Malaysia 0.58 43 Tanzania 0.42 85

Norway 0.94 2 Romania 0.57 44 Ecuador 0.41 86

Singapore 0.91 3 Croatia 0.57 45 Ghana 0.41 87

Sweden 0.91 4 Greece 0.57 46 Vietnam 0.40 88

Finland 0.89 5 Belarus 0.55 47 Zambia 0.40 89

Netherlands 0.88 6 China 0.55 48 Egypt 0.40 90

New Zealand 0.87 7 Jamaica 0.54 49 El Salvador 0.40 91

Austria 0.84 8 Senegal 0.54 50 Lebanon 0.39 92

Hong Kong SAR, China 0.84 9 Namibia 0.53 51 Dominican Republic 0.39 93

Canada 0.83 10 Argentina 0.52 52 Colombia 0.38 94

United Kingdom 0.83 11 Hungary 0.51 53 Uzbekistan 0.38 95

Germany 0.82 12 Suriname 0.51 54 Benin 0.38 96

Japan 0.82 13 Trinidad & Tobago 0.50 55 Indonesia 0.38 97

Australia 0.81 14 Thailand 0.49 56 Cote d'Ivoire 0.37 98

Estonia 0.80 15 Turkey 0.48 57 Mozambique 0.37 99

Belgium 0.80 16 South Africa 0.48 58 Guatemala 0.37 100

United Arab Emirates 0.79 17 Tunisia 0.47 59 Bangladesh 0.37 101

France 0.75 18 Myanmar 0.47 60 Sierra Leone 0.35 102

Uruguay 0.74 19 Kazakhstan 0.47 61 Albania 0.35 103

United States 0.74 20 Macedonia, FYR 0.47 62 Nicaragua 0.35 104

Poland 0.73 21 Philippines 0.47 63 Nigeria 0.34 105

Portugal 0.72 22 Ethiopia 0.46 64 Honduras 0.34 106

Spain 0.72 23 Guyana 0.46 65 Peru 0.33 107

Georgia 0.70 24 Sri Lanka 0.46 66 Ukraine 0.33 108

Chile 0.70 25 Brazil 0.45 67 Moldova 0.32 109

St. Vincent & the Russia 0.45 68 Liberia 0.32 110
0.70 26
Algeria 0.45 69 Venezuela 0.32 111
Barbados 0.68 27
Iran 0.45 70 Pakistan 0.32 112
Costa Rica 0.68 28
Morocco 0.44 71 Kyrgyzstan 0.31 113
Republic of Korea 0.67 29
Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.44 72 Mali 0.31 114
St. Kitts & Nevis 0.67 30
Serbia 0.44 73 Zimbabwe 0.31 115
Grenada 0.66 31
Belize 0.44 74 Mauritania 0.31 116
Slovenia 0.66 32
Mongolia 0.44 75 Mexico 0.29 117
Bahamas 0.65 33
Burkina Faso 0.44 76 Guinea 0.28 118
Czech Republic 0.64 34
Bulgaria 0.44 77 Afghanistan 0.28 119
St. Lucia 0.63 35
Nepal 0.43 78 Kenya 0.27 120
Italy 0.63 36
Niger 0.43 79 Cameroon 0.27 121
Antigua & Barbuda 0.61 37
India 0.43 80 Madagascar 0.26 122
Dominica 0.60 38
Angola 0.42 81 Bolivia 0.26 123
Botswana 0.60 39
Togo 0.42 82 Uganda 0.26 124
Rwanda 0.60 40
Malawi 0.42 83 Cambodia 0.24 125
Mauritius 0.58 41
Panama 0.42 84 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.18 126
Jordan 0.58 42

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 23

Open Government
Factor 3 measures the openness of government defined by the extent to which a government shares information, empowers
people with tools to hold the government accountable, and fosters citizen participation in public policy deliberations. This factor
measures whether basic laws and information on legal rights are publicized and evaluates the quality of information published by
the government. For a further breakdown of Open Government by sub-factor, please refer to page 12.

Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Norway 0.88 1 Moldova 0.55 44 Bangladesh 0.44 86

Finland 0.87 2 Peru 0.55 45 Morocco 0.44 87

Denmark 0.86 3 Ukraine 0.55 46 Lebanon 0.44 88

Sweden 0.86 4 Indonesia 0.54 47 Mali 0.43 89

Netherlands 0.82 5 Kyrgyzstan 0.54 48 Malawi 0.43 90

Australia 0.82 6 Bulgaria 0.54 49 Nigeria 0.43 91

New Zealand 0.81 7 Mauritius 0.54 50 Honduras 0.42 92

Canada 0.81 8 Philippines 0.53 51 Sierra Leone 0.42 93

Estonia 0.80 9 Antigua & Barbuda 0.52 52 Turkey 0.42 94

United Kingdom 0.80 10 Barbados 0.52 53 Bolivia 0.42 95

Germany 0.79 11 Nepal 0.52 54 China 0.42 96

France 0.79 12 Dominican Republic 0.51 55 St. Kitts & Nevis 0.41 97

United States 0.77 13 Ghana 0.51 56 Algeria 0.41 98

Belgium 0.77 14 El Salvador 0.51 57 Jordan 0.41 99

Hong Kong SAR, China 0.75 15 Mongolia 0.51 58 Uganda 0.40 100

Austria 0.72 16 Ecuador 0.51 59 Benin 0.39 101

Chile 0.72 17 Guatemala 0.51 60 Guinea 0.39 102

Uruguay 0.71 18 Tunisia 0.50 61 Malaysia 0.38 103

Costa Rica 0.71 19 Bahamas 0.50 62 Tanzania 0.38 104

Spain 0.70 20 St. Vincent & the Zambia 0.38 105

0.50 63
Republic of Korea 0.69 21 Nicaragua 0.38 106
Dominica 0.50 64
Japan 0.69 22 Afghanistan 0.37 107
St. Lucia 0.50 65
Portugal 0.67 23 Mozambique 0.37 108
Sri Lanka 0.50 66
Czech Republic 0.66 24 Cote d'Ivoire 0.37 109
Russia 0.49 67
Singapore 0.66 25 Suriname 0.37 110
Macedonia, FYR 0.49 68
Slovenia 0.65 26 Belarus 0.36 111
Kenya 0.49 69
Colombia 0.63 27 United Arab Emirates 0.36 112
Liberia 0.49 70
Argentina 0.63 28 Niger 0.35 113
Thailand 0.48 71
Italy 0.63 29 Myanmar 0.35 114
Botswana 0.48 72
Poland 0.63 30 Cameroon 0.34 115
Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.47 73
South Africa 0.62 31 Zimbabwe 0.33 116
Serbia 0.47 74
Romania 0.62 32 Angola 0.32 117
Kazakhstan 0.47 75
Brazil 0.62 33 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.32 118
Grenada 0.47 76
India 0.61 34 Uzbekistan 0.31 119
Albania 0.46 77
Mexico 0.61 35 Togo 0.31 120
Madagascar 0.46 78
Croatia 0.61 36 Iran 0.29 121
Burkina Faso 0.46 79
Greece 0.61 37 Venezuela 0.29 122
Hungary 0.46 80
Panama 0.59 38 Ethiopia 0.28 123
Vietnam 0.46 81
Georgia 0.59 39 Cambodia 0.27 124
Belize 0.45 82
Namibia 0.58 40 Mauritania 0.26 125
Pakistan 0.45 83
Rwanda 0.57 41 Egypt 0.22 126
Guyana 0.44 84
Trinidad & Tobago 0.56 42
Senegal 0.44 85
Jamaica 0.56 43

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

Fundamental Rights
Factor 4 recognizes that a system of positive law that fails to respect core human rights established under international law is at
best “rule by law,” and does not deserve to be called a rule of law system. Since there are many other indices that address human
rights, and as it would be impossible for the Index to assess adherence to the full range of rights, this factor focuses on a relatively
modest menu of rights that are firmly established under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and are most closely related
to rule of law concerns. For a further breakdown of Fundamental Rights by sub-factor, please refer to page 12.
Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Finland 0.92 1 South Africa 0.64 43 Niger 0.49 85

Denmark 0.92 2 Grenada 0.63 44 Ecuador 0.49 86

Norway 0.90 3 Jamaica 0.63 45 Togo 0.49 87

Sweden 0.86 4 Peru 0.63 46 Belize 0.49 88

Austria 0.85 5 Panama 0.62 47 Thailand 0.48 89

Germany 0.85 6 Georgia 0.62 48 Malaysia 0.48 90

Belgium 0.84 7 Albania 0.61 49 Algeria 0.48 91

Netherlands 0.84 8 Ukraine 0.61 50 Madagascar 0.47 92

Canada 0.83 9 Bulgaria 0.60 51 Bolivia 0.47 93

Estonia 0.83 10 Senegal 0.60 52 Belarus 0.47 94

United Kingdom 0.82 11 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.59 53 Kazakhstan 0.46 95

New Zealand 0.80 12 Trinidad & Tobago 0.59 54 Cote d'Ivoire 0.46 96

Australia 0.79 13 Malawi 0.59 55 Vietnam 0.46 97

Portugal 0.79 14 Hungary 0.58 56 United Arab Emirates 0.46 98

Czech Republic 0.78 15 Mongolia 0.58 57 Nigeria 0.46 99

Spain 0.78 16 Botswana 0.58 58 Morocco 0.46 100

Japan 0.78 17 Burkina Faso 0.57 59 Kenya 0.46 101

Costa Rica 0.78 18 Macedonia, FYR 0.57 60 Tanzania 0.45 102

Uruguay 0.76 19 Benin 0.56 61 Zambia 0.45 103

France 0.74 20 Dominican Republic 0.56 62 Russia 0.45 104

Barbados 0.74 21 Serbia 0.56 63 Philippines 0.42 105

Republic of Korea 0.74 22 Tunisia 0.56 64 Mozambique 0.42 106

Slovenia 0.73 23 Guyana 0.56 65 Honduras 0.41 107

Chile 0.73 24 Guatemala 0.55 66 Afghanistan 0.40 108

Italy 0.73 25 Suriname 0.55 67 Uzbekistan 0.39 109

St. Kitts & Nevis 0.72 26 Brazil 0.55 68 Cameroon 0.39 110

United States 0.72 27 Nepal 0.54 69 Nicaragua 0.39 111

Argentina 0.70 28 Sri Lanka 0.54 70 Mauritania 0.39 112

Romania 0.70 29 Moldova 0.54 71 Angola 0.38 113

Singapore 0.69 30 Mali 0.54 72 Pakistan 0.38 114

Antigua & Barbuda 0.69 31 Mexico 0.54 73 Uganda 0.38 115

St. Vincent & the Colombia 0.53 74 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.37 116
0.68 32
India 0.53 75 Cambodia 0.35 117
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.66 33
El Salvador 0.52 76 Zimbabwe 0.35 118
Bahamas 0.66 34
Rwanda 0.52 77 Bangladesh 0.33 119
St. Lucia 0.66 35
Liberia 0.52 78 Venezuela 0.33 120
Greece 0.66 36
Sierra Leone 0.52 79 China 0.32 121
Namibia 0.66 37
Guinea 0.52 80 Turkey 0.32 122
Poland 0.66 38
Lebanon 0.52 81 Myanmar 0.31 123
Croatia 0.65 39
Indonesia 0.52 82 Ethiopia 0.29 124
Mauritius 0.64 40
Jordan 0.49 83 Egypt 0.29 125
Dominica 0.64 41
Kyrgyzstan 0.49 84 Iran 0.25 126
Ghana 0.64 42

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 25

Order & Security
Factor 5 measures how well a society ensures the security of persons and property. Security is one of the defining aspects of
any rule of law society and is a fundamental function of the state. It is also a precondition for the realization of the rights and
freedoms that the rule of law seeks to advance. For a further breakdown of Order & Security by sub-factor, please refer to
page 12.

Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Singapore 0.93 1 Grenada 0.77 44 Russia 0.66 86

Denmark 0.93 2 Mauritius 0.77 45 Cambodia 0.66 87
Norway 0.93 3 Mongolia 0.77 46 Myanmar 0.66 88
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.93 4 Barbados 0.76 47 Mauritania 0.65 89
Japan 0.92 5 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.76 48 Suriname 0.65 90
Finland 0.92 6 United States 0.76 49 Niger 0.65 91
United Arab Emirates 0.91 7 Dominica 0.76 50 Brazil 0.65 92
Canada 0.91 8 Guinea 0.75 51 Ethiopia 0.64 93
Uzbekistan 0.91 9 Kyrgyzstan 0.75 52 Peru 0.64 94
Hungary 0.91 10 Bahamas 0.75 53 Lebanon 0.64 95
Czech Republic 0.90 11 Iran 0.75 54 Turkey 0.63 96
Austria 0.90 12 Italy 0.74 55 Tunisia 0.63 97
Estonia 0.89 13 France 0.74 56 El Salvador 0.63 98
Slovenia 0.89 14 St. Vincent & the Dominican Republic 0.63 99
0.74 57
Germany 0.89 15 Ecuador 0.62 100
Togo 0.74 58
New Zealand 0.89 16 Burkina Faso 0.62 101
Namibia 0.73 59
Sweden 0.88 17 Mozambique 0.62 102
Ukraine 0.73 60
Australia 0.87 18 Argentina 0.62 103
Belize 0.73 61
Poland 0.86 19 Jamaica 0.62 104
Greece 0.72 62
Netherlands 0.85 20 Guyana 0.61 105
Nepal 0.72 63
United Kingdom 0.85 21 South Africa 0.61 106
Algeria 0.72 64
Republic of Korea 0.84 22 Liberia 0.61 107
St. Lucia 0.72 65
Romania 0.84 23 Honduras 0.60 108
Botswana 0.71 66
Rwanda 0.84 24 Guatemala 0.59 109
Thailand 0.71 67
Croatia 0.82 25 Bolivia 0.59 110
Madagascar 0.71 68
Belgium 0.81 26 India 0.59 111
Ghana 0.71 69
Belarus 0.81 27 Uganda 0.59 112
Indonesia 0.70 70
Moldova 0.80 28 Colombia 0.59 113
Sri Lanka 0.70 71
St. Kitts & Nevis 0.79 29 Angola 0.57 114
Nicaragua 0.70 72
China 0.79 30 Philippines 0.57 115
Uruguay 0.70 73
Albania 0.79 31 Bangladesh 0.57 116
Morocco 0.69 74
Macedonia, FYR 0.79 32 Mexico 0.57 117
Costa Rica 0.69 75
Portugal 0.79 33 Mali 0.56 118
Senegal 0.69 76
Antigua & Barbuda 0.78 34 Kenya 0.56 119
Tanzania 0.69 77
Benin 0.78 35 Egypt 0.54 120
Zambia 0.69 78
Georgia 0.78 36 Cameroon 0.51 121
Sierra Leone 0.68 79
Kazakhstan 0.78 37 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.48 122
Cote d'Ivoire 0.68 80
Serbia 0.78 38 Venezuela 0.48 123
Malawi 0.68 81
Spain 0.77 39 Pakistan 0.36 124
Panama 0.68 82
Vietnam 0.77 40 Nigeria 0.35 125
Chile 0.68 83
Bulgaria 0.77 41 Afghanistan 0.30 126
Zimbabwe 0.67 84
Jordan 0.77 42
Trinidad & Tobago 0.66 85
Malaysia 0.77 43

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

Regulatory Enforcement
Factor 6 measures the extent to which regulations are fairly and effectively implemented and enforced. Regulations, both legal
and administrative, structure behaviors within and outside of the government. This factor does not assess which activities a
government chooses to regulate, nor does it consider how much regulation of a particular activity is appropriate. Rather, it
examines how regulations are implemented and enforced. For a further breakdown of Regulatory Enforcement by sub-factor,
please refer to page 13.
Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Denmark 0.90 1 Croatia 0.55 44 Guyana 0.46 86

Norway 0.87 2 Ghana 0.55 45 Mexico 0.46 87
Singapore 0.87 3 Senegal 0.55 46 Burkina Faso 0.46 88
Netherlands 0.86 4 South Africa 0.55 47 Kenya 0.46 89
New Zealand 0.85 5 St. Vincent & the Nicaragua 0.45 90
0.54 48
Sweden 0.85 6 Malawi 0.45 91
Bulgaria 0.54 49
Germany 0.85 7 Kyrgyzstan 0.45 92
Mali 0.54 50
Austria 0.84 8 Vietnam 0.45 93
Morocco 0.54 51
Finland 0.84 9 Lebanon 0.44 94
Jamaica 0.54 52
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.82 10 Niger 0.44 95
Tunisia 0.53 53
United Kingdom 0.82 11 Uzbekistan 0.44 96
Malaysia 0.53 54
Australia 0.81 12 Albania 0.44 97
Argentina 0.52 55
Belgium 0.81 13 Liberia 0.43 98
Cote d'Ivoire 0.52 56
Canada 0.81 14 Guinea 0.43 99
Algeria 0.52 57
Estonia 0.79 15 Nigeria 0.43 100
Dominica 0.52 58
Japan 0.78 16 Tanzania 0.43 101
Brazil 0.52 59
France 0.77 17 Zambia 0.43 102
Panama 0.51 60
Republic of Korea 0.73 18 Ukraine 0.42 103
Trinidad & Tobago 0.51 61
United States 0.73 19 Uganda 0.42 104
Bahamas 0.51 62
United Arab Emirates 0.72 20 Bangladesh 0.42 105
Kazakhstan 0.51 63
Czech Republic 0.70 21 Turkey 0.42 106
Benin 0.51 64
Uruguay 0.69 22 Moldova 0.42 107
Belarus 0.50 65
Spain 0.68 23 Guatemala 0.42 108
Nepal 0.50 66
Costa Rica 0.68 24 Angola 0.42 109
Colombia 0.50 67
Chile 0.65 25 Belize 0.42 110
Peru 0.50 68
Portugal 0.64 26 Cameroon 0.41 111
Sri Lanka 0.49 69
Slovenia 0.64 27 Bolivia 0.40 112
Ecuador 0.49 70
Mauritius 0.63 28 Honduras 0.40 113
Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.49 71
Barbados 0.62 29 Dominican Republic 0.39 114
Russia 0.49 72
Poland 0.62 30 Mozambique 0.38 115
Togo 0.49 73
St. Kitts & Nevis 0.61 31 Pakistan 0.38 116
El Salvador 0.49 74
Botswana 0.60 32 Zimbabwe 0.38 117
Mongolia 0.49 75
Italy 0.59 33 Sierra Leone 0.37 118
India 0.48 76
Greece 0.59 34 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.37 119
Macedonia, FYR 0.48 77
Namibia 0.58 35 Ethiopia 0.36 120
China 0.48 78
Jordan 0.58 36 Egypt 0.35 121
Iran 0.48 79
Antigua & Barbuda 0.58 37 Afghanistan 0.35 122
Thailand 0.48 80
St. Lucia 0.58 38 Madagascar 0.35 123
Serbia 0.47 81
Grenada 0.58 39 Cambodia 0.29 124
Hungary 0.47 82
Romania 0.57 40 Mauritania 0.26 125
Philippines 0.47 83
Rwanda 0.57 41 Venezuela 0.20 126
Suriname 0.47 84
Georgia 0.56 42
Myanmar 0.46 85
Indonesia 0.55 43

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 27

Civil Justice
Factor 7 measures whether ordinary people can resolve their grievances peacefully and effectively through the civil justice system.
It measures whether civil justice systems are accessible and affordable as well as free of discrimination, corruption, and improper
influence by public officials. It examines whether court proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delays and if decisions
are enforced effectively. It also measures the accessibility, impartiality, and effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution
mechanisms. For a further breakdown of Civil Justice by sub-factor, please refer to page 13.
Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor
Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Denmark 0.87 1 Belarus 0.60 43 Sri Lanka 0.47 85

Netherlands 0.86 2 Kazakhstan 0.59 44 Nepal 0.47 86

Germany 0.86 3 South Africa 0.59 45 Moldova 0.47 87

Norway 0.85 4 Dominica 0.59 46 Zambia 0.47 88

Singapore 0.83 5 Argentina 0.58 47 Peru 0.46 89

Sweden 0.81 6 Croatia 0.58 48 Mozambique 0.46 90

Estonia 0.80 7 Greece 0.58 49 Zimbabwe 0.46 91

Finland 0.80 8 Bahamas 0.58 50 Burkina Faso 0.46 92

Japan 0.79 9 Trinidad & Tobago 0.58 51 Hungary 0.46 93

Austria 0.78 10 Macedonia, FYR 0.57 52 Vietnam 0.45 94

New Zealand 0.78 11 Senegal 0.56 53 Uganda 0.45 95

Hong Kong SAR, China 0.77 12 Bulgaria 0.56 54 Turkey 0.45 96

Republic of Korea 0.77 13 Italy 0.56 55 India 0.45 97

Australia 0.76 14 Algeria 0.55 56 Angola 0.44 98

Belgium 0.76 15 Brazil 0.55 57 Philippines 0.44 99

St. Kitts & Nevis 0.75 16 Iran 0.55 58 Albania 0.44 100

Uruguay 0.75 17 Mongolia 0.54 59 Liberia 0.44 101

United Kingdom 0.73 18 China 0.54 60 Indonesia 0.44 102

France 0.71 19 Ukraine 0.54 61 Lebanon 0.44 103

Canada 0.70 20 Georgia 0.54 62 Dominican Republic 0.43 104

Czech Republic 0.70 21 Morocco 0.54 63 Niger 0.43 105

Portugal 0.69 22 Malawi 0.54 64 Mali 0.43 106

Spain 0.67 23 Guyana 0.53 65 Honduras 0.41 107

Namibia 0.66 24 Russia 0.52 66 Guinea 0.41 108

Antigua & Barbuda 0.66 25 Cote d'Ivoire 0.52 67 Nicaragua 0.41 109

United Arab Emirates 0.66 26 El Salvador 0.51 68 Sierra Leone 0.41 110

St. Lucia 0.66 27 Jamaica 0.51 69 Ethiopia 0.41 111

Barbados 0.65 28 Suriname 0.51 70 Madagascar 0.40 112

Romania 0.64 29 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.51 71 Mexico 0.40 113

United States 0.64 30 Uzbekistan 0.51 72 Bangladesh 0.39 114

Poland 0.64 31 Belize 0.50 73 Cameroon 0.39 115

Jordan 0.63 32 Serbia 0.50 74 Benin 0.38 116

Mauritius 0.63 33 Tunisia 0.49 75 Egypt 0.38 117

Chile 0.63 34 Thailand 0.49 76 Pakistan 0.38 118

Rwanda 0.63 35 Kyrgyzstan 0.49 77 Afghanistan 0.38 119

Slovenia 0.63 36 Panama 0.49 78 Guatemala 0.37 120

Costa Rica 0.62 37 Nigeria 0.48 79 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.36 121

Grenada 0.62 38 Ecuador 0.48 80 Myanmar 0.36 122

Ghana 0.62 39 Colombia 0.48 81 Bolivia 0.35 123

St. Vincent & the Tanzania 0.48 82 Mauritania 0.32 124
0.61 40
Kenya 0.47 83 Venezuela 0.28 125
Botswana 0.60 41
Togo 0.47 84 Cambodia 0.23 126
Malaysia 0.60 42

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

Criminal Justice
Factor 8 evaluates a country’s criminal justice system. An effective criminal justice system is a key aspect of the rule of law, as it
constitutes the conventional mechanism to redress grievances and bring action against individuals for offenses against society. An
assessment of the delivery of criminal justice should take into consideration the entire system, including the police, lawyers, pros-
ecutors, judges, and prison officers. For a further breakdown of Criminal Justice by sub-factor, please refer to page 13.

Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank Country/Jurisdiction Score* Rank

Finland 0.84 1 Suriname 0.53 43 Turkey 0.38 85

Denmark 0.83 2 Mauritius 0.53 44 Indonesia 0.37 86

Norway 0.83 3 South Africa 0.52 45 Ukraine 0.37 87

Sweden 0.81 4 Georgia 0.52 46 Zimbabwe 0.37 88

Austria 0.80 5 Greece 0.51 47 Togo 0.36 89

Singapore 0.78 6 Croatia 0.51 48 Sierra Leone 0.36 90

Germany 0.78 7 Jamaica 0.50 49 Trinidad & Tobago 0.35 91

Netherlands 0.76 8 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.50 50 Pakistan 0.35 92

United Kingdom 0.75 9 Grenada 0.50 51 Angola 0.35 93

Japan 0.74 10 Mongolia 0.50 52 Brazil 0.35 94

Canada 0.73 11 Ghana 0.49 53 Ecuador 0.35 95

Australia 0.73 12 Belarus 0.48 54 Madagascar 0.34 96

New Zealand 0.72 13 Hungary 0.48 55 Moldova 0.34 97

Belgium 0.72 14 Macedonia, FYR 0.47 56 Mozambique 0.34 98

Hong Kong SAR, China 0.71 15 China 0.47 57 Belize 0.34 99

Estonia 0.71 16 Albania 0.47 58 Dominican Republic 0.34 100

Republic of Korea 0.71 17 Burkina Faso 0.47 59 Russia 0.34 101

Czech Republic 0.70 18 Vietnam 0.46 60 Niger 0.34 102

United Arab Emirates 0.67 19 Argentina 0.45 61 Bangladesh 0.34 103

Spain 0.66 20 Bulgaria 0.45 62 Ethiopia 0.33 104

Italy 0.64 21 Sri Lanka 0.45 63 Peru 0.33 105

France 0.63 22 Malawi 0.45 64 Colombia 0.33 106

United States 0.63 23 Senegal 0.45 65 Uganda 0.33 107

Bahamas 0.62 24 Nepal 0.44 66 Liberia 0.32 108

Poland 0.61 25 Uzbekistan 0.44 67 Guatemala 0.32 109

Portugal 0.60 26 Benin 0.44 68 Panama 0.31 110

St. Vincent & the Kazakhstan 0.44 69 Guinea 0.31 111
0.60 27
Zambia 0.43 70 Kyrgyzstan 0.31 112
Jordan 0.58 28
Algeria 0.43 71 Philippines 0.31 113
Barbados 0.58 29
Nigeria 0.43 72 Mauritania 0.30 114
St. Kitts & Nevis 0.57 30
Tunisia 0.43 73 Mexico 0.29 115
St. Lucia 0.57 31
Thailand 0.42 74 Myanmar 0.29 116
Romania 0.57 32
Iran 0.42 75 El Salvador 0.29 117
Chile 0.57 33
Egypt 0.41 76 Cameroon 0.28 118
Botswana 0.57 34
India 0.40 77 Afghanistan 0.28 119
Antigua & Barbuda 0.56 35
Guyana 0.38 78 Nicaragua 0.28 120
Costa Rica 0.55 36
Morocco 0.38 79 Mali 0.28 121
Dominica 0.55 37
Lebanon 0.38 80 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.27 122
Slovenia 0.55 38
Serbia 0.38 81 Honduras 0.26 123
Rwanda 0.55 39
Cote d'Ivoire 0.38 82 Cambodia 0.25 124
Namibia 0.54 40
Tanzania 0.38 83 Bolivia 0.21 125
Malaysia 0.54 41
Kenya 0.38 84 Venezuela 0.14 126
Uruguay 0.54 42

.40 & Below .41 – .50 .51 – .60 .61 – .70 .71 – .80 .81 & Above

* Scores are rounded to two decimal places. weaker adherence to the rule of law stronger adherence to the rule of law

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 29



2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 31

Country Profiles

How to Read the

Country Profiles
This section presents profiles for the 126 countries and jurisdictions included in the WJP Rule of Law Index® 2019 report. Each
profile presents the featured country’s scores for each of the WJP Rule of Law Index’s factors and sub-factors, and draws comparisons
between the scores of the featured country and the scores of other indexed countries in the same regional and income groups.
The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score (strong adherence to rule of law) and 0 signifies the lowest
possible score (weak adherence to rule of law). The country profiles consist of four sections, outlined below.

Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Macedonia, FYR Income Group: Upper Middle

Section 1: Displays the country’s overall rule of law score; Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank
Constraints on
its overall global, income, and regional ranks; and its change 0.54 2/13 15/38 56/126
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6 1.3

in score and rank from the 2017–2018 edition of the Index.

8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1 Absence of

Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Section 2: Displays the featured country’s individual factor

Constraints on 7.6 2.4
0.47 4/13 25/38 87/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

scores, along with its global, regional, and income group

Absence of Corruption 0.47 5/13 20/38 62/126 7.4 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.49 6/13 19/38 68/126 Justice

rankings. The global, regional, and income rankings are

7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.57 5/13 16/38 60/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

distributed across three tiers—high, medium, and low—as Order and Security 0.79 5/13 5/38 32/126 6.4

6.3 4.4

6.2 4.5

indicated by the color of the box where the score is found.

Regulatory Enforcement 0.48 6/13 24/38 77/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.57 3/13 15/38 52/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.47 4/13 17/38 56/126

2018-2019 Score 2017-2018 Score

Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Section 3: Displays the country’s disaggregated scores for

Macedonia, FYR Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

each of the sub-factors that compose the WJP Rule of Law 1.1 0.59 4.1 0.61 7.1 0.62
Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability

Index. 1.2
Limits by judiciary
0.38 4.2
Right to life & security
0.64 7.2
No discrimination

1.3 0.49 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.38

Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
The featured country’s score is represented by the 1.4 0.36 4.4 0.49 7.4 0.40
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence

purple bar and labeled at the end of the bar. The average 1.5
Non-governmental checks
0.49 4.5
Freedom of religion
0.71 7.5
No unreasonable delay

score of the country’s region is represented by the orange 1.6

Lawful transition of power
0.51 4.6
Right to privacy
0.37 7.6
Effective enforcement

line. The average score of the country’s income group is Section 4: Presents the individual sub-factor scores
Absence of Corruption
Freedom of association
0.59 7.7
Impartial & effective ADRs

represented by the green line.

4.8 0.58
2.1 0.41

underlying each of the factors listed in Section 3 of

Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.53 8.1 0.47
Order and Security
the country profile.
In the judiciary
0.68 5.1 0.78 8.2
Effective investigations
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.24 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.37
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system

Each of the 44 sub-factors is represented by a gray line 5.3

Absence of violent redress
0.59 8.4
No discrimination

Open Government

drawn from the center to the periphery of the circle.

3.1 0.50
Regulatory Enforcement
No corruption

Publicized laws & gov't data

The center of the circle corresponds to the worst

Right to information
0.51 6.1
Effective regulatory enforcement
No improper gov't influence

possible score for each sub-factor (0), and the outer

8.7 0.56
3.3 0.50 6.2 0.48
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence

edge of the circle marks the best possible score for each
Complaint mechanisms
0.45 6.3
No unreasonable delay

sub-factor (1).
6.4 0.42
Respect for due process
6.5 0.54
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation

The featured country’s scores for 2019 are

represented by the purple line. The featured country’s
scores for 2017-2018 are represented by the gray line.

Region: South Asia
Afghanistan Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.35 6/6 19/20 123/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.43 5/6 13/20 98/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.28 6/6 17/20 119/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.37 6/6 14/20 107/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.40 4/6 16/20 108/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.30 6/6 20/20 126/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.35 6/6 19/20 122/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.38 6/6 19/20 119/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.28 6/6 18/20 119/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Afghanistan South Asia Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.59 4.1 0.38 7.1 0.47

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.35 4.2 0.27 7.2 0.18
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.43 4.3 0.29 7.3 0.15
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.32 4.4 0.58 7.4 0.31
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.58 4.5 0.36 7.5 0.40
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.34 4.6 0.26 7.6 0.59
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.60 7.7 0.53

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.42
2.1 0.36
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.16 8.1 0.30
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.39 5.1 0.47 8.2 0.38
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.20 5.2 0.04 8.3 0.26
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.38 8.4 0.20

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.24
3.1 0.23
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.30
3.2 0.36 6.1 0.31
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.29
3.3 0.55 6.2 0.38
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.35 6.3 0.46
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.24
Respect for due process
6.5 0.37
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 33
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Albania Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.51 6/13 22/38 71/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.49 2/13 21/38 79/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.35 10/13 35/38 103/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.46 10/13 26/38 77/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.61 2/13 12/38 49/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.79 4/13 4/38 31/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.44 10/13 33/38 97/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.44 13/13 33/38 100/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.47 5/13 19/38 58/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Albania Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.52 4.1 0.59 7.1 0.52

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.32 4.2 0.69 7.2 0.47
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.59 4.3 0.57 7.3 0.21
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.55 7.4 0.32
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.55 4.5 0.82 7.5 0.47
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.52 4.6 0.63 7.6 0.47
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.56 7.7 0.65

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.39
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.29 8.1 0.44
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.53 5.1 0.86 8.2 0.44
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.19 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.42
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.51 8.4 0.66

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.35
3.1 0.45
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.37
3.2 0.46 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.57
3.3 0.46 6.2 0.43
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.48 6.3 0.53
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.41
34 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Algeria Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.51 4/8 23/38 72/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.48 6/8 22/38 81/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.45 4/8 24/38 69/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.41 4/8 32/38 98/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.48 4/8 31/38 91/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.72 4/8 19/38 64/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.52 5/8 14/38 57/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.55 3/8 17/38 56/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.43 3/8 22/38 71/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Algeria Middle East & North Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.53 4.1 0.62 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.43 4.2 0.53 7.2 0.61
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.55 4.3 0.52 7.3 0.62
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.50 4.4 0.40 7.4 0.40
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.40 4.5 0.30 7.5 0.65
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.49 4.6 0.42 7.6 0.40
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.42 7.7 0.59

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.59
2.1 0.38
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.60 8.1 0.31
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.47 5.1 0.66 8.2 0.41
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.35 5.2 0.94 8.3 0.44
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.57 8.4 0.62

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.47
3.1 0.23
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.23
3.2 0.44 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.52
3.3 0.39 6.2 0.54
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.58 6.3 0.43
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.55
Respect for due process
6.5 0.61
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 35
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Angola Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.41 24/30 21/30 111/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.39 24/30 22/30 108/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.42 10/30 9/30 81/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.32 26/30 26/30 117/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.38 26/30 25/30 113/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.57 25/30 23/30 114/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 22/30 23/30 109/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.44 19/30 18/30 98/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.35 19/30 18/30 93/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Angola Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.52 4.1 0.48 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.39 4.2 0.29 7.2 0.62
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.32 4.3 0.29 7.3 0.53
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.29 4.4 0.41 7.4 0.31
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.41 4.5 0.56 7.5 0.14
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.40 4.6 0.18 7.6 0.37
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.39 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.46
2.1 0.34
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.50 8.1 0.32
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.46 5.1 0.42 8.2 0.37
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.38 5.2 0.94 8.3 0.30
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.37 8.4 0.39

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.09
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.32
3.2 0.40 6.1 0.40
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.29
3.3 0.34 6.2 0.44
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.45 6.3 0.38
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.52
Respect for due process
6.5 0.34
36 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Antigua and Barbuda Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.63 6/30 31/38 33/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.61 9/30 31/38 39/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.61 10/30 32/38 37/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.52 12/30 33/38 52/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.69 7/30 29/38 31/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.78 2/30 26/38 34/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.58 6/30 32/38 37/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.66 3/30 24/38 25/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.56 7/30 30/38 35/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Antigua and Barbuda Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.60 4.1 0.63 7.1 0.77

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.71 4.2 0.81 7.2 0.63
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.62 4.3 0.60 7.3 0.78
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.45 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.75
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.66 7.5 0.43
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.70 4.6 0.68 7.6 0.47
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.71 7.7 0.81

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.86
2.1 0.59
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.82 8.1 0.50
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.73 5.1 0.81 8.2 0.56
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.30 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.52
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.54 8.4 0.49

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.68
3.1 0.28
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.57
3.2 0.60 6.1 0.55
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.60
3.3 0.63 6.2 0.80
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.59 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.48
Respect for due process
6.5 0.66
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 37
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Argentina Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.58 12/30 35/38 46/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.62 6/30 30/38 34/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.52 13/30 35/38 52/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.63 5/30 26/38 28/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.70 6/30 27/38 28/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.62 22/30 38/38 103/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.52 11/30 34/38 55/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.58 11/30 31/38 47/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.45 14/30 36/38 61/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Argentina Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.65 4.1 0.65 7.1 0.73

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.46 4.2 0.80 7.2 0.67
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.71 4.3 0.58 7.3 0.57
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.42 4.4 0.71 7.4 0.51
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.71 4.5 0.75 7.5 0.31
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.80 4.6 0.73 7.6 0.53
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.76 7.7 0.76

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.65
2.1 0.50
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.68 8.1 0.25
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.63 5.1 0.56 8.2 0.42
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.28 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.36
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.30 8.4 0.60

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.48
3.1 0.71
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.49
3.2 0.49 6.1 0.46
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.58
3.3 0.69 6.2 0.59
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.64 6.3 0.51
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.50
Respect for due process
6.5 0.56
38 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Australia Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.8 2/15 11/38 11/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.83 2/15 12/38 12/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.81 5/15 14/38 14/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.82 1/15 6/38 6/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.79 2/15 13/38 13/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.87 5/15 17/38 18/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.81 4/15 12/38 12/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.76 6/15 14/38 14/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.73 3/15 12/38 12/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Australia East Asia & Pacific High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.86 4.1 0.69 7.1 0.62

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.84 4.2 0.88 7.2 0.70
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.78 4.3 0.76 7.3 0.87
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.78 4.4 0.80 7.4 0.90
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.80 4.5 0.83 7.5 0.68
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.92 4.6 0.84 7.6 0.76
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.82 7.7 0.83

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.74
2.1 0.78
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.97 8.1 0.68
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.90 5.1 0.89 8.2 0.72
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.60 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.62
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.72 8.4 0.60

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.85
3.1 0.91
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.91
3.2 0.69 6.1 0.70
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.76
3.3 0.79 6.2 0.90
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.89 6.3 0.76
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.87
Respect for due process
6.5 0.85
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 39
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Austria Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.82 7/24 7/38 7/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.84 8/24 9/38 9/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.84 6/24 8/38 8/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.72 13/24 16/38 16/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.85 5/24 5/38 5/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.90 7/24 11/38 12/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.84 6/24 8/38 8/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.78 8/24 10/38 10/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.80 5/24 5/38 5/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Austria EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.82 4.1 0.73 7.1 0.70

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.83 4.2 0.97 7.2 0.73
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.78 4.3 0.82 7.3 0.89
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.82 4.4 0.85 7.4 0.86
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.85 4.5 0.85 7.5 0.72
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.94 4.6 0.91 7.6 0.82
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.89 7.7 0.75

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.81
2.1 0.81
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.97 8.1 0.65
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.93 5.1 0.91 8.2 0.81
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.67 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.82
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.79 8.4 0.69

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.88
3.1 0.72
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.91
3.2 0.63 6.1 0.87
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.82
3.3 0.83 6.2 0.93
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.72
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.84
Respect for due process
6.5 0.84
40 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Bahamas Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.61 9/30 33/38 39/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.61 10/30 32/38 41/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.65 8/30 29/38 33/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.50 18/30 35/38 62/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.66 9/30 31/38 34/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.75 6/30 30/38 53/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.51 16/30 37/38 62/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.58 12/30 34/38 50/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.62 1/30 24/38 24/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Bahamas Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.61 4.1 0.47 7.1 0.61

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.62 4.2 0.84 7.2 0.51
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.50 4.3 0.59 7.3 0.63
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.44 4.4 0.71 7.4 0.58
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.71 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.46
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.79 4.6 0.57 7.6 0.47
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.80 7.7 0.77

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.62
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.77 8.1 0.53
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.78 5.1 0.77 8.2 0.55
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.43 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.46
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.48 8.4 0.59

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.78
3.1 0.32
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.86
3.2 0.42 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.59
3.3 0.71 6.2 0.68
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.56 6.3 0.39
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.51
Respect for due process
6.5 0.51
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 41
Region: South Asia
Bangladesh Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.41 4/6 22/30 112/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.42 6/6 20/30 101/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.37 4/6 18/30 101/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.44 5/6 16/30 86/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.33 6/6 28/30 119/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.57 4/6 25/30 116/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 4/6 21/30 105/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.39 4/6 23/30 114/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 5/6 20/30 103/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Bangladesh South Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.56 4.1 0.43 7.1 0.45

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.50 4.2 0.19 7.2 0.36
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.38 4.3 0.26 7.3 0.37
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.38 4.4 0.30 7.4 0.44
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.30 4.5 0.53 7.5 0.19
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.40 4.6 0.16 7.6 0.37
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.38 7.7 0.55

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.40
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.33 8.1 0.35
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.30 5.1 0.77 8.2 0.45
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.40 5.2 0.70 8.3 0.35
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.23 8.4 0.33

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.34
3.1 0.36
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.27
3.2 0.57 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.26
3.3 0.35 6.2 0.42
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.49 6.3 0.34
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.32
Respect for due process
6.5 0.60
42 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Barbados Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.65 4/30 28/38 29/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.65 4/30 26/38 30/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.68 4/30 25/38 27/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.52 13/30 34/38 53/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.74 3/30 20/38 21/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.76 4/30 28/38 47/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.62 4/30 27/38 29/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.65 5/30 26/38 28/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.58 3/30 27/38 29/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Barbados Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.73 4.1 0.67 7.1 0.75

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.73 4.2 0.82 7.2 0.75
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.45 4.3 0.57 7.3 0.81
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.45 4.4 0.70 7.4 0.78
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.70 4.5 0.83 7.5 0.28
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.81 4.6 0.79 7.6 0.51
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.80 7.7 0.69

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.73
2.1 0.64
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.88 8.1 0.52
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.81 5.1 0.89 8.2 0.40
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.40 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.56
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.40 8.4 0.40

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.76
3.1 0.23
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.81
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.56
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.57
3.3 0.71 6.2 0.80
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.61 6.3 0.35
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.71
Respect for due process
6.5 0.71
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 43
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Belarus Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.52 5/13 19/38 66/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.36 11/13 35/38 113/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.55 2/13 11/38 47/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.36 12/13 36/38 111/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.47 9/13 32/38 94/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.81 2/13 2/38 27/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.50 3/13 18/38 65/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.60 1/13 11/38 43/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.48 3/13 16/38 54/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Belarus Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.27 4.1 0.70 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.29 4.2 0.60 7.2 0.70
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.48 4.3 0.46 7.3 0.62
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.56 4.4 0.25 7.4 0.28
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.25 4.5 0.59 7.5 0.80
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.31 4.6 0.33 7.6 0.53
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.35 7.7 0.65

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.45
2.1 0.49
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.70 8.1 0.56
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.66 5.1 0.89 8.2 0.62
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.36 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.43
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.53 8.4 0.61

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.54
3.1 0.24
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.15
3.2 0.36 6.1 0.63
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.46
3.3 0.33 6.2 0.56
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.52 6.3 0.64
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.39
Respect for due process
6.5 0.31
44 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Belgium Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.79 11/24 14/38 14/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.02 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.83 11/24 13/38 13/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.80 11/24 16/38 16/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.77 12/24 14/38 14/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.84 7/24 7/38 7/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.81 17/24 23/38 26/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.81 9/24 13/38 13/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.76 9/24 15/38 15/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.72 10/24 14/38 14/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Belgium EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.84 4.1 0.78 7.1 0.75

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.78 4.2 0.95 7.2 0.84
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.90 4.3 0.80 7.3 0.82
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.74 4.4 0.81 7.4 0.85
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.81 4.5 0.84 7.5 0.45
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.90 4.6 0.90 7.6 0.79
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.86 7.7 0.78

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.79
2.1 0.77
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.93 8.1 0.60
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.89 5.1 0.85 8.2 0.67
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.59 5.2 0.92 8.3 0.56
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.68 8.4 0.69

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.83
3.1 0.71
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.87
3.2 0.66 6.1 0.74
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.80
3.3 0.83 6.2 0.87
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.88 6.3 0.70
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.85
Respect for due process
6.5 0.91
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 45
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Belize Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.48 22/30 29/38 86/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.46 24/30 26/38 88/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 18/30 28/38 74/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.45 23/30 27/38 82/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.49 26/30 28/38 88/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.73 8/30 18/38 61/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 26/30 36/38 110/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.50 19/30 26/38 73/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 19/30 31/38 99/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Belize Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.52 4.1 0.40 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.52 4.2 0.58 7.2 0.39
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.30 4.3 0.35 7.3 0.61
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.24 4.4 0.56 7.4 0.49
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.56 4.5 0.47 7.5 0.46
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.62 4.6 0.41 7.6 0.42
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.56 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.56
2.1 0.39
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.59 8.1 0.34
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.56 5.1 0.70 8.2 0.29
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.23 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.24
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.49 8.4 0.32

