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Latest Revision 29 Dec 2013


EMPIRES IN ARMS is a strategic and diplomatic game for up to 7

players that covers the Napoleonic wars from 1805 until 1815. The
military counters in the game generally represent corps andfleets, with
each army factor being equivalent to roughly 1000 to2000 men and each
"ship" equivalent to 1 ship of the line or a number of smaller ships of
approximately equal force.

[ 1.1] THE MAP: The game is played on two maps which, when placed
together, show Europe and parts of Asia and North Africa. It is divided
into "areas" by colored lines for the purpose of regulating movement.
Some of these lines have additionalfunctions-as national or provincial
borders and/or as rivers. These lines and all other mapboard terrain
features are identified on the TERRAIN EFFECTS CHART printed in the
northwest corner of the combined mapboard.
1.1.1 WEST PRUSSIA: Add "(P)" after "West Prussia", i.e. West
Prussia is a possiblePolish province. DB& JJ
1.1.2 OFEN: For purposes of the 4.4 Victory Conditions Chart
only, Ofen is an Austrian national capital city (i.e. a victorious
power may not select Hungary for cession unless all other
Austrian provinces are already ceded). For purposes of (Money Collection by Taxation) and all other rules,
Ofen remains a provincial capital.MLB

[ 1.2 ] THE COUNTERS: There are eight sets of counters-one for each
of the major powers and one for the minor neutrals. Allcounters have a
distinctive background color-white for Austria, green for Russia, light
green for Turkey, blue for Prussia, light blue for France, red for Great
Britain, yellow for Spain and gray for the neutrals. The motifs on the 1.2.1 LEADER COUNTER CHANGES:
counters are decorative and functional, distinguishing infantry and WELLINGTON: The British leader Wellington has a
cavalry corps, fleets, and depotsand also provide information necessary strategic rating of 4, not 5 as printed on the counter. MLB
for the play of the game.There are two sizes of counters provided in the
game-the large counters for corps, fleets and depots, and the small [ 1.3 ] THE RULES: The rules are written in sequence of playorder.
counters for garrisons and off-map counters, guerrillas, cossacks and As rules sections are read, it is helpful to pull out and examinethe
freikorps, control flags, leaders and assorted markers. The component or chart being discussed while reading the rule. Somerules
informationprovided on each counter is shown as follows: relate only to the campaign games and are not required forplay of the
scenarios. Rules used only for the campaign games aredenoted by an
asterisk (*) in the rule heading. An asterisk with anyrule heading
indicates that all of that rule and all of its subsidiaryrules are ignored
for play of the scenarios. Players should play atleast a scenario or two
to familiarize themselves with the game'scombat and supply mechanics
before trying a campaign game. Atable of contents is provided to help
find and reference rules duringthe play of a game.

[ 1.4 ] THE GAME CARD: The Game Card contains the

mostcommonly used charts and tables for easy reference during a
game.Two copies are included.
1.4.1 Missing Minors: The Minor Countries Chart omitted a
line for Finland and Norway. If separated from their major
districts, treat use the National Modifiers on the MINOR
COUNTRIES CHART of Sweden for Finland and Denmark for
Norway. JJ

[ 1.5 ] THE NATIONAL CARDS: The seven National Cards for the
major powers have two sides, and players may use either side in a
game, as desired. Side one is used with small garrison/strength counters
to record the strengths of corps and fleets and with economic
manipulation markers for economic manipulation (see option 12.5) and
is recommended for use with the scenarios. Side two must be copied,
with pencils and erasers used to record and modify necessary
information and is recommended for use with the campaign games. The
card for the minor countries also has two sides. Side one is used to

record the strengths of corps and fleets the same as the major power cards' contains additional forms to be copied and cut up for use with option
side one, while side two has forms for use with option 12.6 and must be 12.6.
copied (numerous copies needed) and cut up for use. If side two of the
major power's national cards are used side one of the Minor Country [ 1.7 ] THE DICE: Two 6-sided dice are included.
National Card is not needed as strengths can be recorded on the major
powers' copies of side two. [ 1.8 ] OTHER: Pencils and scratch paper (not included) are useful.

[ 1.6 ] THE STATUS CARD: This card is used with small counters to
record political status, victory points and the game date. The back


After players decide which scenario or campaign game to play, the These factors are also interchangeable (e.g., a 2 and a 1 factor counters
following must be done to prepare for play. can be exchanged for a 3 factor counter, etc.), as with the garrison
strengths (see 2.4. 1). Note that most corps for most major powers allow
[ 2.1 ] SELECTION OF MAJOR POWERS: For the scenarios, players for a maximum number of regular infantry and/or militia factors plus an
may utilize any preferred method to select sides. For the campaign games additional number of cavalry factors (plus an additional number of guard
we recommend the procedure covered in 14.2. factors in some cases). Altering Strengths: The current strength of a corps or fleet is
[ 2.2 ] SCENARIO SETUP: The setup for each scenario is described in altered as strengths vary (e.g., because of swapping factors between
the scenario rules (see 13.0), and the setup for each campaign game is corps, combat losses, foraging losses, garrison detachments, etc.) by
found in the campaign game rules (see 14.0). These contain needed changing the number of factors in the appropriate boxes of that corps or
specific setup information not found here. fleet. Economic Manipulation (Optional): If option 12.5 is used, the
[ 2.3 ] MAPBOARD AND GAMING AREA SETUP: The two maps major power's economic manipulation markers should be initially placed
should be counter folded to lay flat and placed together so that they match in the 0 boxes of their ECONOMIC MANIPULATION DISPLAYS.
up. EMPIRES RV ARMS is a large game that requires a large area in USING SIDE TWO OF THE NATIONAL CARDS: Side two
which to play, and any table selected should be large enough not only to of the major power National Cards is recommended for campaign games
hold the maps but also to provide room for the various cards to be placed because most garrison/strength counters will be required to show
near and around the maps. garrisons and also because other sections are handy for maintaining
economic and reinforcement records for both the major powers and their
[ 2.4 ] COUNTER SETUP: This is covered in more detail in 13.0 and controlled minor Free States. This side of the cards should be
14.0. photocopied and used simply by penciling in information and erasing as
2.4.1 MAPBOARD COUNTERS: The forces on the map are changes are made.
represented by various counters. The strengths of garrisons (use Corps and fleet strengths for both the major power and its
garrison/strength counters), Cossacks, freikorps and guerrillas are directly controlled minor Free States can be penciled in and erased and adjusted
shown by the factor on the actual counter. These factors are totally as necessary.
interchangeable within their type (e.g., a 5 factor militia garrison counter Money expenditures between Economic Phases, prisoners, etc.
may be exchanged for a 2 factor plus a 3 factor militia counter, etc.). Each can be recorded on any free space on the copies.
cossack or freikorps counter is worth exactly one factor. The strengths of Economic manipulation (see option 12.5) is recorded as part of
corps and fleet counters are recorded off the map. the ECONOMIC AND MANPOWER WORKSHEET on side two plus
2.4.2 USING THE NATIONAL CARDS: The maximum strengths of
corps and fleets are shown on the appropriate National Cards (one card 2.4.3 STATUS CARD SETUP: The displays on this card record game
per major power, and one for all of the minor countries). The corps and information.
fleet counters when face-up on the map only show their general type and TIME: Place the Turn markers (month and year) in the
movement allowance. Which corps each counter represents is shown on appropriate boxes of the TIME DISPLAY to match the starting date of
the back of the counter and may be examined by only the owning player, the scenario or campaign.
except when its identity must be revealed to other players (e.g., during a * VICTORY POINTS:Place the victory point markers (three per
combat-see The designation of each fleet (and its movement major power) on the VICTORY POINTS DISPLAY to record each major
allowance) is shown on the front of the counter and so its designation and power's starting victory points as given in the campaign. Use the negative
exact strength should always be known to all players. sides to show negative points (possible in campaign games starting in USING SIDE ONE OF THE NATIONAL CARDS: Side one of 1805 if 14.2 and/or 14.3 are used) and the positive sides to show positive
each National Card contains spaces for indicating the strength of every points.
corps and fleet of that major power or of the minor countries. * POLITICAL STATUS: Place the political status markers (one Showing Strengths: The number in each box indicates the per major power) on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY to record each
maximum number of ships or army factors of that type that that corps or major power's starting political status as given in the campaign. The
fleet may contain. The current strength of a corps is shown by the starting boxes for each campaign are identified by letters for the major
placement of garrison/strength counters in the appropriate boxes. For this power (i.e., "Tu" =Turkey) and Roman numerals referenced to the
purpose, use any national or neutral infantry or militia garrison/strength campaign games on the "Campaign Setup" line of the boxes. The
counter or counters. The counters used can be of any type or nationality, POLITICAL POINTS CHART on the back of this rulebook is for
as it is their strength and the box they occupy that determine their effect reference when using the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY.
and what they represent. For example, a French militia counter of 3
factors in a Russian cavalry box acts as 3 cavalry factors, not as militia.


A "Turn" in EMPIRES IN ARMS represents one month of real time. [ 3.1 ] * THE POLITICAL PHASE: See 4.0. Players interact to
Each Turn consists of a number of "phases" which may be further broken achieve the game's political goals. This phase is performed in steps, as
down into "steps." Each phase or step is completed by all players before going follows:
to the next. Any phases or steps that do not apply during a Turn can be A. The Diplomacy Step.
skipped. The sequence of a Turn (also given on the Game Card) is as B. The Declarations of War Step.
follows: C. The Call to Allies Step. The order of calling is determined by
competitive die rolls.

D. The Peace Step. Peace term selection order is determined by the order A. The Depot Creation/Removal Step'
the major powers went to war. B. The Land Movement Step.
E. The Creating Alliances Step. C. The Supply Step.
F. The Minor Country Control Step. Setup in the order: France, D. The Land Combat Step.
Russia, Turkey, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Spain. (1) Resolve field, limited field and trivial combats.
G. The Breaking Alliances Step. (2) Resolve siege combats.
H. The Free State Declaration Step. E. The Guerrilla Step.
I. The Declaration of Combined Movement Step. F. * The Conquest Step.

[3.2 ] THE REINFORCEMENT PHASE: See Section 5.0. [ 3.5 ] * THE ECONOMIC PHASE: See 8.0. This phase occursonly
Reinforcements are introduced into the game and strength factors are every three months-at the end of the March, June, Septemberand
transferred or eliminated. This phase is performed in steps, as follows: December Turns. This phase is performed in steps as follows:
A *.The Naval Reinforcement Step.The major powers performthis step A. The Victory Points Step.
in the order; Spain, France, Prussia, Austria, Turkey,Russia, Great B. The Money and Manpower Collection Step.
Britain. C. The Lending Money Step.
B. The Army Reinforcement Step. The major powers perform this step D. The Manipulation Step.
in the order; Spain, Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, Turkey, Russia, E. The Money and Manpower Expenditure Step.
France. F. The Political Status Adjustment Step.
G. The Civil Disorder Step.
[ 3.3 ] * THE NAVAL PHASE: See 6.0. All naval operations are H. The Ceding Step.
handled. The major powers perform this phase in the sequence; Great I. The New Political Combinations Step (see options 11. I- 11. 6 and
Britain (any announced position in the sequence), Russia, Turkey, 11.8).
Austria, Prussia, France, Spain. As each major power performs this phase, J. The Levy Step.
the following steps are performed in order: K. The UMP Control Step.
A. The Naval Movement Step.
B. The Naval Combat Step. [ 3.6 ] THE TIME RECORD PHASE: See 9.0. The passage ofa Turn
is recorded.
[ 3.4 ] THE LAND PHASE: See 7.0. All land operations are handled. HR 3.1 Se adoptan los siguientes automatismos :
The major powers in campaign games perform this phase in the sequence; 1. Guarniciones de un factor se rinden automáticamente
France (any announced position in the sequence), Russia, Turkey, en caso de brecha.
Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Spain. In scenarios the French always go 2. Guarniciones de depot de un factor destruyen el depot
first, followed by all of the other major powers on the other side. As each siempre que son atacadas y se retiran a la ciudad.
major power performs this phase, the following steps are performed in 3. Cuerpos de infanteria sin lider y de un factor se refugian
order. (Perform Steps A-E in each Major Power’s Sequence. Perform
siempre en la ciudad si son atacados.
Step F at the end of the last player’s Land Phase.)


The actions of the Political Phase occur in the following order of steps country, unless no major power can be found to run that minor country
and during this phase only. The exception to this is declaration of war, (see 4.6).
which can also occur at other specified times (see 4.3,, 4.6.5, and 4.2.2 LIMITATIONS OF DECLARATIONS: A major power may
declare war within the following limitations:
[ 4.1 ] THE DIPLOMACY STEP: During this step, an agreed-upon A major power may not declare war on another major power or
period of time is set aside for discussion among the players. We neutral minor country if the declaring major power has corps, freikorps,
recommend no more than 5-10 minutes to keep the game moving. cossacks, garrisons or guerrillas within the second major power's
Generally, players will wish to separate into pairs or small groups and territory or within that neutral minor country.
move out of earshot of others for "secret” negotiations. This is the time to A major power already at war with another major power may
talk to other players about getting together for declarations of war, not declare war on other major powers if unbesieged enemy infantry
checking to see if allies will respond if called, preliminary discussions corps are already inside of its home nation.Gen 23/4
about peace terms, asking if others wish to ally, deciding on combined An area that cannot be reached by land movement from Paris or
movements and their announcement, expressing pleasure or displeasure, London does not count as being inside one’s home nation for the
making promises and threats, etc. purpose of this rule only (ie. Turkish or Spanish islands).
Diplomacy can be conducted at any phase during the gameFIN; however, War may not be declared on a neutral minor country if it is
we will NOTregularly stop the game for players to conduct diplomacy.JJ physically impossible for the declaring major power to enter the minor
country's territory during the Turn.
[ 4.2 ] THE DECLARATIONS OF WAR STEP: Next, each player HR Expl.: Físicamente imposible quiere decir que no
secretly writes down every major power or neutral minor country upon se puede entrar con tropas de tierra de ninguna forma
which he has chosen to declare war (if any). Players not declaring war posible, pero se puede declarar guerra si se llega dentro
may wish to write "no declarations" just to keep everybody guessing. All del territorio aunque sea con marchas forzadas y a traves
declarations are revealed simultaneously. In order for a major power and de territorio de otra nacion. Si hay cuerpos enemigos o no
its controlled minor countries to attack another major power or neutral que puedan bloquear ese movimiento no se tendra en
minor country or their forces, a declaration of war must have been made
cuenta. En el caso de tener que ir por mar para llegar, la
between them during this step (EXCEPTIONS: see 4.3,, 4.6.5,
única condicion sera que haya flotas con tropas en un and A major power that declares war is called an
"aggressor", and a major power or neutral minor country upon which war puerto y que haya movimiento suficiente de la flota para
is declared is called a "defender." llegar a desembarcar en un area cualquiera de esa
nacion. Por lo tanto se debe tener en cuenta las
4.2.1 POLITICAL POINT LOSSES FOR WAR DECLARATIONS: limitaciones de movimiento de las flotas combinadas y
Major Powers lose political points for each of their declarations and these que transportan tropas, pero no si esa flota esta bloqueada
changes must be recorded (see the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on o no.
the Status Card). A major power may not declare war against another major A major power loses three political points whenever it declares power if restricted by an enforced peace (see EXCEPTIONS:
war on another major power. Additionally, if a major power declares war See and provisions of peace term B.6 (see VICTORY
on an ally, there is an additional loss of two political points for breaking CONDITIONS CHART on the Game Card.
the alliance by the declaration of war. A major power loses one political point for each district (see 4.2.3 EXTENT OF DECLARATIONS: A declaration of war on a
10.4) in a neutral minor country when it declares war on that minor major power is also (at no further cost in political points) a declaration

of war on all of its controlled minor countries. Controlled minor countries
may not have war declared upon them separately. 4.4.3 CONDITIONAL PEACE: If the peace is conditional, the loser
surrenders and chooses one "peace condition" (also called a "peace
[ 4.3 ] THE CALL TO ALLIES STEP: Any major power who has in term")that will apply to him with that victor from list "A" of the
this Political Phase declared war on another major power or has had war VICTORY CONDITIONS CHART on the Game Card and the victor
declared upon it, may demand that an ally immediately declare war on the chooses up to two peace conditions from list "B" not conflicting with
new enemy, if not already at war with that enemy. If there is more than the list "A" choice. If surrendering condition ally to more than one
one declaration of war during a Declaration of War Step, the order in major power simultaneously, the same or a different peace condition
which defending and then ally to more than one major power from list "A" may be selected for each victor.
simultaneously, the same or aggressor players may "call to allies" is
determined by competitive die rolls. 4.4.4 UNCONDITIONAL PEACE: If the peace is unconditional,
each victor chooses up to three conditions from lists "B" and/or "C"
4.3.1 ALLY CALLING PROCEDURE: A player may call on some and the surrendering loser does not get a choice from list "A". Certain
allies and not on others, at the calling player's discretion. choices in list "B" preclude choices from "C" and vice-versa, as shown The defender calls his allies first, and then an aggressor may call on the VICTORY CONDITIONS CHART on the Game Card.
his allies only if the defender has attempted to do so. If there were FAQ 4.4.4b: If condition C.6 is chosen by all victors, they must all name the same
multiple declarations of war, all defenders call on their allies followed by specific leader to remove.
(if allowed) all aggressors. FAQ 4.4.4c: If condition C.6 is chosen, a leader not yet available (ex. Blucher in 1805) If two major powers declare war on each other simultaneously, can´t be chosen for removal.
they are both considered aggressors and thus neither may call allies. Interpretación 4.4.4 Elba: Un CI en préstamo por condición Should a called ally of a defender refuse a call, that refusing ally B4 NO puede recibir refuerzos ni absorber guarniciones. SI
is considered to have broken the alliance and loses the requisite political puede destacar guarniciones, a voluntad del vencedor
points (-2. See the POLITICAL POINTS CHART on the back of these
(no del propietario). En este caso, los factores destacados
rules). If any allies of an aggressor refuse his call to allies, both the ally
cuentan como bajas del cuerpo. Los factores destacados
and the aggressor are considered to have broken the alliance, with both
losing the requisite political points (-2) for breaking an alliance. pasan a ser controlados autom´ticamente por el If any ally cannot declare war because of peace-time restrictions propietario.
(an enforced peace-see, that ally may not be called upon. If an El modificador de forage (+1) por territorio amigo se refiere
ally cannot declare war for other reasons (see 4.2.2. 1 and, the en este caso al del pais controlador, no al del propietario.
ally can still be called and, since the call cannot be answered, will be El CI en préstamo no permite ni la creación de CIs de
forced to break its alliance. refuerzo, ni de depots, ni el uso de líderes del propietario.
HR Expl.: Es decir, si tienes cuerpos enemigos en tu ER: Victory Conditions: On the Game Card, under B.4, does
territorio natal (no asediadas) y te llaman como aliado the corps on loan revert upon losing half (rounded down)
debes romper la alianza al no poder acudir. of its army factors? A: Yes -- round fractions down for
4.3.2 ANSWERING A CALL: Allies called upon may only declare war
determining half of the corps' army factors.
upon the original aggressor or defender-further declarations of war
resulting from a call to allies do not permit a further call to allies. ER: Victory Condition B.6: Add: "Although can be
ignored in this case, the other restrictions of 4.2.2 still apply.
[ 4.4 ] THE PEACE STEP: Peace may be made only at this time. A ER: Victory Conditions C.7: Change the word "American" to
lapse of war with a minor country may also occur during this step (see "colonial".
4.6.6). Peace must be in one of the following forms.
4.4.1 INFORMAL PEACE: Two major powers may informally agree to a major power makes peace by "surrendering" to two or more enemies
a peace between themselves on whatever general terms they decide, none at once, it loses only one (the larger, if there is a difference) set of
of which are enforceable, and no political points are involved. An political points.
informal peace may never involve removing forces, the immediate ceding The victors choose their peace terms on an alternating basis
of territory, corps on loan, royal marriages, removal of leaders or until each has gained the maximum number of peace terms possible
dissolving or re-establishing the Holy Roman Empire. In this case there is and/or desired or all peace terms available for that type of surrender
no 18 month enforced peace and no enforceable reparations, trade have been taken.
restrictions, etc. can be imposed but forces are repatriated (see Victors choose their alternating peace terms in the order that
major powers simultaneously sue each other for peace (some players they went to war with the surrendering power-if the victors went to war
prefer to have this written and revealed simultaneously), they MUST both at the same time (a major power that went to war as a result of a call
accept an informal peace. Gen 27/2 from an ally is considered to have gone to war after the caller), resolve
the order of choice by competitive die rolls.
4.4.2 SUING FOR PEACE: A major power wishing to "surrender" may Regardless of the number of victors, no peace term may be
"sue" for peace. Minor countries may not sue for peace, although peace chosen more than once (EXCEPTION: peace term C.6, which all
can come through a "lapse" in a war (see 4.6.6). victors must choose as one of their selections to go into effect). For A major power may not sue for peace to another major power example, if one victor chose peace term B.4 (which also precludes
that does not have forces within the suing home nation’s borders unless, choices B.1 and Cl ), no other victor could choose B.1, B.4 or C.].
at the same time, it sues for peace to all major powers with which it is at
war. 4.4.6 EFFECTS OF PEACE: When two major powers make any type When a major power sues for peace, the opponent must then of peace, the following are always done:
offer a "formal peace," either a "conditional peace," which must be PRISONER EXCHANGE: All surrendered factors and
accepted, or an "unconditional peace," which may be accepted only if the captured leaders are mutually exchanged. The exchanged factors are
suing player desires.If desired, and several major powers are being sued placed the same as reinforcements (see 5.2 and 5.3) during the next
for peace, have each player write down 'conditional' or 'unconditional' Reinforcement Phase. This is the only time prisoners are exchanged,
before revealing all the peace proposals simultaneously.Gen 27/2 although captured leaders may be returned at other timesat the captor's Political points change as follows (also see the POLITICAL option (see 10.6.3).
POINTS CHART on the back of these rules): HR Esta HR aclara el FAQ Los factores Conditional Surrender: A major power accepting the conditional capturados de caballeria se devuelven como factores de I
surrender of another major power gains + 3 political points. A major (ya que se considera que los caballos son confiscados), la
power that surrenders conditionally to any number of other major powers guardia retorna como G (siguen siendo soldados
at the same time (but does not surrender unconditionally to any other veteranos y entrenados), y la artilleria vuelve como 1/2 I
major power at that same time) loses-5 political points. (redondeado hacia abajo, son soldados entrenados pero Unconditional Surrender: A major power accepting the sin cañones. Los factores Ck, Fk y Gr, no se devuelven. Los
unconditional surrender of another major power gains +5 political points. factores feudales vuelven como factores de infantería
A major power that surrenders unconditionally to any number of other
feudal (hasta el límite de los cuerpos de infantería
major powers at the same time (some simultaneous surrenders may be
feudales, el exceso se pierden). El jugador turco puede
conditional, but at least one must be unconditional) loses -8 political
points. volver a reclutar feudales al año siguiente (no se captura
el "cuerpo"), y todos los feudales capturados se eliminan a
la vez que se hacen nuevas levas. 4.5.1: Major Powers who are already allied may not re-ally with each
Addendum: Los factores de Guardias retornan como other.
refuerzos en la siguiente fase económica. 4.5.2: Major Powers at war with one another may not ally. FORCE REPATRIATION: All corps in the other major power's 4.5.3: Major Powers that broke an earlier alliance may not re-ally until
territory are picked up and moved to the nearest area or areas in a now at least twelve months after the date of breaking the earlier alliance
(after the control of ceded territories has been marked) friendly-controlled (keep written records of when alliances are broken).
province or minor country. Similarly, garrisons are picked up and moved
to the nearest friendly area or areas where depots and/or cities are [4.6] THE MINOR COUNTRY CONTROL STEP: A major power
available to hold the factors. If two or more areas are equidistant, the must, if possible, be chosen to run each neutral minor country upon
owning player chooses the area, or may choose to place some forces in which war has been declared. The major power chosen must not be at
some of or each of the equidistant areas. All depots in the other major war with that neutral minor country and may only be an ally of a major
power's territory are just picked up. All fleets (unless given permission to power at war with it if there are no non-allies willing or eligible to run
stay) must leave during the next Naval Phase. EXCEPTION: If the victor it. If there is no major power willing or eligible to run the minor
chooses peace term C.5, none of the victor's forces may be repatriated, country, no attacker loses political points for declaring war on it and its
but garrison factors in capital cities must (except with permission to stay) forces are not set up. (See 10. 2. 1 for conquering min or neutral
be moved to the nearest possible area(s) that can hold them that is not a countries.)
capital city. FAQ 4.6: If a minor country is controlled by a power which
[12.4] PEACE TREATY LIMITED ACCESS: This option supersedes has declared combined movement with the power with
the force repatriation rules in and forces are not which that minor is at war, the minor moves with its
repatriated when peace is made. Instead, when peace is controlling power.
made, the former enemies have a period of automatic 4.6.1 CONTROL CHANGE DUE TO INSTABILITY/FIASCO
POLITICAL STATUS: If a controlling major power's political status
"limited access" to get their forces out of the former enemy
marker is located in' the Instability or Fiasco Zones on the POLITICAL
power's territory. STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card during a Minor Country
12.4.1 GARRISONS: By the end of three Land Phases after Control Step, its controlled minor countries may change control or
peace is made, all garrison factors must be out of the other revert to neutral status at the start of this step (see 10.5.2 for details).
major power's cities. In the case of a victor that chose peace
condition C.5, the requirement is reduced to getting garrisons 4.6.2 SELECTING CONTROLLING MAJOR POWERS: The
out of the capital cities during this period. major power who will run the minor country is that with the highest
modified die roll, with any ties being decided by additional competitive
12.4.2 CORPS, FLEETS AND DEPOTS: By the end of six Land unmodified die rolls. Each eligible major power that wishes do so may
Phases after peace is made, all corps, fleets, depots and roll a die, modifying the result by:
depot garrison factors must be out of the other major power's NATIONAL MODIFIERS: Find the national modifiers on the
territory. This requirement can be ignored by a victor that MINOR COUNTRIES CHART on the Game Card Next to the name of
chose peace condition C.5. each minor country in the "National Modifiers" column, is the national
modifier located under an abbreviation of each major power.
12.4.3 FAILURE TO LEAVE: Any forces that have not met the STATUS MODIFIERS: See the POLITICAL STATUS
requirements in 12.4.1 and 12.4.2 in the required times must
DISPLAY on the Status Card. The "Status Modifier" is given to the
be demobilised and/or scuttled during the next right of each line or "zone." For example, if a major power's political
Reinforcement Phase (NOTE: rule limitations on status marker is in a box of the Dominant Zone, the modifier is + 1.
scuttling may be ignored to meet this requirement) unless the ALREADY AT WAR: If already at war with any of the major
major power controlling the territory grants voluntary access powers who have declared war on that minor neutral, a +2 modifier
(see 10.3). applies. MANDATORY ENFORCED PEACE LENGTH: Except for
an informal peace, neither Major Power may declare war on the other for 4.6.3 ASSUMING CONTROL PROCEDURE:
18 months (EXCEPTIONS: see and provisions of peace term MARKING CONTROL: The major power selected to run the
B.6). Certain peace terms may extend this time period for the loser (see minor country gains a political point per district (see 10.4) in the minor
peace terms B.2 and C.2 on the VICTORY CONDITIONS CHART on country (record on the POLITICAL POINTS CHART on the Status
the Game Card). Keep written records of when peaces are made and when Card), and, to show control, places one of its control flags in the minor
major powers may again go to war. country. If the minor country has no forces, a conquered control flag is STATUS OF CEDED MINOR FREE STATES: Any major placed there. If the minor count has forces, that player places a Free
power that acquires minor Free States as a result of peace conditions B.7 State control flag in that country and immediately sets them up. Once a
or C.4 may accept them as they are with their forces or immediately player has been selected to run a minor country, that minor country
change them to conquered minor countries and remove their forces as in may no longer incur separate declarations of war, until it returns to
8.8.5. neutrality. ORDER OF SETUP: If the forces of a number of different
4.4.7 SEPARATE PEACE AND ALLIES: If a major power surrenders minor countries all need to be set up, they should be set up by the
to some but remains at war with other major powers, a major power with controlling major powers in the order: France, Russia, Turkey, Austria,
which war continues may demand that an ally or allies that was a victor in Prussia, Great Britain, Spain.
the formal peace immediately break their alliance(s) with the major INITIAL STRENGTH FACTORS: The MINOR
power still at war (and lose -2 political points for breaking the alliance). COUNTRIES CHART on the Game Card shows the starting minor
For example, Russia and Austria are allies and are both at war with country strengths in infantry ("If"), cavalry ("Cv") and ships ("Sh") for
Prussia. Prussia surrenders to Austria, but not to Russia. The Russian campaign games starting in the given years. This chart also shows the
player may demand that Austria break its alliance with Russia. An ally state of each minor country at the start of these campaign games-
may also demand that an ally that concludes an informal peace with a whether it is neutral, conquered, a Free State, what major power
common enemy break their alliance. controls it, etc. LAND SETUP: Any, all or none of the minor country corps are
4.4.8 A FINAL PEACE: If, as a result of a formal peace, a major set up in any area(s) of that minor country and its initial army strength
power's province containing its home nation's capital is ceded (which can factors distributed among those corps and/or as garrisons.
only be done if no alternate province is available for ceding), that major CAPITAL GARRISON: Every neutral minor (even those
power is permanently out of the game and all of its home nation forces which have no corps marker) when declared war upon gains one
are permanently eliminated from the map. infantry PER CAPITAL to place as a garrison. This is in addition to
any forces listed on the MINOR COUNTRIES CHART. At a minimum
this one factor must remain as a garrison until the minor is conquered,
[ 4.5 ] THE CREATING ALLIANCES STEP: New formal alliances
the war lapses or the controlling major is no longer at war. When the
are now announced and each of the two major powers that ally gain
war ends, if the minor is a Free State, it retains the garrison(s),
political points (see the POLITICAL POINTS CHART on the back of
otherwise remove them. JJ
these rules). FLEET SETUP: If the minor country has a fleet, it is set up in
any port in that minor country or in any sea area adjacent to such a
port, at its current strength.

5 POLITICAL POINTS FROM CONTROL: The major power FAQ If a major power gains control of a minor via a
controlling the minor Free State gains and loses political points for any declaration of war, but does not declare war on the
combats involving the minor country's forces. invader, the controlling power's leaders can't be sent to
lead minor troops.
4.6.4 MORE THAN ONE DECLARATION OF WAR UPON HR Las tropas de un menor no pueden ser utilizadas
A MINOR COUNTRY: If more than one major power has declared war contra una potencia que no haya declarado la Guerra a
on the same neutral minor country in the same Turn, any of the major
ese menor pero que esté en guerra contra su controlador
powers may back down from the war declaration (but still lose the
(control parcial) hasta que haya pasado el lapso de
political points for the declaration)-if necessary, the involved players
should secretly write down their intentions and reveal them guerra referente al control de ese menor y su control no
simultaneously. If any two major powers who are both in a period of esté en entredicho, o hasta que su potencia controladora
enforced peace (see with each other and hence are not able to declare la guerra a la potencia agresora del menor. A
declare war upon one another, both declare war upon the same minor partir de ese momento, el control del menor pasa a ser
country then they must both back down, still paying the political point total por parte del Major Power controlador.
cost for the war declaration. If a major power is unable to declare war on 4.6.6 LAPSE OF WAR WITH MINOR COUNTRIES: If, during
any other major power that also declared war on the minor country for any Peace Step prior to the conquest of a minor country, any invading
anyother reasons (see and or for portions of a loser's major power has no corps within that minor country, then that major
enforced peace that exceed a winner's enforced peace), that major power power is considered to be no longer at war with the minor country and
must back down, still paying the political point cost for the war must be at war with the major power controlling it before he can attack
declaration. Major Powers are not considered to have broken an alliance it again. Any garrisons, cossacks and/or freikorps are repatriated as per
by these actions. NOTE: For multi-districtminor countries (see 10.4), this RETAINING CONTROL: If, after this, no major powers remain applies if a secondary district has been conquered and there are no
at war (including a lapse of war-see 4.6.6) with the minor country it invading major power corps within the rest of that minor country.
remains in the control of the major power who gained control through
4.6.2. [ 4.7 ] THE BREAKING ALLIANCES STEP: A major power may FORCED WAR DECLARATIONS: If two or more major break any standing alliances, even if made this Turn, paying the
powers do not back down and remain at war with the minor country, each political points cost of -2 for breaking an alliance. This is not a
must declare war on all the other major powers also attacking the minor declaration of war.
country (if not already at war with them all). All those remaining major
powers are eligible to attack the minor country and each other, but not [ 4.8 ] THE FREE STATE DECLARATION STEP: Major powers
minor country's the controlling major power (unless at war with it). can declare that any of their conquered minor countries that can have This costs the same in total as a declaration of war on corps are now minor Free States. Replace the conquered control flag
one major power. with a Free State control flag in that country. Its fleet if any, is set up at there are any allies and/or royal marriages involved, then the its current strength and its corps, fleets, land, and naval factors may be
alliances and/or royal marriages are broken and the requisite points lost purchased beginning in the next Economic Phase (see 8.2 and 8.5).
for EACH. Gen 23/4 Once a major power has declared a minor country to be a Free State, it There are no calls to allies for these declarations of war. may not be later "undeclared" (ie., switched back to being a conquered
minor country by that major power).
COUNTRIES: The minor power's controlling major power now has the [4.9] THE DECLARATION OF COMBINED MOVEMENT
option (if eligible and not restricted-see 4.2.2) of declaring war on none, STEP: Allies may declare that their Naval and Land Phases will be
any, or all of the aggressors. combined for the remainder of the Turn, with movement of all their This costs (in political points) the same in total, regardless of the forces being conducted in the order of the ally moving last in each
number of declarations of war, as for a declaration of war on one major phase. This enables allies to move and attack together (see 6.1.2 and
power (-3 political points) plus the political points lost for each broken 7.1.2).If desired, write down combined movement declarations and
alliance (-2 political points). No allies can be called for these declarations reveal them simultaneously.Gen 23/4
of war. FAQ 4.9.2: OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: Two powers If the controlling power desires to help the minor country against
who are not allied both can't declare combined
the major power(s) attacking it, it has to declare war on or already be at
movement with a common ally, thereby gaining combined
war with the other major power(s) before its forces can take part in any
combat with that other major power. If it is not at war with at least one of movement with each other.
the attacking major powers, the con-trolling major power may not HR 4.9.2 Expl: El mov. combinado sólo puede ser entre
garrison or control any cities of the minor country other than with that aliados. Todos han de estar aliados con todos. Además,
minor country's factors-the minor country must be run using only the para que una nacion haga movimiento combinado con
minor country's own forces, although the controlling major power may varias otras naciones, todas estas otras naciones deben
pay for depots and/or supply costs for the minor country. hacer movimiento combinado entre ellas, y por supuesto, The controlling major power's corps are ignored in any combat
para poder hacerlo deben estar ya aliados entre sí.
involving that minor country's forces unless against a force which
consists of factors of one or more countries with which it is at war (see
6.3.1 and 7.3.8)


Reinforcements are those counters and strength factors including leaders have at least one ship strength factor (called "ships") immediately
due to enter the game in the current month. All operations discussed in placed in (see 5.1.2) or transferred (see 5.1.3) to them.
this section may be performed only during this phase, unless stated 5.1.2 PLACING SHIPS: All ships due this Turn (see 8.5.3) may be
otherwise. placed in any of their fleets (including fleets just placed by 5.1.1) in a
friendly controlled home nation port or conquered minor country port,
[ 5.1 ] * THE NAVAL REINFORCEMENT STEP: In this step, all whether blockaded or not, but not so as to exceed the ship capacity of
players may place on the board those naval reinforcements due this Turn. any fleet. Ships due this Turn can be postponed until any later Turn or
This step is performed in the order; Spain, France, Prussia, Austria, Turns (keep a written record of all postponed ships). Minor Free State
Turkey, Russia, Great Britain. ships are added similarly but only in ports of that minor Free State.
5.1.3 TRANSFER OF SHIPS: During a Naval Reinforcement Step, a
5.1.1 PLACING EMPTY FLEET COUNTERS: Purchased (see 8.5.4) major power may also transfer ships between fleets occupying the same
empty fleet counters (called "fleets") may be placed in any friendly- sea area, blockade box or port. Fleets of different nationalities
controlled home nation port or with any existing fleet counter but must (including different minor countries or of a major power and any minor
country) may not transfer ships. If all ships are transferred from a fleet,

the fleet counter is removed from the map at no cost in political points new factors during December Levy Steps-see 8.10, and
(see 5.1.4. 1).
5.1.4 REMOVING FLEETS AND SHIPS ("SCUTTLING") Adding Factors to Garrisons: Regular infantry (guard or
A player may remove any of his fleet counters (permanently eliminating regular cavalry factors may be 'Converted to infantry factors in order to
all untransferred ships, if any, that they contain). Scuttling can also occur be placed in garrison-see or militia factors may be added as
under conditions covered in 6.2.6. garrisons in unbesieged friendly-controlled cities in the home nation. Each fleet "scuttled" that contains one or more ships causes the Minor Free State infantry factors can be added in this way but only
loss of -1 political point (record on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY inside that minor Free State's borders.
on the Status Card). Removing a fleet that contains no ships costs no Adding Factors to Corps in Supply: Any army factor can be
political points. added to an unbesieged corps of the same nationally which is not up to Minor country fleets and major power UMP (see 14.3) fleets may full strength (for the type of factor) and which is on or adjacent to a
never be scuttled during this step. friendly depot that is a supply source or part of a valid supply chain A fleet counter must be repurchased during the Money and (see 7.2.3). Another major power's depot or supply chain may not be
Manpower Expenditure Step of an Economic Phase (see 8.5.4) to be used for this purpose.
placed back on the map. FAQ According the the definition of "valid supply
12.1.2 SHIP BUILDING LOCATIONS: When ships are purchased, chains" given in, intervening uncontrolled territory
the exact port or ports where these ships will become does not affect the supply chain, therefore the
available when completed (ie., where they are being "built") reinforcements can be placed. Adding factors to corps in
must be noted and announced (their building is common supply may reinforcements "cross" uncontrolled territory.
knowledge). These ports are the only ones where these ships For example, if a corps is on a depot that is in a valid
can become available as reinforcements. supply chain, but the area between that depot and the
next depot is an uncontrolled minor, reinforcements can be If a port city containing building and/or completed placed.
but unassigned ships is occupied by an enemy, all of these For regular infantry, regular cavalry, artillery or
major power ships are considered to be destroyed. guard infantry factors, this depot must be part of a valid supply
chain of six or less depots to that point, which starts at a supply If a minor free state port city containing building
source in the home nation.
and/or completed but unassigned ships is occupied by an For militia factors, the valid supply chain can only
enemy, these minor power ships are not necessarily be at most three depots long to that point.
considered to be destroyed and, if building, construction can Minor Free States may receive their factors in the
continue normally, as the major power that took the port same way, but must trace a supply line (of their controlling
desires (competitive die rolls determine the ships' fate if a major power) back to a supply source in their minor country.
mixed force occupies the port and agreement cannot be Supply lines for reinforcements may be also be
reached). Control of these ships will eventually go to the traced in whole or in part via sea supply (see 7.4.3) but not via
major power that controls both the minor country fleet invasion supply (see 7.4.4)
counter and the port, so that the ships can be transferred to HR Aclaración : el límite de depots en la línea de
the fleet. suministro para recibir refuerzos incluye el depot
inicial de la cadena.
[ 5.2 ] THE ARMY REINFORCEMENT STEP: In this step, all 5.2.3 TRANSFER OF ARMY FACTORS: During an Army
players may place on the board those army reinforcements due this Turn. Reinforcement Step unbesieged corps in the same area may exchange
Army factors of artillery, regular cavalry, guard infantry (called "guard"), factors as desired, capacity permitting. Corps of different nationalities
regular infantry and militia infantry (called "militia") factors (feudal (including different minors or a major power and a minor country) may
infantry, feudal cavalry, insurrection corps militia, insurrection corps not exchange factors. This is the only time during a Turn that army
cavalry, cossack, freikorps and guerrilla factors are also army factors but factors may be exchanged except to detach and absorb garrison factors
they are not placed on the map-board during this step unless part of a (see 7.3.3). Army factors may also be exchanged with garrisons in the
prisoner exchange-see 4.4.6. 1) due this Turn must be added as same area during this step, the same as in 7.3.3 and, if all factors are
reinforcements. Their placement may not be delayed. Army factors that detached from a corps, the corps counter is removed (see 5.2.4).
cannot be placed are lost. This step is performed in the order; Spain, EXCEPTIONS: Feudal, insurrection and artillery factors may not be
Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France. exchanged.
5.2.1 CORPS COUNTER REINFORCEMENTS: 5.2.4 REMOVING CORPS AND ARMY FACTORS ("DEMO- SCENARIO CORPS PLACEMENT: The scenarios specifically BILIZING"): At this time army factors forming all or any part of a
provide for the placement of new corps counters. If placement is not garrison of a city or depot and/or corps counters (and any army factors
possible, due to enemy control of or the presence of enemy corps in the they may hold) may be removed from the board. These factors are lost,
placement area, the corps counters (and all army factors they hold) are but there is no political point penalty.
lost. In scenarios a corps counter may be brought back on the map * CAMPAIGN CORPS PLACEMENT: Purchased empty corps when a corps counter is designated as a reinforcement.
counters may be placed in an unbesieged home nation city (or minor Free *: In campaign games, a corps counter that has been removed
State city for corps of that minor Free State) or with any existing, from the map must be purchased during a later Money and Manpower
unbesieged friendly corps. A factor must be immediately placed in (see Expenditure Step of an Economic Phase (see 8.5.4) to be returned to or transferred (see 5.2.3) to such a corps. the map.
5.2.2 PLACING ARMY FACTORS: If placement of any army factor 12.1.1 MILITIA CONVERSION: During a Money and
reinforcements is not possible, due to corps limits or garrison capacities Manpower Expenditure Step, while at war with no other
or enemy siege and/or control of cities, these reinforcements are lost. major power, a major power's player may remove any SCENARIO ARMY FACTOR PLACEMENT: The scenarios militia factors located in controlled home nation territory
specifically provide for the placement of all reinforcement forces. Army from the map and pay three money points per militia factor
factors specified to be placed in an area may be added to corps or as to "convert" them to regular infantry factors. These new
garrisons in that area. For the scenarios, eligible corps are those that are regular infantry factors are returned to the map as
unbesieged and which have the capacity to hold the factors. reinforcements three months later (ie., the same as newly- CAMPAIGN ARMY FACTOR PLACEMENT: purchased regular infantry factors). Adding to Corps Inside Home Nations: Factors may be added to 5.2.5 SCENARIO MONEY: Money received in scenarios arrives
any unbesieged corps of the same nationality which has the capacity and during the Army Reinforcement Step (money arrives during the
is inside its home nation (this excludes ceded provinces). Minor Free Economic Phase of campaign games). Money is in the form of "money
State factors can be added in this way, but inside that minor Free State's points," denoted by a "$" for convenience.
borders. NOTE: Feudal corps must be in their home province which
currently contains no unbesieged enemy corps (see 10. 1. 3) or off-map
and insurrection corps must be in an Austrian-controlled border province
Leaders may be retired from the map during their appropriate
which currently contains no unbesieged enemy corps (see 10. 1.4) or off-
Reinforcement Step or if all their corps are eliminated by foraging (see
map-during an Army Reinforcement Step feudal and insurrection corps or by failure to disembark (see Leaders may not be
will only get reinforcements from prisoner exchanges (normally they get
retired if in a besieged city (a besieged port city must also be blockaded

to prevent a leader's retirement). Retired leaders are returned (along with Reinforcement Phase [5.0] add the country specific leader
newly introduced leaders) as reinforcements on any later Army to that country’s force pool. (Example: Spain is down to one
Reinforcement Step (Naval Reinforcement Step for the NELSON leader). leader and so gains his 112D.) There can only be one extra
Leader reinforcements may be placed with any corps (fleets for leader per country in use. This leader may be added as a
NELSON) controlled by their major power. normal leader from this point onwards. On the
Reinforcement Phase [5.0] where a major power again has
5.3.1 LEADER MINIMUMS:If a major power loses leaders this minimum (due to wounded leaders returning or gaining
(wounded or killed, captured leaders do not count) and has new leaders as listed reinforcements), then instantly
fewer leaders than listed for their country below, then they remove the “generic” leader, even if he is besieged. JJ
may receive a “generic” replacement leader counter to his
force pools. This represents a random general that would be Replacement Leader Capture: A replacement
available if other leaders were killed or wounded leader is never captured. If the stack with a replacement
“generic”replacement leader. There can only be one extra leader is completely destroyed, the replacement leader is
leader per country. On the Reinforcement Phase [5.0] where returned to the controlling player.These represent generic
a major power again has this minimum (due to wounded leaders of no real importance. If one is “captured” or killed,
leaders returning or gaining new leaders as listed they would just replace him with some other general. JJ
reinforcements), then instantly remove the “generic” leader,
even if he is besieged. JJ Leader Usage Restrictions:
Austria: fewer than 3 leaders, gains a 123D Areplacement leader may only be stacked with a force
France: fewer than 4 leaders, gains a 223D where at least 50% of the army factors are of the same
GreatBritain: fewer than 1(non-naval) leader, gains nationality. (Neither controlled minor Free States nor
a Kingdom factors count for this limit.) At the end of any
222D - Yes,this give GB a leader at the start of the phase where there arefewer than 50% of the leader’s
1805 campaign. national forces in the same stack as the replacement
Prussia: fewer than 2 leaders, gains a 122D leader, remove that leader from the board (unless
Russia: fewer than 3 leaders, gains a 114D besieged). He can be brought in again normally on the
Spain: fewer than 2 leaders, gains a 112D next Reinforcement Phase [5.0] normally as long as the
Turkey: fewer than 3 leaders, gains a 213D requirements in are still met. JJ When a Replacement Leader Can be Used: When a
replacement leader becomes available, during the next


[ 6.1 ] THE NAVAL PHASE SEQUENCE: At the beginning of this FAQ If a fleet enters a blockaded port using its last
phase, Great Britain announces when in the following sequence he will MP, declines to be intercepted (per, and joins
be moving. The other major powers move in this order:Russia, Turkey, with the fleet already there, the combined fleet may then
Austria, Prussia, France, Spain. move to the blockade box and attack, because rule
6.1.1 MINOR FREE STATE SEQUENCE: All naval forces of minor states that it costs no MPs to move from the port to
Free States move with their controlling major power. the blockade box.
6.1.2 COMBINED MOVE SEQUENCE: In order for a major power to
HR Las casillas de bloqueo son áreas navales
move in the sequence of another major power, those major powers must
especiales, pero con las características del resto de áreas
be allies and must have announced combined movement during the
Declaration of Combined Movement Step of the Political Phase. navales, y se pueden construir depósitos en las casillas de
Combined major power movement is conducted in the sequence of the bloqueo.
ally who would have moved last in the phase. DARDANELLES MOVEMENT: A fleet may not enterthe
6.1.3 NAVAL PHASE STEPS: Each major power sequence of the Dardanelles sea area unless that major power controls an unbesieged
Naval Phase is divided into Naval Movement and Naval Combat Steps. Constantinople, besieges Constantinople (see 10.7) or has access (see
Each player completes both steps during his major power sequence before 10.3) from the major power controlling Constantinople.
the next player commences his major power sequence. The player taking HR Expl: El que controla Constantinopla decide
his sequence and his counters are described as "phasing" during that time quien pasa, excepto por C.5. Una flota dentro de
and all other players and their counters are called "non-phasing." Constanipla o el Mar de marmara siempre puede salir de
alli, pero solo puede entrar si el que controla el estrecho lo
[ 6.2 ] THE NAVAL MOVEMENT STEPS: Major power players may quiere.
move any or all of their fleets up to the limit of their movement ICE LINE RESTRICTIONS: A fleet may not exit or enter a
allowances during their sequence of a Naval Phase. sea area north of the ice line during any winter month (see 9. 1). If
6.2.1 GENERAL NAVAL MOVEMENT RULES: Each fleet has a already in a sea area north of the ice line, it must remain these until
maximum movement allowance of 7 movement points. Phasing fleets winter ends and no naval combats can be fought.
may expend from 0 to 7 movement points each during their sequence. 12.2.1 OPTIONAL SEA CROSSING ARROWS:
Movement points may not be accumulated from Turn to Turn nor may CHANNEL ARROW: Consider that there is a sea
they be transferred among fleets.
crossing arrow between the Lille area and the area east of SEA MOVEMENT COSTS: Each sea area entered costs one
move into a port from any of the sea areas touching its blockade box and areas are extremely narrow and could be dominated even
vice-versa. It costs one movement point to enter a blockade box from an by the guns of the period. A fleet in the sea area cannot
adjacent sea area or vice-versa. It costs no movement points to move block any of the sea crossing arrows in Denmark or the one
between a port and its blockade box or vice-versa and all fleets entering connecting the Copenhagen and Malmo areas if enemy
or exiting ports are considered to do so by passing through the port's corps and/or garrisons are located in both land areas
blockade box. To signify that a fleet is in port, it is placed on the coastline connected by the arrows.
of the associated land area. A fleet(s) may enter a port controlled by
another major power or neutral minor country only to attack a fleet(s) 12.2.2 NAVAL RAIDING: For each sea area adjacent to
there or with the controlling major power's permission, even if the port Great Britain that contains an enemy fleet(s), British colonial
city has no garrison. In no other cases may a fleet be located in a land trade is reduced by 5 money points (maximum reduction
area. to "0"). This is determined during an Economic Phase.