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.51
3.1 0.35
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.32
3.2 0.39 6.1 0.39
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.35
3.3 0.54 6.2 0.54
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.51 6.3 0.33
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.46
46 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Benin Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 10/30 6/20 79/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.54 10/30 6/20 63/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.38 16/30 10/20 96/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.39 17/30 11/20 101/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.56 9/30 4/20 61/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.78 2/30 2/20 35/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.51 10/30 4/20 64/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.38 28/30 18/20 116/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.44 10/30 6/20 68/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Benin Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.70 7.1 0.32

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.46 4.2 0.51 7.2 0.59
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.43 4.3 0.51 7.3 0.35
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.50 4.4 0.54 7.4 0.37
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.54 4.5 0.76 7.5 0.28
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.79 4.6 0.24 7.6 0.29
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.67 7.7 0.47

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.58
2.1 0.40
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.44 8.1 0.38
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.47 5.1 0.81 8.2 0.36
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.21 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.37
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.54 8.4 0.69

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.31
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.35
3.2 0.32 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.51
3.3 0.55 6.2 0.69
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.39 6.3 0.42
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.38
Respect for due process
6.5 0.53
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 47
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Bolivia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.38 29/30 26/30 119/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.36 28/30 25/30 114/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.26 30/30 29/30 123/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.42 26/30 20/30 95/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.47 27/30 12/30 93/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.59 27/30 21/30 110/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.40 27/30 25/30 112/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.35 29/30 28/30 123/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.21 29/30 30/30 125/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Bolivia Latin America & Caribbean Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.34 4.1 0.42 7.1 0.48

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.28 4.2 0.47 7.2 0.37
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.33 4.3 0.33 7.3 0.24
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.32 4.4 0.45 7.4 0.20
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.45 4.5 0.64 7.5 0.23
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.45 4.6 0.37 7.6 0.35
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.52 7.7 0.58

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.53
2.1 0.36
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.18 8.1 0.20
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.28 5.1 0.58 8.2 0.13
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.22 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.14
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.19 8.4 0.29

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.23
3.1 0.32
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.15
3.2 0.39 6.1 0.46
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.33
3.3 0.46 6.2 0.49
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.43
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.19
Respect for due process
6.5 0.44
48 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.53 3/13 17/38 60/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.45 6/13 30/38 96/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 7/13 26/38 72/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.47 7/13 22/38 73/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.59 4/13 14/38 53/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.76 9/13 13/38 48/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 4/13 22/38 71/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.51 7/13 25/38 71/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.50 2/13 14/38 50/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Bosnia and Herzegovina Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.51 4.1 0.60 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.40 4.2 0.74 7.2 0.64
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.64 7.3 0.46
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.35 4.4 0.43 7.4 0.45
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.43 4.5 0.61 7.5 0.33
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.54 4.6 0.59 7.6 0.38
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.56 7.7 0.72

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.59
2.1 0.38
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.59 8.1 0.43
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.60 5.1 0.85 8.2 0.58
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.19 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.45
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.44 8.4 0.54

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.52
3.1 0.44
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.36
3.2 0.51 6.1 0.40
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.64
3.3 0.44 6.2 0.51
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.49
Respect for due process
6.5 0.64
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 49
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Botswana Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.59 4/30 8/38 44/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.58 6/30 11/38 49/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.60 1/30 6/38 39/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.48 8/30 21/38 72/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.58 7/30 15/38 58/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.71 7/30 21/38 66/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.60 2/30 3/38 32/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.60 5/30 9/38 41/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.57 1/30 5/38 34/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Botswana Sub-Saharan Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.59 4.1 0.67 7.1 0.49

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.60 4.2 0.58 7.2 0.60
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.48 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.69
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.52 4.4 0.57 7.4 0.63
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.57 4.5 0.59 7.5 0.50
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.73 4.6 0.45 7.6 0.61
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.64 7.7 0.68

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.56
2.1 0.56
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.76 8.1 0.39
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.74 5.1 0.66 8.2 0.53
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.34 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.57
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.48 8.4 0.62

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.68
3.1 0.22
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.62
3.2 0.54 6.1 0.55
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.56
3.3 0.61 6.2 0.73
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.57 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.61
Respect for due process
6.5 0.68
50 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Brazil Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.53 15/30 16/38 58/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.56 16/30 13/38 56/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.45 17/30 22/38 67/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.62 6/30 5/38 33/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.55 21/30 22/38 68/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.65 17/30 26/38 92/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.52 13/30 16/38 59/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.55 14/30 18/38 57/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.35 17/30 29/38 94/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Brazil Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.76 4.1 0.56 7.1 0.64

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.65 4.2 0.51 7.2 0.62
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.36 7.3 0.69
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.31 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.60
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.65 7.5 0.26
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.60 4.6 0.54 7.6 0.41
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.65 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.51
2.1 0.41
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.74 8.1 0.30
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.60 5.1 0.51 8.2 0.28
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.07 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.18
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.43 8.4 0.18

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.55
3.1 0.72
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.59
3.2 0.62 6.1 0.52
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.36
3.3 0.57 6.2 0.62
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.56 6.3 0.28
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.54
Respect for due process
6.5 0.63
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 51
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Bulgaria Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.54 23/24 14/38 54/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.46 23/24 28/38 91/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 24/24 29/38 77/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.54 23/24 10/38 49/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.60 23/24 13/38 51/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 20/24 8/38 41/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.54 23/24 11/38 49/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.56 22/24 16/38 54/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.45 24/24 20/38 62/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Bulgaria EU & EFTA & North America Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.52 4.1 0.58 7.1 0.73

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.40 4.2 0.63 7.2 0.57
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.39 4.3 0.55 7.3 0.49
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.29 4.4 0.61 7.4 0.43
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.61 4.5 0.72 7.5 0.39
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.53 4.6 0.39 7.6 0.69
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.67 7.7 0.63

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.67
2.1 0.43
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.57 8.1 0.36
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.61 5.1 0.84 8.2 0.53
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.14 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.31
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.47 8.4 0.53

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.48
3.1 0.56
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.38
3.2 0.41 6.1 0.67
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.55
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.63
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.61 6.3 0.56
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.48
52 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Burkina Faso Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 9/30 5/20 73/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.55 9/30 5/20 58/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 8/30 4/20 76/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.46 10/30 5/20 79/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.57 8/30 3/20 59/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.62 20/30 14/20 101/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.46 12/30 7/20 88/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.46 17/30 9/20 92/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.47 7/30 2/20 59/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Burkina Faso Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.65 4.1 0.67 7.1 0.36

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.51 4.2 0.57 7.2 0.54
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.54 4.3 0.47 7.3 0.37
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.40 4.4 0.61 7.4 0.42
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.61 4.5 0.72 7.5 0.48
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.62 4.6 0.37 7.6 0.42
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.66 7.7 0.61

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.51
2.1 0.46
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.47 8.1 0.40
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.54 5.1 0.73 8.2 0.47
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.28 5.2 0.74 8.3 0.34
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.40 8.4 0.61

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.47
3.1 0.31
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.50
3.2 0.45 6.1 0.43
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.47
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.55
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.34
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.40
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 53
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Cambodia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.32 15/15 30/30 125/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.29 15/15 29/30 124/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.24 15/15 30/30 125/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.27 15/15 28/30 124/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.35 13/15 27/30 117/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.66 13/15 15/30 87/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.29 15/15 29/30 124/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.23 15/15 30/30 126/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.25 15/15 29/30 124/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Cambodia East Asia & Pacific Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.39 4.1 0.40 7.1 0.35

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.25 4.2 0.22 7.2 0.17
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.19 4.3 0.25 7.3 0.10
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.27 4.4 0.31 7.4 0.19
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.31 4.5 0.50 7.5 0.21
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.33 4.6 0.19 7.6 0.23
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.41 7.7 0.37

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.50
2.1 0.30
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.13 8.1 0.34
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.22 5.1 0.81 8.2 0.37
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.32 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.26
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.18 8.4 0.21

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.17
3.1 0.21
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.17
3.2 0.25 6.1 0.27
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.25
3.3 0.34 6.2 0.27
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.26 6.3 0.49
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.14
Respect for due process
6.5 0.29
54 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Cameroon Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.37 28/30 27/30 120/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.39 25/30 23/30 110/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.27 27/30 28/30 121/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.34 24/30 25/30 115/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.39 24/30 22/30 110/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.51 28/30 28/30 121/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.41 23/30 24/30 111/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.39 27/30 24/30 115/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.28 28/30 26/30 118/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Cameroon Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.40 4.1 0.44 7.1 0.44

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.30 4.2 0.26 7.2 0.40
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.45 4.3 0.34 7.3 0.28
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.40 4.4 0.39 7.4 0.26
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.39 4.5 0.60 7.5 0.42
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.37 4.6 0.18 7.6 0.34
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.49 7.7 0.57

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.43
2.1 0.30
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.30 8.1 0.31
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.32 5.1 0.61 8.2 0.31
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.16 5.2 0.60 8.3 0.14
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.32 8.4 0.43

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.27
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.17
3.2 0.34 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.34
3.3 0.41 6.2 0.48
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.42 6.3 0.25
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.41
Respect for due process
6.5 0.48
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 55
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Canada Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.81 8/24 9/38 9/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.85 7/24 8/38 8/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.83 7/24 10/38 10/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.81 6/24 8/38 8/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.83 9/24 9/38 9/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.91 4/24 8/38 8/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.81 10/24 14/38 14/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.70 12/24 20/38 20/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.73 9/24 11/38 11/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Canada EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.81 4.1 0.68 7.1 0.57

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.85 4.2 0.95 7.2 0.58
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.83 4.3 0.79 7.3 0.90
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.78 4.4 0.86 7.4 0.89
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.86 4.5 0.85 7.5 0.47
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.95 4.6 0.88 7.6 0.73
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.88 7.7 0.78

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.74
2.1 0.79
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.95 8.1 0.70
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.88 5.1 0.92 8.2 0.71
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.71 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.61
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.80 8.4 0.56

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.84
3.1 0.88
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.93
3.2 0.68 6.1 0.77
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.79
3.3 0.85 6.2 0.95
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.83 6.3 0.71
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.86
Respect for due process
6.5 0.77
56 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Chile Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.68 3/30 24/38 25/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.72 3/30 19/38 20/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.70 2/30 24/38 25/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.72 1/30 17/38 17/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.73 4/30 23/38 24/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.68 14/30 36/38 83/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.65 3/30 24/38 25/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.63 6/30 29/38 34/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.57 6/30 29/38 33/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Chile Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.71 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.70

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.58 4.2 0.86 7.2 0.60
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.84 4.3 0.64 7.3 0.66
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.59 4.4 0.74 7.4 0.68
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.74 4.5 0.79 7.5 0.44
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.88 4.6 0.83 7.6 0.62
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.75 7.7 0.75

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.70
2.1 0.64
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.84 8.1 0.36
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.81 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.60
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.49 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.33
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.28 8.4 0.57

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.68
3.1 0.67
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.78
3.2 0.74 6.1 0.62
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.64
3.3 0.70 6.2 0.76
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.78 6.3 0.58
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.53
Respect for due process
6.5 0.77
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 57
Region: East Asia & Pacific
China Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.49 12/15 28/38 82/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.33 14/15 36/38 119/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.55 8/15 12/38 48/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.42 12/15 31/38 96/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.32 14/15 36/38 121/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.79 7/15 3/38 30/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.48 10/15 25/38 78/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.54 9/15 20/38 60/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.47 9/15 18/38 57/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

China East Asia & Pacific Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.39 4.1 0.45 7.1 0.66

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.31 4.2 0.45 7.2 0.49
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.41 4.3 0.51 7.3 0.43
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.50 4.4 0.12 7.4 0.22
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.12 4.5 0.22 7.5 0.76
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.24 4.6 0.30 7.6 0.57
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.17 7.7 0.67

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.32
2.1 0.50
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.57 8.1 0.57
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.69 5.1 0.79 8.2 0.57
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.44 5.2 0.92 8.3 0.50
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.66 8.4 0.34

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.58
3.1 0.45
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.20
3.2 0.56 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.51
3.3 0.21 6.2 0.58
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.45 6.3 0.62
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.32
Respect for due process
6.5 0.37
58 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Colombia Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 20/30 27/38 80/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.53 20/30 17/38 70/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.38 23/30 33/38 94/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.63 4/30 2/38 27/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.53 23/30 24/38 74/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.59 28/30 36/38 113/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.50 17/30 19/38 67/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.48 22/30 30/38 81/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.33 22/30 35/38 106/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Colombia Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.60 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.56

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.49 4.2 0.50 7.2 0.53
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.49 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.44
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.56 7.4 0.48
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.56 4.5 0.63 7.5 0.23
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.62 4.6 0.49 7.6 0.42
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.61 7.7 0.71

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.51
2.1 0.45
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.48 8.1 0.17
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.51 5.1 0.49 8.2 0.31
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.10 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.28
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.27 8.4 0.30

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.39
3.1 0.66
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.45
3.2 0.59 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.56 6.2 0.62
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.35
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.42
Respect for due process
6.5 0.61
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 59
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Congo, Dem. Rep. Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.33 30/30 20/20 124/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.32 29/30 20/20 120/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.18 30/30 20/20 126/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.32 27/30 18/20 118/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.37 28/30 18/20 116/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.48 29/30 19/20 122/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.37 27/30 17/20 119/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.36 29/30 20/20 121/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.27 30/30 20/20 122/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Congo, Dem. Rep. Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.43 4.1 0.59 7.1 0.37

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.24 4.2 0.12 7.2 0.45
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.29 4.3 0.31 7.3 0.17
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.33 4.4 0.28 7.4 0.21
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.21 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.46
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.41 4.6 0.11 7.6 0.29
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.44 7.7 0.56

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.25
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.18 8.1 0.24
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.21 5.1 0.56 8.2 0.39
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.09 5.2 0.50 8.3 0.14
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.38 8.4 0.48

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.20
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.16
3.2 0.32 6.1 0.35
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.31
3.3 0.36 6.2 0.36
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.39 6.3 0.39
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.42
Respect for due process
6.5 0.32
60 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Costa Rica Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.69 2/30 1/38 24/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.78 1/30 1/38 15/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.68 5/30 2/38 28/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.71 3/30 1/38 19/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.78 1/30 1/38 18/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.69 12/30 23/38 75/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.68 2/30 1/38 24/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.62 7/30 6/38 37/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.55 8/30 6/38 36/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Costa Rica Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.80 4.1 0.67 7.1 0.68

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.74 4.2 0.91 7.2 0.79
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.81 4.3 0.70 7.3 0.76
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.58 4.4 0.83 7.4 0.71
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.83 4.5 0.84 7.5 0.21
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.93 4.6 0.83 7.6 0.45
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.83 7.7 0.76

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.62
2.1 0.67
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.81 8.1 0.41
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.74 5.1 0.70 8.2 0.44
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.48 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.33
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.38 8.4 0.65

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.67
3.1 0.48
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.66
3.2 0.78 6.1 0.65
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.70
3.3 0.78 6.2 0.73
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.79 6.3 0.51
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.70
Respect for due process
6.5 0.81
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 61
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Cote d'Ivoire Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.46 13/30 16/30 93/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.41 21/30 21/30 104/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.37 17/30 17/30 98/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.37 22/30 23/30 109/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 18/30 13/30 96/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.68 14/30 14/30 80/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.52 9/30 6/30 56/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.52 9/30 6/30 67/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 13/30 13/30 82/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Cote d'Ivoire Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.41 4.1 0.60 7.1 0.50

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.37 4.2 0.33 7.2 0.58
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.42 4.3 0.38 7.3 0.38
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.37 4.4 0.37 7.4 0.30
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.37 4.5 0.69 7.5 0.58
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.52 4.6 0.13 7.6 0.56
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.58 7.7 0.70

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.35
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.43 8.1 0.32
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.46 5.1 0.67 8.2 0.50
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.25 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.30
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.38 8.4 0.54

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.18
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.19
3.2 0.44 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.38
3.3 0.46 6.2 0.53
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.40 6.3 0.47
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.53
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
62 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Croatia Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.61 22/24 34/38 42/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.58 22/24 34/38 52/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.57 21/24 33/38 45/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.61 21/24 29/38 36/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.65 22/24 34/38 39/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.82 16/24 22/38 25/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.55 22/24 33/38 44/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.58 20/24 32/38 48/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.51 22/24 34/38 48/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Croatia EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.61 4.1 0.60 7.1 0.69

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.47 4.2 0.71 7.2 0.67
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.54 4.3 0.62 7.3 0.58
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.48 4.4 0.64 7.4 0.56
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.64 4.5 0.68 7.5 0.30
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.71 4.6 0.49 7.6 0.52
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.75 7.7 0.73

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.70
2.1 0.51
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.72 8.1 0.47
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.74 5.1 0.94 8.2 0.48
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.32 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.44
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.53 8.4 0.40

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.61
3.1 0.55
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.52
3.2 0.59 6.1 0.61
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.62
3.3 0.64 6.2 0.68
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.64 6.3 0.45
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.39
Respect for due process
6.5 0.62
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 63
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Czech Republic Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.73 13/24 19/38 19/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.73 14/24 17/38 18/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.64 18/24 30/38 34/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.66 16/24 23/38 24/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.78 13/24 15/38 15/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.90 6/24 10/38 11/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.70 14/24 21/38 21/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.70 13/24 21/38 21/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.70 12/24 18/38 18/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Czech Republic EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.72 4.1 0.71 7.1 0.66

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.72 4.2 0.96 7.2 0.70
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.74 4.3 0.77 7.3 0.79
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.62 4.4 0.74 7.4 0.76
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.74 4.5 0.78 7.5 0.50
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.87 4.6 0.79 7.6 0.66
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.79 7.7 0.81

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.73
2.1 0.60
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.87 8.1 0.63
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.76 5.1 0.89 8.2 0.68
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.33 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.54
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.81 8.4 0.70

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.74
3.1 0.66
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.84
3.2 0.65 6.1 0.71
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.77
3.3 0.70 6.2 0.86
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.64 6.3 0.62
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.62
Respect for due process
6.5 0.72
64 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Denmark Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.9 1/24 1/38 1/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.95 1/24 1/38 1/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.95 1/24 1/38 1/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.86 3/24 3/38 3/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.92 2/24 2/38 2/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.93 1/24 2/38 2/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.90 1/24 1/38 1/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.87 1/24 1/38 1/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.83 2/24 2/38 2/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Denmark EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.93 4.1 0.77 7.1 0.76

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.95 4.2 1.00 7.2 0.87
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.92 4.3 0.88 7.3 0.99
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.93 4.4 0.96 7.4 0.92
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.96 4.5 0.81 7.5 0.76
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.98 4.6 0.98 7.6 0.90
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.98 7.7 0.86

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.95
2.1 0.92
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.99 8.1 0.66
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.97 5.1 0.94 8.2 0.77
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.89 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.75
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.85 8.4 0.82

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.99
3.1 0.85
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.95
3.2 0.79 6.1 0.82
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.88
3.3 0.94 6.2 0.98
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.86 6.3 0.90
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.92
Respect for due process
6.5 0.88
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 65
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Dominica Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.59 11/30 9/38 45/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.53 19/30 16/38 67/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.60 11/30 5/38 38/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.50 20/30 16/38 64/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.64 11/30 7/38 41/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.76 5/30 14/38 50/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.52 12/30 15/38 58/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.59 10/30 14/38 46/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.55 9/30 7/38 37/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Dominica Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.45 4.1 0.60 7.1 0.76

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.59 4.2 0.84 7.2 0.55
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.64 4.3 0.59 7.3 0.76
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.52 7.4 0.73
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.52 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.33
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.58 4.6 0.68 7.6 0.35
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.61 7.7 0.63

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.57
2.1 0.46
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.90 8.1 0.48
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.74 5.1 0.88 8.2 0.43
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.30 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.32
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.39 8.4 0.63

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.74
3.1 0.37
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.63
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.35
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.59
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.70
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.53 6.3 0.45
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.54
Respect for due process
6.5 0.55
66 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Dominican Republic Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.46 24/30 33/38 95/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.45 26/30 29/38 93/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.39 22/30 32/38 93/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.51 14/30 12/38 55/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.56 17/30 17/38 62/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.63 20/30 30/38 99/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.39 29/30 37/38 114/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.43 24/30 35/38 104/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 20/30 32/38 100/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Dominican Republic Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.53 4.1 0.49 7.1 0.52

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.39 4.2 0.53 7.2 0.55
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.31 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.44
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.33 4.4 0.63 7.4 0.36
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.63 4.5 0.70 7.5 0.26
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.53 4.6 0.51 7.6 0.34
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.68 7.7 0.58

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.58
2.1 0.41
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.48 8.1 0.31
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.45 5.1 0.59 8.2 0.40
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.20 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.19
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.30 8.4 0.33

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.41
3.1 0.34
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.32
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.37
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.57 6.2 0.60
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.60 6.3 0.37
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.19
Respect for due process
6.5 0.44
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 67
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Ecuador Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.48 23/30 30/38 87/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.46 25/30 27/38 89/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.41 20/30 30/38 86/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.51 16/30 13/38 59/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.49 25/30 27/38 86/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.62 21/30 31/38 100/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 19/30 21/38 70/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.48 21/30 29/38 80/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.35 18/30 30/38 95/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Ecuador Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.51 4.1 0.45 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.40 4.2 0.47 7.2 0.49
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.47 4.3 0.42 7.3 0.42
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.38 4.4 0.50 7.4 0.32
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.50 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.43
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.51 4.6 0.32 7.6 0.45
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.55 7.7 0.67

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.56
2.1 0.43
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.41 8.1 0.29
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.53 5.1 0.58 8.2 0.42
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.25 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.30
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.29 8.4 0.33

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.43
3.1 0.40
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.25
3.2 0.47 6.1 0.54
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.42
3.3 0.51 6.2 0.58
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.65 6.3 0.48
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.36
Respect for due process
6.5 0.50
68 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Egypt Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.36 8/8 28/30 121/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.29 8/8 28/30 122/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.40 7/8 13/30 90/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.22 8/8 30/30 126/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.29 7/8 30/30 125/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.54 8/8 27/30 120/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.35 8/8 28/30 121/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.38 8/8 25/30 117/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.41 6/8 10/30 76/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Egypt Middle East & North Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.14 4.1 0.50 7.1 0.48

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.41 4.2 0.31 7.2 0.32
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.33 4.3 0.36 7.3 0.48
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.09 7.4 0.44
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.09 4.5 0.22 7.5 0.22
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.37 4.6 0.25 7.6 0.24
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.23 7.7 0.49

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.39
2.1 0.43
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.47 8.1 0.41
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.42 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.43
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.28 5.2 0.60 8.3 0.28
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.28 8.4 0.49

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.44
3.1 0.31
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.43
3.2 0.11 6.1 0.47
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.36
3.3 0.18 6.2 0.48
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.31 6.3 0.16
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.29
Respect for due process
6.5 0.37
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 69
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
El Salvador Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.48 21/30 12/30 84/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.47 23/30 15/30 85/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.40 21/30 14/30 91/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.51 15/30 9/30 57/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 24/30 9/30 76/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.63 19/30 19/30 98/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 20/30 8/30 74/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.51 16/30 7/30 68/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.29 26/30 25/30 117/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

El Salvador Latin America & Caribbean Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.58 4.1 0.51 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.47 4.2 0.61 7.2 0.61
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.36 4.3 0.32 7.3 0.46
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.35 4.4 0.55 7.4 0.44
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.55 4.5 0.63 7.5 0.40
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.51 4.6 0.56 7.6 0.49
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.55 7.7 0.59

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.47
2.1 0.43
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.48 8.1 0.16
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.53 5.1 0.45 8.2 0.31
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.15 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.18
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.45 8.4 0.24

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.38
3.1 0.40
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.42
3.2 0.57 6.1 0.41
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.32
3.3 0.49 6.2 0.62
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.58 6.3 0.50
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.53
70 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Estonia Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.81 9/24 10/38 10/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.84 9/24 10/38 10/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.80 10/24 15/38 15/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.80 7/24 9/38 9/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.83 10/24 10/38 10/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.89 8/24 12/38 13/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.79 11/24 15/38 15/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.80 6/24 7/38 7/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.71 11/24 16/38 16/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Estonia EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.84 4.1 0.81 7.1 0.74

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.83 4.2 0.94 7.2 0.87
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.86 4.3 0.78 7.3 0.90
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.80 4.4 0.80 7.4 0.86
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.80 4.5 0.80 7.5 0.72
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.91 4.6 0.92 7.6 0.69
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.84 7.7 0.83

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.71
2.1 0.75
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.95 8.1 0.59
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.91 5.1 0.90 8.2 0.56
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.59 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.62
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.78 8.4 0.71

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.88
3.1 0.88
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.83
3.2 0.74 6.1 0.83
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.78
3.3 0.79 6.2 0.91
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.78 6.3 0.78
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.66
Respect for due process
6.5 0.77
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 71
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethiopia Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.39 27/30 18/20 118/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.33 27/30 18/20 116/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.46 7/30 3/20 64/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.28 29/30 20/20 123/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.29 30/30 20/20 124/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.64 19/30 13/20 93/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.36 28/30 18/20 120/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.41 25/30 16/20 111/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.33 23/30 14/20 104/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Ethiopia Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.43 4.1 0.44 7.1 0.43

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.32 4.2 0.19 7.2 0.33
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.37 4.3 0.32 7.3 0.33
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.38 4.4 0.23 7.4 0.24
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.23 4.5 0.50 7.5 0.40
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.27 4.6 0.14 7.6 0.51
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.22 7.7 0.60

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.31
2.1 0.39
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.39 8.1 0.35
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.48 5.1 0.64 8.2 0.36
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.60 5.2 0.83 8.3 0.39
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.47 8.4 0.35

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.13
3.2 0.35 6.1 0.33
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.32
3.3 0.21 6.2 0.53
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.37 6.3 0.35
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.17
Respect for due process
6.5 0.42
72 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Finland Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.87 3/24 3/38 3/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.92 3/24 3/38 3/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.89 4/24 5/38 5/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.87 2/24 2/38 2/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.92 1/24 1/38 1/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.92 3/24 6/38 6/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.84 7/24 9/38 9/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.80 7/24 8/38 8/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.84 1/24 1/38 1/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Finland EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.90 4.1 0.88 7.1 0.67

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.90 4.2 1.00 7.2 0.87
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.92 4.3 0.92 7.3 0.94
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.93 4.4 0.91 7.4 0.88
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.91 4.5 0.86 7.5 0.62
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.98 4.6 0.98 7.6 0.87
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.93 7.7 0.75

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.87
2.1 0.89
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.98 8.1 0.61
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.97 5.1 0.94 8.2 0.79
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.73 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.86
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.82 8.4 0.81

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.94
3.1 0.90
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.98
3.2 0.82 6.1 0.79
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.92
3.3 0.89 6.2 0.97
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.86 6.3 0.74
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.94
Respect for due process
6.5 0.74
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 73
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
France Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.73 12/24 17/38 17/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.74 13/24 16/38 17/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.75 12/24 18/38 18/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.79 10/24 12/38 12/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.74 15/24 19/38 20/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.74 23/24 32/38 56/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.77 12/24 17/38 17/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.71 11/24 19/38 19/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.63 15/24 22/38 22/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

France EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.73 4.1 0.63 7.1 0.67

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.67 4.2 0.84 7.2 0.57
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.76 4.3 0.68 7.3 0.75
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.66 4.4 0.73 7.4 0.77
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.73 4.5 0.74 7.5 0.60
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.89 4.6 0.71 7.6 0.76
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.82 7.7 0.83

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.79
2.1 0.75
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.89 8.1 0.59
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.85 5.1 0.82 8.2 0.64
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.51 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.51
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.56 8.4 0.59

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.77
3.1 0.84
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.63
3.2 0.73 6.1 0.70
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.68
3.3 0.75 6.2 0.85
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.83 6.3 0.71
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.77
Respect for due process
6.5 0.84
74 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Georgia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.61 1/13 1/30 41/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.57 1/13 5/30 53/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.70 1/13 1/30 24/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.59 1/13 2/30 39/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.62 1/13 2/30 48/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.78 6/13 3/30 36/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.56 1/13 1/30 42/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.54 5/13 4/30 62/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.52 1/13 1/30 46/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Georgia Eastern Europe & Central Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.60 4.1 0.57 7.1 0.65

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.46 4.2 0.73 7.2 0.47
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.64 4.3 0.59 7.3 0.59
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.68 7.4 0.44
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.68 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.38
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.61 4.6 0.45 7.6 0.54
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.69 7.7 0.71

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.64
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.73 8.1 0.37
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.89 5.1 0.92 8.2 0.55
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.53 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.60
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.43 8.4 0.50

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.73
3.1 0.51
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.28
3.2 0.65 6.1 0.59
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.59
3.3 0.62 6.2 0.82
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.57 6.3 0.46
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.36
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 75
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Germany Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.84 6/24 6/38 6/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.85 6/24 6/38 6/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.82 9/24 12/38 12/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.79 9/24 11/38 11/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.85 6/24 6/38 6/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.89 10/24 14/38 15/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.85 5/24 7/38 7/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.86 3/24 3/38 3/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.78 6/24 7/38 7/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Germany EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.82 4.1 0.78 7.1 0.78

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.83 4.2 0.94 7.2 0.85
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.86 4.3 0.82 7.3 0.88
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.79 4.4 0.85 7.4 0.91
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.85 4.5 0.84 7.5 0.83
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.95 4.6 0.79 7.6 0.90
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.90 7.7 0.86

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.85
2.1 0.81
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.95 8.1 0.60
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.90 5.1 0.89 8.2 0.76
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.62 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.76
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.77 8.4 0.73

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.85
3.1 0.74
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.92
3.2 0.73 6.1 0.77
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.82
3.3 0.86 6.2 0.85
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.83 6.3 0.82
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.87
Respect for due process
6.5 0.92
76 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Ghana Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.58 6/30 2/30 48/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.70 1/30 1/30 25/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.41 14/30 10/30 87/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.51 5/30 8/30 56/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.64 3/30 1/30 42/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.71 9/30 8/30 69/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.55 5/30 3/30 45/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.62 4/30 1/30 39/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.49 6/30 3/30 53/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Ghana Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.80 4.1 0.65 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.69 4.2 0.71 7.2 0.61
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.63 4.3 0.46 7.3 0.52
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.56 4.4 0.77 7.4 0.74
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.77 4.5 0.68 7.5 0.46
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.74 4.6 0.56 7.6 0.64
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.77 7.7 0.75

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.52
2.1 0.40
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.53 8.1 0.42
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.40 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.52
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.28 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.33
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.38 8.4 0.60

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.26
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.66
3.2 0.38 6.1 0.46
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.46
3.3 0.71 6.2 0.55
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.44
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.64
Respect for due process
6.5 0.66
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 77
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Greece Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.62 21/24 32/38 36/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.69 18/24 24/38 26/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.57 22/24 34/38 46/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.61 22/24 30/38 37/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.66 20/24 32/38 36/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.72 24/24 33/38 62/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.59 20/24 31/38 34/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.58 21/24 33/38 49/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.51 21/24 33/38 47/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Greece EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.64 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.67

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.65 4.2 0.78 7.2 0.61
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.75 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.72
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.55 4.4 0.69 7.4 0.61
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.69 4.5 0.70 7.5 0.30
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.86 4.6 0.70 7.6 0.43
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.76 7.7 0.71

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.55
2.1 0.51
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.81 8.1 0.52
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.75 5.1 0.81 8.2 0.45
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.19 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.30
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.37 8.4 0.47

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.69
3.1 0.58
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.61
3.2 0.62 6.1 0.61
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.56
3.3 0.64 6.2 0.63
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.60 6.3 0.56
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.44
Respect for due process
6.5 0.70
78 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Grenada Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.6 10/30 7/38 43/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.59 12/30 9/38 47/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.66 7/30 3/38 31/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.47 22/30 25/38 76/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.63 12/30 9/38 44/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 3/30 11/38 44/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.58 8/30 7/38 39/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.62 8/30 7/38 38/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.50 13/30 15/38 51/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Grenada Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.59 4.1 0.78 7.1 0.59

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.66 4.2 0.69 7.2 0.75
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.51 4.3 0.43 7.3 0.80
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.45 4.4 0.62 7.4 0.71
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.62 4.5 0.66 7.5 0.40
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.69 4.6 0.51 7.6 0.38
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.72 7.7 0.69

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.64
2.1 0.67
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.79 8.1 0.48
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.74 5.1 0.88 8.2 0.53
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.46 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.39
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.42 8.4 0.46

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.65
3.1 0.29
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.57
3.2 0.42 6.1 0.55
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.43
3.3 0.63 6.2 0.74
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.55 6.3 0.58
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.42
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 79
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Guatemala Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.46 25/30 34/38 96/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.02 5 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.54 17/30 14/38 61/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.37 24/30 34/38 100/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.51 17/30 14/38 60/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.55 19/30 20/38 66/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.59 26/30 35/38 109/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 25/30 35/38 108/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.37 28/30 37/38 120/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.32 23/30 36/38 109/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Guatemala Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.61 4.1 0.39 7.1 0.35

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.53 4.2 0.63 7.2 0.35
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.44 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.46
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.40 4.4 0.63 7.4 0.38
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.63 4.5 0.67 7.5 0.13
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.66 4.6 0.63 7.6 0.31
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.67 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.39
2.1 0.38
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.48 8.1 0.23
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.54 5.1 0.53 8.2 0.25
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.08 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.09
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.24 8.4 0.39

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.30
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.42
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.40
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.58
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.62 6.3 0.36
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.30
Respect for due process
6.5 0.46
80 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Guinea Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.44 20/30 13/20 105/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.39 23/30 16/20 107/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.28 25/30 16/20 118/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.39 18/30 12/20 102/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 14/30 10/20 80/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.75 4/30 3/20 51/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.43 17/30 11/20 99/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.41 23/30 14/20 108/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.31 26/30 17/20 111/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Guinea Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.48 4.1 0.55 7.1 0.47

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.27 4.2 0.46 7.2 0.49
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.32 4.3 0.35 7.3 0.14
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.28 4.4 0.54 7.4 0.33
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.54 4.5 0.74 7.5 0.45
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.48 4.6 0.37 7.6 0.50
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.62 7.7 0.51

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.53
2.1 0.27
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.26 8.1 0.26
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.34 5.1 0.77 8.2 0.28
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.26 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.24
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.48 8.4 0.53

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.29
3.1 0.17
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.24
3.2 0.41 6.1 0.38
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.35
3.3 0.52 6.2 0.42
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.44 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.49
Respect for due process
6.5 0.46
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 81
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Guyana Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 19/30 24/38 75/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.57 15/30 12/38 55/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.46 16/30 21/38 65/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.44 24/30 28/38 84/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.56 18/30 19/38 65/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.61 24/30 33/38 105/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.46 22/30 30/38 86/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.53 15/30 21/38 65/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 15/30 25/38 78/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Guyana Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.65 4.1 0.51 7.1 0.56

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.62 4.2 0.57 7.2 0.38
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.37 7.3 0.61
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.61 7.4 0.58
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.61 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.44
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.64 4.6 0.49 7.6 0.52
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.63 7.7 0.63

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.58
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.61 8.1 0.36
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.42 5.1 0.66 8.2 0.41
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.38 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.15
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.17 8.4 0.36

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.52
3.1 0.27
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.51
3.2 0.41 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.37
3.3 0.57 6.2 0.60
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.52 6.3 0.40
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.46
82 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Honduras Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.4 28/30 24/30 115/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.37 27/30 24/30 111/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.34 26/30 21/30 106/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.42 25/30 19/30 92/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.41 28/30 20/30 107/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.60 25/30 20/30 108/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.40 28/30 26/30 113/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.41 25/30 21/30 107/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.26 28/30 28/30 123/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Honduras Latin America & Caribbean Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.46 4.1 0.46 7.1 0.45

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.35 4.2 0.27 7.2 0.41
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.33 4.3 0.31 7.3 0.38
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.27 4.4 0.48 7.4 0.29
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.48 4.5 0.53 7.5 0.28
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.33 4.6 0.20 7.6 0.42
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.53 7.7 0.67

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.36
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.39 8.1 0.19
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.46 5.1 0.50 8.2 0.28
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.13 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.14
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.31 8.4 0.27

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.40
3.1 0.28
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.21
3.2 0.44 6.1 0.37
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.31
3.3 0.46 6.2 0.54
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.52 6.3 0.40
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.20
Respect for due process
6.5 0.48
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 83
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Hong Kong SAR, China Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.77 5/15 16/38 16/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.65 7/15 27/38 31/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.84 3/15 9/38 9/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.75 3/15 15/38 15/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.66 6/15 30/38 33/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.93 2/15 4/38 4/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.82 3/15 10/38 10/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.77 4/15 12/38 12/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.71 5/15 15/38 15/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Hong Kong SAR, China East Asia & Pacific High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.69 4.1 0.76 7.1 0.64

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.71 4.2 0.71 7.2 0.67
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.59 4.3 0.70 7.3 0.96
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.73 4.4 0.57 7.4 0.69
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.57 4.5 0.76 7.5 0.75
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.59 4.6 0.52 7.6 0.80
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.62 7.7 0.89

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.68
2.1 0.82
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.95 8.1 0.70
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.88 5.1 0.93 8.2 0.70
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.71 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.75
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.84 8.4 0.68

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.88
3.1 0.72
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.57
3.2 0.76 6.1 0.76
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.70
3.3 0.63 6.2 0.95
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.87 6.3 0.77
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.88
Respect for due process
6.5 0.76
84 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Hungary Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.53 24/24 37/38 57/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.41 24/24 38/38 103/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.51 23/24 36/38 53/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.46 24/24 36/38 80/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.58 24/24 37/38 56/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.91 5/24 9/38 10/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.47 24/24 38/38 82/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.46 24/24 38/38 93/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.48 23/24 35/38 55/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Hungary EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.35 4.1 0.44 7.1 0.55

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.41 4.2 0.80 7.2 0.27
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.41 4.3 0.58 7.3 0.65
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.33 4.4 0.48 7.4 0.36
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.48 4.5 0.52 7.5 0.33
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.50 4.6 0.66 7.6 0.41
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.48 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.69
2.1 0.46
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.69 8.1 0.52
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.69 5.1 0.92 8.2 0.57
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.19 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.41
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.80 8.4 0.26

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.64
3.1 0.55
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.37
3.2 0.39 6.1 0.53
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.58
3.3 0.41 6.2 0.63
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.47 6.3 0.42
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.32
Respect for due process
6.5 0.47
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 85
Region: South Asia
India Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.51 3/6 7/30 68/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.61 1/6 3/30 40/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.43 3/6 8/30 80/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.61 1/6 1/30 34/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.53 3/6 8/30 75/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.59 3/6 22/30 111/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.48 3/6 10/30 76/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.45 3/6 17/30 97/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.40 3/6 11/30 77/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

India South Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.71 4.1 0.50 7.1 0.40

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.65 4.2 0.50 7.2 0.44
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.57 4.3 0.41 7.3 0.50
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.58 7.4 0.64
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.58 4.5 0.59 7.5 0.18
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.75 4.6 0.53 7.6 0.39
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.59 7.7 0.58

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.50
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.49 8.1 0.27
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.44 5.1 0.79 8.2 0.37
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.33 5.2 0.64 8.3 0.39
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.33 8.4 0.34

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.47
3.1 0.54
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.57
3.2 0.60 6.1 0.41
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.41
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.45
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.72 6.3 0.40
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.53
Respect for due process
6.5 0.63
86 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Indonesia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.52 9/15 5/30 62/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.66 6/15 2/30 29/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.38 14/15 16/30 97/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.54 7/15 5/30 47/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 8/15 10/30 82/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.70 12/15 9/30 70/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.55 7/15 2/30 43/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.44 13/15 20/30 102/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.37 12/15 15/30 86/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Indonesia East Asia & Pacific Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.81 4.1 0.39 7.1 0.51

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.67 4.2 0.51 7.2 0.27
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.56 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.39
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.58 4.4 0.67 7.4 0.45
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.67 4.5 0.46 7.5 0.49
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.69 4.6 0.43 7.6 0.39
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.66 7.7 0.57

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.48
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.29 8.1 0.34
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.48 5.1 0.85 8.2 0.50
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.25 5.2 0.83 8.3 0.25
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.43 8.4 0.24

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.45
3.1 0.36
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.44
3.2 0.54 6.1 0.52
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.64 6.2 0.70
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.62 6.3 0.55
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.43
Respect for due process
6.5 0.57
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 87
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Iran Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.45 7/8 36/38 102/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.03 -16 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.39 7/8 33/38 109/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.45 5/8 25/38 70/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.29 7/8 37/38 121/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.25 8/8 38/38 126/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.75 3/8 15/38 54/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.48 6/8 26/38 79/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.55 4/8 19/38 58/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.42 5/8 24/38 75/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Iran Middle East & North Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.41 4.1 0.45 7.1 0.62

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.37 4.2 0.28 7.2 0.38
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.42 4.3 0.45 7.3 0.44
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.42 4.4 0.21 7.4 0.47
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.21 4.5 0.07 7.5 0.56
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.51 4.6 0.14 7.6 0.57
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.12 7.7 0.79

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.26
2.1 0.39
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.54 8.1 0.30
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.54 5.1 0.76 8.2 0.49
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.33 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.55
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.62 8.4 0.43

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.43
3.1 0.36
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.28
3.2 0.33 6.1 0.36
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.45
3.3 0.18 6.2 0.45
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.30 6.3 0.49
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.53
Respect for due process
6.5 0.56
88 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Italy Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.65 19/24 27/38 28/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.71 17/24 23/38 24/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.63 19/24 31/38 36/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.63 18/24 27/38 29/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.73 17/24 24/38 25/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.74 22/24 31/38 55/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.59 19/24 30/38 33/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.56 23/24 36/38 55/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.64 14/24 21/38 21/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Italy EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.71 4.1 0.68 7.1 0.62

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.69 4.2 0.86 7.2 0.57
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.76 4.3 0.70 7.3 0.67
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.61 4.4 0.69 7.4 0.69
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.69 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.31
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.78 4.6 0.79 7.6 0.37
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.79 7.7 0.69

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.57
2.1 0.57
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.81 8.1 0.48
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.85 5.1 0.80 8.2 0.59
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.30 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.53
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.43 8.4 0.62

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.75
3.1 0.61
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.82
3.2 0.64 6.1 0.59
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.70
3.3 0.67 6.2 0.72
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.60 6.3 0.44
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.57
Respect for due process
6.5 0.64
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 89
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Jamaica Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.56 13/30 12/38 50/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.62 7/30 3/38 35/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.54 12/30 13/38 49/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.56 10/30 8/38 43/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.63 13/30 10/38 45/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.62 23/30 32/38 104/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.54 10/30 12/38 52/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.51 17/30 23/38 69/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.50 12/30 13/38 49/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Jamaica Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.65 4.1 0.63 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.67 4.2 0.59 7.2 0.53
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.59 4.3 0.50 7.3 0.71
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.44 4.4 0.63 7.4 0.71
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.63 4.5 0.67 7.5 0.24
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.73 4.6 0.71 7.6 0.26
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.69 7.7 0.61

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.59
2.1 0.50
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.83 8.1 0.43
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.60 5.1 0.64 8.2 0.37
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.24 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.27
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.21 8.4 0.54

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.69
3.1 0.36
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.73
3.2 0.64 6.1 0.52
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.50
3.3 0.62 6.2 0.70
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.61 6.3 0.35
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.52
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
90 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Japan Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.78 4/15 15/38 15/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.71 4/15 22/38 23/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.82 4/15 13/38 13/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.69 5/15 21/38 22/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.78 3/15 17/38 17/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.92 3/15 5/38 5/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.78 5/15 16/38 16/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.79 2/15 9/38 9/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.74 2/15 10/38 10/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Japan East Asia & Pacific High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.61 4.1 0.84 7.1 0.70

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.70 4.2 0.94 7.2 0.80
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.70 4.3 0.74 7.3 0.94
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.73 4.4 0.72 7.4 0.77
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.72 4.5 0.68 7.5 0.71
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.81 4.6 0.82 7.6 0.75
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.73 7.7 0.88

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.79
2.1 0.79
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.97 8.1 0.66
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.93 5.1 0.93 8.2 0.64
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.58 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.81
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.84 8.4 0.74

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.91
3.1 0.74
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.70
3.2 0.62 6.1 0.72
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.74
3.3 0.68 6.2 0.95
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.75
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.73
Respect for due process
6.5 0.76
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 91
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Jordan Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.57 2/8 11/38 49/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.03 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.49 5/8 20/38 77/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.58 2/8 8/38 42/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.41 5/8 33/38 99/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.49 3/8 26/38 83/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 2/8 9/38 42/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.58 2/8 5/38 36/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.63 2/8 4/38 32/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.58 2/8 2/38 28/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Jordan Middle East & North Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.71 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.46 4.2 0.61 7.2 0.74
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.58 4.3 0.48 7.3 0.74
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.54 4.4 0.43 7.4 0.63
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.43 4.5 0.39 7.5 0.39
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.41 4.6 0.40 7.6 0.61
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.40 7.7 0.76

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.52
2.1 0.56
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.72 8.1 0.47
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.77 5.1 0.85 8.2 0.69
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.28 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.54
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.45 8.4 0.60

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.69
3.1 0.33
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.60
3.2 0.56 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.48
3.3 0.38 6.2 0.69
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.36 6.3 0.52
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.60
Respect for due process
6.5 0.65
92 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Kazakhstan Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.52 4/13 18/38 65/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.43 8/13 31/38 100/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.47 4/13 19/38 61/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.47 9/13 24/38 75/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 10/13 33/38 95/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.78 7/13 6/38 37/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.51 2/13 17/38 63/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.59 2/13 12/38 44/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.44 7/13 21/38 69/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Kazakhstan Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.45 4.1 0.56 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.43 4.2 0.59 7.2 0.48
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.51 4.3 0.45 7.3 0.53
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.45 4.4 0.35 7.4 0.37
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.35 4.5 0.57 7.5 0.82
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.39 4.6 0.35 7.6 0.70
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.35 7.7 0.73

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.47
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.53 8.1 0.46
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.51 5.1 0.78 8.2 0.63
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.35 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.40
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.56 8.4 0.33

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.53
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.33
3.2 0.46 6.1 0.61
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.45
3.3 0.35 6.2 0.65
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.54 6.3 0.54
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.26
Respect for due process
6.5 0.48
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 93
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Kenya Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.45 17/30 18/30 101/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.49 15/30 12/30 78/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.27 26/30 27/30 120/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.49 6/30 13/30 69/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 20/30 17/30 101/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.56 27/30 26/30 119/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.46 13/30 13/30 89/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.47 12/30 12/30 83/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 15/30 14/30 84/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Kenya Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.63 4.1 0.48 7.1 0.42

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.52 4.2 0.27 7.2 0.51
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.48 4.3 0.38 7.3 0.44
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.32 4.4 0.53 7.4 0.52
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.53 4.5 0.63 7.5 0.31
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.48 4.6 0.20 7.6 0.47
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.60 7.7 0.64

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.56
2.1 0.30
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.46 8.1 0.34
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.25 5.1 0.59 8.2 0.41
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.08 5.2 0.73 8.3 0.37
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.36 8.4 0.34

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.31
3.1 0.28
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.50
3.2 0.40 6.1 0.44
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.38
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.47
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.43
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.36
Respect for due process
6.5 0.58
94 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Kyrgyzstan Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.48 10/13 13/30 85/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.48 3/13 14/30 82/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.31 13/13 25/30 113/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.54 4/13 6/30 48/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.49 8/13 11/30 84/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.75 10/13 6/30 52/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.45 8/13 15/30 92/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.49 10/13 10/30 77/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.31 13/13 21/30 112/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Kyrgyzstan Eastern Europe & Central Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.56 4.1 0.49 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.31 4.2 0.47 7.2 0.55
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.41 4.3 0.33 7.3 0.37
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.47 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.35
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.57 7.5 0.49
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.53 4.6 0.33 7.6 0.41
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.62 7.7 0.63

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.54
2.1 0.37
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.37 8.1 0.38
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.37 5.1 0.78 8.2 0.49
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.15 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.22
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.48 8.4 0.31

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.29
3.1 0.53
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.16
3.2 0.55 6.1 0.52
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.33
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.41
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.55
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.32
Respect for due process
6.5 0.45
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 95
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Lebanon Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.47 6/8 32/38 89/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.52 4/8 18/38 73/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.39 8/8 31/38 92/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.44 3/8 29/38 88/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 2/8 25/38 81/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.64 6/8 28/38 95/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.44 7/8 32/38 94/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.44 7/8 34/38 103/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 8/8 26/38 80/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Lebanon Middle East & North Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.75 4.1 0.46 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.47 4.2 0.49 7.2 0.41
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.41 4.3 0.45 7.3 0.41
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.33 4.4 0.60 7.4 0.37
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.60 4.5 0.54 7.5 0.35
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.54 4.6 0.40 7.6 0.45
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.65 7.7 0.53

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.55
2.1 0.36
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.49 8.1 0.49
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.54 5.1 0.70 8.2 0.44
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.18 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.33
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.35 8.4 0.21

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.27
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.27
3.2 0.45 6.1 0.44
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.45
3.3 0.54 6.2 0.43
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.49 6.3 0.44
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.48
Respect for due process
6.5 0.42
96 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Liberia Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.46 14/30 8/20 97/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.53 12/30 7/20 69/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.32 21/30 13/20 110/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.49 7/30 3/20 70/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 12/30 8/20 78/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.61 23/30 16/20 107/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.43 16/30 10/20 98/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.44 20/30 11/20 101/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.32 25/30 16/20 108/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Liberia Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.58 4.1 0.47 7.1 0.50

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.54 4.2 0.53 7.2 0.47
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.44 4.3 0.37 7.3 0.32
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.35 4.4 0.62 7.4 0.44
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.62 4.5 0.66 7.5 0.37
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.65 4.6 0.42 7.6 0.49
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.64 7.7 0.50

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.46
2.1 0.31
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.30 8.1 0.29
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.41 5.1 0.49 8.2 0.28
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.25 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.22
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.34 8.4 0.37

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.38
3.1 0.18
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.35
3.2 0.46 6.1 0.38
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.37
3.3 0.61 6.2 0.40
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.48
Respect for due process
6.5 0.50
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 97
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Macedonia, FYR Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.54 2/13 15/38 56/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.47 4/13 25/38 87/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.47 5/13 20/38 62/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.49 6/13 19/38 68/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.57 5/13 16/38 60/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.79 5/13 5/38 32/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.48 6/13 24/38 77/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.57 3/13 15/38 52/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.47 4/13 17/38 56/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Macedonia, FYR Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.59 4.1 0.61 7.1 0.62

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.38 4.2 0.64 7.2 0.65
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.49 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.38
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.36 4.4 0.49 7.4 0.40
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.49 4.5 0.71 7.5 0.53
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.51 4.6 0.37 7.6 0.66
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.59 7.7 0.72

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.58
2.1 0.41
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.53 8.1 0.47
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.68 5.1 0.78 8.2 0.50
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.24 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.37
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.59 8.4 0.50

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.53
3.1 0.50
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.39
3.2 0.51 6.1 0.46
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.56
3.3 0.50 6.2 0.48
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.45 6.3 0.49
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.42
Respect for due process
6.5 0.54
98 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Madagascar Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.43 22/30 14/20 107/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.44 19/30 12/20 97/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.26 28/30 18/20 122/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.46 9/30 4/20 78/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.47 17/30 13/20 92/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.71 8/30 6/20 68/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.35 29/30 20/20 123/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.40 26/30 17/20 112/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 20/30 11/20 96/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Madagascar Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.46 4.1 0.57 7.1 0.41

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.39 4.2 0.40 7.2 0.46
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.42 4.3 0.34 7.3 0.29
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.37 4.4 0.49 7.4 0.31
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.49 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.49
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.50 4.6 0.25 7.6 0.33
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.55 7.7 0.54

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.57
2.1 0.32
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.26 8.1 0.34
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.35 5.1 0.66 8.2 0.48
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.13 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.20
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.47 8.4 0.39

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.33
3.1 0.33
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.33
3.2 0.45 6.1 0.31
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.34
3.3 0.50 6.2 0.32
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.55 6.3 0.40
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.25
Respect for due process
6.5 0.45
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 99
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Malawi Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.51 8/30 4/20 67/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.56 8/30 4/20 57/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.42 12/30 8/20 83/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.43 13/30 8/20 90/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.59 6/30 2/20 55/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.68 15/30 10/20 81/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.45 14/30 8/20 91/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.54 8/30 3/20 64/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.45 8/30 3/20 64/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Malawi Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.45

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.63 4.2 0.64 7.2 0.59
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.51 4.3 0.39 7.3 0.49
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.44 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.68
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.71 7.5 0.44
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.62 4.6 0.61 7.6 0.57
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.71 7.7 0.55

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.53
2.1 0.39
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.54 8.1 0.35
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.41 5.1 0.69 8.2 0.49
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.34 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.30
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.35 8.4 0.48

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.18
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.65
3.2 0.40 6.1 0.39
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.39
3.3 0.61 6.2 0.39
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.54 6.3 0.36
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.54
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
100 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Malaysia Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.55 7/15 13/38 51/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.02 5 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.54 9/15 15/38 65/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.58 7/15 9/38 43/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.38 13/15 34/38 103/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.48 10/15 30/38 90/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 9/15 10/38 43/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.53 8/15 13/38 54/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.60 7/15 10/38 42/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.54 7/15 9/38 41/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Malaysia East Asia & Pacific Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.49 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.58 4.2 0.53 7.2 0.55
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.53 4.3 0.54 7.3 0.66
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.55 4.4 0.46 7.4 0.49
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.46 4.5 0.38 7.5 0.67
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.54 4.6 0.38 7.6 0.61
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.44 7.7 0.61

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.56
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.74 8.1 0.62
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.62 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.57
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.41 5.2 0.94 8.3 0.55
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.61 8.4 0.47

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.65
3.1 0.30
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.39
3.2 0.40 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.54
3.3 0.45 6.2 0.70
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.39 6.3 0.50
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.50
Respect for due process
6.5 0.45
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 101
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Mali Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.45 18/30 11/20 103/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.48 17/30 10/20 83/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.31 22/30 14/20 114/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.43 12/30 7/20 89/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.54 10/30 6/20 72/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.56 26/30 18/20 118/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.54 8/30 3/20 50/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.43 22/30 13/20 106/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.28 29/30 19/20 121/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Mali Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.59 4.1 0.62 7.1 0.40

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.43 4.2 0.40 7.2 0.48
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.40 4.3 0.35 7.3 0.09
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.26 4.4 0.54 7.4 0.44
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.54 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.57
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.62 4.6 0.29 7.6 0.50
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.60 7.7 0.48

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.74
2.1 0.40
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.18 8.1 0.25
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.31 5.1 0.63 8.2 0.29
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.36 5.2 0.59 8.3 0.26
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.46 8.4 0.26

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.24
3.1 0.25
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.30
3.2 0.42 6.1 0.44
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.35
3.3 0.55 6.2 0.50
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.52 6.3 0.52
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.62
Respect for due process
6.5 0.63
102 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Mauritania Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.35 29/30 29/30 122/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.30 30/30 27/30 121/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.31 24/30 26/30 116/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.26 30/30 29/30 125/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.39 25/30 24/30 112/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.65 17/30 17/30 89/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.26 30/30 30/30 125/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.32 30/30 29/30 124/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.30 27/30 23/30 114/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Mauritania Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.33 4.1 0.39 7.1 0.38

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.18 4.2 0.49 7.2 0.28
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.31 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.26
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.25 4.4 0.37 7.4 0.19
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.37 4.5 0.19 7.5 0.41
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.34 4.6 0.29 7.6 0.27
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.53 7.7 0.49

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.43
2.1 0.27
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.42 8.1 0.25
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.29 5.1 0.60 8.2 0.44
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.25 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.32
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.36 8.4 0.31

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.31
3.1 0.12
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.09
3.2 0.27 6.1 0.22
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.38 6.2 0.33
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.25 6.3 0.32
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.06
Respect for due process
6.5 0.35
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 103
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Mauritius Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.61 2/30 5/38 37/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.60 4/30 7/38 44/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.58 3/30 7/38 41/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.54 4/30 11/38 50/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.64 2/30 6/38 40/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 3/30 12/38 45/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.63 1/30 2/38 28/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.63 2/30 5/38 33/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.53 4/30 11/38 44/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Mauritius Sub-Saharan Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.61 4.1 0.60 7.1 0.63

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.67 4.2 0.72 7.2 0.75
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.41 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.75
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.53 4.4 0.62 7.4 0.73
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.62 4.5 0.76 7.5 0.29
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.75 4.6 0.58 7.6 0.65
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.67 7.7 0.65

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.66
2.1 0.60
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.79 8.1 0.40
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.66 5.1 0.83 8.2 0.42
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.30 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.48
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.47 8.4 0.49

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.68
3.1 0.60
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.65
3.2 0.41 6.1 0.68
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.56
3.3 0.61 6.2 0.82
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.53 6.3 0.52
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.54
Respect for due process
6.5 0.58
104 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Mexico Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.45 26/30 35/38 99/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.47 22/30 23/38 84/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.29 29/30 38/38 117/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.61 7/30 6/38 35/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.54 22/30 23/38 73/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.57 29/30 37/38 117/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.46 23/30 31/38 87/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.40 27/30 36/38 113/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.29 25/30 37/38 115/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Mexico Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.56 4.1 0.36 7.1 0.43

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.45 4.2 0.49 7.2 0.33
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.44 4.3 0.42 7.3 0.34
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.26 4.4 0.52 7.4 0.47
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.52 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.28
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.59 4.6 0.59 7.6 0.40
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.65 7.7 0.56

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.52
2.1 0.32
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.34 8.1 0.22
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.34 5.1 0.44 8.2 0.31
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.17 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.18
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.25 8.4 0.26

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.29
3.1 0.67
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.36
3.2 0.62 6.1 0.51
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.42
3.3 0.55 6.2 0.51
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.59 6.3 0.37
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.56
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 105
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Moldova Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.49 9/13 11/30 83/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.43 7/13 19/30 99/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.32 12/13 23/30 109/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.55 2/13 3/30 44/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.54 7/13 7/30 71/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.80 3/13 2/30 28/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 13/13 22/30 107/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.47 11/13 14/30 87/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 11/13 19/30 97/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Moldova Eastern Europe & Central Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.57 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.50

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.34 4.2 0.67 7.2 0.42
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.42 4.3 0.46 7.3 0.32
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.29 4.4 0.50 7.4 0.31
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.50 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.49
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.47 4.6 0.44 7.6 0.60
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.60 7.7 0.63

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.34
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.35 8.1 0.25
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.49 5.1 0.81 8.2 0.45
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.12 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.36
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.60 8.4 0.39

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.34
3.1 0.61
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.15
3.2 0.51 6.1 0.53
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.46
3.3 0.52 6.2 0.43
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.56 6.3 0.46
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.29
Respect for due process
6.5 0.40
106 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Mongolia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.55 8/15 3/30 53/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.54 8/15 7/30 62/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 12/15 7/30 75/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.51 9/15 10/30 58/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.58 7/15 4/30 57/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 10/15 5/30 46/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 9/15 9/30 75/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.54 8/15 2/30 59/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.50 8/15 2/30 52/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Mongolia East Asia & Pacific Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.68 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.51 4.2 0.64 7.2 0.53
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.48 4.3 0.49 7.3 0.49
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.40 4.4 0.63 7.4 0.50
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.63 4.5 0.66 7.5 0.63
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.57 4.6 0.44 7.6 0.48
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.68 7.7 0.64

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.54
2.1 0.46
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.51 8.1 0.41
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.63 5.1 0.83 8.2 0.59
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.17 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.50
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.47 8.4 0.54

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.55
3.1 0.40
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.39
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.58
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.49
3.3 0.62 6.2 0.47
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.56
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.34
Respect for due process
6.5 0.49
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 107
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Morocco Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 5/8 8/30 74/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.53 3/8 9/30 68/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 6/8 6/30 71/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.44 2/8 17/30 87/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 6/8 16/30 100/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.69 5/8 12/30 74/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.54 3/8 4/30 51/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.54 5/8 5/30 63/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 7/8 12/30 79/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Morocco Middle East & North Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.62 4.1 0.66 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.54 4.2 0.38 7.2 0.53
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.38 7.3 0.42
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.48 4.4 0.48 7.4 0.48
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.48 4.5 0.43 7.5 0.66
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.62 4.6 0.24 7.6 0.48
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.50 7.7 0.66

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.59
2.1 0.47
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.46 8.1 0.45
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.45 5.1 0.65 8.2 0.42
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.38 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.38
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.43 8.4 0.35

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.41
3.1 0.37
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.27
3.2 0.46 6.1 0.48
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.38
3.3 0.46 6.2 0.57
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.46 6.3 0.50
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.50
Respect for due process
6.5 0.64
108 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Mozambique Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.43 23/30 15/20 108/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.45 18/30 11/20 94/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.37 18/30 11/20 99/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.37 21/30 15/20 108/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.42 23/30 15/20 106/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.62 21/30 15/20 102/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.38 24/30 14/20 115/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.46 15/30 7/20 90/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 21/30 12/20 98/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Mozambique Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.54 4.1 0.56 7.1 0.46

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.43 4.2 0.26 7.2 0.51
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.26 7.3 0.44
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.43 4.4 0.41 7.4 0.34
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.41 4.5 0.68 7.5 0.32
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.44 4.6 0.26 7.6 0.55
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.48 7.7 0.61

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.47
2.1 0.33
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.37 8.1 0.26
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.44 5.1 0.61 8.2 0.29
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.35 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.15
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.25 8.4 0.51

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.18
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.52
3.2 0.36 6.1 0.41
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.26
3.3 0.44 6.2 0.45
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.51 6.3 0.45
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.25
Respect for due process
6.5 0.35
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 109
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Myanmar Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.42 14/15 20/30 110/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.45 13/15 18/30 95/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.47 10/15 3/30 60/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.35 14/15 24/30 114/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.31 15/15 29/30 123/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.66 14/15 16/30 88/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.46 13/15 12/30 85/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.36 14/15 27/30 122/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.29 14/15 24/30 116/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Myanmar East Asia & Pacific Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.48 4.1 0.42 7.1 0.36

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.44 4.2 0.17 7.2 0.24
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.32 4.3 0.20 7.3 0.32
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.47 4.4 0.40 7.4 0.24
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.40 4.5 0.27 7.5 0.45
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.59 4.6 0.15 7.6 0.40
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.35 7.7 0.50

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.54
2.1 0.57
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.26 8.1 0.40
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.44 5.1 0.85 8.2 0.36
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.60 5.2 0.63 8.3 0.27
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.49 8.4 0.19

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.41
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.19
3.2 0.35 6.1 0.49
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.20
3.3 0.42 6.2 0.61
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.42 6.3 0.50
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.38
Respect for due process
6.5 0.34
110 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Namibia Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.62 1/30 3/38 34/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.68 2/30 2/38 28/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.53 5/30 14/38 51/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.58 2/30 7/38 40/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.66 1/30 5/38 37/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.73 6/30 17/38 59/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.58 3/30 4/38 35/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.66 1/30 1/38 24/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.54 3/30 8/38 40/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Namibia Sub-Saharan Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.73 4.1 0.56 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.81 4.2 0.70 7.2 0.65
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.55 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.81
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.60 4.4 0.75 7.4 0.76
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.66 4.5 0.74 7.5 0.45
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.74 4.6 0.54 7.6 0.71
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.75 7.7 0.74

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.69
2.1 0.46
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.84 8.1 0.37
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.53 5.1 0.70 8.2 0.38
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.30 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.46
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.50 8.4 0.62

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.64
3.1 0.32
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.77
3.2 0.55 6.1 0.49
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.56
3.3 0.73 6.2 0.66
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.53
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.56
Respect for due process
6.5 0.68
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 111
Region: South Asia
Nepal Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.53 1/6 3/20 59/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.60 2/6 1/20 43/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.43 2/6 5/20 78/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.52 2/6 2/20 54/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.54 1/6 5/20 69/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.72 1/6 5/20 63/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.50 1/6 5/20 66/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.47 2/6 6/20 86/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.44 2/6 5/20 66/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Nepal South Asia Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.75 4.1 0.49 7.1 0.48

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.62 4.2 0.47 7.2 0.39
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.50 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.41
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.44 4.4 0.64 7.4 0.49
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.64 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.53
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.66 4.6 0.49 7.6 0.46
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.65 7.7 0.53

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.57
2.1 0.47
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.43 8.1 0.47
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.61 5.1 0.77 8.2 0.56
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.21 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.39
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.40 8.4 0.37

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.52
3.1 0.30
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.40
3.2 0.51 6.1 0.47
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.62 6.2 0.57
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.65 6.3 0.52
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.43
Respect for due process
6.5 0.52
112 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Netherlands Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.84 5/24 5/38 5/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.86 5/24 5/38 5/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.88 5/24 6/38 6/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.82 5/24 5/38 5/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.84 8/24 8/38 8/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.85 13/24 19/38 20/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.86 3/24 4/38 4/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.86 2/24 2/38 2/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.76 7/24 8/38 8/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Netherlands EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.84 4.1 0.83 7.1 0.81

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.85 4.2 0.96 7.2 0.88
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.87 4.3 0.84 7.3 0.93
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.84 4.4 0.84 7.4 0.89
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.84 4.5 0.78 7.5 0.73
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.90 4.6 0.82 7.6 0.91
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.86 7.7 0.85

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.81
2.1 0.85
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.97 8.1 0.55
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.91 5.1 0.90 8.2 0.70
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.80 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.78
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.65 8.4 0.73

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.89
3.1 0.79
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.86
3.2 0.73 6.1 0.78
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.84
3.3 0.84 6.2 0.89
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.94 6.3 0.84
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.83
Respect for due process
6.5 0.94
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 113
Region: East Asia & Pacific
New Zealand Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.82 1/15 8/38 8/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.85 1/15 7/38 7/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.87 2/15 7/38 7/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.81 2/15 7/38 7/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.80 1/15 12/38 12/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.89 4/15 15/38 16/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.85 2/15 5/38 5/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.78 3/15 11/38 11/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.72 4/15 13/38 13/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

New Zealand East Asia & Pacific High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.84 4.1 0.72 7.1 0.72

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.86 4.2 0.91 7.2 0.70
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.83 4.3 0.76 7.3 0.93
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.81 4.4 0.83 7.4 0.85
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.83 4.5 0.83 7.5 0.75
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.92 4.6 0.79 7.6 0.69
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.83 7.7 0.81

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.76
2.1 0.86
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.95 8.1 0.59
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.92 5.1 0.89 8.2 0.72
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.76 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.64
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.78 8.4 0.59

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.89
3.1 0.85
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.85
3.2 0.76 6.1 0.78
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.76
3.3 0.82 6.2 0.96
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.83 6.3 0.83
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.87
Respect for due process
6.5 0.83
114 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Nicaragua Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.4 27/30 23/30 114/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.03 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.27 29/30 30/30 125/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.35 25/30 19/30 104/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.38 28/30 22/30 106/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.39 29/30 23/30 111/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.70 10/30 11/30 72/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.45 24/30 14/30 90/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.41 26/30 22/30 109/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.28 27/30 27/30 120/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Nicaragua Latin America & Caribbean Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.33 4.1 0.39 7.1 0.49

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.29 4.2 0.36 7.2 0.41
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.20 4.3 0.28 7.3 0.35
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.14 4.4 0.40 7.4 0.17
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.40 4.5 0.63 7.5 0.42
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.26 4.6 0.18 7.6 0.47
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.41 7.7 0.58

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.48
2.1 0.42
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.30 8.1 0.31
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.46 5.1 0.67 8.2 0.45
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.20 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.26
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.44 8.4 0.21

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.38
3.1 0.34
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.07
3.2 0.25 6.1 0.44
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.28
3.3 0.39 6.2 0.60
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.53 6.3 0.47
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.33
Respect for due process
6.5 0.43
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 115
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Niger Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.44 19/30 12/20 104/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.42 20/30 14/20 102/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.43 9/30 6/20 79/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.35 23/30 16/20 113/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.49 15/30 11/20 85/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.65 18/30 12/20 91/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.44 15/30 9/20 95/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.43 21/30 12/20 105/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 22/30 13/20 102/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Niger Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.61 7.1 0.34

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.43 4.2 0.42 7.2 0.56
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.22 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.38
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.34 4.4 0.42 7.4 0.32
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.42 4.5 0.62 7.5 0.43
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.55 4.6 0.27 7.6 0.37
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.55 7.7 0.61

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.64
2.1 0.47
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.48 8.1 0.24
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.48 5.1 0.71 8.2 0.36
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.29 5.2 0.69 8.3 0.23
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.55 8.4 0.58

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.25
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.09
3.2 0.27 6.1 0.47
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.43 6.2 0.53
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.45 6.3 0.42
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.44
Respect for due process
6.5 0.33
116 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Nigeria Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.43 21/30 19/30 106/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.54 11/30 8/30 64/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.34 20/30 20/30 105/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.43 14/30 18/30 91/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 19/30 15/30 99/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.35 30/30 30/30 125/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.43 18/30 18/30 100/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.48 10/30 11/30 79/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.43 12/30 8/30 72/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Nigeria Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.69 4.1 0.51 7.1 0.59

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.53 4.2 0.30 7.2 0.52
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.49 4.3 0.37 7.3 0.49
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.46 4.4 0.51 7.4 0.49
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.51 4.5 0.53 7.5 0.22
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.54 4.6 0.40 7.6 0.43
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.58 7.7 0.67

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.47
2.1 0.32
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.50 8.1 0.42
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.36 5.1 0.55 8.2 0.43
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.18 5.2 0.08 8.3 0.33
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.43 8.4 0.56

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.36
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.51
3.2 0.39 6.1 0.40
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.37
3.3 0.52 6.2 0.51
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.60 6.3 0.34
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.41
Respect for due process
6.5 0.49
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 117
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Norway Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.89 2/24 2/38 2/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.94 2/24 2/38 2/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.94 2/24 2/38 2/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.88 1/24 1/38 1/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.90 3/24 3/38 3/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.93 2/24 3/38 3/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.87 2/24 2/38 2/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.85 4/24 4/38 4/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.83 3/24 3/38 3/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Norway EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.97 4.1 0.80 7.1 0.71

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.95 4.2 0.95 7.2 0.68
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.91 4.3 0.91 7.3 0.96
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.88 4.4 0.94 7.4 0.93
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.94 4.5 0.88 7.5 0.83
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.98 4.6 0.88 7.6 0.91
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.95 7.7 0.96

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.88
2.1 0.92
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.99 8.1 0.65
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.96 5.1 0.96 8.2 0.75
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.91 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.86
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.82 8.4 0.76

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.96
3.1 0.88
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.92
3.2 0.87 6.1 0.83
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.91
3.3 0.91 6.2 0.99
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.87 6.3 0.79
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.83
Respect for due process
6.5 0.91
118 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: South Asia
Pakistan Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.39 5/6 25/30 117/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.52 4/6 11/30 74/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.32 5/6 24/30 112/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.45 4/6 15/30 83/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.38 5/6 26/30 114/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.36 5/6 29/30 124/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.38 5/6 27/30 116/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.38 5/6 26/30 118/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.35 4/6 17/30 92/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Pakistan South Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.60 4.1 0.36 7.1 0.39

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.56 4.2 0.23 7.2 0.40
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.44 4.3 0.30 7.3 0.32
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.38 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.50
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.47 7.5 0.29
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.53 4.6 0.22 7.6 0.28
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.61 7.7 0.48

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.26
2.1 0.36
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.39 8.1 0.27
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.27 5.1 0.57 8.2 0.34
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.25 5.2 0.19 8.3 0.28
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.32 8.4 0.30

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.36
3.1 0.26
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.61
3.2 0.45 6.1 0.39
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.30
3.3 0.57 6.2 0.45
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.33
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.18
Respect for due process
6.5 0.54
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 119
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Panama Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.52 16/30 38/38 64/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.53 18/30 37/38 66/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.42 19/30 38/38 84/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.59 8/30 31/38 38/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.62 15/30 35/38 47/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.68 13/30 35/38 82/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.51 14/30 35/38 60/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.49 20/30 37/38 78/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.31 24/30 38/38 110/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Panama Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.48 7.1 0.59

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.46 4.2 0.72 7.2 0.46
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.43 4.3 0.48 7.3 0.46
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.32 4.4 0.67 7.4 0.38
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.67 4.5 0.68 7.5 0.33
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.77 4.6 0.56 7.6 0.52
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.71 7.7 0.67

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.64
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.47 8.1 0.32
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.54 5.1 0.64 8.2 0.31
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.23 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.19
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.40 8.4 0.25

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.45
3.1 0.41
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.20
3.2 0.63 6.1 0.48
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.48
3.3 0.64 6.2 0.56
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.69 6.3 0.53
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.47
Respect for due process
6.5 0.54
120 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Peru Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.51 18/30 21/38 70/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.02 -7 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.61 8/30 6/38 38/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.33 27/30 36/38 107/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.55 11/30 9/38 45/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.63 14/30 11/38 46/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.64 18/30 27/38 94/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.50 18/30 20/38 68/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.46 23/30 31/38 89/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.33 21/30 34/38 105/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Peru Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.74 4.1 0.53 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.51 4.2 0.70 7.2 0.50
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.55 4.3 0.41 7.3 0.38
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.42 4.4 0.70 7.4 0.49
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.70 4.5 0.79 7.5 0.19
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.76 4.6 0.59 7.6 0.45
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.76 7.7 0.71

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.53
2.1 0.40
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.41 8.1 0.24
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.36 5.1 0.58 8.2 0.25
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.16 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.23
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.34 8.4 0.48

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.30
3.1 0.37
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.41
3.2 0.57 6.1 0.50
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.41
3.3 0.63 6.2 0.57
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.61 6.3 0.37
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.41
Respect for due process
6.5 0.64
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 121
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Philippines Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.47 13/15 14/30 90/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.53 10/15 10/30 71/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.47 11/15 4/30 63/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.53 8/15 7/30 51/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.42 12/15 19/30 105/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.57 15/15 24/30 115/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.47 12/15 11/30 83/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.44 12/15 19/30 99/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.31 13/15 22/30 113/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Philippines East Asia & Pacific Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.58 4.1 0.43 7.1 0.49

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.52 4.2 0.21 7.2 0.42
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.53 4.3 0.31 7.3 0.50
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.42 4.4 0.56 7.4 0.38
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.56 4.5 0.63 7.5 0.32
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.55 4.6 0.31 7.6 0.43
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.57 7.7 0.57

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.37
2.1 0.51
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.41 8.1 0.41
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.53 5.1 0.66 8.2 0.30
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.42 5.2 0.52 8.3 0.19
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.53 8.4 0.23

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.49
3.1 0.44
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.23
3.2 0.63 6.1 0.46
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.31
3.3 0.55 6.2 0.61
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.52 6.3 0.38
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.40
Respect for due process
6.5 0.51
122 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Poland Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.66 18/24 26/38 27/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.58 21/24 33/38 50/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.73 14/24 21/38 21/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.63 19/24 28/38 30/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.66 21/24 33/38 38/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.86 12/24 18/38 19/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.62 18/24 28/38 30/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.64 18/24 28/38 31/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.61 17/24 25/38 25/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Poland EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.45 4.1 0.69 7.1 0.62

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.52 4.2 0.77 7.2 0.79
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.58 4.3 0.64 7.3 0.77
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.56 4.4 0.62 7.4 0.50
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.62 4.5 0.58 7.5 0.37
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.75 4.6 0.65 7.6 0.59
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.63 7.7 0.81

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.67
2.1 0.64
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.87 8.1 0.53
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.87 5.1 0.93 8.2 0.57
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.53 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.60
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.64 8.4 0.63

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.80
3.1 0.60
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.50
3.2 0.56 6.1 0.63
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.64
3.3 0.62 6.2 0.86
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.72 6.3 0.53
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.49
Respect for due process
6.5 0.60
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 123
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Portugal Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.71 16/24 22/38 22/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.79 12/24 14/38 14/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.72 15/24 22/38 22/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.67 15/24 22/38 23/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.79 12/24 14/38 14/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.79 18/24 25/38 33/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.64 16/24 25/38 26/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.69 14/24 22/38 22/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.60 18/24 26/38 26/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Portugal EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.84 4.1 0.71 7.1 0.69

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.77 4.2 0.89 7.2 0.81
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.76 4.3 0.66 7.3 0.79
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.64 4.4 0.81 7.4 0.78
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.81 4.5 0.83 7.5 0.42
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.93 4.6 0.84 7.6 0.52
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.86 7.7 0.81

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.71
2.1 0.66
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.88 8.1 0.49
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.87 5.1 0.90 8.2 0.45
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.48 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.51
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.46 8.4 0.50

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.79
3.1 0.56
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.84
3.2 0.62 6.1 0.64
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.66
3.3 0.78 6.2 0.81
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.73 6.3 0.54
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.52
Respect for due process
6.5 0.69
124 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Republic of Korea Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.73 6/15 18/38 18/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.72 3/15 21/38 22/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.67 6/15 26/38 29/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.69 4/15 20/38 21/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.74 4/15 21/38 22/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.84 6/15 21/38 22/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.73 6/15 18/38 18/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.77 5/15 13/38 13/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.71 6/15 17/38 17/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Republic of Korea East Asia & Pacific High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.65 4.1 0.68 7.1 0.66

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.61 4.2 0.92 7.2 0.70
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.82 4.3 0.78 7.3 0.77
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.69 4.4 0.65 7.4 0.73
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.65 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.83
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.88 4.6 0.83 7.6 0.83
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.69 7.7 0.86

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.70
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.88 8.1 0.60
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.76 5.1 0.90 8.2 0.79
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.35 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.68
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.63 8.4 0.69

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.66
3.1 0.69
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.74
3.2 0.75 6.1 0.54
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.78
3.3 0.65 6.2 0.78
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.68 6.3 0.83
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.71
Respect for due process
6.5 0.79
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 125
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Romania Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.64 20/24 2/38 31/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.62 20/24 4/38 36/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.57 20/24 10/38 44/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.62 20/24 4/38 32/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.70 19/24 2/38 29/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.84 15/24 1/38 23/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.57 21/24 8/38 40/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.64 16/24 3/38 29/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.57 19/24 4/38 32/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Romania EU & EFTA & North America Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.67 4.1 0.72 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.58 4.2 0.82 7.2 0.72
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.53 4.3 0.62 7.3 0.63
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.55 4.4 0.68 7.4 0.65
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.68 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.51
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.71 4.6 0.61 7.6 0.63
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.67 7.7 0.79

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.73
2.1 0.50
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.74 8.1 0.56
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.77 5.1 0.92 8.2 0.50
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.28 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.40
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.60 8.4 0.63

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.66
3.1 0.59
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.61
3.2 0.57 6.1 0.60
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.62
3.3 0.61 6.2 0.67
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.72 6.3 0.50
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.42
Respect for due process
6.5 0.68
126 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Russia Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.47 11/13 31/38 88/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 6 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.37 10/13 34/38 112/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.45 6/13 23/38 68/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.49 5/13 18/38 67/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.45 11/13 34/38 104/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.66 12/13 24/38 86/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 5/13 23/38 72/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.52 6/13 22/38 66/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.34 12/13 33/38 101/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Russia Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.35 4.1 0.57 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.34 4.2 0.48 7.2 0.52
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.39 4.3 0.38 7.3 0.54
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.33 4.4 0.39 7.4 0.32
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.39 4.5 0.57 7.5 0.70
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.41 4.6 0.24 7.6 0.42
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.41 7.7 0.55

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.56
2.1 0.43
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.57 8.1 0.24
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.53 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.36
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.27 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.38
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.39 8.4 0.38

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.48
3.1 0.57
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.15
3.2 0.40 6.1 0.54
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.38
3.3 0.39 6.2 0.56
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.62 6.3 0.58
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.40
Respect for due process
6.5 0.37
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 127
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Rwanda Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.61 3/30 1/20 40/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.60 5/30 2/20 45/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.60 2/30 1/20 40/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.57 3/30 1/20 41/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 11/30 7/20 77/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.84 1/30 1/20 24/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.57 4/30 1/20 41/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.63 3/30 1/20 35/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.55 2/30 1/20 39/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Rwanda Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.57 4.1 0.68 7.1 0.68

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.55 4.2 0.44 7.2 0.77
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.63 4.3 0.50 7.3 0.50
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.71 4.4 0.46 7.4 0.54
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.46 4.5 0.56 7.5 0.74
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.67 4.6 0.29 7.6 0.58
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.59 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.65
2.1 0.68
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.56 8.1 0.45
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.65 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.61
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.51 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.45
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.77 8.4 0.71

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.64
3.1 0.60
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.46
3.2 0.55 6.1 0.62
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.50
3.3 0.54 6.2 0.69
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.60 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.43
Respect for due process
6.5 0.69
128 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Senegal Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.55 7/30 2/20 52/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.58 7/30 3/20 51/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.54 4/30 2/20 50/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.44 11/30 6/20 85/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.60 5/30 1/20 52/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.69 10/30 7/20 76/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.55 6/30 2/20 46/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.56 7/30 2/20 53/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.45 9/30 4/20 65/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Senegal Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.57 4.1 0.69 7.1 0.49

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.46 4.2 0.54 7.2 0.68
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.55 4.3 0.45 7.3 0.52
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.50 4.4 0.64 7.4 0.41
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.64 4.5 0.79 7.5 0.64
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.75 4.6 0.34 7.6 0.60
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.71 7.7 0.59

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.65
2.1 0.49
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.60 8.1 0.53
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.67 5.1 0.67 8.2 0.46
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.41 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.32
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.40 8.4 0.55

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.59
3.1 0.33
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.21
3.2 0.47 6.1 0.55
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.45
3.3 0.63 6.2 0.66
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.35 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.49
Respect for due process
6.5 0.63
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 129
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Serbia Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 8/13 26/38 78/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.40 9/13 32/38 106/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.44 8/13 27/38 73/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.47 8/13 23/38 74/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.56 6/13 18/38 63/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.78 8/13 7/38 38/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.47 7/13 28/38 81/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.50 9/13 27/38 74/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 8/13 27/38 81/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Serbia Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.42 4.1 0.62 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.35 4.2 0.60 7.2 0.69
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.40 4.3 0.46 7.3 0.47
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.27 4.4 0.48 7.4 0.34
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.48 4.5 0.70 7.5 0.31
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.47 4.6 0.38 7.6 0.48
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.59 7.7 0.60

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.66
2.1 0.46
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.49 8.1 0.36
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.54 5.1 0.87 8.2 0.45
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.26 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.36
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.45 8.4 0.38

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.52
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.23
3.2 0.48 6.1 0.49
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.46
3.3 0.47 6.2 0.55
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.41 6.3 0.45
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.36
Respect for due process
6.5 0.53
130 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Sierra Leone Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.45 15/30 9/20 98/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.51 14/30 9/20 75/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.35 19/30 12/20 102/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.42 15/30 9/20 93/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.52 13/30 9/20 79/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.68 13/30 9/20 79/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.37 26/30 16/20 118/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.41 24/30 15/20 110/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.36 18/30 10/20 90/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.59 4.1 0.51 7.1 0.49

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.43 4.2 0.50 7.2 0.43
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.51 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.31
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.38 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.30
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.70 7.5 0.38
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.59 4.6 0.36 7.6 0.47
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.64 7.7 0.48

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.48
2.1 0.38
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.33 8.1 0.42
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.38 5.1 0.61 8.2 0.31
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.33 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.22
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.44 8.4 0.52

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.39
3.1 0.10
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.23
3.2 0.48 6.1 0.43
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.57 6.2 0.42
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.54 6.3 0.33
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.29
Respect for due process
6.5 0.40
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 131
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Singapore Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.8 3/15 13/38 13/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.69 5/15 25/38 27/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.91 1/15 3/38 3/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.66 6/15 24/38 25/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.69 5/15 28/38 30/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.93 1/15 1/38 1/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.87 1/15 3/38 3/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.83 1/15 5/38 5/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.78 1/15 6/38 6/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Singapore East Asia & Pacific High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.54 4.1 0.84 7.1 0.65

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.74 4.2 0.81 7.2 0.86
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.70 4.3 0.74 7.3 0.85
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.90 4.4 0.50 7.4 0.71
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.50 4.5 0.81 7.5 0.95
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.75 4.6 0.61 7.6 0.96
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.49 7.7 0.81

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.74
2.1 0.91
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.90 8.1 0.82
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.94 5.1 0.98 8.2 0.79
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.91 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.88
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.82 8.4 0.79

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.91
3.1 0.80
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.54
3.2 0.65 6.1 0.83
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.74
3.3 0.54 6.2 0.96
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.65 6.3 0.88
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.87
Respect for due process
6.5 0.81
132 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Slovenia Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.67 17/24 25/38 26/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.65 19/24 28/38 32/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.66 17/24 28/38 32/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.65 17/24 25/38 26/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.73 16/24 22/38 23/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.89 9/24 13/38 14/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.64 17/24 26/38 27/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.63 19/24 30/38 36/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.55 20/24 31/38 38/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Slovenia EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.67 4.1 0.68 7.1 0.70

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.57 4.2 0.88 7.2 0.70
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.64 4.3 0.70 7.3 0.65
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.51 4.4 0.70 7.4 0.55
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.70 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.46
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.78 4.6 0.69 7.6 0.59
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.77 7.7 0.72

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.73
2.1 0.65
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.77 8.1 0.44
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.75 5.1 0.95 8.2 0.48
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.46 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.50
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.72 8.4 0.50

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.67
3.1 0.67
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.54
3.2 0.62 6.1 0.70
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.70
3.3 0.70 6.2 0.75
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.63 6.3 0.66
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.48
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 133
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.58 5/30 10/38 47/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.62 3/30 5/38 37/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.48 6/30 18/38 58/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.62 1/30 3/38 31/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.64 4/30 8/38 43/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.61 22/30 34/38 106/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.55 7/30 9/38 47/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.59 6/30 13/38 45/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.52 5/30 12/38 45/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

South Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.53 4.1 0.53 7.1 0.49

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.66 4.2 0.63 7.2 0.46
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.63 4.3 0.55 7.3 0.66
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.47 4.4 0.71 7.4 0.65
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.71 4.5 0.75 7.5 0.51
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.71 4.6 0.57 7.6 0.60
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.74 7.7 0.75

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.63
2.1 0.41
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.71 8.1 0.39
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.56 5.1 0.49 8.2 0.52
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.24 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.31
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.35 8.4 0.55

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.59
3.1 0.53
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.73
3.2 0.56 6.1 0.44
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.55
3.3 0.70 6.2 0.62
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.71 6.3 0.45
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.60
Respect for due process
6.5 0.62
134 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Spain Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.71 15/24 21/38 21/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.72 16/24 20/38 21/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.72 16/24 23/38 23/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.70 14/24 19/38 20/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.78 14/24 16/38 16/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 19/24 27/38 39/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.68 15/24 23/38 23/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.67 15/24 23/38 23/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.66 13/24 20/38 20/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Spain EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.75 4.1 0.71 7.1 0.76

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.65 4.2 0.85 7.2 0.72
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.71 4.3 0.78 7.3 0.71
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.65 4.4 0.72 7.4 0.66
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.72 4.5 0.77 7.5 0.52
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.86 4.6 0.85 7.6 0.54
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.82 7.7 0.80

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.76
2.1 0.68
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.86 8.1 0.58
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.87 5.1 0.87 8.2 0.56
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.47 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.71
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.61 8.4 0.59

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.75
3.1 0.71
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.65
3.2 0.63 6.1 0.67
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.78
3.3 0.70 6.2 0.82
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.75 6.3 0.57
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.71
Respect for due process
6.5 0.66
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 135
Region: South Asia
Sri Lanka Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.52 2/6 6/30 63/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.55 3/6 6/30 60/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.46 1/6 5/30 66/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.50 3/6 12/30 66/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.54 2/6 6/30 70/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.70 2/6 10/30 71/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 2/6 7/30 69/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.47 1/6 13/30 85/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.45 1/6 5/30 63/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Sri Lanka South Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.52 4.1 0.58 7.1 0.47

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.61 4.2 0.38 7.2 0.48
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.41 7.3 0.62
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.51
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.71 7.5 0.34
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.68 4.6 0.34 7.6 0.29
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.65 7.7 0.59

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.68
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.60 8.1 0.41
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.52 5.1 0.82 8.2 0.39
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.26 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.32
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.29 8.4 0.61