6.2.2 NAVAL MOVEMENT PROCEDURE: A major power's fleets is an exception to the rule of automatic interception in a
occupying the same port, blockade box or sea area must always be blockade box (see
combined into one "stack." Major powers that are in the same port, A fleet in a port may only intercept enemy fleets
blockade box or sea area that have announced combined movement are entering the adjacent sea area(s) and then only if not blockaded.
treated as one stack. FAQ A fleet in port can intercept an enemy
FAQ 6.2.2: If a fleet moves into an area with another fleet of fleet leaving that port's blockade box if that leaves no
the same nationality and is intercepted, the intercepting fleet more blockading fleets. See rule
have to attack both fleets. The rule quoted was 6.2.2, which A fleet entering a blockade box may only be
states "A major power's fleets occupying the same port, intercepted by enemy fleets which currently occupy that
blockade box, or sea area must always be combined into blockade box and a fleet in a blockade box may only intercept
one 'stack'." enemy fleets which enter that blockade box (and the interception A player may pick up any or all of the fleets in a stack and begin is automatic if attempted).
moving them as one stack. A fleet adjacent to the Dardenelles sea area would Fleets may be added to this stack by moving it to the port, not be able to intercept fleets entering that area unless it was
blockade box or sea area containing the fleet(s) desired to be added. permitted under the restrictions of Fleets may be dropped off in any port, blockade box or sea area If a major power attempting an interception has
through which the stack passes. several different stacks available for an interception, one stack Once a stack ends its movement, it may not be moved again this only may be selected and announced for that interception
player sequence (EXCEPTIONS: for interceptions, for retreat or pursuit attempt. If that stack fails to intercept, no other stack of the
following naval combat or to leave an enemy-controlled port-see 6.2.6). major power may attempt that same interception. So long as no fleet moves twice nor exceeds its movement RESOLUTION OF NAVAL INTERCEPTIONS:
allowance, the player may continue to repeat this process until all desired Blockade Box Interceptions: When a phasing stack enters a
fleets have been moved. blockade box and is automatically intercepted by an enemy fleet(s)
12.2.3 MOVING LARGE FLEETS/ TRANSPORTS: Larger fleets or there, it must win the immediate interception naval combat before it
fleets convoying transports are not as mobile as smaller can continue moving.
fleets. If more than one enemy major power's fleets occupy
that blockade box, the entering fleet(s) is intercepted by the These rules apply to fleets in an area that are all
major power higher in the sequence specified in 6. 1.
controlled by one major power and/or using combined
ELBA : Todas las potencias que están en la casilla de
movement. They do not apply to fleets in the same area that
bloqueo pueden interceptar, en el orden dado por
are controlled by different major powers that are not using
6.1 ; se aplica a las intercepciones en Casilla
combined movement.
de Bloqueo. Any fleet starting its Naval Phase in a stack where If all enemy fleets choose not to intercept, the
some or all of the fleets are transporting corps and/or contain phasing fleet(s) may continue moving (the same as if the combat
a depot for invasion supply loses "-1" movement point off of had been won).
its movement allowance for the Naval Phase. Since a phasing stack must enter a port to add fleets Any fleet starting its Naval Phase in a stack loses "-1" in that port to the stack and fleets entering a port may avoid
movement point off of its movement allowance for the Naval blockade box interception (see 1), a phasing player
Phase per fleet in the stack in excess of one fleet. For wishing to add a fleet or fleets in a port to a stack has a choice of
example, the movement allowance in a stack of two fleets how to handle a blockade box interception situation. The
would be reduced to "6" and, in a stack of three fleets, would phasing player may announce a wish to be intercepted in the
be reduced to "5". blockade box and fight an interception combat before entering Rules and are cumulative if both the port to add the fleets there or may avoid interception in the
apply. However, the maximum movement allowance blockade box and then (if movement isn't concluded in the port)
reduction that ever applies is "-3" movement points - a move the combined stack from the port to the blockade box for
movement allowance of "4" movement points is the least to an automatic (if interception is desired by the enemy) naval
combat then.
which a stack can be reduced. Sea Area Interceptions: Except for interceptions in a These movement allowance reductions apply only
blockade box, a die must be rolled for each stack attempting to
to normal naval movement-they do not apply for naval intercept.
retreat and pursuit movements. If attempting to intercept a phasing stack in an
6.2.3 NAVAL INTERCEPTIONS: Fleets may move through areas adjacent sea area, a 0 or 1 must be rolled on one die.
containing other fleets (even enemy fleets) with no restriction on Attempting to intercept a phasing stack in the same
movement, except that they may be interrupted by interception. In that area requires a 0, 1, 2 or 3.
case an interception combat is fought immediately and if, and only if, the Nelson Interception Modifier: If the NELSON leader is with
phasing major power's fleets win the interception naval combat may they the intercepting stack, one is subtracted from the die roll.
continue movement (without any movement penalty). Interceptions may Intercepting Fleet Movement: If successful, the intercepting
not be attempted on stacks that are retreating or pursuing (see 6.3.5). stack must be moved to the area containing the phasing stack that was INTERCEPTION PROCEDURE: When a phasing stack enters intercepted, if not already there.
a sea area occupied by or adjacent to one or more enemy stacks, those
enemy stacks may attempt to intercept the moving stack. An "enemy RESULT OF INTERCEPTIONS: If the interception is
stack" is any stack containing fleets at war with any fleet or fleets in the successful, a naval combat is fought immediately, (i.e., during the
phasing stack and/or at war with any corps that the phasing stack may be Naval Movement Step) using the naval combat rules (see 6.3). No
transporting. evasion by the phasing major power is possible from an interception. Sequence of Interception Attempts: If more than one eligible OUTCOME OF INTERCEPTION COMBAT:
major power wishes to attempt an interception, they must make their Intercepting Side Victory: If the intercepting major power's
attempts in the major power sequence decided for movement in 6.1. Once stack wins the naval combat, the phasing major power must retreat its
one major power succeeds, no other major power may attempt an stack in accordance with the naval combat rules (see 6.3.5), with that
interception of that same phasing stack in that same area. Stacks that stack of fleets then ceasing movement after the retreat move. In this
made or attempted earlier interceptions may be used again for later case, the intercepting fleets may continue to remain in the area for
interceptions of different phasing stacks in the same area or of the same (possibly) intercepting other phasing stacks or some or all of the
phasing stack in a different area. Major Powers who have declared victorious fleets may pursue the defeated stack (see 6.3.5).
combined movement count as one major power for the purposes of Phasing Side Victory: If the phasing stack wins the naval
interception, making their interception attempts in the sequence position combat, the intercepting stack must retreat in accordance with the naval
of the major power going later in the sequence. combat rules (see 6.3.5), and may not attempt more interceptions Who May Intercept: Only properly placed fleets in the during this major power's movement sequence. Some or all of the
appropriate circumstances may attempt to intercept. phasing stack may pursue the defeated stack and/or continue movement A fleet entering a port (which must always be done with whatever movement points the stack's fleets retain. Of course,
through a blockade box-see may not be intercepted unless other fleets can attempt to intercept the phasing fleets in every other sea
the phasing player announces that he wishes to be intercepted. This area that is entered by repeating the interception procedure.

6.2.4 INITIATION OF NAVAL COMBAT: If a phasing stack end its in the blockade box. However, a fleet not at war with any major
movement in a sea area containing an enemy stack, it may initiate an power's fleet in the blockade box may be intercepted if transporting a
attack against those enemy fleets in the Naval Combat Step (see 6.3). If a corps of a major power that is at war with the blockading stack (or
phasing stack ends movement in a port or blockade box occupied by any portion of the stack-see
enemy fleet(s), an attack must be initiated on the enemy fleet(s). It a Fleets of a major power that are at war with blockading fleets
number of attacks are initiated in different areas, the attacker decides the may enter or leave that port but may be intercepted by the blockading
order in which the naval combats are to be resolved. enemy major power's stack (see 1). Stacks entering a blockade
6.2.5 NAVAL TRANSPORTATION OF ARMY CORPS AND box that win any interception combats, may then proceed into the port
LEADERS: Corps and any accompanying leaders may be transported in or out to sea (see 6.2.3).
the Naval Phase at the rate of one corps per fleet. Fleets may transport the
corps of other major powers only if the two major powers have declared [ 6.3 ] THE NAVAL COMBAT STEP: These same rules apply to
combined movement during the Declaration of Combined Movement naval combats caused by interception (see 6.2.3) or by initiation (see
Step of the Turn's Political Phase.Guerrillas, cossacks, freikorps, 6.2.4).
insurrection corps leaders not accompanying corps, and garrison factors 6.3.1 WHO MAY FIGHT: If enemy fleets of more than one major
may not be moved by sea. power occupy a sea area, blockade box or port, only one major TRANSPORTATION MOVEMENT PROCEDURE: The powers's stack can be attacked (for this purpose, all major powers who
corps and the fleet must both begin in the same friendly-controlled (it have declared combined movement and are at war with the attacker are
may be besieged) port. Gen 23/4They move together until in the sea area considered to be one major power). Other major powers in the sea
or blockade box adjacent to the land area in which the corps is to land or area, blockade box or port can be ignored (even with combined
until reaching a port. Fleets and the corps they transport may enter other movement declared, if not at war with the attacker).
ports only if controlled or with access. NAVAL ATTACKER / DEFENDER DETERMINATION: FAILURE TO DISEMBARK: If a corps does not disembark If there is more than one enemy major power present, the "attacker"
during the Land Phase it is destroyed. If all corps are destroyed in this decides which will be the "defender." The attacker box) attack the is the
manner, any leaders with the corps are retired from the map (see 5.3). phasing side if 6.2.4 applies or the non-phasing intercepting side if the ELIMINATION OF TRANSPORTING FLEETS: If fleet combat is caused by an interception (see 6.2.3). The defender (at the
counters are eliminated, corps they were transporting in excess of the attacker's option) comprises any one defender's stack that is present.
number of fleets are lost. The corps so lost may not transfer factors before WHO IS AN ENEMY: A stack may only attack another stack
being eliminated. If all corps are destroyed in this manner, any leaders if at war with the major power owning that stack, if at war with a major
with the corps are captured. power owning corps being (or that could be) transported by fleets of
12.2.4 REDUCED NAVAL TRANSPORT CAPACITY: If this option is that stackor more of the fleets involved in combined movement. In the
used, rule 6.2.5 is modified to redefine carrying capacity. latter two cases, the attacker's stack need not be at war with the major
Fleets may carry no more than 10 army factors each, power owning the transporting fleets and if not, the attacker has the
regardless of how these are organised into corps (the army option to either:Gen 27/2
factors must still be in corps). If transporting fleets are Attack without a declaration of war (no political point loss
eliminated, all excess army factors that they were for a declaration of war) although political points are still normally
transporting are also eliminated these losses may be taken gained or lost for winning or losing the battle.
from various corps, if desired. Or, immediately declare war (even if operating under an
6.2.6 ENEMY CONTROL OF A FLEET'S PORT: If a port in which a enforced peace period, which can be ignored in this casealthough the
fleet is located becomes enemy-controlled, the fleet must be moved other restrictions in 4.2.2 still apply) Gen 25/4and lose the requisite
immediately (this will not happen during a Naval Phase, but during other political points (see 4.2. 1. 1) for each separate declaration of war. No
phases and steps, including during a Declarations of War Step) into an allies may be called with these declarations of war.Even if an enforced
adjacent sea area or the port's blockade box. Harbour defences are never peace period is ignored, restrictions and still apply.Gen
used against fleets leaving a port. 27/2
HR 6.2.6: El bando atacante es el que bloquea, tal como HR resumen de FAQ Dos naciones hacen
indica la regla, es quien dispara primero, y si movimiento combinado y atacan a una nacion. Solo una
empata pierde. Se rechaza expresamente el FAQ 6.2.6 de ellas está en guerra con las que atacan. Solo la que If the port is blockaded by an enemy fleet at the time, the fleet in está en guerra puede combatir. Una flota ataca a otra de
the port is scuttled instead and all its fleets and ships are lost. Alternately, dos naciones combinadas y solo está en guerra con una
if desired, the blockaded fleet(s) may choose to fight the blockading de las dos naciones. El que ataca puede ignorar a la otra
fleet(s), with the wind gauge automatically going to the blockading con quien no está en guerra o atacar a ambas. Una flota
fleet(s). The blockaded fleet(s) remains in the blockade box if it wins the de dos naciones o mas combinadas atacan a otra flota de
combat. The blockaded fleet(s) must be scuttled if it loses the naval dos o más naciones combinadas. Los que atacan deciden
combat. a que naciones ignoran o a que naciones combaten, If NELSON is with a scuttled fleet in this situation he is captured siempre dependiendo de si ya estan en guerra con alguno
by the major power controlling the port. de los que atacan, en cuyo caso deben de combatir Unlike rule, minor country and UMP major power fleets obligadamente contra esa flota defensora. Si hay alguna
can be scuttled under these conditions.
flota defensora que no está en guerra con nadie que Each fleet scuttled causes the loss of 1 political point (record on
ataca puede ser ignorada o se la puede atacar, a
the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card). A scuttled fleet counter must be repurchased during an Economic decisión del atacante.
Phase (see 8.5.4) to be brought back into the game. ENEMY IN A PORT: A stack may attack an enemy stack or a
6.2.7 BLOCKADE OF PORTS: A stack may only enter a blockade box neutral stack that could carry enemy corps (they are in the same land
if it is at war with the major power controlling the port or if the box or area and have announced combined movement) in a port city controlled
port contains an enemy fleet or enemy corps with neutral fleets that have by a neutral major power.
announced combined movement (which makes transporting the corps If the attacking stack is given access by the port's controlling
possible-see 6.2.5). major power, the harbordefenses are not used. If denied access, the phasing stack can still attack, but the
HR 6.2.7 Expl: Un jugador no puede colocar una flota en una
port's controlling player may use the harbordefenses. No declaration of
casilla de bloqueo propia, sólo puede atravesarlas para war is required in this case, but or can be applied.
entrar y salir del puerto por ese punto (y en su caso para EXCEPTION: Even if the attacker has unconditional access
combatir). Tampoco puedo entrar si estoy aliado y con (see peace term C.5 and 10.3) and/or an earlier voluntary access
permiso del dueño. La casilla sólo sirve para bloquear flotas agreement with the neutral major power that garrisons the port to enter
y/o cuerpos enemigos cuando estoy en guerra con ellos. the port, if the fleet(s) being attacked belong to the neutral major power If a major power begins its naval sequence with a stack holding the port, the harbordefenses are used (see 10.3.2 to determine
occupying a blockade box and it is not at war with the major power who holds a city).
controlling the port, not at war with any fleet(s) occupying that port HR Expl.: Los barcos en construccion no pueden ser
and/or not at war with any corps in the port area that can be transported, atacados por mar. Los ya construidos y no colocados en
then the stack must leave that blockade box during its sequence of the flotas tampoco. Los barcos construidos y no colocados no
Naval Phase.
pueden combatir bajo ningún concepto. If a blockade box is occupied, a stack may enter or leave the port
without interception if not at war with any of the major powers with fleets

6.3.2 POSSIBLE EVASIONS: The major power upon which an attack is If the victor was commanded by the NELSON leader, they
declared may attempt to evade unless the attack is caused by an get +1 extra political point.
interception or is in a port or blockade box. If the evasion is unsuccessful If the loser was commanded by the NELSON leader, they
a combat will be fought. If the evasion is successful, the phasing player lose -1 extra political point.
may not then attempt to attack any other stack remaining in the area. HR Si una flota combinada con Nelson al mando Every time the phasing major power intends to attack a stack, the gana una batalla, sólo GB gana el +1 pp, y si pierde, sólo
non-phasing stack may attempt naval evasion. This is done by the non- GB pierde el -1 pp.
phasing stack's controlling player rolling a die. If a 1 or 2 is rolled, the 6.3.5 NAVAL RETREAT AND PURSUIT: The survivors of one side
non-phasing stack evades combat and is retreated according to the naval in a naval combat must retreat. Retreat moves are always made before
retreat after combat rules (see the evading side as if it were pursuit moves and the retreat and pursuit moves of one naval combat
the loser of a combat and the attacking side as if it were the winner). must be made before the next naval combat is resolved. There are no political points for a successful evasion. SEA AREA RETREATS AND PURSUITS: The naval
6.3.3 NAVAL COMBAT PROCEDURE: combat loser retreats all fleets that were in the combat to the one DETERMINING THE WIND GAUGE: If combat is to take nearest unblockaded friendly (including an ally's port, with access
place, the "wind gauge" must be determined. A stack attacking in a port permission and if the loser wishes to use it) port within seven
combat, and blockading fleets combatting fleets exiting that blockade movement points (losing player's choice if more than one possible port
box's port automatically have the wind gauge. In all other cases each side is equally close). Some, none or all of the victorious fleet(s) may
rolls one die, adding one to the result if that side contains a British fleet pursue to follow the losing fleets and blockade that port.
and adding a further one if NELSON is present. Notwithstanding these HR No se usa expresamente el FAQ Sólo se
modifiers, a 6 is the maximum modified result. If the net rolls are equal, advierte que para usar un puerto de un aliado debe haber
there is no wind gauge and combat is resolved simultaneously. In any sido especificado con anterioridad en algún tratado de
other case, the higher die roll gains the wind gauge and conducts its
acceso, si no es asi, no puede retirarse a un puerto aliado,
attack first, removing losses inflicted on the opponent before the
opponent replies. y no hay lugar a negociar nada en este momento. If no eligible port is available, or at the loser's option, the NAVAL COMBAT RESOLUTION: Each side rolls one die,
loser retreats to any one adjacent sea area of the victor's choice (a sea
adding one if a British fleet is present on that side and subtracting one if
area into which movement is not possible may not be selected).
an Egyptian(See 12.12.2), Prussian and/or an Austrian fleet is present on
Retreating or pursuing fleets may not be intercepted. In this case there
that side (these modifiers may cancel each other if both are present in the
is no pursuit and the victor remains in the area where the combat
same stack).The roll is compared to the NAVAL COMBAT TABLE on
the Game Card and the result is the percentage (see the CASUALTY A fleet may neither retreat nor pursue into or through a sea
PERCENTAGE TABLE on the Game Card) of that side's number of
area north of the ice line during winter or into or through the
ships, which number of ships the other side must remove as losses.
Dardanelles sea area without the permission of the major power NAVAL COMBAT IN A PORT: If combat occurs in a port, the
controlling Constantinople (if any).
"harbor defenses" (see the map for harbordefense values printed in each PORT RETREATS: If the naval combat takes place in a port,
port's blockade box) attack the phasing major power's fleet(s) first, using
the attacking fleets (win or lose) must always retreat to the port's
the NAVAL COMBAT TABLE on the Game Card with an unmodified
blockade box, and the defending fleets remain in the port (no pursuit).
die roll. Treat the harbor defense value number the same as if it were that BLOCKADE BOX RETREATS AND PURSUITS: If the
many ships for the combat. There must be a garrison in the port city that
naval combat takes place in a blockade box the loser must retreat to that
is at war with or denied access to (see for these situations) an
port, if and only if, the combat resulted from the movement of the
entering stack in order to use the harbor defenses. If there is a multi-
loser's stack from that port, and in any other case must retreat in
nation garrison in a port, the player with most controlled garrison factors
accordance with sea area retreat rules (see Pursuit is the same
decides if the port guns are used. If there’s an equal amount and they
as a sea area pursuit. EXCEPTION: Since movement between a
disagree, the port guns don’t fire. If there is no garrison then the port guns
blockade box and its port is free (see, the victor (even if the
do not fire. FIN& JJThe phasing major power's surviving ships then
phasing side with all movement expended) in a blockade box naval
attack the enemy fleet(s) in that port. Finally, any surviving defending
combat may be, if the port is friendly or with access permission, moved
ships make their combat die roll.
into the port following the naval combat.
ELBA6.3.3.3 : El modificador por flota británica, austriaca o NAVAL RETREAT AND PURSUIT EXAMPLE:
prusiana NO se aplica en combates a puerto. El saber Continuing the example from; as the French Player lost (8 ships
marinero no afecta igual las batallas en plena mar que a lost to 6) he must retreat to the nearest unblockaded friendly-controlled
una acción de mero cañoneo de un objetivo estático en un port within seven movement points or be moved by the British to an
puerto. adjacent sea area. Great Britain gains 4 political points for the win NAVAL COMBAT EXAMPLE: Great Britain and France are (including +1 extra for NELSON), and France loses 3 political points
at war. It is Great Britain's Naval Phase. Great Britain moves NELSON because the loser had 3 fleets. France decides to retreat to a nearby
and 3 fleets with 60 ships total into a sea area containing 3 French fleets home nation port and Great Britain decides to follow up and blockade
with 31 total ships. First, wind gauge is determined: Great Britain rolls a that port.
2, which becomes a 4after adding modifiers for NELSON and British 6.3.6 CONSOLIDATION OF LOSSES:After ships lost in combat are
fleets. France rolls an unmodified 5. France wins the wind gauge and removed, excess fleet counters (those without ships) are removed from
fights first. France rolls a 5 on the Naval Combat Table. This means 20% the map. No political points are lost for removing these empty fleets. If
of the number of French ships is inflicted as ship losses on the British. during naval combat or as a result of transfer, a fleet is left without
20% of 31 is 6 ships (on the CASUALIY PERCENTAGE TABLE, ships, it is removed from the map and must be repurchased during an
crossgrid the 20% line with 20factors and then with 11 factors and add Economic Phase (see 8.5.4) to be brought back into the game. If
together to get 6). Great Britain rolls a 2, which becomes a 3 after adding NELSON is with a stack in which all ships and fleets are eliminated by
the modifier for British fleets. This results in 8 French ship losses (60 naval combat, NELSON becomes a prisoner of the other side in the
British ships minus 6 ships lost = 54 ships or 20 plus 20 plus 14factors on naval combat.
the 15% line of the CASUALTYPERCENTAGE TABLE= 8) being 12.2.5 PROPORTIONAL NAVAL LOSSES: When a stack of
suffered by the French. fleets of mixed nationalities (including minor country
6.3.4. NAVAL VICTORY AND POLITICAL POINTS: nationalities) participates in a combat, the losses it takes DETERMINING VICTORY: A side that does not lose all of its
should be as nearly proportional to the starting proportions
ships and also loses less ships than the other side wins a naval combat and
as possible. Round ".5" and above up. When proportions do
the other side loses it. If both sides have surviving ships and losses were
equal, the side that attacked loses the naval combat and the other side not "round out" precisely, an "odd" loss or losses should be
wins it. If a side loses all of its ships but loses less ships than the other assigned by mutual agreement or, if agreement cannot be
side a naval combat is a draw (this can happen in port combats). reached, by competitive die rolls. For example, a stack of POLITICAL POW CHANGES: The victor(s) of a naval combat fleets totalling 68 ships contains 36 British (52.9%), 20
gains political points and the loser loses them (draws have no political Swedish (29.4%) and 12 Portuguese (17.7%) ships and loses
point effects). One political point is gained or lost for each fleet of the 10 ships in a naval combat. The losses should be 5.29 (5)
defeated major power(s) used in that combat, up to a maximum of +/-3 British, 2.94 (3) Swedish and 1.77 (2) Portuguese ships.
political points.


[ 7.1 ] THE LAND PHASE SEQUENCE: At the beginning of this unbesieged enemy corps, garrisons, guerrillas, cossacks and/or
phase France announces when in the following sequence he will be freikorps (EXCEPTION: these enemy forces do not block an area if
moving. The other major powers move in this order: Russia, Turkey, that area also contains an unbesieged friendly corps or garrison).
Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Spain. A valid supply chain may only be traced across sea areas via
7.1.1 MINOR FREE STATE SEQUENCE: All land forces of minor sea supply (see 7.4.3). A valid supply chain may be traced across sea
Free States move in the sequence of their controlling major power. crossing arrows unless the surrounding sea area contains an enemy
7.1.2 COMBINED MOVE SEQUENCE: In order for a major power to fleet(s).
move in the sequence of another major power, those major powers must Any portion of a supply chain that is not valid cannot be used
be allies and must have announced combined movement during the for regular supply (see 7.4.2), although the invalid depots do not have
Political Phase. Combined movement is conducted in the sequence of the to be removed.
ally who would have moved last in the phase. SUPPLY CHAIN RESTRICTIONS:
7.1.3 LAND PHASE STEPS: Each major power sequence of the Land New depots as part of a supply chain may not be placed in a
Phase is divided into Depot Creation/Removal, Land Movement, Supply, minor neutral unless the major power is at war with the neutral and
Land Combat and Guerrilla Steps. Each player completes all these steps may only be placed in the territory of another major power if given
during his major power sequence before the next player commences his access permission by, at war with, or having imposed victory condition
major power sequence. The player his sequence and his counters are C.5 (see 4.5.2) on that major power.
described as "phasing" during that time and all other players and their Supply can be traced over a territory owned by
counters are called "non-phasing." After all major powers have completed neutral major party but such an action is considered as forcible
their sequences, the Conquest Step is simultaneously resolved. access. (See 10.3.4 Forcible Access.)FIN For a major power to place a new depot outside of its own
[ 7.2] THE DEPOT CREATION/REMOVAL STEP: Major powers territory, an unbesieged corps of that major power must be in that area.
may remove any of their depots, destroying any garrisons on a removed FAQ The corps on loan or controlled minor corps
depot unless there is an unbesieged friendly controlled or vacant city in can be used to satisfy this restriction.
that same area to which they can be transferred. Major powers may then Depots from different major powers, even if allied, may not
purchase and place new depots, up to counter mix limits on the map at combine to form one supply chain (including sea supply or invasion
any one time, at the cost of one money point each. The same depots may supply).
be removed, then placed, etc. any number of times during the course of a 7.2.4 * DEPOTS ON FLEETS: Depots may be placed on fleets,' for
game as long as one money point is paid every time one is placed and the the provision of invasion supply (see 7.4.4).
countermix limits are not exceeded-the same depot counter may be
removed and then placed elsewhere (at a one money point cost) during [ 7.3 ] THE LAND MOVEMENT STEP: Major powers may move
the same Depot Creation/Removal Step. Free State forces use the depots any or all of their corps, cossacks, freikorps or guerrillas during their
of their controlling major power. Depots may not be placed in areas sequence. Free State corps are moved at the same time by the
containing unbesieged enemy corps, guerrillas, freikorps or cossacks controlling major power and are not limited to movement within their
(unless an unbesieged corps of the major power placing the depot is also minor Free State. Movement may be restricted through other major
in that area) or in an area which already contains a depot (there is a limit powers' territory (see 10.3). Movement allowances may not be
of one depot per area-EXCEPTION: see 7.2.2). Depots may be placed transferred from unit to unit nor may they be accumulated from Turn to
only in the following areas: Turn.
7.2.1 DEPOT IN A FRIENDLY CITY AREA: A new depot may be 7.3.1 GENERAL LAND MOVEMENT RULES: Each land counter
placed in an area containing a friendly controlled unbesieged city, in that has a "movement allowance" consisting of a number of "movement
major power's territory. points" that can be expended to enter new areas on the map.
FAQ 7.2.1 OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: A depot can be MOVEMENT ALLOWANCES: With corps bearing a cavalry
placed in a controlled city in a ceded home nation province symbol (including Austrian light infantry), Austrian and Prussian
which is not part of a valid supply chain. freikorps and Russian cossacks the movement allowance is 5. For
7.2.2 * DEPOT INSIDE A FRIENDLY PORT OR IN A PORT French corps (including French artillery) and French controlled minor
AREA: Even if not itself a supply source or part of an overland supply Free State corps having an infantry symbol and having their 3
chain, a new depot may be placed in an area containing an unblockaded movement allowance number in parenthesis the allowance is 4. All
friendly controlled port, provided there exists a friendly unblockaded sea other corps have an allowance of 3. Spanish guerrillas have a
supply source (see 7.4.3) to the port. movement allowance of one area (regardless of terrain).
ELBA: La restricción 7.2.3 TAMBIÉN SE APLICA ; No se puede FORCE MARCHING: Corps may increase their movement
colocar un nuevo depot en un puerto lejano si no existe allowance by one movement point by "force marching." Cossacks,
previamente (del turno anterior) un depot en una fuente de freikorps, guerrillas, cavalry corps and disembarking corps may not
supply con puerto. Notese que no se obliga a tener una flota force march.Gen 23/4
en el puerto de origen, se extiende la interpretación de la LAND MOVEMENT COSTS: Each map area generally
expends one movement point from a counter's movement allowance to
FAQ y sirve una flota en el puerto de destino.
enter, although this varies in some areas, as follows: If such a port is besieged, then the depot is placed in the port city Marsh or Mountain: Areas containing a marsh or a
itself. This is the only case where the depot is considered to be in a city
mountain cost 2 movement points to enter.
rather than in the surrounding area. Crossing Rivers: It costs an extra movement point to enter an Another, enemy depot could also be placed in the port city's area
area across a river, if that area contains an unbesieged enemy corps.
while a depot is also in the port city itself. This is the only case where two
There is no extra cost to move across a river if there is no unbesieged
depots may be located in the same area (actually, one in the city and one
enemy corps counter(s) in the area.
in the area). Sea Crossing Arrow Movement: It always costs an extra
7.2.3 DEPOTS IN SUPPLY CHAINS: A new depot may be placed
movement point to use a crossing arrow. Corps, freikorps and/or
within two unblocked areas of an already existing (before this Turn)
cossacks may not use a crossing arrow if an enemy fleet occupies the
depot that is a supply source or which is part of a valid supply chain.
surrounding sea area. SUPPLY SOURCE DEFINITION: A "supply source" is any Cumulative Costs: These costs are all cumulative. For
unbesieged controlled city area in a major power s home nation or
example, movement across a river into a mountain area containing an
controlled minor country that is unoccupied by enemy forces and that
enemy corps costs one movement point to cross the river, plus two
contains a depot.
more movement points since it is a mountain area, for a total of three SUPPLY CHAIN DEFINITION: A "supply chain" is a series of
movement points of the counter's movement allowance expended.
one major power's depots that are placed no more than two areas apart FORAGING WHILE MOVING: Although the rules are
and lead back to a supply source of that major power.
covered in the Supply Step, foraging (see 7.4.1) is performed while
FAQ Only one open area may there be between
corps are being moved.
depots in a supply chain 7.3.2 LAND MOVEMENT PROCEDURES: Each counter is moved
Elba: No se puede trazar suministro a través de una potencia individually.
mayor sin su permiso. A corps must cease movement when it consumes its movement A "valid" supply chain is one where the intervening areas allowance or when it enters an area containing an unbesieged enemy
between any of a supply chain's depots are not blocked by the presence of
corps (not if the area contains only cossacks, freikorps, guerrillas and/or DEPOT GARRISON CAPACITY: A depot's maximum
garrisons). garrison capacity is 10 army factors. Cossacks and/or freikorps are not required to cease movement All army factors/corps used to garrison a depot must be of
when they enter an area containing enemy forces. the same major power as the depot. No counter may be moved into an area that would cost more Controlled minor Free State factors may be used to garrison
movement points than the counter has remaining for use. any of its major power's depots only within the minor Free State's Movement may be ended earlier-there is no requirement to move borders.
any counter nor for any counter to expend its full movement allowance. HR Expl: Anulada por la regla optativa 12.3.8.
7.3.3 MOVING INTO CITIES-DETACHING/ABSORBING A depot in a besieged port city (see 7.2.2) does not add any
FACTORS-GARRISONS: During a major power's Land Movement garrison capacity to the city-the port city/depot combination has the
Step, any non-artillery, non-feudal or non-insurrection corps may detach same capacity as just the city alone.
factors as garrisons at, or absorb army factors from, depots hnd/or 7.3.4 MOVEMENT FROM CITIES: If a phasing major power has
unbesieged friendly or vacant cities by reducing or increasing its strength, corps, cossacks, freikorps and/or guerrillas inside a city which is not
if the capacity is there. There is no movement point cost for doing this. being besieged, they may be moved directly out of that city into the
HR 7.3.3: Se permite durante la fase terrestre el mover area surrounding the city and/or continue normal movement into
factores de la ciudad al deposito y viceversa, sin que tenga adjacent areas (if permissible). Moving from a city into its area (or
que haber un cuerpo en el area. vice-versa) expends no movement points. DETACHING/ABSORBING FACTORS RESTRICTIONS: 7.3.5 * LANDING FROM SHIPS-"DISEMIBARKING": Corps
Regular infantry and/or militia factors may not be detached or absorbed in being transported on fleets at sea (see 6.2.5) must be "disembarked"
an area containing enemy corps outside a city. into any adjacent land area during their Land Movement Step or be Minor Free State forces may only detach and absorb their eliminated. Corps being transported on fleets that moved into a port
infantry factors to and from cities and/or depots within their own country. must disembark in the port's area. When disembarking from fleets Detachments cannot empty a corps. All corps must always located in a blockade box, corps must land in the area containing that
contain at least one army factor to maintain the corps counter on the map- blockade box's port. Disembarking exhausts a corps, entire movement
corps counters may be removed only due to 5.2.3/5.2.4, 7.3.5, 7.4.1 or allowance for all purposes, and counts the same as having crossed a
7.5.5 and at those times. river for purposes of any combat in that area during the disembarking
OR 12.3.8 DETACHING/ABSORBING MINOR FREE STATE player's sequence (see an area contains a friendly port that
FACTORS: If players wish to allow free state factors to be is besieged, counters may be considered to be disembarked directly into
detached as garrisons outside of the free state's borders, they the port (if there is room) or into the port's area, as the controlling
may do so, but the players must keep side notes on the player desires. Gen 23.4
nationalities of garrisons, mark nationalities on grey FAQ 7.3.5a: A corps boards a ship to be transported from a
garrison/strength counters placed outside of a free state's blockaded port, leaving the port ungarrisoned. The
borders or make their own garrison/strength counters for the transporting fleet is defeated and must return to port. Since
various possible minor free states. the corps cannot be disembarked until the major power's CONVERTING ARMY FACTORS: Regular cavalry and guard turn in the Land Phase, another major power who moves
factors detached to serve as garrisons must be converted to regular earlier in the land phase can enter the port unopposed.
infantry factors for the remainder of the game; artillery factors may not be FAQ 7.3.5b: A corps which landed from ships is defeated in
detached. battle, retreat per Note that
FAQ Major Power don´t be able to keep precludes retreating onto the ships.
cavalry/guard in garrisons without converting them to 7.3.6 MOVING INTO AN ENEMY DEPOT AREA:
infantry to prevent players from stockpiling masses of UNGARRISONED DEPOT AREA: If during movement a
specialty troops in garrison during peacetime and being corps, cossack, freikorps or guerrilla moves into an area containing an
able to completely replace combat losses instantly. It reflects ungarrisoned enemy depot, it may elect to destroy the depot. If it does
destroy the depot and ends its movement in that area, then having
the lack of quality in peacetime and garrison.
destroyed the depot counts as having successfully foraged for supply GARRISON FACTORS: Garrison factors can be regular
(with no loss) for that one corps counter. An alternative to destroying a
infantry and/or militia factors, represented by the placement of
depot is to convert (remove the enemy depot and replace it with one of
garrison/strength counters of the appropriate strength and type on the city
the entering power's depots-there is no money cost for this conversion)
or depot concerned. Each major power must use counters of its own color
it to a friendly depot if that would make it a supply source or an
(see 1.2) for garrison purposes outside the major power's borders. The
extension of a friendly valid supply chain (see 7.2.3).
gray garrison/strength counters must be used for minor Free States inside
their own borders and may be also be used inside a major power's home FAQ You can capture and use an enemy depot in
nation territory to represent that major power's garrisons if insufficient the same turn, because depots are captured during the
counters of the appropriate color are available. This is why some small movement step which is before the supply step. If you
grey counters are militia. capture a depot, it becomes a part of your supply chain
FAQ If a fleet attacks a port in which the only land (assuming you convert it) before supply is determined.
forces is a corps outside the city, the port guns can be used. GARRISONED DEPOT AREA: If an enemy depot is
A corps in the area constitute a garrison for port gun garrisoned, the player controlling the garrison factors has the option of
use/control purposes. A corps in an area with an empty city immediately destroying the depot before the moving force chooses
whether to leave the area (if permissible) or to stay and fight. If the
controls that city.
garrison does not elect to destroy the depot and the phasing force
HR Expl: Ciudad y área son la misma casilla a efectos
chooses to stop its movement and fight, the depot may be captured after
normales de juego. Cuando hay un cuerpo en un área land combat (see 7.3.6. 1) and destroyed or converted (but not used for
controla toda el área, incluida la ciudad (ver La supply this major power's sequence-also see If the garrison
única excepción es cuando un cuerpo se refugia en la destroys the depot, the garrison surrenders or all or part (if city cannot
ciudad por la presencia de cuerpos enemigos, entonces ese hold all-the part not moved to the city will surrender) can be moved to
cuerpo solo controla la ciudad, y el enemigo el área an unbesieged friendly controlled or vacant city in that same area, at Cossack, freikorps and guerrillas factors (guerrillas may not the owning player's option.
garrison depots) may also be used to form all or part of a city or depot HR Expl: No se puede escoger refugiarse a la
garrison. ciudad sin destruir el depósito, las opciones son Corps may form all or part of a city garrison without detaching permanecer y mantener el depósito o refugiarte habiendo
army factors, so that any types of army factors in such corps could also be destuido el depósito.
capacity is 5 times its supply value (e.g., a city with a supply value of 4-it during movement a corps moves into an area containing enemy corps
has four spires on its map picture-may contain up to 20 army factors). A not in a city, the corps must cease movement and declare an attack. If
city may also hold any number of leaders (NOTE: leaders may only be enemy corps and/or garrison factors are in a city the phasing corps may
moved into a city with corps counters, although they may remain there- continue movement or stop movement and besiege (see 7.5.4) or not, as
must remain there if the city is besieged-after the corps counters are the owning player desires. If he decides to besiege the enemy corps and
eliminated). forages for supply, the foraging die roll is not reduced due to
unconsumed movement points (see 7.3.2). If any friendly forces in an
area besiege enemy forces then all friendly forces in that area (except areas passed through or stopped in, not counting the area in which the
depot garrisons) must besiege the enemy forces. corps started (unless the corps did not move and remained in one area), ENEMY COSSACK, FREIKORPS OR DEPOT GARRISON during its Land Movement Step. If the modified die result is equal to or
IN AREA: If a corps ends its movement in an area containing an only less than this forage value, there is no effect. For each modified die
enemy cossacks, freikorps and/or depot garrison factors it must declare an point above the forage value, the corps must lose one army factor.
attack. A corps may move through such an area without stopping or FORAGING MODIFIERS: When the die is rolled for a
declaring an attack. foraging corps, the following cumulative modifiers may apply:
7.3.8 * DECLARATION OF COMBAT AND COMBINED Other Corps In The Area: For each other unbesieged corps
MOVEMENT: To avoid problems when moving into combat the in the area it currently occupies, whether that major power's or not
following step sequence must be followed whenever moving into an area (including friendly and enemy corps and corps which have, and corps
containing two or more forces or when using combined movement (see which have not, already moved during this step), +1 is added to the
4.9). result of the die, up to a maximum of +2. NOTE: This does not include STEP ONE: All allies who are using combined movement, corps that leave the area as a result of the 7.3.8 procedures.
although moving in the same major power sequence, must decide in Unused Movement Points: For each movement point the
which order they will move within this sequence. If agreement cannot be corps did not use, one is subtracted from the die. EXCEPTION: The die
reached, let competitive die rolls decide. is not modified due to unused movement points if the corps is besieging STEP TWO: The phasing major power (the first ally in the case or plans to besiege enemy forces in the area.
of combined movement) moves all his forces normally and must declare FAQ OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: If a corps
an attack against all field forces (corps that have not moved into cities or moves to a city area and forages using unused movement
cossacks, freikorps and/or depot garrisons in the last area entered) with point to modify the roll, then wins a field combat, it can't
which he is at war, in each area that also contains his field forces. besiege the city. If unused movement points were used to STEP THREE: Major powers who have field forces in an area in modify the forage roll, that corps is ineligible to besiege.
which a combat has been declared against an ally, may now declare war Force Marching: If the corps force marched, +1 is added to
(if not already at war and if not restricted-see 4.2.2) on the attacker, the die roll.
losing the appropriate political points (see -record on the Winter: If it is winter +2 is added to the die roll unless the
POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card) per separate corps is not in the "winter zone" (see 9.0).
declaration of war. No allies can be called for these declarations of war. In Own Territory: If the corps did not move into an area
These major powers are now classed as the "defenders" and fight the outside the major power's territory this Turn and is not now in such an
combat as one force. area, -1 is subtracted from the die roll.Gen 25/4 STEP FOUR: All major powers not at war with the attacker FAQ In the glossary, page 46 of the rule book,
(except the attacker and his allies at war with the defender and factors in
major power is defined as home nation plus controlled
cities or on depots) must now leave the area, moving to any adjacent area
minor countries plus provinces ceded to that home nation.
that, if possible, is closer or at least as close to their source of supply as
the area they leave. This is the "major power's territory" for this rule. STEP FIVE: Now the second combined movement ally (if there FORAGING LOSSES: The factor or factors removed for
is one) follows the procedures outlined in Steps 2-4 but may not enter an foraging losses may be any in the corps of the controlling player's
area containing forces of the first ally unless it is an area where no attack choice, with these restrictions:
has been declared or the second ally is at war with all the defending major Any factors that were part of the corps during its movement
powers in that area. This ally now becomes an attacker (joining the first are eligible to be used for forage losses. If possible, forage losses must
ally in the attack). come out of the factors actually in the corps when movement is STEP SIX: Repeat Step 5 until all the combined movement allies completed.
have moved. Now every ally of the phasing major power(s) who is in an Corps counters may be removed as a result of forage losses
area where an attack has been declared and is at war with all the only if all factors that were part of the corps during its movement are
defending major powers may stay and participate as an attacker. lost to foraging. If only one factor remains after foraging losses are
Otherwise they must leave the area, moving to an adjacent area closer to removed, that factor must be in the corps and the corps counter must be
their sources of supply. left on the map. For example, a corps with three regular infantry factors STEP SEVEN: This will now leave just two forces in every area detaches two of these factors into a city in an area passed through and
where an attack has been declared, the attacking force (the original then rolls a loss of two factors while foraging. Since the corps can only
attacker and his allies) and the defending force (as found in Step 3). be removed if all factors are lost, the two detached factors would have
Garrison army factors (including those on depots) of a major power that to be the ones lost. If the corps had started with five factors, the two
is not involved in the combat may remain in the area but are ignored for forage losses would come out of the corps (leaving one factor in the
combat purposes. corps) and the two detached factors would remain in their city. If the
corps had started with four factors, one of the forage losses would have
[ 7.4 ] THE SUPPLY STEP: Only corps and besieged forces must be to come out Of the corps (leaving one factor in the corps) and the other
supplied. Leaders and unbesieged cossacks, freikorps, guerrillas and loss would have to be one of the detached factors.
garrisons do not need supply. FAQ OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: If a
FAQ 7.4: If a country has a corps in a city area which retires besieging corps is eliminated by forage losses, any depot
into the city when an enemy corps enters the area, but the that may be in the city area remains until removed by the
enemy corps does not besiege, if the city is unbesieged and owning player or captured by an enemy corps.
within 2 unblocked areas of a friendly depot, normal depot If all corps counters in an area are removed due to foraging
losses, any leaders with the removed corps are immediately removed
supply may be used. A depot cannot be placed in the city
from the map. They may be returned to the map during any later Army
area, because rule 7.2 states that depots may not be placed Reinforcement Step (see 5.3).
in an area containing unbesieged enemy corps. If the corps 7.4.2 REGULAR (DEPOT) SUPPLY: After the movement and
forages, it uses the AREA's forage value, as stated in rule foraging of corps is complete, any corps which did not forage must now pay for supply. Depot supply, while costing money prevents army
HR 7.4 Expl: Si un cuerpo no está asediado entonces está en factors being lost. Paying for depot supply is as follows:
el área. Para abastecimiento (que es el punto a tratar) se 12.3.1 SUPPLY LIMITS PER DEPOT: Each individual depot that
aplicarían las reglas conforme se está en el área (tanto para is a supply source or part of a valid supply chain may only
pillaje como para abastecimiento desde depósito). be used to supply a maximum of four corps and/or
7.4.1 FORAGING: "Foraging" represents living off the country. When a besieged garrisons.
corps ceases movement it may elect (or be forced) to "forage" rather than PAYING FOR DEPOT SUPPLY: Any corps in a depot area
use depot supply. If it has force marched, or is four or more areas from or which can trace an unblocked route to a depot may use depot supply.
the nearest depot in a friendly valid supply chain, not adjacent to an Besieged port city garrisons (regardless of size) may also use depot
invasion supply depot and/or supply source or no money is available for supply (see 7.4.3 and 7.4.4). The costs for all corps and separate
depot supply then it must forage for supply. garrisons are summed and any fraction rounded up, that amount then FORAGING PROCEDURE: A die is rolled for each foraging being deducted from that major power's current monetary total. A
corps as it completes movement (but after resolving any 7.3.8 procedures major power may not use depot supply for a corps if it doesn't have
that may be caused by its movement). This die roll is modified as in enough money to pay the cost and such corps must instead forage for, if any modifiers apply. The modified die result is than compared supply.
with the forage value of the area with the lowest forage value of all the