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.60
3.1 0.41
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.38
3.2 0.48 6.1 0.54
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.41
3.3 0.58 6.2 0.56
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.50 6.3 0.42
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.40
Respect for due process
6.5 0.55
136 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
St. Kitts and Nevis Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.65 5/30 29/38 30/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.64 5/30 29/38 33/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.67 6/30 27/38 30/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.41 27/30 37/38 97/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.72 5/30 25/38 26/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.79 1/30 24/38 29/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.61 5/30 29/38 31/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.75 1/30 16/38 16/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.57 4/30 28/38 30/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

St. Kitts and Nevis Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.66 4.1 0.73 7.1 0.73

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.76 4.2 0.84 7.2 0.80
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.51 4.3 0.59 7.3 0.86
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.52 4.4 0.68 7.4 0.83
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.68 4.5 0.69 7.5 0.61
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.72 4.6 0.75 7.6 0.52
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.75 7.7 0.89

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.75
2.1 0.50
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.94 8.1 0.40
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.77 5.1 0.82 8.2 0.51
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.46 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.38
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.56 8.4 0.62

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.77
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.74
3.2 0.31 6.1 0.54
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.59
3.3 0.67 6.2 0.75
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.46 6.3 0.53
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.55
Respect for due process
6.5 0.68
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 137
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
St. Lucia Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.61 8/30 6/38 38/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.60 11/30 8/38 46/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.63 9/30 4/38 35/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.50 21/30 17/38 65/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.66 10/30 4/38 35/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.72 9/30 20/38 65/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.58 7/30 6/38 38/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.66 4/30 2/38 27/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.57 5/30 3/38 31/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

St. Lucia Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.63 4.1 0.75 7.1 0.61

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.70 4.2 0.70 7.2 0.72
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.42 4.3 0.56 7.3 0.77
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.47 4.4 0.66 7.4 0.68
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.66 4.5 0.66 7.5 0.51
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.70 4.6 0.58 7.6 0.49
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.72 7.7 0.82

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.68
2.1 0.57
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.87 8.1 0.44
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.67 5.1 0.80 8.2 0.43
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.43 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.48
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.36 8.4 0.59

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.72
3.1 0.29
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.76
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.46
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.56
3.3 0.66 6.2 0.67
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.51 6.3 0.35
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.70
Respect for due process
6.5 0.71
138 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.62 7/30 4/38 35/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.58 13/30 10/38 48/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.70 3/30 1/38 26/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.50 19/30 15/38 63/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.68 8/30 3/38 32/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.74 7/30 16/38 57/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.54 9/30 10/38 48/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.61 9/30 8/38 40/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.60 2/30 1/38 27/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.65 7.1 0.67

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.57 4.2 0.76 7.2 0.61
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.60 4.3 0.60 7.3 0.73
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.54 4.4 0.58 7.4 0.62
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.58 4.5 0.86 7.5 0.43
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.66 4.6 0.62 7.6 0.46
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.70 7.7 0.79

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.63
2.1 0.62
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.83 8.1 0.45
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.78 5.1 0.76 8.2 0.55
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.54 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.59
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.45 8.4 0.54

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.74
3.1 0.25
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.75
3.2 0.52 6.1 0.52
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.60
3.3 0.61 6.2 0.77
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.64 6.3 0.46
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.45
Respect for due process
6.5 0.51
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 139
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Suriname Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.51 17/30 20/38 69/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.49 21/30 19/38 76/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.51 14/30 15/38 54/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.37 29/30 35/38 110/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.55 20/30 21/38 67/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.65 16/30 25/38 90/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.47 21/30 29/38 84/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.51 18/30 24/38 70/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.53 11/30 10/38 43/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Suriname Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.52 4.1 0.56 7.1 0.45

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.57 4.2 0.60 7.2 0.50
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.30 4.3 0.47 7.3 0.69
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.43 4.4 0.59 7.4 0.50
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.59 4.5 0.71 7.5 0.38
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.56 4.6 0.36 7.6 0.68
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.61 7.7 0.38

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.45
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.72 8.1 0.44
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.63 5.1 0.73 8.2 0.58
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.22 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.37
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.22 8.4 0.53

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.65
3.1 0.32
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.66
3.2 0.28 6.1 0.48
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.47
3.3 0.54 6.2 0.65
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.33 6.3 0.34
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.39
Respect for due process
6.5 0.48
140 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
Sweden Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.85 4/24 4/38 4/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.87 4/24 4/38 4/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.91 3/24 4/38 4/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.86 4/24 4/38 4/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.86 4/24 4/38 4/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.88 11/24 16/38 17/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.85 4/24 6/38 6/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.81 5/24 6/38 6/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.81 4/24 4/38 4/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Sweden EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.82 4.1 0.72 7.1 0.78

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.83 4.2 0.98 7.2 0.69
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.95 4.3 0.92 7.3 0.91
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.84 4.4 0.85 7.4 0.90
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.85 4.5 0.84 7.5 0.79
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.92 4.6 0.97 7.6 0.92
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.88 7.7 0.66

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.75
2.1 0.88
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.98 8.1 0.53
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.97 5.1 0.90 8.2 0.73
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.82 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.85
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.88 8.4 0.81

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.92
3.1 0.78
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.90
3.2 0.92 6.1 0.78
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.92
3.3 0.85 6.2 0.93
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.89 6.3 0.83
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.82
Respect for due process
6.5 0.88
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 141
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Tanzania Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.47 11/30 7/20 91/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.52 13/30 8/20 72/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.42 13/30 9/20 85/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.38 19/30 13/20 104/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.45 21/30 14/20 102/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.69 11/30 8/20 77/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.43 19/30 12/20 101/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.48 11/30 4/20 82/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 14/30 7/20 83/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Tanzania Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.55 4.1 0.57 7.1 0.46

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.53 4.2 0.33 7.2 0.57
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.50 4.3 0.32 7.3 0.43
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.56 4.4 0.43 7.4 0.42
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.43 4.5 0.59 7.5 0.36
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.54 4.6 0.29 7.6 0.51
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.50 7.7 0.59

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.58
2.1 0.48
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.42 8.1 0.40
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.37 5.1 0.68 8.2 0.40
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.39 5.2 0.98 8.3 0.21
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.41 8.4 0.47

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.43
3.1 0.24
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.41
3.2 0.46 6.1 0.56
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.32
3.3 0.48 6.2 0.50
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.33 6.3 0.38
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.25
Respect for due process
6.5 0.45
142 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Thailand Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 10/15 25/38 76/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.47 11/15 24/38 86/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.49 9/15 16/38 56/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.48 10/15 20/38 71/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.48 9/15 29/38 89/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.71 11/15 22/38 67/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.48 11/15 27/38 80/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.49 10/15 28/38 76/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.42 11/15 23/38 74/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Thailand East Asia & Pacific Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.48 4.1 0.54 7.1 0.55

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.59 4.2 0.38 7.2 0.44
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.40 4.3 0.40 7.3 0.65
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.45 4.4 0.52 7.4 0.54
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.52 4.5 0.56 7.5 0.34
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.39 4.6 0.37 7.6 0.41
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.46 7.7 0.48

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.60
2.1 0.50
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.67 8.1 0.40
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.47 5.1 0.80 8.2 0.39
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.32 5.2 0.85 8.3 0.27
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.49 8.4 0.33

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.61
3.1 0.45
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.54
3.2 0.43 6.1 0.48
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.40
3.3 0.51 6.2 0.55
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.55 6.3 0.49
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.33
Respect for due process
6.5 0.53
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 143
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Togo Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.45 16/30 10/20 100/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.35 26/30 17/20 115/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.42 11/30 7/20 82/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.31 28/30 19/20 120/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.49 16/30 12/20 87/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.74 5/30 4/20 58/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.49 11/30 6/20 73/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.47 13/30 5/20 84/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.36 17/30 9/20 89/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Togo Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.45 4.1 0.65 7.1 0.55

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.32 4.2 0.41 7.2 0.60
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.23 4.3 0.44 7.3 0.32
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.32 4.4 0.41 7.4 0.28
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.41 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.47
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.38 4.6 0.16 7.6 0.46
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.49 7.7 0.63

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.61
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.43 8.1 0.32
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.44 5.1 0.77 8.2 0.42
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.37 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.27
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.44 8.4 0.53

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.36
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.18
3.2 0.28 6.1 0.45
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.44
3.3 0.41 6.2 0.60
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.36 6.3 0.45
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.47
Respect for due process
6.5 0.47
144 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Trinidad and Tobago Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.54 14/30 36/38 55/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.02 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.57 14/30 35/38 54/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.50 15/30 37/38 55/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.56 9/30 32/38 42/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.59 16/30 36/38 54/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.66 15/30 37/38 85/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.51 15/30 36/38 61/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.58 13/30 35/38 51/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.35 16/30 37/38 91/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Trinidad and Tobago Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.68 4.1 0.61 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.67 4.2 0.57 7.2 0.56
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.29 4.3 0.31 7.3 0.72
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.37 4.4 0.67 7.4 0.71
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.67 4.5 0.78 7.5 0.34
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.71 4.6 0.38 7.6 0.43
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.74 7.7 0.67

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.68
2.1 0.44
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.74 8.1 0.23
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.58 5.1 0.70 8.2 0.26
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.23 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.19
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.29 8.4 0.41

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.57
3.1 0.37
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.51
3.2 0.53 6.1 0.40
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.31
3.3 0.67 6.2 0.69
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.67 6.3 0.36
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.51
Respect for due process
6.5 0.60
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 145
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Tunisia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.53 3/8 4/30 61/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.60 1/8 4/30 42/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.47 3/8 2/30 59/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.50 1/8 11/30 61/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.56 1/8 5/30 64/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.63 7/8 18/30 97/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.53 4/8 5/30 53/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.49 6/8 9/30 75/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.43 4/8 9/30 73/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Tunisia Middle East & North Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.66 4.1 0.63 7.1 0.60

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.49 4.2 0.57 7.2 0.62
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.61 4.3 0.44 7.3 0.35
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.48 4.4 0.64 7.4 0.54
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.64 4.5 0.59 7.5 0.42
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.75 4.6 0.43 7.6 0.31
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.69 7.7 0.59

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.50
2.1 0.52
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.45 8.1 0.43
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.57 5.1 0.77 8.2 0.48
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.35 5.2 0.77 8.3 0.39
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.36 8.4 0.35

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.46
3.1 0.37
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.43
3.2 0.51 6.1 0.52
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.44
3.3 0.62 6.2 0.61
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.52 6.3 0.34
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.56
Respect for due process
6.5 0.63
146 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Turkey Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.42 13/13 37/38 109/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.01 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.29 13/13 37/38 123/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.48 3/13 17/38 57/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.42 11/13 30/38 94/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.32 13/13 37/38 122/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.63 13/13 29/38 96/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 12/13 34/38 106/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.45 12/13 32/38 96/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.38 9/13 28/38 85/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Turkey Eastern Europe & Central Asia Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.37 4.1 0.39 7.1 0.55

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.32 4.2 0.35 7.2 0.29
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.18 4.3 0.42 7.3 0.51
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.29 4.4 0.25 7.4 0.19
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.25 4.5 0.20 7.5 0.34
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.33 4.6 0.23 7.6 0.56
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.30 7.7 0.69

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.38
2.1 0.48
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.58 8.1 0.44
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.67 5.1 0.78 8.2 0.38
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.20 5.2 0.60 8.3 0.42
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.52 8.4 0.33

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.59
3.1 0.47
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.06
3.2 0.48 6.1 0.41
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.42
3.3 0.29 6.2 0.63
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.44 6.3 0.47
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.14
Respect for due process
6.5 0.45
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 147
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Uganda Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.4 25/30 16/20 113/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.41 22/30 15/20 105/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.26 29/30 19/20 124/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.40 16/30 10/20 100/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.38 27/30 17/20 115/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.59 24/30 17/20 112/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 21/30 13/20 104/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.45 18/30 10/20 95/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.33 24/30 15/20 107/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Uganda Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.41 4.1 0.47 7.1 0.43

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.41 4.2 0.26 7.2 0.42
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.46 4.3 0.30 7.3 0.37
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.41 4.4 0.39 7.4 0.47
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.39 4.5 0.66 7.5 0.36
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.36 4.6 0.05 7.6 0.46
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.48 7.7 0.62

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.43
2.1 0.28
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.35 8.1 0.31
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.22 5.1 0.54 8.2 0.39
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.19 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.42
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.22 8.4 0.31

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.27
3.1 0.14
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.30
3.2 0.43 6.1 0.38
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.30
3.3 0.45 6.2 0.39
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.57 6.3 0.39
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.38
Respect for due process
6.5 0.59
148 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Ukraine Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.5 7/13 9/30 77/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.46 5/13 16/30 90/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.33 11/13 22/30 108/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.55 3/13 4/30 46/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.61 3/13 3/30 50/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.73 11/13 7/30 60/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.42 11/13 20/30 103/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.54 4/13 3/30 61/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.37 10/13 16/30 87/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Ukraine Eastern Europe & Central Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.56 4.1 0.69 7.1 0.58

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.32 4.2 0.63 7.2 0.67
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.44 4.3 0.45 7.3 0.38
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.28 4.4 0.60 7.4 0.38
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.60 4.5 0.75 7.5 0.64
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.55 4.6 0.44 7.6 0.48
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.64 7.7 0.65

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.68
2.1 0.35
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.46 8.1 0.28
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.42 5.1 0.75 8.2 0.42
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.10 5.2 0.88 8.3 0.40
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.57 8.4 0.48

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.31
3.1 0.59
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.28
3.2 0.49 6.1 0.42
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.45
3.3 0.57 6.2 0.42
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.54 6.3 0.54
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.37
Respect for due process
6.5 0.37
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 149
Region: Middle East & North Africa
United Arab Emirates Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.64 1/8 30/38 32/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.55 2/8 36/38 59/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.79 1/8 17/38 17/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.36 6/8 38/38 112/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 5/8 38/38 98/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.91 1/8 7/38 7/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.72 1/8 20/38 20/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.66 1/8 25/38 26/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.67 1/8 19/38 19/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

United Arab Emirates Middle East & North Africa High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.51 4.1 0.65 7.1 0.56

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.55 4.2 0.50 7.2 0.61
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.64 4.3 0.72 7.3 0.80
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.72 4.4 0.33 7.4 0.60
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.33 4.5 0.44 7.5 0.66
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.55 4.6 0.32 7.6 0.74
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.25 7.7 0.66

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.46
2.1 0.78
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.87 8.1 0.71
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.84 5.1 0.92 8.2 0.70
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.69 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.77
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.82 8.4 0.57

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.80
3.1 0.36
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.45
3.2 0.39 6.1 0.69
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.72
3.3 0.31 6.2 0.89
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.36 6.3 0.70
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.69
Respect for due process
6.5 0.65
150 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
United Kingdom Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.8 10/24 12/38 12/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.84 10/24 11/38 11/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.83 8/24 11/38 11/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.80 8/24 10/38 10/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.82 11/24 11/38 11/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.85 14/24 20/38 21/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.82 8/24 11/38 11/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.73 10/24 18/38 18/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.75 8/24 9/38 9/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

United Kingdom EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.85 4.1 0.72 7.1 0.53

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.83 4.2 0.94 7.2 0.64
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.83 4.3 0.81 7.3 0.91
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.78 4.4 0.85 7.4 0.84
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.85 4.5 0.87 7.5 0.67
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.88 4.6 0.79 7.6 0.72
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.89 7.7 0.78

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.69
2.1 0.85
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.96 8.1 0.68
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.86 5.1 0.91 8.2 0.74
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.64 5.2 0.92 8.3 0.60
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.72 8.4 0.66

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.87
3.1 0.90
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.88
3.2 0.67 6.1 0.77
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.81
3.3 0.84 6.2 0.94
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.78 6.3 0.81
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.81
Respect for due process
6.5 0.77
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 151
Region: EU & EFTA & North America
United States Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.71 14/24 20/38 20/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.02 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.73 15/24 18/38 19/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.74 13/24 20/38 20/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.77 11/24 13/38 13/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.72 18/24 26/38 27/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.76 21/24 29/38 49/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.73 13/24 19/38 19/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.64 17/24 27/38 30/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.63 16/24 23/38 23/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

United States EU & EFTA & North America High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.80 4.1 0.51 7.1 0.46

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.74 4.2 0.84 7.2 0.42
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.70 4.3 0.63 7.3 0.82
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.64 4.4 0.79 7.4 0.71
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.79 4.5 0.73 7.5 0.62
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.72 4.6 0.83 7.6 0.68
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.85 7.7 0.77

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.56
2.1 0.73
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.89 8.1 0.67
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.84 5.1 0.83 8.2 0.68
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.50 5.2 0.77 8.3 0.49
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.69 8.4 0.36

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.79
3.1 0.77
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.79
3.2 0.72 6.1 0.70
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.63
3.3 0.80 6.2 0.88
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.81 6.3 0.56
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.76
Respect for due process
6.5 0.72
152 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Uruguay Income Group: High

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.71 1/30 23/38 23/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 -1 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.75 2/30 15/38 16/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.74 1/30 19/38 19/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.71 2/30 18/38 18/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.76 2/30 18/38 19/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.70 11/30 34/38 73/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.69 1/30 22/38 22/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.75 2/30 17/38 17/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.54 10/30 32/38 42/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Uruguay Latin America & Caribbean High

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.80 4.1 0.68 7.1 0.85

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.72 4.2 0.83 7.2 0.84
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.66 4.3 0.62 7.3 0.81
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.66 4.4 0.76 7.4 0.74
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.76 4.5 0.83 7.5 0.58
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.89 4.6 0.76 7.6 0.65
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.83 7.7 0.75

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.81
2.1 0.68
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.92 8.1 0.39
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.82 5.1 0.69 8.2 0.46
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.55 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.29
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.42 8.4 0.52

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.77
3.1 0.70
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.71
3.2 0.64 6.1 0.64
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.62
3.3 0.76 6.2 0.83
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.75 6.3 0.58
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.58
Respect for due process
6.5 0.80
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 153
Region: Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Uzbekistan Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.46 12/13 17/30 94/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.00 2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.33 12/13 26/30 118/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.38 9/13 15/30 95/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.31 13/13 27/30 119/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.39 12/13 21/30 109/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.91 1/13 1/30 9/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.44 9/13 17/30 96/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.51 8/13 8/30 72/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.44 6/13 6/30 67/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Uzbekistan Eastern Europe & Central Asia Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.17 4.1 0.58 7.1 0.46

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.21 4.2 0.48 7.2 0.65
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.31 4.3 0.35 7.3 0.32
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.44 4.4 0.32 7.4 0.30
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.32 4.5 0.57 7.5 0.73
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.51 4.6 0.20 7.6 0.42
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.18 7.7 0.66

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.48
2.1 0.33
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.40 8.1 0.51
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.39 5.1 0.88 8.2 0.70
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.41 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.57
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.83 8.4 0.34

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.38
3.1 0.28
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.24
3.2 0.25 6.1 0.62
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.35
3.3 0.27 6.2 0.43
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.46 6.3 0.59
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.26
Respect for due process
6.5 0.28
154 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Venezuela Income Group: Upper Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.28 30/30 38/38 126/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.18 30/30 38/38 126/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.32 28/30 37/38 111/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.29 30/30 38/38 122/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.33 30/30 35/38 120/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.48 30/30 38/38 123/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.20 30/30 38/38 126/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.28 30/30 38/38 125/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.14 30/30 38/38 126/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Venezuela Latin America & Caribbean Upper Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.32 4.1 0.58 7.1 0.44

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.13 4.2 0.14 7.2 0.51
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.10 4.3 0.19 7.3 0.18
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.12 4.4 0.25 7.4 0.05
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.25 4.5 0.61 7.5 0.09
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.19 4.6 0.05 7.6 0.21
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.30 7.7 0.45

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.54
2.1 0.31
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.18 8.1 0.13
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.37 5.1 0.24 8.2 0.13
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.41 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.04
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.19 8.4 0.14

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.28
3.1 0.20
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.03
3.2 0.26 6.1 0.35
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.19
3.3 0.26 6.2 0.40
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.44 6.3 0.10
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.01
Respect for due process
6.5 0.14
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 155
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Vietnam Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.49 11/15 10/30 81/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -2 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.45 12/15 17/30 92/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.40 13/15 11/30 88/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.46 11/15 14/30 81/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.46 11/15 14/30 97/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.77 8/15 4/30 40/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.45 14/15 16/30 93/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.45 11/15 16/30 94/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.46 10/15 4/30 60/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Vietnam East Asia & Pacific Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.38 4.1 0.62 7.1 0.50

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.37 4.2 0.46 7.2 0.57
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.53 4.3 0.44 7.3 0.34
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.60 4.4 0.40 7.4 0.32
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.40 4.5 0.33 7.5 0.50
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.44 4.6 0.44 7.6 0.41
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.37 7.7 0.53

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.63
2.1 0.48
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.36 8.1 0.47
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.44 5.1 0.92 8.2 0.53
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.34 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.45
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.41 8.4 0.49

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.51
3.1 0.52
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.33
3.2 0.34 6.1 0.56
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.44
3.3 0.42 6.2 0.39
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.54 6.3 0.50
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.41
Respect for due process
6.5 0.38
156 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Zambia Income Group: Lower Middle

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.47 12/30 15/30
27/30 92/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

-0.01 -4 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
2.1 Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.48 16/30 13/30 80/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.40 15/30 12/30 89/126 7.4

0 3.2
3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.38 20/30 21/30 105/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.45 22/30 18/30 103/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.69 12/30 13/30 78/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.43 20/30 19/30 102/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.47 14/30 15/30 88/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.43 11/30 7/30 70/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Zambia Sub-Saharan Africa Lower Middle

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.48 4.1 0.51 7.1 0.46

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.37 4.2 0.40 7.2 0.45
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.58 4.3 0.42 7.3 0.39
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.58 4.4 0.43 7.4 0.43
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.43 4.5 0.67 7.5 0.39
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.47 4.6 0.29 7.6 0.66
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.41 7.7 0.47

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.47
2.1 0.42
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.53 8.1 0.53
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.39 5.1 0.62 8.2 0.50
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.26 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.23
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.44 8.4 0.50

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.42
3.1 0.24
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.45
3.2 0.46 6.1 0.48
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.42
3.3 0.45 6.2 0.42
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.38 6.3 0.41
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.40
Respect for due process
6.5 0.43
No expropriation w/out adequate compensation 2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 157
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Zimbabwe Income Group: Low

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies the highest possible score and 0 signifies the lowest possible score.

Overall Score Regional Rank Income Rank Global Rank

Constraints on
0.4 26/30 17/20 116/126 Government
8.7 1.1 1.2
Score Change Rank Change Criminal 8.6
8.6 1.3
8.5 1.4
8.4 1.5

0.03 3 8.3 1.6

8.2 2.1
Absence of
Factor Factor Regional Income Global 8.1 2.2 Corruption
Trend Score Rank Rank Rank 0.5
7.7 2.3

Constraints on 7.6 2.4

0.33 28/30 19/20 117/126
Government Powers
7.5 3.1

Absence of Corruption 0.31 23/30 15/20 115/126 7.4

0 3.2 Open
Civil Government
7.3 3.3
Open Government 0.33 25/30 17/20 116/126 Justice
7.2 3.4

Fundamental Rights 0.35 29/30 19/20 118/126 7.1 4.1

6.5 4.2

Order and Security 0.67 16/30 11/20 84/126 6.4 4.3

6.3 4.4
6.2 4.5
Regulatory Enforcement 0.38 25/30 15/20 117/126 6.1 4.6
Regulatory 5.3 4.7
5.2 5.1 4.8 Fundamental
Civil Justice 0.46 16/30 8/20 91/126 Rights
Order and
Criminal Justice 0.37 16/30 8/20 88/126

2019 Score Score

2018-2019 2017-2018 Score
Trending up Trending down Low Medium High

Zimbabwe Sub-Saharan Africa Low

Constraints on Government Powers Fundamental Rights Civil Justice

1.1 0.33 4.1 0.41 7.1 0.42

Limits by legislature No discrimination Accessibility & affordability
1.2 0.32 4.2 0.27 7.2 0.45
Limits by judiciary Right to life & security No discrimination
1.3 0.44 4.3 0.36 7.3 0.41
Independent auditing Due process of law No corruption
1.4 0.36 4.4 0.30 7.4 0.30
Sanctions for official misconduct Freedom of expression No improper gov't influence
1.5 0.30 4.5 0.47 7.5 0.52
Non-governmental checks Freedom of religion No unreasonable delay
1.6 0.24 4.6 0.13 7.6 0.58
Lawful transition of power Right to privacy Effective enforcement
4.7 0.34 7.7 0.54

Absence of Corruption Freedom of association Impartial & effective ADRs

4.8 0.49
2.1 0.29
Labor rights Criminal Justice
In the executive branch
2.2 0.42 8.1 0.41
Order and Security
In the judiciary Effective investigations
2.3 0.29 5.1 0.63 8.2 0.51
In the police/military Absence of crime Timely & effective adjudication
2.4 0.22 5.2 1.00 8.3 0.35
In the legislature Absence of civil conflict Effective correctional system
5.3 0.38 8.4 0.36

Open Government Absence of violent redress No discrimination

8.5 0.33
3.1 0.16
Regulatory Enforcement No corruption
Publicized laws & gov't data
8.6 0.23
3.2 0.40 6.1 0.43
No improper gov't influence
Right to information Effective regulatory enforcement
8.7 0.36
3.3 0.32 6.2 0.46
Due process of law
Civic participation No improper influence
3.4 0.45 6.3 0.35
Complaint mechanisms No unreasonable delay
6.4 0.34
Respect for due process
6.5 0.29
158 No expropriation w/out adequate compensation

Behind the

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 159

Methodology Snapshot: Steps to Produce the Rule of Law Index

The production of the WJP Rule of Law Index® can be summarized in 11 steps:

1 The WJP developed the conceptual framework summarized in the Index’s nine factors
and 47 sub-factors, in consultation with academics, practitioners, and community leaders
from around the world.

2 The Index team developed a set of five questionnaires based on the Index’s conceptual
framework to be administered to experts and the general public. Questionnaires were
translated into several languages and adapted to reflect commonly used terms and

3 The Index team identified, on average, more than 300 potential local experts per country
to respond to the QRQs and engaged the services of leading local polling companies to
implement the household surveys.

4 Polling companies conducted pilot tests of the GPP in consultation with the Index team,
and launched the final survey for full fieldwork.

5 The Index team sent the questionnaires to local experts and engaged in continual
interaction with them.

6 The Index team collected and mapped the data onto the 44 sub-factors with
global comparability.

7 The Index team constructed the final scores using a five-step process:
a. Codified the questionnaire items as numeric values
b. Produced raw country scores by aggregating the responses from
several individuals (experts and/or general public)
c. Normalized the raw scores
d. Aggregated the normalized scores into sub-factors and factors
using simple averages
e. Produced the normalized scores, which are rounded to two
decimal points, and the final rankings

8 The data were subject to a series of tests to identify possible biases and errors. For
example, the Index team cross-checked all sub-factors against more than 70 third-party
sources, including quantitative data and qualitative assessments drawn from local and
international organizations.

9 A sensitivity analysis was conducted by the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of
the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the Index team,
to assess the statistical reliability of the results.

10 To illustrate whether the rule of law in a country significantly changed over the course
of the past year, a measure of change over time was produced based on the annual
difference in the country-level factor scores, the standard errors of these scores
(estimated from a set of 100 bootstrap samples), and the results of the corresponding

11 The data were organized into country reports, tables, and figures to facilitate their
presentation and interpretation. For tables organized by income group, the WJP follows
the World Bank income classifications.

Methodology remaining countries in future editions of the Index. Depending
The WJP Rule of Law Index is the first attempt to systematically on the particular situation of each country, one of three different
and comprehensively quantify the rule of law around the world polling methodologies is used: face-to-face, telephone, or online.
and remains unique in its operationalization of rule of law The GPP is carried out in each country every other year. The
dimensions into concrete questions. The WJP Rule of Law Index polling data used in this year’s report were collected during the
2019 report presents information on eight composite factors fall of 2018 (for 71 countries), fall of 2017 (for 52 countries),
that are further disaggregated into 44 specific sub-factors (see the fall of 2016 (for two countries), and the fall of 2014 (for
page 10). Factor 9, Informal Justice, is included in the conceptual one country). Detailed information regarding the country
framework, but has been excluded from the aggregated scores coverage (cities covered or nationally representative), the polling
and rankings in order to provide meaningful cross-country companies contracted to administer the questionnaire, and the
comparisons. polling methodology employed in each of the 126 countries is
presented on page 164.
The country scores and rankings presented in this report are
built from more than 500 variables drawn from the assessments The QRQs complement the household data with assessments
of more than 120,000 households and 3,800 legal experts in 126 from in-country professionals with expertise in civil and
countries and jurisdictions, making it the most accurate portrayal commercial law, criminal and constitutional law, labor law, and
of the factors that contribute to shaping the rule of law in a public health. These questionnaires gather timely input on a
country. range of topics from practitioners who frequently interact with
state institutions. Such topics include information on the efficacy
Data Sources of courts, the strength of regulatory enforcement, and the
To present an image that accurately portrays the rule of law reliability of accountability mechanisms.
as experienced by ordinary people, each score of the Index is
calculated using a large number of questions drawn from two The questionnaires contain closed-ended perception questions
original data sources collected by the World Justice Project in and several hypothetical scenarios with highly detailed
each country: a General Population Poll (GPP) and a series of factual assumptions aimed at ensuring comparability across
Qualified Respondents’ Questionnaires (QRQs). These two data countries. The QRQ surveys are conducted annually, and the
sources collect up-to-date firsthand information that is not questionnaires are completed by respondents selected from
available at the global level, and constitute the world’s most directories of law firms, universities and colleges, research
comprehensive dataset of its kind. They capture the experiences organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
and perceptions of ordinary citizens and in-country professionals as well as through referrals from the WJP global network of
concerning the performance of the state and its agents and the practitioners, and all are vetted by WJP staff based on their
actual operation of the legal framework in their country. expertise. The expert surveys are administered in five languages:
English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. The QRQ
The GPP surveys provide firsthand information on the data for this report include more than 3,800 surveys, which
experiences and the perceptions of ordinary people regarding represents an average of 30 respondents per country. These data
a range of pertinent rule of law information, including their were collected from May 2018 through early November 2018.
dealings with the government, the ease of interacting with state
bureaucracy, the extent of bribery and corruption, the availability Data Cleaning and Score Computation
of dispute resolution systems, and the prevalence of common Once collected, the data are carefully processed to arrive at
crimes to which they are exposed. country-level scores. As a first step, the respondent level data
are edited to exclude partially completed surveys, suspicious
The GPP questionnaire includes 127 perception-based data, and outliers (which are detected using the Z-score method).
questions and 213 experience-based questions, along with Individual answers are then mapped onto the 44 sub-factors of
socio-demographic information on all respondents. The the Index (or onto the intermediate categories that make up each
questionnaire is translated into local languages, adapted to sub-factor), codified so that all values fall between 0 (weakest
common expressions, and administered by leading local polling adherence to the rule of law) and 1 (strongest adherence to the
companies using a probability sample of 1,000 respondents.3 rule of law), and aggregated at the country level using the simple
In previous editions of the Index, the poll has been conducted (or unweighted) average of all respondents.
in the three largest cities of each country. However, the World
Justice Project’s goal was to update its methodology to include This year, to allow an easier comparison across years, the
nationally representative polls. Towards this end, nationally resulting 2019 scores have been normalized using the Min-Max
representative polls were conducted in 55 countries this method with a base year of 2015. These normalized scores
year. Nationally representative polls will be conducted in the were then successively aggregated from the variable level all the

Due to small populations or obstacles to data collection in certain countries, the sampling plan was adjusted in some cases. One adjustment was to decrease the sample
size. For more information on specific countries and sample sizes, see pages 164-166.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 161

way up to the factor level to produce the final country scores, value (downward arrow) if there was a change leading to a
rounded to two decimal points, and rankings. In most cases, the statistically significant deterioration in the score. This measure
GPP and QRQ questions are equally weighted in the calculation complements the numerical scores and rankings presented
of the scores of the intermediate categories (sub-factors and in this report, which benchmark each country’s current
sub-sub-factors). performance on the factors and sub-factors of the Index against
that of other countries. The measure of change over time is
A full picture of how questions are mapped onto indicators and constructed in three steps:
how they are weighted is available on the WJP Rule of Law Index
website at 1. First, last year’s scores are subtracted from this year’s
to obtain, for each country and each factor, the annual
Data Validation difference in scores.
As a final step, data are validated and cross-checked against
qualitative and quantitative third-party sources to provide an 2. To test whether the annual changes are statistically
additional layer of analysis and to identify possible mistakes or significant, a bootstrapping procedure is used to
inconsistencies within the data. Most of the third-party data estimate standard errors. To calculate these errors, 100
sources used to cross-check the Index scores are described in samples of respondent-level observations (of equal
Botero and Ponce (2011).4 size to the original sample) are randomly selected with
replacement for each country from the pooled set of
Methodological Changes to this Year’s Report respondents for last year and this year. These samples
Every year, the WJP reviews the methods of data collection are used to produce a set of 100 country-level scores
to ensure that the information produced is valid, useful, and for each factor and each country, which are utilized to
continues to capture the status of the rule of law in the world. calculate the final standard errors. These errors—which
To maintain consistency with previous editions and to facilitate measure the uncertainty associated with picking a
tracking changes over time, this year’s questionnaires and data particular sample of respondents—are then employed
maps are closely aligned with those administered in the past. to conduct pair-wise t-tests for each country and each
In order to improve the accuracy of the QRQ results and
reduce respondent burden, proactive dependent interviewing 3. Finally, to illustrate the annual change, a measure of
techniques were used to remind respondents who participated in change over time is produced based on the value of the
last year’s survey of their responses in the previous year. annual difference and its statistical significance (at the
95 percent level).
This year, no new questions or indicators were added to the
Index. Overall, 100 percent of questions remained the same Strengths and Limitations
between the 2017-2018 and 2019 editions of the Index. The Index methodology has both strengths and limitations. Among
A description of the variables is available at its strengths is the inclusion of both expert and household surveys to ensure that the findings reflect the conditions experienced
by the population. Another strength is that it approaches the
In a few instances, the WJP uses data from third-party sources measurement of rule of law from various angles by triangulating
to measure an element of the rule of law that is not possible information across data sources and types of questions. This
to measure through the GPP or QRQs. Out of more than 500 approach not only enables accounting for different perspectives
variables used to calculate the Index, 13 variables are from on the rule of law, but it also helps to reduce possible bias that
third-party sources. might be introduced by any other particular data collection
method. Finally, it relies on statistical testing to determine the
Tracking Changes Over Time significance of the changes in the factor scores over the last year.
This year’s report includes a measure to illustrate whether the
rule of law in a country, as measured through the factors of the With the aforementioned methodological strengths come a
WJP Rule of Law Index, changed since the previous year. This number of limitations. First, the data shed light on rule of law
measure is presented in the form of arrows and represents dimensions that appear comparatively strong or weak, but are not
a summary of rigorous statistical testing based on the use of specific enough to establish causation. Thus, it will be necessary
bootstrapping procedures (see below). For each factor, this to use the Index in combination with other analytical tools to
measure takes the value of zero (no arrow) if there was no provide a full picture of causes and possible solutions. Second,
statistically significant change in the score since last year, a in previous editions of the Index, the methodology has only
positive value (upward arrow) if there was a change leading to a been applied in three major urban areas in each of the indexed
statistically significant improvement in the score, and a negative countries for the General Population Poll. However, the World
Botero, J. and Ponce, A. (2011) “Measuring the Rule of Law”: WJP Working Paper No.1, available at

Justice Project’s goal was to update its methodology to include 3. Given the uncertainty associated with picking a
nationally representative polls. Towards this end, nationally particular sample of respondents, standard errors have
representative polls were conducted in 55 countries this year. been calculated using bootstrapping methods to test
Nationally representative polls will be conducted in the remaining whether the annual changes in the factor scores are
countries in future editions of the Index. Third, given the rapid statistically significant.
changes to the rule of law occurring in some countries, scores
for some countries may be sensitive to the specific points in time 4. Indices and indicators are subject to potential abuse
when the data were collected. To address this, the WJP is piloting and misinterpretation. Once released to the public, they
test methods of moving averages to account for short-term can take on a life of their own and be used for purposes
fluctuations. Fourth, the QRQ data may be subject to problems unanticipated by their creators. If data are taken out of
of measurement error due to the limited number of experts in context, it can lead to unintended or erroneous policy
some countries, resulting in less precise estimates. To address this, decisions
the WJP works constantly to expand its network of in-country
academic and practitioner experts who contribute their time and 5. Rule of law concepts measured by the Index may
expertise to this endeavor. Finally, due to the limited number of have different meanings across countries. Users are
experts in some countries (which implies higher standard errors) encouraged to consult the specific definitions of
and the fact that the GPP is carried out in each country every the variables employed in the construction of the
other year (which implies that for some countries, some variables Index, which are discussed in greater detail in the
do not change from one year to another), it is possible that the methodology section of the WJP Rule of Law Index
test described above fails to detect small changes in a country’s website.
situation over time.
6. The Index is generally intended to be used in
Other methodological considerations combination with other instruments, both quantitative
A detailed presentation of the methodology, including a table and qualitative. Just as in the areas of health or
and description of the more than 500 variables used to construct economics, no single index conveys a full picture of a
the Index scores, is available at: and in country’s situation. Policy-making in the area of rule
Botero, J. and Ponce, A. (2011) “Measuring the Rule of Law”: of law requires careful consideration of all relevant
WJP Working Paper No.1, available at: dimensions­­­­­­­­—which may vary from country to country —and a combination of sources, instruments, and
Using the WJP Rule of Law Index
The WJP Rule of Law Index has been designed to offer a reliable 7. Pursuant to the sensitivity analysis of the Index data
and independent data source for policy makers, businesses, non- conducted in collaboration with the Econometrics and
governmental organizations (NGOs), and other constituencies Applied Statistics Unit of the European Commission’s
to assess a country’s adherence to the rule of law as perceived Joint Research Centre, confidence intervals have been
and experienced by the average person, identify a country’s calculated for all figures included in the WJP Rule of Law
strengths and weaknesses in comparison to similarly situated Index. These confidence intervals and other relevant
countries, and track changes over time. The Index has been considerations regarding measurement error are
designed to include several features that set it apart from other reported in Saisana and Saltelli (2015) and Botero and
indices and make it valuable for a large number of countries, thus Ponce (2011).
providing a powerful resource that can inform policy debates
both within and across countries. However, the Index’s findings The following pages (164-166) list the coverage and polling
must be interpreted in light of certain inherent limitations. methodology for the GPP in the 126 indexed countries and
1. The WJP Rule of Law Index does not identify priorities
for reform and is not intended to establish causation or
to ascertain the complex relationship among different
rule of law dimensions in various countries.

2. The Index’s rankings and scores are the product of a

rigorous data collection and aggregation methodology.
Nonetheless, as with all measures, they are subject to
measurement error.

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 163

Country/Jurisdiction Coverage Polling Company Methodology Sample Year

Afghanistan Nationally representative D3 Systems & ACSOR Surveys Face-to-face 3006 2018

Albania Nationally representative IDRA Research & Consulting Face-to-face 1000 2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Algeria Nationally representative
Face-to-face 1000 2018

Angola Nationally representative Marketing Support Consultancy Face-to-face 1010 2018

Antigua & Barbuda Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 513 2018

Argentina Nationally representative StatMark Face-to-face 1010 2018

Big Picture Marketing Strategy &

Australia Nationally representative
Online 1067 2018

Austria Vienna, Graz, Linz YouGov Online 1008 2017

Bahamas Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 500 2018

Bangladesh Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna Org-Quest Research Ltd. Face-to-face 1000 2016

Barbados Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 513 2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Belarus Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev
Face-to-face 1000/401 2014/2017

Belgium Nationally representative YouGov Online 1007 2018

Belize City, Belmopan, San Ignacio/Santa

Belize Elena
CID-Gallup Face-to-face 1000 2017

Benin Nationally representative Liaison Marketing Face-to-face 1010 2018

Bolivia Nationally representative Captura Consulting Face-to-face 1000 2018

Bosnia &
Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla Kantar TNS MIB Face-to-face 1000 2017

Botswana Nationally representative BJKA Consulting Face-to-face 1000 2018

Datum Internacional/About Brazil

Brazil São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador
Market Research
Face-to-face 1049 2017

Bulgaria Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna Alpha Research Ltd. Face-to-face 1001 2018

Burkina Faso Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso, Koudougou Kantar TNS Face-to-face 1029 2017

Cambodia Phnom Penh, Battambang, Kampong Cham Indochina Research Face-to-face 1000 2014

Cameroon Nationally representative Liaison Marketing Face-to-face 1006 2018

Canada Toronto, Montreal, Calgary YouGov Online 1000 2017

Santiago, Valparaíso/Viña del Mar,

Chile Antofagasta
Datum Internacional S.A./Cadem S.A. Face-to-face 1011 2017

WJP in collaboration with local

China Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou
Face-to-face 508 2018

Colombia Nationally representative Tempo Group Face-to-face 1000 2018

Costa Rica San José, Cartago, Alajuela Dichter and Neira Face-to-face 561 2017

Cote d'Ivoire Abidjan, Bouaké, Daloa Liaison Marketing Face-to-face 1011 2017

Croatia Nationally representative Ipsos d.o.o. Face-to-face 1010 2018

Czech Republic Prague, Brno, Ostrava YouGov Online 1013 2017

Congo, Dem. Rep. Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi Kantar Public Senegal Face-to-face 1083 2018

Denmark Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg YouGov Online 1017 2017

Dominica Nationally representative StatMark Face-to-face 512 2018

Dominican Republic Nationally representative CID Latin America Face-to-face 1014 2018

Ecuador Guayaquil, Quito, Cuenca Dichter and Neira Face-to-face 703 2017

WJP in collaboration with local

Egypt Cairo, Alexandria, Giza
Face-to-face 1000 2017

El Salvador Nationally representative CID-Gallup Latin America Face-to-face 1000 2018

Estonia Tallinn, Tartu, Narva Norstat Eesti Online 1010 2017

Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Gondar, Nazret Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1037 2017

Finland Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere YouGov Online 1014 2017

France Nationally representative YouGov Online 1040 2018

ACT Market Research and Consulting

Georgia Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi
Face-to-face 1000 2017

Germany Nationally representative YouGov Online 1048 2018

Ghana Nationally representative Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1103 2018

Country/Jurisdiction Coverage Polling Company Methodology Sample Year

Greece Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras YouGov Online 1015 2017

Grenada Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 500 2018

Mercaplan Central America &

Guatemala Nationally representative
Face-to-face 1008 2018

Guinea Conakry, Nzerekore, Kankan Kantar Public Senegal Face-to-face 1065 2018

Guyana Nationally representative StatMark Face-to-face 527 2018

Honduras Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Choloma CID-Gallup Face-to-face 1100 2017

Hong Kong SAR, WJP in collaboration with local

Nationally representative Face-to-face 1004 2017
China partner

Hungary Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged Ipsos Hungary Face-to-face 1000 2017

India Nationally representative Market Xcel Face-to-face 1059 2018

Indonesia Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung MRI (Marketing Research Indonesia) Face-to-face 1004 2017

BJKA consulting with local partner

Iran Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan
MHA Research
Face-to-face 1010 2018

Italy Rome, Milan, Naples YouGov Online 1004 2017

Jamaica Kingston, Portmore, Spanish Town Dichter and Neira Face-to-face 401 2017

Acorn Marketing & Research

Japan Nationally representative
Consultant (M) Sdn Bhd
Online 1000 2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Jordan Nationally representative
Face-to-face 1000 2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Kazakhstan Almaty, Astana, Shymkent
Face-to-face 1000 2017

Kenya Nationally representative Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1099 2018

Kyrgyzstan Nationally representative Ipsos Face-to-face 1000 2018

Lebanon Beirut, Tripoli, Sidon REACH SAL Face-to-face 1000 2017

Liberia Monrovia, Gbarnga and Buchanan Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1113 2018

Macedonia, FYR Skopje, Kumanovo, Bitola Ipsos dooel Skopje Face-to-face 1017 2017

Madagascar Antananarivo, Toamasina, Antsirabe DCDM Research Face-to-face 1000 2017

Malawi Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1039 2017

Acorn Marketing & Research

Malaysia Klang Valley, Johor Bahru, Ipoh
Consultant (M) Sdn Bhd
Face-to-face 1000 2017

Mali Nationally representative Marketing Support Consultancy Face-to-face 1012 2018

Mauritania Nationally representative Liaison Marketing Face-to-face 1000 2018

Mauritius Nationally representative DCDM Research Face-to-face 1000 2018

Mexico Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey Data Opinión Pública y Mercados Face-to-face 1000 2017

Georgian Opinion Research Business

Moldova Chisinau, Balti, Cahul
International (GORBI)
Face-to-face 1043 2017

Mongolian Marketing Consulting

Mongolia Ulaanbaatar, Erdenet, Darkhan
Group LLC
Face-to-face 1000 2017

WJP in collaboration with local

Morocco Casablanca, Fes, Tangier
Face-to-face 1000 2017

Mozambique Nationally representative Quest Research Services Face-to-face 1009 2018

Myanmar Survey Research Co., Ltd

Myanmar Yangon, Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw
Face-to-face 1000 2018

Namibia Nationally representative Quest Research Services Face-to-face 1001 2018

Nepal Kathmandu, Pokhara, Lalitpur Solutions Consultant Face-to-face 1000 2017

Netherlands Nationally representative YouGov Online 1113 2018

Big Picture Marketing Strategy &

New Zealand Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch
Online 1000 2017

Nicaragua Managua, León, Masaya CID-Gallup Face-to-face 1100 2017

Niger Niamey, Zinder, Maradi Liaison Marketing Face-to-face 1011 2018

Nigeria Nationally representative Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1083 2018

Norway Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim YouGov Online 1007 2017

Gallup Pakistan (affiliated with Gallup

Pakistan Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad
Face-to-face 1840 2017

Panama Panama City, San Miguelito, Las Cumbres Gallup Panamá Face-to-face 1000 2017

Peru Nationally representative Datum Internacional S.A. Face-to-face 1000 2018

Philippines Manila, Cebu, Davao APMI Partners Face-to-face 1008 2016

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 165

Country/Jurisdiction Coverage Polling Company Methodology Sample Year

Poland Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz Grupa IQS Face-to-face 1000 2018

Portugal Lisbon, Porto, Amadora YouGov Online 1016 2017

Acorn Marketing & Research

Republic of Korea Nationally representative
Consultant (M) Sdn Bhd
Online 1000 2018

Alpha Research Ltd. in collaboration

Romania Nationally representative
with local partner
Face-to-face 1000 2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Russia Nationally representative
Face-to-face 1000 2018

Rwanda Kigali Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 316 2018

Senegal Pikine, Dakar, Thiès Kantar TNS Face-to-face 1012 2017

Serbia Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis Ipsos Strategic Marketing d.o.o. Face-to-face 1002 2017

Sierra Leone Nationally representative Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1165 2018

Singapore Nationally representative Survey Sampling International Online 1000 2017

Slovenia Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje Ipsos d.o.o. Face-to-face 1006 2017

South Africa Nationally representative Quest Research Services Face-to-face 1014 2018

Spain Nationally representative YouGov Online 1051 2018

Sri Lanka Colombo, Kaduwela, Maharagama Kantar LMRB Face-to-face 1010 2017

St. Kitts & Nevis Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 500 2018

St. Lucia Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 500 2018

St. Vincent & the

Nationally representative DMR Insights Face-to-face 500 2018

Suriname Nationally representative CID-Gallup Latin America Face-to-face 510 2018

Sweden Nationally representative YouGov Online 1049 2018

Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha Infinite Insight Ltd. Face-to-face 1037 2018

Thailand Bangkok, Nakhon Ratchasima, Udon Thani Infosearch Limited Face-to-face 1000 2018

Togo Nationally representative Marketing Support Consultancy Face-to-face 1005 2018

Trinidad & Tobago Nationally representative CID-Gallup Latin America Face-to-face 1006 2018

Tunisia Big Tunis, Sfax, Sousse BJKA Consulting Face-to-face 1001 2017

Turkey İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir Kantar Insights Face-to-face 1039 2018

Uganda Kampala, Nansana, Kira Kantar Public East Africa Face-to-face 1062 2018

Ukraine Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa GfK Ukraine Face-to-face 1079 2017

United Arab WJP in collaboration with local

Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah Face-to-face 1011/200 2011/2017
Emirates partner

United Kingdom Nationally representative YouGov Online 1056 2018

United States Nationally representative YouGov Online 1086 2018

Uruguay Nationally representative BM Business Partners Face-to-face 1000 2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Uzbekistan Tashkent, Namangan, Samarkand
Face-to-face 1000/300 2014/2018

WJP in collaboration with local

Venezuela Caracas, Maracaibo, Valencia
Face-to-face 1015 2018

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Hai Phong Indochina Research (Vietnam) Ltd. Face-to-face 1000 2017

Zambia Lusaka, Kitwe, Chipata Intraspace Market Consultancy Ltd. Face-to-face 1014 2017

Zimbabwe Nationally representative Quest Research Services Face-to-face 1001 2018

Contributing Experts
The WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 was made possible by the generous contributions of academics and practitioners who contributed
their time and expertise. The names of those experts wishing to be acknowledged individually are listed below.

This report was also made possible by the work of the polling companies who conducted fieldwork, and the thousands of individuals
who have responded to the General Population Poll around the world.

Afghanistan Albana Fona Nawel Lahouel Nelson Silva María Eugenia Montero
LPA Law Firm   Empresa Nacional de Seguros Hewlett Packard Enterprise
A. R. Rahimghiyasa   Okba Lemdjed Bellabas de Angola  
  Brunilda Subashi     Maria Gabriela Peralta
Abdul Hadi Zamani Universiteti Ismail Qemali Salima Aloui Orlando de Oliveira Buta  
Al Mujahid Legal Services Vlorë Société d’Avocats Goussanem   María Paola Trigiani
    & Aloui Rosa Pedro Alfaro Abogados
Ahmad Jawad Dorant Ekmekçiu   MWENHO  
Afghan Civil Society Forum Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha Yaya Farouk   Martin Alejandro Bello
Organization   Anonymous Contributors Pirovano & Bello Abogados
  Drini Hakorja Anonymous Contributors  
Anicée Van Engeland     Antigua & Barbuda Martín Langsam
Cranfield University Eglantina Biba Angola Universidad Isalud
  Frost & Fire Consulting Kema Benjamin  
Baryalai Hakimi   Adelino Naquarta Marshall & Co. Mercedes Balado
Kabul University Enxhi Kallogjeri     Bevilacqua
  Frost & Fire Consulting Adolfo Rasoilo Stuart Alexander Lockhart MBB Balado Bevilacqua
Bentulhuda Yaqubi     Stuart A. Lockhart Legal Abogados
Kabul University of Medical Gentiana Tirana Armindo Sá Silva Services  
Sciences   Sá Silva & Associados   Mercedes Lorenzo
  Gjergji Gjika   Anonymous Contributors Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Bilal Ahmad Rahimi Gjika & Associates Barros Gaspar Simão    
Kandahar University   Gabinete Legal Angola Argentina Nicolás Soler
  Irv Vaso Advogados Fulbright
Hashmat Khalil Nadirpor Kalo & Associates   Adrián R. Tellas  
LESPA   Campos Domingos   Omar Esteban Fornetti
  Jonida Melani Braja Agostinho Alberto Gonzalez Torres A-M-Ch-C-F-RM
Khalid Massoudi Wolf Theiss CDA Baker McKenzie  
Masnad Law Firm     P. Eugenio Aramburu
  Merita Gjorga Cássia Sousa Alberto Justo Giles PAGBAM
Khalid Sekander        
  Oltjan Hoxholli Catarina Martins Neto Analia V. Durán Pablo Alejandro Pirovano
Mazhar Bangash LPA Law Firm Fernandes MBB Balado Bevilacqua Pirovano & Bello Abogados
RIAA Barker Gillette   ADCA- Carvalho & Associados Abogados  
  Anonymous Contributors     Rosa María Oller López
Mohammad Shafiq Hamdam   Celmira Maria Domingos Andres Sanguinetti Estudio Jurídico Oller López &
Afghan Anti-Corruption Algeria Matias Da Silva Lenos Estudio Moltedo Asociados
Network Associada A Ordem Dos    
  Abdelkader Zouaid Advogados de Angola Carlos María Ferrer Deheza Sandra S. Guillan
Mushtari Daqiq     Estudio Ferrer Deheza De Dios & Goyena Abogados
Adnane Bouchaib Chilandissa Nilson Monteiro   Consultores
Rahmanullah Shahab     Claudio Jesús Santagati  
Afghan Anglo Legal Amel Benredjal Correia Vicente Pongolola Defensoria General de Lomas Silvina Sesarego
    CVP - Sociedade de de Zamora  
Sanzar Kakar Badis Mendil Advogados, R.L.   Soledad Espasandin
Afghanistan Holding Group     Daniela Carrara Estudio Jurídico Curutchet -
  Berbar Ababakrine Seddik Cristiano Santana Agostinho Universidad de Buenos Aires Odriozola
Sara Balagh   Sanda Paciência    
Kakar Advocates Chems-Eddine Hafiz CKA & Associados Dante Graña Anonymous Contributors
  LPA-CGR Avocats   Fundación Avedis Donabedian  
Sayed Ramiz Husaini   Domingos Ukwahali Chilala   Australia
USP Cylia Moulai DUCEA - Sociedade de Diego Silva Ortiz
    Advogados, R.L. Silva Ortiz, Alfonso, Pavic & Breen Creighton
Shahrzad Shamim Ghalem Omar   Louge RMIT University
Shajjan & Associates   E. Salesso Ribeiro    
  Karima Chalal   Federico A. Borzi Cirilli Brendan Ashdown
Thomas Kraemer Cabinet d’Avocat Karima Edevaldo de Almeida Ceballos & Ceballos John Toohey Chambers
Kakar Advocates Chalal Augusto    
      Gustavo Ferrante David Hooke SC
Zabihullah Khaled Goussanem Elsa Tchicanha Allende Ferrante Abogados  
CAHPO Société d’Avocats Goussanem Gabinete Legal Angola   Edouard Tursan d’Espaignet
  & Aloui Advogados Humberto Federico Rios University of Newcastle;
Zamira Saidi     Estudio Rios Abogados University of New England
Shajjan & Associates Medafer Faiza Gilberto Pelinganga    
  Université d’Alger   Lucila Escriña Esther Stern
Anonymous Contributors   Hermenegildo Teotónio da Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal Flinders University of South
Mohamed Sadek Djane Silva e Sousa   Australia
Albania Hamed Mosaiko - Instituto para a Maria Eugenia Cantenys  
Cidadania Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal Fiona McDonald
Agron Alibali Nabil Mellah     Australian Centre for Health
Frost & Fire Consulting UNOP Law Research

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 167

George Williams Martin Risak Imran Anwar Esther Obiora Arthur Maksim Shapelevich
University of New South University of Vienna Tanjib Alam & Associates Rehoboth Law Chambers Stepanovski, Papakul and
Wales       Partners
  Rupert Manhart Imteaz Mannan Jaydene O. Thomas
Greg Patmore Manhart Einsle Partner Save the Children Capital Law Chambers Oksana Puchkovskaya
University of Sydney Rechtsanwälte; ÖRAK     Stepanovski, Papakul and
    Junayed Ahmed Chowdhury Jefferson Cumberbatch Partners
James A. Gillespie Thomas Frad Vertex Chambers University of the West Indies  
Menzies Centre for Health Karasek Wietrzyk     Serg Gartsev
Policy Rechtsanwälte GmbH Khandaker Mashfique Sharon R. Harris RSO “Your Chance”
    Ahmed Harris & Harris Law  
Kate Burns Thomas Hofmann Rahman’s Chambers   Tatiana Ignatovskaya
University of Technology PALLAS HOFMANN   Tanya A. Hinds Stepanovski, Papakul and
Sydney   M. Rafiqul Islam Chowdhury   Partners
  Anonymous Contributors M. R. I. Chowdhury & Anonymous Contributors  
Lucinda Browne   Associates   Vadzim Samaryn
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Bahamas   Belarus Belarusian State University
  Mahim al Hasan  
Mary Anne Noone Ashley D. Williams Vertex Chambers Alena Salei Vasili Zavadski
La Trobe University Alexiou, Knowles & Co.   Borovtsov & Salei Law Firm TimeAct
    Masud Khan    
Mary E. Crock Demetria Severe The Legal Circle Alexander Botian Viachaslav Shastak
Sydney Law School     Borovtsov & Salei Law Firm  
  Joseph A. Walker Md Khademul Islam Choyon   Vital Kalyada
Merrilyn Walton Halsbury Chambers Sattar&Co. Alexey Korol VVK law
University of Sydney     Stepanovski, Papakul and  
  Koren Debi Williams Md Salequzzaman Partners Vitali Nikanovich
Neil James Williams Fidulex Supreme Court of Bangladesh;   EDU-HUB
Australia Defence Association   The Legal Era Aliaksandr Dzerhachou  
  Nerissa A. Greene   Human Rights Center “Spring” Yury Evgeny Razvodovsky
Nicholas Cowdery Halsbury Chambers Mir Shamsur Rahman   International Academy of
University of Sydney;   University of Asia Pacific Aliaksei Kralko Sobriety
University of New South Ron O. Pinder   Belarusian Medical Academy  
Wales   Muhammad Rashel Siddiqui of Postgraduate Education Anonymous Contributors
  Sharanda Humes-Forbes Rashel’s Law Corner    
Peter Cashman     Anastasia Morgun Belgium
University of Sydney Shavon D. Bethel S. H. Taskeen Emon Borovtsov & Salei Law Firm
  Douglas Sands & Associates Rahman’s Chambers   Ann Witters
Peter Sainsbury     Anatoly Leshanok Claeys & Engels
University of Sydney Tavares K. LaRoda S. M. Abid Ur Rahman Republican Public  
  Sunshine Holdings Limited Tanjib Alam & Associates Association “People Plus” Arent Lievens
Sarah Hill       Advocatenkantoor Lievens &
Selborne Chambers Vann P. Gaitor Sabbir Hossain Andrei Famenka Lievens
  Higgs & Johnson Solidarity Center Bangladesh World Health Organization  
Sean Cooney       Christoph Van der Elst
University of Melbourne Wayne R. Munroe Salman Sadiq Khan Andrei Vaso Tilburg University; Gent
  Munroe & Associates FM Associates Gomel Regional Narcological University
Simon Rice     Dispensery  
University of Sydney Anonymous Contributors Shahana Rahman   Damas François
    Rahman’s Chambers Artemev Sergej; Artsemyeu CHU de Liège
Tom Faunce Bangladesh   Siarhei  
Australian National University Shakina Akter Belorusian State University Freek Louckx
  A. H. M. Belal Chowdhury Rahman’s Chambers   Universiteit Antwerpen; Vrije
Veronica Taylor FM Associates   Dmitry Kovalchik Universiteit Brussel
Australian National University   Tanim Hussain Shawon Stepanovski, Papakul and  
  A. S. M. Alamgir Supreme Court of Bangladesh Partners Jean Jacqmain
Anonymous Contributors Institute of Epidemiology,     Université Libre de Bruxelles
  Disease Control and Research Tanvir Quader Dmitry Petrovich  
Austria   Vertex Chambers   Jean-Marc Gollier
Ali Asif Khan   Dmitry Semashko Eubelius
Clemens Egermann Law Firm Hossain & Khan Tanzeer Ahmad Stepanovski, Papakul and  
Barnert Egermann Illigasch Associates Rahman’s Chambers Partners Jean-Michel Dogné
Rechtsanwälte GmbH       Université de Namur
  Badhan Roy Tasmiah Nuhiya Ahmed Elena Sapego  
Gerhard Jarosch Rahman’s Chambers Bangladesh Institute of Law Stepanovski, Papakul and Jelle Janssens
Eurojust   and International Affairs Partners Ghent University
  Bilqis Amin Hoque      
Ivo Greiter Environment and Population Anonymous Contributors Elena Sheleg Johan Put
Greiter Pegger Kofler & Research Centre   Stepanovski, Papakul and University of Leuven
Partners   Barbados Partners  
  Darras Abdullah   Luk Delbrouck
Julian Feichtinger Tanjib Alam & Associates Andrew C. Ferreira Kanna Kostevich  
CHSH   Chancery Chambers International University Pascal Vanderveeren
  Farhana Islam Khan   MITSO  
Karl Stoeger Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed & Andrew C. Greaves   Patrick Henry
University of Graz Associates   Kirill Tomashevski  
    Chester L. Sue International University Pieter De Koster
Manfred Ketzer Ferdausur Rahman Chester L. Sue & Co. MITSO Catholic University Leuven
Hausmaninger Kletter A.S & Associates      
    Denise Haynes Lada Maisenia Valerie Flohimont
Martin Reinisch Gazi Md Rokib Bin Hossain LuminLaw Borovtsov & Salei Law Firm Université de Namur
Brauneis Kluser Prändl The Legal Circle      
Attorneys at Law   Diana R. Douglin Maksim Maksimov Vincent Chiavetta
  Ibtida Farhat Tropa ReginaLex Verkhovodko & Partners LLC LITIS S
A.S & Associates      

Xavier Van Der Smissen Justin Y. Tossou Nicolás Soliz Peinado Mirjana Šarkinović Anonymous Contributors
  PSI Salazar & Asociados
Yves Brulard     Ognjen Riđić Brazil
DBB Justine Françoise Houzanme Raul A. Baldivia International University of
  Réseau des ONG et Baldivia Unzaga & Asociados Sarajevo Abel Simão Amaro
Anonymous Contributors Associations des femmes     Veirano Advogados
  contre la féminisation du Rene Soria Saucedo Osman Sinanović  
Belize VIH-Sida Boston University University of Tuzla Adriana L. S. Lamounier
Adler G. L. Waight Lucien Dossou-Gbete Rodrigo Jimenez Cusicanqui Samil Ramić Universidade Federal de Minas
Barrow & Williams LLP Clinique Louis Pasteur Salazar & Asociados Municipal Court in Bugojno Gerais
Estevan Perera Marius W. de Jong Roger Marcelo Longaric Selma Mezetovic Medic Alexandre Fragoso Silvestre
Estevan Perera & Company Ministry of Foreign Affairs Saucedo University of Sarajevo Briganti Advogados
LLP   Indacochea & Asociados    
  Nadine Dossou Sakponou   Slaven Dizdar Alexandre Gustavo Melo
Marvin L. Manzanero   Rosario Baptista Marić & Co. Law Firm Ltd. Franco de Moraes Bahia
Ministry of Health Ore Yewou Akotchiwa     Universidade Federal de Ouro
  Gisele Sandra Salinas Zijad Dzafic Preto
Rodwell R. A. Williams Université d’Abomey-Calavi C.R. & F. Rojas University of Tuzla  
Barrow & Williams LLP       Ana Paula Avila
  Pierre Togbe Sergio Mario Reynolds Ruiz Zijad Hasić Universidade Federal do Rio
Ryan J. Wrobel Université d’Abomey-Calavi Bufete Reynolds Legal Advice Parliamentary Assembly of Grande do Sul
Wrobel & Co.      Bosnia and Herzegovina  
Sadikou Ayo Alao Teddy Cuentas Bascopé   Ana Paula de Barcellos
Tania Moody Gerddes Afrique   Zinka Grbo Universidade do Estado do Rio
Barrow & Williams LLP   Víctor Vargas Montaño University of Sarajevo de Janeiro
  Anonymous Contributors Herrera & Abogados    
Victor M. D. Lizarraga Sr.     Anonymous Contributors André de Melo Ribeiro
UHS Bolivia Yerko Ilijic Crosa   Dias Carneiro Advogados
  Proyecto ACCESO, California Botswana  
Wayne A. Piper Arletta Añez Valdez Western School of Law Beto Vasconcelos
Eisen Consultancy     Abdool Rahim Khan  
  Carlos Gerke Siles Anonymous Contributors Rahim Khan & Co. Carlos Ayres
Anonymous Contributors Estudio Jurídico Gerke     Maeda, Ayres e Sarubbi
    Bosnia & Herzegovina Bugalo Maripe Advogados
Benin Ernesto Rojas Cabrera University of Botswana  
Universidad Mayor de San Adnan Duraković   Carolina Dzimidas Haber
Adebiyi Adam Sadia Simón Cochabamba University of Zenica Buhle Ncube Defensoria Pública do Estado
RIFONGA     LegalWise Botswana do Rio de Janeiro
  Heidy María Sandoval Andrea Zubović-Devedžić    
Adeloui Arsène-Joël Natusch CMS Reich-Rohrwig Heinz Edward Fashole Luke II Carolina Giesbrecht Forte
Université d’Abomey-Calavi Indacochea & Asociados   Luke & Associates Korbage de Castro
    Denis Pajić   Korbage de Castro Sociedade
Agathe Affougnon Ago Ivan Cáceres Ibañez University of Mostar Džemal Emmanuel Kagiso Jani de Advocacia
Barreau du Bénin Caceres & Asoc. Bijedić Tshekiso Ditiro & Jani Legal  
      Practice Chiavelli Facenda Falavigno
Aline Odje Ivan Lima Magne Emir Spaho   Universidade de São Paulo
  Centro de Estudios Sobre Law Office Spaho Joanne Robinson  
Barnabe Georges Gbago Justicia y Participación Osei-Ofei Swabi & Company Cynthia Lessa Da Costa
Barreau du Bénin   Enisa Mesic   Universidade Federal de Juiz
  Javier Mir Peña Society of Nephrology, Dialysis Kwadwo Osei-Ofei de Fora
Bertin Koudoufio Mir & Asociados and Kidney Transplantation in Osei-Ofei Swabi & Company  
Ministère de la Santé; Croix-   Bosnia and Herzegovina   Daniel Bushatsky
Rouge Béninoise Jorge Omar Mostajo Barrios   Lethogonolo Makgane Advocacia Bushatsky
  Universidad Mayor de San Hana Korać Makgane Attorneys  
César Guegni Andés University of Travnik;   Daniel de Pádua Andrade
Cabinet d’Avocats Charles   International University of Moagi Moloi Universidade Federal de Minas
Badou U & Partners José Carlos Bernal Novi Pazar Minchin & Kelly - DLA Piper Gerais
  Guevara & Gutiérrez, S.C.   Africa  
Charles Badou   Lana Bubalo David Braga Junior
Cabinet d’Avocats Charles José Ramiro Vega University of Mostar Džemal Mpho Nothothozela Hospital dos Servidores
Badou U & Partners José Ramiro Vega SRL Bijedić Serumola Públicos do Estado de São
      Bookbinder Business Law Paulo
Chris Balogoun Juan José Lima M. Lejla Balić    
  Centro de Estudios Sobre University of Sarajevo Munyaka Wadaira Elival da Silva Ramos
Christian Chaffa Justicia y Participación   Makuyana Universidade de São Paulo
Ministère de la Santé   Mehmed Ganic Makuyana Legal Practice  
  Julio César Landívar Castro International University of   Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer
Elie N. Vlavonou Kponou Guevara & Gutiérrez, S.C. Sarajevo Neo Thelma Moatlhodi Universidade Federal de Minas
Barreau du Bénin     Mbeha Attornyes Gerais
  Luis Félix A. Alípaz Echazú Mehmed Spaho    
Félix Fanou Academia Nacional de Law Office Spaho Patrick Akhiwu Eraldo Silva Júnior
Université d’Abomey-Calavi Ciencias Jurídicas   Pakmed Group Defensoria Pública da União
    Meliha Povlakic    
Gonçalves Wilfrid Eric Manuel Urenda University of Sarajevo Piyush Shama Estêvão Mallet
Université d’Abomey-Calavi Urenda Abogados   Piyush Sharma Attorneys & Universidade de São Paulo
  Miralem Porobic Co.  
Guedje Ludovic Milenka Saavedra Muñoz     Fabio Martins Di Jorge
  Bufete Aguirre Sociedad Civil Mirela Cokic Dzinic Tapiwa Gachala Di Jorge Advocacia
Hugues Pognon University of Tuzla Osei-Ofei Swabi & Company  
Société Civile Professionnelle Mónica Vivian Céspedes     Fabio Queiroz Pereira
d’Avocats Pognon & Machicao Tshekiso Tshekiso Universidade Federal de Minas
Detchenou Tshekiso Ditiro & Jani Legal Gerais

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 169

Fábio Ulhoa Coelho Márcio Souza Guimarães Rômulo Soares Valentini Stanley B. Gyoshev Pascaline Sobgho
Pontifícia Universidade Márcio Guimarães Advogados Universidade Federal de Minas University of Exeter
Católica de São Paulo Associados Gerais Regis Elisee W. Bonkoungou
      Anonymous Contributors
Felipe Asensi Maria Celina Bodin de Sérgio Cruz Arenhart   Salifou Konfe
Universidade do Estado do Rio Moraes Ministério Público Federal Burkina Faso Ministère de la Santé
de Janeiro Universidade do Estado do    
  Rio de Janiero; Pontifícia Sergio Mannheimer Abdoul Karim Saidou Samuel Ibrahim Guitanga
Fernanda Vargas Terrazas Universidade Católica do Rio Andrade & Fichtner Université Ouaga II Barreau du Burkina Faso
Conselho Nacional de de Janeiro Advogados    
Secretarias Municipais de     Abdoulaye Soma Souleymane Tassemebedo
Saúde Maria Clara Oliveira Santos Soraia Ghassan Saleh Société Burkinabé de Droit Centre Muraz
  Universidade Federal de São Saleh Advogados Associados Constitutionnel  
Fernando Aith João del-Rei     Stephane Tiendrebeogo
University of São Paulo   Sueli Gandolfi Dallari Abdul Gafar Victoir Major Conseils Sarl
  Maria Valéria Junho Penna Universidade de São Paulo Coulidiaty  
Flávia Souza Máximo Federal University of Rio de   Centre Muraz Ter Tiero Elias Dah
Pereira Janeiro Suzana De Queiroz Alves Centre Muraz
Universidade Federal de Ouro   Defensoria Pública da União Apollinaire Joachimson  
Preto Mariana Chies Santiago   Kyélem de Tambela Thomas Ouedraogo
  Santos Teresa Ancona Lopez Barreau du Burkina Faso; Ministère de la Santé
Gabriel Costa Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Universidade de São Paulo Centre de Recherches  
Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda. Criminais   Internationales et Stratégiques Traore Youl Yeri Silvie
    Thiago Bottino   Ministère de la Santé
Gerson Luiz Carlos Branco Marilia Bense Othero Fundação Getúlio Vargas Baimanai Angelain Poda  
Universidade Federal do Rio University of São Paulo     Anonymous Contributors
Grande do Sol   Victor Hugo Criscuolo Boubacar Nacro  
  Matheus Cherulli Alcantara Boson Centre Hospitalier Cambodia
Guilherme Bier Barcelos Viana Universidade Federal de Minas Universitaire Sourô Sanou
Rossi, Maffini, Milman & Viana e Azevedo Advogados Gerais   Billy Chia-Lung Tai
Grando Advogados     Boubakar Toure  
  Mauricio Faragone Anonymous Contributors Université Ouaga I Pr Joseph Fil Blando Tabayoyong, Jr.
Heloisa Estellita Faragone Advogados Ki-Zerbo; Centre Hospitalier Pannasatra University of
Fundação Getúlio Vargas   Bulgaria Universitaire Yalgado Cambodia
  Mauricio Maleck Coutinho Ouédraogo  
Igor Parente   Andrey Delchev   Kit Touch
Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda. Michael Freitas Mohallem Andrey Delchev & Partners Boukary Ouedraogo Community Legal Education
  Fundação Getúlio Vargas   Ministère de la Santé Center
Jéssica de Paula Bueno da   Assen Vassilev    
Silva Paulo Marcos Rodrigues Center for Economic Strategy Bruno Ki Long Kimheang
Universidade Federal de Ouro Brancher and Competitiveness Pathfinder International Housing Rights Task Force
Preto Pontifícia Universidade      
  Católica de São Paulo Atanas Slavov Etienne Seni Sia Phearum
José Ricardo dos Santos Luz   Sofia University Cabinet FUTURJURIS Housing Rights Task Force
Júnior Paulo Rogério Sehn      
Braga Nascimento e Zilio Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Denitsa Rukanova Habib Ahmed Djiga Sophea Im
Advogados Associados Advogados Sofia Bar Association Université Ouaga II ISDC
Juliana Cesario Alvim Paulo Sergio João Gergana Ilieva Hama Diallo Sopheap Chak
Gomes Pontifícia Universidade   Université Ouaga I Pr Joseph Cambodian Center for Human
Universidade do Estado do Rio Católica de São Paulo Hristo Botev Ki-Zerbo Rights
de Janeiro        
  Pedro Freitas Ivan Marinov Hamidou Lamoussa Sopheap Suos
Leandro Bonini Farias Veirano Advogados Delchev & Partners Ouattara Housing Rights Task Force
Coutinho e Farias Sociedade     SCPA Loyalty  
de Advogados Rafael Maffini Ivelina Vassileva; Stefana   Yun Mane
  Rossi, Maffini, Milman & Tsekova Ilboudo G. Patrick  
Lília Carvalho Finelli Grando Advogados; UFRGS Schoenherr Agence de Medecine Anonymous Contributors
Universidade Federal de Minas     Preventive  
Gerais Rafael Villac Vicente de Jenia Dimitrova   Cameroon
  Carvalho CMS Cameron McKenna Issoufou Tiendrebeogo
Luciano Feldens Peixoto & Cury Advogados Nabarro Olswang Association African Solidarité Alain Christian Bikoe
Pontifícia Universidade       Centre Africain de Recherches
Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Raoni Macedo Bielschowsky Lachezar Raichev Judith Delwende Waongo sur les Politiques Energétiques
  Universidade Federal de Penkov, Markov & Partners ADEP et Minières
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto Uberlândia      
Duarte Garcia, Serra Netto   Lidia Mladenova Georgieva Kassem Salam Sourwema Asibong Queenta
e Terra Raquel Betty de Castro Medical University, Sofia Université Ouaga II The Abeng Law Firm
Marcelo Guedes Nunes Tribunal Regional do Trabalho Momiana Guneva Koulika Arnaud Nikiema Benjamin Fomba Kamga
Pontifícia Universidade da 3ª Região Burgas Free University CREFAS Consulting Group Université de Yaoundé 2
Católica de São Paulo        
  Raquel Lima Scalcon Nikolai Hristov Küssome Paulin Somda Bérenger Yves Meuke
Marcia Mannheimer Humboldt Universität zu Medical University, Sofia Ministère de la Santé Boutchouang
  Berlin     SCPA Jurifis Consult
Marcia Vilapiano Gomes   Pavel Petkov Mamadou Traoré  
Primos Roberta de Freitas Campos   Cabinet d’Avocats M.S.T Bethmba Yanou Nadine
Primos e Primos Advogados Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Peter Petrov   Barreau du Cameroun
    Yosifova, Ivanov & Petrov Moussa Ouedraogo  
Marcio Caldas Rodrigo Giordano de Castro   MADT Charles Harold Kooh
Caldas & Ricciardi Sociedade Peixoto & Cury Advogados Petko Salchev   The Abeng Law Firm
de Advogados   National Center of Public Nonkani Wendyam Gérard  
  Rodrigo Infantozzi Health and Analyses Ministère de la Santé Christian Aime Chofor Che
      Government of Cameroon;
Olivier O. Yelkouny University of Pretoria

Epanty Mbanda Daniel M. Campbell Humberto Sánchez Pacheco Angela María Ruiz Sternberg Sonia Botero
D. Moukouri & Partners Law Cox & Palmer Defensoría Penal Pública Universidad del Rosario Universidad Libre
  Fabien Gélinas Javier Soto Solís Carlos Andrés Gómez Anonymous Contributors
Hyacinthe Fansi McGill University Eyzaguirre & Cía. González
NFM Avocats Associés     Universidad Jorge Tadeo Congo, Dem. Rep.
  Finn Makela Jorge A. Canales González Lozano
Ismael Dongkeu Université de Sherbrooke Peralta & Gutiérrez Abogados   Adonis Alphonse Bope
The Abeng Law Firm     Carlos Arturo Toro Lopez RCP
  Gaynor Roger Jorge Bofill Genzsch    
Jean Joseph Claude Siewe Shibley Righton LLP Bofill Escobar Abogados Carolina Posada Isaacs Alain Mboko Iyeti
Siewe & Partners Law Firm     Posse Herrera Ruiz Ministère de la Santé Publique
  Jabeur Fathally Juan Enrique Vargas    
Jean Stéphane Tang University of Ottawa Universidad Diego Portales David F. Varela Alexis Kumabuene Kinda
Mbembe     Pontificia Universidad  
The Abeng Law Firm Karen Busby Juan Pablo Cox Leixelard Javeriana Amani Cibambo
  University of Manitoba Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez   Cabinet Amani
Jean-Aimé Kounga     Eduardo Cárdenas  
The Abeng Law Firm Lise Desmarais Luis Parada Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas Annie Bambe Cikunda
  Université de Sherbrooke DLA Piper   Forum pour les Droits des
John Morfaw     Elizabeth Castillo Jeunes et Enfants au Congo
Strategic Development Michel W. Drapeau Manuel Jiménez Pfingsthorn Municipio de Santiago de Cali  
Initiatives University of Ottawa Jara del Favero Abogados   Centre d’Assistace Juridique
      Enrique Álvarez Posada  
Joyce Nyamboli Nayha Acharya Manuel José Fernández B. Lloreda Camacho & Co. Charles L. Kitenge
Destiny Chambers Dalhousie University     Coordination Médicale
    María Inés Horvitz Lennon Guillermo Hernando Bayona Bralima
Justin Tentienu Njifack Patrick Essiminy Universidad de Chile Combariza  
UNDP Stikeman Elliott     Charles-Mugagga Mushizi
    María Trinidad Cifuentes Gustavo Quintero Navas Bashushana
Laurence Djeutchou Mouafo Ram Sankaran Silva Universidad de los Andes Centre d’Echanges pour
NFM Avocats Associés Sharma Harsanyi Claro y Cía.   des Réformes Juridiques et
      Ignacio Santamaria Institutionnelles
Martin Kamako Thomas A. Cromwell Martín Besio Hernández Lloreda Camacho & Co.  
Cabinet Kamako Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Universidad Diego Portales   Cicéron Bulakio Mvuama
      Joe Bonilla Gálvez Barreau de Kinshasa/Gombe
Nicaise Ibohn Bata Ulisce Desmarais Michele Daroch Sagredo Muñoz Tamayo & Asociados  
INB Law Firm Desmarais Desvignes Crespo Abdala & Cia. Abogados   Didier Mukuna Kadima
  s.e.n.c.r.l.   Jorge Acosta-Reyes Barreau de Kinshasa/Gombe
Njini Rose Futrih Ngong   Patricio Morales Aguirre Universidad del Norte  
Regional Hospital Bemenda Anonymous Contributors Estudio Jurídico Pérez Donoso Dieudonné Kaluba Dibwa
    Jorge Andrés Amézquita Université de Kinshasa;
Noé Momha Chile Ramon Garcia Odgers Toro Cabinet Pr Grégoire Bakandeja
Cabinet Cameroun Audit Universidad Católica de la C3 Corporate Control of Crime & Associés
Conseil Andrea Abascal Santísima Concepción S.A.S  
  Jara del Favero Abogados     Dullin Banzuzi
Polycarp Ngufor Forkum   Raúl Novoa Galán Jorge Enrique Galvis Tovar Organisation pour la
National Advanced Police Benjamín Garretón Smart   Lloreda Camacho & Co. Protection et Promotion des
School Eyzaguirre & Cía. Regina Ingrid Díaz Tolosa   Droits Humains
    Universidad Bernardo Jorge Lara Urbaneja  
Rose Gana Fomban Leke Carlos Ossandón Salas O’Higgins LaraConsultores Édouard Kabukapua
Université de Yaoundé I Eluchans y Compañía     Bitangila
  Abogados Ricardo Lillo Juan Pablo Cruz Escobar Barreau de Kinshasa/Gombe
Serge N. Zelezeck   Universidad Diego Portales SEMTRAV
  Caterina Guidi Moggia     Emmanuel Kabupwe
Stanley Abane Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Roberto Guerrero V. Luis Alberto Tafur Calderón
The Abeng Law Firm   Guerrero Olivos Universidad del Valle Emmanuel Umpula Nkumba
  Daniela Horvitz Lennon     African Resource Watch
Tarh Besong Frambo Horvitz & Cia. Anonymous Contributors Marcela Castro  
Commonwealth Department     Universidad de los Andes Eric Makaya
  Edmundo Varas K. China    
Tommy Agbor Nkongho Morales & Besa Maria Transito Diaz del Freddy Lokossa Mbokoso
Kouengoua & Mbattang Law   Daniel Albrecht Castillo  
Firm Eduardo González Lara Starke Universidad del Valle Freddy Mulamba Senene
  Universidad de Valparaíso     Centre d’Arbitrage du Congo
Woumbou Nzetchie Alain   Qingjie He Martha Eugenia Uribe Mutis  
Bruno Felipe Hurtado P. Yunnan Institute of Medical Docente Universitaria Grégoire Bakandeja wa
  Hurtado & Cía. Abogados Information   Mpungu
Zakariaou Njoumemi   Mauricio Bello Université de Kinshasa;
Health Economics Research Fernando Lolas Stepke Anonymous Contributors Baker McKenzie Cabinet Pr Grégoire Bakandeja
and Evaluation for Universidad de Chile     & Associés
Development Results   Colombia Patricia Vergara Gómez  
  Fernando Maturana Crino Gómez Pinzón Abogados Henri Christin Longendja
Anonymous Contributors Eyzaguirre & Cía. Alba Yaneth Rincón Méndez   Collectif 24
    Universidad Industrial de Paula Samper Salazar  
Canada Fernando Patricio Hidalgo Santander Gómez Pinzón Abogados Hilaire Kabuya Kabeya
Araya     Tshilobo
Alexander Crizzle Universidad Bernardo Alfonso Plana Bodén Rafael Tuesca Molina  
University of Saskatchewan O´Higgins ARI Consulting Group S.A.S. Universidad del Norte Hugues Ngoy Nsenga
        Division Provinciale de la
Brian Etherington Gabriela Novoa Andrés Esteban Naranjo Raúl A. Suárez A. Santé du Haut Katanga
University of Windsor Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS Barrera    
    ARI Consulting Group S.A.S. Ricardo Posada Maya Ifeka Momponza Benjamin
Brian Langille Gonzalo Hoyl Moreno   Universidad de los Andes
University of Toronto Hoyl Alliende & Cia. Abogados    

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 171

J. Paul Habibu Safari Samuel Dimuene Luis Gerardo González Kone Dogbemin G. Daniel Bartoň
Cabinet Chikuru & Associes International Dimuene Law Aguilar SCPA Nambeya-Dogbemin &  
Firm Universidad Costa Rica Associés Hedvika Hartmanova
Jean Michel Mvondo Hartmanova & Steininger
Réseau d’Education Civique Symphorien Kapinga K. Marco Durante Calvo Lynda Dadié-Sangaret  
au Congo Nkashama BDS Asesores Jurídicos Cabinet Dadié-Sangaret & Helena Hangler
  Centre de Recherches et   Associés Schoenherr
Jean-Moise Djoli d’Etudes Sur l’Etat de Droit en María del Rocío Quirós    
Cabinet Djoli et Associés Afrique Arroyo Niangadou Aliou Jan Hurdík
    Bufete AG Legal   Masaryk University Brno
Jean-Paul Divengi Nzambi Tanayi Mbuy Mbiye   Paterne Mambo  
Fondation Bongisa Mokili Centre d’Arbitrage du Congo Miguel Ruiz-Herrera Université Félix Houphouët- Jan Poláček
    Lex Counsel Boigny Poláček Tryznová & Prudlová
Jeff lushima Thérèse Mambu      
  Université de Kinshasa Pablo Enrique Guier Acosta Patrice Kouassi Jitka Kadlčíková
Jérémie Kabambi Mukoka   Asejur Abogados
Alternative Citoyenne Pour Les Vianney Kanku   Pierre Tanoh Diavatché Lukáš Prudil
Droits De L’homme Action Contre l’Impunité pour Ramón Yglesias Piza Barreau de Côte d’Ivoire AK PRUDIL a spol., S.R.O.
  le Droits Humains Bufete Mora Yglesias y    
Joseph Cihunda Hengelela   Asociados Raphaël Abauleth Michal Peškar
Centre de Recherches et Yav Katshung Joseph   CHU Cocody  
d’Etudes Sur l’Etat de Droit en Yav & Associates Randall Madrigal Madrigal   Miloslav Jančík
Afrique   Comisión Derecho a la Salud; Souleymane Sakho  
  Anonymous Contributors Colegio de Abogados SCPA Sakho-Yapobi-Fofana Pavel Holec
Julien Iyamulemye   Holec, Zuska & Partners
Barreau de Kinshasa/Gombe Costa Rica Rodrigo Oreamuno B. Tigby Junior Franck Wilfried  
  Facio & Cañas   Radek Matouš
Kayembe Mutamba Joseph Alejandro Batalla    Youan Gotre Jules Dvořák Hager & Partners
Ministère de la Santé Publique Ruben Hernandez Valle AMEPOUH  
  Ana Lucía Espinoza Blanco Universidad Costa Rica   Stepan Holub
Kilomba Sumaili Adolphe   Anonymous Contributors Holubova Advokati, S.R.O.
Congolese Centre for Anabelle López D. Sergio Amador    
Transitional Justice Central Law Batalla Salto Luna Croatia Tomas Cihula
Laurent Okuma Armando Alberto Guardia Wilberth Elías Montenegro Alan Soric  
Justice for Victims of Congo Sasso Reyes Soric & Tomekovic Dunda Tomas Matejovsky
  Guardia & Cubero Bufete AG Legal Attorneys CMS Cameron McKenna
Lebrun Kembo       Nabarro Olswang
Fondation Bongisa Mokili Arnoldo André Tinoco Anonymous Contributors Anita Krizmanic  
  Lexincorp   Macesic & Partners LLC Veronika Prudlová
Liévin Kapend   Cote d’Ivoire   Poláček Tryznová & Prudlová
PNMLS Arturo Herrera Barquero Arsen Bacic  
  Caja Costarricense de Seguro Affeli Alla University of Split Vojtech Steininger
Lumbu Faila Carole Social Barreau de Côte d’Ivoire   Hartmanova & Steininger
Dynamique des Femmes sur     Boris Kozjak  
les Ressources Naturelles Benjamín Gutiérrez Alexandre Baïro Boris Kozjak Law Office Zuzana Candigliota
  Contreras Klemet Sawadogo Kouadio   Liga Lidských Práv
Lydie Kazhu C. BG&A Abogados Corporativos   Boris Šavorić  
KMCL   Arci Eric Djélardjé Šavorić & Partners LLC Anonymous Contributors
  Carlos H. Pacheco Cabinet Kignaman Soro et    
Mamy Ngole AB&P Abogados Associés Darko Jurišić Denmark
      County Hospital Dr. J.
Marie Nyombo Zaina Carlos Humberto Góngora Arsene Dable Benčević Anette Storgaard
Réseau Nationale des ONG Fuentes     Aarhus University
pour le Développement de le   Charles Kignima Floriana Bulić-Jakuš  
Femme Carlos José Valerio Monge   University of Zagreb Anne Brandt Christensen
    Eric Bably   Advokatfirmaet Brandt
Modeste Mulumba Enrique López Jiménez BK & Associes Ivo Grga Christensen
Mwamba Dentons Muñoz   Law Office Ivo Grga  
Avocats Sans Frontieres RDC   Fotienworo Mathias   Anne Kathrine Schøn
  Ewald Acuña Blanco Coulibaly Jelena Zjacic Labora Legal
Ngoma Miezi Kintaudi Bufete Acuña & Asociados Société d’Avocats JurisFortis Macesic & Partners LLC  
SANRU ASBL       Chalida Svastisalee
  Fátima Porras Moya Geneviève Diallo Marko Borsky Copenhagen Professional
Nsangana Biaya Yvette Martínez & Porras Abogados Réseaux Paix et Sécurité des   College
Action Contre l’Impunité pour   Femmes dans l’Espace Marko Lovrić  
le Droits Humains Fernán Vargas   Marko Lovrić Law Office Christian Bay Nielsen
  Lex Counsel Géraldine Odehouri-Koudou   STORM Advokatfirma
Pacifique Muhindo Magadju   Barreau de Côte d’Ivoire Milana Trbojević Palalić  
Université Catholique de Francisco José Aguilar   University of Rijeka Hans Henrik Edlund
Bukavu Urbina Gonsan Zozoe   Aarhus University
  Publicola Project AFDP Rudolf Gregurek  
Patrick Katebe Kaisa     University of Zagreb Jacob Schall Holberg
Barreau de Kinshasa/Gombe Gabriel Lizama Oliger Jerome Coulibaly Climanlo   Bech-Bruun Law Firm
  Lexing Costa Rica Université Félix Houphouët- Višnja Drenški Lasan  
Roger Kabeya Mulumba   Boigny Jakob S. Johnsen
Barreau de Kinshasa/Gombe Juan Guillermo Tovar   Zoran Vukić HjulmandKaptain
  Gonzalez Joachim Bilé-Aka Vukic & Partners Law Firm  
Roger Mulamba Katamba Bufete Tovar y Asociados Bilé-Aka, Brizoua-Bi &   Jannik Haahr Antonsen
Cabinet d’Avocats RMK et   Associes Anonymous Contributors Codex Law Firm
Associes Karen Vargas López      
  Universidad Costa Rica Kignaman Soro Czech Republic Marianne Granhøj; Kristian
Romain Battajon   KS & Associés Bro
DALDEWOLF Luis Ángel Sánchez Montero   Anna Nevečeřalová Kromann Reumert
  Facio & Cañas Šustek & Co.  