FAQ The supply costs are rounded up after summing Invasion supply does not allow reinforcements to be placed,
all total costs nor can it be a link in a chain of supply-it only directly supplies corps Corps Depot Supply: A corps in the same area as a depot being in adjacent land areas.
part of a valid supply chain costs half a money point to supply. Other No more than one depot for invasion supply may be placed in
corps up to 3 unblocked areas away from a depot pay the number of areas any one sea area.
they are away from a depot in a valid supply chain in money points. For Invasion supply is not possible in a sea area north of theice line
example, a corps 3 areas away pays 3 money points to get supply. The during winter months.
route through intervening areas traced from a corps to a depot may not be If the route from the port to the fleet must go into or through
blocked by forces (same rules as for blocking a supply chain (see the Dardanelles sea area, the permission of the major power controlling the area (if any-see 10.7) is required. Besieged Port Garrison Depot Supply: Besieged port city 7.4.5 BESIEGED SUPPLY: Unless eligible for sea or invasion
garrisons using sea supply through a depot in the port city cost half a supply, besieged garrisons and corps must check for supply by the
money point per garrison to supply. Besieged port city garrisons using foraging method, using the city supply value (which equals the number
invasion supply cost one money point per garrison to supply as they are in of spires in the city picture) rather than the forage value of the area
an adjacent area. containing the city. Winter Depot Supply Cost Increases: All costs are doubled in FAQ 7.4.5a: If a city is besieged, and a relieving force
winter for corps or garrisons within the winter zone (see 9.0). arrives the same turn the garrison starves and declares an ALLIED DEPOT SUPPLY: Major powers may have their attack, the besieging force can retire into the city.
forces live off the depots and/or supply chains of their allies, but those FAQ 7.4.5b: If a garrison is made up of corps and garrison
allies must pay the costs involved. Naturally, permission is required for factors, one foraging die roll are made for the entire
this. garrison.
7.4.3 * SEA SUPPLY: All or a portion of supply chain can be validly FAQ 7.4.5c: If a corps is used as a garrison, it need to be
traced across sea areas. supplied. TRACING SEA SUPPLY: In order trace supply across sea areas BESIEGED SUPPLY DIE MODIFIER: The foraging die roll
there must be one of a major power's depots in each of the two friendly modifiers are not used for besieged supply. Instead, for every full 5
controlled ports or port areas between which supply is to be traced. At army factors in the besieged city (regardless of whether the factors are
least one of these ports must contain a fleet(s) of the major power and/or part of a corps or merely a garrison) +1 is added to the die, to a
an ally and that port must be a supply source or be able to trace a valid maximum of +2. For example, a city with 5-9 army factors would have
supply chain via depots to a supply source. Neither port may be +1 added to the die roll. No other modifiers apply.
blockaded. If these conditions are fulfilled, the ports are valid links in a BESIEGED FORAGING LOSSES: For each point of the die
supply chain. The effect of this is as if the depots were in adjacent areas roll over the city supply value, one army factor of the besieged garrison
(regardless of the number of sea areas actually between them) for all and/or corps is lost. If all the besieged army factors are lost, any
purposes including placement of reinforcements. besieged leaders become the prisoners of the besiegers and the
FAQ This rule requires you to have a fleet in the port besieging forces may immediately detach factors to control the city.
that is the supply source, but the definitions on the back of NOTE: Unbesieged corps in a city use the forage value of the area in
the rule book indicate you can have a fleet in either port. The which they are in, not the city supply value.
correct is a fleet in either port. BESIEGING FORCES: Besieging forces may live off regular BLOCKING SEA SUPPLY: Apart from fleets in the blockade supply or forage. If they forage they are considered to have spent their
boxes of ports used for sea supply, enemy fleets do not interrupt such a full movement allowance before dicing for supply and use the area
sea supply chain. supply value and normal modifiers. This occurs even if it is the first DARDANELLES/ICE LINE SUPPLY EFFECTS: Sea supply Turn of the siege.
may not be traced into or through the Dardanelles sea area without the [ 7.5 ] THE LAND COMBAT STEP: At the end of all movement and
permission of the major power controlling Constantinople (if any) nor supply in a player's sequence the land combat procedure commences.
into or out of an area north of the ice line during winter months. 7.5.1 GENERAL RULES OF LAND COMBAT: If at the end of all PORT CITY SUPPLY: Depots may be constructed in an movement of the phasing major power, enemy forces (excluding
unblockaded friendly controlled port even if besieged provided there guerrillas-see occupy the same area as its corps, freikorps or
exists a friendly unblockaded sea supply source (see 7.2.2). cossacks, the phasing major power must attack in those areas (also see This allows forces in that port to live off sea supply (rather than 7.3.7 and 7.3.8). The phasing side is the "attacker" and the non-phasing
besieged supply). side is the "defender." This is the only case where depots are considered to be inside DEFENDER RETIREMENT INTO CITY: Any forces or
the city, rather than in the surrounding area. portion of forces upon whom an attack is declared may immediately At the end of a player's Movement Step a depot in a port city is retire into any friendly controlled or vacant, and unbesieged city in that
moved into the surrounding area if the city is no longer besieged. If there area but not so as to exceed that city's garrison capacity
is already an enemy depot in the surrounding area, the enemy depot is If there are several defending major powers wishing to retire
destroyed. into the city than agreement must be reached on who shall retire into A depot in a port city is immediately removed when there is no the city. If no agreement can be reached, then none may retire.
longer an unblockaded sea supply source. If they all do so retire, the attackers may, if desired, be placed A depot in a port city may be immediately destroyed or on top of the forces and a siege occurs.
converted to a friendly supply depot (if it would then be part of a valid If any portion of a defending force does not retire into a city,
supply chain) and moved into the surrounding area when the forces in the the attack continues against that portion.
city accept honors of war, surrender, and/or are eliminated. A city must be able to hold all of the factors of entire corps
7.4.4 INVASION SUPPLY: A depot may be constructed on a fleet of that move in (plus any other factors that may be in or moved into the
the same power as the depotGen 25/4in a sea area and used to provide city).
supply for all corps and/or besieged port city garrisons into all adjacent WHO MAY PARTICIPATE IN LAND COMBATS: All
land areas (but not beyond) at the normal depot supply money point costs. corps, cossacks, freikorps, depot garrisons, and attacking guerrillas in
Although this is normally used to supply disembarking corps, it can be an area participate in field or trivial combat in the area. Forces inside
used without the need for an actual "invasion" (disembarking corps). cities are not included in field or trivial combat (they may only attack
FAQ 7.4.4.a: You can build a depot on a fleet which just or be attacked via siege combat, see 7.5.4).
transported a corps. GENERAL SEQUENCE OF LAND COMBATS: All field,
FAQ 7.4.4b: You can you build a depot on a fleet in a limited field and/or trivial combats may be resolved in any order at the
blockade box, but it can only supply the port area phasing player's option. After a combat is completed, the phasing Invasion supply can only be used if an unblockaded friendly player's forces may immediately occupy and/or detach factors to
controlled port that is a supply source or contains a depot that is part of a occupy any friendly-controlled or vacant city in the area subject to
valid supply chain exists from which supply can be traced to the fleet. usual restrictions (see 7.3.3). The phasing player's forces then conduct
FAQ OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: Depots can be all siege combats (this can include forces which just took part in a field
built both on the fleet and in the port supporting the invasion or trivial combat-see 7.5.4) in any desired order.
supply during the same turn. Es correcto porque cada uno 7.5.2 FIELD COMBAT PROCEDURE: Field combats simulate
está en una zona. open-field battles. Individual field combats may be resolved in any If the fleet containing the depot should move for any reason, the order determined by the phasing player, and may be intermixed with
depot is lost. any limited field and/or trivial combats. A combat in one area must be

completed before commencing another combat. A complete example of a Guerrillas, freikorps and cossacks may be included in combat
field combat is found in Each individual field combat occurs in with a morale value of 1.0. Militia are included with a morale
the following order: value of 2.0. Artillery are included with the morale of the major STEP ONE-SELECTION OF CHITS: Both players select an power's regular infantry. Guard infantry have a morale value of
Operational Possibilities chit. There are different chits for the attacker 5.0. Other infantry and cavalry have their morale values
(gray) and the defender (white). An outflank chit may be chosen only if a indicated on the back of their corps counters. For example, if a
force consists of at least two non-artillery corps and has a leader. force of 51 total army factors has 21 factors at morale 3.0,
ER: Operational Possibilities Chart: The attacker's first combat 20factors at morale 4.0 and 10 factors at morale 5.0 this is: 21
table when crossgriding an Escalated Assault with a Cordon times 3 plus 20 times 4 plus 10 times 5=193 divided by 51
river crossing should be "5-1" instead of "5-2". factors=3.784 which rounds to a base morale level of 3.8. STEP TWO-OUTFLANK ANNOUNCEMENT: Each player Method Two: Method One for the determination of
declares whether or not he has picked the outflank chit. If both players or the base morale level of a force can be involved and almost
neither player picked the outflank chit, or if the attacking player picked certainly involves the use of a pocket calculator. Therefore, we
the outflank chit and the defending player picked the cordon chit skip offer this simpler (and faster) alternative; first, determine the
Step 3 and go directly to Step 4. "primary component" of the force. This will be that major power STEP THREE-DIVIDING AN OUTFLANKING FORCE: with the most corps present, including controlled minor Free
The player who picked the outflank chit must divide his forces into a State corps (with equal numbers of corps present, the primary
"pinning" and an "outflanking" force. component is that major power with the lowest basic morale). Pinning Force Composition: The player designates part of his The "basic morale" of this primary component provides the base
force (at least one non-artillery corps plus all leaders, all garrison factors number for determining the base morale level of the whole force.
on depots, artillery factors and attacking guerrillas) as the "pinning force" The basic morales are: Great Britain-4.5; France-4.0; Russia,
before the other side reveals its tactical chit-only these will fight until the Austria and Prussia-3.5; Spain and Turkey-3.0 (also see the
arrival of the outflanking force. NATIONAL MORALE VALUES CHART on the Game Card). Outflanking Force Composition: The rest, comprising at The basic morale is increased by + 0.1 for every guard factor and
least one corps plus all cossacks and/or freikorps, are considered to be reduced by 0.1 for every militia, cossack, freikorps, guerrilla,
"moving around the flank" and are not included for combat purposes feudal or minor Free State infantry or cavalry factor with a
(which includes cavalry superiority-see option until they morale value of 2.0 or less (see the backs of the minor country
"arrive." EXCEPTION: They are included for determination of the base corps counters) in the force, even if not in the primary
morale levels (see component. The basic morale may not be increased by more than STEP FOUR-REVEAL CHITS: Both players now reveal their a net +0.5 nor decreased by more than a net 1.0. This is the base
chosen chits, and cross-index their operational possibilities chits on the morale level of the force. For example, Austria has an army
OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART on the Game Card. If the composed of 3 Guard, 28 regular infantry and 6 militia. Its basic
defender did not choose "Withdraw", skip Step 5 and go directly to Step morale is 3.5 plus 0.3 (3 Guard factors) minus 0.6 (6 militia
6. factors 3.2 base morale level. STEP FIVE-RESOLVE WITHDRAWALS: Any player who For our game we will use Method One only.
chose "Withdraw" now dices to see if his force does withdraw. Final Morale Levels: The final morale level for each day is Withdrawal Avoids Battle: If the entire force does withdraw, the base morale level minus 0.5 for each succeeding day of the combat
skip Steps 6-13 and go directly to Step 14. after the first and any modifiers indicated on the OPERATIONAL Withdrawal Procedure: If a player has picked the "Withdraw" POSSIBILITIES CHART on the Game Card. The final morale level is
chit, he dices to determine if he successfully withdraws. To be successful the point at which the force will break. For example, a force with a base
the die roll must be less than or equal to the appropriate strategic rating. morale level of 3.2 will also use that figure for its final morale level on If the opposing side has chosen "Probe", the the first day of a combat. On the second day of a combat, the final
withdrawal is automatically successful and no die roll is necessary. morale level will be 3.2minus 0.5 equals 2.7 If some other chit has been chosen by the attacker then 12.3.2 BRITISH TRAINING: Great Britain proved quite adept at
the defending player rolls a die, comparing the result to his turning certain minor country troops into first-class soldiers,
commander's strategic rating (see for determining a notably the Portuguese and Hanoverian (the "King's
commander)..If he has no commander, each corps must be diced German Legion" or "KGL") troops that they trained. Under
for separately, comparing the roll to its intrinsic strategic rating. this option, after 24 continuous months as a British-
These strategic ratings may be modified by notes on the controlled minor free state, the morale of the army factors
OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART on the Game Card. in the Hanover or Portugal corps is considered to be "4.0"
Cossacks and freikorps that are with corps attempting to withdraw for both infantry and cavalry in those corps. Garrison
may attempt to withdraw with them using the rules in infantry factors of these nationalities retain their usual ("2.0")
for their withdrawal. Guerrillas do not need to withdraw. Also see
morale. for withdrawing from an outflanking force. Reveal Forces: Both sides simultaneously reveal corps Each corps which withdraws is retreated by the method
identities, the exact size and composition of their forces and their final
given in Retreat after Combat (see, except that the
morale levels.
retreat is conducted by the controlling player. There is no pursuit.
ER 12.3.10: OVERWHELMING NUMBERS: Field or limited field
If any corps, depot garrison and/or cossack and/or freikorps
remains, the combat is fought on the combat tables found on the combats where one side has a 5:1 or better ratio in strength
OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART. factors must be resolved using trivial combat. EXCEPTION:
OR CAVALRY WITHDRAWALS: A defending cavalry An outnumbered defender may attempt to withdraw
corps stacked alone or only with other cavalry corps before the trivial combat by rolling the commander's
and/or cossacks/freikorps has its strategic rating (or strategic rating or less.
that of its commanding leader) increased by "+1" for STEP SEVEN-FIND COMBAT TABLES: The
withdrawal purposes only (see This rule
series of three sets of combat tables on the COMBAT RESOLUTION
does not apply if the attacker is also an all-cavalry CHART (both on the Game Card). One combat table is used per player
force and/or if the commanding leader has a strategic per round for the three rounds for which a combat day lasts. The
rating of 5. The Austrian Light Infantry Corps is attacker uses those tables designated by A in the OPERATIONAL
considered to be a cavalry corps for this purpose. POSSIBILITIES CHART. The defender uses those tables designated STEP SIX-REVEAL FORCES/MORALE LEVELS: Both by D. For example, if the attacker selected the echelon chit and the
players reveal their forces and determine their final morale levels. defender selected the counterattack chit, the attacker's combat tables Determining Morale Levels: Morale levels represent a force's would be 1-2 (first round), 3-4 (second round) and 2-4 (third round)
"morale", and the higher the number the better. "Base morale levels" can and the defender's combat tables would be 3-1, 4-1 and 2-1. Each
be calculated by one of two methods. Players should decide before the combat table is identified by two numbers (ie., 3-1 ). The first number
game begins which method to use for their game. Also see the represents the casualty level and the second number represents the
NATIONAL MORALE VALUES CHART on the Game Card. morale level of the combat table and these levels are cross-indexed on Method One: The base morale level is calculated by the COMBAT RESOLUTION CHART to find the combat table used
adding up the products of the number of army factors having the for a round of combat. For example, the 1-5 combat table is the one
same morale value, and dividing this total by the total number of located in the lower left-hand corner of the COMBAT RESOLUTION
army factors and rounding up to the next tenth of a point. CHART.

FAQ In note G on the Operational Possibilities Chart, HR 12.3.4: [no usada en Elba!!] Para evitar un
it says that the "final morale level" of a force is increased by 1 aprovechamiento incorrecto de la regla, se prohibe la
if commanded by a Russian leader. This mean that the utilización de la Guardia si no existe al menos una
force's morale is increased, not the morale level of the posibilidad (1/6) de romper al enemigo.
Combat Results Table.
OR If both sides have guard and/or grenadier
corps, the decision to commit or not and (if applicable) the
certain tactical matchups on the Operational Possibilities
number of morale levels of the shift must be written down
Chart only apply to forces with a named leader.
by both side's players at the start of every combat round River Crossing Combat Tables: If any of the attacking forces
and revealed simultaneously.
have crossed a river, a crossing arrow and/or disembarked from at sea to
enter the combat area then the river sections (found only in the assault, OR The effect of committing the guard is to
escalated assault, echelon and probe columns on the cordon line) of the increase the morale level used on the Combat Resolution
OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART are used where appropriate Table by "+1" or "+2". For example, the "3-2" combat table
for the first day's combat. If combat continues into a second day, then the becomes the "3-3" (increased by "+1") or "3-4" (increased
normal sections are used. by "+2") combat table. Outflanking Tables To Use: Until the outflanking force OR Only two or more guard factors of French
arrives, the first set (labelled 1st) of combat resolution tables on the and/or Russian guards may be used to attempt to increase
OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART are used, with the percentage the morale level by "+2". One or more guard factors of
losses caused by the outflanking side being based on the pinning force Austrian, French, Prussian and/or Russian guard factors
army factors only. Once the outflanking force has arrived the second set may be used to increase the morale level by "+1". Despite
labelled 2nd) of combat resolution tables are used with each army factor these minimums, all available guard factors of a nationality
in the outflanking army factors of the force counting as two army factors that is committed must be used for this. British and/or
for the purpose of determining percentage losses. For example, an Spanish guard factors may not be committed.
outflanking attacker has a pinning force of 20 factors with a 10 factor
OR The player who commits his guard then
outflanking force and faces a defender who chose the counterattack
consults the GUARD COMMITMENT TABLE on the Game
operational possibilities chit. In the first combat round, the attacker
would have 20 factors on the 2-1 combat table and the defender would Card and rolls a die. The die roll is cross-referenced with
use all defending factors on the 2-3 combat table. Assume that the the column showing the number of morale levels shifted.
attacker loses 4 factors in the first combat round and that the outflanking The result is the number of guard factors automatically lost
forces arrive (see 7 5.2.12) for the second combat round. For the second (in addition to any that may be lost during the coming
combat round, the attacker would have 16factors (left from the pinning combat round).
force) plus two times 10 factors in the outflanking force equals 20 factors OR If at least one guard factor of the committed
for a total attacking force treated as 36factors on the 4-4 combat table and nationality is left, then the combat round proceeds, with the
the defender would use all surviving defending factors on the 3-1 combat modified morale level. The lost guard factors do not
table. participate in the combat round. If all committed guard Combat Table Modifiers: Thesecombat table may be factors were lost, then the committing side is automatically
cumulatively modified by terrain effects in the area where numbers a field considered to break without fighting that combat round
combat occurs, although the casualty and morale level numbers may (although the opposing side still fights).
never be modified above 5 nor below 1 regardless of the modifiers that OR If at least one guard factor survives and the
apply. These modifiers are:
combat round is fought with the modified morale level, the Forest Modifiers: In forest areas the casualty level is
other side must be broken during that combat round or the
decreased by 1 for both sides (eg., combat table 2-2 becomes 1-2). Mountain Modifiers: In mountain areas the attacker's side that committed the guard is automatically considered
casualty level is reduced by 1. to be broken. Desert Modifiers: In desert areas the morale level is OR 12.3.5 ARTILLERY CORPS: The French and Russian major
increased by +1 for both sides (eg., combat table 2-2 becomes 2- powers each have the use of an artillery corps. These have
3). special uses during field and limited field combats, trivial Marsh Modifiers: In marsh areas the casualty level is combats and limited field combats. These special uses do
decreased by 1 and the morale level is increased by +1 for both
not apply during siege assaults or defender attacks (unless
sides (eg., combat table 2-2 becomes 1-3).
a relieving force is available for a limited field combat).
OR CAVALRY SUPERIORITY: If a side has at least twice
OR In every combat round (see for
as many cavalry factors (including cossacks and
sequencing) the artillery may be used to "bombard" before
freikorps) as the other side at the beginning of any
normal combat is resolved, the casualties inflicted by
round of a field, limited field or trivial combat (if
bombardment taking no part in later combat. If both sides
necessary, recalculate the number of cavalry factors
possess artillery, the bombardment losses are considered
present for every combat round), the superior side gets
to be determined simultaneously.
"+1" added to its combat die roll. NOTES: The net
OR The losses removed by bombardment may not
maximum modifier to a combat die roll for all modifiers
be militia, where possible, if the side taking the
is "+1". Cavalry factors in an outflanking force are not
bombardment losses already has a morale loss of "2.0" or
counted for cavalry superiority until the outflanking
force "arrives" (see Cavalry factors in an
OR Artillery bombardment inflicts only casualties-it
outflanking force that has arrived are not counted as
has no effect on morale (ignore morale losses when doing
double factors for purposes of determining cavalry
an artillery bombardment).
superiority. This rule does not apply if all factors on both
OR Artillery always bombards using the "5-5" table,
sides are cavalry.
irrespective of the tables being used for the normal combat STEP EIGHT-GUARD AND ARTILLERY USE
(OPTIONAL): Guard commitment and artillery bombardments (see round. Artillery bombardment is unaffected by any terrain
options 12.3.4 and 12.3.5), now take place in the order guard commitment other than marsh-there can be no bombardment in marsh
followed by artillery bombardment, if relevant. terrain, although the artillery factors still participate in
normal combat.
FAQ OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: Leaders don´t OR Artillery also takes part during the normal
modify artillery die rolls. combat round (ie., when used for bombardment it
OR 12.3.4 GUARD COMMITMENT: Before the resolution of a effectively gets to fight twice).
combat round commences (see for sequencing), a OR If at any time during a combat round a side (or
player with a guard or grenadier corps involved may choose the pinning force of a side) consists of only artillery factors,
to "commit the guard" and announces that this is being done. that side is automatically considered to break.
If a force includes guard or grenadier corps of two or more STEP NINE-COMBAT RESOLUTION: The opposing
nationalities, only one corps may be used for this purpose. A players each throw one die each and crossgrid their modified rolls on
player may do this only once per day of combat. their respective combat tables on the COMBAT RESOLUTION

CHART for each round, applying the result. Combat is considered to be Winning a Field Combat: A major power wins a field
conducted simultaneously so both forces take their losses at the same combat when the enemy side or an enemy pinning force either breaks
time. or is completely eliminated. Die Roll Modifiers: See 10.6.1 for determining commanders "Breaking": When a side's total morale loss equals
and their tactical ratings. The die roll is modified by commander or exceeds its final morale level,it"breaks" (retreats from the
differences. Use the COMMANDER CHART on the Game Card and field) and combat ceases after that round has been completed. In
crossgrid the opposing commander's tactical ratings to find the modifiers. the round in which a side breaks, at least one of that side's losses
For example, if the attacking commander's tactical rating is 4 and the incurred must be cavalry (this includes Cossacks and freikorps),
defending commander's tactical rating is 3, the attacker's die roll is if possible.
modified by + 1. Any optional modifier (see 12.3.3. 1) is cumulative with Pinning Force Defeat: If a pinning force breaks or is
the commander modifiers, although the maximum cumulative modifier eliminated before the outflanking force "arrives", the whole side
can never exceed +1. (including the outflanking force) is considered to be broken and Commander tactical ratings are recalculated after every may be pursued.
round of combat (they can change if reinforcing corps or a new If the pinning force is eliminated before the
reinforcing commander arrive). outflanking force "arrives", all enemy leaders present are If desired, a player may declare at the start of a combat captured by the victor and the outflanking force is broken and
round that his commander's tactical rating is less than it actually is may be pursued.
for purposes of determining the die roll modifiers on the If a pinning force is eliminated, any excess
COMMANDER CHART. casualties caused to that side go on the outflanking force. Political Points For Winning/Losing Field Combats:
OR CORPS LEADERS: For purposes of combats The victor now gains political points and the loser loses them,
(although without a leader counter corps must still attempt to recorded on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status
withdraw or reinforce individually), when no leader is Card). Half a political point is gained or lost for each corps of
available for a multi-corps force and the best corps rating is the defeated side (rounding fractions up) used during any round
used, treat these best corps ratings the same as if the force of that combat (this includes corps in outflanking forces that
were commanded by a leader with those strategic and never arrive, but not reinforcing corps that do not arrive) up to a
tactical ratings and a tactical maximum rating of "1" and maximum of +3 political points. For this purpose a single corps
modify accordingly (see which begins or reinforces a battle with more than 20 factors in
it is treated as 2 corps.
OR FURTHER TACTICAL RATING REDUCTIONS: This If the victor was commanded by the NAPOLEON
option extends rule by allowing a commander with leader, they get one extra political point.
three times the corps of the tactical maximum rating to have If the loser was commanded by the NAPOLEON
the tactical rating reduced by "-3", with four times the corps leader, they lose two extra political points.
to be reduced by "-4", etc. The tactical rating can still never Pursuit After Combat: When a side breaks, the victor may
be reduced to below zero. launch a "pursuit" using the victor's cavalry factors. Pursuit procedure
OR NAPOLEON'S RATINGS: Napoleon's military skill is as follows: Pursuit Class: The "pursuit class" is determined
slipped noticeably as he got older. If this option is used, the
from the PURSUIT CLASS TABLE on the Game Card by
NAPOLEON leader's tactical rating is reduced to "4" starting in
crossgridding the victor's total morale loss in the combat with
January, 1809 and the strategic rating reduced to "4" starting the number of combat rounds completed. Combats going into
in January, 1812. These reductions do not apply for combats two or more days always use the 3+ rounds column. The number
fought within the original French home nation boundaries. found is the "pursuit class number", which is then applied on the Percentage Loss-Types of Casualties: The percentage loss PURSUIT TABLE. For example, if the victor had a 2.6 total
(%LS) result is the percentage (see the CASUALTY PERCENTAGE morale loss when the loser breaks at the end of the second
TABLE on the Game Card) of that side's number of army factors which combat round, the 2-2.9 line is crossgridded with the 2 column
the other side must remove as losses. Losses incurred may be taken in to find a 3pursuit class. EXCEPTION: If a pursuit is ordered
any fashion within the following conditions: against forces withdrawing after a day's combat rather than Where possible, militia casualties may be taken only breaking, automatically use a 1 pursuit class (prior to applying
until (not including) the round in which the cumulative morale loss any modifiers).
of the army equals or exceeds 2.0. Pursuit Class Modifiers: The following cumulative In the round in which a side breaks, one of its losses modifiers all apply when using the PURSUIT TABLE:
must be cavalry (any type-regular, feudal, cossack or freikorps), if Cavalry Leader Present: +1 is added to the die roll
possible. if a cavalry leader (denoted by a cavalry leader symbol on the Factors that become casualties in one combat round leader counter) is present on the victor's side at the combat even
may not be used in later rounds. if he was not the commander, so long as at least one cavalry
OR 12.3.6 PROPORTIONAL LAND LOSSES: When army factors of factor of the leader's major power takes part in the pursuit.
mixed nationality (including minor country nationalities) In Forest, Mountain or Desert: If the combat took
participate in a combat, the losses suffered should be place in a forest, mountain or desert area, the pursuit class
column used on the PURSUIT TABLE is shifted one column to
as nearly proportional to the starting proportions as
the right of the column indicated by the pursuit class number (a -
possible. Round ". 5 " and above up. When proportions
1 modification). For example, if the pursuit class number from
do not "round out" precisely, an "odd" loss or losses the PURSUIT CLASS TABLE is 3 and the combat area is
should be assigned by mutual agreement or, if forest, mountain or desert, the shift is from the 3 to the 2
agreement cannot be reached, by competitive die column.
rolls. Once the number of army factors lost by each In Marsh: If the combat took place in a marsh
contingent are determined, the controlling players area, the pursuit class column used on the PURSUIT TABLE is
decide the types of factors to be lost by each shifted two columns to the right of the column indicated by the
contingent (within the normal limits for militia, cavalry, pursuit class number (a 2 modification).
guard, etc. factors that must be lost by the whole army) No Pursuit: Any result modified to less than a
by mutual agreement or, if impossible, by competitive class 1 pursuit means that no pursuit takes place.
die rolls. Pursuit Losses: Roll the die and crossgrid the Morale Loss: The "morale loss" ("MRLS") is subtracted from modified die roll number with the modified pursuit class column
the other side's final morale level. These are accumulated from round to on the PURSUIT TABLE. The result is the percentage loss of
round. the total (this does include cavalry factors that were in an STEP TEN-VICTORY AND DEFEAT: When a force is outflanking force that did not arrive) cavalry factors in the
eliminated or its total morale loss reaches or exceeds its final morale level victor's force inflicted on the broken force. Every loss in the
it breaks, may be pursued and must retreat (unless totally eliminated). The broken force not taken in cavalry (which includes cossacks and
combat is over and no further combat rounds are resolved. This may freikorps) is taken as three non-militia or six militia factors (ie.,
occur at the end of any round. Skip this step and go to Step 11 if the field 1 cavalry=3 infantry 6 = militia). If the entire losing force is
combat continues. If the combat is over, perform this step, then skip to eliminated by pursuit, all losing leaders are captured by the
Step 14. victor.

HR La baja de 1I se puede intercambir por 1A. be rolled to reinforce.If a leader is used for a reinforcing force, one or
Las bajas de 1G equivalen a 1I. Las bajas de Guerrilla more counters may be left behind, if desired. Gen 27/2
se toman como milicias. Strategic Rating Modifiers For Reinforcing: A reinforcing Retreat After Losing A Combat: The loser is retreated one commander's or corps' strategic rating is reduced by -1 if it occupies a
area by the victor. This occurs after pursuit (if any). mountain, forest or marsh area, or wishes to reinforce across a river. All retreats must be into an adjacent land area that is The reductions are not cumulative-the maximum reduction never
closest (any closest area, if several qualify equally) to the nearest exceeds -1. A reduction may result in corps being unable to reinforce at
depot of any nationality in force, or if none is on the map, towards all.
that force's nearest controlled national capital city.The depots Pinning Force Reinforcements: Any friendly forces that
discussed here are those of the losing force. Gen 27/2 reinforce a battle on a side with a pinning and an outflanking force are
HR7. Si hay una isla en la ecuación : la retirada attached to the pinning force, not to the outflanking force.
será hacia una zona que pueda ser abastecida desde Using Reinforcements: A side's final morale level is not
un depot existente en el mar o colocable en la changed due to the arrival of reinforcements but its cavalry factors (not
doubled for this purpose) are counted for determining cavalry
siguiente fase.
superiority (see option and all of its army factors may be A retreating force may never be split up.
added to the side's army factors for determining percentage losses on If the area retreated to contains an unbesieged enemy
the enemy. A reinforcing leader may take command if
corps, cossack, freikorps or depot garrison, the force is retreated
one more area (same rules as 1), etc., until an open area STEP TWELVE-ARRIVAL OF OUTFLANKING
is reached.
FORCES: After the first and second combat rounds of the day, players Retreat across a crossing arrow or onto ships is not
may attempt to roll for the arrival of outflanking forces.
permitted. Outflanking Force Arrival (?): At the end of the first round A force may not retreat into the same area twice in the
of combat the outflanking player rolls a die and compares the number
same retreat.
rolled to the commander's strategic rating. A force must surrender (An army factors and leaders If the die roll is less than or equal to the
in the force become prisoners) if no retreat route is available.
commander's strategic rating, as modified (all modifiers
HR7. La ruta de retirada está limitada por los puntos
arecumulative) byterrain and notes on the OPERATIONAL
de movimiento impreso de cada ficha. En el momento POSSIBILITIES CHART, the outflank is successful and the
que una ruta de retirada excede los pm de una ficha, outflanking forces "arrives", otherwise, the outflankers must dice
esta se rinde, mientras el resto de la fuerza continua la again for possible arrival at the end of the 2nd round.
retirada. For outflanking, Commanders' strategic ratings are
HR7. Para cada combate el árbitro declarará las reduced by -1 if the area containing the reinforcing forces is a
posibles zonas de retirada para cada fuerza, en el forest, mountain or marsh area.
momento de declarar el combate, antes de tirar The strategic rating of a commander is increased by
ningún dado y si hubiera dudas, se resolverán antes +2 at the end of the second combat round.
del combate. La última palabra la tendrá el árbitro, Withdraw vs. Outflanking: If the opposing side chose the
que para eso es árbitro. outflank chit and the outflanking force does not arrive after the first Unusual Field Combat Results: Sometimes field combats round, all remaining corps of a withdraw chit side are withdrawn
may have unusual conclusions. successfully before the second round is fought. This is handled as a Break and Eliminated: If a side's forces break in the normal withdrawal, as in There is no pursuit.
same combat round in which the enemy forces are completely  If this is not the third round of the day, repeat Steps 7-12,
eliminated (or a pinning force is eliminated before the outflankers using the combat tables appropriate for each combat round.
arrive) then the broken major power wins the combat and does not STEP THIRTEEN - "END OF DAY" WITHDRAWAL /
retreat (an outflanking force whose pinning force was eliminated ADDITIONAL COMBAT: At the conclusion of three combat rounds
does retreat. Political points are gained by the winner (survivor) (ie., one combat "day"), if neither side has been eliminated or broken,
and lost by the loser of this victory as per the players have the choice to continue a battle or to end it. The Both Break: If both forces break in the same combat opposing commanders should secretly note their intention to "fight" or
round and there are survivors on both sides then neither side wins, "withdraw", then reveal their choices simultaneously.
gains or loses political points, or is pursued. Only the attacker Withdrawing After A "Day" of Combat: Either or both
retreats-as per, except that the attacker retreats his own sides may automatically withdraw if that was their choice. These
forces. withdrawals are handled as per losing a combat (see, but STEP ELEVEN-REINFORCING ATTEMPTS: After each are conducted by the controlling players for their sides. If both sides
round of a combat "day," players may attempt to reinforce from adjacent choose to withdraw, both must leave the area and there are no pursuits.
land areas. Since no one was defeated, no political points are gained or lost from
FAQ A reinforcing corps doesn´t need to have any the combat.Gen 25/4& 27/2
movement points remaining. FAQ If only one side withdraws after a Reinforcing A Field Combat: After each round of field complete day of combat, i.e., neither side breaks or is
combat-corps, cossacks, freikorps and guerrillas in adjacent land areas eliminated, no political points should be awarded.
may attempt to reinforce. Furthermore, unbesieged corps, cossacks, FAQ When only a side withdraws after a day's
freikorps or guerrillas (for an attacker) in a city in the same or an adjacent combat there is pursuit, because states that
area to the field combat may also attempt to reinforce. pursuit can be launched "when a side breaks..." and Reinforcement across a crossing arrow or by lists an exception to using the pursuit table
disembarking is not permitted. concerning pursuit of a force withdrawing unbroken after a Forces may not attempt to reinforce if they have day's combat. Rule says there is no pursuit when
already or will take part in another combat this same major power both sides breaks.
sequence.Trivial combats do not count as a combat to prevent
HR Expl: Cuando un bando se retira al final del
attempts to reinforce. If all of a side's forces in an as yet
día, el otro bando sí puede hacer persecución.
unresolved trivial combat leave to reinforce another combat, the New "Days" of Combat: If both players chose to fight, the
trivial combat does not take place. Gen 25/4
combat goes into a further day (three rounds more). New Operational Allied forces may take part in a combat round only if
Possibilities chits are chosen, etc., repeating Steps 1-12.
at war with all the major powers on one side, by reinforcing the final morale levels used are those of the first
other side (unless also at war with a major power on that side) even
day less -0.5 for each succeeding day plus any OPERATIONAL
if they would not otherwise move in this major power's sequence
POSSIBILITIES CHART modifiers. Final morale levels are
of the Land Movement Step.
otherwise not re-calculated even if reinforcements arrived. Reinforcing Procedure: If the reinforcing forces have a leader Any outflanking forces that have not yet arrived
(determine a commander as in, if there is more than one leader)
rejoin the pinning force "overnight," so that all forces are once
with them (essential to reinforce with cossacks, freikorps and/or
again united at the start of each day. Possible reinforcing forces
guerrillas), the leader's strategic value is used when dicing to reinforce
do not arrive overnight.
with all the corps in that area as a single unit, otherwise each corps dices STEP FOURTEEN-DEPOTS AFTER FIELD BATTLES:
separately to reinforce. The commander's strategic rating or less needs to
If there are any enemy supply depots in the area with only friendly

forces remaining, then that supply depot may be destroyed or converted PURSUIT TABLE, Turkey rolls a 5 which means 60 % of 18 Turkish
to a friendly supply depot if it would then be part of a valid supply chain Feudal cavalry factors = 11 pursuit loses to the Russians. This is
(see equivalent to 33 regular infantry and/or guard factors which is a lot
OR 12.7 LEADER CASUALTIES: After the completion of a field or more than the Russian has, therefore his force is wiped out and the
limited field combat, a trivial combat, or a naval combat leader(s) captured. Turkey gains 2 political points and Russia loses 2,
,each side with a leader or leaders present checks to see if as there were 4 corps on the losing side.
any became casualties in the combat by rolling two dice. 7.5.3 TRIVIAL COMBATS: Combats in which one side initially
Rolling a "12" indicates a leader casualty. If a casualty is consists solely of garrison factors on a depot, cossacks, freikorps and/or
indicated, randomly choose a leader counter from among guerrillas not in cities must be resolved using trivial combat. Players
may also resolve any other field or limited field combats in this
those present (if more than one is present) and roll one die
manner, if both commanders agree.
for the chosen leader. If a "6" is rolled, the leader casualty is Trivial combats are resolved similarly to field combats, but the
"killed" and taken permanently from the game. On any other procedure is much simplified. No operational possibilities chits are
roll, the leader casualty is "wounded" and taken from the chosen, but commander (see and cavalry superiority (see
map for a number of complete months equal to the die roll option modifiers are included as for field combats. Trivial
number. combats may not be reinforced (see unless trivial combat EXAMPLE OF FIELD COMBAT: Turkey is at war with procedure is being used to resolve a field or limited field combat.
Russia. In its Land Movement Step it moves with 7 corps containing 18 Combat is fought using the 5-2 combat table for both sides for
feudal infantry, 18 feudal cavalry and 14 Janissary (regular infantry) all three combat rounds, subject to modification for terrain (see
factors into an area containing 4 Russian corps with 6 Guard infantry, 17 and guard commitment (see option 12.3.4). Additional "days" of
regular infantry, 13 militia and 1 regular cavalry factors. These forces are combat may be fought using trivial combat.
not revealed until after cross-referencing on the OPERATIONAL Any type of factor may be removed as a casualty, at the
POSSIBILITIES CHART occurs. controlling player's option, during any round of a trivial combat (ignore
STEP ONE (see The Turkish player chooses from the attacker's the restrictions of
set of operational possibilities chits and the Russian player from the The normal field combat methods of determining final morale
defender's set. values, breaks, retreats, withdrawals at the end of a "day" and pursuit
STEP TWO (see Next, each player declares whether or not they rules are followed. Depot and citygarrisons cannot retreat and losing
have chosen "outflank". Neither has, so Step Three (see is survivors that break must surrender if not eliminated by a pursuit.Gen
skipped. 27/2
STEP FOUR (see Turkey now reveals he has chosen the No political points are gained or lost in trivial combats.
"assault" chit and Russia shows the "cordon" chit. Since the Russians did EXCEPTION: If both commanders had agreed to resolve what could
not choose the withdraw chit, Step Five (see is skipped. have been a field or limited field combat by using trivial combat
STEP SIX (see Morale (using Method One) for Turkey is: 36 procedures, the normal political point changes are made (see
(feudal infantry and cavalry factors) times 2.0 morale value plus 14
(Janissary infantry factors) times 3.0 morale value equals 114 divided by
50 army factors equals 2.28, which round up to 2.3 base and final morale OR 12.3.10: OVERWHELMING NUMBERS: Field or limited field
level. Morale for Russia is: 6 (guard infantry factors) times 5.0 morale combats where one side has a 5:1 or better ratio in strength
value plus 17 (regular infantry factors) times 3.0 morale value plus 13 factors must be resolved using trivial combat. EXCEPTION:
(militia factors) times 2.0 morale value plus 1 (regular cavalry factor) An outnumbered defender may attempt to withdraw
times 4.0 morale value equals 111 divided by 37 army factors equals 3.0 before the trivial combat by rolling the commander's
base and final morale level. Both sides reveal their sizes (number of army strategic rating or less.
factors) and compositions (types of army factors).
STEP SEVEN-FIRST ROUND (see Cross-referencing on the HR12.3.10: Overwhelming numbers avanzada
OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART indicates that for the first -Ataques 1:5 : el ataque no tiene lugar. El atacante rompe
round Turkey is on the 4-1 table and Russia on the 2-1 table. No terrain y tiene que retirarse antes de producirse el ataque. El
modifiers apply. Step Eight (see is skipped, as those options are atacante pierde un PP. Ningún efecto para el defensor.
not being used. -Ataques 5:1 hasta 15:1 : field combat resuelto con las
STEP NINE-FIRST ROUND (see Both players have a leader tablas de trivial. No se escogen chits (seran siempre
with a modified tactical rating of 2 which results in no leader die roll assault vs withdraw) a menos que el atacante me mande
modifiers from the COMMANDER CHART. If option were
un probe DE ANTEMANO. Hay intercambio de PP, el
used (it is not), Turkey would have a + 1die roll modifier for (8 feudal
combate impide al atacante (y al defensor si sobrevive)
cavalry versus 1 regular cavalry factor) cavalry superiority. Turkey, on
the 4-1 table, rolls a 4, which causes a 10 percentage loss (10% of 50 reforzar un combate posterior.
Turkish army factors = 5 Russian army factors lost) and a -1.0 morale -Ataques 15:1 o superior: Es un combate trivial a todos los
loss. The Russians can take all of their army factor losses in militia efectos excepto : el atacante no gana PP pero el defensor
factors as their total morale loss is less than 2.0. Russia, on the 2-1 table, si los pierde. El atacante puede reforzar combates
rolls a 3, which causes a 5 percentage loss (5 % of 3 7 Russian army posteriores.
factors = 2 Turkish army factors lost) and a -.02 morale loss. The Turks
7.5.4 SIEGES: These represent the surrounding and reduction of
take both of their army factor losses as feudal infantry factors. As neither
garrisoned enemy cities. A major power's corps may besiege any
side breaks nor is eliminated and there are no reinforcements or flanking
occupied city in territory controlled by a major power or minor neutral
forces involved, Steps Ten through Twelve are skipped (see
with which it is at war or any city occupied by enemy troops wherever
75.2.12) and play moves to the second combat round.
it is located. Guerrillas, freikorps and cossacks may only conduct
STEP SEVEN-SECOND ROUND: On the second round Turkey is on
sieges in conjunction with friendly corps. Depot garrisons may never
the 4-3 table and Russia is on the 2-1 table.
take part in sieges. The forces besieging a city are the "besiegers”, and
STEP NINE-SECOND ROUND: Again, no die roll modifiers. Turkey,
the garrison inside the city are the "defenders". A phasing force that
on the 4-3 table, rolls another 4, which causes a 15 percentage loss (15%
just attacked and won a field or trivial combat in an area may then
of 48 surviving Turkish army factors = 7 Russian army factors lost) and a
besiege an enemy city in that same area if all corps in the, phasing
-2.0 morale loss. Russia, on the 2-1 table, rolls a 4, which causes a 5
force used depot (regular, sea and/or invasion) supply, and/or did not
percentage loss (5% of 32 Russian army factors=2 Turkish army factors
use unused movement points to modify a foraging roll (see
lost) and a -.05 morale loss. The Turks again eliminate two feudal
infantry factors. Russia has broken as total morale loss is -3.0, -1.0 in HR7.5.4 Aclaracion : Los Asedios se declaran después de
round one plus -2.0 in round two, exactly equalling the Russian final resolver los combates de campo o triviales, por tanto si un
morale value), therefore one of the losses inflicted in the last round must cuerpo que hubiese gastado PM en forage, se retira a una
be cavalry (the Russian loses his only regular cavalry factor) and none zona con ciudad tras perder un combate, la ciudad NO
can be militia (if possible) as morale loss has exceeded a total of -2.0 this puede ser asediada ni asaltada.
round (6 Russian regular infantry factors are removed). Russia now has 6 BESIEGER ASSAULT ATTEMPTS: A besieging major
guard, 11 regular infantry and 8 militia factors remaining. power may elect to launch "assault" attempts. For assault attempts a die
STEP TEN (see 7.5.2. 10): Having broken the Russians and having is rolled and the result referenced to the SIEGE TABLE on the Game
cavalry, Turkey now pursues the Russians. As it was the second round in Card.
which the Russians broke and Turkey has lost a total of - 0.7 morale, Assault Attempt Modifiers: The die roll for assault attempts
checking the PURSUIT CLASS TABLE shows a 5 pursuit class. On the is cumulatively modified as follows:

20 City Siege Value: The city siege value (the number of the COMBAT RESOLUTION CHART for a maximum of three
fleches in the city picture on the mapboard) is subtracted from the rounds (garrison attack combats never last more than one "day")
die roll. with no modifications for terrain, leaders, or cavalry superiority. Undergarrisoned: +1 is added if the city is not There are no pursuits and these combats cannot be reinforced.
garrisoned to within 5 factors of the city's garrison capacity. For Final morale levels are determined as per
example, if the garrison capacity is 15, one will be added if there Any type of army factor may be removed as a
are 9 or less factors in the city. casualty, at the controlling player's option, during any round of a Assault Attempt Results: The results from the SIEGE TABLE garrison attack combat.
are resolved as follows. If the defending force loses or does not win (break or Sortie?:If “sortie?" is the result the defender may elect eliminate the besiegers) within three rounds, the siege is
to "sortie" (historically, in a sortie a besieged force would launch a resumed, unless the combat eliminates every army factor in a
limited surprise attack on the besiegers) out against the besieging garrison, in which case the city is captured.
force. In a sortie, the defending player rolls a die. On a roll of 5 or If the defender wins, the besieger retreats in
6 the defender loses one army factor (defending player's choice), accordance with the retreat after combat rules (see,
and any other result is a one army factor loss (besieging player's but may not be pursued, and any previously besieged corps may,
choice) to the besieger. If the defender chooses not to roll a die, if desired, be immediately moved out of the city into the
nothing happens. surrounding area. NR: No results. Nothing happens. Political Points For Garrison Attack Combats: There are Breach: If "breach" (indicating that a gap has been no political points gained or lost for garrison attack combats.
blown through the defender's walls) is the result on the SIEGE Relieving Force-Limited Field Combats: If the besieged force
TABLE, the following may be done: attacks with the help of "relieving forces" (ie., external corps Honors of War: The defender may ask for the "honors that enter the area from another area) or such relieving forces
of war" (EXCEPTION: Turkish and Spanish defenders and their attack without assistance from any part (all besieged factors do
minor allies may not). If honors of war are granted by the besieger, not have to be used) of the besieged force, a "limited" field
the garrison corps and/or garrison army factors are moved to the combat instead of a defender attack combat is fought. Limited
nearest friendly-controlled unbesieged city and/or city area. If field combats are fought at the same time as field and trivial
there is no such city, the garrison surrenders or fights instead. Note combats (ie., before any siege assault or defender attack
that minor Free State garrisons may not leave their own country, combats). A limited field combat is a normal field combat (use
and if forced to, would have to surrender or fight. There are no all normal field combat rules) that may not exceed one "day"
political points for the honors of war. (three combat rounds) in length and uses the following special Surrender: If honors of war are not granted, or not rules:
requested, the garrison may surrender (all become prisoners) or Relieving Force Fails TO Win: If the relieving force
may fight an assault combat, at the defending player's option. If the breaks or does not win within 3 rounds, the siege is resumed.
defender fights and is broken, the surviving defending army factors The surviving siege defenders return to the
must surrender. There are no political points for a surrender. besieged city and the entire relieving force returns to the area Assault: If there are no honors of war or surrender, from which it entered the siege area (returns to any one of the
the besieger must fight and assault the city. areas from which it entered, if more than one). If all siege Assault Combat Resolution: These simulate attempts to defenders were eliminated, the city is captured.
"storm" a city by an assault through a breach. Assault Combat is resolved There is no pursuit if the relieving force did not
similarly to trivial combat, but is even more simplified. break, and, if it did break, only the relieving force may be 1: The besieging forces fight on the 5-1 combat table and pursued, not the siege defenders.
the defenders on the 5-2 combat table of the COMBAT Relieving Force Wins: If the besiegers break, they
RESOLUTION CHART on the Game Card for a maximum of retreat in accordance with the normal retreat after combat rules
three rounds (assault combats never last more than one "day") with (see, but may only be pursued by cavalry that is in
no modifications for terrain, leaders and/or cavalry superiority. All the relieving force (not in the siege defender's force) and any
available factors on both side must participate. There are no previously besieged corps may, if desired, then be immediately
pursuits and assault combats may not be reinforced. moved out of the city into the surrounding area. Final morale levels are determined as per Political Points For Limited Field Combats: Political Any type of army factor may be removed as acasualty, points for winning and losing are assigned as for field combats
at the controlling player's option, during any round of an assault (see To win or lose, one side must be broken or
combat. eliminated; otherwise the combat is considered a draw. If the besieger loses or does not win (break or 7.5.5 REMOVAL OF CORPS: At the end of a day's combat, when all
eliminate the defenders) within three rounds, the siege is resumed, casualties are removed, excess corps counters emptied by losses may
with no further combat this player sequence. also be removed from the mapboard. This may causea change in a
FAQ If the besieger assaults a city and both forces commander's tactical rating for the next day's combat (see 10. 6.1.2. 1)
break the siege continues, because the beseiger did [ 7.6 ] THE GUERRILLA STEP: Guerrilla creation and anti -
not win (see and guerrilla operations occur in this step-see 10.1.1. If the besieger wins (the defender is eliminated or [ 7.7 ] THE CONQUEST STEP: This step is performed after all
broken), then the city is captured and all surviving army factors major power sequences are completed. It can be performed any
and leaders are surrendered. convenient order. Control flags are changed to show the conquest of Political Points For Siege Assault Combat Winners: If the minor countries and their change of control. The control flags are
assaulted city contains a corps and/or is a "fortress" (has one or more changed only if the capital of the minor country was occupied during
fleches), the defender gets one political point if the besieger loses (is the previous Turn and the conqueror has maintained uninterrupted and
eliminated or broken) or does not win within three rounds, and the unbesieged occupation for the entire current Turn. A newly conquered
besieger gets one political point if the city is captured. Record on the minor country is always marked with a conquered control flag.
POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card. No political points FAQ 7.7a: If 2 allied major powers occupy a minor country
are ever lost on either side, regardless of the outcome and none are gained capital at the exact same instant, even in combined
if the city has a no corps and/or is not a fortress (has no fleches). movement, powers still move in an order (see
FAQ When a multinational force assaults a fortress or Whoever moves first may occupy the capital by detaching
city with a corps garrison, all powers with forces in the asault a garrison (or having a corps be a garrison). If no garrison
gets the political points. was left, the power moving last may detach a garrison and DEFENDER ATTACKS BESIEGER: Defenders may attack controlling the city. If a garrison WAS left, the power moving
besiegers during the defending player's sequence of a Land Combat Step, last may besiege the city (7.5.4 allows a power to besiege
if desired. any city in enemy-controlled territory). Since the two Garrison Attack Combats: These simulate a city garrison powers are allied, the garrison is neutral to the besieger.
attacking the besiegers and are resolved similarly to siege assault Therefore, by 10.3.3, the garrison must surrender.
combats. FAQ 7.7b: If a country is at the top of the Dominant Zone If the defending garrison or a portion thereof (all
and, during the Conquest Step, she is due to receive
defending factors do not have to be used) chooses to attack, the
control of one minor and lose control of another, you
defending major power uses the 5-1 combat table and the besieger
(who must use all available factors) uses the 5-2 combat table on should add up all conquest step awards/debits before

applying the result. In this case +1, -1 would result in a net la conquista de la siguiente manera :
change of 0. - Si ninguno de los dos destaca una guarnición o ambos lo
HR 7.7: El paso de Conquista es simultáneo hacen : un competitive roll decidirá quién de los dos
HR 7.7bis Para controlar una ciudad vacía de guarnición conquista el minor.
enemiga, es suficiente con permanecer en el área, no es - Si uno de ellos destaca guarnición, y el otro no, el que la
necesario destacar una guarnición dentro de la ciudad. En destaque conquista el minor. (Y aquí podría darse el caso
el caso que dos potencias mayores no en guerra entre si de asedio y rendición por neutralidad comentado en la
ocupen en la misma fase y durante un turno entero, la FAQ)
capital de un minor con el que estén en guerra, se resolverá


During this phase, which occurs only at the end of the March, June, powers must be enough that, by adding these excess (not needed
September and December Turns, money and manpower are collected and to match its own victory level) victory points to the other major
certain expenditures are made. Players should keep track of their current power's victory points, that addition will be enough to bring that
amounts of money on a separate sheet of paper or use the second major power to its victory level.
WORKSHEET forms on copies of side two of the National Cards. [ 8.2 ] THE MONEY AND MANPOWER COLLECTION STEP:
Prussia should do similarly for current saved manpower levels. The The "tax" (for money) and "manpower" (recruiting for ships and army
actions of the Economic Phase occur in the following order: factors) values for each province are printed within the province on the
mapboard. The domestic trading values for each port city are printed in
[ 8.1 ]THE VICTORY POINTS STEP: In this step, the POLITICAL its blockade box. NOTE: Copies of the ECONOMIC AND
STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card is consulted and each major MANPOWER WORKSHEET forms on side 2 of the National Cards
power receives the victory Points specified for the position at which it is are useful for the calculations involved in 8.2-8.5.
located. For example, if the Austrian political status marker was on the 8.2.1 MONEY COLLECTION: There are a number of sources from
square at the extreme right of the neutral zone line, Austria would receive which a major power may collect money. Each player totals the money
8 victory points. due to him from Economic Manipulation (see option 12.5-this may be
8.1.1 RECORDING VICTORY POINTS: The victory points gained negative), from taxation, from trade and Spanish Gold. This total is
are recorded by adjusting each major power's victory point markers on the added to any accumulated amount carried over from previous quarters.
VICTORY POINTS DISPLAY on the Status are to show the new total of
victory points. MONEY COILLECTION BY TAXATION: The tax money
8.1.2 POSSIBLE BRITISH CHANGE IN VICTORY POINTS: The due a major power is determined by adding together all of the tax
British player has the option of spending up to one third of the victory values of all of its controlled home provinces, currently ceded enemy
points he gained this step to subtract that same number of victory points provinces and conquered minor countries. The tax money due a
from the total victory points of any ONE major power with which Great controlled minor Free State is similarly and separately figured (see
Britain is currently at war. This is done instead of Great Britain gaining 8.2.3). A major power may not collect taxes from a province or minor
those victory points. country if its capital city is occupied by unbesieged enemy factors. A
8.1.3 HOW TO WIN A GAME: During the Victory Points Step of a major power collects no taxes at all (except for its minor Free States) if
game's final Turn, or possibly sooner, a victor is determined. its national capital city (or, in the case of Russia, if either Moscow or SCENARIO VICTORY: Each scenario has its own victory St. Petersburg) is occupied by unbesieged enemy factors.
conditions (see the individual scenarios in 13.0) and the victory
determination systems are different from those used for campaign games. MONEY COLLECTION BY TRADE: The trade money due CAMPAIGN VICTORY: Victory points are collected during a major power is determined by adding together all of the domestic
each Victory Points Step (see 8.1). In the campaign games, the first trading values of its ports. The domestic trade money due a controlled
player(s) to obtain enough total victory points to reach or exceed his minor Free State is similarly and separately figured.Great Britain may
major power's victory level and announce this fact (it does not have to be trade with any eligible ports, but only if the major power controlling
announced at the first opportunity) is a winner. If two or more major the port also wishes to trade. For ALL trade, Great Britain announces
powers have reached or exceeded their victory levels simultaneously, all trading he wishes to conduct, after which each major power
those major powers are co-winners. Players may not transfer victory involved may agree or disagree. Gen 25/4& 27/2
points to each other. If no player reaches the required victory level by the HR Esta HR opta por la segunda opción del FAQ
end of a campaign game, Great Britain wins. GB debe comerciar con todos los puertos de una The Major Power Victory Levels: The required victory levels nacion o con ninguno, pero no con algu-nos si y con otros
for each major power are given in the VICTORY LEVELS CHART on no.
the Game Card. Domestic (Normal) Trade: All domestic trade is considered Shorter Campaigns: If players wish to finish a campaign game to be done with Great Britain. When an eligible port does trade, Great
earlier, they can determine the victor by calculating the major power Britain receives the first trading value amount listed for its trade and
which has attained the largest percentage of its victory level. Average the controlling major power gains the second trading value amount.
these percentages for players controlling two major powers (see 14.2.2). A port is not eligible for trading (domestic or The Final Victory Points Step: During a Victory Points Step overseas) if it is blockaded, besieged, or occupied by an enemy
when the announced total victory points of a major power has matched or major power other than the major power controlling the province
exceeded that major power's victory level or, if the final month that will or minor country in which the port lies.
be played has been concluded, during the final Victory Points Step of the Ports north of the ice line are not eligible for trade in
game, manpower levels are counted for additional victory points. the last (December) Economic Phase of a year. Each major power counts its total currently controlled Ports on the Black Sea can only trade if given
manpower values in controlled home nation provinces, controlled permission by the major power controlling Constantinopole.
ceded provinces of other home nations and conquered minor A major power may not trade using any port in a
countries (none of the component territories of the new political province or minor country if that province or minor country's
combinations used in options 11.1-11.6 count as conquered). capital city is occupied by unbesieged enemy factors.
Controlled minor Free States and/or controlled provinces or minor A major power may not conduct any trade (except
countries with capitals currently occupied by an enemy are not through eligible controlled minor Free State ports) if its national
counted. capital city (both Moscow and St. Petersburg for Russia) is These manpower values are added as extra victory occupied by unbesieged enemy factors. A major power at war
points to the major power's victory point totals for determining a with Great Britain may not conduct any domestic trade.
winner or winners. Great Britain may trade with ports in minor neutral For players controlling two major powers (see 14.2.2) countries, with no major power earning the second amount.
to win, both of their major powers must match or exceed their Britain may trade with eligible ports in
victory level or the excess victory points of one of these major provinces and minor conquered countries it controls, gaining
both values. Great Britain may also trade with eligible ports in COLLECTION: Minor Free States gain doubles the money and
minor Free States it controls, gaining the first amount, the minor manpower values printed on the map. To this is added the money value
Free State gaining the second. of any domestic trade with Great Britain. Minor Free Statedo not trade Overseas Trade: This represents trade with nations and with America. This money and manpower is used exclusively for
colonies not shown on the map. purchases and maintenance of that minor's forces. Any wastage is lost. British Colonial Trade: Great Britain receives an The controlling major power may loan money (actually, give the
additional 30 (only 15 money points while at war with the U.S.A.- money-minor Free States never repay loans, and may not make loans of
see money points for trade with its colonies. their own) to a minor Free State. If the capital city of a minor Free State American Trade: American trade represents European is occupied by unbesieged enemy factors, it gains no money (including
trade with the American continents. trade) or manpower. American Trade Value: Each major power
other than Great Britain may trade with America, receiving [ 8.3 ]THE LENDING MONEY STEP: Major powers may now lend
twice the second domestic trading value of any one port or give ("subsidies?") money to each other or to their own controlled
eligible (must use the one with the highest possible domestic minor Free States. Minor Free States may not loan money. Money may
trading values) for domestic trade which it controls. This port not be lent or given at any other time in the game. Money that changes
may not be in a controlled minor Free State but may be in a hands is added or subtracted from the money obtained from other
controlled conquered minor country. It does not matter if this sources. Manpower may not be loaned or given away at any time.
port is also used for domestic trade with Great Britain. Minor Between major powers, money may, only be loaned or given to allies.
Free States have no separate American trade. FAQ 8.3 OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: The existence or
FAQ A major power can´t conduct amount of a loan may be kept secret, but I would advise a
American trade if its capital is occupied paper trail for any questions that might pop up later, during Stopping American Trade-War With The your after game wrap-up.
United States: If Great Britain is at war with another major HR 8.3 Expl: No se puede prestar dinero a no-aliados, y el
power(s), it may elect during this step to automatically stop préstamo a aliados se puede dar en las condiciones que
that major power(s) from trading with America. se desee (a fondo perdido, con intereses, etc.). A los Great Britain stops the American trade, menores siempre se presta dinero a fondo perdido.
Great Britain gains the value of the American trade it [ 8.4 ] THE MANIPUILATION SFEP:
stops. 8.4.1 OCCUPIED HOME NATION CAPITALS: If a major power If this is done, the British player also rolls home nation capital is enemy occupied and unbesieged during a
one die. If the roll is equal to or less than the number of Manipulation Step, the major power without a capital may not collect
major powers denied trade with America by Great Britain, money (see or carry out any previously set economic
Great Britain's actions are considered to have started a manipulation (see option 12.5) or set any new economic manipulation
war with the U. S. A. Great Britain immediately loses 15 (0 must be set). Instead, the major power's political status marker must
money points and loses 15 money points of its colonial be adjusted on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPILAY on the Status
trade every following Economic Phase while it remains at Card to show the following drop in points:
war with the USA. While Great Britain is at war with the LONDON OR PARIS OCCUPIED: -3 political points.
USA no major power may trade with America. The war BERLIN, CONSTANTINOPLE OR VIENNAOCCUPIED:
with the USA lasts until Great Britain ends it by choosing -2 political points.
to lose 5 political points during any Peace Step. There MADRID, MOSCOW OR ST PETERSBURGOCCUPIED:
may be more than one war with the USA during the -1 political point. For Russia, this is -1 political point per capital
course of a campaign game. (Moscow and/or St. Petersburg) occupied.
between Great Britain and the United States was not apply, see option 12.5 for information on using economic
to some extent "engineered" by Napoleon and manipulation during this step.
his "continental system". In this option, if peace
condition B.6 is applied to stop as major power's OR 12.5 ECONOMIC MANIPULATION: Economic
American trade, this counts as a major power manipulation simulates the ability of a major power to
denied trade with America for the die roll control its economy to gain the additional political points,
required in and the British must money or manpower that are needed. Economic
make the die roll during any Money and manipulation takes place during the Manipulation Step of
Manpower Collection Step in which any major an Economic Phase (see 8.4). Performing economic
powers are denied American trade by Britain manipulation consists of first recording changes from the
and/or by the B.6 peace condition. last economic manipulation setting and then resetting the SPANISH GOLD: Spain receives money from a yearly gold ECONOMIC MANIPULATION DISPLAY on side one of each
convoy from Spanish overseas colonies-two dice are rolled on the major power's National Card (even if side two is used for
SPANISH GOLD CONVOY TABI-E on the Game Card during the everything else, this display on side one should be used
September Economic Phase only and the amount indicated is received in with this option during a campaign game) for the next
money points. If Great Britain is at war with Spain at this time, modify economic manipulation. The setting is always in the "0"
the dice roll by -2. A modified dice roll of less than 2 results in there square at the start of a campaign and 8.4.1 restrictions can
being no gold for Spain this year-instead, Great Britain has captured the limit the ability to use other settings.
gold convoy and gets 15 money points for the capture. If all Spanish-
controlled ports are blockaded and/or if no ports are Spanish-controlled or OR 12.5.1 RECORDING ECONOMIC MANIPULATION: Major
unoccupied by enemy forces then there is also no gold convoy, although powers gain or lose the number of political points specified
there is also no dice roll in this case. by the large Political Status Adjustment ("PSA") number in Continental Blockade: If using the option that Great Britain the square of its ECONOMIC MANIPULATION DISPLAY in
may choose which specific ports he will trade with, rather than just which that major power's economic manipulation marker is
trading with (all ports of) the Major Power, implement this rule. At the positioned. This square also specifies gains or losses in
conclusion of the Money and Manpower Collection Step, Britain loses money and/or manpower. Record any political point
one political point (PP) if its total Domestic Trade is less than $25, and changes on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status
loses a second PP if its total trade is less than $15. MLB Card and add or subtract the money and manpower from
8.2.2 MANPOWER COLLECTION: Each player totals the manpower the totals determined during the Money and Manpower
due to him from Economic Manipulation (this may be negative), from Collection Step.
friendly controlled home provinces and conquered minor countries only.
Manpower is not collected from ceded enemy provinces nor from a OR 12.5.2 SETTING ECONOMIC MANIPULATION: The owning
controlled province or minor country whose capital city contains player then sets the economic manipulation marker's
unbesieged enemy factors. The presence of an unbesieged enemy in the position to any square on the ECONOMIC MANIPULATION
national capital of a major power does not affect the collection of DISPLAY. This position specifies the PSA number and
manpower except for the capital's province. amount of money and/or manpower to be gained or lost in
8.2.3 MINOR FREE STATES MONEY AND MANPOWER the next Economic Phase's Manipulation Step.

Free States are lost.Minor country Free States and Kingdomsmay save
8.4.3 RETURNING REMOVED LEADERS: At the end of a up to $14 between economic phases. If at any time in the future a new
Manipulation Step, determine if a removed leader (removed as a result of rule introduces a factor that costs more than $15, then the savings limit
peace condition C.6) can be returned to play (or drop political points at is increased to one less than that cost.JJ
this time to ensure the return during the next Reinforcement Phase-see 8.5.6 MILITIA CONVERSION (OPTIONAL): If option 12.1.1 is
10.6.4). used, militia to be converted is removed from the map and paid for
[ 8.5 ] MONEY AND MANPOWER EXPENDITURE STEP: Money during this step.
and manpower are used to pay expenses and for building/recruiting new 8.5.7 SURPLUS MAJOR POWER MONEY OR MANPOWER:
ships and/or army (regular infantry and cavalry, militia, guard and/or Any remaining money points belonging to a major power are available
artillery) factors. Minor Free States pay their own maintenance, at the for use to meet any of that major power's expenses (ie., building depots,
same rates. If the minor Free State cannot pay, the major power using depot supply, etc.-this also includes these expenses for controlled
controlling the minor Free State must pay. Money should be expended in Free States and/or supplying allied corps) during future months.
the order that expenses are listed below. Any major power that becomes Prussian manpower points can also be saved-those of other major
"bankrupt" during 8.5.1 or 8.5.2 loses -3 political points (immediately powers are lost if not used.
adjust the major power's political status marker on the POLITICAL [ 8.6] THE POLITICAL STATUS ADJUSTMENT STEP: In this
STATUS DISPLAY) step, each player checks the box on the POLITICAL STATUS
8.5.1 MAINTENANCE: These represent the expense of counters already DISPLAY on the Status Card containing his political status marker and
on the map. If there is insufficient money for the maintenance of all gains or loses the political points specified by the value of the large
counters in 8.5.1, the major power pays all available money and becomes political status adjustment ("PSA") number in the box. Where this is a
bankrupt. This has no effect on the counters on the map. positive number, this is a political points gain (move the marker to the CORPS MAINTENANCE: For each corps of any type and at right); where the number is negative, this is a political points loss
any location a major power has on the map (not including minor Free (move the marker to the left). The political status marker is moved by
State corps, which are paid for separately) it expends one money point in the indicated number of boxes in the indicated direction. Players may
maintenance. not transfer political points to one another. FLEET MAINTENANCE: It costs various amounts to maintain [ 8.7 ] THE CIVIL DISORDER STEP: If, during any Economic
fleets; one money point for each fleet located in a port, 2 money points Phase, a major power can collect no home nation manpower, that major
for each fleet in a blockade boxJJand 5 money points for each fleet power goes into "civil disorder" and that major power is permanently
located in a sea area. out of the game and all of its home nation forces are permanently DEPOT MAINTENANCE: For each of its depots on the map a eliminated from the map.
major power expends one money point in maintenance. 8.7.1: All conquered minor countries of the major power undergoing
8.5.2 FORMAL DEBTS: Major Powers now pay off any "formal" debts civil disorder pass to the control of the major power occupying the
that is, those required through peace terms (see peace terms B. 3, C. 3 and major power's capital.
C. 7). If there is insufficient money for this the major power pays what 8.7.2: Controlled minor Free States of the major power undergoing
there is and becomes bankrupt (if not already so) and the remainder of the civil disorder become neutral if no enemy forces control their capital. If
debt still exists as a formal debt. Players may now also choose, but are a capital is controlled, their control passes to the major power
not obliged, to pay any informal debts. occupying their capital.
HR 8.5.2 Expl: Los pagos por paces son tan ineludibles como 8.7.3: Each of that major power's home nation provinces are ceded to
el resto de deudas formales y deben pagarse en este the major power controlling the provincial capital. EXCEPTION:
momento. Where no major power controls the provincial capital, that province
8.5.3 EXPENDITURE ON FORCES: Major Powers with money left passes to the major power controlling the national capital. These
may spend it on army factor or ship purchases (see the PURCHASE / provinces are now all considered to be ceded provinces.
COST CHART on the Game Card). For example, an infantry factor could 8.7.4: If the forces of two or more major powers are placed to dispute
be purchased by using three money and two manpower points. claims to territory arising from civil disorder (ie., mixed forces occupy
HR 8.5.3: El número de navíos construídos y el puerto son de a capital city), the involved major powers may decide on control in any
dominio público si se usa la regla optativa 12.1.2. Esto mutually agreeable manner, or, if unable to agree, may use competitive
prescribe expresamente el FAQ 8.5.3. die rolls to determine the new controlling major power (the modifiers Minor Free States make separate purchases using their own from 4.6.2 apply to these die rolls for disputed minor countries).
money and manpower. 8.7.5: Each major power at war with the major power undergoing civil Any excess manpower is lost (except for Prussia, which may save disorder gains 5 political points, the same as if the major power in civil
manpower, though its controlled minor Free States may not). disorder had surrendered unconditionally.I’m sorry, but this rule is The purchase of army factors and ships and their date of arrival horrible. We will use
on the map as reinforcements should be recorded on a separate piece of RESTRICTIONS ON CIVIL DISORDER: No major power
paper or on copies of the REINFORCEMENT RECORD of sides two of with a player may ever go into civil disorder. Ignore 8.7.1
the National Cards. through 8.7.5 for a major power with a player that meets Neither the Turkish Major Power nor minor Free States may the civil disorder requirements (see 8.7) and, instead,
build militia infantry. Insurrection, feudal troops, guerrillas, cossacks or require that player to sue for and accept any type of
freikorps are not build in this step (see,, and peace during the next Peace Step with all major powers Turkey may not build any guard factors and only France and with which that major power was at war when the civil
Russia may build artillery factors. disorder conditions were met.We will use this rule. All ships and factors purchased during this step are placed on the [ 8.8 ] THE CEDING STEP: Each player secretly writes down what
map as reinforcements during the Reinforcement Phase(s) after the controlled minor country or ceded province he wishes to "cede"
required number of months have passed (based on the "Time" column on (change control) to another major power. When such territories are
the PURCHASE/COST CHART on the Game Card) following the ceded as a result of a peace settlement rather than of an player
purchase of the factors. For example, an infantry factor (which requires agreement, the territory is instead ceded at the moment peace is
three months to build) purchased during the March, 1806 Money and declared.
Manpower Expenditure Step is placed on the map during the June, 1806 8.8.1: Unceded home nation provinces may not be ceded at this time.
Reinforcement Phase. They may only be ceded as part of a formal (conditional or
8.5.4 EXPENDITURE ON NEW CORPS AND FLEET COUNTERS: unconditional surrender) peace settlement.
Major Powers and their controlled minor Free States may purchase fleet 8.8.2: Territory ceded during this step may only be ceded to allies. If
and corps counters not currently on the map by paying one money point desired, a major power may cede one individual district of a
per counter. Only AVAILABLE (currently off the map) fleet and corps multidistrict minor country instead of ceding the entire minor country
counters may be purchased as "new" counters. Counters currently on the (this still costs a political point). During any one Ceding Step no
mapboard may NOT be purchased to be available for immediate return to individual major power may cede more than one minor country, minor
play as "new" counters should they be eliminated. Gen 25/4These country district or ceded province
counters must be placed on the board within the next three months (the HR 8.8.2 Expl: Se puede ceder un menor multidistrito o
next quarter) or they must be again purchased on another Economic Phase nueva combinación al coste de 1PP por distrito.
before they can be placed on the map. Turkish feudal, Austrian 8.8.3: A territory may not be ceded while it contains any forces of a
insurrection and the Austrian Tyrol corps that are not on the map at this major power at war with the controlling major power or, in the case of
time do not have to be purchased. a minor country, separately at-war with that minor country, unless it is
8.5.5 SURPLUS MINOR FREE STATE MONEY OR MANPOWER: ceded to that major power with forces inside that territory.
Any remaining unused money or manpower points belonging to minor
8.8.4: Ceding a territory during this step costs the ceding major power [ 8.9 ] THE NEW POLITICAL COMBINATIONS STEP
one political point (still only one regardless of the number (OPTIONAL): Skip this step if options 11.1 through 11.6 and/or 11.8
of districts in a minor country). Record on the POLITICAL STATUS are not used. Otherwise, new political combinations, additions to these
DISPLAY on the Status Card. combinations, component parts going neutral and/or changes in
8.8.5: When a minor Free State is ceded, the new controlling major power dominant status are determined and announced during this step.
may accept it and all its current forces as a Free State or immediately [ 8.10 ] THE LEVY STEP: New cossack and/or freikorps counters are
remove its forces (army factors are eliminated, ships are recorded for placed on the map, if eligible (see, excess cossacks are
possible later use as in and change it to a (add a conquered removed from the map (see and (in December Economic
control flag) conquered minor country. Phases only) feudal and insurrection corps are brought up to full
8.8.6: A ceded province that is ceded back to its original home nation strength (see and
becomes an unceded province again. A ceded province that is ceded to [ 8.11 ] THE UMP CONTROL STEP: This step is used only at the
any other major power remain a ceded province end of December Turns in campaign games with less than seven
OR 12.3.9 NO CEDING: Allow the ceding of minor countries players (see 14.3) to determine who runs the UMPS.
only as a peace term and at no other times.


During this phase, the Turn markers are advanced to show the start of a [ 9.2 ] WINTER ZONE: All areas on the map are in the "winter zone"
new month. The "month" marker is advanced every month and the "year" (ie., all winter rules apply) except for those in the southern portion of
marker is advanced whenever the "month" marker is moved into the the map, specifically Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Tripolitania, Cyrenica,
"JAN" box. Egypt, Palestine, Corfu, Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, Malta and Majorca.
[ 9.1 ] WINTER: The months of January, February and December are
"winter" months and the ice lines printed on the map apply.


This section covers rules that apply in various phases and steps and so do GUERRILLA REMOVAL: If there are no enemy factors
not fit into the sequence of play format of the rules covered so far. inside any unceded Spanish home nation province during a Spanish
[ 10.1 ] IRREGULAR FORCES: These are special types of army forces Guerrilla Step, all guerrilla factors are removed from the board.
that require some special rules. 10.1.2 COSSACKS AND FREIKORPS: Each cossack or freikorps
10.1.1 GUERRILLAS: Guerrillas are special land forces available to counter represents one army factor. This factor is a cavalry factor for
Spain when invaded by an enemy. all purposes and has morale value of 1. In scenarios, they are placed as CREATING GUERRILLA FACTORS: Guerrilla counters of reinforcements when directed by the scenario instructions.
the appropriate number of factors are placed on the map under the * CREATION OF COSSACKS AND FREIKORPS: New
following conditions: cossack and freikorps counters, if all allowable counters are not already Whenever Spain loses a field or limited field combat on the map, may be placed on the map during a Levy Step.
involving a Spanish corps inside an unceded Spanish home nation Cossack Placement: One cossack counter is placed in any
province, one guerrilla factor is created in that area as soon as the combat Russian-controlled "cossack province" (a cossack province has a "C" in
is ended. parenthesis next to the province name on the map), so long as there For every unceded Spanish province containing an unbesieged would then be no more cossack counters on the map than there are
enemy corps and/or garrison during the Spanish Guerrilla Step, a die is Russian-controlled cossack provinces. EXCEPTION: If an enemy
rolled. For every point the die is lower than that province's guerrilla corps is inside the Russian home nation, even if besieged, then there
value (printed on the map in parenthesis next to Spanish provincial may be up to two cossacks on the map for each Russian-
tax/manpower values) one guerrilla factor is placed in an area in that controlledcossack province. Any excess is removed by the Russian
province. player during a Levy Step when enemy corps are no longer inside ANTI-GUERRILLA OPERATIONS: A major power (major Russia.
powers using combined movement are treated as one major power for this FAQ Russian can place 1 Cossack per C
purpose) at war with Spain may mount an "anti-guerrilla operation" province and per phase.
during its Guerrilla Step in each Spanish province occupied by one or Freikorps Placement: A new Austrian freikorps counter is
more of its corps that did not participate in any type of land combats placed in the Vienna area and a new Prussian freikorps counter is
during that major power's Land Combat Step and is not besieged or a placed in the Berlin area, if those areas are under their own home
besieger. The player rolls a die for each province. This die roll is nation control and the cities are unbesieged. Freikorps are only
modified by +1 if the major power has two or more corps available for an available after certain dates. The Austrian freikorps is available starting
anti-guerrilla operation in a province. If the result is higher than the in the March, 1809 Economic Phase and the Prussian freikorps is
province's guerrilla value, all unbesieged guerrilla factors in any areas of available starting in the March, 1813 Economic Phase.
that province are eliminated. Note that if several different major powers USING COSSACKS AND FREIKORIPS: Cossacks and
had corps in the same Spanish province, each could do this during that freikorps have five movement points and may not be forced marched.
major power's Guerrilla Step. They may move through enemy forces and may be moved through by USING GUERRILLAS: Guerrillas have a morale value of 1. enemy forces, without being required to stop. They may not be
They may be used as part or all of city garrisons but may not be used to transported by fleets. Cossacks may move anywhere they can reach and
garrison depots. They may attack if the controlling player chooses to use are allowed by the rules, but freikorps may operate only within their
some or all of the guerrilla factors present in an area, but may not be home nation's original border and in areas currently controlled by their
attacked using the usual combat procedures unless besieged in a city. major power. Guerrillas are not compelled to attack or defend when HR Un cosaco o Fk puede activar las defensas de
occupying an area containing enemy forces. puerto sólo con estar en el área, no es necesario que esté Guerrillas may block supply lines but need no supply expresamente guarnicionando.
themselves unless besieged. Cossacks and freikorps block enemy supply but do not need Guerrillas may besiege cities only in conjunction with friendly to be supplied themselves unless besieged.
corps. When a cossack or freikorps ends its movement in an area Guerrillas may be moved during Spanish Land Movement containing enemy field forces it must initiate an attack.
Steps only into one adjacent area (regardless of terrain) each Turn, if they When unbesieged cossack and/or freikorps that are alone in
are moved at all. They may never leave Spain's original home nation an area and are themselves attacked, the controlling player(s) may, if
borders. desired, automatically retreat them before any combat occurs into any Guerrillas can be ignored for movement purposes by enemy adjacent area not containing an unbesieged enemy corps.
forces. EXCEPTIONS: If attacked by a force containing at least one enemy
corps with a cavalry symbol, cossacks and/or freikorps may only retreat corps (which triggered placement of the insurrection
before combat if their controlling player(s) rolls a 4 or less on one die corps) must fight all enemy corps in the area.
(roll once for the cossacks, regardless of the number of cossack counters PLACING INSURRECTION CORPS: Immediately after an
present). This system is also used when cossacks/freikorps are with corps enemy corps, cossack or freikorps has entered certain Austrian border
attempting to withdraw (see Opposing cossacks/freikorps provinces, the triggers the possible placement of the insurrection corps
must fight a trivial combat if alone (no other forces from either side) and the Austrian player may (if desired) place on-map either or both
together in an area. insurrection corps anywhere within that province, at their current
10.1.3 TURKISH FEUDAL TROOPS: Turkey differs from the other strength. These border provinces are Illyria, Military Border,
major powers in that it purchases army factors and ships only for the Transylvania and Hungary. These border provinces are not eligible for
Janissary, Imperial Cavalry and Nizami-Cedid corps and fleets. Turkish insurrection corps activation if the province is currently ceded.
feudal corps (infantry and cavalry) start the game at full strength in feudal If the corps are placed in the area containing the enemy
infantry or cavalry factors. corps, that enemy corps (but not cossack or freikorps) would have to
FAQ 10.1.3: Turkish feudal infantry can set up anywhere cease its movement.
during initial setup. Insurrection corps need not be placed at the first opportunity RAISING FEUDAL FACTORS: All army factors in the feudal and so could cut supply chains if corps, cossacks or freikorps later
corps are raised in an annual "levy." During the Levy Step of a December activate their placement by crossing a border into an eligible Austrian
Economic Phase, the Turkish player may elect to bring any or all of the border province.
feudal corps up to full strength by removing them from any location Insurrection corps may only move within these four border
(even if eliminated and/or off the map) to any area in the province of their provinces, even if they are ceded (subject to access rules-see 10.3). If
origin (the province for which the feudal corps is named). This may not compelled to retreat out of these border provinces they must
be done if that province contains an unbesieged enemy corps, if it is immediately stand down.
controlled by another major power or if the feudal corps in question is Insurrection corps may not move during the same Turn they
besieged. are placed on the map.
FAQ An unbesieged garrison in the province's USING INSURRECTION CORPS: In other respects
capital would prevent the levy of that province's feudal insurrection corps are treated similarly to Turkish feudal corps-they
corps. may not detach, absorb or exchange factors; they may stand down
Aclaración Los cuerpos feudales no pueden mover during Austria's Land Movement Step unless besieged or as a result of
el turno que se colocan pero la fase de leva ocurre en a retreat (see 10. However, after standing down, they may not
diciembre, por tanto un cuerpo feudal reconstruido en la be placed on the map except by using the activation procedure in 10.
1.4. 1.
fase de leva puede mover normalmente en el turno de
FAQ If an insurrection corps must retreat, and the
enero. STANDING DOWN FEUDAL CORPS: During the year the nearest depot is outside of it's allowed provinces, the corps
Turkish major power may "stand down" (ie., remove from the map) any may choose to retreat to another depot within allowed
or all feudal corps (feudal infantry and feudal cavalry) during Turkey's areas, and it´s not stood down.
Land Movement Step without altering their army factor strengths. A * RAISING INSURRECTION CORPS FACTORS:
feudal corps may not stand down if besieged. Insurrection corps are brought up to their full strength of 15 militia and
FAQ A Turkish leader when all corps with which he is 3 regular cavalry factors (even if off map), only during the Levy Step
stacked are feudal and all stand down are removed from the of the December Economic Phase, if not then besieged, so long as any
one of the four border provinces is Austrian controlled and contains no
map and may be returned during any later reinforcement
unbesieged enemy corps. Unlike Turkish feudal corps, the factors in the
insurrection corps are treated as normal Austrian militia and regular RETURNING FEUDAL CORPS THAT STAND DOWN:
cavalry factors (although they may not be detached).
Any feudal corps that stands down may be placed back on the map during * INSURRECTION CORPS MAINTENANCE:
any later Turkish Land Movement Step.
Maintenance must be paid only for insurrection corps actually on the
FAQ OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM TAHGC: Feudal corps map during a Money and Manpower Expenditure Step. Insurrection
don´t pay for supply or forage the same turn they stand up. corps not then on the map, even if placed during the following three A feudal corps that stands down may only be placed back on months, do not have to be purchased.
the map in its home province if that home province does not contain an 10.1.5 THE AUSTRIAN TYROLEAN REVOLT CORPS: If a
unbesieged enemy corps or is not controlled by another major power. major power to which the Tyrol province has been ceded goes to war
HR Expl: El turco no puede poner un cuerpo with Austria, the Austrian player may, during any Austrian Land
nuevo si la capital tiene tropas sin asediar o hay cuerpos Movement Step, place the Tyrol corps marker in any Tyrol area that
enemigos en la provincia. Podrá poner cuerpos nuevos does not contain an enemy corps. The Tyrol corps may not be moved
aunque Constantinopla esté asediada o controlada por during the same step in which it is placed on the map.
enemigos (aunque en este caso no podrá, lógicamente, TYROL CORPS STRENGTH AND USE: The Tyrol corps
colocar los cuerpos anatolios) has an initial strength of eight Austrian regular infantry factors and,
HR Un cuerpo prisionero podrá ser reconstruido once placed, can be used the same as any other Austrian corps,
en la leva de diciembre, pero todos los factores feudales detaching and absorbing army factors, getting infantry factors as
prisioneros en diciembre desaparecen en enero. reinforcements, etc. A corps may not move on the same Turn it is placed back on *: Maintenance must be paid for the corps during every
the map. Money and Manpower Expenditure Step that it is on the map. USING FEUDAL CORPS: Feudal corps perform like other If the corps counter is removed from the map for any
corps except that they may neither detach, exchange, or absorb army reason, it cannot be placed on the map again for the remainder of the
factors. war that triggered its placement. FEUDAL CORPS PROVINCES: The Crimean, Podolian and TYROL CORPS REMOVAL *: When peace is made
Transylvanian feudal corps are available only if the province of the same between Austria and the major power that held (and may still hold)
name is ceded to Turkey. Feudal corps from any provinces ceded by Tyrol province, the Tyrol corps and any infantry factors it may hold at
Turkey to other major powers are lost while ceded-Turkey cannot use the that time is removed from the map. It may be introduced again, at its
feudal corps nor can it be used by the major power to which the province full strength of 8 infantry factors, if there is another, later war that
was ceded. again triggers its availability, etc. FEUDAL CORPS MAINTENANCE: Maintenance must be
paid only for feudal corps actually on the map during a Money and [ 10.2 ] * MINOR COUNTRIES AND CEDED PROVINCES
Manpower Expenditure Step of an Economic Phase. Feudal corps not CONTROL:
then on the map, even if placed during the following three months, do not 10.2.1 THE CONQUEST OF MINOR COUNTRIES: A minor
have to be purchased. country is conquered by one month's unbesieged occupation of its
10.1.4 AUSTRIAN INSURRECTION CORPS: The Austrian major capital. The old control flag is changed for a conquered control flag of
power has two insurrection corps available. the new controlling Major Power to show the new control during the
FAQ 10.1.4: If the Austrian places his insurrection corps in an Conquest Step.
area containing corps of two different nations, both of which When a minor country is conquered by a major power, the
minor country's surviving land forces (except for Poland-see
are at war with Austria and with each other, the moving
are considered to be eliminated and removed from the map. Minor
country fleets are removed, but remain at their current ship strength and
the fleet and ships are available as soon as that minor country again If a city has a garrison consisting of army factors from more
becomes a minor Free State. While off-map, no maintenance is paid and than one major power, control is with the major power formally
factors and ships may not be added. controlling the province or minor country. If no army factors of the A minor country conquest gains the conqueror one political major power formally controlling the province are present, control for
point per district (see 10.4) and costs the major power from which the combat purposes can be decided by mutual agreement among the
country was conquered one political point per district. Record on the POI- players with army factors present or, if agreement is impossible, by
ITICAI- STATUS DISPI-AY on the Status Card. competitive die rolls with no modifiers.If garrisons in the same city If a major power is not at war with another major power when a suddenly find themselves at war due to a declaration of war,
minor country it has been selected to run captures army factors of that IMMEDIATELY determine city control by trivial combat between the
other major power, those army factors must be returned immediately hostile garrison forces. Gen 27/2
when the minor country is conquered or the war lapses (see 4.4.6. 1). HR El perdedor debe rendirse con los factores que
10.2.2 CONQUERING CEDED PROVINCES: A major power may le queden y la ciudad controlada por el vencedor en
conquer a ceded province (even if not originally owned by that major exclusiva. Las tropas neutrales no participan en el
power) exactly as if it were a minor country, unless the original owner combate y pueden permanecer en la ciudad.
controls it again, in which case it again becomes an unceded province. If there is no garrison, the city is controlled by major power
An unceded province may never be conquered. A major power may cede or neutral minor country which controls the territory in which the city
provinces only as part of a formal (conditional or unconditional) peace is located-port cities without garrisons may not use their
(see peace terms B.7 and C.4). Conquest of a ceded province does not harbourdefences.
gain or lose political points. 10.3.3 NEUTRAL GARRISONS IN ENEMY TERRITORY:
Neutral garrisons or portions of garrisons (army factors belonging to a
[ 10.3 ] * FORCES IN OTHER COUNTRIES-ACCESS: major power not at war with any of the besieging corps) in a city
10.3.1 ACCESS: "Access" is one country permitting another country's belonging to an enemy of a besieging corps must surrender as soon as a
forces to operate in the first country's territory. There may be limitations siege of the city is announced. These surrendered army factors and
on this access. corps are automatically "exchanged" and automatically returned to the
FAQ 10.3: If a major power captures the port of another major map as reinforcements during the surrendered forces next Army
power and garrisons it, can´t allow it a third major power's Reinforcement Step.
fleet to enter that port if the third major power is not at war 10.3.4 FORCIBLE ACCESS:If a major power is denied voluntary
with the power whose port was captured. access or denied desired access conditions, its land forces may still be MINOR COUNTRY ACCESS: Any major power may move moved into or through desired areas by using "forcible access," as
forces and trace supply through a neutral minor country. A major power follows:
may not also build depots and/or occupy cities in a minor country unless Forcible access operates under the same restrictions as access
that major power is at war with or controls that minor country. through neutral minor countries (see MAJOR POWER ACCESS: A major power may only move HR Aclaración: Tropas haciendo acceso forzado
through another major power's territory with that major power's no pueden crear depots ni destacar factores en
permission (called "voluntary access") or, without permission, if at war guarnición.
with that major power or if peace condition C.5 applies. A phasing major power loses one political point per Turn for General Access Rules: Once inside another's province or EACH major power's territories in which forcible access is used. For
controlled minor country, the voluntary access permission to be there may example, during a Turn, French counters are moved through some
not be rescinded (unless war between the major power's negates the Bavarian and Saxon areas using forcible access. France loses one
agreements). political points if both these minor countries are controlled by Prussia, Other corps or forces may be denied entry, but those but loses two political points if Bavaria is Austrian-controlled and
already there must be allowed to move, detach garrisons and place Saxony is Prussian-controlled.
depots as desired within any conditions already set. The major power controlling territory in which forcible access Forces may not be granted voluntary access to move occurs may, if desired, IMMEDIATELY declare war and lose the
through a major power's territory and then denied permission to requisite political points for EACH separate declaration on any or all of
return by the same route and under the same conditions. the major powers using forcible access in its territory, unless prevented Neutral forces that previously had access in territory by limitation in This chance to declare war is repeated each
that has changed control (i.e., due to reconquest or ceding) can be time a counter using forcible access is moved. If war is declared, allies
given voluntary access under any new conditions granted by the may be called as in 4.3.Gen 23/4
new controlling major power (unconditional access MUST be
given if peace condition C.5 applies between the involved major ER: Add to the POLITICAL POINTS CHART: -1: Per major
powers). If no access is given or available, the neutral forces must power per Turn using forcible access (10.3.4) and -1 per
be handled as with force repatriation (see and/or option major power per turn in the first turn of forcible access (not
12.4).Gen 23/4 for depot´s forcible access) Voluntary Access Limitations: Voluntary access permission
might be limited by specifying only certain provinces through which
supersedes the force repatriation rules in and forces
movement is permitted. "Conditional access" is also possible (eg., access
only if at war with a particular country, etc.). This is up to the players, are not repatriated when peace is made. Instead, when
who may wish to put the conditions in writing. The player having access peace is made, the former enemies have a period of
must obey the conditions set. The player through whose territory access is automatic "limited access" to get their forces out of the
desired may set any conditions (eg., whether the moving major power can former enemy power's territory.
leave garrisons, build depots, payment for the privilege, etc.). 12.4.1 GARRISONS: By the end of three Land Phases after
OR 12.8 ALLIED VOLUNTARY ACCESS: Amend the rules in peace is made, all garrison factors must be out of the other to state that voluntary access may be granted only major power's cities. In the case of a victor that chose
to an ally. peace condition C.5, the requirement is reduced to getting Unconditional Access: Access gained as a peace condition garrisons out of the capital cities during this period.
(see C.S on the VICTORY CONDITIONS CHART on the Game Card) is
"unconditional access" and no restrictions other than those in peace 12.4.2 CORPS, FLEETS AND DEPOTS: By the end of six Land
condition C.5 can be imposed. Phases after peace is made, all corps, fleets, depots and
10.3.2 CITY OCCUPATION: The nationality of a city garrison depot garrison factors must be out of the other major
determines who controls the city for combat purposes, regardless of the power's territory. This requirement can be ignored by a
major power formally controlling the province or minor country in which victor that chose peace condition C.5.
the city is located. For example, a Russian garrison in a French port city
allows the Russian player to determine if the port's harbourdefences are 12.4.3 FAILURE TO LEAVE: Any forces that have not met the
used against attacking fleets. requirements in 12.4.1 and 12.4.2 in the required times must
HR 10.3.2 Expl: Esto no permite al que controla la ciudad dar be demobilised and/or scuttled during the next
paso a quien quiera (por ejemplo a una flota de una tercera Reinforcement Phase (NOTE: rule limitations on
nacion), sólo es a efectos de combate, tal como se scuttling may be ignored to meet this requirement) unless
especifica. the major power controlling the territory grants voluntary
access (see 10.3).