Morten Broberg Luis Julio Jiménez Ciro Pazmino Zurita Renato Enríquez Mármol Javier Aragón Vassiliu
University of Copenhagen Jiménez Cruz Peña P&P Abogados Armendáriz & Andino Central Law
Nikolaj Juhl Hansen Magdalena Rathe Claudia Storini   Javier Enrique Alfaro Varela
Magnusson Law Firm Fundación Plenitud Universidad Andina Simón Santiago Solines Moreno Espino Nieto & Asociados
    Bolívar Solines & Asociados  
Poul Hvilsted Manuel Colomé     Jonathan Aaron Menjivar
Horten Law Firm Escuela de Salud Pública Clementina Pomar Anta Simón Dávalos Ochoa Herrera
    Estudio Juridico Bustamante & González Peñaherrera & Central Law
Anonymous Contributors María Fernanda Pou Bustamante Asociados  
  Fernández     Juan José Planas Carías
Dominica Raful Sicard & Polanco Diego Almeida Guzmán Tatiana Villacres Escuela Superior de Economía
Abogados Almeida Guzmán & Asociados Quantics Consulting Group y Negocios
Frank Walwyn        
WeirFoulds LLP Mary Fernandez Rodriguez Elisa Morán Maldonado Anonymous Contributors Kelly Beatriz Romero
  Headrick Rizik Alvarez & Aprec Abogados   Rodríguez
Anonymous Contributors Fernández   Egypt Nassar Abogados
    Ernesto Albán Gómez  
Dominican Republic Miguel Angel Duran Universidad Andina Simón Ibrahim Ahmad Laura Elizabeth Urrutia
Universidad Organización y Bolívar Ein Shams University Laboratorios Vijosa
Alfredo Lachapel Método      
Lachapel Toribio Abogados   Fausto César Quizhpe Khaled El Shalakany Mardoqueo J. Tóchez Molina
  Miguel Angel Reyes Gualán Shalakany Law Office Lawyers Corp
Ana Isabel Caceres Fundación Fiscalización Universidad Andina Simón    
Troncoso y Caceres Ciudadana Bolívar Maha Ibrahim Mariana Nochez Palacios
      Youssry Saleh & Partners Law Arias
Argenys Matos Feliz Monica Thormann Peynado Francisco Dávalos Morán Firm  
Asociación Impulsando Hospital Dr. Salvador B. González Peñaherrera &   Mauricio Orellana
Valores Gautier Asociados Mamdooh Abdelhameed García & Bodán
Arismendi Díaz Santana Ortiz & Comprés Gerardo Aguirre Vallejo Lotus Law Group Oscar Torres Cañas
    Estudio Jurídico Vivanco &   García & Bodán
Arlina Espaillat Matos Roberto Medina Reyes Vicanco Mohamed Abdelaal  
EMC Abogados y Consultores Pontificia Universidad Católica   Alexandria University Piero Antonio Rusconi
Fiscales Madre y Maestra Gustavo Arrobo Moncayo   Gutiérrez
    González Peñaherrera & Mohamed Hanafi Mahmoud Central Law
Enmanuel Rosario Estevez Rodolfo Mesa Asociados Ministry of Justice  
  MESA - Abogados     Rebeca Atanacio de
Fabiola Medina Garnes   James Pilco Luzuriaga Anonymous Contributors Basagoitia
Medina Garrigo Abogados Stalin Ciprián Universidad del Azuay   Escalon & Atanacio
  Ciprián Arriaga & Asocs.   El Salvador  
Francisco Alvarez Valdez   José Alberto Ontaneda Reneé Hernández Cáder
Participación Ciudadana Trumant Suárez Durán Andrade Adán Araujo Corte Suprema de Justicia
    Ontaneda & Posso Abogados Arias  
Georges Santoni Recio Victor A. Santana Diaz     Rommell I. Sandoval
Russin Vecchi & Heredia Mazara Abogados José Luis Tapia Arturo Magaña SBA Firma Legal; I&D
Bonetti   Derechos Humanos Despacho Magaña y Consulting
Virgilio A. Mendez Amaro   Asociados  
Gianna D´Oleo Maldonado Mendez & Asociados Juan Carlos Riofrío   Teresa Beatriz Merino
Doleo Consulting   Martínez-Villalba Benjamin Valdez Iraheta Romero Pineda & Asociados
  Virgilio Bello Universidad de los Hemisferios Benjamin Valdez & Asociados
Gilberto Objío Subero Bello Rosa & Bello Gonzalez     Anonymous Contributors
Medical Law RD Oficina de Abogados Juan José Campaña Del Christian Bará Cousin  
    Castillo Bara Legal Corporation Estonia
Henry Montás Rodríguez Anonymous Contributors Universidad de Salamanca  
DCBM Caribbean Legal     Claudia Marcela Hernández Aare Tark
Services, S.R.L. Ecuador Julio E. Neira G. ASFC Law Office TARK
  Colectivo Tejido Diverso    
Iván Alfonso Cunillera Alberto Vivanco   David Claros Andres Parmas
Alburquerque González Peñaherrera & Luis Ponce Palacios García & Bodán Tallinn Circuit Court
William Cunillera & Asociados Asociados Quevedo & Ponce Estudio    
    Jurídico David Osvaldo Toledo Andres Vutt
Jaime M. Senior Fernández Alfredo G. Brito   Universidad Católica de El University of Tartu
Headrick Rizik Alvarez & Brito & Pinto Marcelo Alejandro Guerra Salvador  
Fernández   Coronel   Ene Soop
  Ana Belen Posso Universidad Católica de Delmer Edmundo Rodríguez Law Firm Narlex
Jesús Feris-Iglesias Ontaneda & Posso Abogados Cuenca Cruz  
Fundación Dominicana de     Escuela Superior de Economía Gaabriel Tavits
Infectología, Inc. Avelina Ponce Gómez de Marcelo Proaño Paredes y Negocios University of Tartu
  la Torre Romero Arteta Ponce    
Juan José Espaillat Alvarez Ponce & Ponce Abogados Abogados Diego Martín-Menjívar Kaja Põlluste
Headrick Rizik Alvarez & Consultares   Consortium Legal University of Tartu
Fernández   Maria Isabel Cordero    
  Bryan Abdón Mendoza SENDAS Feridee Hazel Alabí Kari Käsper
Julio Cesar De la Rosa Muñoz   Romero Pineda & Asociados Estonian Human Rights
Tiburcio Colectivo Tejido Diverso María José Luna Lara   Centre; Tallinn University of
Alianza Dominicana Contra la   Universidad de los Hemisferios Fermina Bolaños Technology
Corrupción Carlos Carrasco Yepez   García & Bodán  
  AC Abogados & Consultores Mario I. Armendáriz Y.   Madis Ernits
Julio Cury Armendáriz & Andino Ingrid Lizama Tartu Court of Appeal
Inteligencia Legal, SRL Carlos Páez Fuentes Abogados    
  Jackson Parada Madis Kiisa
Kelvin W. Herrera Carlos Solines Coronel Pablo Andino Fiallos ProConsulting Law Office Laus & Partners
Escuela de Formación y Armendáriz & Andino  
Capacitación Ciudadana   Abogados

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 173

Melita Sogomonjan Kimmo Nuotio Juliette Chapelle Levan Avalishvili Henning Rosenau
Tallinn University of University of Helsinki Cabinet Chapelle Avocat Institute for Development of Martin-Luther-Universität
Technology     Freedom of Information Halle-Wittenberg
  Matti Ilmari Niemi Karl Hepp de Sevelinges    
Merle Erikson University of Eastern Finland Jeantet Lina Ghvinianidze Hermann Bietz
University of Tartu     Human Rights Education and Bietz Arbitration
  Matti Tolvanen Mahir Al Banna Monitoring Center  
Senny Pello University of Eastern Finland American University in the   Ingo Friedrich
Advokaadibüroo Concordia   Emirates Mariam Tutberidze International Understanding
  Mika J. Lehtimäki   Institute for Development of and Peace
Sten Luiga Attorneys-at-Law TRUST; Marie-Christine Cimadevilla Freedom of Information  
Cobalt Law Firm University of Oxford Cimadevilla Avocats   Ingo Klaus Wamser
      Nata Kazakhashvili FoSt Anwaltsrecht
Tanel Küün Mika Launiala Nicole Stolowy Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State  
Law Office TARK University of Eastern Finland HEC Paris University Jessica Jacobi
Anonymous Contributors Niklas Vainio Olivier Péan de Ponfilly Natalia Geladze  
  University of Helsinki     Juergen Baumann
Ethiopia   Patrice Le Maigat Natia Katsitadze  
Patrick Lindgren Université de Rennes 1 Article 42 of the Constitution Karsten Schmidt
Aberra Degefa Nagawo ADVOCARE Law Office     Bucerius Law School
Addis Ababa University   Philippe Marin Nino Merebashvili-Fisher  
  Raimo Isoaho Cabinet Imavocats Institute for Development of Kathrein Knetsch
Abiyou Girma Tamrat University of Turku   Freedom of Information Advovox Rechtsanwalts GmbH
    Samira Denfer    
Alemu M. Negash Raimo Lahti   Nona Kurdovanidze Kerstin Niethammer-
Jimma University University of Helsinki Sébastien Ducamp Georgian Young Lawyers’ Jürgens
    Sesame Avocats Association Jürgens
Fikadu Asfaw Tatu Hyttinen     Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Fikadu Asfaw and Associates University of Turku Stéphane Bonifassi Saba Buadze mbH
Law Office   Bonifassi Avocats Institute for Development of  
  Teuvo Pohjolainen   Freedom of Information Marc Seifert
Filipos Aynalem University of Eastern Finland Thierry Berland Hewlett Packard Enterprise
      Tamar Dekanosidze  
Guadie Sharew Ville Sinisalo Thierry Lambert Georgian Young Lawyers’ Martin Reufels
Bahir Dar University Bluefox Legal Tech Aix-Marseille Université Association Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Hiruy Wubie Anonymous Contributors Véronique Tuffal-Nerson Anonymous Contributors Martin Sträßer
Gebreegziabher   Cabinet Tuffal-Nerson Sträßer Rehm Barfield
Monash University France Douarre et Associés Germany  
    Monika Hagen
Kidist Sheferaw Carlos M. Herrera Anonymous Contributors Alexander Putz Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Hagen
  Université de Cergy-Pontoise   Putz und Partner,  
Kumsa Girma Kassa   Georgia Steuerberater & Rechtsanwalt Ndjamawe Bah-Traore
Arsi University Christophe Chabrot    
  Université Lumière-Lyon 2 Ana Chelidze Anna Lindenberg Nicola Kreutzer
Mehari Redae   JSC “Basisbank”   Kreutzer & Kreuzau
Addis Ababa University Cyril Bloch   Annegret Berne  
  Aix-Marseille Université Anna Arganashvili   Oliver Bolthausen
Mekdem Belayneh   NGO Partnership for Human Axel Nagler DWF
Mekdem Law Office David Levy Rights Nagler, Haberkern & Partner  
  Barreau de Paris     Oliver Schellbach
Mesfin Tafesse   George Gotsadze Beckmann-Koßmann Schellbach Rechtsanwälte
Mesfin Tafesse & Associates Dominique Inchauspé Curatio International    
  Cabinet Inchauspé & Remy Foundation Burkhard Klüver Othmar K. Traber
Rahel Alemayehu     Ahlers & Vogel Rechtsanwälte Ahlers & Vogel Rechtsanwälte
  Dominique Velardocchio Giorgi Beraia PartG mbB PartG mbB
Samrawit Behailu Aix-Marseille Université Institute for Development of    
Tameru Wondm Agegnehu   Freedom of Information Carsten Momsen Rainer M. Hofmann
Law Offices Elisabeth Grabli   Freie Universität Berlin Kanzlei im Hofhaus Aachen
  Barreau de Paris Giorgi Kldiashvili    
Tamrat Assefa   Institute for Development of Christian Wolff Ralf Mathey
Tamrat Assefa Liban Law Fabrice Bien Freedom of Information Schock Rechtsanwälte RAe
Office Groupe ESC Clermont-      
  Auvergne Gocha Svanidze Christof Kerwer Roland Gross
Tegegne Zergaw   Law Firm Svanidze & Partners Julius-Maximilians-Universität  
Bahir Dar University Florence Debord   Würzburg Sabine Barth
  Université Lumière-Lyon 2 Grigol Gagnidze   Lange Brunner Rechtsanwälte
Temesgen Sisay Beyene   Georgian Barristers & Lawyers Christoph Lindner Partnerschaft mbB
Bahir Dar University Francis Tartour International Observatory    
      Dirk Vielhuber Sebastian Reinsch
Zemenu Tarekegn Yimenu Georges Sioufi Ivdity Chikovani BG BAU Munich Janke & Reinsch
Debremarkos University SRDB Law Firm Curatio International   Rechtsanwälte
    Foundation Friederike Lemme  
Anonymous Contributors Guillaume Protière   Kanzlei Lemme Stefan Huster
  Université Lumière-Lyon 2 Lasha Gogiberidze   Ruhr-Universiät Bochum
Finland   BGI Legal Gernot A. Warmuth  
Isabelle Carbuccia   Scheiber & Partner Stephan Sander
Ari Miettinen IVCH Law Firm Lela Sulaberidze   Terhedebrügge und Sander
Fimlab Laboratories Ltd.   Curatio International Gregor Dornbusch  
  Isabelle-Victoria Carbuccia Foundation Baker McKenzie Thomas Feltes
Jens Kremer IVCH Law Firm Ruhr-Universiät Bochum
University of Helsinki     Hauke Hagena
  Jacob Maillet ProMINT
Jukka Peltonen Université Paris Descartes  

Thomas Jürgens Fotini N. Skopouli Yurana Phillip Martha Esther Castro Michael Diakite
Jürgens Harokopio University Afi Ventour & Co. Bufete Alonzo Barreau de Guinée
mbH Grace Ch. Katsoulis Anonymous Contributors Marvin Javier Dávila Villegas Moriba Kaba
  Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates      
Volker von Moers L.P.C. Guatemala Oscar A. Pineda Chavarría Mounir Houssein Mohamed
von Moers Lawyers   EY Law  
  Ilias Anagnostopoulos Alexis Retana Rodríguez   Moussa Sidibe
Wibke Köppler Anagnostopoulos Law Firm Naciones Unidas Pedro Mendoza Montano  
Kanzlei Oelmüller & Partner     Iurisconsulti Abogados y Oumar Baldé
GbR Bürogemeinschaft Ioannis Androulakis Alfonso Carrillo M. Notarios; Francisco Marroquin Barreau de Guinée
  National & Capodistrian Carrillo & Asociados University  
Wolf Stahl University of Athens     Thierno Amadou
Kanzlei fuer Wirtschaftsrecht   Alvaro R. Cordon Raúl Bolaños del Aguila Fougoumba Barry
Wolf Stahl Konstantinos Cordon, Ovalle y Asociados Escuela de Gobierno Institut de Recherche sur la
  Apostolopoulos     Démocratie et l’Etat de Droit
Anonymous Contributors Apostolopoulos Law Firm Ana Gisela Castillo Rodolfo Alegría  
      Carrillo & Asociados Anonymous Contributors
Ghana Konstantinos Kanellakis Angélica Lucía Aguilar    
  Gutiérrez Rodrigo Barillas Guyana
Afua Hesse Konstantinos Valmas- Universidad de San Carlos de Asociación Alas de Guatemala
Accra College of Medicine Vloutis Guatemala   Christopher Ram
      Sergio Alejandro Peña Christopher Ram & Associates
Akosua Gyasi Kostoula Mazaraki Antonio J. Quezada Flores Mandujano  
Ghana Health Service Nomos Law Firm   GlobaLex Eva Rawana-Scott
    Astrid J. Lemus Rodríguez   Rawana-Scott and Associates
Cynthia Jumu Quarcoo Magda Tazedaki Universidad de San Carlos de Sonia Girard  
CQ Legal And Consulting Tazedakis Law Firm Guatemala Universidad Rafael Landívar Ganesh Hira
Frank Owusu-Sekyere Melina Avagianou David Ernesto Chacón Vilma Chavez de Pop Kelly-Ann Hercules
Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital Klimaka NGO Estrada IBFAN Guatemala Ministry of Education
    Universidad de San Carlos de    
Franklin Glozah Nigel Bowen-Morris Guatemala Anonymous Contributors Rohan Jabour
University of Ghana Stephenson Harwood      
    Diego Alejos Rivera Guinea Trevona Weekes
Isidore K. Tufuor Nikolaos Kondylis Consortium Legal Britton, Hamilton & Adams
Ghana Institute of Kondylis & Partners Law   Aimé Christophe Labilé  
Management and Public Office Diego Ricardo Pérez Koné Anonymous Contributors
Administration   Sandoval Cabinet d’Avocats Etude  
  Panagiotis Gioulakos Integrum Légale Labilé & Associés Honduras
J. M. Tuakli e-nomos Business Consultants    
CHILDAccra   Edson López Aime Raphael Haba Aida G. Lazarus Will
  Panayotis Karydakis Integrum Avocats Sans Frontieres HondurasLawyers
John Kwesi Mafoh     Guinée  
535 Urban Health Clinic Sotiris Felios Eleusis Jeannette Zelada   Allan Alvarenga
  Felios & Associates Law Firm Rosal Ali Badara Bangoura Fundación San Alonso
Kwame Owusu Agyeman   Arias Barreau de Guinée Rodriguez
University of Cape Coast Stelios Andreadakis      
  Brunel University London Emanuel Callejas A. Alpha Kourouma Andrea Cecilia Idiáquez
Kwasi Fredua-Agyeman   Carrillo & Asociados   Martínez
Danso Virginia Theodoropoulou   Amadou Babahein Camara Melara & Asociados
LEGAL INK Panteion University Enrique Möller Barreau de Guinée  
  EY Law   Carlos Augusto Hernandez
Nana Tawiah Okyir Xenophon Contiades   Balla Amara Alvarado
Ghana Institute of Panteion University; Centre Harvey Álvarez    
Management and Public for European Constitutional HP Abogados Coalition des Femmes Claudia Midence Soto
Administration Law   Leaders de Guinée Arias
    J. Guillermo Gándara Espino    
Nii Nortey Hanson-Nortey Yota Kremmida Work in Progress Foromo Frédéric Loua Daniel Matamoros
Aurum Institute Hewlett Packard Enterprise   Les Mêmes Droits pour Tous  
    Jose Antonio Román Silva   David Armando Urtecho
Richmond Aryeetey Anonymous Contributors Clinica Medica Francis Charles Kpaga Haba López
University of Ghana     Babady & Francis SCPA  
  Grenada Jose E. Quiñones   David Israel Díaz Hernández
Theophilus Tawiah QIL+ Halimatou Camara García & Bodán
Nobisfields Darshan Ramdhani   Organisation Guinéenne  
  Law Offices of Ramdhani & José Miguel Argueta Bone de Défense des Droits de Dennis Emilio Hércules Rosa
Anonymous Contributors Associates   l’Homme Melara & Asociados
    Juan Jose Porras Castillo    
Greece Karen M. M. Samuel Palomo y Porras Hamidou Barry Ely Abel Pinto Jimenez
Samuel Phillip & Associates   Coalition Guinéenne pour la Bufete Pinto
Alexios Athanassopoulos   Luis Pedro Cazali Cour Pénale Internationale  
AA Law Firm Linda Dolland     Emy Carolina Castellon
  Seon & Associates Marcelo Richter Kpana Emmanuel Bamba Juarez
Alexis Anagnostakis   Asociación Iberoamericana Ligue Guinéenne des Droits de Asociación Hombro a Hombro
Anagnostakis Law Offices Martin Forde de Juristas de Derecho del l’Homme  
  St. George’s University Trabajo y de la Seguridad   Gabriela Valle Urrea
Anthony G. Mavrides   Social Labila Michel Sonomou  
Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates Sabrita Khan-Ramdhani   Avocats Sans Frontieres Isis Maytté Ordóñez Aguilar
L.P.C. Law Offices of Ramdhani & Marcos Palma Guinée Melara & Asociados
  Associates Integrum    
Dionyssis Balourdos     Mahawa Sylla Janell McBride
National Centre for Social Tanya K. Lambert Mario Roberto Guadrón VIE+  
Research   Rouanet  
  Palomo y Porras Mamadou Saidou Balde

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 175

Johana Bermudez Lacayo Ian Scott Ashok Ramgir Anonymous Contributors Naser Jafari
Universidad Nacional City University of Hong Kong Harsh Impex    
Autónoma de Honduras;     Indonesia P. Mehran Tamadonfar
Instituto Hondureño de James A. Rice Bontha V. Babu University of Nevada
Seguridad Social Lingnan University Indian Council of Medical Agustinus Dawarja  
    Research LexRegis Parviz Azadfallah
José M. Álvarez James L. W. Wong     Tarbiat Modares University
BLP Abogados Century Chambers Daya Krishan Mangal Anton Latief  
    Indian Institute of Health Budidjaja International Reza Salimi
Juan José Alcerro Milla Johannes Chan Management Research Lawyers Iranian Central Bar
Aguilar Castillo Love University of Hong Kong     Association
    E. N. Thambi Durai Bagus S. D. Nur Buwono  
Karla Gabriela Katie Lam Durai Group Companies Bagus Enrico & Partners Sanaz Alasti
BLP Abogados Hewlett Packard Enterprise     Lamar University
    Ishwar Chandra Dwivedi Bama Djokonugroho  
Leobildo Amilcar Cabrera Michael Chai   Budidjaja International Sara Tajdini
Cabrera Bernacchi Chambers Milanka Chaudhury Lawyers Gheidi Law Office
Colegio de Abogados de   Link Legal India Law Service    
Honduras Michael Vidler   Hadi Pratomo Anonymous Contributors
  Vidler & Co Solicitors Nagarathna A. Universitas Indonesia
Lino Carmenate Milián   National Law School of India   Italy
Universidad Nacional Philip Dykes University Hendrik Alfian Pasaribu
Autónoma de Honduras     Makarim & Taira S. Alberto Fantini
  Rick Glofcheski Nirmal Kanti Chakrabarti   Tonucci & Partners
Lisandro Valle Pérez University of Hong Kong Kiit University Immanuel A. Indrawan  
      Indrawan Darsyah Santoso Alessia-Ottavia Cozzi
Lurbin España Shahla Ali Pankaj Jain   Area Science Park
Asociación Hombro a Hombro University of Hong Kong   Jono Yeo  
    Prakash Prabhakarrao Doke Budidjaja International Andrea Lolli
Manuel Antonio Sierra Tam Yat Hung Bharati Vidyappeth Deemed Lawyers  
Santos University of Hong Kong University   Anna Simonati
Universidad Tecnologica     Marco Kumar University of Trento
Centroamericana Anonymous Contributors Puneet Misra AM Oktarina  
    All India Institute of Medical   Antonella Antonucci
Marco Antonio Calix Hungary Sciences Muhamad Kamal Fikri Università degli studi Aldo
Rodriguez   Assegaf Hamzah & Partners Moro - Bari
Bufete Calix & Asociados Ákos Bajorfi Rajas Kasbekar    
  Noerr & Partners Law Office   Rahayu Ningsih Hoed Astolfo Di Amato
Marvin Rigoberto Espinal   Ruchi Sinha Makarim & Taira S. Astolfo Di Amato e Associati
Pinel András Jakab Tata Institute of Social    
Universidad Nacional University of Salzburg Sciences Sianti Candra Davide Cacchioli
Autónoma de Honduras     Universitas Podomoro Pedersoli Studio Legale
  Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz Sankaran Ramakrishnan    
Max Salgado Hungarian Academy of   Sunardjo Sumargono Emanuele Cortesi
Actio Juris Sciences Saurabh Misra Law Office of Semar Caffi, Maroncelli & Associati
    Saurabh Misra & Associates Suryakencana Cipta  
Melvin Tejada Gábor Baruch   Justiceindo Emanuele Scafato
CCSHH Baruch Law Office Shankar Das   Società Italiana di Alcologia
    Tata Institute of Social Tristam Pascal Moeliono  
Miguel Armando Zapata Gabor Papp Sciences Catholic University of Francesco de Angelis
Izaguirre     Parahyangan-Bandung  
García & Bodán Mező Réka Subhash Chandra Bhatnagar   Gian Luigi Gatta
      Anonymous Contributors Università degli Studi di
Milton Moises Carcamo Nóra Nagy-Baranyi Subhrarag Mukherjee   Milano
  Nagy-Baranyi Law Office Hewlett Packard Enterprise Iran  
Rafael Gomez Mateo     Gianfranco Di Garbo
Grupo Legalsa de Honduras Petra Bárd Sumeet Kaur Abolfazl Shirazi Baker McKenzie
  ELTE School of Law   Avicenna Research Institute  
Ruben A. Rodezno Sandoval   Surabhi Chopra   Giovanni Nardulli
HondurasLawyers Viktor Oliver Lorincz Chinese University of Hong Ahmad Daryani Legance - Avvocati Associati
  Hungarian Academy of Kong Mazandaran University of  
Ruth Otilia Posadas Vasquez Sciences   Medical Sciences Giuseppe Lorenzo Rosa
Asociación Hombro a Hombro   Tania Ahlawat    
  Zsolt Zengődi Ahlawat & Associates Amir A. Fakhravar Marco Esposito
Valerya Theodoracopoulos     National Iranian Congress University of Naples
Arias Anonymous Contributors Uday Singh Ahlawat    
    Ahlawat & Associates Farhad Derhami Mariano Cingolani
Walter L. Ramírez India   Bayan Emrooz Law Firm University of Macerata
LexFirma Vijay Raghavan    
  Anil Fernandes Tata Institute of Social Hamid Bagherzadeh Patrizia Magarò
Anonymous Contributors Anil Fernandes & Associates Sciences Farama Law Firm Università di Genova
Hong Kong SAR, China Anil Kumar K. Vikram Shroff Hamid Reza Bakhshi Patrizio Ivo D’Andrea
Tata Institute of Social Nishith Desai Associates Moakher Università di Ferrara
Christopher Hooley Sciences      
Oldham, Li & Nie   Vipender Mann Kamiar Alaei Pierpaolo Martucci
  Anil Paleri KNM & Partners Institute for International University of Trieste
David C. Donald     Health and Education  
The Chinese University of Anshul Prakash Y. S. Kusuma   Pietro Faraguna
Hong Kong Khaitan & Co. All India Institute of Medical Mohammad Badamchi University of Trieste
    Sciences Hami Legal Services  
Ho Lok Sang Anshuman Verma     Riccardo Del Punta
Chu Hai College of Higher The Invention Factory™ Yashomati Ghosh Mohammad Rahmani University of Florence
Education   National Law School of India Bayan Emrooz Law Firm  

Riccardo Salomone Verona Henry-Ferguson Ehab Qouteshat Aisha Abdallah Albina Rakhmidinova
University of Trento University of the West Indies   Anjarwalla & Khanna Kalikova & Associates
    Enas Qutieshat    
Roberto Bin Anonymous Contributors Philadelphia University Andrew J. Franklin Alexander Dmitrievich
Università di Ferrara     Franklin Management Orehov
  Japan Farah Al-Majali Consultants Ltd.  
Roberto Ceccon International Consolidated For   Azamat Kerimbaev
Ceccon & Associati Akifumi Mochizuki Legal Consultations Atiq S. Anjarwalla ABA ROLI
  Atsumitoshiyuki Law Office   Anjarwalla & Khanna  
Roberto Rosapepe   Firas Kasassbeh   Baktygul Kubanychbekova
University of Salerno Hideo Shinozaki   Beryl Orao The Collegium of Young
  Japan Public Health George Hazboun Kenya National Commission Advocates of the South of
Rocchina Staiano Association International Consolidated For on Human Rights Kyrgyzstan
Università di Teramo   Legal Consultations    
  Junko Ogushi   Dennis Mung’ata Elena Bit-Avragim
Sabrina Bruno Atsumi & Sakai Hisham Ababneh Gichimu Mung’ata & Company Veritas Law
University of Calabria   Dentons Advocates  
  Junko Suetomi     Elida K. Nogoibaeva
Anonymous Contributors Waseda University; Baker & Kamal Jamal Awad Fred Ondieki Mogotu American University of Central
  McKenzie Alawamleh Anjarwalla & Khanna Asia
Jamaica   University of Petra    
Kaoru Takamatsu   Harrison Mbori Ermek Mamaev
Allan S. Wood Hayabusa Asuka Law Offices Mohammad Amro Strathmore University Kalikova & Associates
Livingston Alexander & Levy   Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates &    
  Mai Takano Legal Consultants Isaac Gitere Jenishbek Arzymatov
Anthony Clayton Hewlett Packard Enterprise   Wacira Wambugu and Co. Lawyers of Kyrgyzstan
University of the West Indies   Omar Qutishat Advocates Association
  Masanori Tanabe Aljazy & Co.    
Audrey Brown Nagoya International Law   James Okeyo Jibek Tenizbaeva
  Office Rasha Laswi Muthoga Gaturu & Company Lorenz Law Firm
Colleen Coleman-Wright   Zalloum and Laswi Law Firm Advocates  
Levy | Cheeks Naritaka Tomoeda     Kanat Seidaliev
  Hewlett Packard Enterprise Safa Alswelmen John M. Ohaga GRATA International
Donovan C. Walker   Yarmouk University TripleOKLaw Advocates LLP  
Hart Muirhead Fatta Nobuo Koinuma     Kerim Begaliev
  Tohoku Medical and Zaid Muhmoud Agaileh Josephine L. M. Righa Centil Law Firm
Emile G. R. Leiba Pharmaceutical University Mu’tah University Igeria & Ngugi Advocates  
DunnCox       Klara Sooronkulova
  Sayaka Hara Anonymous Contributors Kiingati Ndirangu International University of
Eris Schoburgh     Kairu Mbuthia & Kiingati Central Asia
University of the West Indies Shigeji Ishiguro Kazakhstan Advocates  
  Oguri & Ishiguro Law Office   Saara Kabaeva
Gillian Mullings   Arlan Yerzhanov Leonard Samson Opundo Kabaeva
Naylor and Mullings Shimamura Yosuke PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Shem Advocates  
  Shimamura Law Office & Advisory LLP   Sanzhar Aldashev
J. Peter Figueroa     Luis Franceschi GRATA International
University of the West Indies Takashi Maruta Artem Timoshenko Strathmore University  
  Sannomiya Law Office Unicase Law Firm   Valentin Chernyshev
Jacqueline D. Goulbourne     Lyla Latif Kumtor Gold Company
University of the West Indies Takashi Takano Ilyas Sakenovich Adilbaev University of Nairobi  
  The Law Office of Takashi Kazakhstan International   Zhanyl Abdurakhmanova
Jason Wilks Takano Bureau for Human Rights and Marabu Fidelis Limo Centil Law Firm
Creative Associates   Rule of Law TripleOKLaw Advocates LLP  
International Tomohisa Muranushi     Anonymous Contributors
  Baker McKenzie Rima Dzhansarayeva Mohamed A. Karega  
Joanne Wood Rattray   Al-Farabi Kazakh National Anjarwalla & Khanna Lebanon
DunnCox Toshiaki Higashi University  
  University of Occupational   Njoki Kamau Abel Mourad
Jodi Ann Paulwell and Environmental Health Saltanat Kemalova   City University
Office of the Cabinet   SIGNUM Law Firm Noah Chune  
  Yasuhiro Fujii   Central Organisation of Trade Antoine G. Ghafari
Justine Collins   Sofiya Zhylkaidarova Unions  
Hart Muirhead Fatta Yasuyuki Suzuki SIGNUM Law Firm   Elias Matar
  Hayabusa Asuka Law Offices   Peter Wendoh Abou Jaoude & Associates
Kevin O. Powell   Yerjanov Timur Lego Law Firm
Hylton Powell Yohei Suda Kazakh National University    
  The Law Office of Yohei Suda   Remigeo P. Mugambi Elie W. Chalhoub
Lisa N. Russell   Yerzhan Toktarov Muthoga Gaturu & Company Arab Center for the
Russell & Russell Yugo Ishibashi Sayat Zholshy and Partners Advocates Development of the Rule of
        Law And Integrity
Marie Freckleton Yukinori Hashida Yerzhan Yessimkhanov Ronald Rogo  
University of the West Indies Kodera Matsuda Law Office GRATA International University of Nairobi Jean E. Akl
        Akl Law Practice
Nadine C. Atkinson-Flowers Anonymous Contributors Zhanat Alimanov Thomas N. Maosa  
    KIMEP Maosa and Co. Advocates Jihad Irani
Narda Graham-Laird Jordan     University of Balamand
DunnCox Anonymous Contributors Timothy Mutambuki  
  Ali Mohammad Aldabbas     Jihan Khattar
Peter Goldson University of Petra Kenya Anonymous Contributors Khattar Associates
Myers Fletcher & Gordon      
  Anwar Mahmoud Salih Aabid Ahmed Kyrgyzstan Joelle Choueifati
Sonia Gatchair Batieha Bomu Hospital  
University of the West Indies Jordan University of Science   Aikanysh Jeenbaeva Joelle Khater
  and Technology Abbas Esmail Academy of Public Badri and Salim El Meouchi
Tamiko N. Smith   Anjarwalla & Khanna Administration Law Firm

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 177

Khatoun Haidar Aleksandar Ickovski Madagascar Anonymous Contributors Norhisham Abd Bahrin
Synergy-Takamol     Azmi & Associates
  Aleksandra Baleva Alain Ramanarivo Malawi  
Mohamad Ramadan Grozdanova Barreau de Madagascar Nurjaanah Chew
Elaref International Law Office Godzo, Kiceec & Novakovski   Adamson S. Muula University of Malaya
    Alexandra Rajerison University of Malawi  
Pierre Obeid Aleksandra Gruevska Maralex Legal Avocats   Obijiofor Aginam
University of Balamand Drakulevski   Anthony Jeckson Malunga International Institute for
  Ss. Cyril and Methodius Alphonse Anatole Generation Consultancy Global Health
Rihab Aboul Hosn University      
    Andry Herisoa Andrianasolo Bernadette W. Malunga R. Usha Devi
Roula Zayat Anita Begova Institut International des University of Malawi R Usha Devi & Associates
Arab Center for the Law Office Begova Sciences Sociales    
Development of the Rule of     Bruno Paul Matumbi S. B. Cheah
Law and Integrity Borjanka Todorovska Aviva Ramanitra Excellence Law Partners S. B. Cheah & Associates
  Donevski Law Firm Lexel Juridique et Fiscal    
Salah Mattar     Chipiliro Mbekwani Saw Tiong Guan
Mattar Law Firm Darko Spasevski Bakoly Razaiarisolo Chitsonga University of Malaya
  Ss. Cyril and Methodius Rakotomalala Leos Attorneys at Law  
Souraya Machnouk University SEFIP-FFKM   Sharon Kaur
Abou Jaoude & Associates     Douglas Lungu University of Malaya
Law Firm Deljo Kadiev Fahafahantsoa Rapelanoro Daeyang Luke Hospital  
  Rabenja   Suganthi Singam
Tony G. Zreik Doncho M. Donev Laboratoire LARTIC; Fresier Chidyaonga-Maseko Shearn Delamore & Co.
Lebanese American University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Université d’Antananarivo University of Malawi  
  University     Yap Chiu Wan
Wissam Kabbara   Fenosoa Rajomarison George Naphambo Messrs Shook Lin & Bok
Lebanese American University Elena Dimova-Ivanoska John W. Fooks & Co. Naphambo and Company  
  Cakmakova Advocates     Yusramizza Md Isa @ Yusuff
Anonymous Contributors   Hery Harizandry Kamudoni Nyasulu Universiti Utara Malaysia
  Emil Miftari Razafiarison Kamudoni Nyasulu Law  
Liberia   Ministere de la Justice Consultants Zainal A. Ayub
Gorica Nadjinska     Universiti Utara Malaysia
Arthur T. Johnson CLRA Jean Pierre Rakotovao Krishna Savjani  
    Jhpiego Savjani and Co. Anonymous Contributors
Cecil B. Griffiths Ilija Nedelkoski      
Liberia National Law Cakmakova Advocates Jeannot Julien Padoue Lewis Chezan Bande Mali
Enforcement Association   Rafanomezana University of Malawi
  Leonid Trpenoski Barreau de Madagascar   Abdel Kader Cisse
Christiana P. Tah Trpenoski Law Firm   Marshal Chileng  
Law Office of Christiana P. Tah   Lala Henriette Ratsiharovala TF and Partners Aboubacar Souleymane
  Ljupka Noveska Andonova Ministere de la Justice   Diarra
Cleophas Torori     Shepher Mumba  
UNDP Maja Risteska Léonard Velozandry Messrs Golden & Law Aguissa Maiga
  A.D. Insurance Policy Ordre des Avocats   Ministère de la Santé et
Fatu Maima Kamara Foster     Wongani Mvula l’Hygiène Publique
Martin Monevski Marie Mélanie Rapenitrarivo Malawi Law Commission  
James C. R. Flomo Monevski Law Firm Tribunal de Première Instance   Bakary Konaté
The Public Defenders’ Program   d’Ankazobe Anonymous Contributors Barreau du Mali
of Liberia Neda Milevska Kostova      
  STUDIORUM Nathalie Rakotomalala Malaysia Balla Seye
Lucia D. Sonii Gbala   Miaro Zo  
Heritage Partners & Nenad Janicevic   Chew Phye Keat Bourema Sagara
Associates Inc. Law Office Janicevic Njivasoa Nathalie Raja, Darryl & Loh JURIFIS CONSULT
Malcolm W. Joseph Nikola Jovanovski Barreau de Madagascar Christine Toh Hung Mei Daouda Ba
Center for Media Studies and Center for Legal Research and   MahWengKwai & Associates Vaughan Avocats
Peacebuilding Analysis Olivia Rajerison    
    Cabinet Rajerison Dato’ Sri Dr Ashgar Ali Ali Elias Toure
Mark M. M. Marvey Nikolco Lazarov   Mohamed  
Heritage Partners & Law Office Lazarov Rafitoson Ketakandriana International Islamic Famoussa Keita
Associates Inc.     University  
  Olivera Docevska Raymond Rakotomanga   Hyacinthe Kone
Moses B. F. Massaquoi Justicia Jhpiego Fahri Azzat Cabinet d’Avocat Dofini
Ministry of Health Liberia     Fahri & Co. Consult
  Stefan Chichevaliev Régina Rakotosoa    
Pindarous Allison Centre for Regional Policy   Harlida Abdul Wahab Jules Dembele
Transitional Justice Working Research and Cooperation Riki Rakotobe Universiti Utara Malaysia  
Group of Liberia Studiorum Cabinet d’Avocat Alex   Lalla Gakou
    Rafamtanatsoa et Associé Jasmine Wong Kah Man CLG CONSULT, SCPA
T. Debey Sayndee Strashko Stojanovski   MahWengKwai & Associates  
Kofi Annan Institute; Goce Delchev University Rindra Rabarinirinarison   Lassana Diakite
University of Liberia   Commission Nationale des Joshua Tay Barreau du Mali
  Svetlana Veljanovska Marchés Publics AmerBON  
Yafar V. Baikpeh       Lassana Diawara
Heritage Partners & Vladimir Donevski Tino Razafinimanana Khadijah Mohamed SCPA Juri
Associates Inc. Law Firm Donevski   Universiti Utara Malaysia  
    Tojo Maminiaina   Magatte Assane Seye
Anonymous Contributors Zharko Hadji Zafirov Andriambololona Mahadirin Hj. Ahmad Cabinet Seye
  Center for Legal Research and Barreau de Madagascar Universiti Malaysia Sabah  
Macedonia Analysis     Mahamane Ibrahima Cisse
  Tokisetra Ramilison Munir Abdul Aziz  
Aleksandar Godjo Anonymous Contributors   Wong & Partners Mohamed Goita
Godzo, Kiceec & Novakovski   Tsarazara Andrianasoavina   Barreau du Mali

Moussa Sinayoko Abdus Samad Dulloo Angel Delfino Gomez Iván García Gárate Moldova
JURIFIS CONSULT   Lizarraga National Autonomous
  Adil Calleea Secretaria De Salud University of Mexico Adrian Belii
Ousmane Thierno Diallo Banymandhub Boolell     Nicolae Testemitanu State
  Chambers Angélica Ángeles Llerenas Jorge Berlin University of Medicine
Samba Baba N’Diaye   Instituto Nacional de Salud ABC Legal, S.C. and Pharmacy; Institute of
Barreau du Mali Alexandre Barbès-Pougnet Pública de México   Emergency Medicine
      Jorge Luis Silva Mendez  
Seydou Coulibaly Angelique Desvaux de Carlos de Buen Unna Banco Mundial Alexandru Tanase
Satis Partners Marigny Bufete de Buen   Hanganu Tănase & Partenerii
  De Speville Sauzier Desvaux   Jose Alberto Campos Vargas  
Seydou Doumbia Chambers Carlos Santos-Burgoa Sánchez Devanny Eseverri, Alexei Croitor
La Ficelles SCPA   The George Washington S.C.
  Daya Auckloo University   Ana Ciobanu
Touré Yéhiya Emtel Ltd.   Juan Manuel Esteban Castro University Clinic of Primary
Cabinet d’Savocats PRAE   Christian Alan Bello Melchor Albarrán Health Care
LAW FIRM Deepti Bismohun Notarias 92 y 145 Asociación Latinoamericana  
  ENSafrica   de Medicina Social Andrei Bivol
Anonymous Contributors   Christian Serna   Hanganu Tănase & Partenerii
  Diksha Purmessur Serna & Abogados Juan Manuel Juarez Meza  
Mauritania Young Queer Alliance   Contramar Abogados Avornic Gheorghe
  Critina Sánchez Urtiz   University of European
Ahmed Bezeid Abdallahi Dipna Gunnoo Miranda & Estavillo, S.C. Liesel Oberarzbacher Political and Economic Studies
      Instituto Tecnológico “Constantin Stere”
Bouhoubeyni Ahmed Salem Feerdaus Bundhun Daniel Carrancá de la Mora Autónomo de México  
    Instituto Mexicano para la   Corina Oprea
Braham Sidi Abdoullah H. S. Bunjun Justicia Luciano Mendoza Cruz Efrim Rosca & Associates
  Dabee & Bunjun Chambers   Universidad Nacional  
Brahim Diarra   Daniel Cruz Autónoma de México Cristina Copaceanu
  Javed Niamut Notarias 92 y 145   University of European
Cheikh Abdellahi Ould BLC Robert   Luis Jorge Garcia Padilla Political and Economic Studies
Ahmed Babou   David Martinez-Amador Lazo, Villa, Moel y García, S.C. “Constantin Stere”
   Jeewon Rajesh Insumisos    
Cheikh Hindy     Marco Antonio González Cristina Martin
  Krishan M. Beeharry Elias Huerta Psihas Reynoso ACI Partners
El Moustapha Attighe   Asociacion Nacional de GRND Abogados  
UNAIDS Mohammad Nawaz Doctores en Derecho   Cuznețov Alexandru
  Dookhee   María Luisa Mendoza López State University of Moldova
Fah Brahim Jiddou   Emiliano Baidenbaum Sánchez Devanny Eseverri,  
PNUD Nadeem Lallmamode Hewlett Packard Enterprise S.C. Eduard Scutaru
  Benoit Chambers      
Fatimata Ball   Enrique Camarena Mariana Tejado Gallegos Galina Obreja
Vivre et S’epanouir Nikhil Boolell Domínguez Vitalis Nicolae Testemitanu State
  Chambers of Urmila Boolell, Maqueo Barnetche, Aguilar y   University of Medicine and
Fatimata Barry Kane S.C. Camarena, S.C. Mario Alberto Rocha Garcia Pharmacy
CNC     PricewaterhouseCoopers, S.C.  
  Raymond d’Unienville Esteban Maqueo Barnetche   Inga Baciu
Jemal Mohamed El Hady   Maqueo Barnetche, Aguilar y Miguel Ángel González Alecu Russo State University
CCM; UNPM Robin L. Appaya Camarena, S.C. Bravo of Bălți
  Ghose Chambers Mauritius   G. B. Abogados  
Khadijetou Ouedrago   Franz Erwin Oberarzbacher   Inna Soțchi
Fonds des Nations Unies pour Rubna Daureeawo Dávila Monica Schiaffino Hanganu Tănase & Partenerii
la Population RD Chambers Instituto Tecnológico Littler Mexico, S.C.  
    Autónomo de México   Iulia Furtuna
Mine Abdoullah Ruwaydah Jaunbacus   Monserrat MarCa Turcan Cazac Law Firm
  Uteem Chambers Gerardo Moheno Gallardo Notaria 55  
Mohamed Dah   Moreno Rodríguez y   Liliana Domente
  T. Mukund Gujadhur Asociados, S.C. Oliva López Arellano  
Mohamed M’bareck Brahim TM&S Gujadhur Chambers   Universidad Autónoma Marica Dumitrasco
    Gilberto Miguel Valle Metropolitana, Unidad Academy of Sciences of
Mohamed Salem Loud Vijay Cooshna Zulbarán Xochimilco Moldova
Solidarité & Développement   Socio de Basham Ringe y    
Durable Yannick Fok Corres, S.C. Pablo Nosti Herrera Marina Bzovii
  Eversheds Sutherland   Miranda & Estavillo, S.C. Turcan Cazac Law Firm
Mohamed Sid’Ahmed   Guillermo A. Gatt Corona    
Bareau de Mauritanie Yousuf Azaree Iteso; Universidad Rebeca Cruz Santacruz Mihail Durnescu
  MC Law Offices Panamericana Escuela Superior de Medicina  
Ould Zehaf Sidi     del Instituto Politécnico Mihail Gorincioi
UNICEF Yves Hein Guillermo Piecarchic Nacional National Preventive
  Hein Chambers PMC GROUP, S.C.   Mechanism Against Torture
Oumar Mohamedmoctar     Rodrigo Lazo Corvera  
El Haj Anonymous Contributors Héctor Juan Antonio Ávila Lazo, Villa, Moel y García, S.C. Oleg Efrim
    Rosas   Efrim Rosca & Associates
Zeinebou Taleb Moussa Mexico National Autonomous Sergio López Moreno  
Association Mauritanienne University of Mexico Universidad Autónoma Patricia Handraman
pour la Santé de la Mére et de Alejandra Moreno   Metropolitana, Unidad Gladei & Partners
l’Enfant Altamirano Hugo Hernandez-Ojeda Xochimilco  
  Universidad Nacional Alvirez   Roșca Nicolae
Anonymous Contributors Autónoma de México Hogan Lovells Anonymous Contributors  
        Serghei Cozma
Mauritius Alfonso Rodriguez Arana Iñigo Alejandro Torres Ortiz Serghei Cozma Law Firm
LegalMex, S.C. Hernández Torres Abogados  
Abdullah Yusuf Ali Bauluck     Svetlana Doltu
Bibi Chambers Council for the Prevention of

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 179

Vanu Jereghi Anonymous Contributors Denise Namburete Anonymous Contributors Nil Mani Upadhyay
Moldovan Institute for Human N’weti   Nepal Army Institute of Health
Rights Morocco   Namibia Sciences
  Diana Paredes e Ramalho  
Vasile Gherasim Abdelaziz Bakkali SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Cornelius J. Verwey Prabin Subedi
Popa & Associates Barreau de Tanger Lda.   Paramount Legal Advisory
      Eunice Gonzo Services Pvt. Ltd.
Zama Vitalie Abdelghani Khannous Edson José Xavier University of Namibia  
Nagacevschi and Partners Center South for Studies and Henriques, Rocha &   Prashanna Shrestha
  Sustainable Development Associados Sociedade de Floris Coetzee Pradhan & Associates
Anonymous Contributors   Advogados Fisher Quarmby Pfeifer  
  Abdelhamid Benmakhlouf   Attorneys Rabin K. C.
Mongolia   Gil Cambule   Corporate Law Associates (P)
Abdellah Bakkali Universidade Eduardo Hendrik Krüger LIMITED
B. Enkhbat Bakkali Law Firm Mondlane Krüger Van Vuuren & Co.  
MDS KhanLex LLP       Rabin Subedi
  Ali Badi Gilberto Correia Immanuel Mutikisha  
Batbayar Ganbayar Association National de   Effective Labour Solutions Cc Raju Thapa
Batbayar and Partners LLP Defense des Droits de Gilda Jossias    
  l’Homme au Maroc AMDEC Isabella Nowases Robin Maskey
Batjargal Gombosuren     University of Namibia B.P. Koirala Institute of Health
MDS KhanLex LLP Ali Lachgar Essahili Jennifer Gilda Arnaldo   Sciences
    Fernanda Lopes & Associados Kobus Miller  
Batragchaa Ragchaa Amin Hajji     Rudra Prasad Pokhrel
State Housing Corporation of Hajji & Associés Joaquim Simango Lotta N. Ambunda- R P Pokhrel & Associates
Mongolia   Fernanda Lopes & Associados Nashilundo  
  Azzedine Kettani   Office of the Judiciary Rukamanee Maharjan
Battuul Bat-Erdene Kettani Law Firm Joaquim Uate   Tribhuwan University
Legal FOM Partners LLP   Associacao Ntumbuluku Matilda Jankie-Shakwa  
  Ibrahim Tanfous   Sisa Namandje & Co. Inc Sarita Upadhyay
Bayar Budragchaa   José Manuel Caldeira    
ELC Advocates LLP Khachie Abdelmajid SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Nambili T. K. Shipena Semanta Dahal
    Lda. Namibia Special Risks Abhinawa Law Chambers
Bolormaa Volodya Lhassan M’Barki   Insurance Association Ltd  
Absolute Advocates Law Firm South for Studies and Luis Saragga Leal   Shiva Prd. Rijal
  Sustainable Development PLMJ Advogados SP, RL Nawala Kamati-Unger Pioneer Law Associates
Buyantogos Baljinnyam     Engling, Stritter & Partners  
LRCM LLP Mimoun Charqi Miguel Spínola   Shringa Rishi Kafle
    PLMJ Advogados SP, RL Norman Tjombe Merit Legal Consultancy Pvt.
David C. Buxbaum; Mohamed Baske Manar   Tjombe-Elago Incorporated Ltd.
Munkhbayar Batkhuu Université Cadi Ayyad de Neylla Gulamhussen    
Anderson and Anderson LLP Marrakech TTA Sociedade de Advogados Ramon Maasdorp Subarna Kumar Khatry
        Nepal Nutrition Intervention
David C. Buxbaum; Mohamed El Mernissi Paula Vaz Toni Hancox Project
Myagmarsuren Jambaldorj Figes - Mernissi Fundação Ariel Glaser Legal Assistance Centre  
Anderson and Anderson LLP       Sudeep Gautam
  Mohamed Nakhli Pedro Macaringue Anonymous Contributors Nepal Bar Association
Dugerjav Dash-Onolt Université Cadi Ayyad de Pedro Macaringue &    
MDS KhanLex LLP Marrakech Advogados Associados Nepal Tek Tamrakar
Enkhtur Demberelsuren Nesrine Roudane; Richard Rafique de Albuquerque Ananda Koirala Tilak Bikram Pandey
MahoneyLiotta LLP D. Cantin Fernanda Lopes & Associados   Pioneer Law Associates
  Roudane & Partners Law Firm   Basanta Bahadur Basnet  
Indermohan S. Narula   Shipeni Thovela Axis for Law and Research Usha Pandey
  Reda Oulamine   Pvt. Ltd. Pradhan & Associates
Khishigsaikhan Batchuluun Oulamine Law Group Anonymous Contributors    
Open Society Forum     Bishwa Nath Khanal Anonymous Contributors
  Anonymous Contributors Myanmar Prithvi Legal Service Center  
Khunan Jargalsaikhan     Netherlands
Mongolian Bar Association Mozambique Aung Htoo Budhi Karki
  Legal Aid Network; Federal   Arnold Versteeg
Luke Lkhaasuren Alain Kassa Law Academy Daksha Bahadur Chhetri Macro & Versteeg Advocaten
Agaa & Partners LLP NAIMA+   Neupane Law Associates  
    Aung Nay Myo   E. Kolokatsi
Munkhdorj Badral Alexandre Chivale Thanlwin Legal Kalyan Pokhrel Kolokatsi Advocaten
Mongol-Advocates LLP Alexandre Chivale &   F-Dimensional Legal Services  
  Associados Caitlin Reiger and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. Eugenie Nunes; Marije
Naransukh Damiran   British Council   Ozinga
Health and Safety Solutions Almamater Tamele   Kumari Kaushlya Ojha Dentons Boekel N.V.
  BTA Advogados, Lda. Mariano Suarez Law and Lawyers Company  
Navagchamba Baasanjav   Thanlwin Legal Tirpureshwar Gabriel Meijers
Mongolian Bar Association Belisário Tamele     Meijers Canatan Advocaten
  BTA Advogados, Lda. Min Thein Madhab Raj Ghimire  
Odonjav Tsendjav   Rajah & Tann NK Legal Co. PSM Global Consultants P. Ltd Gerben den Hertog
JD Advocates LLP César Carlos Alberto Ltd.   Sarfaty Advocaten
  Francisco Vamos Ver   Meen Chhetri  
Saranchimeg Byambaa SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Myat Ko Nepal Center for Disaster Gwen Jansen
National Statistics Office Lda. Justice Base Management  
        H. J. (Henricus) Snijders
Tsolmonchimeg Enkhbat Constancio Jose Tevete Myint Aung Narayan P. Ghimire University of Leiden
GTs Advocates LLP Fernanda Lopes & Associados AIDS Support Group Center for Rule of Law  
        Hansko Broeksteeg
Zanaa Jurmed Danilo Nhaca U Mya Thein Narayan Shrestha Radboud University Nijmegen
Center for Citizens’ Alliance MAN - Sociedade de   Shrestha Legal Service Center  
Advogados, Lda.    

Jaap-Willem Roozemond Denise Arnold Phil Ahern Mario Novoa Corea Akingbolahan Adeniran
Bouwman Roozemond & De Lyon O’Neale Arnold Lawyers Morrison Kent Lawyers Arias Awodi & Co.
  Douglas John Lyon Samantha Turner Marlon José Gazo Peña Anthony Nkadi
Jac Meeuwissen Lyon O’Neale Arnold Lawyers Simpson Grierson García & Bodán F.O. Akinrele & Co.
Trimbos Institute        
  Elizabeth Macpherson Scott Wilson Maryeling Guevara Babajide O. Ogundipe
Jacqueline van den Bosch University of Canterbury Duncan Cotterill Arias Sofunde, Osakwe, Ogundipe
Ivy Corporate Defence &       & Belgore
Investigations Erich Bachmann Simon Ladd Octavio Alarcón Guardado  
  Hesketh Henry Bell Gully Munguía Vidaurre Law Babatunde Ogungbamila
Jeroen Bijnen       Olisa Agbakoba Legal
DXC Technology Frances Joychild Sonja M. Cooper Onell Antonio Gow Chacón  
  Frances Joychild QC Cooper Legal Universidad Politécnica de Bola Jibogun
Joost Italianer     Nicaragua Legal Aid Council of Nigeria
NautaDutilh N.V. Gay Morgan Stacey Shortall    
  University of Waikato Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Soraya Montoya Herrera Cheluchi Onyemelukwe
Joseph J. van Dort     Molina & Asociados  
Van Dort Advocatuur Gordon Anderson Stephen Eliot Smith   Chiamaka I. Orabueze
  Victoria University of University of Otago Uriel E. Balladares University of Nigeria
Léon Graal Wellington   Arias  
Sarfaty Advocaten   Stephen Franks   Chinyere Nwokoro
  Grace Haden Franks Ogilvie Yaser Gabriel Bonilla Legal Luminaries Solicitors
Marije Jeltes The New Zealand Independent   Espinoza  
JSTW Advocaten Commission Against Steven Zindel Central Law Chioma Kanun Agomo
  Corruption Zindels   University of Lagos
Marlies Ott     Anonymous Contributors  
Erasmus University Ian Gault Sylvia Bell   Chisom Justice Ndubuisi
  Bell Gully Centre for Human Rights Law, Niger Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
Mick Hurks   Policy and Practice  
Höcker Advocaten Ian Miller   Aboubacar Souley Chris Eze
    Tagan Lyall CRAMS_EXA Nnenna Ejekam Associates
N. P. Scholte Jessica Palmer Bamford Law    
Advocatenkantoor Scholte University of Otago   Bachir Talfi Idrissa Christine Sijuwade
    Trevor Daya-Winterbottom Université Abdou Moumouni Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
Petrus C. van Duyne M. B. Rodriguez Ferrere Law University of Waikato de Niamey  
Utrecht University University of Otago     Chudi Nelson Ojukwu
    W. John Hopkins Brah Souleymane Legal Research Initiative
S. F. H. Jellinghaus Marie Bismark University of Canterbury Université Abdou Moumouni  
Tilburg University; De Voort University of Melbourne   de Niamey Damian Njoku-Umeh
Lawyers and Mediators   W. M. Thomson   Damian Njoku-Umeh & Co.
  Marie J. Grills University of Otago Idrissa Tchernaka  
Thomas Timmermans RPB Law   SCPA LBTI & Partners Daprim Ogaji
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP   William Akel   University of Port Harcourt
  Mark Henaghan Simpson Grierson Ismael Naino Maiguizo Teaching Hospital
Tomasz Kodrzycki University of Otago      
Jahae Raymakers Advocaten   Anonymous Contributors Mahamadou Rabiou Souley Dejo Olowu
  Mark Winger   Dagouma American University of Nigeria
Anonymous Contributors Holmden Horrocks Nicaragua Barreau du Niger  
    Ehijeagbon Oserogho
New Zealand Mary-Rose Russell Abraham A. Salinas-Miranda Moussa Ismaril Tambo Oserogho & Associates
  Universidad Nacional SCPA LBTI & Partners  
A. J. Forbes Matthew Berkahn Autonoma de Nicaragua   Enoch Mozong Azariah
Clarendon Chambers Massey University   Moustapha Boukari Legal Aid Council of Nigeria
    Angelica Maria Toruño Barreau du Niger  
Alan Knowsley Nick Crang Garcia   Festus Ezedinachi Onyia
Rainey Collins Lawyers Duncan Cotterill Universidad Evangélica Rabiou Oumarou Mahaman Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
    Nicaragüense Martin Luther Barreau du Niger  
Alberto Costi Nicola Wheen King Jr.   Festus Okechukwu
Victoria University of University of Otago   Anonymous Contributors Ukwueze
Wellington   Avil Ramírez Mayorga   University of Nigeria
  Nigel Hampton Central Law Nigeria  
Andrew Schulte   Folake Elias-Adebowale
Cavell Leitch Nikki Pender Edgard Leonel Torres Abdulfattah Adewale Bakre Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
  Legal Empowerment Mendieta Legal Aid Council of Nigeria  
Asha Stewart   Arias   Fr Edwin Obimma Ezike
Quigg Partners Pam Nuttall   Abdulhamid Abdullahi University of Nigeria
  Auckland University of Gabriel Alvarado Bagara  
Bennet Castelino Technology Arias Community Health and Gbenga Odusola
Castlefinn Law     Research Initiative Acme Law Partners
  Paul Michalik Ivania Lucía Paguaga Cuadra    
Campbell Roberts   Arias Adamu M. Usman Gbenga Oyebode
The Salvation Army Paul Roth   F.O. Akinrele & Co. Aluko & Oyebode
  University of Otago John Lordsal Minnella    
Charl Hirschfeld   Minnella Romano and Ade Omofade Godwin Anthony Etim
Ranfurly Chambers Penny Bright Associates   AELEX
      Ademola Awoyemi  
Chris Noonan Peter Watts Juan Ramon Aviles Molina University of Ilorin Ibrahim Imam
University of Auckland Bankside Chambers Despacho Legal   University of Ilorin
      Adewale Akande  
Danny Jacobson Petra Butler Luis Manuel Perezalonso Auxilium Attorneys Innocent Abidoye
Jacobson and Marshall, Victoria University of Lanzas   Nnenna Ejekam Associates
Employment Lawyers Wellington Bufete Juridico Perezalonso & Aina Precious Aderemi  
    Asociados Babalakin & Co Legal John Dare Oloyede
  Practitioners J.D. Oloyede’s Law Chambers

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 181

Laura Omolola Ikwuagwu Arild Vaktskjold Muhammad Nouman Shams Jorge L. Almengor C. Ana Graciela Cruz
George Ikoli & Okagbue Sjukehuset Innlandet; Qazi Law Associates Almengor, Caballero & EsSalud
  Høgskulen i Innlandet   Asociados  
Maryam Belgore Ahmed   Muzaffar Islam   Armando Ramiro Natividad
Kwara State Judiciary Carl A. Christiansen Legis Inn Attorneys & Jorge Molina Mendoza Maguiña
  Ræder AS Corporate Consultants FABREGA MOLINO Estudio Ghersi Abogados
Michael C. Asuzu        
Society for Public Health Frank S. Thrana Naila Baig-Ansari José Alberto Barraza Arturo Gárate Salazar
Professionals of Nigeria; World Tonsberg Community Indus Hospital Research Serracín Universidad Nacional Federico
Federation of Public Health   Center   Villarreal
Associations Geir Steinberg   José Renán De León C.  
  Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS Qaisar Raza Ministerio de Salud de Carlos Torres Berrío
Nkem Itanyi   Adam Smith International Panamá Muñiz, Olaya, Meléndez,
University of Nigeria Harald B. Ciarlo     Castro, Ono & Herrera
    Sara Malkani José Rigoberto Acevedo C. Abogados
Obiajulu Nnamuchi Ivar Alvik Center for Reproductive Rights Universidad Latina  
University of Nigeria University of Oslo     César Azabache Caracciolo
    Shams Ul Haq Qazi Juan Pablo Fabrega Polleri  
Oghogho Makinde Karl Harald Søvig Qazi Law Associates FABREGA MOLINO Cesar Puntriano Rosas
Aluko & Oyebode University of Bergen     Universidad ESAN
    Shams ul Haque Joiya Maria Eugenia Brenes  
Olaniyi Felix Olayinka Magne Strandberg Right Law Company Morgan & Morgan Christian Valencia Sarmiento
The Polytechnic Ibadan University of Bergen     Estudio Ghersi Abogados
    Tariq Rahim Mario Adolfo Rognoni  
Olasupo Olaibi Niels R. Kiær Tariq Rahim Law Associates Arosemena Noriega & Dennis Oswaldo Vilchez
Supo Olaibi & Company Rime Advokatfirma DA   Contreras Ramirez
    Umer Farooq   Estudio Ghersi Abogados
Olumide Ekisola Olaf Halvorsen Rønning Ayub Medical College Marlin E. González  
Adejumo & Ekisola University of Oslo   Asesora Jurídica del Comité Eduardo Herrera Velarde
    Anonymous Contributors de Derechos Humanos de Escudo Azul S.A.
Olusoji Elias Stella Tuft   Panamá  
Olusoji Elias + Company Microsoft Panama   Elvia Campos Zavala
    Martha Luna Veliz Ministerio de Salud de Perú
Oluwadamilare Yomi-Alliyu Terje Einarsen Adán Arnulfo Arjona López ACE Laywers  
Chief Yomi Alliyu & Co. University of Bergen Galindo, Arias & López   Evan E. Morgan
      Mayte Sánchez G. Evan Morgan & Asociados
Onjefu Adoga Tor Vale Alberto Quirós Bonett Morgan & Morgan  
Brooke Chambers Law Firm       Germán Jiménez Borra
  Ulf Stridbeck Alcibiades E. Villarreal D. Mercedes Arauz De Estudio Muñiz
Ozofu ‘Latunde Ogiemudia University of Oslo Instituto de Investigaciones Grimaldo  
Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie   Cienctíficas y Servicios de Alta Morgan & Morgan Giulliana Loza Avalos
  Anonymous Contributors Tecnología   Estudio Loza Avalos
Peter K. Fogam     Milagros M. Caballero V.  
University of Lagos Pakistan Ana Gilza Córdoba Morgan & Morgan Gonzalo Garcia Calderon
Pontian N. Okoli Asim B. Nasim   Natalia S. Vega Gonzalo Mendoza del Solar
University of Dundee Orr, Dignam & Co. Arlene Calvo VaxTrials S.A. Chávez
    University of South Florida   Universidad Católica de Santa
S. Akinlolu Fagbemi Benazir Jatoi   Nydia Flores Chiari Maria de Arequipa
University of Ibadan   Armando Barba Caja de Seguro Social de  
  Faisal Mahmood Ghani Ministerio de Salud de Panama Grover Jonny Aranguri
Sarat Akinloye Faisal Mahmood Ghani & Co. Panamá   Carranza
Chief Rotimi Williams’     Olga de Obaldia EsSalud
Chambers Faiza Muzaffar Carlos Ernesto González Fundación para el Desarrollo  
  Legis Inn Attorneys & Ramírez de Libertad Ciudadana; Ismael Cornejo-Rosello
Terrumun Z. Swende Corporate Consultants Morgan & Morgan Capítulo Panameño de Dianderas
Benue State University,     Transparencia Internacional Gerencia Regional de Salud
Makurdi Hasan Hameed Bhatti Daisy Chacon De Cortez   Arequipa; Universidad
  Lahore Waste Management Chacon y Asociados Abogados Rafael Rodrigo Rodríguez Nacional de San Agustín
Ugoji Abagwe Company   Barrios  
Acme Law Partners   Edith Quiros Renderos & Rodríguez Law Luciano López Flores
  Imdad Ali Soomro   Firm Estudio Valle-Riestra, López
Uju Obuka Sufi Law Associates Elka González   Flores & Munar Abogado;
University of Nigeria   Ministerio de Salud de Ramón Ricardo Arias Pontificia Universidad Católica
  Kamyla Marvi Panamá Galindo, Arias & López del Perú; la Universidad de
Wahab O. Egbewole       San Martín de Porres
University of Ilorin Kausar S. Khan Ernesto Shirley Sebastián Rodríguez Robles  
  Aga Khan University; Indus Shirley & Asociados Abogados Rodríguez-Robles & Manuel Bermúdez Tapia
Yomi Alliyu San Health Network   Espinosa Universidad Nacional Mayor
Chief Yomi Alliyu & Co.   Evans Loo   de San Marcos
  M. Akram Sheikh Escritorio Juridico Loo Xavier Sáez Llorens  
Yomi Dare Akram Sheikh Law Associates   Hospital del Niño Dr. José Manuel Villa-García Noriega
Checkers Consultancy Services   Gabrielle B. Britton Renán Esquivel Estudio Olaechea
  Maliha Zia Instituto de Investigaciones    
Yusuf Ali Legal Aid Society Cienctíficas y Servicios de Alta Yariela Gonzàlez Ortega Marcos Ricardo Revatta
Yusuf Ali & Co.   Tecnología Universidad de Panamá Salas
  Mehek Ali     Universidad Nacional San Luis
Anonymous Contributors Indus Health Network Haydée Méndez Illueca Anonymous Contributors Gonzaga de Ici
    Fundación para la Equidad de    
Norway Mohammad Akmal Wasim Género Peru Maria del Pilar Pozo García
Wasim & Co. Advocates &   Clínica San Felipe
Anne Kjersti Befring Legal Consultants Iván Chanis Barahona Alberto Varillas  
University of Oslo   Fundación Iguales García Sayán Abogados Marino Costa Bauer
  Mohammad Hassan Arif      
LMA Ebrahim Hosain

Mario Castillo Freyre Rhea Quimson Ana Raquel Pessoa Miguel de Azeredo Perdigão Alina Gentimir
Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre Hewlett Packard Enterprise Universidade Católica Azeredo Perdigão & Alexandru Ioan Cuza
    Portuguesa Associados - Sociedade de University
Roberto Gabriel Matallana Rhona Bergantin   Advogados, RL  
Universidad de Pacifico PSMID Ana Rita Gil   Andra Iftimiei
    Universidade Nova de Lisboa Paula Cremon Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Rossana Maccera Ronahlee A. Asuncion   Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa University
  University of the Philippines Anja Bothe    
Anonymous Contributors Diliman Universidade Autónoma de Paulo de Sá e Cunha Andrei Danciu
    Lisboa Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves SCA Cataniciu & Asociatii
Philippines Roy Enrico C. Santos   Pereira  
PJS Law António Casa Nova   Andrei Mircea Zamfirescu
Afdal B. Kunting   Escola Superior de Saúde de Pedro Mendes Ferreira Gilescu, Valeanu, Nathanzon
Zamboanga City Medical Anonymous Contributors Portalegre Mendes Ferreira & Associados & Partners
  Poland António Vaz de Castro Pedro Miguel Branco Aura Câmpeanu
Carmelita Gopez Nuqui Universidade de Coimbra   PETOŠEVIĆ
Development Action for Adam Morawski   Pedro Rodrigues da Mata  
Women Network Morawski & Partners Carlos Lopes Ribeiro PRM & Associados Aurora Ciuca
    CR Advogados   Ștefan cel Mare University of
Cesar L. Villanueva Agnieszka Dzięgielewska-   Rui Costa Pereira Suceava
Villanueva Gabionza & Dy Jończyk Carlos Pinto de Abreu PLMJ Advogados SP, RL  
Law Firm Hewlett Packard Enterprise Carlos Pinto de Abreu e   Bogdan C. Stoica
    Associados SP, RL Rui Tavares Correia Popovici Nițu Stoica &
Dan Vicente Cancino Jr. Agnieszka Helsztyńska   Abreu & Marques e Associados Asociații SCA
Catholic Bishops’ Conference Kancelaria Adwokacka Carolina Boullosa Gonzalez    
of the Philippines Episcopal Agnieszka Helsztyńska Bind Sociedade de Advogados Sandrine Bisson Marvao Dan Oancea
Commission on Health & adwokat   Bisson Marvao University of Bucharest
Camillian Fathers   Eduardo Buisson Loureiro    
  Andrzej Brodziak   Teresa Violante Daniel Nitu
Donemark Calimon Institute of Occupational Eliseu Gonçalves Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Babeș-Bolyai University;
Quisumbing Torres Medicine and Environmental TaskLegal Advogados   Iordăchescu & Associates
  Health   Vânia Costa Ramos  
Eliseo M. Zuñiga, Jr.   Felipe Baião do Nascimento Carlos Pinto de Abreu e Diana Agafitei
Quisumbing Torres Aneta Leszczyńska Maricato, Lima & Associados Associados SP, RL Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații
  Jagiellonian University      
Emerico O. de Guzman   Fernando Alves Correia Anonymous Contributors Diana Lavinia Botau
ACCRALAW Jacek Wierciński Universidade de Coimbra   Babeș-Bolyai University
  Uniwersytet Warszawski   Republic of Korea  
Enriquito J. Mendoza   Francisco Marques Bom Dragos Daghie
Romulo Mabanta Joanna Kosińska-Wiercińska Marques Bom & Associados Domyung Paek Daghie & Asociatii
Buenaventura Sayoc & De Los Wierciński Law Office   Seoul National University  
Angeles Law Offices   Inês Reis   Florin Streteanu
  Julian Bielicki PBBR Duk Yeon Lee Universite de Cluj-Napoca
Francis Tom Temprosa Drzewiecki, Tomaszek &   Yonsei University  
Ateneo de Manila University Partners J. Tavares Ribeiro   George Nedelcu
    JTR Advogado Haksoo Ko  
Jesusito G. Morallos Krzysztof Kowalczyk   Seoul National University Gheorghe Piperea
Follosco Morallos & Herce BSJP Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Joana Barrilaro Ruas   SCA Piperea & Asociații
    Ferreira da Conceição, Hwang Lee  
Jonathan Sale Marcin Krajewski Menezes & Associados SP, RL Korea University Ioan Lazar
ILPC Warsaw University     Baroul Alba
    João Paulo Ferreira da Jaehyuk Ahn  
Jose Cochingyan III Marcin Olechowski Conceição Kim & Chang Iulian Alexander Stoia
Cochingyan & Partners Law Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak Ferreira da Conceição,   Bucharest Bar
Offices   Menezes & Associados SP, RL Jaeseop Song  
  Piotr Jakub Rastawicki   Shin & Kim Larion Alina-Paula
Karen S. Gomez Dumpit Rastawicki Mianowski Sawicki José Alves do Carmo   Ștefan cel Mare University of
Commission on Human Rights Sp.K. AVM Advogados Jeong-Oh Kim Suceava
of the Philippines     Yonsei University  
  Piotr Kuzniak Libertário Teixeira   Laura Lazar
Kate Montecarlo Cordova   Libertário Teixeira & Cristina Junsok Yang Babeș-Bolyai University
Association of Transgender Radosław Skowron Fernandes - Sociedade de The Catholic University of  
People in the Philippines KKPW Law Office Advogados RL Korea Marius Balan
        Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Louisa M. Viloria-Yap Stefan Jaworski Luis Brito Correia Lee Chang Woo University
Garcia Iñigo & Partners     Donghwa Labor Consulting  
  Wojciech Babicki Luis Miguel Amaral Firm Maxim Mihaela
Nancy Joan M. Javier Miller Canfield     Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații
IBP   Maria da Conceição Alves Sangbong Lee  
  Zbigniew Krüger Rainho Soares Pereira Daeryook & Aju LLC Mihai Carabas
Pinky Rose B. Lustre Krüger & Partners Advocates Universidade de Trás-os-   Carabas, Lungu Attorneys
The Global Fund to Fight LLP Montes e Alto Douro Anonymous Contributors  
AIDS; University of the     Mihai Dunea
Philippines Manila Anonymous Contributors Maria do Rosário Anjos Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza
    Anjos, Martins & Associados University
Ramil E. Bugayong Portugal SP, RL Alexandru Athanasiu  
PJS Law   University of Bucharest Miloiu Ciprian
  Alexandra Mota Gomes Maria Inês Gameiro   Miloiu Ciprian Cabinet de
Ramon G. Samson PLMJ Advogados SP, RL Universidade Nova de Lisboa Alexandru Corpodean Avocat
ACCRALAW     Law Office Corpodean  
  Ana Pires Miguel Andrade Alexandru Nicolae-Bogdan Bulai
Reginald A. Tongol Atlântica     University of Bucharest
ToVen Law and   Alina Daniela Nestor  
Communications Bar of Suceava

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 183

Nicolae-Horia Țiț Primakov Denis Henry L. O. S. Browne Boubacar Diakité Nebojsa Stankovic
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Russian Foreign Trade Browne & Associates Geni & Kebi Stankovic & Partners Law
University Academy, OSCE     Office
    Leonora Walwyn Clément Diarga Basse  
Oana Lucia Gavril Sergei Murzakokv WalwynLaw   Petar Bulat
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații NII HSE - Nizhny Novgorod   Fall University of Belgrade
    Michella Adrien SOJUFISC  
Ovidiu Podaru Sergey Bogatyrev Michella Adrien Law Offices   Petar Stojanovic
Babeș-Bolyai University Beiten Burkhardt   Fatoumata Watt Joksović, Stojanović and
    Rayana Dowden Geni & Kebi Partners
Radu M. Georgescu Sergey Stepanov WEBSTER  
Radu Georgescu Law Office Institute of Private Law   Ibrahima Niang Simonida Sladojevic-
    Sonya Parry   Stanimirovic
Radu Rizoiu Svetlana Dobrovolskaya Gonsalves Parry Ibrahima Thine Diop  
Rizoiu & Poenaru SCA Moscow Regional Bar   Université Cheikh Anta Diop Vladimir Hrle
  Association Vadeesha T. N. John de Dakar  Hrle Attorneys
Razvan Trusca   Johnson & Associates Law  
Cluj Bar Victor Pomelov Firm Malick Sané Vladimir Marinkov
  Russin & Vecchi   Université Cheikh Anta Diop Guberina-Marinkov Law Office
Roxana Iordăchescu-Niţu   Anonymous Contributors de Dakar  
Iordăchescu & Associates Vilena Voronich     Zoran V. Radovic
  Russin & Vecchi St. Lucia Mansour Gningue Radovic & Ratkovic Advokati
Sergiu Bogdan   Geni & Kebi  
Sergiu Bogdan & Asociatii Vyacheslav Chasnyk Henri-Jacques N. Mangal   Anonymous Contributors
  Saint-Petersburg State 1st National Bank St. Lucia Meissa Toure  
Sergiu Golub Pediatric Medical University Ltd. Euromed Université Sierra Leone
Babeș-Bolyai University      
  Vyacheslav Yablokov John F. Christensen Mohamadou Boye Adam Timbo
Simona Petrina Gavrila Yablokov and Partners Law Spartan Health Sciences Université Gaston Berger Yada Williams and Associates
Dunărea de Jos University Office University    
      Moustapha Ndoye Adewale Showers
Valerius M. Ciuca Anonymous Contributors Leandra Gabrielle Verneuil   Fornah-Sesay, Cummings,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Jennifer Remy & Associates Ndiouma Ndour Showers & Co.
University Rwanda   Université Assane Seck de  
  Samanthia George Ziguinchor Alhaji Mohamed Warisay
Anonymous Contributors Aimable Mfashingabo     Democracy Sierra Leone
  M. Abayo Law Firm Trudy O. Glasgow Papa Mamour Sy  
Russia   Trudy O. Glasgow & Associates Université Cheikh Anta Diop Augustine Sorie-Sengbe
Arsene Rutiyomba   de Dakar Marrah
Dmitry Kravchenko   Virginia Joseph   Yada Williams and Associates
Asnis & Partners Asante Twagira Spartan Health Sciences Paul Babacar Faye  
  CORBAN University SCPA Sow-Seck-Diagne & Bai Kamara
Eduard Margulyan     Associes Pikin-To-Pikin Movement
Margulyan & Kovalev Augustin Rwabigwi Anonymous Contributors    
  Rwanda Bar   Rahimine Azimari Toure Ishmael Philip Mammie
Elena Antonovna   St. Vincent & the Geni & Kebi Fornah-Sesay, Cummings,
Abrosimova Charles Gatsinzi Grenadines   Showers & Co.
Moscow State University Centre Medical Orkide Samba Cor Sarr  
    Heidi Badenock Ministere de la Santé et de Lornard Taylor
Elena Gerasimova Happy E. Mukama Joseph Delves Chambers l’Action Sociale Taylor & Associates
Center for Social and Labor RR Associates and Co.      
Rights; National Research   Jozelle Miller Semou Ndiaye Mambu Samadu Feika
University Law Firm HC General Legal Ministry of Health, Wellness Université Cheikh Anta Diop Prison Watch Sierra Leone
  Services Ltd. and the Environment de Dakar  
Fatima Sulejmanova       Osman Jalloh
National Research University M. Albert Nkundabatware Melvis Kenia Díaz Peña Anonymous Contributors Yada Williams and Associates
Higher School of Economics   Milton Cato Memorial    
  Munana Norbert Hospital Serbia Rakibul Bari Khan
Konstantin Dobrynin M-Advocates & Partners   BRAC International
Federal Chamber of Lawyers   Patricia P. Marks-Minors Aleksandra Jovic Vranes  
of the Russian Federation Pie Habimana The Law Firm of Marks & University of Belgrade Regena Juliana Kain
  AmiLex Chambers Marks   BRAC International
Maria Erohava     Danijela Korać-Mandić  
Moscow Higher School of S. C. Nkeza Richard Williams Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre Rowland S. V. Wright
Social & Economic Sciences   Williams & Williams, Barristers   Wright & Co.
  Safari Gahizi & Solicitors Djordje Djurisic  
Maria Filatova Global Trade Law Chambers   Law Office of Djordje Djurisic Senesie Margao
National Research University Ltd. Stephen Williams   Sierra Leone Nurses
    Williams & Williams, Barristers Dragan Nikolić Association
Maria Voskobitova Shuaib Napoleon & Solicitors Public Health Institute Niš  
ABA ROLI Munyeshema     Sierra Leone Labour
  Barreau du Rwanda Anonymous Contributors Dragan Psodorov Congress
Maxim Timofeev     Joksović, Stojanović and  
European Humanities William Karaiga Senegal Partners Anonymous Contributors
University ENSafrica    
    Amadou Drame Goran Vučić Singapore
Natalya Morozova Anonymous Contributors SODEFITEX Joksović, Stojanović and
Vinson & Elkins LLP     Partners Benjamin Joshua Ong
  St. Kitts & Nevis Anta Marie Anne Diop   Singapore Management
Nikolai Kostenko   Ivan Kovačević University
Moscow Helsinki Group Charles Wilkin Balla Sy Lalin Law Office  
  Kelsick, Wilkin and Ferdinand UCG   Chia Boon Teck
Pavel Kabanov     Miljkan Karlicic Chia Wong LLP
Kazan Innovative University Dia C. Forrester Bocar Balde  
Daniel Brantley LPS Law Mladen Domazet

Chia Ti Lik Sara Ahlin Doljak Peter Feuilherade Esther Fernández Molina Juan Francisco Aguiar
Chia Ngee Thuang & Co.   Cox Yeats Attorneys Universidad de Castilla-La Rodriguez
Tine Mišic Mancha Consejeria de Sanidad del
Dan W. Puchniak ODI Law Firm Peter Jordi Gobierno de Canarias
National University of   University of the Federico Durán López  
Singapore Tjasa Drgan Witwatersrand Universidad de Córdoba Juan María Terradillos
  Law Office Drnovsek     Universidad de Cádiz-España
Eric Tin Keng Seng   Riette du Plessis Federico Navarro Nieto  
Donaldson & Burkinshaw LLP Vesna Rijavec University of the Universidad de Córdoba Juan Oliva Moreno
  University of Maribor Witwatersrand   Universidad de Castilla-La
Foo Cheow Ming     Federico Rodriguez Morata Mancha
Foo Cheow Ming Chambers Anonymous Contributors S. S. Terblanche Universidad de Castilla-La  
    University of South Africa Mancha Juana María Serrano García
Mak Koon South Africa     Universidad de Castilla-La
  Tamara Cohen Fernando Alberich Arjona Mancha
Pascal Brinkmann Altair Richards University of KwaZulu-Natal Rambla Abogados y Asesores,  
Luther LLP ENSafrica   S.L. Laura Pozuelo Pérez
    Victoria Bronstein   Universidad Autónoma de
Scott Gordon Wheeler Bart Willems University of the Fernando Bondía Román Madrid
  Stellenbosch University Witwatersrand Universidad Carlos III de  
Simon Chesterman     Madrid Luis Gaite
National University of Christa Rautenbach Werner van Straaten   Hospital Marqués de
Singapore North-West University University of Pretoria Francisco Ramos Romeu Valdecilla; CIBERSAM
      Universidad Autónoma de  
Anonymous Contributors Derek Hellenberg Yousuf A. Vawda Barcelona Manuel Álvarez Feijoo
  University of Cape Town University of KwaZulu-Natal   Uría Menéndez Abogados,
Slovenia     Ildefonso Hernández S.L.P.
F. T. Abioye Anonymous Contributors Aguado  
Alenka Sagmeister University of South Africa   Universidad Miguel Hernández Manuel Ángel De las Heras
Ranzinger   Spain   García
Odvetniška pisarna Miro Francois Venter Iñigo Sagardoy de Simón Universidad de Alicante
Senica in odvetniki, D.O.O North-West University Alberto Blasco Hernando Sagardoy Abogados  
    J&A Garrigues, S.L.P.   Manuel Cachón Cadenas
Andrej Bukovnik Gerhard Kemp   Jacobo Dopico Universitat Autònoma de
PETOŠEVIĆ Stellenbosch University Alfonso Pedrajas Universidad Carlos III de Barcelona
    Abdón Pedrajas & Molero Madrid  
Anton Gradišek Gusha Xolani Ngantweni     Manuel Cancio Meliá
Dagra D.O.O. University of South Africa Alfonso Trallero Javier Melero Universidad Autónoma de
    Bajo & Trallero Abogados Melero & Gené Advocats Madrid
Blaž Kovač Henry Ngcobo      
Amnesty International Bowmans Andrea Macía Morillo Jesús Padilla Gálvez Marga Cerro
Slovenia   Universidad Autónoma de Universidad de Castilla-La  
  Hugh Corder Madrid Mancha Margarita I. Ramos
Borut Bernik Bogataj University of Cape Town     Quintana
    Antonio Costa José Cid Universidad de La Laguna
Grega Strban J. Berning Universidad de Córdoba Universitat Autònoma de  
University of Ljubljana University of South Africa   Barcelona María Acale Sánchez
    Araceli Peláez Rodríguez   Univerisdad de Cádiz
Health Center Maribor John Brand De Castro Gabinete Jurídico José Fernández-Rañada  
  Bowmans   J&A Garrigues, S.L.P. María Barberá Riera
Iris Pensa   Auxmundus Abogados   Sociedad Española de Sanidad
Jadek & Pensa Law Firm Jonathan Klaaren   Jose Luis de Peray Baiges Ambiental
  University of the Beatriz G. Lopez-Valcarcel    
Ivan Šalinovič Witwatersrand Universidad de Las Palmas José Luis Goñi Sein María Elena Sánchez Jordán
    de GC Universidad Pública de Universidad de La Laguna
Jorg Sladič Lesiba Motsepe   Navarra  
Evropska Pravna Fakulteta University of South Africa Carlos Alvarez-Dardet   María José Aguilar Idáñez
    Universidad de Alicante José M. Labeaga Azcona Universidad de Castilla-La
Josip Sever Lourens J. Erasmus   Universidad Nacional de Mancha
  North-West University Carlos Campillo-Artero Educación a Distancia  
Ljuba Zupančič Čokert   Servicio de Salud de las   María José Benítez Jiménez
Senica and Attorneys, Ltd. Martin van Staden Islas Baleares; Centro de José Manuel Freire Universidad de Málaga
  Free Market Foundation Investigación en Economía Instituto de Salud Carlos III  
M. Bobič   y Salud; Universitat Pompeu   Maria Pilar Llop Cuenca
Law Firm Bobič Mpfariseni Budeli- Fabra José Manuel Mateo Sierra  
  Nemakonde   J&A Garrigues, S.L.P. María Pilar Marco Francia
Marko Zorman University of South Africa Carlos Pinilla   Universidad de Castilla-La
    J&A Garrigues, S.L.P. José R. Repullo Mancha
Matija Repolusk Mthokozisi Wesley Sithole   National School of Public  
Repolusk Law University of KwaZulu-Natal Carlos Ramón Fernández Health of Spain Marina Lorente Lara
    Liesa   J&A Garrigues, S.L.P.
Nina Persak Nahid Hussein Universidad Carlos III de José Vte. Martí Boscà  
CrimInstitute UNDP Madrid Univesitat de València Martín Godino
        Sagardoy Abogados
Peter Stanovnik Neil Cameron Eduardo Santamaría Moral José-Ignacio Gallego Soler  
Institute for Economic   J&A Garrigues, S.L.P. Universidad de Barcelona Miguel Ángel Presno Linera
Research Nisha Jacob     Universidad de Oviedo
  University of Cape Town Emilio Díaz Ruiz Juan Alberto Díaz López  
Petra Plevnik   Universidad de Murica J. A. Díaz. Litigación penal Orlanda Díaz-García
Senica and Attorneys, Ltd. Ntombifikile Mtshali     Universidad de Castilla-La
  University of KwaZulu-Natal Enric Fossas Espadaler Juan Antonio Lascuraín Mancha
Primož Rožman   Universitat Autònoma de Universidad Autónoma de  
Blood Transfusion Centre of P. J. Schwikkard Barcelona Madrid Paz Mercedes de la Cuesta
Slovenia University of Cape Town     Aguado
    Universidad de Cantabria