[ 10.4 ] * MINOR COUNTRIES WITH DISTRICTS: Some minor appropriate rules sections to find the reasons for and the extent of these
countries are unusual in that they consist of two or more "districts " while adjustments.
most minor countries have only one district. 10.5.1 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE: When political points are
10.4.1 COUNTRY COMPOSITION: These minor countries have a adjusted, all positive adjustments require the major power's political
"major" district (which gives its name to the whole minor power) and a status marker to be moved that number of spaces along the display
"secondary" district. The minor country Denmark consists of the major from left to right (the zone lines are contiguous eg., the right hand end
district of Denmark (capital Copenhagen) and the secondary district of of the Neutral Zone joins the left hand end of the Dominant Zone).
Norway (capital Christiana). Similarly, there is the major district of Similarly, negative adjustments require the marker to be moved from
Sweden (capital Stockholm) and the secondary district of Finland (capital right to left along the display. A major power's political status marker
Abo). Others can occur if optional rules 11.4 and 11.7 are used. cannot be adjusted off either end of the POLITICAL STATUS ADDITIONAL COUNTRIES WITH SECONDARY DISPLAY, but remains at the end until adjusted away by gains or
DISTRICS: The following minor countries may have secondary losses. If a major power would have been forced off the lower end of
districts added to them. There are no PP gained for adding a the display, then that major power must sue for peace during the
secondary district. These states remain in existence for purposes of nextPeace Step with every major power at war with it (only a
rule until the primary district is conquered by another major conditional surrender has to be accepted).
power. 10.5.2 LOCATED IN THE INSTABILITY/FIASCO ZONES: Egypt-Palestine: If the Ottoman Empire does not exist, When a Money and Manpower Collection Step of an Economic Phase
Palestine may be added to Egypt as a secondary district. The finds a major power's political status marker in a box in the Instability
subsequent creation of the Ottoman Empire by another power does or Fiasco Zones, a die may have to be rolled by that major power's
not dissolve Egypt-Palestine. DB, MLB & JJ controlling player. No die roll is necessary if there is no economic loss Sweden-Norway: Norway can be made a secondary district number in the box. If the roll is not greater than the economic loss
of Sweden. This can be done regardless of whether Finland is also a number found in the political status marker's box then only half the
secondary district of Sweden. Norway cannot be transferred to either available major power money and manpower values are collected by
Sweden or Denmark if it is presently a secondary district of the other. that major power (rounding fractions up) and its minor Free States
DB & JJ collect only their printed values, not the normal doubled amounts. The Tripolitania-Cyrenaica: Cyrenaica may be a secondary value of trade is unaffected. Other effects are:
district of Tripolitania. The Tripolitania-Cyrenaica multi-district minor BEING IN THE INSTABILITY ZONE: If a major power
(called Libya)exists at the start of the 1792 and 1805 campaigns. Once it commences the Minor Country Control Step of a Political Phase in the
is dissolved it may not be recreated. DB & JJ Instability Zone of the display, all of the conquered minor countries of
that major power become neutral, unless there is an unbesieged corps
10.4.2 DECLARATIONS OF WAR: Major Powers may not separately or a 5 infantry garrison JJof that major power in the minor country.
declare war on a neutral secondary district while it is still part of the EXCEPTIONS: see options, and
neutral combined minor country. For example, a declaration of war on HR10.5.2.1 Aclaración Si el cuerpo fuera un cuerpo en
Sweden is also considered a declaration of war on Finland (unless prestamo, se mira el propietario, y NO el usuario.
Finland has already been conquered). The cost in political points to BEING IN THE FIASCO ZONE: If a major power
declare war on neutral minor countries with more than one district is one commences a Minor Country Control Step in the Fiasco Zone all
political point per district. controlled minor countries of that major power will become neutral
10.4.3 CONTROL: Whoever is given control of, or conquers, the major regardless of occupation attempts, including minor Free States.
district of one of these minor countries is also automatically given control CHANGING CONTROL: If an enemy corps is located in the
of, or conquers, the secondary district with no need to independently minor country and/or an enemy garrison is in the minor country at these
conquer the. secondary district capital. times, the minor country does not become neutral but is transferred to The control of a secondary district is not given to the controller the control of that enemy major power instead (resolve control by
of the major district if a secondary district is already controlled by a competitive die rolls -as in 8.7.4 if two or more different enemy major
different major power. power forces occupy the minor country). Free States whose control is It is possible for one major power to conquer a secondary transferred become conquered minor countries. When a minor Free
district (by controlling its capital) while another major power controls the State becomes neutral or its control changes, all of its forces are
major district For example, one major power can conquer Norway, by removed, but a note is kept of its current fleet strength (which will
controlling Christiana while another major power conquers Denmark become available if the minor country later again becomes a Free
(the district) by controlling Copenhagen. When this happens, Sweden is State).Garrison factors (NOT corps, freikorps, or cossacks in garrison)
considered a separate minor country from Finland, Denmark is of the former controlling major power MUST be immediately removed
considered a separate minor country from Norway, etc. until a secondary from the minor country using the honors of war rules (see
district satisfies the conditions of returning to neutrality (eg., the -in this case, it can be done by Spanish and Turkish garrisons).Gen
controlling major power is in the Fiasco Zone of the POLITICAL 25/4
STATUS DISPLAY-see 10. 5. 2). The secondary district does not in this HR Cuando un Minor Country revierte a neutral
case revert to neutrality but immediately reverts to the control of the TODAS las guarniciones deben ser movidas según el
major power controlling the major district or (if also neutral) to the procedimiento de honores de guerra, no solo las del Major
control of the major district to again form a multi-district minor country. Power controlador. Bajo ninguna circuntancia puede
For example, Norway reverts to the control of the major power
haber una guarnición en un menor neutral.
controlling Denmark (as part of the controlled-Danish Free State), or, if POLITICAL POINTS FOR CHANGED CONTROL: No
Denmark is also neutral, Norway would again become a part of
political points are lost when a major power loses control of minor
combined neutral Denmark minor country
countries in this way. However, all major powers who have the control
10.4.4 CORPS AND FLEETS: The major power controlling the major
of a minor country (regardless of the number of districts) transferred to
districts of these minor countries controls their corps and fleets. For
them gain a political point.
example, Finland and Norway have no corps and fleets and, when
10.5.3 STATUS MODIFIERS: The status modifiers at the side of the
separate, these secondary districts must be treated as conquered minor
POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY are the die roll modifiers used (in
countries. EXCEPTION: see option 11.7 for Naples and Sicily, if used.
addition to any others) when dicing to determine who will, run a
When a secondary district is a part of its combined minor Free State its
particular neutral minor country that has been attacked (see 4.6.2 and
manpower and money values can be used to purchase that minor Free
4.6.3) or when using the Uncontrolled Major Power (UMP) rules (see
State's ships and army factors. For example, when Norway is a province
14.3). The status modifiers number next to the zone line a major
of Denmark its manpower and money values (all doubled-see 8.2.3) can
power's political status marker occupies is used.
be used to purchase Danish ships and army factors.
[ 10.6 ] LEADERS AND COMMANDERS: The leaders in the game
[ 10.5 ] THE POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY: Each major power has
represent historical personalities who held major commands during the
an initial starting position on this Status Card display as given in the
Napoleonic Wars. All leaders, except NELSON, must always be
campaign games. That position is altered by winning or losing combats,
stacked with a corps of that major power or controlled minor power
by gaining formal allies or breaking alliances, being surrendered to or
when on the map. NELSON must always be stacked with a fleet(s) of
surrendering, declaring war upon a country, becoming bankrupt,
the British major power or British-controlled minor country. A player
economic manipulation, by conquering a minor country or having one
may not voluntarily cause his leader to become unstacked. Where a
conquered from you or by being selected to run it, etc. See the
leader becomes unstacked due to foraging losses or disbanding, the
POLITICAL POINTS CHART on the back of this rulebook and the
leader is removed from the board and is returned in any later Army
Reinforcement Step (Naval Reinforcement Step for NELSON). Leaders
do not need supply and, except for NELSON, may be transported on player's choice. If a leader becomes unstacked through losses incurred
fleets only if stacked with a corps. during besieged supply, the leader is captured by the besieging major
10.6.1 LEADERS WHO ARE COMMANDERS: The leader in charge power of the owning player's choice. Captured leaders must be returned
of a force is called the "commander." If no leader is present, the best as an effect of peace (see and may be returned earlier at the
corps intrinsic ratings (there intrinsic ratings reflect the abilities of the option of the capturing player, the leader being placed on the board in
corps commanders) of the corps present is used. Fleets have no intrinsic any later appropriate Reinforcement Steps.
ratings. These intrinsic strategic and tactical ratings can be found on the FAQ 10.6.3: If a leader accompanies a force attempting to
reverse of the counters and minor countries' intrinsic ratings are those of relieve a siege, and his force is eliminated in combat, but
their controlling major power. If no corps is present, garrisons, cossacks the besieged force survives, he is captured by the
and guerrillas have an intrinsic tactical and strategic rating of zero. Note besieging side.
that Prussian strategic ratings differ in 1805-1809 from 1810 and later. 10.6.4 * RETURNING LEADERS: When a leader is removed from CHOOSING OR DETERMINING A COMMANDER: If the game under peace condition C. 6, that leader can only be returned
there is only one leader present on a side at a combat, that leader to the game in one of two ways:
automatically commands. Otherwise, the commander is determined as If the removed leader's major power ever occupies the Fiasco
follows: Zone on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card at the Commanders For Allied Armies: If several leaders are end of the Manipulation Step of an Economic Phase, the leader is
present on the same side at a combat then the leader commanding the eligible to be returned to the map for normal use during the next or any
whole army must be a leader of the major power with the greatest number later Reinforcement Phase.
of corps present. If there are equal greatest numbers, the major power If the major power is not in the Fiasco Zone at the end of a
providing the leader may be chosen by the controlling players by mutual Manipulation Step (see 8.4.3), the controlling player may, if desired,
agreement from among those major powers or by competitive unmodified drop a number of political points equal to the total of the removed
die rolls. leader's strategic plus tactical ratings numbers (EXCEPTION: the Commanders Among Other Leaders: If there are several NELSON leader, with no ratings numbers, can be returned for a drop of
leaders from the one major power, the leader with the highest seniority 1 0 political points). If this is done, the leader is eligible to be returned
rating is chosen. "A" is a senior rating to "B" is a senior rating to "C" is a to the map for normal use during the next or any later Reinforcement
senior rating to "D" If there is more than one leader of the same highest Phase.
seniority rating then the controlling player may choose which leader to HR Expl: Los líderes usan sus valores actuales, no
use. los impresos en la ficha, ver y P.e: Reinforcing Leaders Taking Command: If a reinforcing
Napoleón en 1813 usaría una reducción de 8PPs, no de
leader arrives during a combat, it takes command only if from the same
major power as the present commander and has a higher seniority rating
or if there is currently no leader.
leader counter has two sides and is available as a French leader (use the COMMANDER USES: The commander chosen will be used
French blue side of the counter) from 1805 to the August, 1810 Turn.
for all purposes in combats and only that leader's strategic and tactical
At the start of the Army Reinforcement Step of the August, 1810 Turn,
ratings will be used.
the French player must give this leader counter (even if besieged) tothe Tactical Maximum Ratings: Each leader has a "tactical
major power controlling Sweden (use the gray side of the counter from
maximum rating." If commanding more corps than this rating, the leader's
now on). The major power controlling Sweden may now place the
tactical rating is reduced by -1, and if commanding more corps than twice
counter on the map during this or any later Land Reinforcement Step.
this rating the leader's tactical rating is reduced by -2. Regardless of the
The BERNADOTTE leader counter is now a Swedish leader and can
number of corps commanded, the tactical rating can never be modified to
be used with any of the corps of the major power controlling Sweden
below zero. For example if Napoleon, with a tactical maximum rating of
(which could change if control of Sweden changes).
6 and a tactical rating of 5 , commands seven to twelve corps, the tactical If BERNADOTTE was "killed" or France went into civil
rating is reduced from 5 to 4. If Napoleon commands thirteen or more
disorder prior to August, 1810, the BERNADOTTE leader counter
corps, the tactical rating is reduced from 5 to 3. Corps included in an
does not become a Swedish leader.
outflanking force are counted for determining a commander's tactical If Sweden is or becomes neutral after BERNADOTTE
becomes a Swedish leader, the BERNADOTTE leader is kept off the Tactical Ratings Comparisons: The opposing commanders'
map and can be placed when the rest of the Swedish forces are placed.
ratings (which may be modified if tactical maximum ratings are
exceeded) are compared on the COMMANDER CHART on the Game
[ 10.7 ] * DARDANELLES CONTROL: Normally, the major power
Card, which gives a 0, +1 or -1 die roll modifier for attacker and defender
controlling Constantinople controls access through the Dardanelles sea
in a combat round. The tactical rating is calculated round by round
area (see and for results of control), but if
(ie.,reinforcements may change the commanders' tactical ratings from
Constantinople is besieged, no one controls access through the
round to round).
Dardanelles. Note that this makes it possible for any major powers to COMMANDERS FOR PUIRSUIT: For pursuits, the combat
pass through the Dardanelles and also makes it possible for enemy
commander is not necessarily the leader used. Any leader with a cavalry
fleets to enter the area to reach the Constantinople blockade box.
leader symbol may be used to modify the pursuit (see as long
as at least one factor of that leader's nationality is pursuing.
[ 10.8 ] SETTLING DISPUTES: Although it is pointed out in
10.6.2 LEADER MOVEMENT: Leaders may move by spending their
numerous places throughout the rules that major powers with
entire movement with a corps (fleet for NELSON) with which they began
conflicting and equal claims may settle their disputes through mutual
the Land or Naval Movement Step. Alternatively, a leader may be retired
agreement or through competitive die, rolls (sometimes modified),
from the map during the appropriate Reinforcement Step (unless in a
other cases can arise that are not mentioned elsewhere. In all these
besieged city-a besieged port city must also be blockaded to prevent a
cases, if a mutual agreement cannot be reached, let unmodified
leader's retirement) and then placed with any unbesieged corps (fleet for
competitive die rolls decide. for example, if leaders or army factors are
NELSON) of its major power in any later appropriate Reinforcement
captured by mixed forces controlled by more than one major power, the
control over the "prisoners" can be decided by mutual agreement or, if
10.6.3 LEADER CAPTURE: When all factors on a side or in a pinning
agreement cannot be reached, by competitive die rolls (roll for each
force with which a leader is present are eliminated by combat that leader
factor or leader over which there is a disagreement).
is captured by any major power on the opposing side of the owning

The optional rules are just that-optional-and may be used or not used in any combinations desired by the players of the game.
Their use is suggested only for experienced players of the game.


The Napoleonic Wars saw many changes in the map of Europe, some These options permit players to recreate some of these changes by
proving to be only temporary and others proving to be more permanent. arranging new combinations of minor countries and/or ceded provinces

to form new "super" minor Free States and also permit the possibility that Italy (actually encompassing only northern Italy) to solidify support
any major power can become dominant in Europe. In all cases, these among the Italians.
changes are declared by the controlling player during the New Political 11.2.1 CREATING THE KINGDOM OF ITALY: The Kingdom of
Combinations Step of an Economic Phase (covers 11.l - 11 6 and 11.8). Italy can be created only by Austria, France or Spain. The Kingdom of
FAQ 11.0a: A Major Power can´t form a required new political Italy consists of the minor countries of Lombardy, RomagnaNot
combination and declare dominance in the same turn, papacyMU & MLBand Venetia and the province of Illyria. If Austria
because 11.8.1 states that a power must "reach" the New creates the kingdom, Illyria province, although not actually ceded, is
Political Combinations Step in control of the territories then considered to be part of the Kingdom of Italy and its money and
needed for dominance. manpower values are not counted for Austrian money and manpower.
[ 11.1 ] POLAND (GRAND DUCHY OF WARSAW): Poland, once If Austria, France or Spain controls all four of these, then the Kingdom
one of Europe's great powers, had been dissolved, carved up and divided of Italy may be declared by the controlling major power.
into separate provinces by Austria, Prussia and Russia in the 1790s. The Control is marked by placing a controlling major power Free
Poles hoped to regain their independence and loyally supported Napoleon State flag and the "K. of Italy" political marker anywhere in the
after he created the "Grand Duchy of Warsaw." kingdom.
11.1.1 CREATING POLAND: If any (the Poles will accept anyone's Whenever the major power controlling the Kingdom of Italy
help) major power controls two or more possible Polish (marked "P" next regains control of territory that could be part of the kingdom, this
to the province names on the map) provinces including Masovia and no territory must be added to the Kingdom of Italy during the next New
other major power holds the Polish loyalty marker, then the Polish Free Political Combinations Step.
State may be declared by that major power with Warsaw as the Polish 11.2.2 USING THE KINGDOM OF ITALY: Once created, the
Free State capital. Kingdom of Italy is generally treated as a normal minor Free State. The POLISH PROVINCES: The exact Polish ("P") provinces combined money and manpower of its component parts are doubled (as
making up the Polish Free State must be announced when the creation is in any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) in value and used in any desired way
declared. In the cases of Austria, Prussia or Russia, any of their own for the usual purposes. The combined money and manpower may be
home nation provinces included as part of Poland are then considered to used to purchase army and/or ship factors for the corps, garrisons or
be ceded provinces that are part of Poland. Once established, a controlling fleets of either Lombardy or Venetia. Garrison factors from the
major power may, if desired, add additional controlled "P" provinces to Kingdom of Italy may be placed anywhere within its territory. In
Poland during later New Political Combinations Steps. East and/or West addition:
Galicia may be part of a Russian-controlled Poland. Gen 25/4 If France controls the Kingdom of Italy, the Lombardy and MARKING CONTROL: The controlling major power places Venetian corps have a movement allowance of 4. If this option is used,
one of its own Free State flags and the "Poland" political marker these corps do not get a 4 movement allowance simply for being
anywhere in Poland and takes and holds the Polish loyalty marker to French-controlled (see 7.3. 1. 1)-the Kingdom of Italy must be created
indicate Polish loyalty. for their movement allowance to be increased.
11.1.2 USING POLAND: Once created, Poland is a normal minor Free When the Kingdom of Italy is created the controlling major
State of whatever size and total money and manpower values has been power gets the Venetia fleet counter and its current number of ships.
determined. The combined money and manpower values of its component This fleet and ships are not available to the major power controlling
provinces are doubled in value (as in any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) and Venetia unless that major power also controls the Kingdom of Italy.
used for the usual purposes. Polish garrison infantry factors may be 11.2.3 CONQUERING THE KINGDOM OF ITALY: The
placed anywhere within Polish territory. component parts of the Kingdom of Italy are still treated as separate
11.1.3 CONQUERING THE POLISH FREE STATE: The Polish minor Free States and a ceded province for purposes of conquering it.
minor Free State may only be conquered by the unbesieged occupation of However, as long as the Kingdom of Italy's controlling major power
Warsaw for a month (as per 10.2), after which the occupying major still controls at least one component minor country with corps, the
power places a conquered flag in each province that defines Poland and Kingdom of Italy still exists (consisting of whatever territory remains).
the Poland political marker and the previous major power's state are If the last component minor country with corps of the
removed. Kingdom of Italy goes neutral, is ceded or is conquered the kingdom Once Poland is conquered, the provinces that were part of the will cease to exist and will become separate parts (either neutral or
Polish Free State are now considered unceded provinces, if now under control, as the case may be) again. If not otherwise controlled,
controlled by their home nation major power, or ceded provinces, if Illyria province returns to Austrian control or, if Austria no longer
controlled by another major power. exists, Illyria goes to the major power controlling Austria province. The Polish provinces other than Masovia may be independently Kingdom of Italy political marker and the previous major power's Free
conquered and treated as in 10.2.2. If a Polish Free State becomes neutral, State flag are removed when the kingdom goes neutral or ceases to
it is treated as a multi-district minor country (see 10.4-Masovia is the exist and/or is ceded.
major district) except that declarations of war and assuming control are Rule is modified when applying to the minor country
both worth only one political point, regardless of the number of components in the Kingdom of Italy. Instead of the component minor
component provinces. With a neutral Poland, no one holds the Polish countries automatically going neutral during a Minor Country Control
loyalty marker. Step, they only need to be checked during a New Political If, when Poland is conquered, there are still remaining Polish Combinations Step. If in the Fiasco Zone during a New Political
forces, Poland may not be declared a minor Free State by the new Combinations Step, one die is rolled for each of the component minor
conquering major power. If any Polish forces remain, they remain in the countries. Failure to roll higher than the economic loss number means
control of the original controlling major power until all Polish army that the component minor country goes neutral (or changes control-see
factors are lost or any type of peace is made between the major power; otherwise there is no effect. NOTE: No die rolls are made if
that conquered Poland and the major power holding the Polish loyalty there is no economic loss number in the Fiasco, Zone box or for Illyria
marker, at which time the former controlling-major power relinquishes province.
control of the Polish loyalty marker. The conquering major power may 11.2.4 CEDING THE KINGDOM OF ITALY: If the Kingdom of
then, if desired, again declare Poland a minor Free State (see 11.1.1) Italy's territories are ceded, either voluntarily or as a peace condition,
during any later New Political Combination Step. they are ceded as separate minor countries and/or a province. The
11.1.4 CEDING POLAND: If Poland is ceded, either voluntarily, or as a political marker is never ceded, only removed if the conditions for the
peace condition, it must be ceded as a unit. The controlling player may kingdom's existence end-if the kingdom is gone, then it must be
not separate individual Polish provinces for individual ceding or other recreated as in 11.2.1 to exist again.
purposes. When ceded, the Poland political marker, Polish loyalty 11.2.5 POLITICAL POINTS: The Kingdom of Italy is worth one
marker and any Polish forces are also ceded and the accompanying Free political point to create. Individually gaining or losing parts of it
State flag is changed to show the new controlling major power. If desired, gain/cost the usual political points for conquering/losing minor
the new controlling player may choose to handle Poland as in 8.8.5, countries/provinces (see and 10.2.2).
changing it to conquered status, although, in this case, the component
provinces become ceded and/or unceded provinces, depending on the [ 11.3 ] * THE KINGDOM OF WESTPHALIA: The numerous
controlling major power. small states of north western Germany were tempting prizes to the
11.1.5 POLITICAL POINTS: Poland is worth 1 point to create or to major powers that vied for their control. Napoleon created the
conquer (capture Warsaw). The loss of a controlled Poland costs 1 Kingdom of Westphalia to consolidate his control in this area.
political point, whether to conquest or by ceding. 11.3.1 CREATING THE KINGDOM OF WESTPHALIA: The
Kingdom of Westphalia can be created only by France or Prussia. The
[ 11.2 ] THE KINGDOM OF ITALY: Italy had been divided numerous Kingdom of Westphalia consists of the minor countries of Hanover and
small countries since the middle ages. Napoleon created the Kingdom of Hesse and the province of Magdeburg, If Prussia creates the kingdom,

Magdeburg province, although not actually ceded, is then considered to placing a controlling major power Free State flag and the "K. of
be part of the Kingdom of Westphalia and its money and manpower Bavaria" political marker anywhere in the kingdom.
values are not counted for Prussian money and manpower. If France or 11.4.2 USING THE KINGDOM OF BAVARIA: Once created, the
Prussia controls all three of these, then the Kingdom of Westphalia may Kingdom of Bavaria is generally treated as a normal minor Free State.
be declared by the controlling major power. The combined money and manpower of its component parts are Control is marked by placing a controlling major power Free doubled (as in any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) in value and used in any
State flag and the "K. of Westphalia", political marker anywhere in the desired way for the usual purposes. The combined money and
kingdom. manpower may be used to purchase Bavarian army factors. Garrison Whenever the major power controlling the Kingdom of factors from the Kingdom of Bavaria may be placed anywhere within
Westphalia gains control of territory that could be part of the kingdom, Bavaria and/ or the Tyrol. In addition, if France controls the Kingdom
this territory must be added to the Kingdom of Westphalia during the next of Bavaria, the Bavarian corps has a movement allowance of 4. If this
New Political Combinations Step. option is used, this corps does not get a 4 movement allowance simply
11.3.2 USING THE KINGDOM OF WESTPHALIA: Once created, for being French controlled (see 7.3. 1. 1)-the Kingdom of Bavaria
the Kingdom of Westphalia is generally treated as a normal minor Free must be created for their movement allowance to be increased (NOTE:
State. The combined money and manpower of its component parts are movement is also increased if the Kingdom of Bavaria is not created,
doubled in value (as in any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) and used in any but Bavaria is incorporated as part of the Confederation of the Rhine
desired manner for the usual purposes. In addition: see If France controls the Kingdom of Westphalia, the Hanover and 11.4.3 CONQUERING THE KINGDOM OF BAVARIA: The
Hesse corps have a movement allowance of 4. If this option is used, these component parts of the Kingdom of Bavaria are treated much the same
corps do not get a 4 movement allowance simply for being French- (the difference being what Austria does with Tyrol province) as a
controlled (see 7.3. 1. 1)-the Kingdom of Westphalia must be created for multi-district minor country (see.10.4) with the major district being
their movement allowance to be increased (NOTE: movement is also Bavaria (capital Munich) and the minor district being Tyrol (capital
increased if the Kingdom of Westphalia is not created, but Hanover Salzburg).
and/or Hesse are incorporated as part of the Confederation of the Rhine - If the Tyrol is conquered separately by Austria, it becomes an
see unceded province of Austria and if conquered by any other major The money from Magdeburg province can be used for any power that does not control Bavaria, it becomes a ceded province under
purpose, but its manpower can be used only to purchaseHanoverian their control.
infantry and cavalry factors. If Austria conquers the Kingdom of Bavaria by capturing Only Hessian infantry can be used as minor country garrisons Munich. Tyrol is immediately reincorporated into Austria as an
within Hesse. Only Hanoverian infantry can be used asminor country unceded province, and the Kingdom of Bavaria ceases to exist (remove
garrisons within Hanover and Magdeburg.If Hanover is NOT part of the the political marker) and if this is done by any other major power,
Kingdom of Westphalia, Hanoverian army factors are not available for Tyrol becomes a ceded province and Bavaria becomes a conquered
use by the Kingdom of Westphalia. Gen 23/4 minor country under that major power's control-the Kingdom of
11.3.3 CONQUERING THE KINGDOM OF WESTPHALIA: The Bavaria ceases to exist.
component parts of the Kingdom of Westphalia are still treated as If the Kingdom of Bavaria goes neutral, the Kingdom of
separate minor Free States and a ceded province for purposes of Bavaria political marker remains on the map and is treated as a multi-
conquering it. However, as long as the Kingdom of Westphalia's district neutral minor country for determining political points for
controlling major power still controls at least one component minor declaring war (see 4,2.1.2) and assuming control (see, but is
country with corps, the Kingdom of Westphalia still exists (consisting of conquered as in
whatever territory remains) The Kingdom of Bavaria political marker is removed If the last component minor country with corps of the Kingdom whenever Tyrol province is under different control than Bavaria's.
of Westphalia goes neutral, is ceded or is conquered, the kingdom will 11.4.4 CEDING THE KINGDOM OF BAVARIA: If the Kingdom
cease to exist and will become separate parts (either neutral or under of Bavaria's two districts are ceded, either voluntarily or as a peace
control, as the case may be) again. If not otherwise controlled, condition, they are ceded together as one minor country, along with the
Magdeburg province returns to Prussian control or, if Prussia no longer political marker. The controlling major power may not break up the
exists, Magdeburg goes to the major power controlling Brandenburg kingdom to cede individual districts or for other purposes.
province. The Kingdom of Westphalia political marker and the previous EXCEPTION. If ceded to Austria, handle as in
major power's Free State flag are removed when the kingdom goes 11.4.5 POLITICAL POINTS: The Kingdom of Bavaria is worth one
neutral or ceases to exist and/or is ceded. political point to create and costs one political point to cede. Rule is modified when applying to the minor country Individually gaining or losing parts of it gains/costs the usual political
components in the Kingdom of Westphalia. Instead of the component points for conquering/losing minor countries/provinces (see
minor countries automatically going neutral during a Minor Country and 10.2.2-ie., +1 political point to conquer Bavaria, political point to
Control Step, they only need to be checked during a New Political have Bavaria conquered and no political points to separately conquer or
Combinations Step. If in the Fiasco Zone during a New Political lose Tyrol province).
Combinations Step, one die is rolled for each of the component minor
countries. Failure to roll higher than the economic, loss number means [ 11.5 ] * THE CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE: Napoleon
that the component minor country goes neutral (or changes control-see created the Confederation of the Rhine to further consolidate his; otherwise there is no effect. NOTE: No die rolls are made if position in Germany. Austria, through their control of the Holy Roman
there is no economic loss number in the Fiasco Zone box or for Empire had previously had the dominant position in Germany, but this
Magdeburg province. dominance had been slipping for centuries.
Kingdom of Westphalia's territories are ceded, either voluntarily or as a The Confederation of the Rhine can be created only by Austria, France
peace condition, they are ceded as separate minor countries and/or a or Prussia. The Confederation of the Rhine consists of the minor
province. The political marker is never ceded, only removed if the countries of Hanover and Hesse (which may, also be part of the
conditions for the kingdom's existence end-if the kingdom is gone, then it Kingdom of Westphalia), Baden, Bavaria, Saxon and Wurttemburg, all
must be recreated as in 11.3.1 to exist again. of which have corps the minor countries Berg, Duchies, Kleves and
11.3.5 POLITICAL POINTS: The Kingdom of Westphalia is worth one Mecklenburg, which do not have corps, and the provinces of
political point to, create. Individually gaining or losingof it gain/cost the Magdeburg (which may also be part of the Kingdom of Westphalia)
usual political points for conquering/losing parts minor and Tyrol (which may also be part of the Kingdom of Bavaria). If
countries/provinces (see and 10.2.2). Austria or Prussia creates the confederation, their own provinces (Tyrol
for Austria, Magdeburg for Prussia), although not actually ceded, are
[ 11.4 ] THE KINGDOM OF BAVARIA: The King of Bavaria was an considered to be part of the Confederation of the Rhine and no longer
ambitious fellow and Napoleon gave him the Tyrol province to cement provide money and manpower for the home nation. If Austria, France
their relations. The Tyrolians detested their Bavarian overlords and all-in- or Prussia controls at least five of the six minor countries with corps
all this was one of Napoleon's least successful creations. plus any three other minor countries and/or provinces (all possible
11.4.1 CREATING THE KINGDOM OF BAVARIA: The Kingdom of minor countries and/or provinces that the major power controls must be
Bavaria can be created by France or Prussia. The Kingdom of Bavaria incorporated), then the Confederation of the Rhine may be declared by
consists of the minor country of Bavaria and the province of Tyrol. If the controlling major power.
France or Prussia controls both of these, then the Kingdom of Bavaria Control is marked by placing a controlling major power Free
may be declared by the controlling major power. Control is marked by State flag and the "C. of the Rhine" political marker anywhere in the

31 In order for Austria to create the Confederation of the Rhine (or, conditions for the confederation's existence end-if the confederation is
"Holy Roman Empire" in this case), peace condition C.8 may never have gone, then it must be recreated as in 11.4.1 to exist again.
been applied against Austria, or, if it was applied, it must have been 11.5.5 POLITICAL POINTS: The Confederation of the Rhine is
cancelled by Austria applying peace condition C. 9 to any and all major worth two political points to create. Individually gaining or losing parts
powers that had previously applied C.8 against Austria. of it gain/cost the usual political points for conquering/losing minor In order for France or Prussia to create the Confederation of the countries/provinces (see and 10.2.2).
Rhine, at least one major power must have applied peace condition C.8
against Austria land not had this cancelled by Austria using peace [ 11.6 ] * THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: Definitely weakened, but not
condition C. 9 against them. NOTE: Historically, the creation of the quite yet the "sick man of Europe" it would become later in the century,
Confederation of the Rhine somewhat predated the official end of the the Turks definitely dreamed of regaining control of their Islamic North
Holy Roman Empire, but the French victories at Ulm and Austerlitz had African empire (although most of these nations wore still nominally
made Austria's bowing to Napoleon's demands on this matter inevitable. under Turkish control, the real power was not there). France, Great Whenever the major power controlling the Confederation of the Britain and Spain, in a different manner, also had ambitions in North
Rhine gains control of territory that could be part of the Confederation of Africa (they would definitely have called it by a different name, but
the Rhine, -this territory must be added to the Confederation of the Rhine "Ottoman Empire" is used for convenience).
during the next, New Political Combinations Step. 11.6.1 CREATING THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: The Ottoman The Confederation of the Rhine can never be created by one Empire can be created only by France, Great Britain, Spain or Turkey.
major power, even if all other requirements can be met, if the The Ottoman Empire consists of the, minor countries of Algeria,
Confederation of the Rhine political marker is still on the map with Cyrenica, Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tripolitania and Tunisia. If
another major power's Free State flag. France, Great Britain, Spain or Turkey controls any six of these (all
11.5.2 USING THE CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE: Once possible minor countries that the major power controls must be
created, the Confederation of the Rhine is generally treated as a normal incorporated), then the Ottoman Empire may be declared by the
minor Free State. The money and manpower of its component parts are controlling major power.
doubled in value and used for the usual purposes. In addition: Control is marked by placing a controlling major power Free If France controls the Confederation of the Rhine, the Baden, State flag and the "Ottoman Empire" political marker anywhere in the
Bavaria, Hanover, Hesse, Saxony and Wurttemburg corps have a area.
movement allowance of 4. If this option is used, these corps do not get a 4 Whenever the major power controlling the Ottoman Empire
movement allowance simply for being French-controlled (see gains control of territory that could be part of the empire, this territory
Confederation of the Rhine must be created for their movement must be added to the Ottoman Empire during the next New Political
allowance to be increased. EXCEPTIONS: If the Confederation of the Combinations Step.
Rhine is not created, some corps may still get a 4 movement allowance if The Ottoman Empire can never be created by one major
French controlled if options and 11.4.2 apply. power, even if all other requirements can be met, if the Ottoman The money from all minor countries and provinces can be used Empire political marker is still on the map with another major power's
for any purpose, but manpower from minor countries and Free State flag.
provinces without corps can be used only to purchase Hanoverian 11.6.2 USING THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: Once created, the
infantry and cavalry factors. Ottoman Empire is generally treated as a normal minor Free State. The Only infantry of the appropriate minor country can be used as combined money and manpower of its component parts are doubled (as
minor country garrisons within the minor countries with corps. Only in any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) in value and used in any desired way
Hanoverian infantry can be used as minor country garrisons within for the usual purposes. The combined money and manpower may be
Hanover and the minor countries and provinces without corps. NOTE: used to purchase army factors for the corps or garrisons of any of the
Hanoverian and Bavarian infantry have the same morale value and, component minor countries with corps. Garrison factors from the
therefore, any "Hanoverian" infantry factors placed as garrison in Tyrol Ottoman Empire may be placed anywhere within its territory. In
province are considered to be Bavarian infantry if the Kingdom of addition, there are extra advantages for a Turkish-controlled Ottoman
Bavaria is in existence.If Hanover and/or Bavaria are NOT part of the Empire, as follows:
Confederation of the Rhine, their army factors are not available for use by IMPROVED OTTOMAN MORALE: If Turkey controls the
the Confederation of the Rhine.Gen 23/4 Ottoman Empire, the morale value of every Ottoman Empire corps
11.5.3 CONQUERING THE CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE: becomes 2.0for infantry and 3.0 for cavalry.
The component parts of the Confederation of the Rhine are still treated as "TRIBUTE": If Turkey controls the Ottoman Empire, at the
separate minor Free States and ceded provinces for purposes of conclusion of all December Money and Manpower Expenditure Steps,
conquering it. However, as long as the Confederation of the Rhine's any unspent Ottoman Empire money points are added as "tribute" to
controlling major power still controls at least one component minor Turkey's remaining money points (see 8.5.7) instead of being lost as in
country with corps, the Confederation of the Rhine still exists (consisting 8.5.5.
of whatever territory remains). 11.6.3 CONQUERING THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: The component If the last component minor country with corps of the parts of the Ottoman Empire are still treated as separate minor Free
confederation goes neutral, is ceded or is conquered, the confederation States for purposes of conquering it. However, as long as the Ottoman
will cease to exist and become separate parts (either neutral or controlled, Empire's controlling major power still controls at least one component
as the case may be) again. If not otherwise controlled and the Kingdom of minor country with corps, the Ottoman Empire still exists (consisting
Westphalia is not also in existence, Magdeburg province returns to of whatever territory remains).
Prussian control or, if Prussia no longer exists, to the major power If the last component minor country with corps of the empire
controlling Brandenburg province. If not otherwise controlled and the goes neutral, is ceded or is conquered the empire will cease to exist and
Kingdom of Bavaria is not also in existence, Tyrol province returns to become separate parts (either neutral or controlled, as the case may be)
Austrian control or, if Austria no longer exists , to the major power again. The Ottoman Empire political marker and the previous major
controlling Austria province. The Confederation of the Rhine political power's Free State flag are removed when the kingdom goes neutral or
marker and the previous major power's Free State flag are removed when ceases to exist and/or is ceded.
the confederation goes neutral or ceases to exist or and/or is ceded. Rule is modified when applying to the minor country Rule is modified when applying to the minor country components in the Ottoman Empire. Instead of the component minor
components in the Confederation of the Rhine. Instead of the component countries automatically going neutral during a Minor Country Control
minor countries automatically going neutral during a Minor Country Step, they only need to be checked during a New Political
Control Step, they only need to be checked during a New Political Combinations Step. If in the Fiasco Zone during a New Political
Combinations Step. If in the Fiasco Zone during a New Political Combinations Step, one die is rolled for each of the component minor
Combinations Step, one die is rolled for each of the component minor countries. Failure to roll higher than the economic loss -number means
countries. Failure to roll higher than the economic loss number means that the component minor country goes neutral (or changes control-see
that the component minor country goes neutral (or changes control-see; otherwise there is no effect. NOTE: No die rolls are made if; otherwise there is no effect. NOTE: No die rolls are made if there is no economic loss number in the Fiasco Zone box.
there is no economic loss number in The Fiasco Zone box or for 11.6.4 CEDING THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: If the Ottoman
Magdeburg or Tyrol provinces. Empire's territories are ceded, either voluntarily or as a peace condition,
11.5.4 CEDING THE CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE: If the they are ceded as separate minor countries. The political marker is
Confederation of the Rhine's territories are ceded, either voluntarily or as never ceded, only removed if the control of all the empire's territories
a peace condition, they are ceded as separate minor countries and/or goes to another major power or powers-if the empire is gone, then it
provinces. The political marker is never ceded, only removed if the must be recreated as in 11.2.1 to exist again.

11.6.5 POLITICAL POINTS: The Ottoman Empire is worth peace with all other major powers and in control of the territories
twopolitical pointsGen 23/4 to create. Individually gaining or losing parts needed to avoid the loss of dominant power status. Any changes in
of it gain/cost the usual political points for conquering/losing minor dominant power status must be announced during a New Political
countries (see Combinations Step.
FAQ 11.8.1a: If France or Great Britain lose dominant power
[ 11.7 ] * THE KINGDOM OF THE TWO SICILIES: When this status, to regain it, do they have to regain control of 2 of
option is used, the minor countries of Naples and Sicily should be the seven required territories, because 11.8.1 states that
considered to be one multi-district minor country called the "Kingdom of France and Great Britain may regain dominant power
the Two Sicilies" (it is like this in campaign games starting in 1805). status by being "in control of the territories needed to avoid
Naples is the major district and Sicily is the secondary district, but there the loss of dominant status". This means that they need only
are some special rules that apply if this option is used:
control 2 of the seven required territories.
11.7.1: If the two are controlled by different major powers the Naples
FAQ 11.8.1c: For those countries which have to form a new
corps are controlled by the major power controlling Naples and the
Naples fleet is controlled by the major power controlling Sicily. political combination in order to meet their dominance
11.7.2: The money and manpower values of Naples and Sicily are requirements, they can´t form that combination and
combined and doubled (as in any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) but, if declaredominance in the same step. Therefore,
separate minor Free States controlled by different major powers the dominance is determined as the first step in the New
money and manpower values of each are not doubled. Political Combinations Step, before any new political
combinations are declared.
[ 11.7a ] * CISAPLINE REPUBLIC: There are two obvious omissions 11.8.2: AFFECTS ACHEIVING OR LOSING DOMINANT
in the starting situation of 1805 Campaign Games. Prior to 1805 POWER STATUS:
Lombardy and Romagna were united as the Cisalpine Republic, re- MORALE: If Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain or Turkey
established by the Treaty of Luneville in 1801 and governed (under the become dominant powers, the morale value of the dominant power's
presidency of Bonaparte) by the liberal Italian nobleman Count Melzi. In regular infantry is increased by +1.0 and, for Spanish and Turkish
January 1805 Napoleon converted the republic into the Kingdom of Italy, regular cavalry, morale is also increased by +1.0 Turkish dominant
to which he added Venetia after the Treaty of Pressburg. The Treaty of power feudal infantry and feudal cavalry have their morale increased
Luneville also converted the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, which for most of by +0.5. If France or Great Britain loses their dominant status, the
the 18th c. had been a possession of a junior branch of the Habsburg morale of the diminished status major power's regular infantry is
dynasty, into the “Kingdom of Etruria”; in return for Spain’s cession of reduced by -1.0.
Louisiana to France, the new kingdom was transferred to a member of the CHANGED NAVAL ADVANTAGES: For Great Britain,
House of Bourbon-Parma, who was also the nephew of the Spanish queen the loss of dominant status also means that their fleets lose their +1 die
and the husband of a Spanish princess. roll modifier in naval combats and they must always take the first
11.7a.1 CREATING THE CISAPLINE REPUBLIC: The Cisalpine sequence in a Naval Phase. If Austria and/or Prussia become dominant
Republic, consisting of the primary district of Lombardy and the powers their fleets lose their -1 die roll modifier in naval combats.
secondary district of Romagna, begins 1805 campaign games as a French CHANGED LAND PHASE SEQUENCE: If Austria,
Free State with eleven infantry and one cavalry strength points. Prussia, Austria, Spain and/or Turkey becomes a dominant power while
11.7a.1.1: If destroyed, the Cisalpine Republic may not be recreated. France remains a dominant power, France no longer gets to choose its
11.7a.2 USING THE CISAPLINE REPUBLIC: Once created, the spot in the sequence but must always take the first sequence in a Land
Cisapline Republic is generally treated as a normal minor Free State. The Phase. If two or more of Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain or Turkey
combined money and manpower of its component parts are doubled (as in become a dominant power while France is not a dominant power,
any minor Free State-see 8.2.3) in value and used in any desired way for France must always take the first sequence in a Land Phase. If only one
the usual purposes. The combined money and manpower may be used to of Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain or Turkey is a dominant power while
purchase Lombardian army factors. Garrison factors from the Cisapline France is not a dominant power, France takes that major power's usual
Republic may be placed anywhere within Lombardy and/or Romagna. position in the sequence while the dominant major power may
11.7a.3 CONQUERING THE CISAPLINE REPUBLIC: If Lombardy announce when it will take its sequence, the same as France usually
is every ceded (with or without Romagna), then the Cisapline Republic is does.
dissolved. Additionally, if the Kingdom of Italy is created later, the INCOME CHANGES: For Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain or
Cisalpine Republic is dissolved. Turkey, their total major power income is automatically increased by
11.7a.4 CEDING THE CISAPLINE REPUBLIC: If the Cisalpine 10 money points on the Money and Manpower Collection Steps of
Republic's territories are ceded, either voluntarily or as a peace condition, every Economic Phase while a dominant power. For France or Great
they are ceded as separate minor countries and/or provinces. The political Britain, their total major power income is automatically reduced by 10
marker is never ceded, only removed if the conditions for the republic's money points on the Money and Manpower Collection Steps of every
existence end. MLB & JJ Economic Phase while not a dominant power. LEADER IMPROVEMENT: If Austria, Prussia, Russia,
[ 11.81 ] * ALTERNATE DOMINANT POWERS: In EMPIRES IN Spain or Turkey become a dominant power, the controlling player may
ARMS, as with the historical events portrayed, France and Great Britain select one leader and consider that, for that one leader, there is an
have obvious and constant qualitative advantages over the other five increase in strategic, tactical and tactical maximum rating numbers of
major powers and, although anyone can still win, they are the "dominant" +1. EXCEPTION: No leader's ratings may be considered to be
powers in the gate and the centers of diplomatic activity. For example, if increased to exceed 5-5-6.Clarification: Leader improvement also
Prussia does very well early in a campaign game, it is still the rather puny increases leaders seniority rating to a maximum of A (for example C ->
Prussia of the Napoleonic period in terms of army factor morale, with the B). Single leader can be promoted only once (in case where major
addition of some minor country corps for help. It is certainly not the power achieves dominance more than once). Leader improvement is
dangerous Prussia of Frederick the Great less than 50 years earlier or the not cancelled if major power loses dominant status.
dominant Prussia (the basis of modem Germany) of 50 years later and PROVINCE CHANGES: At the moment a major power
will have trouble maintaining any early gains. Every one of the major becomes a dominant power, all ceded provinces of other major powers
powers in the game has the capability to become a dominant European that it controls become unceded provinces of the new dominant power's
power and, during the previous 200 years or during the next century, home nation. Any ceded provinces acquired later remain ceded
every one of them was or would be a dominant power. This option allows provinces.
players, as the rulers of their respective major powers to alter the 11.8.3 CONTROLLED TERRITORY REQUIRED TO GAIN
historical balance. DOMINANT STATUS: The following territories must be controlled
11.8.1 ACHEIVING OR LOSING DOMINANT POWER STATUS: by the given major power in order to achieve dominant status:
In order for Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain or Turkey to become a AUSTRIA: Must control all home nation provinces plus any 5
dominant power, they must reach the New Political Combinations Step of of the following 7 territories: the Bosnia province, the Confederation of
an Economic Phase at peace with all other major powers and in control of the Rhine (even if reduced after creation-if not using option 11.5,
certain territories. In order for France or Great Britain or any other major Austria must control at least five out of Baden, Bavaria, Hanover,
power that earlier achieved dominant power status to lose their dominant Hesse, Saxony or Wurttemburg, which count together as one territory),
power status, they must reach the New Political Combinations Step of an the Kingdom of Italy (even if reduced after creation-if not using option
Economic Phase at peace with all other major powers and not in control 11.2, Austria must control Lombardy, Papacy and Venetia, which count
of the territories necessary to maintain their dominant power status. A together as one territory), the Piedmont minor country, the Serbia
France or Great Britain that earlier lost dominant power status may regain province, the Silesia province and the Switzerland minor country.
dominant power status if they reach a New Political Combinations Step at

33 PRUSSIA: Must control all home nation provinces plus any 4 of guarantees that any player who starts a game can still be in it when it
the following 6 territories: the Confederation of the Rhine (even if ends. This can be reflected in two options, either or both of which can
reduced after creation-if not using option 11.5, Prussia must control at be used in a game:
least five out of Baden, Bavaria, Hanover, Hesse, Saxony or RESTRICTIONS ON TERRITORIAL LOSSES: No major
Wurttemburg, which count together as one territory), the Denmark minor power with a player may ever have its home nation reduced by more
country (with or without Norway), the Lorraine province, the Palatinate than a total of three provinces.
minor country, the Moravia province and Poland (must be created). RESTRICTIONS ON CIVIL DISORDER: No major power RUSSIA: Must control all home nation provinces plus any 6 of with a player may ever go into civil disorder. Ignore 8.7.1 through 8.7.5
the following 7 territories: Armenia province, Bessarabia province, East for a major power with a player that meets the civil disorder
Galicia province, Moldavia province, Poland (must be created), the minor requirements (see 8.7) and, instead, require that player to sue for and
country of Sweden (must include Finland) and West Galicia. accept any type of peace during the next Peace Step with all major SPAIN: Must control all home nation provinces plus all 5 of the powers with which that major power was at war when the civil disorder
following territories: the minor country of Gibraltar, the Kingdom of Italy conditions were met.We will use this rule.
(even if reduced after creation-if not using option 11.3, Spain must 11.9.2 GREAT BRITAIN AND FRANCE AT WAR: No major
control Lombardy, Papacy and Venetia, which count together as one powers necessarily start at war in the campaign games (14.4 and 14.7)
territory), the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (both Naples and Sicily), the that start in 1805 to give players the maximum flexibility in creating
minor country of Morocco and the minor country of Portugal. their own diplomatic climate. Actually, France and Great Britain were TURKEY: Must control all home nation provinces plus any 5 of already at war and the duel between them was to continue to the bitter
the following 6 territories: the Crimea province, the Georgia province, the end. These optional rules recreate this competition:
Military Border province, the Ottoman Empire (even if reduced after START AT WAR: France and Great Britain must start at war
creation-if not using option 11.6, Turkey must control at least five out of in the campaign games starting in 1805.France and Great Britain may
Algeria, Cyrenica, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Tripolitania or Tunisia, which NEVER make an informal peace and, unless one or both have ceased to
count together as one territory), the Podolia province and the be dominant powers, may never be allies. Gen 23/4(Similar inGen
Transylvania province. 25/4.)
TO LOSE DOMINANT STATUS: France and Great Britain start as Great Britain for peace, Great Britain must demand an unconditional
dominant powers and, to lose dominant status, must lose the control of peace that includes peace condition C.6 to remove the NAPOLEON
the following territories: leader (unless already killed). Peace cannot be made if these conditions FRANCE: Must lose control of any 6 of the following 7 cannot be met (ie., if another major power with which France is making
territories: the Flanders minor country, the Holland minor country, the peace at the same time does not agree to the removal of NAPOLEON).
Lombardy minor country, the Lorraine province, the Palatinate minor If Great Britain sues France for peace, France must demand an
country, the Piedmont minor country and the Switzerland minor country. unconditional peace that includes peace condition C.1.c (which could GREAT BRITAIN: Must lose control of any 6 of the following be chosen by any major power with which Great Britain is making
7 territories: the Gibraltar minor country, the Hanover minor country peace at the same time) to remove two fleets and peace condition C.5,
(already lost at the start of every campaign game), the Ireland province, which must permit French major power forces access. These
the Malta minor country, the Portugal minor country (neutral and not requirements are all dropped in a game using option 11.8 if either
controlled by Great Britain in campaign games starting in 1805), the France or Great Britain ceases to be a dominant power and/or if one of
Scotland province and the Wales province. the other major powers becomes a dominant power.
FAQ If France or Britain surrenders to the other
[ 11.9 ] * POLITICAL RESTRICTIONS ON PEACE: plus other powers and the other powers involved refuse to
11.9.1 "BALANCE OF POWER" RESTRICTIONS ONLOSSES: No agree to the mandatory peace conditions, only Fr and/or
matter how the major powers' rulers may have wanted to dominate the GB don't get their peace.
local landscape, they were all, to some extent, committed to leaving at
least a "rump" of territory and authority to their peers. This also


[ 12.1 ] * REINFORCEMENT OPTIONS: CHANNEL ARROW: Consider that there is a sea crossing
12.1.1 MILITIA CONVERSION: During a Money and Manpower arrow between the Lille area and the area east of Portsmouth. NO
Expenditure Step, while at war with no other major power, a major DANISH/SWEDISH SEA CROSSING ARROWS: These
power's player may remove any militia factors located in controlled areas are extremely narrow and could be dominated even by the guns of
home nation territory from the map and pay three money points per the period. A fleet in the sea area cannot block any of the sea crossing
militia factor to "convert" them to regular infantry factors. These new arrows in Denmark or the one connecting the Copenhagen and Malmo
regular infantry factors are returned to the map as reinforcements three areas if enemy corps and/or garrisons are located in both land areas
months later (ie., the same as newly-purchased regular infantry factors). connected by the arrows. YES
YES 12.2.2 NAVAL RAIDING: For each sea area adjacent to Great Britain
12.1.2 SHIP BUILDING LOCATIONS: When ships are purchased, that contains an enemy fleet(s), British colonial trade is reduced by 5
the exact port or ports where these ships will become available when money points (maximum reduction to 0). This is determined during an
completed (ie., where they are being "built") must be noted and Economic Phase. Gen 25/4This applies only during the Economic
announced (their building is common knowledge). These ports are the Phase. Gen 27/2YES
only ones where these ships can become available as reinforcements. 12.2.3 MOVING LARGE FLEETS/TRANSPORTS: Larger fleets or If a port city containing building and/or completed but fleets convoying transports are not as mobile as smaller fleets.
unassigned ships is occupied by an enemy, all of these major power These rules apply to fleets in an area that are all controlled by
ships are considered to be destroyed. one major power and/or using combined movement. They do not apply If a minor Free State port city containing building to fleets in the same area that are controlled by different major powers
and/orcompleted but unassigned ships is occupied by an enemy, these that are not using combined movement.
minor power ships are not necessarily considered to be destroyed and, if Any fleet starting its Naval Phase in a stack where some or all
building, construction can continue normally, as the major power that of the fleets are transporting corps and/or contain a depot for invasion
took the port desires (competitive die rolls determine the ships' fate if a supply loses -1 movement point off of its movement allowance for the
mixed force occupies the port and agreement cannot be reached). Naval Phase.
Control of these ships will eventually go to the major power that Any fleet starting its Naval Phase in a stack loses -1 movement
controls both the minor country fleet counter and the port, so that the point off of its movement allowance for the Naval Phase per fleet in the
ships can be transferred to the fleet.YES stack in excess of one fleet. For example, the movement allowance in a
stack of two fleets would be reduced to 6 and, in a stack of three fleets,
[ 12.2 ] * NAVAL OPTIONS: would be reduced to 5.
12.2.1 OPTIONAL SEA CROSSING ARROWS: Rules and are cumulative if both apply.
However, the maximum movement allowance reduction that ever

applies is -3 movement points-a movement allowance of 4 movement or more guard factors of Austrian, French, Prussian and/or Russian
points is the least to which a stack can be reduced. guard factors may be used to increase the morale level by +1. Despite These movement allowance reductions apply only to normal these minimums, all available guard factors of a nationality that is
naval movement-they do not apply for naval retreat and pursuit committed must be used for this. Turkish(See 12.10.2), British and/or
movements.NO Spanish guard factors may not be committed.
12.2.4 REDUCED NAVAL TRANSPORT CAPACITY: If this option The player who commits his guard then consults the GUARD
is used, rule 6.2.5 is modified to redefine carrying capacity. Fleets may COMMITMENT TABLE on the Game Card and rolls a die. The die roll
carry no more than 10 army factors each, regardless of how these are is cross-referenced with the column showing the number of morale
organised into corps (the army factors must still be in corps). If levels shifted. The result is the number of guard factors automatically
transporting fleets are eliminated, all excess army factors that they were lost (in addition to any that may be lost during the coming combat
transporting are also eliminated these losses may be taken from various round).
corps, if desired.YES If at least one guard factor of the committed nationality is left,
12.2.5 PROPORTIONAL NAVAL LOSSES: When a stack of fleets then the combat round proceeds, with the modified morale level. The
of mixed nationalities (including minor country nationalities) lost guard factors do not participate in the combat round. If all
participates in a combat, the losses it takes should be as nearly committed guard factors were lost, then the committing side is
proportional to the starting proportions as possible. Round .5 and above automatically considered to break without fighting that combat round
up. When proportions do not "round out" precisely, an "odd" loss or (although the opposing side still fights).
losses should be assigned by mutual agreement or, if agreement cannot If at least one guard factor survives and the combat round is
be reached, by competitive die rolls. For example, a stack of fleets fought with the modified morale level, the other side must be broken
totalling 68 ships contains 36 British (52.9%), 20 Swedish (29.4%) and during that combat round or the side that committed theguard is
12 Portuguese (17.7%) ships and loses 10 ships in a naval combat. The automatically considered to be broken. YES
losses should be 5.29 (5) British, 2.94 (3) Swedish and 1.77 (2) 12.3.5 ARTILLERY CORPS: The French and Russian major powers
Portuguese ships.YES each have the use of an artillery corps. These have special uses during
[ 12.3 ] LAND OPTIONS: field and limited field combats, trivial combats and limited field
12.3.1 SUPPLY LIMITS PER DEPOT: Each individual depot that is a combats. These special uses do not apply during siege assaults or
supply source or part of a valid supply chain may only be used to supply defender attacks (unless a relieving force is available for a limited field
a maximum of four corps and/or besieged garrisons.YES combat).
12.3.2 BRITISH TRAINING: Great Britain proved quite adept at In every combat round (see for sequencing) the artillery
turning certain minor country troops into first-class soldiers, notably the may be used to "bombard" before normal combat is resolved, the
Portuguese and Hanoverian (the "King's German Legion" or "KGL") casualties inflicted by bombardment taking no part in later combat. If
troops that they trained. Under this option, after 24 continuous months both sides possess artillery, the bombardment losses are considered to be
as a British-controlled minor Free State, the morale of the army factors determined simultaneously.
in the Hanover or Portugal corps is considered to be 4.0 for both infantry The losses removed by bombardment may not be militia,
and cavalry in those corps. Garrison infantry factors of these where possible, if the side taking the bombardment losses already has a
nationalities retain their usual (2.0) morale.YES morale loss of 2.0 or greater.
12.3.3 CAVALRY OPTIONS: Artillery bombardment inflicts only casualties-it has no effect CAVALRY SUPERIORITY: If a side has at least twice as on morale (ignore morale losses when doing an artillery bombardment).
many cavalry factors (including cossacks and freikorps) as the other side Artillery always bombards using the 5-5 table, irrespective of
at the beginning of any round of a field, limited field or trivial combat (if the tables being used for the normal combat round. Artillery
necessary, recalculate the number of cavalry factors present for every bombardment is unaffected by any terrain other than marsh-there can be
combat round), the superior side gets +1 added to its combat die roll. no bombardment in marsh terrain, although the artillery factors still
NOTES: The net maximum modifier to a combat die roll for all participate in normal combat.
modifiers is +1. Cavalry factors in an outflanking force are not counted Artillery also takes part during the normal combat round (ie.,
for cavalry superiority until the outflanking force "arrives" (see when used for bombardment it effectively gets to fight twice). Cavalry factors in an outflanking force that has arrived are not If at any time during a combat round a side (or the pinning
counted as double factors for purposes of determining cavalry force of a side) consists of only artillery factors, that side is
superiority. This rule does not apply if all factors on both sides are automatically considered to break. YES
cavalry.YES 12.3.6 PROPORTIONAL LAND LOSSES: When army factors of CAVALRY WITHDRAWALS: A defending cavalry corps mixed nationality (including minor country nationalities) participate in a
stacked alone or only with other cavalry corps and/or cossacks/freikorps combat, the losses suffered should be as nearly proportional to the
has its strategic rating (or that of its commanding leader) increased by starting proportions as possible. Round .5 and above up. When
+1 for withdrawal purposes only (see This rule does not proportions do not "round out" precisely, an "odd" loss or losses should
apply if the attacker is also an all-cavalry force and/or if the be assigned by mutual agreement or, if agreement cannot be reached, by
commanding leader has a strategic rating of 5. Gen 25/4 The Austrian competitive die rolls. Once the number of army factors lost by each
Light Infantry Corps IS considered to be a cavalry corps for this contingent are determined, the controlling players decide the types of
purpose. Gen 27/2YES factors to be lost by each contingent (within the normal limits for militia,
MLB12.3.3.3 Mameluke & Spahi Cavalry: The Islamic States cavalry, guard, etc. factors that must be lost by the whole army) by
of the Levant & North Africa had ready access to feudal or mutual agreement or, if impossible, by competitive die rolls. YES
semi-feudal cavalry which were considerably cheaper to 12.3.7 ARMY LEADER OPTIONS:
raise than European cavalry. Cavalry raised by Syria, Egypt, CORPS LEADERS: For purposes of combats (although
Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, Tunisia, Algeria & Morocco cost $9, without a leader counter corps must still attempt to withdraw or
rather than $15 each. reinforce individually), when no leader is available for a multi-corps
force and the best corps rating is used, treat these best corps ratings the
O sea, la caballeria arabe, cuesta 9$ en vez de los 15$ que
same as if the force were commanded by a leader with those strategic
cuesta la caballería europea.
and tactical ratings and a tactical maximum rating of 1 and modify
12.3.4 GUARD COMMITMENT: Before the resolution of a combat
accordingly (see
round commences (see for sequencing), a player with a guard or FURTHER TACTICAL RATING REDUCTIONS: This
grenadier corps involved may choose to "commit the guard" and
option extends rule by allowing a commander with three
announces that this is being done. If a force includes guard or grenadier
times the corps of the tactical maximum rating to have the tactical rating
corps of two or more nationalities, only one corps may be used for this
reduced by -3, with four times the corps to be reduced by -4, etc. The
purpose. A player may do this only once per day of combat.
tactical rating can still never bereduced to below zero.YES If both sides have guard and/or grenadier corps, the decision to NAPOLEON'S RATINGS: Napoleon's military skill slipped
commit or not and (if applicable) the number of morale levels of the
noticeably as he got older. If this option is used, the NAPOLEON
shift must be written down by both side's players at the start of every
leader's tactical rating is reduced to 4 starting in January, 1809 and the
combat round and revealed simultaneously.
strategic rating reduced to 4 starting in January, 1812. These reductions The effect of committing the guard is to increase the morale
do not apply for combats fought within the original French home nation
level used on the Combat Resolution Table by +1 or +2. For example,
the 3-2 combat table becomes the 3-3 (increased by +1) or 3-4
(increased by +2) combat table.
FACTORS: If players wish to allow Free State factors to be detached as Only two or more guard factors of French and/or Russian
garrisons outside of the Free State's borders, they may do so, but the
guards may be used to attempt to increase the morale level by +2. One
players must keep side notes on the nationalities of garrisons,

marknationalities on grey garrison/strength counters placed outside of a until the time that the leader arrives. When the chosen leader arrives as a
Free State's borders or make their own garrison/strength counters for the reinforcement, the secondary choice returns to being a normal leader.
various possible minor Free States. YES Similarly, if using the optional rule that removes Kutusov, and Kutusov
12.3.9 NO CEDING:Allow the ceding of minor countries only as a is chosen as the Key leader, Russia may choose another leader as the
peace term and at no other times. Gen 23/4NO “Key Leader” when Kutusov is removed.YES
12.3.10: OVERWHELMING NUMBERS: Field or limited field [ 12.8 ] * ALLIED VOLUNTARY ACCESS: Amend the rules in
combats where one side has a 5:1 or better ratio in strength factors to state that voluntary access may be granted only to an ally.
MUST be resolved using trivial combat. EXCEPTION: An outnumbered NO
DEFENDER may attempt to withdraw before the trivial combat by [ 12.9 ] * AMERICAN TRADE OPTION: The War of 1812 between
rolling the commander's strategic rating or less. Gen 25/4YES Great Britain and the United States was to some extent "engineered" by
[ 12.4 ] * PEACE TREATY LIMITED ACCESS: This option Napoleon and his "continental system." In this option, if peace condition
supersedes the force repatriation rules in and forces are not B.6 is applied to stop as major power's American trade, this counts as a
repatriated when peace is made. Instead, when peace is made, the former major power denied trade with America for the die roll required in
enemies have a period of automatic "limited access" to get their forces and the British must make the die roll during any Money
out of the former enemy power's territory. and Manpower Collection Step in which any major powers are denied
12.4.1 GARRISONS: By the end of three Land Phases after peace is American trade by Britain and/or by the B.6 peace condition.YES
made, all garrison factors must be out of the other major power's cities. All rules denoted by an asterisk are ignored for play of the scenarios.
In the case of a victor that chose peace condition C.5, the requirement is The scenarios are suitable for play by two players.
reduced to getting garrisons out of the capital cities during this period. [ 12.9 ] AMERICAN TRADE OPTION: The War of 1812 between
12.4.2 CORPS, FLEETS AND DEPOTS: By the end of six Land Great Britain and the United States was to some extent
Phases after peace is made, all corps, fleets, depots and depot garrison "engineered" by Napoleon and his "continental system". In
factors must be out of the other major power's territory.This requirement this option, if peace condition B.6 is applied to stop as major
can be ignored by a victor that chose peace condition C.5. power's American trade, this counts as a major power
12.4.3 FAILURE TO LEAVE: Any forces that have not met the denied trade with America for the die roll required in
requirements in 12.4.1 and 12.4.2 in the required times must be and the British must make the die roll during any
demobilised and/or scuttled during the next Reinforcement Phase
Money and Manpower Collection Step in which any major
(NOTE: rule limitations on scuttling may be ignored to meet this
requirement) unless the major power controlling the territory grants powers are denied American trade by Britain and/or by the
voluntary access (see 10. 3).NO B.6 peace condition.
[ 12.5 ] * ECONOMIC MANIPULATION: Economic manipulation [ 12.10 ] TURKISH VARIANTS
simulates the ability of a major power to control its economy to gain the 12.10.1 THE GRAND VIZIER: The Grand Vizier is simply the
additional political points, money or manpower that are needed. Sultan's chief advisor and commander-in-chief of the army. As such, he
Economic manipulation takes place during the Manipulation Step of an is "Immortal." If the Grand Vizier is the victim of a leader casualty, a die
Economic Phase (see 8.4). Performing economic manipulation consists roll of 6 does not eliminate the counter permanently. Treat the result as a
of first recording changes from the last economic manipulation setting six month wound instead. The Sultan will simply appoint a new Grand
and then resetting the ECONOMIC MANIPULATION DISPLAY on Vizier at that time. Gen 29/5YES
side one of each major power's National Card (even if side two is used 12.10.2 THE SULTAN’S GUARD: Each Janissary Corps hold one
for everything else, this display on side one should be used with this factor of guard infantry in place of a regular infantry strength point. This
option during a campaign game) for the next economic manipulation. is a substitution, one guard replacing one of the infantry. The Corps
The setting is always in the 0 square at the start of a campaign and 8.4. 1 capacity thus becomes 14 Inf, 1 Guard in 1805. Historically, picked
restrictions can limit the ability to use other settings. warriors from the 60th through 63rd Ortas, known as the Solaks,
12.5.1 RECORDING ECONOMIC MANIPULATION: Major constituted the Sultan's finest troops. Turkey does not begin any scenario
Powers gain or lose the number of political points specified by the large or campaign game with a guard factor. They must be built during the
Political Status Adjustment ("PSA") number in the square of its course of the game. Turkish guards cannot be used per rule 12.3.4 Guard
ECONOMIC MANIPULATION DISPLAY in which that major power's Commitment. The Nizami-Cedid cannot have any guards attached.Gen
economic manipulation marker is positioned. This square also specifies 29/5& JJYES
gains or losses in money and/or manpower. Record any political point 12.10.3 INCREASED CALVALRY CAPACITY: Based purely on
changes on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status Card and numbers, the Turkish regular cavalry is under-represented in the game.
add or subtract the money and manpower from the totals determined If using this option, each Janissary Corps can hold 2 Cav in addition to
during the Money and Manpower Collection Step. the infantry. If used along with the Sultan's Guard, each Janissary corps
12.5.2 SETTING ECONOMIC MANIPULATION: The owning has a capacity of 1 Guard, 14 Infantry, and 2 Cavalry in 1805, and 1
player then sets the economic manipulation marker's position to any Guard, 11 Infantry, and 2 Cavalry in 1792. The capacity of the Nizami-
square on the ECONOMIC MANIPULATION DISPLAY. This position Cedid, is increased to 12 Inf, 4 Cav in 1805, and 8 Inf, 3 Cav in
specifies the PSA number and amount of money and/or manpower to be 1792.Gen 29/5& JJYES
gained or lost in the next Economic Phase's Manipulation Step.YES 12.10.4 THE NIZAMI-CEDID: Allow the use of the Nizami-Cedid
[ 12.6 ] BLANK FORMS: Copies of the blank forms found on side two Corps in the 1812 and 1813 scenarios/campaign games, but restrict its
of the Minor Countries National Card and the back of the Status Card usage to within the Turkish home nation and controlled minors (only)
can be filled out and used to provide a written record of when and what and consider it to have a capacity of 8 Inf, and 2 Cav. The rules are too
happened. Copies of these forms, when cut apart and filled in, not only harsh by not allowing its use. It was restored by Selim's brother in 1808
provide reference during a game but, if used faithfully, they provide a but did not reach its former glory until after the Napoleonic Era, when it
good record of the major events in a game. Some samples are filled in was used to crush the Janissaries in 1826.Gen 29/5This rule goes into
below. effect in May 1807. From this point on it has the restriction to only
[ 12.7 ] LEADER CASUALTIES: After the completion of a field or move with within Turkish home nation and controlled minors. If outside
limited field combat, a trivial combat, or a naval combat,each side with a of required locations in May 1807, it is automatically disbanded.JJYES
leader or leaders present checks to see if any became casualties in the 12.10.5 OTTOMAN CAVALRY SUPERIORITY: Ottoman cavalry is
combat by rolling two dice. Rolling a 12 indicates a leader casualty. If a doubled for the purposes of determining cavalry superiority only.
casualty is indicated, randomly choose a leader counter from among FINNO
those present (if more than one is present) and roll one die for the chosen
leader. If a 6 is rolled, the leader casualty is "killed" and taken [ 12.11] NORTH AFRICAN VARIANTS
permanently from the game. On any other roll, the leader casualty is 12.11.1. NON-EUROPEAN TROOPS: The manpower values of
"wounded" and taken from the map for a number of complete months conquered minor countries listed in (11.6.1 The Ottoman Empire) are
equal to the die roll number.YES halved if owned by any major power other than Turkey.** MLB & FIN
12.7.1 KEY LEADER SURVIVAL: Each player will choose one “key **Exception: Egypt produces full MP.
leader”, who cannot be killed. If that “key leader” rolls a 12 then a 6, **Exception: Spain gets full MP for Morocco and Algiers.
during the above process in rule 12.7, instead of killing the “key leader” **Exception: Any Free State produces full manpower. FINYES
change the result to a 12 month injury. 12.11.2MAMLUK& SPAHI CAVLARY: Cavalry raised by Syria, CHOOSING THE “KEY LEADER”: At the start of the Egypt, Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, Tunisia, Algeria & Morocco cost
game, each player will choose one leader who cannot be killed. For $9,rather than $15 each. MLBNO
some countries, their key best leader enters as a reinforcement, ie.
Blucher or Wellington. If the leader enters as a reinforcement, the player [ 12.12 ] EGYPT VARIANTS
may instead choose another leader (if he possesses one) from the start

12.12.1 EGYPTIAN LEADER OPTION: Create a leader counter to MLB12.12 NON-EUROPEAN TROOPS: Although there were
represent the "Napoleon of Cairo," MUHAMMAD ALI. ALI is several examples of colonial troops in the British, French and
available during the 1805 scenario if Turkey controls Egypt as a Minor Russian services, an attempt to recruit large numbers of
Free State. He is available in any army reinforcement step. He is used in “Orientals” into one of Europe’s standing armies would have
the same manner as the Bernadotte leader counter in the standard game. met with serious opposition. Moreover, had a power
See 10.6.5.The MUHAMMAD ALI leader counter is rated 3-2-2-C. attempted to introduce large independent forces of Muslims
Gen 29/5 Once Turkey conquers Egypt any time after December 1804,
to Europe, it would certainly have paid a high price in
theEgyptian leader, MUHAMMAD ALI is brought into play. ALI
prestige and public opinion. The manpower values of
counts as a Turkish/Egyptian leader. However, if Egypt is conquered by
another power and then made a Free State, ALI will be considered an conquered minor countries listed in (11.6.1 The Ottoman
Egyptian minor leader (similar to the French/Swedish leader Empire) are halved if owned by any major power other than
BERNADOTTE).YES Turkey. Each turn a major power (except Turkey) moves one
12.12.2 EGYPTIAN FLEET: Egypt has a fleet capable of holding up or more corps from “Ottoman Empire” free states into
to 15 ships. Egyptian ships’ morale is 2.5 if advanced naval rules are Europe (any area of the map other than Turkey, Syria or the
being used. Otherwise, the Egyptian fleet gets a -1 modifier in combat. “winter zone” (9.2)), it loses one political point. This penalty Add 8 ships to at start Egyptian OoB in 1805. MUYES does not apply to “Ottoman” corps which begin the turn
already in Europe.
[ 12.11 ] RUSSIAN VARIANT O sea, si otro major power que no sea Turquía controla
12.11.1 RUSSIAN SCORCHED EARTH: Russia can declare any one estos menores como "conquered" su valor económico será
home or ceded province to be “scorched” per economic phase, after the :
Money and Manpower Collection Step. This costs 1 PP and may not be Syria (3/2), Egypt (6/3), Cyrenaica (1/1), Tripolitania (1/1),
attempted unless Russia is at war with a MP. The provincial capital must Tunisia (3/2), Algeria (4/2), Morocco (3/1) y Palestine (2/1).
be in Russian control and unbesieged. There must also be at least one
Además, si uno de estos países hace entrar uno o más
unbesieged Russian corps anywhere in the province.
cuerpos "otomanos" en Europa (qualquier zona del mapa A scorched province has the forage values of every area
reduced by 1 for 12 months. The money value of the province is halved excepto Turquía, Siria o la "winter zone" (9.2)), perderá 1 PP.
(FRD) for the duration of the same time period. MUYES No habrá pérdida si el cuerpo ya está en Europa.


[ 13.1 ] SCENARIO FORMAT: The following abbreviations have

been used. A = artillery factor or artillery corps designator. C = regular 13.1.5 TIME: The Turns that the game starts and ends are given. Setup
cavalry factor or cavalry corps designator. Ck = cossack counter. Fk = the Turn markers in the appropriate boxes of the TIME DISPLAY on the
freikorps counter. Gd = guard factor or guard or grenadier corps Status Card.
designator. Gr = guerrilla factor. I = regular infantry factor. Lt = light
infantry corps designator, and M = militia factor. Where the type of 13.1.6 SPECIAL RULES: Any special rules (if any) that apply to the
corps is not specified it is an infantry corps. Where the nationality of the scenario are explained. Special rules that apply to all scenarios are.
corps or army factor is not specified it is that of the major power's home Forces may not enter any area outside of the territories
nation. Information is given in the following format. specified as under the control of the major powers in the scenario being
13.1.1 FORCES SETUP: Only the forces involved on the portion of the A combat loss is any loss incurred during combat including
map in use are given in the scenarios. The opposing forces are setup in sieges and surrenders (this excludes foraging losses, besieged foraging
the areas specified in the individual scenarios. which will also specify losses and reinforcements that are lost (see 13.1.4).
setup order. Since there is no Lending Money Step in scenarios, the major When a force (including reinforcements) is setup in a province. powers may not lend money to each other unless a special rule says
minor country or area(s) containing a city(s) or depot(s). the army otherwise.
factors or corps may be set up in any unoccupied city(s) (in their corps If option 12.3.5 is not used, treat all artillery factors as if they
and/or as garrisons) or depot(s) of that province. minor country and/or are regular infantry factors and allow the artillery corps to hold the same
area(s). as the controlling player desires number of regular infantry/militia factors as they could normally hold The corps counters given for initial setup or as reinforcements artillery factors.
are the maximum number available. Only the minor country corps All of a major power's corps and depots are available for use,
mentioned for setup/reinforcement are used in the scenarios Players may unless otherwise stated.
organize their army factors in their corps counters to require less corps
counters, if desired and possible. Corps strengths should be recorded on 13.1.7 VICTORY: This tells how to determine a scenario winner.
the National Cards and any factors not assigned to corps (except
Cossacks, freikorps and guerrillas, which have their own counters) [ 13.2 ] THE 1805 (INTRODUCTORY) SCENARIO: This scenario
should be available as factors of garrison/strength counters. allows players to master the basic military systems of EMPIRES IN
ARMS before embarking on the later scenarios and the full military,
13.1.2 STARTING MONEY: Each major power is allocated a starting diplomatic and economic systems of the campaign games. The 1805
amount of money points. scenario simulates Napoleon's victorious Austerlitz campaign.

13.1.3 CONTROL: Control of minor countries and ceded provinces 13.2.1 FORCES SETUP:
always remains with the major power controlling them at the start and ALLIED FORCES: The Allied forces are setup first.
their forces are not removed from the map if their minor country is Austrian Forces:
conquered (unless exceptions are mentioned in the special rules. For the A. 3 corps and 1C corps with 23I, 7C and the MACK leader in the Ulm
scenarios, the differentiation of control into a minor Free State or area.
conquered minor country is used for reinforcement and historical B. I corps with 10I, 1C and the JOHN leader in the Salzburg area.
purposes only. Only those territories needed for a scenario are C. 5 corps, 1C corps and 1Gd corps and the CHARLES leader with 3Gd,
mentioned-any territories not mentioned are "out of play" for the 32I and 11C in and/or within 1 area of the Venice area.
scenario. D. 1I in Prague.
E. 4I in Vienna.
13.1.4 REINFORCEMENTS: The available reinforcements in army F. 3 depots anywhere in Austrian-controlled territory.
factors, corps counters, leaders and money are detailed as to what Russian Forces:
arrives, arrival time and arrival location. They must be taken at the listed A. 2 corps and 1C corps with 16I and 3C. 1Ck and the KUTUSOV
time and location-if not taken then and there, the reinforcements are lost. leader in the Krakow area.
Reinforcements are received only if eligible (see 5.2) and, for corps, B. 1Gd corps, 2 corps and 1C corps with 5Gd, 11I, 4C and the
cossacks and freikorps, only if a counter is available for use. ALEXANDER leader in the Brest-Litovsk area.

C. 2 corps with 9I and 1M, 1Ck and the BENNIGSEN leader in the G. 1 depot each in the Vienna, Prague, Krakow and Trieste areas plus 3
Grodno area. other depots in any 3 other areas in Austrian controlled provinces.
D. 1 depot each in the Brest-Litovsk and Lublin areas. FRENCH FORCES: The French forces are setup second. 13.3.2 STARTING MONEY: Austria starts the game with $20 and
A. 1 corps with 7I with the BERNADOTTE leader in the Cologne area. France starts with no money
B. 3 corps with 38I and 3C with the DAVOUT and SOULT leaders in
the Mainz area. 13.3.3 CONTROL:
C. 2 corps, 2C corps and lGd corps with 3Gd, 19I and 10C with the FRENCH controlled territory consists of the French home nation plus
NAPOLEON, NEY and MURAT leaders in the Strasbourg area. Illyria, Magdeburg and Tyrol as ceded provinces. Baden, Berg, Duchies,
D. The Bavaria corps with 10 Bavarian I and 1 Bavarian C in the 5- Flanders, Kleves, Hesse, Holland, Hanover, Venetia, Switzerland,
forage area of the Duchies. Palatinate, Papacy, Romagna, Tuscany and Piedmont as conquered
E. 2 corps with 21I and 4C with the MASSENA leader in the Milan minor countries and Bavaria, Wurttemburg, Saxony, Lombardy and
area. Poland (Posen and Masovia) as minor Free States
F. I corps with 9I in the Florence area. AUSTRIAN controlled territory consists of the Austrian home nation
G. 3I in Stuttgart. less Illyria and Tyrol province.
H. 1 depot each in the Strasbourg, Mainz and Stuttgart areas.
13.2.2 STARTING MONEY: Austria starts the game with $5, Russia FRENCH: 5 money points per Turn. Other reinforcements are
starts with $3, and France starts with $10 as follows:
A. In May, the French corps that started with EUGENE receives 13M
13.2.3 CONTROL: and/or they may be placed as garrisons in Venetia and/or Lombardy
AUSTRIAN controlled territory consists of the Austrian home nation B. In May, any one eligible French corps may receive 3M.
and Venetia as a conquered minor country C. On each Turn after April, place 2 Polish I in Warsaw if it is still
RUSSIAN controlled territory consists of the Russian home nation controlled by French forces.
FRENCH controlled territory consists of the French home nation plus D. France may receive 1 new French corps counter of any type per Turn
Flanders, Kleves, Palatinate, Duchies, Baden, Wurttemburg, Berg, except on the April turn.
Hanover, Switzerland, Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany and Romagna as AUSTRIAN: 3 money points per Turn. Other reinforcements
conquered minor countries and Bavaria and Holland as minor Free are as follows.
States A. The second Insurrection corps is available at full strength (15M, 3C)
when activated (see 10.4) and the Tyrol corps with 8I is also available
13.2.4 REINFORCEMENTS: for placement (see 10.1.5). AUSTRIAN: 6 money points every Turn. Also 3I in Vienna, 1I B. On each Turn after April, 2M are placed in Vienna, Prague and Ofen,
in Ofen and 1I in Prague every Turn. No new corps counters are if the city is currently Austrian-controlled.
available. C. On each Turn after April, add 1C to any eligible corps RUSSIAN: 2 money points per Turn. No other reinforcements D. Austria may receive 1 new corps counter of any type per Turn except
or new corps counters are available. in the April Turn. FRENCH: 5 money points per Turn. 1 corps with 5I and 1M in
the Strasbourg area in November--no other new corps counters are 13.3.5 TIME: The game begins in April, 1809 and ends in July, 1809.
available. There is no French April sequence (start the game with the Austrian
sequence of the April Land Phase).
13.2.5 TIME: The game begins in September, 1805 and ends in
December, 1805. 13.3.6 SPECIAL RULES:
A. All French leaders' strategic ratings (but not those of the corps'
13.2.6 SPECIAL RULES: There are no new special rules with this intrinsic rating) are reduced by one in addition to any other alterations,
scenario. for the April Turn only.
B. When the French A corps first enters Vienna, it adds 5 artillery
13.2.7 VICTORY: The French player wins if he controls the city of factors to its strength.
Vienna at the end of the game. Otherwise, the Allied player wins. C. When an Austrian corps is in Poland at the beginning of any
Reinforcement Phase it will either lose one army factor or increase the
[ 13.3 ] THE 1809 SCENARIO: This scenario simulates the campaign Polish corps by two Polish infantry factors, at the Austrian player's
on the Danube--Napoleon's last major triumph. choice.
D. The number of French national corps on the map at any time cannot
13.3.1 FORCES SETUP: exceed the guard corps, the artillery corps, 4 cavalry corps and 6 corps. FRENCH FORCES: The French forces are setup first. The French have only 5 depots available for this scenario.
A. 1 corps with 12I. 5M, 1C in the area between the Ulm and Munich
areas. 13.3.7 VICTORY:
B. 1 corps with 8I and 3C and the Wurttemburg corps with 5 A. The Austrian player wins immediately if NAPOLEON is killed or
Wurttemburg I and 1 Wurttemburg C and the NAPOLEON and captured.
MASSENA leaders in the Nuremburg area. B.The Austrian player wins if, at the end of the scenario he has suffered
C. 1 corps and 1C corps with 23I and 7C and the Bavaria corps with 11 less combat losses than the French player and the French player has
Bavarian I and 1 Bavarian C and the DAVOUT leader in the 3-forage suffered at least 20 combat losses.
area immediately north of the Munich area. C. The French player wins if, at the end of the scenario. the Austrian
D. 1Gd corps with 9Gd and 2C in the Strasbourg area. player has suffered at least 30 combat losses and at least 20 more than
E. The Saxony corps with 7 Saxon I and 1 Saxon C and the the French player.
BERNADOTTE leader in the northernmost 4-forage area in Bavaria. D. Any other result is a draw.
F. The Poland corps with 4 Polish I and 2 Polish C in the Warsaw area.
G. 1 corps and 1A corps with 6I and 5A in the Zara area . [ 13.4 ] THE 1812 SCENARIO: The ultimate clash of arms in
H. 1 corps with 12I and 3C and 1 Lombardy corps with 8 Lombard I and Napoleonic times is recreated in this scenario, wherein both players
1 Lombard C and the EUGENE leader in the Venice area. must skillfully combine caution with aggression across the sweeping
I. 2 Polish I in any Polish city (Poland = Posen and Masovia provinces). plains of Russia.
J. 2M in Ulm.
K. 1 depot each in the Venice, Stuttgart, Strasbourg and Warsaw areas. 13.4.1 FORCES SETUP: AUSTRIAN FORCES: The Austrian forces are setup second.
A. 2 corps with 24I, 2M. 2C in any Bohemia province area or areas. RUSSIAN FORCES: The Russian forces are setup first.
B. 4 corps and 2Gd corps with 48I. 10Gd, 7M and 8C, 1Fk and the A. 5 corps, 1Gd corps, 3C corps and 1A corps with 10Gd, 46I, 10C and
CHARLES leader in the Linz area. 10A, 2Ck and the BARCLAY and WITTGENSTEIN leaders in or
C. 1 corps with 9I, 1C in any East Galicia province area or areas. within one area of the Kovno area.
D. 1Lt corps with 4I in the Karlstadt area. B. 2 corps and 1C corps with 22I and 4C, 1Ck and the BAGRATION
E. 2 corps with 20I and 2C and I Insurrection corps with 15M and 3C leader in or within one area of the Brest-Litovsk area.
and the JOHN leader in the Trieste area. C. 2 corps and 1C corps with 18I and 4C and the TORMASSOV leader
F. 4M in Vienna. in the 4-forage area in Polesia province.