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 185

Rafael Ortiz Cervello Savantha De Saram Laura Carlson Thomas Mihayo Sipemba Aleza Mazabalo Alexandre
J&A Garrigues, S.L.P. D. L. & F. De Saram Stockholm University East African Law Chambers Triomphe des Actions
        Citoyennes pour un Togo
Rebeca Benarroch Sugath Hettiarachchi Mauro Zamboni Vicensia Alfred Fuko Emergent
Benarroch Citizen Stockholm University    
Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta     Vintan Willgis Mbiro Augustin Kokouvi Dokla
  Anonymous Contributors Mikael Johansson Breakthrough Attorneys Reseau des Associations des
Remedios Aranda Rodríguez   Raoul Wallenberg Institute   PVVIH au Togo
Universidad Carlos III de Suriname of Human Rights and Anonymous Contributors  
Madrid Humanitarian Law   Baroma Madomba Bamana
  G. N. Best   Thailand Comité d’Action pour
Remedios Menéndez Calvo Essed & Sohansingh Law Firm Ola Zetterquist la Recherche et le
Universidad de Alcalá   Gothenburg University Anant Akanisthaphichat Développement
  Hugo A. M. Essed   Thai Law Firm  
Ricard Meneu Law Firm Essed & Sohansingh Olle Mårsäter   Claude Kokou Amegan
Fundación Instituto de   University of Uppsala Chacrit Sitdhiwej Novation Internationale
Investigación en Servicios de Humphrey R. Schurman   Thammasat University  
Salud Schurman Advocaten Reinhold Fahlbeck   Damien Amoussou K.
    Lund University Chaiporn Supvoranid Centre pour la Promotion des
Roberto Mazorriaga Las Justina Eduards   Baker McKenzie Droits Humains en Afrique
Hayas   Sverker Jönsson    
Rambla Abogados y Asesores, Milton van Brussel Lund University Chalermwut Sriporm Dékawunga Djoliba
S.L. BDO   Thammasat University Kutolbena
    Anonymous Contributors   Barreau du Togo
Román Gil Alburquerque Nashreen R. J. Ilahibaks   Chawaluck Sivayathorn  
Sagardoy Abogados Essed & Sohansingh Law Firm Tanzania Araneta; Punyisa Djifa E. Adjale Suku
    Intarapracha SCP Dogbeavou & Associés
Rosa M. Urbanos-Garrido Prema R. Sohansingh Abel M. Ngilangwa Thanathip & Partners Legal  
Universidad Complutense de Law Firm Essed & Sohansingh Mighty Juristic Law Chamber Consellors Limited Elliott Hegbor
  Yvonne S. Engkar Adella J. Msoffe Chulapong Yukate Emmanuel Mamlan
Rosa Zarza Law Firm Coster-Advocaten University of Dar es Salaam ZICOlaw Martial Akakpo & Associés
J&A Garrigues, S.L.P.        
  Anonymous Contributors Alice Jackson Musetti Chusert Supasitthumrong Essiamé Koko Dzoka
Rosario de Vicente Martínez   Breakthrough Attorneys Tilleke & Gibbins International Barreau du Togo
Universidad de Castilla-La Sweden   Ltd.  
Mancha Anne H. Outwater   Ferdinand Ekouévi
  Bengt Järvholm Muhimbili University of Health Henning Glaser Amazohoun
Santiago Fernández Umeå University and Allied Sciences Thammasat University SCPA Femiza Associés
Hospital Universitario La Bengt Lundell Annmarie Mavenjina Jakkrit Kuanpoth Jean Yaovi Degli
Princesa Lund University Nkelame Thailand Development  
      Research Institute Joseph Kodzo Sipotou
Sebastián Cantallops Mir Birgitta Nyström Asina Emmy A. Omari    
Rambla Abogados y Asesores, Lund University University of Dar es Salaam Jeeranun Klaewkla Justine Mawulawoè
S.L.     Mahidol University Azanledji-Ahadzi
  Björn Ohde Bakari George   Ministère de la Justice Du
Vicente Ortún-Rubio Advokataktiebolaget Roslagen Tengeru Institute of Kowit Adireksombat Togo
Universidad Pompeu Fabra   Community Development Baker McKenzie  
  Boel Flodgren     Kafui A. Amekoudi
Xavier Castells Lund University Eliud Kitime Manaswee Wongsuryrat Martial Akakpo & Associés
Universitat Autònoma de   Tilleke & Gibbins International  
Barcelona Catherine Lions Eustard Athanace Ngatale Ltd. Kao Tanang Salaka
  Umeå University PO-RALG   Ministère de la Santé et de la
Anonymous Contributors     Munin Pongsapan Protection Sociale
  Christer Thordson Evold Mushi Thammasat University  
Sri Lanka Legal Edge AB Lawfront Advocates   Kiss Assiom Bokodjin
    Pisut Rakwong  
Ajithaa Edirimane Fredrik Gustafsson Faraji Taratibu Pisut & Partners Koffi Houndebasso
  Advokatfirma DLA Piper Mkono & Co. Advocates   Société Togolaise de
Anusha Wickramasinghe Sweden KB   Premprecha Dibbayawan l’Evaluation
    George Fernandes Puvana Company Limited  
Chrishantha Abeysena Gunilla Lindmark East African Law Chambers   Koffi Sylvain Mensah Attoh
University of Kelaniya Uppsala University   Wanchai Yiamsamatha Cabinet Attoh-Mensah
    Kheri R. Mbiro LS Horizon  
Dhanushka Dissanayake Jack Ågren Breakthrough Attorneys   Kossi Adjedomole
Sudath Perera Associates Stockholm University   Yuthana Promsin Société d’Avocats Martial
    Laura Amour Juslaws & Consult Co., Ltd. Akakpo & Associes
Gamini Balasooriya Jessika van der Sluijs Tanzania Revenue Authority    
  Stockholm University   Anonymous Contributors Martial Akakpo
Gamini Perera   Laura George   Martial Akakpo & Associés
International Law Chambers Johan Sangborn Go2Experts Togo  
  Swedish Bar Association   Mazabalo Bini
N. Sivarajah   Octavian William Temu Afangbedji Kossi Jil-Benoît Croix Rouge Togolaise
University of Jaffna Karl-Arne Olsson Octavian and Company Barreau du Togo  
  Wesslau Söderqvist Advocates   Mensah Tele Honorine
Nalin Ashubodha Advokatbyrå   Afi Teko da Silveira Association Femme Amazone
Kolonnawa Nursing Home   Oliva Mkula Mkanzabi    
  Karol Nowak Gabriel & Co. Agbéwonou Koudasse Rose Atanley Adjenou
Nathaya Nanayakkara Lund University   Cabinet d’Avocat Maître Adjowavi
Sudath Perera Associates   Samuel Gibson Karua Galolo Soedjede  
  Kiflemariam Hamde Karua and Company Theo A. L. Bitho
Raja Goonaratne Umeå University Advocates Akou Pignandi Martial Akakpo & Associés
The Open University of Sri     CCM

Yaovi M. Fiawonou Hechmi Louzir M. Cem Yeniaras Emmanuel Luyirika Oleksandr Skliarenko
Cour Supreme Institut Pasteur de Tunis Yeniaras Attorneys at Law African Palliative Care Skliarenko, Sydorenko and
      Association Partners
Anonymous Contributors Hedia Kedadi Mahmut Kaçan  
  Cabinet d’Avocat Kedadi MK Law Office Evelyn Atim Oleksii Makarenko
Trinidad & Tobago     Buwembo & Co. Advocates Zaporizhzhya National
Karim Ben Hamida Murat Volkan Dülger   University
Betty-Ann Pilgrim KBH Law Firm Dülger Law Firm Francis Opedun  
Ministry of Health     Evamor International Limited Olha Prosyanyuk
  Knani Houda Mustafa Alp   AVER LEX
Christopher Sieuchand Zaanouni Law Firm Dokuz Eylül University Grace Mukwaya Lule  
M.G. Daly & Partners     Platform for Labour Action Sergiy Gryshko; Yaroslav
  Labidi Ahmed Nuray Gokcek Karaca   Petrenko
Elena Araujo   Anadolu University Isaac Newton Kyagaba Redcliffe Partners
Araujo Law Lassâad Dhaouadi   Kampala Associated  
  Institut Tunisien des Conseils Ömer Ataç Advocates Taras Tsymbrivskyy
Gerard Hutchinson Fiscaux İstanbul Medipol University   USAID Human Rights in
University of the West Indies     Laura Nyirinkindi Action Program
  Mahmoud Daoud Yacoub Orhan Yavuz Mavioglu Pro Initiatives Agency  
Glenn Hamel-Smith Ordre National des Avocats ADMD Law Office   Vitalii Serdiuk
M. Hamel-Smith & Co. du Tunisie   Miria K. Matembe AVER LEX
    Osman Hayran    
Jonathan Walker Mounir Baatour İstanbul Medipol University Munduru Mercy Grace Vyacheslav Viktorovich
M. Hamel-Smith & Co. Association LGBT Shams   The Uganda Association of Sokolov
    Savas Bozbel Women Lawyers  
Kaveeta Persad Nadhir Ben Ammou     Anonymous Contributors
Fitzwilliam, Stone, Furness- Cabinet Maître Nadhir Ben Şule Özsoy Anonymous Contributors  
Smith & Morgan Ammou Galatasaray University   United Arab Emirates
Linda A. Greene Nadhir Ben Yedder Teoman Akünal Elena Schildgen
Penco Court Law Chambers Réseau National de Lutte Akunallaw Andrey Bogdanovich Meyer-Reumann & Partners
  Contre la Corruption   Gryniak  
Matthew G. W. Gayle   Ufuk Aydin Research Institute of Prviate Michael Kraemer
New City Chambers Nadia Akacha Anadolu University Law & Entrepreneurship of  
  Université de Tunis El Manar   the National Academy of Mirza R. Baig
Michelle T. Ramnarine   Anonymous Contributors Scicences Dubai Pharmacy College for
  Nizar Sdiri     Girls
Natalie Persadie Nizar Sdiri Law Firm Uganda Andrey Tarasov  
University of Trinidad and   Tarasov & Partners Law Firm Nazanin Aleyaseen
Tobago Rachida Jelassi Adrian Jjuuko   K&L Gates LLP
  Université de Tunis El Manar; Human Rights Awareness and Andrienko Sergey  
Oscar Noel Ocho Conseil Supérieur de la Promotion Forum Vladimirovich Olaide Esan
University of the West Indies Magistrature   A.G. Partners Hadef & Partners LLC
    Akantorana Kobusingye    
Rishi P. A. Dass Ridha Mezghani Kampala Associated Andrii Misiats Rebecca Ford
Victoria Chambers R. Mezghani Law Office Advocates Municipal Law Firm and Clyde & Co. LLP
Shastri Vedanta Christopher Troudi Hichem Alan Shonubi   Shakeel A. Mian
Parsad   Shonubi, Musoke & Co. Anna Mikhailyuk Prudential Middle East Legal
Shastri Parsad & Associates Wahid Bounenni   Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat & Consultants
    Alexander Kibandama Partners  
Shivangelie Ramoutar Wajdi Abdelhedi High Court of Uganda   Stuart Paterson
      Anna Sakalosh Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
Sonnel A. David-Longe Yassine Younsi Bernard Mukasa Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National  
M.G. Daly & Partners Younsi & Younsi International ENSafrica Medical University Tarek Nakkach
  Law Firm     Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Anonymous Contributors   Birungyi Cephas Kagyenda Chmut Serhiij  
  Zouhaier El Hechimi Birungyi Barata & Associates   Zayed Alshamsi
Tunisia Faculté de Médecine de Tunis;   Ivan Horodyskyy Zayed Al Shamsi Advocates &
Université de Tunis El Manar Brigitte Kusiima Sendi Ukrainian Catholic University Legal Consultants
Amel Gorbej   Shonubi, Musoke & Co.    
  Anonymous Contributors   Katerina Vlasyuk Anonymous Contributors
Amine Hamdi   Charles Kallu Kalumiya AVG Law Firm  
Hamdi Law Office Turkey Kampala Associated   United Kingdom
  Advocates Konstantin Naduty
Anis Klouz Esenyel Barak Bal   VULT Ben Keith
Faculté de Médecine de Tunis Cailliau & Colakel Law Firm Claire Amanya Rukundo   David Josse QC
    CR. Amanya Advocates & Larisa Matyukha  
Anissa Tabai Fatih Selim Yurdakul Soilicitors Ukrainian Association of Christopher May
  Yurdakul Law Office   Family Medicine Lancaster University
Aymen Zaghdoudi   Daniel Gantungo    
University of Sousse Filiz Askan Bowmans Lyubomyr Drozdovskyy David Josse
  Askan Law Office   Khasin & Drozdovskyy 5 St Andrew’s Hill
Bessem Ben Salem   Donald Nyakairu Barristers Association  
Ben Salem Law Firm Gökçe Çelen ENSafrica   Jill Stavert
  Çelen Law Firm   Oksana Holovko- Edinburgh Napier University
Emna Yahyaoui   Doreen Nawaali Havrysheva  
Ordre National des Avocats Gülüm Özçelik MMAKS Advocates Ivan Franko National Kiron Reid
du Tunisie Bilkent University   University of L’viv University of Liverpool
    Emilio Ovuga    
Hamza Wajdi Işık Önay St. Raphael’s Counseling Oksana Kneychuk Lord Woolf
  Koç Üniversitesi Centre Eterna Law Supreme Court of the United
Harrabi Selma     Kingdom
  Kerem Altiparmak  
Ankara University

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 187

Nigel Duncan Karen A. Lash Beatriz Murguía Tomas Guerrero Félix Ignacio Sánchez
City, University of London American University Murguía - Aguirre Posadas, Posadas & Vecino Hernández
        Álvarez, Sánchez & Asociados
Peter Caldwell Kepler B. Funk Camilo Martínez Blanco Anonymous Contributors  
Doughty Street Chambers Funk, Szachacz & Diamond Universidad de Montevideo   Fernando Javier Baralt
  LLC   Uzbekistan Briceño
Peter McTigue   Carlos Cosac Universidad Rafael Urdaneta
Nottingham Trent University Laurel G. Bellows Carlos Cosac Legal Affairs Aziz Akhtamov  
  The Bellows Law Group, P.C.   Tashkent Business Advocate Fernando M. Fernández
Rebecca Niblock   Carlos Pittamiglio Law Firm Universidad Central de
Kingsley Napley Leonard A. Sandler Estudio Jurídico Bartesaghi   Venezuela
  University of Iowa   Jakhongir Z. Djuraev  
Richard Ashcroft   Escandor El Ters   Fredy Ernesto Martinez Diaz
Queen Mary University of M. Reynolds   Anonymous Contributors Martinez Diaz & Asociados
London Attorneys Judicial Military Federico Samudio   Firma de Abogados
  Mediators Consulting Team Posadas, Posadas & Vecino Venezuela  
Richard Miskella     Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca
Lewis Silkin LLP Marc Falkoff Gonzalo Gari Irureta Goyena Alberto Blanco-Uribe Florida International
  Northern Illinois University Posadas, Posadas & Vecino Quintero University
Richard W. Whitecross     Universidad Central de  
Edinburgh Napier University Michele Forzley Isabel Abarno Venezuela Gilles R. Valensi S.
  Forzley & Associates Olivera Abogados   RDHOO Abogados
Thomas Garner     Alberto Jurado Salazar  
Gherson Paul Bender Joaquin Reyes Puig ALC Penal Gonzalo Himiob Santomé
  Arizona State University Estudio Reyes Rius   Foro Penal
Tonia Novitz     Alejandro Gallotti  
University of Bristol Peter Edelman Juan Diego Menghi Universidad Católica Andrés Ignacio Andrade Cifuentes
  Georgetown University Estudio Perez del Castillo & Bello; Leĝa Abogados Araquereyna
Tony Ward   Asociados    
Northumbria University Renaldy J. Gutierrez   Alessandra Corona Jacqueline Richter
  Gutierrez & Associates Juan Federico Fischer Araquereyna Universidad Central de
Anonymous Contributors   Fischer & Schickendantz   Venezuela
  Renée M. Landers   Alexander Marcano  
United States Suffolk University Julio Iribarne Pla Montero Jaime Martínez Estévez
  Ferrere Abogados Lawyers Group Rodner, Martínez & Asociados
Amy Widman Ricks Frazier      
National Center for Access to Commonwealth of Julio Lens Alfredo Romero Javier Alfredo Villamizar
Justice Massachusetts LENS Foro Penal Gordon
        Badell & Grau
Andrea Boyack Robert J. Collins Julio Soffer Alvaro Badell Madrid  
Washburn University University of Pennsylvania Julio Soffer Laws Badell & Grau Jesús Emiro González
Ariana R. Levinson Sara Elizabeth Dill Magela Ramón Ana María Fonseca Colina Verdad Venezuela
University of Louisville Anethum Global Hughes & Hughes Pimentel Rauseo & Asociados  
        Jesús J. Ortega Weffe
Artie Renee Pobjecky Stephen A. Saltzburg Manuel Reyes Puig Andres Carrasquero Vallenilla, Escalante &
Pobjecky & Pobjecky LLP The George Washington Estudio Reyes Rius ESCG Abogados Asociados
C. Lash Harrison   Maria Duran Andres L. Halvorssen John Tucker
Ford & Harrison LLP Stephen C. Veltri Hughes & Hughes RDHOO Abogados Leĝa Abogados
  Ohio Northern University      
Christopher David Ruiz   Maria Lucia Acosta Carlos Alberto Henríquez Jorge París Mogna
Cameron Steven A. Ramirez Ferrere Abogados Salazar Odreman & Asociados
Southwestern Law School Loyola University   Leĝa Abogados  
    Mariana Fernandez Fasciolo   José Ignacio Hernández G.
David K. Y. Tang Timothy E. Dolan Posadas, Posadas & Vecino; Carlos Ricardo Pimentel Universidad Central de
K&L Gates LLP Policy Foresight Universidad de la Republica Rauseo Venezuela; Universidad
      Pimentel Rauseo & Asociados Católica Andrés Bello
Eleanor D. Kinney Timothy Mackey Martín Fridman    
Indiana University University of California San Ferrere Abogados Carlos Simón Bello Rengifo Juan Alberto Berríos
  Diego   Universidad Central de Ortigoza
Elise Groulx Diggs   Martin Risso Ferrand Venezuela Universidad del Zulia
American Bar Center for Walsh; Reynolds; Crouse; Universidad Católica del    
Human Rights; Doughty Street Anderson; Schneider; Uruguay Claudia Madrid Martínez Juan Carlos Garantón-
Chambers Green; Swartz; Thomas;   Universidad Central de Blanco
  Johnson Natalia Veloso Giribaldi Venezuela Universidad Católica Andrés
H. David Kelly, Jr. Attorneys Judicial Military Estudio Delpiazzo Abogados   Bello
Beins, Axelrod, P.C. Mediators Consulting Team   Daniela Guerra Cafoncelli  
    Nicolas Pallas Codhez Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo
James H. Pietsch Anonymous Contributors Posadas, Posadas & Vecino   University for Peace, United
University of Hawaii     Denkys A. Fritz Payares Nations
  Uruguay Nicolas Pereyra Fritz & Vence, S.C.  
John Hummel Leiva & Pereyra Abogados   Juan José Niño Silverio
Deschutes County Oregon Alejandro Rey Jiménez de   Diego Díaz Martín Álvarez, Sánchez & Asociados
District Attorney Aréchaga Ricardo Mezzera VITALIS, A.C.  
  Posadas, Posadas & Vecino Mezzera Abogados   Juan Manuel Raffalli
John Pollock     Eduardo José Sánchez RDHOO Abogados
Public Justice Center Alfredo Taullard Richard R. Iturria Rivero  
  Hughes & Hughes Bado, Kuster, Zerbino & Álvarez, Sánchez & Asociados Leonel Alfonso Ferrer
John R. LaBar   Rachetti   Universidad Central de
Henry, McCord, Bean, Miller, Andrés Fuentes   Edwin Romero Venezuela
Gabriel & LaBar, P.L.L.C. Arcia Storace Fuentes Medina Santiago Pereira Campos    
  Abogados Rueda Abadi Pereira; Eugenio Hernández-Bretón
Jonathan Hiatt   Universidad de Montevideo Universidad Central de
Solidarity Center   Venezuela

Lolymar Hernández Anonymous Contributors Mulopa Ndalameta Philip Nyakutombwa
Camargo Musa Dudhia & Co. Nyakutombwa Legal Counsel
Universidad Católica Andrés Vietnam    
Bello Nsama Sue Kwendeni- Ruvimbo Ruwona
  An Hai Le Mayowe Nyahuma’s Law Golden Stairs
Luis Ortiz Alvarez   Ministry of Health Chambers
InterJuris David Lam    
    Pamela Sibanda Mumbi Simplicio Mathew Bhebhe
Manuel A. Gomez V. Derek Phan Van Cong Danh Charles Siamutwa Legal Kantor & Immerman Legal
Florida International Le & Tran Practitioners Practitioners
  Ha Duong Tiziana Marietta Tafara Goro
Marco Trivella VILAF Sharpe & Howard Legal Mbidzo, Muchadehama &
Escritorio Jurídico Navarro   Practitioners Makoni Legal Practitioners
Catan & Asociados Ha Phan    
  Center for Promotion of Anonymous Contributors Tamuka Moyo
Maria Teresa Belandria Advancement of Society   Tamuka Moyo Attorneys
Universidad Central de   Zimbabwe  
Venezuela Hannah Huynh Thi My Hanh Taurai Blessed Kativu
  Le & Tran Andrew Makoni Kantor & Immerman Legal
Mario Brando   Mbidzo Muchadehama & Practitioners
Participación Activa Hoàng Quốc Nhật Trung Makoni Legal Practitioners  
  Phuoc & Partners LLP   Tawanda Tandi
Mark A. Melilli Silva   Archlove Takunda Kantor & Immerman Legal
Leĝa Abogados Huynh Thi Ngoc Hoa Tanyanyiwa Practitioners
  KAV Lawyers Organizing for Zimbabwe  
Mauricio Ramirez Gordon     Tendai Faith Mataba
Fundación Verdad Venezuela Kent Wong Ashton Anderson Makore Wintertons Legal Practitioners
  VCI Legal  
Nathalie González Perez   Brighton Mahuni Terence Hussein
Escritorio Juridico Rodriguez & Kieu Anh Vu Scanlen & Holderness Hussein Ranchhod & Co.
Mendoza KAV Lawyers    
    Caroline Tandi Kudzai Valantine Mutatu
Nelson Chitty La Roche Le The Hung   Midlands State University
Universidad Central de CNC Casper Pound  
Venezuela   Family Aids Support Wellington Chimwaradze
  Manfred Otto Oragnisation Unilever
Rafael E. Molina G. Duane Morris Vietnam LLC    
Molina & Asociados   Clever Bere Wilfred Njabulo Nunu
  Ngo Huu Nhi Zimbabwe Trust National University of Science
Rafael Olivar Thien An Law Office   and Technology
Escritorio Jurídico Aguilarte y   Dzinomwa Tariro  
Asociados Nguyen Huu Phuoc National University of Science Anonymous Contributors
  Phuoc & Partners LLP and Technology  
Raul Jose Reyes Revilla    
Torres, Plaz y Araujo Nguyen Nam Hung Edwin Isaac Manikai
  YKVN LLC Dube, Manikai and Hwacha  
Raul Sanchez Urribarri    
La Trobe University Nguyen Nhan Tuan Emilia Mandaza  
    Muhonde Attorneys
Reinaldo Jesús Guilarte Nguyen Thanh Cong    
Lamuño Dong Phuong Luat- East Law Godfrey Sibanda
Instituto Venezolano de Firm Mbidzo Muchadehama &  
Derecho Social   Makoni Legal Practitioners
  Pham Tri Dung    
Ricardo J. Cruz Rincón Hanoi University of Public Godman Chingoma
Escritorio Chumaceiro Health Dube, Manikai and Hwacha  
González Rubio    
  Pham Van Phat Iris Shiripinda
Roberto Hung Cavalieri An Phat Pham Law Firm Africa University Zimbabwe  
Centro de Investigación y    
Promoción de Cultura Jurídica Phung Anh Tuan John T. Burombo
  VCI Legal International Bridges to
Rubén Guía Chirino   Justice
Cultura Jurídica Organizacion Stephen Le Hoang Chuong  
  Le & Tran Lindsay Hugh Cook
Simón Jurado-Blanco   Atherstone & Cook
Jurado-Blanco & Aguirre Tran Thanh Tung  
Abogados Phuoc & Partners LLP Maxwell Constantine
    Chando Musingafi
Tulio Alvarez Anonymous Contributors Zimbabwe Open University
Universidad Central de    
Venezuela Zambia Memory Kudzayi Melody
Vicente González De La Anne Namakando Phiri Scanlen & Holderness
Vega University of Zambia  
Universidad Central de   Mordecai Pilate Mahlangu
Venezuela; Universidad Bellington Vwalika Gill Godlonton & Gerrans
Metropolitana University of Zambia  
    Obey Shava
Wilmer David González Fares Florence Phiri Mbidzo Muchadehama &
Colina Nodi Trust School Makoni Legal Practitioners
Comisión para los Derechos    
Humanos del Estado Zulia Melvin L. Mbao Philemon Mutukwa
  North West University Musengi and Sigauke

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 189

The World Justice Project’s Honorary Chairs, Directors, Officers, Staff, Financial Supporters, and Sponsoring Organizations are listed
in the last section of this report. Polling companies, research organizations, and contributing experts are listed in the Methodology
section of this report.

Academic Advisors Heller, Open Government Partnership; Uruena, Universidad de los Andes; Stefan
Mark David Agrast, American Society Vanessa Herringshaw, Transparency and Voigt, University of Hamburg; Barry
of International Law; Jose M. Alonso, Accountability Initiative; Susan Hirsch, Weingast, Stanford University; Michael
World Wide Web Foundation; Rolf Alter, George Mason University; Ronald Janse, Woolcock, The World Bank.
OECD; Eduardo Barajas, Universidad del University of Amsterdam Law School;
Rosario; Maurits Barendrecht, Tilburg Erik G. Jensen, Stanford University; Roland Abeng; Lukman Abdul-Rahim;
University; Tonu Basu, Open Government Haroon Khadim, PAE; Rachel Kleinfeld, Kate Adams; Mame Adjei; Priya
Partnership; Lowell Bergman, University Carnegie Endowment; Jack Knight, Duke Agarwal-Harding; Mariam Ahmed; Lina
of California, Berkeley; Tim Besley, University; Harold H. Koh, Yale University; Alameddine; Sarah Alexander; Jessica
London School of Economics; Christina Margaret Levi, Stanford University; Iris Álvarez; Erica Jaye Ames; Rose Karikari
Biebesheimer, The World Bank; Juan Litt, Stanford University; Clare Lockhart, Anang; Evelyn Ankumah; Jassim Alshamsi;
Carlos Botero, Pontificia Universidad The Institute for State Effectiveness; Jessica Álvarez; Lindsay Aramayo-Lipa;
Javeriana; Paul Brest, Stanford University; Zsuzsanna Lonti, OECD; Diego Lopez, Amanda Arcaya; Ekaterina Baksanova;
Jose Caballero, IMD Business School; Universidad de los Andes; William T. Loris, Hamud M. Balfas; Laila El Baradei; Sophie
David Caron, Kings College, London; Loyola University; Lauren E. Loveland, Barral; April Baskin; Ivan Batishchev;
Thomas Carothers, Carnegie Endowment; National Democratic Institute (NDI); Paul Rachael Beitler; Laurel Bellows; Ayzada
Marcela Castro, Universidad de los Andes; Maassen, Open Government Partnership; Bengel; Dounia Bennani; Clever Bere;
Peter Chapman, Open Society Justice Beatriz Magaloni, Stanford University; Loveridge Bere; Rindala Beydoun; Karan
Initiative (OSJI); Eduardo Cifuentes, Jenny S. Martinez, Stanford University; K. Bhatia; Rebecca Billings; Eric C. Black;
Universidad de los Andes; Sherman Toby McIntosh,; Toby Cherie Blair; Rob Boone; Juan Manuel
Cohn, Georgetown University; Christine Mendel, Centre for Law and Democracy; Botero; Oussama Bouchebti; Raúl
M. Cole, Crime & Justice Institute; Nicholas Menzies, The World Bank; Izurieta Mora Bowen; Ariel Braunstein;
Mariano-Florentino Cuellar, Stanford Ghada Moussa, Cairo University; Sam Kathleen A. Bresnahan; Michael Brown;
University; Helen Darbishire, Access Info Muller, HiiL; Robert L. Nelson, American Susanna Brown; William R. Brownfield;
Europe; Nicolas Dassen, Inter-American Bar Foundation and Northwestern David Bruscino; Josiah Byers; Carolina
Development Bank; Larry Diamond, University; Alfonsina Peñaloza, Hewlett Cabrera; Abigail Cameron; Ted Carrol;
Stanford University; Claudia J. Dumas, Foundation; Harris Pastides, University of Javier Castro De León; John Catalfamo;
Transparency International USA; Sandra South Carolina; Randal Peerenboom, La Fahima Charaffeddine; David Cheyette;
Elena, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Trobe University and Oxford University; Nabiha Chowdhury; Sophie Clark; Jose
Humanos; Brad Epperly, University Angela Pinzon, Universidad del Rosario; Cochingyan, III; Kate Coffey; Sonkita
of South Carolina; Julio Faundez, Pascoe Pleasence, University College Conteh; Barbara Cooperman; Hans
Warwick University; Hazel Feigenblatt, London; Shannon Portillo, George Mason Corell; Adriana Cosgriff; Annette Coto;
Global Integrity; Todd Foglesong, University; Michael H. Posner, New York Ana Victoria Cruz; Alexander E. Davis;
Munk School of Global Affairs at the University; Roy L. Prosterman, University Beth Davis; Néstor de Buen; Bryce de
University of Toronto; Tom Ginsburg, of Washington; Anita Ramasastry, Flamand; James P. DeHart; Brackett
University of Chicago; Joseph Foti, University of Washington; Mor Rubinstein, B. Denniston, III; Russell C. Deyo;
Open Government Partnership; James Open Knowledge Foundation; Angela Surya Dhungel; Adama Dieng; Andrew
Goldston, Open Society Justice Initiative Ruiz, Universidad del Rosario; Audrey Domingoes; Alyssa Dougherty; Megan
(OSJI); Jorge Gonzalez, Universidad Sacks, The World Bank; Lutforahman Duffy; Sandra Elena; Roger El Khoury;
Javeriana; Alejandro Gonzalez-Arriola, Saeed, Kabul University; Michaela Sanal Enkhbaatar; Adele Ewan; Juan Farré;
Open Government Partnership; Jon Saisana, EU-JRC; Andrea Saltelli, EU-JRC; Fatima Fettar; Steve Fisher; Eric Florenz;
Gould, American University; Martin Moises Sanchez, Alianza Regional por la Abderrahim Foukara; Kristina Fridman;
Gramatikov, HiiL; Brendan Halloran, Libertad de Expresión; Andrei Shleifer, Radha Friedman; Morly Frishman; Viorel
Transparency and Accountability Harvard University; Jorge Luis Silva, The Furdui; Minoru Furuyama; Daniel Gamboa
Initiative; Linn Hammergren; Tim World Bank; Gordon Smith, University Rinckoar; Amir Galván; William H. Gates,
Hanstad, Landesa; Wassim Harb, of South Carolina; Christopher Stone, Sr.; Anna Gardner; Dorothy Garcia; Sophie
Arab Center for the Development of Open Society Foundations; John Temple, Gebreselassie; Dwight Gee; Sujith George;
Rule of Law and Integrity; Nathaniel University of California, Berkeley; Rene Adam Gerstenmier; Jacqueline Gichinga;

Suzanne E. Gilbert; Brian Gitau; Travis Javier Ramirez; Eduardo Ramos-Gómez;
Glynn; Arturo Gomez; Felipe Gómez; Daniela Rampani; Alex Randall; Richard
Nengak Daniel Gondyi; Molly Gough; Randerson; Kelly Ranttila; Claudia Rast;
Lindsey Graham; Deweh Gray; Michael Yahya Rayegani; Nick Rehmus; Adrian F.
S. Greco; Elise Groulx; Paula F. Guevara; Revilla; Salvador Reyes; Lopes Ribeiro;
Heena Gupta; Arkady Gutnikov; Karen Kelly Roberts; Nigel H. Roberts; Amir
Hall; Margaret Halpin; Kunio Hamada; Ron; Maria Rosales; Liz Ross; Steve Ross;
Mohammad Hamze; Leila Hanafi; Sana Faith Rotich; Patricia Ruiz de Vergara;
Hawamdeh; Kate Helms; Alvaro Herrero; Irma Russell; Rosemarie Sandino; Marc
Sheila Hollis; Michael Holston; R. William Sepama; Adam Severance; Bruce Sewell;
Ide, III; Murtaza Jaffer; Chelsea Jaeztold; Uli Parmlian Sihombing; Hajrija Sijerčić-
Hassan Bubacar Jallow; Samuel Jefferson; Čolić; William Sinnott; Lumba Siyanga;
Clara Jiang; Sunil Kumar Joshi; Marie- Brad Smith; Julie Smith; Joshua Steele;
Therese Julita; Megan Kabre; Jessica Lourdes Stein; Thomas M. Susman;
Kane; Rashvin Kaur; Anne Kelley; Howard Elizabeth Thomas-Hope; Jinni Tran;
Kenison; Junaid Khalid; Elsa Khwaja; Nathan Treacy; Laurence Tribe; Martha
Se Hwan Kim; Stuti Kokkalera; Laurie Uc; Christina Vachon; Patricia van Nispen;
Kontopidis; Simeon Koroma; Steven H. Robert Varenik; Jessica Villegas; Maria
Kraft; Larry D. Kramer; Jack Krumholtz; Vinot; Quinn Walker; Katie Welgan;
Lianne Labossiere; Jeremy Levine- Raymond Webster; Robin Weiss;
Drizin; Samantha Liberman; Joanna Lim; Dorothee Wildt; Jennifer Wilmore; Jason
Deborah Lindholm; Hongxia Liu; Annie Wilks; Malin Winbom; Russom Woldezghi;
Livingston; Jeanne L. Long; Carlos López; Nazgul Yergalieva; Xueling You; Hunter
Clarissa Lopez-Diarte; Stephen Lurie; Zachwieja; Stephen Zack; Keyvan Zamani;
Biola Macaulay; Ahna B. Machan; Maha Jorge Zapp-Glauser; Roula Zayat; Fanny
Mahmoud; Biawakant Mainali; Andrew Zhao.
Makoni; Dijana Malbaša; Ermek Mamaev;
Frank Mantero; Madison Marks; Roger Altus Global Alliance; APCO Worldwide;
Martella; Vivek Maru; John Mason; Elisa Fleishman-Hillard; The Center for
Massimino; Hiroshi Matsuo; Michael Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Maya; Melanie Mazza; Loralys McDaniel; Sciences, Stanford University; The Center
Bethany McGann; Matthew Mead; on Democracy, Development, and the
Sindi Medar-Gould; Ludmila Mendonça; Rule of Law, Stanford University; The
Nathan Menon; Ellen Mignoni; Aisha German Bar Association in Brussels;
Minhas; María Cristina Montaño; Jorge Governance Data Alliance; Google Inc.;
Antonio Morales Alfaro; Claros Morean; The Hague Institute for Innovation
Liliana Moreno; Junichi Morioka; Carrie of Law (HiiL); Investigative Reporting
Moore; Katrina Moore; Marion Muller; Program, UC Berkeley Graduate School
Xavier Muller; Jenny Murphy; Rose of Journalism; The Legal Department
Murray; Norhayati Mustapha; Carolyne of Hewlett-Packard Limited; The Legal
Musyoka; Reinford Mwangonde; Doreen Department of Microsoft Corporation;
Ndishabandi; Ilija Nedelkoski; Tia Nelson; The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center
Niku Neshati; Javier Nicolás; Daniel for International and Area Studies, Yale
Nitu; Elida Nogoibaeva; Victoria Norelid; University; Rule of Law Collaborative,
Justin Nyekan; Sean O’Brien; Peggy University of South Carolina; The
Ochanderena; Afua Ofosu-Barko; Bolaji University of Chicago Law School; Vera
Olaniran; Joy Olson; Mohamed Olwan; Institute of Justice.
Fernando Omedé; Gustavo Alanis Ortega;
Bolaji Owasanoye; Pablo Parás; Dhruti
Patel; Kedar Patel; Angeles Melano Paz;
Karina Pena; Valentina Pérez Botero;
Ronen Plechnin; Kamal Pokhrel; John
Pollock; Mercy Alejandra Portillo; Cynthia
Powell; Humberto Prado Sifontes;
Christine Pratt; Nathalie Rakotomalia;

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 191

About the World Justice Project seed grants to support practical, on-the-ground programs
The World Justice Project (WJP) is an independent, addressing discrimination, corruption, violence, and more.
multidisciplinary organization working to advance the rule of
law around the world. Effective rule of law reduces corruption, Honorary Chairs
combats poverty and disease, and protects people from The World Justice Project has the support of outstanding
injustices large and small. It is the foundation for communities leaders representing a range of disciplines around the world.
of justice, opportunity, and peace—underpinning development, The Honorary Chairs of the World Justice Project are:
accountable government, and respect for fundamental rights.
Madeleine Albright; Giuliano Amato; Robert Badinter; James A.
Founded by William H. Neukom in 2006 as a presidential Baker III; Cherie Blair; Stephen G. Breyer; Sharan Burrow; David
initiative of the American Bar Association (ABA), and with the Byrne; Jimmy Carter; Maria Livanos Cattaui; Arthur Chaskalson;*
initial support of 21 other strategic partners, the World Justice Emil Constantinescu; Hans Corell; Hilario G. Davide, Jr.;
Project transitioned into an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit Hernando de Soto; Adama Dieng; William H. Gates, Sr.; Ruth
organization in 2009. Its offices are located in Washington, DC Bader Ginsburg; Richard J. Goldstone; Kunio Hamada; Lee H.
and Seattle, WA, USA; Mexico City, Mexico; and Singapore. Hamilton; Mohamed Ibrahim; Tassaduq Hussain Jillani; Anthony
M. Kennedy; Beverley McLachlin; George J. Mitchell; John Edwin
Our Approach Mroz;* Sandra Day O’Connor; Ana Palacio; Colin L. Powell; Roy
Traditionally, the rule of law has been viewed as the domain L. Prosterman; Richard W. Riley; Mary Robinson; Richard Trumka;
of lawyers and judges. But everyday issues of safety, rights, Desmond Tutu; Antonio Vitorino; Paul A. Volcker; Harold Woolf;
justice, and governance affect us all; everyone is a stakeholder Andrew Young; and Zhelyu Zhelev.*
in the rule of law. Based on this, the WJP’s mutually-reinforcing
lines of business employ a multi-disciplinary approach through Board of Directors
original research and data, an active and global network, and Shaikha Abdulla Al-Misnad; Kamel Ayadi; William C. Hubbard;
practical, locally-led programs to advance the rule of law Hassan Bubacar Jallow; Suet-Fern Lee; Mondli Makhanya; John
worldwide. Nery; William H. Neukom; Ellen Gracie Northfleet; James R.
Silkenat; and Petar Stoyanov.
Research & Scholarship
The WJP’s Research & Scholarship work supports research about Directors Emeritus
the meaning and measurement of the rule of law, and how it President Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai
matters for economic, socio-political, and human development.
The Rule of Law Research Consortium (RLRC) is a community Officers & Staff
of leading scholars from a variety of fields harnessing diverse William C. Hubbard, Chairman of the Board; William H. Neukom,
methods and approaches to produce research on the rule of law Founder and CEO; Mark D. Agrast, Vice President; Deborah Enix-
and its effects on society. Ross, Vice President; James R. Silkenat, Director and Treasurer;
Gerold W. Libby, General Counsel and Secretary.
WJP Rule of Law Index
The WJP Rule of Law Index® provides original, impartial data Staff: Elizabeth Andersen, Executive Director; Alejandro Ponce,
on how the rule of law is experienced and perceived by the Chief Research Officer; Richard Schorr, Chief Financial and
general public in 126 countries around the globe. It is the most Administrative Officer; Nancy Ward; Chief Engagement Officer;
comprehensive index of its kind. To date, more than 400,000 Laura Aquino; Lilian Chapa Koloffon; Killian Dorier; Alicia
households and experts have been interviewed worldwide. Evangelides; Vianney Fernández; Emily Gray; Amy Gryskiewicz;
Index findings have been referenced by heads of state, chief Camilo Gutiérrez Patiño; Matthew Harman; Roberto Hernández;
justices, business leaders, public officials, and the press, Alexa Hopkins; Ayyub Ibrahim; Priya Kholsa; Sarah Chamness
including media outlets in over 126 countries worldwide. Long; Rafael Lozano; Debby Manley; Rachel Martin; Joel
Martinez; Jorge Morales; Layda Negrete; Nikki Ngbichi-Moore;
Engagement Fernando Omedé; Samira Popal; Adriana Rios; Marien Rivera;
Engagement efforts include connecting and developing a Mario Rodriguez; Rebecca Silvas; Leslie Solís Saravia; Adriana
global network, organizing strategic convenings, and fostering Stephan; Gerard Vinluan; and Emily Youatt.
practical, on-the-ground programs. At our World Justice Forum,
regional conferences, and single-country engagements, citizens
and leaders come together to learn about the rule of law, build
their networks, and design pragmatic solutions to local rule of
law challenges. In addition, the World Justice Challenge provides


World Justice Project Funders
The World Justice Project thanks the following major
current funders for their generous support:

ABA–Criminal Justice
Anonymous (3)
Toby Bright
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
City of The Hague
Cooley LLP
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Fenwick & West LLP
K&L Gates LLP
Kent Walker and Diana Walsh
Microsoft Corporation
Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Perkins Coie LLP
Singapore Ministry of Law
United States Agency for International Development
United States Department of State
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Professional Corporation
William H. Neukom

A list of previous funders can be found at:

2019 WJP Rule of Law Index I 193

of Law

“Laws of justice which Hammurabi, the wise “I could adjudicate lawsuits as well as
king, established… That the strong might anyone. But I would prefer to make lawsuits
not injure the weak, in order to protect the unnecessary.”
widows and orphans..., in order to declare –Analects of Confucius
justice in the land, to settle all disputes, and
“It is more proper that law should govern than
heal all injuries.”
–Codex Hammurabi any one of the citizens.”
–Aristotle, Politics (350 BCE)
“Treat the people equally in your court and
“If someone disobeys the law, even if he is
give them equal attention, so that the noble
(otherwise) worthy, he must be punished.
shall not aspire to your partiality, nor the
If someone meets the standard, even if he is
humble despair of your justice.”
–Judicial Guidelines from ‘Umar Bin (otherwise) unworthy, he must be found
Al-Khattab, The Second Khalifa of Islam’ innocent. Thus the Way of the public good
will be opened up, and that of private
“All human beings are born free and equal in interest will be blocked.”
dignity and rights… Everyone is entitled to –The Huainanzi 139 BCE (Han Dynasty,
all the rights and freedoms set forth in this China)
Declaration, without distinction of any kind,
“The Law of Nations, however, is common to
such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
the entire human race, for all nations have
political or other opinion, national or social
established for themselves certain regulations
origin, property, birth or other status.”
–Universal Declaration of Human Rights exacted by custom and human necessity.”
–Corpus Juris Civilis
“We are all servants of the laws in order that
“Where-ever law ends, tyranny begins.”
we may be free.”
–John Locke, Two Treatises of Govern-
–Cicero (106 BCE - 43 BCE) ment (1689)

“No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned “Good civil laws are the greatest good that
or disseised of his free tenement or of his men can give and receive. They are the
liberties or free customs, or outlawed or source of morals, the palladium of property,
exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go and the guarantee of all public and private
against such a man or send against him save peace. If they are not the foundation of gov-
by lawful judgement of his peers or by the ernment, they are its supports; they moder-
law of the land. To no-one will we sell or deny ate power and help ensure respect for it, as
or delay right or justice.” though power were justice itself.”
–Magna Carta –Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis, Discours
Préliminaire du Premier Projet de Code

ISBN: 978-0-9964094-0-7

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