D. 2 corps with 16I and 2C in the any Moldavia province area. (including forage losses but not reinforcements that are not placed) are
E. 10I in Sveaborg three times those of the French and total at least 50 factors, or (3) if the
F. 15I shared in any manner between Riga and Vitebsk. French have at some time occupied Moscow, St Petersburg and Kiev.
G. 25I distributed to any of the other cities within the Russian major B. The Russian player wins immediately if the NAPOLEON leader is
power (maximum of 5 per provincial capital or 2 per any other city) killed or captured, or, if at any time, a Russian factor occupies the cities
H. 6 depots are placed within the Russian major power. of Konigsberg and Warsaw
C. The Russian player wins at the end of the game unless the French FRENCH FORCES: The French forces are setup second. have at some time occupied any two of-St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev.
A. 1 Prussian corps with 10 Prussian I,4 Prussian M and 1 Prussian C in D. Any other result is a draw.
the Konigsberg area.
B. 4 corps, 1Gd corps, 2C corps and 1A corps with 53I, 15M, 20Gd, [ 13.5 ] THE 1813-1814 DER BEFREIUNGSKRIEG SCENARIO:
19C and 12A and the NAPOLEON, DAVOUT, MURAT, and NEY Following the disaster in Russia, the Central European powers foresaw
leaders in an area or areas in or within 2 areas of the Thorn area but not the possibility of liberation. While talking peace the German powers
adjacent to the Russian border. prepared for war.
C. The Venetia corps with 8 Venetian I. The Lombardy corps with 13
Lombard I. the Bavaria corps with 12 Bavarian I and 1C corps with 5C 13.5.1 FORCES SETUP:
and the EUGENE leader in the Thorn area
D. The Poland corps and the Poland C corps with 16 Polish I and 6 ALLIED FORCES: The Allied forces are setup first
Polish C. the Saxony corps with 7 Saxon I and 1 Saxon C and the Russian Forces:
Hanover corps with 8 Hanoverian I and 1 Hanoverian C and the A. 1Gd corps, 1 corps, 1C corps and 1A corps with 3Gd, 6I, 5C and 6A
JEROME leader in an area or areas in or within one area of the Warsaw and the ALEXANDER and TORMASSOV leaders in the Dresden area.
area but not adjacent to the Russian border B. 2 corps and 1 C corps with 8I and 3C and the WITTGENSTEIN
E. 1 Austrian corps with 15 Austrian I and 1 Austrian C in the Lemberg leader in the Leipzig area
area. C. 1 corps and 1C corps with 5I and 3C in the Wittenberg area
F. 6M in Konigsberg and 5 Polish I in Warsaw. D. 1 corps with 7I and 1C and the BARCLAY leader in the Thorn area
G. 1 depot each in the Thorn, Konigsberg, Warsaw and Lemberg areas. (a portion of this area shows on the western map but the name is on the
eastern map).
13.4.2 STARTING MONEY: Russia starts the game with $10 and E. 1 corps with 3I in the Mecklenburg area F. 1 corps with 4I besieging
France starts with $25 Glogau
G. 1 corps with 8I besieging Danzig.
13.4.3 CONTROL: H. I corps with 4I besieging Stettin
RUSSIAN controlled territory consists of the Russian home nation and I. 1 corps with 4I besieging Kustrin
Bessarabia as a ceded province and Finland as a conquered minor J. 2I in Hamburg.
country K. 3Ck in any area(s) containing any Allied corps.
FRENCH controlled territory consists of Poland as a minor Free State L. 2 Swedish corps with 12 Swedish I and 3 Swedish C and the
(consisting of Masovia. West Galicia and Posen) BERNADOTTE leader besieging Stettin.
M. Up to 4 Russian depots in Prussian and/or Saxon areas.
13.4.4 REINFORCEMENTS: Prussian Forces: RUSSIAN: 7 money points per Turn. Other reinforcements are A. 1Gd corps and 1 corps with 1Gd. 6I, 2M and 2C and the BLUCHER
as follows. leader in the Dresden area.
A. In July, 15M are placed in Moscow. 10M are placed in Smolensk. B. 2 corps with 5I, 1M and 1C and the YORCK leader in the Leipzig
and 8I are placed in Kiev. The ALEXANDER leader must be placed area.
with any corps at this time C. 1 corps with 3I, IM and 1C in the Wittenberg area.
B. In September, the KUTUSOV leader is placed with any corps. D. 5I and 5M and 1 Fk in Berlin.
C. Beginning in August, Russia receives IM per Turn in each E. Up to 3 Prussian depots anywhere in Prussia and/or Saxony.
unbesieged Russian-controlled provincial capital of a province
containing an enemy corps and an additional IM each in St. Petersburg, FRENCH FORCES: The French forces are setup second
Moscow and Kiev. A. 2 corps and 1C corps plus garrisons with 221, 5M and 3C and the
D. 1Ck is placed in any Russian-controlled cossack (C) province per EUGENE leader in the Magdeburg area
Turn, up to the counter-mix limit (6 maximum). B. 1 corps with 7I and 8M and the NEY leader in the northernmost area
E. Russia may place any number of new corps counters of any type in of Baden
areas with existing Russian corps each turn. C. 2 corps and 1Gd corps plus garrisons with 8I, 15M, 2Gd and 2C and FRENCH: 7 money points per Turn. Other reinforcements are the NAPOLEON and SOULT leaders in the Mainz area.
as follows D. 1 corps and 1C corps with 8I, 2M and 6C and the DAVOUT leader in
A. In Augustremove the JEROME leader. Hanover adjacent to the Hamburg area
B. In September, 1 corps with 51 and 11M is placed in Warsaw E. 1 corps with 9M in the Strasbourg area
C. In November, 2 corps with 5I and 20M are placed in Warsaw F. The Bavaria corps with 13 Bavarian I and 2 Bavarian C in the
Nuremburg area.
13.4.5 TIME: This game begins in June. 1812 and ends in February, G. 151 besieged in Danzig.
1813, unless ended earlier by victory conditions. H. 3I besieged in Glogau.
I. 1I besieged in Stettin.
13.4.6 SPECIAL RULES: J. 1I besieged in Kustrin.
A. Only the Eastern map is used. K. 3I in Erfurt.
B. The Alexander leader may never be taken off the map (as per 10.6.2) L. 5 Danish I in Copenhagen.
once placed M. 1 depot each in the Magdeburg, Mainz and Strasbourg areas.
C. The French can use Lemberg as a supply source
D. The Russian corps that starts in Moldavia may only move to an area 13.5.2 STARTING MONEY: Russia starts the game with $6, Prussia
in Russia before being able to move elsewhere. starts with $3 and France starts with $4. Austria, when it enters, starts
E. Both sides may enter and garrison the provinces of East Galicia and with $6.
East Prussia
F. The Prussian and Austrian corps will "go home" (are removed, along 13.5.3 CONTROL:
with all remaining army factors of their nationality, even if detached) RUSSIAN controlled territory consists of Sweden (and Finland) as a
whenever their losses equal or exceed 50 percent of their starting minor Free State. Also, since no part of the Russian home nation is on
strength. the western map, the Russians may use (when controlled) the Breslau,
G. The number of French national corps on the map at anyone time Posen, Stettin and/or Danzig areas as supply sources.
cannot exceed the guard corps,the artillery corps, 4 cavalry corps and 6 PRUSSIAN controlled territory consists of the Prussian home nation
corps. The French have only 5 depots available for this scenario less Magdeburg province plus Mecklenburg as a conquered minor
13.4.7 VICTORY: AUSTRIAN controlled territory consists of the Austrian home nation
A. The French player wins immediately if (I) the ALEXANDER leader less Tyrol and Illyria provinces. Saxony is covered by the Special Rules.
is killed or captured or (2) if at any time after August, Russian losses

FRENCH controlled territory consists of the French home nation plus full strength. Austria is now in the war on the allied side. For the
Magdeburg and Tyrol as ceded provinces, Kleves, Duchies, Holland, Austrians, place 2Gd corps, 1Lt corps, 3 corps and 1C corps with 8Gd,
Flanders, Palatinate, and Berg as conquered minors countries and 18I, 6M and 11C and the SCHWARZENBERG leader in any area or
Bavaria, Baden, Denmark, Wurttemburg, Hanover and Hesse as minor areas of Bohemia province. Place 2 corps with 121, IM, and 2C
Free States. anywhere in Austria outside of Bohemia province. The Austrian Fk is
placed in Vienna. Place 4 Austrian depots anywhere in Austrian
13.5.4 REINFORCEMENTS: territory. The Tyrol corps, at a full strength of 8I is available for RUSSIAN: 2 money points every Turn. Other reinforcements placement (see 10.1.5), as are the two insurrection corps (see 10.1.4) at
are as follows. full strength.
A. In September, 3 corps and 1C corps with 191, 7M and 2C and the (2) The French add 7Gd, 5I, 15M, and 10C to any appropriate corps.
BENNIGSEN leader in the Danzig area. The French player also receives 10 money. Place the French A corps
B. Any number of available corps counters on any and/or every Turn with 8A in any area containing a French corps. Place the Polish corps
C. Beginning in May, 1813,3I, 1C, 1A and 1Ck (maximum 3 on the map with 3 Polish I and 1 Polish C in any area containing a French corps.
at one time) are available at any eligible location(s) every Turn. G. When an Allied force loses a battle on the edge of the map it must be PRUSSIAN: 1 money point every Turn. Other reinforcements retreated onto an adjacent friendly depot or, if this is not possible, off the
are as follows. map. A force retreated off the map may not return.
A. Any number of available corps counters on any and/or every Turn H. The number of French national corps on the map at anyone time
B. Beginning in May. 1813, 1M is available at any eligible location cannot exceed the guard corps, the artillery corps, 4 cavalry corps and 6
every Turn. corps. The French have only 5 of their depots available for the scenario.
C. During the June, September, December and March Turns, 1Fk (if
available) in the Berlin area. 13.5.7 VICTORY: AUSTRIANS: 3 money points every Turn, after they enter the A. The Allied player wins immediately if NAPOLEON is killed or
war. Other reinforcements are as follows: captured.
A. Any number of available corps counters on any and/or every turn B. If either player asks for an armistice and the other player agrees to it,
after the Austrian entry . the French player will win the scenario unless, at some time the Allies
B. Beginning with Austrian entry, 1I and IC are available at any eligible player has a factor in Paris in which case the Allied player wins
location(s) every Turn. immediately.
C. During the June, September, December and March Turns, IFk (if C. If neither player asks for armistice or one asks but the other player
available) in the Vienna area does not agreed to it, the Allied player will win the scenario at the end of FRENCH: 2 money points every Turn. Other reinforcements April, 1814 unless there are at that time no unbesieged Allied (non-
are as follows. cossack or freikorps) factors on the map in which case the French player
A. In August, the MURAT leader is placed with any C corps. wins.
B. In September, the Gd corps receives 5Gd.
C. In September, place one corps with 5M in the Erfurt area. [ 13.6] THE PENINSULAR WAR SCENARIO (1808-1814): Fresh
D. On every Turn after Apri11813, the French player receives 3M which from his victories in Central Europe, and with Tilsit leaving most of
can be placed in any eligible corps. He also places 1M in Paris (one die Europe under his control, Napoleon decided it was time to solve the
roll's worth if the NAPOLEON leader is there) problems in Spain. Who then could have foreseen the next six grisly
E. On every second Turn (May, July, September, etc.), 1C can be added years?
to any eligible corps.
F. Up to 1 new corps counter of any type per Turn 13.6.1 FORCES SETUP:
G. In June, remove the SOULT leader. ALLIED FORCES: The Allied forces are setup first.
13.5.5 TIME: The game begins in April, 1813 and ends in April, 1814. Spanish Forces:
A. 1 corps with 121, 4M and 2C and the BLAKE leader in the Corunna
13.5.6 SPECIAL RULES: area.
A. Only the Western Map is used B. 1 corps with 3I and the DE LA CUESTA leader in the Leon area
B. Until Austria has entered the war, no units may enter or retreat into (area containing the city only).
Austrian-controlled territory C. 1 corps with 5I, 3M and 2C in any area adjacent to the Barcelona area
C. The Bavarian corps may not move until attacked or until Austria has (excluding the Gerona area)
entered the war D. 1 corps with 4I and 2M in the Cuidad Real area.
D. Both players may enter Saxony. When the French first occupy E. 2 corps with 1Gd, 9I, 3M and 4C and the CASTANOS leader in the
Dresden, the French player receives control of the full strength Saxon Seville area.
corps (81 and 2C) in that area. Thereafter, for as long as it lasts, the F. 1 corps with 4I, 4M and 1C in the Valencia area (area containing the
Saxon corps and/or any detached army factors are controlled by the city only)
player controlling Dresden-it is not removed when the control of the G. 5M in Saragossa
Saxon Free State changes H. 2 depots anywhere in Spain.
E. (OPTIONAL)The Swedish corps may only move in an Allied Land British Forces: 31 and I depot in Gibraltar.
Movement Step if the Allied player rolls a I, 2, or 3 with one die.
F. ARMISTICE: Either player may ask for an armistice at the beginning FRENCH FORCES: The French forces are setup second.
of any Turn after May, 1813. If the other player agrees to it, then an A. 1 corps with 7I, 4M and 2C and the MURAT leader in the Madrid
"armistice" will occur for that arid the following month. If the French area.
side has broken in any combat in which NAPOLEON commanded then B. 1 corps with 5I, 2M and 1C in the Burgos area.
the French player may not refuse an Allied request for an armistice. The C. 1 corps with 3I besieging Saragossa.
Allied player may not refuse a French request for an armistice prior to D. 1 corps with 6M in the Barcelona area
(but excluding) September, 1813, if an unbesieged French factor E. 1 corps with 3I and 1M in any area adjacent to the Valencia (city)
currently occupies Berlin. Each player may make any number of area.
armistice requests but there may only ever be one armistice. An F. 1 corps with 5I and 5M in the clear area between the Seville and
armistice request may not be made in 1814. Units may only be moved Cuidad Real areas.
such that they end their movement closer (in areas) towards Paris (if G. 1 corps with 9I. 2M and 2C in the Lisbon area.
French) or Berlin (if Allied) than the area from which they started H. 1 corps with 17I. 6M and 2C in the Bayonne area.
movement during the two months of an armistice. Furthermore, combat I. 1M in San Sebastian
is not allowed during an armistice (therefore units may not move such J. 4I in Perpignan.
that an attack is required under 7.3.7. Sieges may continue but siege K. 3 depots anywhere in France or with a corps or garrison in Spain.
assaults or defender attacks may not be attempted. Special
reinforcements are placed at the beginning of the armistice. 13.6.2 STARTING MONEY: Spain starts the game with no money.
(1) The allies add 4 Prussian I, 1 Prussian Gd, 5 Prussian C and 30 Britain starts with $10 and France starts with $8
Prussian M and as many corps as are necessary to accommodate them,
in or with any existing Prussian corps. Add 25 Russian I, 3 Russian Gd, 13.6.3 CONTROL:
10 Russian C, and 10 Russian M, and as many Russian corps as are SPANISH controlled territory consists of the Spanish home nation.
necessary to accommodate them, in or with any existing Russian corps. BRITISH controlled territory consists of Portugal as a minor Free State
Remove the WITTGENSTEIN leader . Bring the Russian A corps up to and Gibraltar as a conquered minor country .

FRENCH controlled territory consists of the French home nation 13.6.5 TIME: The game begins in June, 1808 and ends in April, 1814
unless ended sooner due to either player achieving a decisive victory.
13.6.4 REINFORCEMENTS: There is no French June, 1808 sequence (start the game with the Allied SPAIN: 1 money point every Turn. Other reinforcements are as sequence of the June, 1808 Land Phase.
A. August. 1808. 1 corps with 8I is placed in any coastal area of Spain 13.6.6 SPECIAL RULES:
or Portugal. but may not be moved during that Turn's Land Movement A. COUNTER LIMITS: The maximum corps counter limits are
Step. follows.
B. Starting in July, 1808 1I and 2M per Turn may be placed in anyone Spain may have up to all of its corps but no more than 2 depots.
unbesieged Spanish-controlled city or eligible corps. Great Britain may have no more than 2 corps, the C corps and the
C. 1C every 3 months (Jan., Apr., July, Oct.) is placed with any eligible Portuguese corps.
Spanish corps. France may use only the Gd corps (from October, 1808 to February ,
D. Up to 1 new corps counter of any type per Turn 1909 only) and regular infantry corps (no artillery or cavalry corps) in 7 money points every Turn. Other reinforcements this scenario. There may not be more than a total of 10 corps from June,
are as follows: 1808 through March. 1809 and from August. 1809 through March, 1812.
A. August, 1808. 1 corps with 6I and the WELLINGTON leader are From April, 1809 through July, 1809 and from April, 1812 to the end of
placed (see Special Rule B. for placement). the game the limit is no more than 6 corps. Army factors in any corps
B. August, 1808. 1 Portuguese corps with 2I in any area in Portugal. that are removed are eliminated. All French depots are available from
C. September, 1808, withdraw the WELLINGTON leader June, 1808 through March, 1809 and from August, 1809 through March,
D. September, 1808, 1 corps and 1C corps with 13I and 2C and the 1812. No more than 3 French depots may be on the map during all other
MOORE leader are placed (see Special Rule B. for placement). Turns (remove any excess during a Depot Creation/Removal Step of an
E. May, 1809, the WELLINGTON leader is placed with any unbesieged appropriate Turn)
corps. B. ALLIED NAVAL ALLOCATION: To represent Allied naval
F. From October, 1808 on, 1C every 6 months (Oct., Apr.) and 1 strength, each Turn the Allied player may move one corps from any
Portuguese C every 6 months. (Jan. , July) with any eligible corps. coastal area of Gibraltar, Spain or Portugal to any other coastal area of
G. From January, 1811, 1I per Turn. Gibraltar, Spain, or Portugal. This consumes all of the corps' movement
H. Up to 1 new British or Portuguese corps counter of any type per allowance. British reinforcements A. and D. are the naval allocation for
Turn. the August and September 1808 Turns (even though D has 2 corps, in FRENCH REINFORCEMENTS: 5 money points every Turn this case both can be placed during one Turn)
Other reinforcements are as follows: C. SUPPLY SOURCES:
A. July, 1808, withdraw the MURAT leader. French: Bayonne, Toulouse, Perpignan only.
B. October, 1808, 3 corps and 1Gd Corps with 6Gd, 42I, 9M and 10C Spanish: Any friendly controlled city in Spain.
and the NAPOLEON and NEY leaders placed in the Bayonne and/or British and Portuguese: Any friendly controlled city in Portugal or
Perpignan areas A bonus of $10 is also available. friendly controlled port city in Spain or Gibraltar Allied forces in a port
C. November, 1808, 2 corps with 10I, 2M and 6C and the SOULT are in supply if the British player spends $1 for each such corps or
leader placed in the Bayonne and/or Perpignan areas. A bonus of $5is besieged garrison plus $1 extra for each such city. This payment is a
also available. form of regular supply which is available in port cities and their areas.
D. January, 1809, withdraw the NAPOLEON leader, even if besieged. Such forces may not have been force marched
E. February, 1809, withdraw the Gd corps with all Gd and 2C (the D. Required army factors for withdrawals are withdrawn from any
cavalry may come from elsewhere if not in the Gd corps). This corps is unbesieged corps or garrison. If no army factors of the correct type are
removed from the game and is no longer available as a reinforcement). available to withdraw, the French player does not have to withdraw them
For each Gd factor less than 5available for withdrawal, the French E. Guerrillas are used (see 10.1.1).
player must remove 21 or 4M from any unbesieged garrison or corps. F. The British may freely give money points to the Spanish every Turn,
F. March, 1809, withdraw 3I from any unbesieged garrison or corps. if desired
G. January, 1810, the MASSENA leader is placed with any unbesieged G. Option 12.3.2 may, if used, be applied to Portuguese forces two years
corps A bonus of $5is also available. after the British gain control of Lisbon.
H. April, 1810, 2 corps with 20I, 8M, 2C placed in the Bayonne area.
I. April, 1811, withdraw the NEY leader, even if besieged, and 10I from 13.6.7 VICTORY:
any unbesieged garrison or corps. A. The French player wins a decisive victory if at any time he controls
K. February, 1813, withdraw the SOULT leader, even if besieged, and every city in Spain and Portugal (this excludes Gibraltar and Palma).
8I and 2C from any unbesieged garrison or corps. B. The Allied player wins a decisive victory at any time he controls
L. July, 1814, the SOULT leader is placed with any unbesieged corps. A every city in Spain and Portugal as well as Gibraltar, Toulouse, Bayonne
bonus of $5is also available. and Perpignan.
M. From August, 1808 to December. 1811, 21 and 2M per Turn and 1C C. If no player wins a decisive victory then the French player wins a
every 3 months in any eligible corps (Jan., Apr., Jul, Oct.) marginal victory if he controls 5or more cities in Spain or Portugal at the
N. From January, 1812, 1I and 2M per Turn and IC every 6 months in end of the game while also controlling Toulouse, Bayonne and
any eligible corps (Jan., Jul.). Perpignan.
O. Up to I new corps counter per Turn, as long as it is not the same Turn D. The Allied player wins a marginal victory if the French player
as a particular corps counter is removed. controls less than 2 cities in Spain or Portugal.
E. Any other result is a draw.


The campaign games are suitable for play by up to seven players.

[ 14.1 ] CAMPAIGN GAME FORMAT: Rules 14.2 and 14.3 should POLITICAL STATUS: This gives the starting locations for
be used to determine who controls each major power. The game is then the major power's political status markers on the POLITICAL STATUS
setup using the information in this section, in 2.0 and in the individual DISPLAY (see
campaign games. The following abbreviations have been used A = TIME: This gives the games starting and ending Turns. Place
artillery factor or artillery corps designator, C = regular cavalry factor or the Turn markers in the appropriate boxes of the TIME DISPLAY to
cavalry corps designator, Ck = cossack counter, Fk = freikorps counter, show the campaign's starting date.
Gd = guard factor or guard or grenadier corps designator, Gr = guerrilla STARTING VICTORY POINTS: This gives each major
factor, I = regular infantryfactor and M = militia factor. Where the type power's total victory points at the start of a game. Record on the
of corps is not specified, it is an infantry corps. Where the nationality of VICTORY POINT DISPLAY. These may be reduced by the victory
the corps or army factor is not specified, it is that of the major power's point bids used in 14.2 and/or 143 How to win a campaign game are
home nation. explained in 8.1.32.

41 For each major power the player who has bid the highest value
14.1.2 PLAYERS: If there are less than seven players, this shows what gains control of that major power. All other bids for other major powers
major powers the players will control in the campaign. by this player and all other bids for that major power no longer count as
the sequence moves on to other major powers. If two or morebids are
14.1.3 EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES: This tells what major equally the highest, the decision is made by unmodified competitive die
powers are already at war and any existing alliances and peace rolls, between the players who made those equal bids. This process
conditions when the campaign game begins. continues until all players have been allotted a major power. Players
subtract the number of victory points they bid for their major power,
14.1.4 FORCES SETUP: The opposing forces and any setup before the game starts, from their victory levels on the VICTORY
restrictions are listed for every major power and for their controlled POINTS DISPLAY on the Status Card (see 1411.3)-this may result in
minor Free States A major power need not use all of the available corps, negative victory point totals
fleets and depots when first setting up (unless required to get all the
factors on the map), but must use all army factors and ships given. Any 14.2.2 CONTROL OF MULTIPLE MAJOR POWERS (4-6
depots not listed for initial placement are still available for use, but must PLAYERS): Follow the procedure outlined in 14.1 to select additional
be paid for when placed (see 7.2), as usual. However, any corps or fleet major powers. Once all players have selected one major power, they are
counters not initially placed cannot be placed during the next three all eligible to gain control of one of the still unselected major powers, by
months, until they are paid for (see 8.5.4) during a later Economic repeating the procedure in 14.2.1 for the remaining major powers.
Phase. One player may not control more than 2 major powers and the ARMY SETUP: Major power's army factors (including those player in control of France may not make a bid for control of Great
of their controlled minor Free States) are setup in the following Britain For example, four players decide to play the 1812-
order:Russia, Turkey, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Spain, 1815Campaign game. They follow the procedure in 14.2.1and players
France. have been selected to control France, Great Britain, Russia and Austria. For all major powers. the initial army factors should be Each player has one major power and they are all eligible to gain
distributed among the corps, whose strengths should be recorded on the control of one more from among Prussia, Turkey, or Spain. The
National Cards (copies of side two recommended for campaign games). procedure in 14.2.1is followed only for the three remaining major
Army factors (except cossacks, freikorps and guerrillas, which have powers and the Great Britain player gains Spain, the Russian player
their own counters) not assigned to corps should be available as an gains Prussia and the French player gains control of Turkey (all at the
appropriate number of factors of garrison/strength counters for cost of additional victory points).
placement in city and/or depot garrisons. If a player controls two major powers, he only wins if both of All of a major power's forces (including those of controlled his major powers reach their victory levels (see
minor Free States) may be placed as desired (conforming to the rules) in Two major powers controlled by the same player may never go
any land areas within theborders of their home nation and/or controlled to war with one another
minor countries except where placement is specified. Major powers also place as many of their initial depots [ 14.3 ] UNCONTROLLED MAJOR POWERS (UMPS) (2-6
within their home nation and/or controlled minor countries as allowed PLAYERS): This rule is an alternative to or can be used in addition to
by the campaign, so long as all are placed as supply sources and/or as using 14.2.2and allows major powers (each controlled by a player) to
part of valid supply chains temporarily control other major powers that have no player. Rule 14.2.1 When a force is setup in a province, minor country or area(s) is followed to select one major power per player If desired, for games
containing a city(s) or depot(s), garrisons, corps, cossack, freikorps or with only two or three players, 14.2.2could then be followed to select
guerrilla counters may be set up in any unoccupied city(s) or depot(s) of one additional major power per player The selected major powers are
that province, minor country or area(s), as the controlling player desires. called "controlled major powers" and any unselected major powers are Available Austrian insurrection and Turkish feudal corps not called "uncontrolled major powers" ("UMPS") Some campaign games,
placed on the mapboard during initial setup are considered to be in their "Players" section have a list of UMPs that are already controlled
standing down.Gen 23/4 by other major powers at the start of a scenario, NAVY SETUP: Next, major powers set up their fleets and 14.3.1 GAINING CONTROL OF UMPS: During the UMP Control
assigned ships (including those of their minor Free States) in the Step of the December Economic Phase of each year, the players use of
following order:Russia. Turkey, France, Spain, Great Britain. The the following procedure to determine the control of all UMPs.
initial ships should be distributed among the initial fleets, whose UMP BIDS: Each player secretly writes down a bid between 0 and 5for
strengths should be recorded on the appropriate National Cards (side two each UMP. A major power at war with an UMP who has forces inside
recommended for campaign games) Unless stated otherwise, fleets must the UMP's controlled territory or which just declared war on the UMP
start in, or in a sea area adjacent to, any port in the home nation and/or that same month (see may not bid for control of that UMP.
controlled minor countries or may start fleets on blockade of any port(s) Also, any player who does not care to gain control of an UMP may
of another major power with which it is at war decline to bid. Each bid must be a whole number and (unlike 14.2.1) can MONEY AND MANPOWER: Starting money and manpower be the same for more than one UMP. Also, a player can gain control of
points should be noted and modified as used. anynumber of UMPS, not just one. Totaling these bid numbers gives the NATIONAL CARD SETUP: The National Cards are setup as number of victory points that player subtracts from his highest
covered in 2.4.2. The use of copies of side two of these cards is controlled major power's victory points total (see 14113) A player at war
recommended for campaign games with an UMP must bid 0 victory points for that UMP For example, four
players decide to play the 1805Campaign game after selecting major
14.1.5 CONTROL: The provinces and minor countries controlled by powers as per 14.2.1 , they bid for the 3 UMPs (Turkey, Prussia, and
and the form of control or political organization (see options 11.1-11.7) Spain) TheBritish player bids 1 for Turkey, 5 for Prussia and 5 for
for minor countries is given for the start of the campaign game. Spain, subtracting a total of 11victory points from his total victory
14.1.6 REINFORCEMENTS: Unusual reinforcements are given UMP CONTROL DIE ROLL MODIFIERS: After
simultaneously revealing their bids, each player rolls two dice for each
14.1.7 SPECIAL RULES: Any special rules (if any) that apply to the UMP Modifying this dice roll are the following
campaign game are explained Add the number of victory points bid for that UMP Add +1 if allied to that UMP
[ 14.2 ] THE SELECTION OF MAJOR POWERS: Players should Subtract -2 if at war with that UMP
utilize the following method of selecting who controls each major power Add or subtract the value of Status Modifier of the bidding
that is to be controlled by a player. major power on the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY on the Status
Card (see 10.5.3)
14.2.1 SELECTION PROCEDURE (2-7 PLAYERS): Each player Add or subtract the "natural alliance modifier" value found
secretly notes a bid for each major power specifying the number of by crossgridding the controlled major power with the UMP on the
victory points he is willing to concede to play each particular major NATURAL ALLIANCE TABLE on the Game Card
power. A different value must be bid for each major power. A bid may UMP CONTROL DETERMINATION: After control of UMPs
not be zero, a fraction or a negative number, but must be a positive have been decided, play is commenced for the year. Whoever rolled the
whole number highest modified number gains control of that UMP for the rest of the Next, all bids are simultaneously revealed and compared in the year and gains +2 political points, in one of three ways
following order: Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Active UMPs: The UMP is "active" if the highest player
Turkey (skip any major powers that will not have a player). rolled a modified 10 or higher Active UMPs which were neutral prior to

this procedure should be immediately put through a Combined An inactive UMP may not declare war upon any major
Economic Phase (see power or neutral minor country and may not attack or besiege a major Inactive UMPs: If the UMP is currently at war with any other power's forces outside of the UMP's controlled territory This means that
major power and the highest player's modified dice roll was less than 10, land forces of an inactive UMP may not end its Land Movement Step so
the UMP is "inactive." Inactive UMPS which were neutral prior to this that such an attack would be required under rule 7.3.7. This DOES
procedure should be immediately put through a Combined Economic preclude movement into Austrian border areas where Insurrection corps
Phase (see could be placed if both Insurrection corps are not already on the Neutral UMPs: If an UMP does not meet the conditions to be map.Gen 27/2There are no restrictions on the usage of an inactive
active or inactive, the UMP becomes "neutral" If, during the year, a UMP's fleets.
neutral UMP is declared war upon, it becomes an inactive UMP for the If at any time, an inactive UMP is not at war with any major
controlling major power. If no player currently controls an UMP upon power, it reverts to neutral UMP status.
which war has been declared or which is already at war, players may Like active UMPs, an inactive UMP must call to its
immediately (during the Declarations of War Step) bid for control of the controlling major power (if allied and possible--see 4.3 and if
UMP (regardless of the modified roll, a player who gains control in this the UMP is declared war upon. The controlling major power has the
case has an inactive UMP). If no players wish to bid the UMP must sue choice of breaking the alliance or declaring war on the aggressor
for peace in the next Peace Step and accept an unconditional peace with
all enemies RULES FOR NEUTRAL UMPS: Neutral UMPs are by
definition at peace with all major powers and mayor may not be
14.3.2 RULES FOR USING UMPS: controlled by a player. If a neutral UMP without a controlling player is declared war RULES FOR ALL UMPS: A major power who gains control upon, the procedure outlined in is followed to determine the
of an UMP with which it is at war must immediately come to an controlling major power (if any) for the remainder of the year. However
informal peace with that UMP with no conditions or terms A the UMP can only be gained in inactive status and a player who just
major power may not declare war upon its controlled UMPs nor may declared war on this UMP this Turn may not roll for control
they declare war upon it. Declarations of war between major powers and UMPs which revert to neutrality immediately have their
UMPs are handled normally UMPs may call to allies (see 4.3) at the forces removed from the map at their current strength and a record kept
option of the controlling major power (EXCEPTION see and of their remaining money (and with Prussia, manpower also). If later they revert to active or inactive status, the forces are placed at their No UMP may ever give or lend money or cede territory to current strength anywhere in the UMP's territory by the controlling
another major power except as a result of a formal (conditional or major power
unconditional terms) peace settlement. Neutral UMPs do not follow the Economic Phase procedure UMPs are not represented on the POUTICAL STATUS (8.0) and may not attempt to gain control of minor neutrals (see 4.6).
DISPLAY All political points gained or lost by an UMP are instead If an active or inactive UMP gained control of minor
gained or lost by the controlling major power. A major power may not countries as in 4.6.1 (but was not at war with the aggressor) and
lose or gain more than 3 political points per battle (unless commanded subsequently reverts to neutrality before the minor country is conquered
by NAPOLEON or NELSON-see and For example, or there is a lapse in the war, then control of the minor country reverts to
if an UMP and its controlling major power both had say, 4 corps in a the UMP's last controlling major power.
battle they lost, the controlling major power would not lose two sets of Previously controlled UMPs that have reverted to neutrality
2, but only 3 total political points still receive reinforcements due to it from a previous Economic Phase Controlled UMPs may attempt to control minor neutrals (see and are added to corps or fleets off-map by the last controlling player
4.7) and use the status modifier of the controlling major power (see A record is kept of the Turn in which an UMP reverts to
10.5.3) neutrality. Immediately, when a neutral UMP becomes active or A controlled major power that allies with an UMP it controls inactive, the controlling major power performs a "Combined Economic
gains only 1 political point (not one for each major power involved) Phase" by counting the number of Economic Phases that the UMP has Controlled UMPs gain have an economy and gain been neutral and multiplying this figure by the money and manpower
reinforcements in the same manner as controlled major powers (see 8.0) values of its controlled provinces and conquered minor countries (see
UMPs may not use the economic manipulation option (see 12.5). An and 8.2.2). This value is then halved (fractions rounded down)
UMP in a mixed force with other major powers may not take combat and is immediately spent on the purchase of land forces and corps (see
losses in excess of their percentage of that force (see options 12.2.5 and 8.5.3 and 8.5.4). Minor Free State forces of the UMP are included in this
12.3.6). procedure (their money and manpower values being doubled then halved When an UMP is setup, its forces and those of its controlled equals their basic values) These forces are immediately added to the
minor countries are placed as per the campaign rules setup (see 14.1.4) current strength of the UMP and the entire force deployed inside the The 5.1.4 minor country restrictions on scuttling also apply UMP's territory .
to UMP fleets. UMP army factors may not be demobilized voluntarily--
they may be demobilized only if forced to do so by the rules
[ 14.4 ] THE 1805-1807 CAMPAIGN GAME: This campaign game RULES FOR ACTIVE UMPS: An active UMP may declare simulates the early half of the Napoleonic wars which saw Napoleon
war upon any major power (except its controlling one) When an UMP achieve his greatest successes before the debacles in Spain and Russia
declares war, the controlling major power loses political points but, if The players begin with the French in a position to carry out the proposed
they both declare war on the same major power, in the same phase, only invasion of England or the actual conquests of Austria and Prussia and
one set of political points (the highest, if different) is lost. An active the triumph over the Russians at Friedland.
UMP's forces may be used freely within the following restrictions A record should be kept of the number of land factors 14.4.1 STATUS CARD SETUP:
(excluding Turkish feudal factors, cossacks, freikorps or Austrian POLITICAL STATUS: Use the (I) positions.
insurrection corps factors) lost due to foraging, besieged supply, TIME: The game begins in January, 1805 and ends after the
surrender, scuttling, demobilization and/or combat. As soon as factors December, 1807 Turn.
equal to double the UMP's original national manpower value are lost, the STARTING VICTORY POINTS: All major powers begin
active UMP reverts to inactive UMP status immediately. Each ship of an with 0 victory points.
UMP that is lost, counts as three land factors when determining whether
the UMP reverts to inactive status For example, Spain's original 14.4.2 PLAYERS: If there are less than 7 players the following division
National Manpower value is 16 (printed on the map), therefore as soon of major powers is recommended.
as Spain has lost 9 ships and 5 land factors (for a total of 32 equivalent 6 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria, Turkey, Prussia
land factors) it reverts to an inactive UMP 5 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria, Turkey If an active UMP allies to its controlling major power and is 4 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France. Russia, Austria.
declared war upon, it must call on its controlling major power as an ally 3 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia.
(see 4.3), if possible. The controlling major power has the choice of 2 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France Use rules 14.2 and/or 14.3 to gain
breaking the alliance or declaring war on the aggressor control of all initially unselected major powers RULES FOR INACTIVE UMPS: A major power at war with 14.4.3 EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES: Before any forces are
an inactive UMP may force an informal peace in the Peace Step of any setup, major powers may announce pre-existing states of war. This
Turn that major power has no forces in the UMP's territory. allows major powers in effect, to declare war before the game begins No

political points are lost for doing so Players may wish to apply option Russia: 205.
11.9.2. Pre-existing states of war may be announced only between major Turkey: 200
powers. Neutral minor countries may not be involved. No alliances are
in effect and no peace conditions apply 14.5.2 PLAYERS: If there are less than 7 players the following division
of major powers is recommended.
14.4.4 FORCES SETUP: The major power's forces begin with these 6 PLAYERS: Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Spain
strengths. 5 PLAYERS: Russia, France. Great Britain, Austria, Prussia.
4 PLAYERS: Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria
AUSTRIA: 75I, 7Gd, 15C, 7 depots, any desired corps and $33 Both 3 PLAYERS: Russia, France, Great Britain
insurrection corps begin at full strength but may not be setup on the map 2 PLAYERS: Russia, France. For major powers (if uncontrolled): At
The freikorps is not used in this scenario. The Tyrol corps will be used the start of the game, Turkey is a neutral UMP with no controlling
only under the conditions of 10.1.5. All leaders except player, Spain is an active British UMP, Prussia is an active Russian
SCHWARZENBERG are available at the start of the game UMP, Austria is an active British UMP, Great Britain is an active
Russian UMP. UMPs of an UMP become an UMP of the controlling
FRANCE: 135I, 5Gd, 17C, any desired corps and fleets, 4 depots, 49 major power
ships and $45 All leaders except EUGENE and JEROME are available
at the start of the game The French player also sets up Holland (the 14.5.3 EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES:
Holland corps with 4 Dutch I and 1 Dutch C and the Holland fleet with WARS: France is at war with Great Britain, Spain and Russia.
15 Dutch ships--the Holland fleet must start at Amsterdam) Great Britain is also at war with the United States (see ALLIANCES: France is allied with Prussia. Great Britain is
GREAT BRITAIN: 1Gd, 19I, 4C, 2 depots, 100 ships, any desired allied with Spain.
corps and fleets and $25. NELSON is the only leader available at the PEACE CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENTS: France has
start the Prussian I and Austrian I Corps on loan (see French forces for
strengths) under peace condition B4 through September, 1812 for the
PRUSSIA: 80I, 3Gd, 17C, 5 depots, any desired corps, $18 and 9 Prussian corps and through January, 1813 for the Austrian corps. France
manpower. The freikorps is not used in this scenario. Only leaders has unconditional access through Prussia under peace condition C 5 and
BRUNSWICK and HOHENLOHE are available at the start of the game. Prussia has also agreed to allow voluntary access to the French to
The Prussian player also sets up Saxony (the Saxony corps with 8 Saxon garrison Konigsberg. Austria has granted voluntary access for any
I and 2 Saxon C). period to France that is the same as if peace condition C.5 applied.
Russia and Turkey just concluded a war and have an enforced peace
RUSSIA: 75I, 5Gd, 10C, 2Ck, 6 depots, 49 ships, any desired corps and with each other prior to January, 1814. Peace condition C.8 has been
fleets, and $37. All leaders except BARCLAY, TORMASSOV and applied to Austria. There is an enforced peace in effect between France
WITTGENSTEIN are available at the start of the game No more than and Prussia until March, 1813 and between France and Austria until
one corps (and no excess factors in garrison there) may commence the July, 1813. France and Austria have a royal marriage (peace condition
game based at Corfu. B.5).

SPAIN: 1Gd, 41I, 6C, 2 depots, 57 ships, any desired corps and fleets 14.5.4 FORCES SETUP: The major power's forces begin with these
and $16. Only leaders BLAKE and CASTANOS are available at the strengths
start of the game.
AUSTRIA: Apart from the I Corps under the control of the French
TURKEY: 35I, 7C, 2 depots, 22 ships, any desired corps and fleets and player (see French forces), the Austrian has 47I, 8Gd,5M, 18C, 1Fk, 9
$11. All feudal corps begin at full strength and may be placed on the depots, any desired corps (except the I corps) and $5. Both insurrection
map if desired.No feudal corps may begin on the map. See errata in corps begin at full strength, but are not on the map. The Tyrol corps (at leaders are available at the start of the game. The Turkish full strength) will be used only under the conditions of 10.1.5Only the
player also sets up Syria (the Syria corps with 5 Syrian I and 6 Syrian SCHWARZENBERG leader is available
FRANCE: France starts with $25. All French depots may be set up
14.4.5 CONTROL: The major powers control their home nations plus anywhere within the French major power, Prussia and/or in Spain.
those minor countries in the status (Free State or conquered) indicated in
the "1805" column of the MINOR COUNTRIES CHART on the Game A. Along The Russian Border:
Card. (1) The Prussian I Corps with 10 Prussian I, 4 Prussian M and 1 Prussian
C in the Konigsberg area
14.4.6 REINFORCEMENTS: The following leaders arrive in the (2) The Austrian I Corps with 15 Austrian I and 1 Austrian C in the
Army Reinforcement Step of January in the year indicated or on any Lemberg area.
later Turn. France EUGENE (1806); Great Britain WELLINGTON (3) The Venetia corps with 8 Venetian I, the Lombardy corps with 13
(1806) and MOORE (1807); Prussia.BLUCHER (1806); Spain DE LAS Lombard I, the Bavaria corps with 12 Bavarian I and 1C corps with
CUESTA (1807). 5Cand the EUGENE leader in the Thorn area.
(4) The Poland corps and the Poland C corps with 16 Polish I and 6
14.4.7 SPECIAL RULES: There are no special rules in this campaign Polish C, the Saxony corps with 7 Saxon I and 1 Saxon C and the
game. Hanover corps with 8 Hanoverian I and 1 Hanoverian C and the
JEROME leader in an area or areas that are in or within one area of the
Warsaw area but not adjacent to the Russian border
[ 14.5 ] THE 1812-1815 CAMPAIGN GAME: This campaign game (5) 4 corps, 1Gd corps, 2C corps and 1A corps with 53I, 15M,20Gd,
simulates the last half of the Napoleonic wars which saw Napoleon's 19C and 12A and the NAPOLEON, DAVOUT, MURAT and NEY
empire, initially at its greatest extent, collapse within only three years. leaders in an area or areas in or within 2 areas of the Thorn area but not
The players begin with French armies poised along the Russian border. adjacent to the Russian border.
Russia, having just ended a war with Turkey, lies ready to meet them. (6) 1 corps with 5I, 11M in the Posen province
Wellington is ready to commence his 1812 offensive in Spain. Austria (7) 1 corps with 5I, 20M in Brandenburg province
and Prussia are set to rise from the ashes. Players will discover that the (8) 6M in Konigsberg
qualities of all except the British army have declined dramatically. (9) 5Polish I in Warsaw.

14.5.1 STATUS CARD SETUP: B. Forces in Spain: POLITICAL STATUS: Use the (II) positions. (1) 1 corps with 16I, 9M and 3C and the SOUL T leader in Andalusia TIME: The game begins in June, 1812 and ends after the province (in the Seville area and/or any Andalusian areas not containing
December, 1815 Turn. Spanish corps). STARTING VICTORY POINTS: (2) 1 corps with 4I, 3M and 1C in any area or areas of New Castile
Austria: 210. province
France: 260. (3) 1 corps with 18I, 6M and 2C in Leon province (any area or areas
Great Britain: 250. other than the Cuidad Rodrigo area).
Prussia: 180 (4) 1 corps with 16I, 11M and 3C in any area or areas of Valencia and/or
Spain: 180 Aragon provinces.

(5) 1 corps with 12I, 8M and 1C in any area or areas of Catalonia
province. FRANCE:
(6) 1 corps with 10I, 12M and 2C in any area or areas of Galicia, Leon A. Poland consists of Masovia, Posen, and West Galicia provinces. If
(other than the Cuidad Rodrigo area) and/or Old Castile provinces option 11.1 is not being used, consider these to be French-controlled
ceded provinces and convert all Polish corps and army factors listed in
C. Other Forces: the Forces Setup to French corps and army factors (an additional French
(1) 6M in Bayonne C corps is available and the extra French I can be added to other corps in
(2) 40M and 201 set up as garrisons anywhere within the French major the same setup areas or used as garrisons in those areas.
power plus Prussia (other than in Prussian capitals). B. The Kingdom of Westphalia, the Kingdom of Bavaria and the
(3) France begins with 25 ships and up to four fleets in or in sea areas Confederation of the Rhine are in existence with all component minor
adjacent to any French home nation port or ports countries and ceded provinces If options 11.3-11.5 are not being used,
(4) The Denmark corps with 5Danish I is setup in the Hamburg area. treat all of these territories as separate French-controlled minor countries
Two Danish I are set up in Copenhagen along with the Denmark fleet and ceded provinces (status of all minor countries is on the MINOR
and 1 Danish ship. COUNTRIES CHART on the Game Card)
(5) The Venetia fleet with 3 Venetian ships is placed in Venice, if used C. The Kingdom of Italy is in existence with all component minor
(see option 11.2) countries and the ceded Illyrian province. This means that the Venetian
(6) The French player also sets up the land forces of Hesse (the Hesse ships and fleet are available. If option 11.2 is not being used, treat all of
corps with 2 Hessian I) and Naples (10 Neapolitan I, 2 Neapolitan C and these territories as separate French-controlled territories and the Venetia
may include one or both of the Naples corps) anywhere in French- fleet and ships are not used.
controlled territory D. France controls only Naples of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and
controls only the Naples corps counters if option 11.7 is being used.
GREAT BRITAIN: Great Britain starts with $125. 5depots may be
placed anywhere within the British major power. GREAT BRITAIN:
A. 2 corps and 1C corps with 26I and 4C and the Portuguese corps with A. Britain controls Sicily (as a conquered minor) and controls the Naples
18 Portuguese I and 1 Portuguese C and the WELLINGTON and fleet counter (which currently has no ships), should Sicily be made a
BERESFORD leaders in any area or areas in Portugal, minor Free State, if option 117 is being used.
B. 1I each in Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Gibraltar, Malta, Corfu, B. Britain has controlled Portugal as a minor Free State for over two
Alexandria and Cairo. years and, if used, option 12.3.2 applies to the Portuguese morale value.
C. 2I in Palermo.
D. 2Gd, 18I and 12M anywhere in the British home nation PRUSSIA: Has lost Magdeburg, Posen and Masovia as ceded provinces
E. 120 ships and 7 fleets. to French control
F, 3 Swedish corps and the Swedish fleet with 13I, 3C and 13 ships and
the BERNADOTTE leader in any area or areas of Sweden (less Finland, RUSSIA: Controls Bessarabia as a ceded province and Finland as a
which is Russian-controlled). conquered minor country .

PRUSSIA: Apart from the I Corps under the control of the French SPAIN: Controls its home nation.
player (see French forces), the Prussian has 201, 3Gd, 2C, 2 depots, $10
and 100 manpower. Only the BLUCHER leader is available at the start TURKEY: Has lost Bessarabia as a ceded province to Russian control
of the game
14.5.6 REINFORCEMENTS: The following leaders arrive in the
RUSSIA: Russia starts with $15. 6 depots may be placed within the Army Reinforcement Step of the months and years indicated or on any
Russian major power. later Turn. Prussia YORCK (January, 1813); Russia.ALEXANDER
A. 30 ships and up to 3 fleets. (July, 1812) and KUTUSOV (September. 1812). The Prussian freikorps
B. 5 corps, 1Gd corps, 3C corps and 1A corps with 10Gd, 46I, 10C and is available during the Levy Step of March, 1813.
10A, 2Ck and the BARCLAY and WITTGENSTEIN leaders in or
within one area of the Kovno area. 14.5.7 SPECIAL RULES:
C. 2 corps and 1C corps with 22I and 4C, 1Ck and the BAGRATION A. The Turkish Nizami-Cedid corps is not used in this campaign game
leader in or within one area of the Brest-Litovsk area. B. The French player cannot win this campaign game unless, at some
D. 2 corps and 1C corps with 18I and 4C and the TORMASSOV leader time in 1812, one or more French-controlled corps occupy or besiege
in the 4-forage area in Polesia province. either Moscow or St. Petersburg and at some time in the game occupy at
E. 2 corps with 16I and 2C in any Moldavia province area. least one of those citiesor Russia surrenders unconditionally to France
F. 10I in Sveaborg. sometime during the game. Gen 2/72
G. 15I shared in any manner between Riga and Vitebsk C. The French player holds captive the Spanish BLAKE leader and 4
H. 8I in Kiev Spanish I. The British player holds captive 3 French l
I. 15M in Moscow and 10M in Smolensk
J. 25I distributed to any of the other cities within the Russian major
power (maximum of 5 per provincial capital or 2 per any other city. [ 14.6 ] THE 1813-1815 CAMPAIGN GAME: This campaign game
simulates the final part of the Napoleonic wars as the French armies,
SPAIN: 101, 29M, 6C, 6 ships, any desired corps, 1 fleet and $4. Only decimated in Spain and Russia, struggle unsuccessfully to resist the
leaders DE LA CUESTA and CASTANOS are available at the start of overwhelming Allied forces. The players begin with the French armies
the game. Spanish forces may be setup anywhere within Portugal, in Spain and Germany being merely a shattered remnant of their former
Majorca or Estremadura and/or Andalusia (except for the Seville area) size. The Russian, Prussian, British, and Spanish armies are massing
provinces. Up to one depot each may be placed in an area with any against them and both sides are actively seeking Austrian assistance.
Spanish corps or corps. Spain may setup 30 Gr factors (no more than 5 Only Turkey remains uninvolved
per province) anywhere within the Spanish home nation after the other
players have completed their setups. 14.6.1 STATUS CARD SETUP: POLITICAL STATUS: Use the (III) positions.
TURKEY: 201, 5C, 2 depots, 12 ships. any desired corps (except the TIME: The game begins in April 1813 and ends after the
Nizami-Cedid corps) and fleets and $3. All feudal corps begin at full December, 1815 Turn
strength and may be placed on the map if desired.No feudal corps may STARTING VICTORY POINTS:
begin on the map. See errata in leaders are available at the Austria: 240
start of the game. The Turkish player also sets up Syria (the Syria corps France: 290.
with 5 Syrian I and 5 Syrian C) Great Britain: 280
Prussia: 210.
14.5.5 CONTROL: The major powers control their home nations Spain: 210.
(minus any ceded provinces) plus those minor countries in the status Russia: 245.
(Free State or conquered) indicated in the "1812" column of the MINOR Turkey: 230.
COUNTRIES CHART on the Game Card. Other important items are.
14.6.2 PLAYERS: If there are less than 7 players the following division
AUSTRIA: Has lost Tyrol, Illyria and West Galicia provinces to French of major powers is recommended

6 PLAYERS: Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Spain, GREAT BRITAIN: Great Britain starts with $85. 5 depots may be
Prussia placed anywhere within the British major power
5 PLAYERS: Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia A. 2 corps and 1C corps with 22I and 4C and the Portugal corps with 14
4 PLAYERS: Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria. Portuguese I and 1 Portuguese C and the WELLINGTON and
3 PLAYERS: Russia, France. Great Britain BERESFORD leaders in any area or areas of Portugal.
2 PLAYERS: Russia. France For major powers (if uncontrolled). At the B. 1I each in Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Gibraltar, Malta, Corfu.
start of the game, Turkey is a neutral UMP with no controlling player, Alexandria and Cairo
Spain is an active British UMP, Prussia is an active Russian UMP, C. 2I in Palermo
Austria is an active British UMP, Great Britain is an active Russian D. 5I and 8M anywhere in the British home nation
UMP UMPs of an UMP become an UMP of the controlling major power E. 122 ships and 7 fleets
F. 1 Swedish corps and the Swedish fleet with 4 Swedish I and 13
14.6.3 EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES: Swedish ships in the Stockholm area. WARS: France is at war with Great Britain, Prussia, Russia and G. 2 Swedish corps with 12 Swedish I and 3 Swedish C and the
Spain Great Britain is also at war with the United States (see BERNADOTTE leader besieging Stettin ALLIANCES: Great Britain, Prussia and Russia are all allied PRUSSIA: Prussia starts with $25 and 68 manpower 3 depots may be
with each other. Great Britain is also allied with Spain placed anywhere within the Prussian major power or in areas with PEACE CONDITIONS: France has voluntary access for the Prussian corps in Saxony.
two Polish corps only through Austria under conditions that are the same A. 1Gd corps and 1 corps with 1Gd, 6I, 2M and 2C and the BLUCHER
as if peace condition C5 applied except that France may not garrison any leader in the Dresden area
Austrian cities. This voluntary access agreement ends when both of the B. 2 corps with 5I, 1M and lC and the YORCK leader in the Leipzig
Polish corps leave Austrian territory for French-controlled territory area.
.Russia and Turkey have an enforced peace with each other prior to C. 1 corps with 3I, 1M and 1C in the Wittenberg area.
January, 1814. France and Austria have an enforced peace with each D. 5I and 5M and 1Fk in Berlin
other prior to July, 1813. Peace condition C.8 has been applied to
Austria by France. France and Austria have a royal marriage (peace RUSSIA: Russia starts with $30. 5 depots may be placed anywhere
condition B.5) within the Russian or Prussian major powers or in areas with Russian
corps in Saxony
14.6.4 FORCES SETUP: The major power's forces begin with these A. 36 ships and up to 3 fleets
strengths. B. 3 corps and 2C corps with 30I, 8C and 10M and the BENNIGSEN
leader anywhere in the Russian home nation.
AUSTRIA: 67I, 8Gd, 32M, 20C, 1Fk, 5 depots, any desired corps and C. 1Gd corps, 1 corps, 1C corps and 1A corps with 3Gd, 6I, 5C and 6A
$20 Both insurrection corps begin at full strength, but are not on the map and the ALEXANDER and TORMASSOV leaders in the Dresden area
The Tyrol corps (at full strength) will be used only under the conditions D. 2 corps and 1C corps with 8I and 3C and the WITTGENSTEIN
of 10.15. Only the SCHWARZENBERG leader is available. leader in the Leipzig area
E. 1 corps and 1C corps with 5I and 3C in the Wittenberg area
FRANCE: France starts with $14. All French depots may be setup F. 1 corps with 7I and 1C and the BARCLAY leader in the Thorn area.
anywhere within the French major power and/or in Spain. G. 1 corps with 3I in the Mecklenburg area H. 1 corps with 4I besieging
A. In Germany: Glogau.
(1) 2 corps and 1C corps with 22I, 5M and 3C and the EUGENE leader I. 1 corps with 8I besieging Danzig.
in the Magdeburg area J. 1 corps with 4I besieging Stettin
(2) 1 corps with 7I and 8M and the NEY leader in the northernmost area K. 1 corps with 4I besieging Kustrin.
of Baden. L. 2I in Hamburg.
(3) 2 corps and 1Gd corps with 8I, 15M, 2Gd and 2C and the M. 3Ck in any area(s) containing any Russian or Prussian corps
NAPOLEON and SOULT leaders in the Mainz area
(4) 1 corps and 1C corps with 8I, 2M and 6C and the DAVOUT leader SPAIN: 14I, 31M, 6C, 6 ships, 2 depots, any 6 corps, 1 fleet and $10.
in Hanover adjacent to the Hamburg area Only leaders DE LA CUESTA and CASTANOS are available at the
(5) 1 corps with 9M in the Strasbourg area start of the game. Spanish forces may be setup in any area or areas
(6) The Poland corps with 7 Polish I and 2 Polish C in the Olmutz area within Portugal, Majorca, Galicia, Leon, Andalusia and/or Estremadura.
(7) 15I besieged in Danzig Spain may setup 30 Gr factors (no more than 5 per province) anywhere
(8) 3I besieged in Glogau. within the Spanish home nation after all other players have completed
(9) 1I besieged in Stettin. their setups.
(10) 1I besieged in Kustrin
(11) 3I in Erfurt. TURKEY: 251, 6C, 2 depots, 14 ships, any desired corps (except the
Nizami-Cedid corps) and fleets and $10. All feudal corps begin at full
B. In Spain: strength and may be placed on the map if desired.No feudal corps may
(1) 1 corps with 17I, IM and 3C in any area or areas of Valencia begin on the map. See errata in leaders are available at the
province. start of the game. The Turkish player also sets up Syria (the Syria corps
(2) 1 corps with 5I, 3M and 1C in the Burgos area with 5 Syrian I and 4 Syrian C)
(3) 2 corps with 26I, 4M and 4C in the Madrid area.
14.6.5 CONTROL: The major powers control their home nations
C. Other Forces: (minus any ceded provinces) plus those minor countries in the state
(1) 1 corps and 2C corps with 10I, 15M and 10C in the Paris and/or (Free State or conquered) indicated in the 1813 column of the MINOR
Lyon areas COUNTRIES CHART on the Game Card. Other important items are:
(2) 8I and 6M divided in any manner between San Sebastian, Barcelona,
Gerona and/or Saragossa. AUSTRIA: Has lost Tyrol and Illyria provinces to French control and
(3) 4I and 11M in any cities in the French home nation, to a maximum West Galicia province to Russian control.
of 3 factors per city
(4) 2 Naples corps with 12 Neapolitan I and 1 Neapolitan C and the FRANCE:
MURAT leader in the Naples area. A. Although Poland has disappeared. France still holds the Polish
(5) 1 Danish corps with 9 Danish I and 1 Danish C in the Christiana area loyalty marker. Use option 11.1 for this campaign game to keep the
(6) The Danish fleet with 5 Danish I and I Danish ship in Copenhagen Polish forces on the map.
(7) France begins with 34 ships and up to 4 fleets B. The Kingdom of Westphalia is in existence with all component minor
(8) The Venetia fleet with 4 Venetian ships in Venice, if used (see countries and ceded province. If option 11.3 is not being used, treat all
option 11.2). The Venetia corps with 5 Venetian I is also placed in of these territories as separate French-controlled minor countries and a
Venice. ceded province
(9) The Baden corps with 1 Baden I. the Hanover corps with 1 C. The Kingdom of Bavaria is in existence, with Tyrol province
Hanoverian I, the Hesse corps with 1 Hessian I, the Lombardy corps attached and is neutral. If option 11.4 is not being used, Bavaria remains
with 5 Lombard I, and the Wurttemburg corps with I Wurttemburg I neutral, but Tyrol province is considered to be a French- controlled
may be placed anywhere in the French major power. ceded province.

D. The Confederation of the Rhine is in existence with all component
territories except for Bavaria and Saxony (neutral) and Mecklenburg 14.7.4 FORCES SETUP: The major power's forces begin with these
(controlled by Prussia). If option 115 is not being used, treat all of the strengths
remaining components as separate French-controlled minor countries
and a ceded province AUSTRIA: 75I. 7Gd.15C, 7 depots, any desired corps and $33. Both
E. The Kingdom of Italy is in existence with all component minor insurrection corps begin at full strength but may not be setup on the
countries and the ceded Illyrian province. This means that the Venetian map. The Tyrol corps will be used only under the conditions of 10.1.5.
ships and fleet are available. If option 11.2 is not being used, treat all of All leaders except SCHWARZENBERG are available at the start of the
these territories as separate French-controlled minor countries and a game
ceded province
F. France controls only Naples of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and FRANCE: 135I. 5Gd. 17C, any desired corps and fleets, 4 depots, 49
controls only the Naples corps counters, if option 11.7 is being used. ships and $45. All leaders except EUGENE and JEROME are available
at the start of the game. The French player also sets up Holland (the
GREAT BRITAIN: Holland corps and the Holland fleet with 4I, 1C and 15 ships) and the
A. Britain controls Sicily (as a conquered minor) and controls the Naples Cisapline Republic (the Lombardy corps with 11I, 1C).See [11.8]
fleet counter, should Sicily be made a minor Free State, if option 11.7 is Cisapline Republic.MLB
being used.
B. Britain has controlled Portugal as a minor Free State for over two GREAT BRITAIN: 1Gd.19I, 4C, 2depots. 100 ships, any desired corps
years and, if used, option 12.3.2 applies to Portuguese morale. and fleets and $25. NELSON is the only leader available at the start. If
using rule 5.3.1 LEADER MINIMUMS, then also add Generic Leader
PRUSSIA: Has lost Magdeburg province to French control and Posen 221D
and Masovia provinces to Russian control
PRUSSIA: 80I, 3Gd, 17C, 5 depots, any desired corps, $18 and 9
RUSSIA: Controls Bessarabia, Masovia, Posen and West Galicia as manpower. Only leaders BRUNSWICK and HOHENLOHE are
ceded provinces available at the start of the game. The Prussian player also sets up
Saxony (the Saxony corps with 8 Saxon I and 2 Saxon C).
SPAIN: Controls its home nation.
RUSSIA: 75I, 5Gd, 10C, 2Ck, 6 depots, 49 ships, any desired corps and
TURKEY Has lost Bessarabia province to Russian control fleets, and $37. All leaders except BARCLAY, TORMASSOV and
WITTGENSTEIN are available at the start of the game. No more than
14.6.6 REINFORCEMENTS: There are no special reinforcements in one corps may commence the game based at Corfu (and no excess
this campaign game. factors in garrison there).

14.6.7 SPECIAL RULES: SPAIN: 1Gd, 41I, 6C, 2 depots, 57 ships, any desired corps and fleets
A. The Turkish Nizami-Cedid corps is not used in this campaign. and $16. Only leaders BLAKE and CASTANOS are available at the
B. Whenever Naples is not French controlled, the MURAT leader is start of the game. The Spanish controls Tuscany as a conquered
removed from the board. In an Army Reinforcement Step of a Turn after minor.See [11.8]Cisapline Republic.MLB
Naples reverts to French control, MURAT is again avail- able as a
French leader. TURKEY: 35I, 7C, 2 depots, 22 ships, any desired corps and fleets and
C. In June 1813, the French receive 5Gd placed in the guard corps if it is $11. All feudal corps begin at full strength and may be placed on the
eligible. map if desired.No feudal corps may begin on the map. See errata in leaders are available at the start of the game, except
MUHAMMAD ALIMLB. The Turkish player also sets up Syria (the
[ 14.7 ] THE GRAND CAMPAIGN GAME: This campaign game Syria corps with 5 Syrian I and 6 Syrian C).
simulates the entire Napoleonic wars from 1805 onward. It encompasses
the full splendor and sorrow of Bonaparte's rise and fall. The players 14.7.5 CONTROL: The major powers control their home nations plus
relive the greatest and the most disastrous of the campaigns that made those minor countries in the status indicated (Free State or conquered) in
Napoleonic legend a story to inspire courage and fear. the 1805 column of the MINOR COUNTRIES CHART on the Game
14.7.1 STATUS CARD SETUP: POLITICAL STATUS: Use the (1) positions 14.7.6 REINFORCEMENTS: The following leaders arrive in the TIME: The game begins in January, 1805 and ends after the Army Reinforcement Step of January in the year indicated or on any
December, 1815 Turn. later Turn. Austria: SCHWARZENBERG (1810); France: EUGENE STARTING VICTORY POINTS: All major powers begin (1806) and JEROME (1808); Great Britain: WELLINGTON (1806),
with zero victory points MOORE (1807) and BERESFORD (1808); Prussia. BLUCHER (1807
MLB) and YORCK (1813); Russia. BARCLAY (1810), TORMASSOV
14.7.2 PLAYERS: If there are less than 7 players the following division (1811), and WITTGENSTEIN (1812); Spain: DE LAS CUESTA
of major powers is recommended. (1807); Turkey/Egypt: MUHAMMAD ALI (1805)MLBas soon as
6 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria, Turkey, Prussia Egypt is conquered by Turkey (any time after Dec 1804).The Austrian
5 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria, Turkey freikorps is available during the Levy Step of March, 1809 and the
4 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria Prussian freikorps is available during the Levy Step of March, 1813. The
3 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France, Russia. BERNADOTTE leader changes from being a French to a Swedish
2 PLAYERS: Great Britain, France. Use rules 14.2 and/or 14.3 to gain leader in August, 1810. The following leaders are removed (even if
control of all initially unselected major powers besieged) in the Army Reinforcement Step of the month and year
indicated and cannot be brought on thereafter. France: MASSENA (May
14.7.3 EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES: Before any forces are 1811); Russia KUTUSOV (January 1813).MLB& DB
setup, major powers may announce pre-existing states of war. This
allows major powers in effect, to declare war before the game begins. 14.7.7 SPECIAL RULES: There are no special rules in this campaign
No political points are lost for doing so. Pre-existing states of war may game
be announced only between major powers. Players may wish to apply
option 11.9.2. Neutral minor countries may not be involved. No
alliances are in effect and no peace conditions apply.


The following notes apply primarily to campaign games [ 15.1] AUSTRIA

Like Prussia, Austria holds a central position on the map Surrounded by Peace condition B.6 allows this to be imposed on major powers that lose
Russia, Turkey, Prussia and France, it requires a true Metternich to wars to France and, if France has a decent money surplus, other major
successfully negotiate the rocky path of "real politik" powers may be persuaded not to trade with Britain by offering them cash
First, attempt to negotiate a nonaggression pact with Russia and Turkey subsidies equal to lost trade if they do not trade with Great Britain.
Russia should be easier than Turkey because, with so many Turkish Perhaps the most powerful weapon at France's disposal is the ability to
provinces near the Austrian border, the Turkish player may find a war to say when France moves in the Land Phase sequence. This allows France
his advantage However, Turkey may only want North Africa and may to plan "double moves" (move last in one Turn, then first in the next
desire peace in the Balkans to facilitate a Franco- Austrian conflict Turn). This can mean attacking an enemy that was eight areas away
A pact with Prussia could be crucial to counter an aggressive French before that enemy can react. A favorite tactic of one of our play testers
player Austria will eventually have to face the French army so, if was to move last in the last month before an Economic Phase and
Austria finds itself falling behind in the territorial scrabble for minor occupy an enemy capital This forces that major power to rely on British
countries, face that war sooner rather than later. This means that the charity for the finances to continue a war.
more friends Austria has, the better. While the French are strong they are When the inevitable coalition forms against France, remember
not invincible. If Austria can ally early with Great Britain and Prussia, Napoleon's words "I would rather fight allies than be one of them"
the alliance will have superior strength.
If Austria finds itself at war with Turkey, the insurrection corps can [ 15.3 ] GREAT BRITAIN
prove to be invaluable. It is important to place these corps down at the Correct play of Great Britain, more so than that of any other major
correct time Let the first few corps past and only when Turkey is power, requires the process of maximizing the strengths of the British
moving its last few, place the insurrection corps on the map, forcing a position and minimizing , its weaknesses. This is so because those
battle and cutting supply lines. Turkey's first few corps should not be strengths and weaknesses I are more pronounced than for other powers.
able to take part in the battle (unless adjacent) and you will be fighting Precisely because enemy access to Great Britain is restricted by the
on more even terms At the very least, the threat from off-map English Channel and policed by the overwhelmingly powerful British
insurrection corps should make Turkey cautious when crossing the navy, the British player need never retain any major troop numbers at
Austrian border. In the 1812 and 1813 campaign games, Austria's home Almost the entire army can be used overseas. However, it must be
objective has to be the destruction of France. Only when France is said that that army will always be rather small' and so where and when it
brought down to size can Austria pursue its own plans for victory. will be committed should be chosen with caution. Likely places include
the islands of the Mediterranean, North Africa, Spain, Scandinavia,
[ 15.2 ] FRANCE Russia (to threaten St. Petersburg and/or weaken the Russian navy), the
France is the strongest power in Europe. Better troops, faster movement, Dardanelles and East Prussia where, because of their wealth, the British
better and more leaders and a buoyant economy make France a very forces can use regular supply while other armies may suffer from
powerful opponent. However it is not unbeatable, especially if foraging for sup- ply Of course, as circumstances develop, the better
overstretched and faced by a powerful, well-financed coalition places for commitment will present themselves.
Do not pressure Austria or Prussia too much, especially in the early Almost never commit British armies in fragments, keep them together so
phases of games starting in 1805, as this may create a coalition against as to minimize the risk of having them destroyed piecemeal and to gain
France and, early in the game, France is weaker than a combined the maximum benefit from Wellington's superior leadership abilities.
Austria/Prussia coalition. Try to weaken a possible Austria/Prussia Proper use of money is central to proper British play. Simply giving it to
coalition, perhaps by favoring one of them in the division of minor whoever begs loudly will not do. Decide who Great Britain's long-term
countries or by encouraging Turkey or Russia to attack one of them. enemies will be (usually France) and dole out money in small
"Divide and conquer" should be the basis of French diplomacy in all increments to those major powers which appear to be staunchly opposed
campaign games. to those enemies. The establishment of a "slush fund" for the purchase of
Control of Italy could cause the greatest amount of friction in games military and political favors from these and other major powers can also
starting in 1805. With Russia controlling Corfu, every major power prove useful.
except Prussia has the capacity to claim some part of Italy. Being too It is seldom worth denying trade with America. The loss of colonial
forceful with French demands could prove disastrous. On the other hand, trade resulting from a war with the United States is worth more to Great
if the other major powers squabble over Italy, this is definitely to the Britain than the few money points denied to enemies. However, as such
French advantage, so encourage this by offering morsels to potential a loss may really hurt financially weak countries at crucial moments, this
allies should not be ignored. A final warning about trading-it does not do to
France has a lot of victory points to gain so don't be frivolous in have too many enemies, and consequently, too few trading partners at
declarations of war. If possible, get the other major powers to declare any one time.
war on France. With better French morale and leadership, France should Build up the army as evenly as possible, concentrating on regular
win at least 60% of the battles and thus gain more political points than cavalry and infantry. The British army has unequaled quality regular
are lost. Remember, it is better to tackle a large army with low morale infantry but lacks size. Most militia is better used for home garrisons
than a small army with high morale since they are easier to beat and than in the field diluting the high British morale. Always maintain a
winning battles means gaining pursuits and victory points (via political naval superiority over the combined navies of any two enemies or
points) and that is what the campaign game is all about. If France does potential enemies
declare war, try to have the forces available to win that war fast!
In the 1812 campaign game, France faces a tough situation. Moscow is a [ 15.4 ] PRUSSIA
long way from Poland and a powerful Austria and Prussia (and probably Prussia, like Austria, is in a central position and, in a campaign game
Turkey) are just waiting to draw sabers. First, take Moscow or St starting in 1805, has a large high-quality army. Prussia has access to
Petersburg. Move the two corps from central Prussia into Russia. Even many minor neutrals, but a lack of political acumen could find Prussia
though they are mostly militia, they are great for absorbing battle and embroiled in a losing war. Until BLUCHER arrives in 1806, Prussia has
attrition losses. Guard Warsaw while marching east to Moscow or St very poor leadership and unless a good opportunity presents itself,
Petersburg. Leave at least one French infantry corps plus the Poles (who Prussia should try not to antagonize its neighbors early. Form an alliance
can receive reinforcements) and Davout to defeat Tormassov. If the with Austria, Russia and/or Great Britain. This would have the major
Russians have Bagration's force all in one area, strike in the first Turn! benefit of support in a defensive war. Preserve the large army, especially
Always leave a couple of corps in areas which can be used to build the cavalry which is expensive to buy.
depots and use money for supply for as long as possible. If Poland is The toughest question in the opening stages of the game is whether to
lost, French supply lines will extend back to Mecklenburg or Saxony create a Polish Free State. If done, Prussia could gain large numbers of
and these are difficult to defend, even against roving cossacks. As soon high quality Polish troops However, Austria and/or Russia could attack
as Moscow or St Petersburg falls, get out of Russia, pronto! Hopefully, and conquer the Prussian Polish provinces that would otherwise be
the Russians will be too crippled to greatly hinder the withdrawal difficult to obtain. Mecklenburg, Hesse, Saxony, and Duchies are in the
Get out of Spain! Historically, Napoleon refused to give up any of his Prussian sphere of influence, with Hanover and Denmark less so but still
empire and so lost the lot. If Prussia and Austria choose to fight a winter attainable. With British help, maybe even Sweden could be taken.
campaign, every factor will be needed to hold Italy and Germany In the 1812 and 1813 campaign games, Prussia must help with the
However, France has a huge force in Spain and if the British or Spanish French downfall Use the saved up manpower (as regular infantry if
follow too closely, crush them! Great Britain will provide the necessary money) on the Turn that Prussia
If things are going well, especially in the Grand Campaign Game, attacks.
France may wish to impose a "continental system" on the rest of Europe
by denying trade money to Great Britain, Although this will not bring [ 15.5 ] RUSSIA
the British lion to its knees, as Napoleon hoped, it can slow them down Russia has great defensive strength, due mainly to its edge-of-the-map
and deny them subsidy money to finance France's continental opponents. position. This position, coupled with its great size, poor forage values

and cossacks, make it difficult for other major powers to force Russia to downfall dependent on the number of victory points that the French
peace terms. player bid for France
A major problem for Russia is the lack of adjacent neutral minor
countries. Neutral minor countries are the coinage of diplomacy and [ 15.8 ] GENERAL HINTS
provide room for easy expansion. Russia should gain Scandinavia Like most games involving a diplomatic element, campaign games of
through conquest or an arrangement with other interested powers and the EMPIRES IN ARMS require players to be constantly negotiating among
Polish Free State question can be used as a lever in diplomacy with themselves. Players should realize that even the shorter campaign games
Prussia or Austria. Russia has a large army of good quality, allowing it are long enough for many political changes and re-alignments to occur
to pick all the combat options with confidence, particularly the "Defend" and today's enemy can be tomorrow's ally. Try to be as truthful as
option, as this increases Russian morale. Russia also has decent leaders, possible in dealing with other players and faithful in honoring informal
an artillery corps and a good basic economy. agreements. Players can appreciate a skillful "double-cross" when it is
Russia will often be called upon to intervene in Central Europe and must decisive in deciding the outcome of a game, but gratuitous "stabs in the
negotiate useful gains in these wars. A Turkish war can only be back" (especially early in a campaign game) that gain only a few
undertaken with good planning and powerful forces and can be made political points accomplish little except to gain everyone's distrust and a
easier with help from an ally. Turkey is especially dangerous to Russia desire for "revenge" among the other players that can have disastrous
early in campaign games starting in 1805 or anytime that Turkey has the long-term consequences. Imposing a "harsh" peace on a current enemy
help of a powerful ally. (i.e., removing the best leader, corps and fleets, the best and richest
Corfu has strategic advantages that belie its seeming insignificance. provinces, etc) can leave that enemy so weak that other major powers
Using sea supply from the Baltic, reinforcement corps and factors can can declare war on the weakened major power to gain "easy" political
allow rapid expansion into Italy and North Africa. points (known as "shooting cripples") and the weakened major power
The last question is where to place the Russian navy. Two fleets in the will be useless as a potential needed ally in some later war.
Baltic and one in Corfu appears to be the best option at the start of a Have goals and a general plan for achieving them. Do not make
campaign game starting in 1805, but may be modified by the results of alliances lightly! Alliances that do not last can cost political points (and
Russian diplomacy. victory points) when they have to be broken When asking for help in
In the1812 campaign game, retreat before Le Grande Armee. Keep a negotiations have something favorable to offer in return for the desired
large force south of the Pripet Marshes to threaten to cut supply behind help. This could take the form of a loan or subsidy, ceding territory that
the French advance to Moscow. Keep cossacks busy in the French rear the other player wants, offering help in future projects or anything else
areas to force detachments to guard French supply lines. Fight for that an imaginative mind can conjure. For example. France or Britain
control of St Petersburg and Moscow and try to get support from could offer to send a corps and a good leader to which a large number
Turkey. With superior play, the French can be sent reeling back to of Spanish corps (Spain lacks good leaders for large armies) without
Poland with the specter of defeat haunting their every faltering step. leaders could be attached This offer is favorable to Spain as it increases
Spain's chances for winning battles and political points while it is
[ 15.6 ] SPAIN favorable to the offering major power as it enables France or Britain to
Spain's advantage lies in her large fleet, therefore an entente with France risk few factors in the campaign on that front and leaves most of their
and/or Great Britain (both of whom could find Spain a useful ally) could strength free for use elsewhere. Always offer something, but try to offer
provide several opportunities to expand into North Africa and Italy. In no more than is absolutely necessary Players with a reputation for
the early stages of campaign games starting in 1805, with some upholding and following through on agreements will find that their
diplomacy, Spain could get Naples, some of North Africa and Portugal. negotiating position is far stronger than that of more erratic players In
Further minor countries may need to be decided by force of arms. this game, friends can be very important and many of the game's rules
Spanish guerrillas can be used as an excellent deterrent to an attack on favor coalition activities.
the Spanish home nation. They can cut supply lines and even A campaign game is won or lost based on the accumulation of victory
amalgamate to attack isolated factors Spain must still leave some regular points. Gaining large numbers of victory points depends on gaining
forces to defend the homeland and to prevent occupation of all political points and keeping an overall high position on the POLITICAL
provincial capitals. STATUS DISPLAY. It is not necessary to win every war and/or battle
In the 1812 and 1813 campaign games, Spain is, of course, at war with to win the game. What is important is not getting into situations where
France and the French may wish peace. Great Britain and Spain are long stretches of time are spent in the Fiasco and/or Instability Zone
natural allies in these games and Spain should bargain for a good with resultant low gains in victory points. In the long run, it is better to
settlement, if any is made. France may need peace much more than realize that a situation is hopeless, surrender early enough to get the
Spain. most favorable peace terms possible and accept a few Economic Phases
with low victory points rather than to "fight to the end" and be reduced
[ 15,7] TURKEY to a military "basket case" lacking the strength to avoid further
Turkey has possibly the most interesting and challenging set of tasks of surrenders, to exert diplomatic leverage or to later rapidly regain the lost
all the seven major powers. It bas virtually unlimited amounts of feudal political points
(basically militia) infantry and cavalry with which it can relentlessly Study the number of victory points required for the major powers to win
assault an enemy, but with such low morale, Turkey will not win very a game and figure what is called for in terms of victory points per
many battles. Victory Points Step. For example, in an 1805-1807 campaign game,
When in combat, pick one of the high risk-high yield options such as Austria needs 110 victory points to win This is an average of a little over
outflank, assault, cordon or defend, when fighting an opponent with high 9 victory points per Victory Points Step. If 10 victory points is bid for
morale (such as the French or British) If "Echelon" or "Probe" is picked, and gains control of Austria, this increases the average needed to 10
inferior Turkish morale will probably cost the combat, even though the victory points per Victory Paints Step. Is a bid this high or even higher
opponent's pursuit will not be good (as he will have lost a lot of morale warranted to gain control of Austria ?Once the need is established, what
as well). Choosing the indicated options could lead to spectacular plan gives the best chance of accumulating the required total of victory
failures but, if the opponent is outguessed, it could mean a stunning points ?
victory where a (usually) superior Turkish cavalry force (plus cavalry Study the POLITICAL STATUS DISPLAY. There are definitely times
leader) can mean a relentless pursuit. When in combat, ensure that there when securing alliances, making peace, ceding minor countries,
is a feudal cavalry corps to take pursuit losses if the battle is lost. One economically manipulating, etc. are most advantageous in minimizing or
combat advantage Turkey does have is that feudal infantry is notcounted maximizing political/victory point losses and gains. For example, if a
as militia for purposes of taking losses once having lost 2.0 morale. major power's political status marker is in the Dominant Zone box with -
Turkey can continue taking losses from feudal infantry regardless of 2 PSAand 11 victory points, making an alliance (+I, political points)
total morale loss. just before an Economic Phase is not very productive. Thealliance
In the early stages of campaign games starting in 1805, concentrate on maker's political status marker would be advanced into the -3PSA and
carving out a North African empire and try gaining a foothold in Italy. In 11 victory pointsbox so that no additional victory points would be
Italy, Turkey can be opposed by France, Austria, Spain, Russia and/or gained from the alliance and the Political Status Adjustment Step will
Great Britain, so don't get too greedy. Austria and Russia will be wary of see the marker adjusted into the same box where it would have been if
a strong Turkish strategic position and, to avoid antagonizing them, do no alliance had been mode. In a case like this, waiting for a more
not set up corps on their borders. An early pro-Austrian stance could be favorable moment to make the alliance makes good sense. Since
to your advantage as it allows Austria greater freedom to fight the political points are lost to declare war, the ideal war is a short and
French (which could debilitate both of them). successful one; preferably declared just after an Economic Phase and
In the 1812 and 1813 campaign games, an initial anti-French stance is concluded before the next Economic Phase. The political points dropped
essential to bring her down to size with the degree of commitment to her to declare a war can cost a considerable number of victory points over
the course of a long war, even if eventually victorious. Of course

winning some big battles can counteract the initial political point drop,
but can always winning be assured? 4. For security, large garrisons are often left in home nation cities,
especially in capitals and border cities If Method One for determining
Tricks of the Trade: As with most games there are some helpful final morale (see is used, a garrison of 11-20 factors that
"tricks" that can come in handy during the course of a game A few to contains all regular infantry plus I militia factor has the same final
keep in mind are as follows. morale as a garrison of the same size that contains all 3.0 morale value
regular infantry. This is also true for garrisons of 21 or more factors with
1. Especially during a Grand Campaign Game, there are periods of 2 militia factors. This can save a few bucks in the creation of these large
peace when a major power may safely cut expenses by getting corps and garrisons.
depots and their maintenance costs off the map Corps without cavalry
can be put into garrison until needed later and feudal and insurrection 5. If Method One for determining final morale (see is used. the
corps can stand down. Remaining corps can be spread out into richer inclusion of a cossack or freikorps or two with a large army should have
(higher forage value) areas where (since they are not moving) they can no effect on final morale, but do provide cavalry factors for loss if the
safely forage without risking forage losses. As war approaches new army breaks and/or is pursued.
depots can be placed where needed, corps massed where needed, new
corps created from garrisons and, if necessary, new regular cavalry 6. If option 12.3.4 is used and a guard or grenadier corps is available,
factors built in time for the start of hostilities carefully study the situation after every combat round. Sometimes
committing the guard can guarantee that an enemy will break on the
2. A depot garrison can participate in a field combat with friendly corps next combat round where this would not be sure without the guard. In
in its area. The up to 10 extra factors garrisoning a depot can be a useful other cases, if it is certain or nearly certain that the army with the guard
increment in force to a defending army without adding another corps will break on the next combat round, using the guard may cause greater
that could reduce a commander's tactical rating. morale loss to the victor and reduce their pursuit class

3. If an army contains militia, do not mass it all in one corps, but spread
it over as many corps as possible. Then, if foraging losses occur, as
many as possible can be militia factors


ALLIES - Major powers that have formally made an alliance (sec 4.5) tax and manpower by the controlling major power. Conquered minor
are allies Major powers must be allies in order to use combined countries do not have forces nor may they build any.
movement together (see 4.9-this is also required to transport another CORPS - Large land unit counters. NOTE. Corps on the map must have
major power's corps-see 6.2.5), to declare war if in the same area as an at least one army factor.
ally that is attacked (see, to provide (with permission) depot CORPS INTRINSIC RATINGS - Each nationality has an intrinsic
supply to another major power (see, to be used to trace sea strategic and tactical rating for its corps. This rating is used when no
supply for another major power (see, to loan money (see 8.3), to leaders are present, for all strategic and tactical purposes. If option
cede territory to each other during a Ceding Step (see 8.8.2) or to grant is used, all corps are considered to have an unprinted intrinsic
voluntary access (if option 11.8 is used). Major powers may not re-ally tactical maximum rating of' '1'.
until at least 12 months after breaking an earlier alliance (see 4.5.3). A DISTRICT - A major named component of a large minor country.
major power may only run a neutral minor country at war with an ally if FIELD FORCES - Land forces excluding guerrillas (unless attacking)
there are no non-allies that can or wish to run it (see 4.6). not in a city or port.
BLACK SEA - Sea north of Constantinople surrounded by the Turkish FLEET - Large naval unit counter. NOTE: Fleets on the map must have
and Russian coasts. at least one ship.
BREAKING - A side's total morale loss in a combat equals or exceeds FORTRESS - Any city with fleches in its picture.
its final morale level at the start of the combat. GARRISONS - Regular infantry, cossack, freikorps, guerrilla or militia
CAVALRY - Regular cavalry, feudal cavalry and cossacks and factors which are not pan of a corps, and are placed in a city, port or on a
freikorps. depot.
CEDED PROVINCE - Province given by one major power to a second HOME NATION - Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia,
as part of a peace settlement or such a province that has since been Spain or Turkey as defined by the major power borders, less any ceded
reconquered by another major power or powers that are not the initial provinces.
owning major power. If reconquered by the initial owning major power INFANTRY - Regular infantry, militia, guerrillas, feudal infantry and
it is no longer considered a ceded province but becomes an unceded guard infantry.
province. MAJOR POWER - Home nation plus controlled minor countries plus
CITY GARRISON CAPACITY - Maximum capacity of army factors provinces ceded to that home nation.
(in corps and/or garrisons) being five times the city supply value (the MINOR FREE STATE - Minor country controlled by a major power
number of spires in the city picture). which has been declared a minor Free State (indicated by the Free State
CITY SIEGE VALUE - Strength of city against siege assault (equals control flag). Allows collection of double tax and manpower which can
the number of fleches in the city picture). only be used for forces of the minor Free State.
CITY SUPPLY VALUE - Number of spires in the city is the supply MONEY - The game's currency is in the form of "money points,"
value used for supplying besieged corps or garrisons. denoted by a dollar sign ("$").
COMBAT LOSSES - Are losses due to field combats, limited field NEUTRAL MINOR COUNTRIES - All minor countries not under the
combats, siege combats, trivial combats pursuits and/or surrenders. control of any of the major powers.
CONTROLLED (FRIENDLY) CITY/PORT - A controlled city/port PEACE CONDITION OR PEACE TERM - Used interchangeably.
is any vacant city/port in that major power's territory, or any city/port in These are the items from lists "A," "B," or "C" on the VICTORY
which that major power has factors, whether besieged or not. CONDITIONS CHART on the Game Card used when making a
CONTROLLED MINOR COUNTRY - A minor country which is conditional or unconditional peace (see 4.4).
either a minor Free State or conquered minor country, controlled by a PHASING - The "phasing" player, corps, forces, etc. terminology refers
major power. to the player or forces of that major power currently per-forming its
CONTROLLED PROVINCE - A currently unceded home province or portion of a Turn, phase or step. All other players and forces are defined
province currently ceded to that major power unless that province's to be "non-phasing" at that time.
capital city is occupied by unbesieged enemy factors. This affects PORT ADJACENT TO SEA AREA - A sea area is adjacent to a port
collection of taxation and manpower and the placement of cossacks, if it is touched at all by that port's blockade box.
freikorps and feudal forces. PROVINCE - A major named component part of a major power's home
CONQUERED MINOR COUNTRY - A minor country controlled by nation.
a major power that is not a minor Free State. This is indicated by the REGULAR CAVALRY - Cavalry that is not cossacks, freikorps or
presence of a conquered control flag and allows the collection of basic feudal cavalry.

REGULAR INFANTRY - Infantry that is not militia, guerrillas, feudal between them, back to a supply source of that major power. No area in a
infantry or guard. Turkish Janissaries are regular infantry. valid supply chain,including the intervals between depots,may contain
SEA SUPPLY - Supply chain between two unblockaded ports, at least any unbesieged enemy corps, cossack, freikorps, guerrillas or garrison
one containing one or more friendly fleets and bothcontaining a depot. unless it also contains an unbesieged friendly corps or garrison or
SEIGE - Garrisons or corps in a city/port with an enemy corps placed unbesieged allied corps or garrison. A valid supply chain may not be
on top. traced across sea areas unless by sea supply, but may be traced across a
SUPPLY SOURCE - Any unbesieged controlled city in a home nation crossing arrow unless the surrounding sea area contains in enemy fleet.
or in a controlled minor country in which there is also a depot in the WINTER - December, January, and February Turns.
surrounding area. WINTER ZONE - All land areas on the map excluding those in
SURRENDER OF TROOPS -These factors and leaders are kept as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Egypt, Palestine,
prisoners by the capturing major power and are returned when peace Corfu, Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, Malta, and Majorca.
with that major power is reached as ordinary reinforcements in the next
Reinforcement Phase.
VALID SUPPLY CHAIN - A valid supply chain is a connected series
of depots of one major power, with at most one intervening area


This game started out many years ago as a divisional level game IN ARMS quantifies all the important elements of Napoleonic politics
covering Europe only. Its development into its current format was an and the status of one major power with respect to another may require
evolutionary rather than a revolutionary process. The greatest change responsibilities (as in an alliance) or commitments (as in open warfare).
was the institution of a corps level game. We wanted players to The political decisions relating to allies and enemies must not be made
represent the commanders-in-chief of their respective countries. The use lightly. A fickle player will quickly find himself in the bottom half of the
of corps (and equivalents) would best accomplish this. The leaders Political Status Display and thus collecting few victory points.
included in the game are only those that commanded armies during the
Napoleonic years. Thus excellent leaders such as Lannes and Hill are not [ 17.3] UNCONTROLLED MAJOR POWERS (UMPS): This is
included as they were only single corps commanders. We feel the three perhaps the most important rule of the game. We realize that arranging 7
most innovative sections of our game are: wargamers to play a long game may be difficult; therefore it is important
that UMPs play their historical significance. The NATURAL
[ 17.1 ] LAND COMBAT SYSTEM: This unique system allows each ALLIANCE TABLE is a method of addressing the historical influences
major power to forge an empire not only by superior movement (and we of one major power on another. If a player gains control of an UMP that
recommend the optional regular supply rule be used to force players to he should not, he has only a limited potential to exploit that UMP before
maneuver carefully--see 12.3.1) but also by outthinking your opponent. losing control. An inactive UMP cannot be used offensively and an
Although the land combat system is involved, the fact that players' active UMP can only lose a limited number of factors
futures depend on their chit choice means that it is never dull. Further,
the doing away with an odds system eliminates the glitch of gamers We hope you enjoy this game and find that EMPIRES IN ARMS
trying to find that extra factor to gain that somehow mystical 3-1. Every provides the resources to make and break empires in true Napoleonic
factor counts unless that factor reduces your morale that 0.1 which tradition.
means the difference between breaking or not. The combination of all
these influences makes no two combats alike and all campaigns Harry Rowland
memorable. Greg Pinder

[ 17.2 ]THE POLITICAL SYSTEM: Nearly all so-called political

games degenerate into, "How about you and I crush Prussia?" EMPIRES


All changes have been marked with different color text.

 Official errata are marked in green. The General number and
edition, ie. Gen 23/4,was placed after each such addition or
 Rules clarifications are marked in blue. These are our
explanation of rules that can be interpreted many different
ways. These are mostly taken from the Ambiguous Rules pdf
by Tom Smith (TS)and from my own explanations.
 Optional rules hare marked in red. They have been taken from
a variety of sources included here below:
-MLB Rules v2.76 (marked MLB)
-Turkish variants from General 29/5, ie. Gen 29/5
-Further (House) Rules for EIA by by Mustafa Ünlü (marked
-David Bofinger (marked DB)
-EIA House rules from a Finnish Group (FIN)
-from me, Jason Johns (marked JJ)
-and a couple I forgot to note (unmarked).


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